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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page .4 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i i . i -"" 1_ J I ]1 1[ iii -] II - I II I I I II II =:2 := ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 ......................... Llnl&apos;ic¢, = M'. Charrit:r and Virginia I IN I Tl AT ES 22 A .Nelson both ot: Shelton. Jan- Honored With Shower t mry 6, at Shelton. ii iii I I I I d AUTOMOT,00E i MACHINE SHOP I SERVICE I f00y00nde,: hori,,g pi,0000on n rin(ting, wdx e refacing. | I ! Western Supply Co. ] 218 N, 1st Phone 126 I i Tuesday evening, January 7 a clas of 22 candidates were ini- tiated into Shell:on LodKe No. 168d, l,oyal Order of Moose. A Bremer- t/H1 degt'et taft, hi pill, Oil the ini- tiatory work. Ted Waller, one of the founders of the Shelton lodge, was present }l.l}(t II.Vt} ttle new men]bars u tltllc (m M:oo;,;eheart an(l'tl)e fine w()rk it, is doing. Mr. Waller also intro- dlleed lerank R. Watson. a Moose- heart graduate at' the ela,s of 1!139, who gave a talk (m tl]e daily roll- tiue of Mo0seheart childrcn and sit/dents. FollowiJ)K the initiation a lunch was served and short speeches were given by Truman Manette, governor of thP Bremcrton Lodge, ,,, . and s(wera] other members. I P k P P ) ) ) ) ) ) 1947 Calendar Pads and Stands Diaries and Date Books Inventory Sheets - Accounting SuPlflies Filