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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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January 9, 1947. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL T!mrsday, ,Tanuary [2/7&apos;/ .. , Ready for ! _ /.f o. NO W at on CALVIN WILE0 x  HOOOSPORT _  -fJ , t /ll i t, oont ' , I I FREEZI[I_ _ I r, I ... America's. finest  " . "---- -,' ; [tI i i .o.e. Food U.,..  nm,munF ,n  :'m i • hum construction insi, 1 • I|ll I " -" . ..... 1".211 //////  ,--'--' ' "-"- " -.., I I turo ontrol,. Oulck 7/'R'd/ll' • : • -J //   //f|lilm [] merits -- these and mai,l! I . ,, il _. "  , . .. ./.. ° "" . ," , ,-/////.-z, I I Beall is meriea's FI01 Here's a case for oood-eatina if you ever saw one--Our PEP UP YOUR MENUS  Give them new life, new inter- I l Loraest Line of FoodJ: QUick Frozen Food  Case. It's always filled to the top est, new zest. Serve more springtime vegetables--so tender, i I - . ib an .appe.-tempting variety of deliciously good foods so full flavored, so downright good--they're nature's own I "' ', pilnCluae" P NEAPPLE tonic for winter-weary appetites. Forget the snow. For- I  PE= cH PEACHES get the ice. Step into Spring at our produce counter--a I I Em:'al g>,,EAS I22,,s w,nter wonderland of garden greenery and taste-thr,iling I F y I - . "¢ -= A'SPARAG'US ..... '" ....... goodness• I ,ng I l" _', - :" : "- -'- " I I  HAPpy VALE PEAS ' A 1 " t L.M. BLEND COFFEE " '7 .,. I , I  o. . c,,  :or ................................ "*  I -u,. cko .................................. • ' I ' I --"- ,rAS_ Wesco 3 Sieve I n_ I VARIETY PAK- Kellogg- Individ- s3 A.. i i ch,.wus. o. c, , for ................................ aU I ua.yCr ........................ "-'"* | • Hoodsport ','i OR - | [] I Phone oo.,o:t 0 EAM STYLE CORN-- Happy A 1  I WHEATIES-- Q 1 ,, i I Phone HoodsD0rt 10  V ....... i L  i .......  j. q, • I " ";i a,e - No. 2 can 3 for . I z-ounce 'acKage, z zor ................ i i :!ii ' ................... . - L t ' - "q ....... 1" .. i] N CREAM StyleCORNI  GRAPE-NUTS I • "" , , , ':'! I " NO. 2 CAN ,, " ,,,] , t Ii ,=.o=.P,. i • ,!i .,.g " ,00it 16€ I I ..... 3'. '. "!i!!i: 1  FOR 31€ I --  ,SKIPPy PEANUT BUTTER 72.<./k'T' 1-Lb Jar " 39c I BOON HOUSEHOLDCLEANER rQ. I   " ............................................ I Half Gallon . 0;. I ORANGE BEVERAGE - Maid O'  " .................................... I Pr  39c ] AUNT SUE I ,, uit--2-gal, jug. (plus deposit) .. 1 Gallon .............................................. DRY CLEANER 79 c 3. ' Libby s ' , : w- _ . .  ' ' 4UlgN uss less Concrete.00 ' NO 2CAN : I .oz PKG. I MIXING-- and delive ' 41-- 1 I  FOR 1t I I I order on the job, read £( "  I - "'" =::=::= ! :gm, bOwoarnd 0! oRNeanBEANS''l'itan 1 3 C I - IuNnIyO--O? ................ " ..... -3 C-I available contractora| " - ........................................... I • )ur s too_ ..... "/i|, STRING ta _m n Harveot n , I KIBBLED DOG FOOD- North Star 9 , I • .  ,-,-',  - ,v,u  k - U .............. ,:t No,  - ,,C I 28-Ounce Pac age ......................... :.. I : SALAD VEGETABLES- Dinette "" - I RYneacka e 33c I ::i --o. 2 can, 2 for. ............................ OO C I Z-U g ............................ i ]_ - -- ':"" ---_ !i SWEET ona. ..... ) __ . I SOUP MIX- Betty Crocker- Vege- ''7 - I • " " '  Pelaco No. 2,c°a in yru I '8C I table, Noodle or Pea-3 Packages L. / t I  - ',' Libby's Fancy " VENTORY!!! l   '1  n e n A I t !1 ][,][ En IL!II ' I SLICED BEETS I ' "AII "-''":P= I n,--------,- i [)l"" ' NO. 2CAN I ,11.9€ Ii wit00 3 00o.,41€ I 16C 00o.s o ....... ,o .. I ,/.,-Lb. Package ................................ , " ..... ebrt ti-0Unce d"'l" %.,. I DARK SWEET CHERRIES '  C I trailers, steel piel-up  T---- " ......................................... I Libbv No. 2 can ' ,tt,, I 50%  aNGERINE JUICE - 01d South  ............................... : .... ::' :::..: ::6.! o 2 c 23c i YELLOW CLING PEACHES-Mis-99..,,". i y. n hi. a de, 8if" c, ' an : ......................................... I '^-- M1 Sliced - No 214 ro, L,.u I 7ts,. tools, toolbox, gas.| ..... Oel Monte " I 1,1,, . /,=1, ........ I --: .......  .......... -2091" At)oitw  I PRUNE PLUMS - Hunt's 9{.. I or Gasoline engine dr! ' ....x ra4-'../ 1 No. 2'/, can ........................................ ,z....p I ............ , ....  20% Whce Unpeeed - I,L.4.,':.L'I I L, 's ................................. U(fl : , " y yc motor, 3 setl : l i  TOMATO SLICES '-'m' ' ..'.A4 4,, , '  ' , moving heavy milk _J AP- i1£ '  I N0..2Va GLASS I1 I ....... .....-. ....... : ........ RedU| -e .ICOTS- Cock of the Walk- Un- 90,,,, I . I! I .% for all types of tract P eled Halves - No. 21/.2 dan ............ / I L,. r [ I • i ' "" eders - Rototfller Trs PLU , '.J aer chassi-*--- °10 " MS- Libby s Deluxe ! I YELLOW CORN MEAL- Alber's  I .v.. uqu.,u. u.:::"' ':Y^:" ',0..... 21/.2 Can : .................................... L,2. I 2V:"Lb'- Package ................ . ............. oc i ..... .............. 25% off- $ CW.T LO- Aunt =,- I CEa O W'aT- -Minut or O'.. I peed, straight shank, 7, airaa. 5-lb Pkz " ....  I Regular - 2S-Oz. Package .............. O I ....................... .: .... =_o rLaa0, :...° .... k;LL: .-,,,_ I CRYSTAL'WEDDING OATS ge. .... ; ..... 20% otf i $ 'Lb.'pa,.,".". ..... " ......  ,)OC [ 3-Lb. Package ..................... i.. 3 lc I rlee xour urger Ior "-'s'; .................................. . .......... . • na IPLEENTS I ....... .......................... 3o' i ;d 5") Piston Rings 50 . | ................................ Re( i • I AAlikl' ,, Established 1895 ' I lnG Ulq :%  I ler  :-:.  Page Y ....... " ............. " LAWTOH ' ] Lake C.,,,,,,,," °""- Special. ..Care..F°r. -" .... i;otiat';h ....... . a) me •  t . presen wnung .U| E;E;UlIIL k%., Christmas Eve and Christmas I>ay s':zen 'nas:,,alrvaoY s'a:els,nw,ere Hens and pullets need  special at the Suchadolski home ..... s:i',,-l-,o-hv'-',s't"mi'-' breedi,.tg mash during the breed- Mr. andMrs. T. JacobsonofTii- LUMBER I two" neonle f t] in thvni.'h c,v.ok ing period in order that the ]icum spent the past week end at _ .__._ _2 ............ t-- C ......... r ' " ' o S Mrs " ",o leo nn d,.,rnno Xr, rl,mo ch*cks from thew eggs .will get the homes of then" dau,.hter.', .. la tl .... , -.. -a...a .......... • " " ' ' ' i ......... off to a good fast start m hfe, K. Smmns and Mrs. Jma Jmv s.. To celem'at.e tew xears Day a'rs Fred Frasier Washington Mr and Mrs Victor Lockwood the Dot Laramies entertained Mr. ex'msion poultrymtn, and son, Dob, with Grandad Lock- and Mrs. L. N[. Townsend of Du- m, ........ amo, nt of vitamins I wood left the day before Christ- I ,on • ,d °,°*°'' .,,.,=.=:,'*'..., ..,,.,,,',:--, .,. ,eed,n.' n.tso . or Ceos a,, O,'eon, to ,,ist Can Supply Your ! Droner guests of the Edwa mnh h'.,S a "rent deal to do•their daughter and fanuly, Mr. Iadtkl  atn NIIW  Yea s d]nno.'nr With the hatchability of the eggs, ] and Mr!. Jc:,s/3aes. I:!a('Ltlat:y ........ ".  ........ ",. :.*. ..... . ..... u ..o ..,,, h, ,,;lit,, of the l drove Eo al.[% LsI"uz, (t111. LO and Clarencc.. the evc d click's"t'a(are atc'tcl from th(;[ sp,-i a f;w oay .w.ith /'ra,!k nlng more caller., arrlveq, mr. a ---' " -oser declares These vi-  Lockwood, Jr. ano InS lamlly. M''le% I ena[dgts°fnP°ttlatnCe r,ns'a're'transfcrred from the From there Mrs. Lockw()d :{ld Mr. and ,rs. I-Ierb D|ckinson of hgtti°ckthe eg'[/s and thcnce to [ BObwW,:xbY t.ret° l'.s.P;/,]s- Hood. po, t.and .M.. and Mrs. Da e 'rasicr names scvcrat ()the,' I wood hopes te regain good he}lth. ea • amn '. +. h., o,,h, .h eor birds i dauEhtcrs of Poulsbo spent th0 Mr..and Mrs. W. G. Petcrsou luri;g"'he"iEdinf"season. Am*-'l christmas weck with Mr.',nd M}'s. left .,nday for Spokane to wmt ong these, he says is the fact l Tommy Bowles. Other hohday ws- rela1:lxes lor several aays. ' • ' " - ' • , home were .............. • that breeding mash contains morel to,s at the Bowlcs . avers. ooerL. mma. a u)e la- nnimal nrotein and other nutri-Iwere Mr. and Mrs. Nels Johnson comet tleneral lospl[al, naa a eits needed for mak|ng chicks and family of Clear Lake, Jack DaDy Doy .a :6U un.a.y cvc- stron and healthv [ Bowles of :Mt. Vernon Mr. and ning---ana [I; nasrenalr.'. - Kee'o a Washington breedintz[ Mrs. Paul Hughey of Shelton, mr. ana mrs. ue aramm ana . . ' "" " , m i[t Bessie John sent Christmas in Seattle mash m hoppers w,th 24 feet ell Floyd Borst of ely 1 , ,. • *" ,^^., .......  ...... h nn birds I Bolcn Ray Hall and Mr. and Mrs. with Mrs. Laramie's daughter and ....... s K ..... t, ..... ., .... I Lcste" Chase of Shelton famil,, Mr and :Mrs Henr-Gooch is the aav]ce of ne pomry coun- I " " • , • ,.  • ,, ^, +.. s.,. u e I Mr Lnd Mrs. Lon VCebb of El- They drove both ways. '"rl; breedn "' "erlo "for hens don were callers at thc Hussman -- begins about %ePcember 15 and[ home SundaY evening. i for pullets any time after they Mr. and Mrs. I?. R. Sheldon ana on Tommy, sent Nw Y(, t"t's . mn-- I are eight or nine months of age, .. , . .p  . ".s "l'I :: I according to the poultry coun- Eve in Seattle as guests of friends LU J cil. At least two weeks of thc [ formerly in Washington, D. C, VI/%T311"T'Tf . I breedinff period must pass be-[ II I111. I fore eEs for hatching are saved. I ..... -'= .... ,, "--*'" I The bre%dinff period conUnues as I ' I .... I long as hatching eggs are requir- i Large Supply Materials I Tree an(t ltirusn I ed. Here are more suggestions l ] AvaiJable In January for I Removin I the poultry council gives for the I ..... I e, I management of birds during the]l l)eneer 14'OUll{lallOllS I High Climbing I breedg period: .... b II and Supports " | I . roviae a -nour (Jay y I I Esl;imates Given i the use of artificial lights. , J PHONE 799-J i I 2. The amount of grain to feed I I ..... , . .  .. I 101 AppolnLnlen£ oi wall tc PHONE 221-J-5 I daily will depend on the breed, I ' ' I I appetite and weight of the birds. II 46 Summit orive I ' From 9 to 13 pounds per 100 J i birds should be sufficient. -L " Shelton i 3. Breeding mashes that con'-I ........................... r-  J tain less than 10 per cent dehy-I " - --- -=-- --: :- - lTdgo:No I I drated alfalfa or other alfalfal - - ----  ---- ----- --. ":- //-' ' J products should be supplemented ] // .-. . I'O'OA" I with green feed, for good hatch- [ \\;W/ I'{ Meets Every Wednesda I ability and chick quality. It is] EX.\\;r/ 8 nn  i always good insurance to supple-] . / I.O.-O..itALI i ment any breeding mash witl.t/ kx.% 2" "\\;i Visiting iV[erdbers will be I succulent green feed. . / W CAN ENDURE Cordially Welcomed I The poultry courlCJl also ree-[  ..... ......... ' ELLIS WELLS, N G I ommends clean range, plenty of I i' IF THE MEN WHO 11 GUY CALL, Secret'ary J fresh water, granite or silica grit /  ................. Second and Fourth Fridays " 61 " '  Eliza'e h lm-on N  J ounces or more per dozen. Pul-J STICK TOGETHER .... 2,".. ' -'-" I lets should /lot be  mated until I J2111zaDell lul;ler, ecreary I they are eight to nine months of I -- age Only vigorous and healthy. [] ..... . birds are suitable for breeding i_ _., . .. . I purposes. For additional inform- "/ Ikt,11 • II.nnvmr' i ation, refer to Poultry Pointers ] .... ,'/--J"x kkk  ........... .:..:.:i::::::::!:!:::: q - III   II • one time and wash them the next I  a v,, .,,. , i Solvent removes the leather's oil, I ---.. c-. - ,-  , i which will' cause them to turn stiff . " \\;'/ I \\;1/ rnone i and ars  wase there-er I p..,V ---, 'III' i tuna unaer cultivation tnan any I , NO 1694 ' I Stand at Chevron Gas  other state of the Union but bnc, [ ..... ] Station First & Cota I and that state has threc times the I i " i area of Kansas. ! . il  e meal a r 9 " ,o.., _ra ,00..sws ! S i  " -- rand av  ayn. I ' U' ! -! . in'. yes better ,u .;, ,I .. I i i :or ,he °":A, eso c,o'co c.ts  , X" 1I or a* __._..... _ , GLASS ' ' ]' ' 0"   ......... I1"--'''----'--'" [' Replacement .I "''-""------ i Se vic   re BACON lb.  • By the PieGe 5S€ PURE LARD lb. 33¢ i00iii: /':"' ! GROUND BEEF lb. 39¢ ' .... ...... I I Beef SHORT RIBS lb. Z9€ ....... I Beef POT R?AS3: lb. € i ! SIRLOIN SIEAK, ," 49¢ , il_al L A W T 0 N i HAM HOCKS soked b € 2 U M FRESH OYSTERS pt. 5€ .L/ I L B E R i KRAUT H d qt. 4:,'() South F,'st St. i " i JOE IMPSON ,i Established '1895 ,H o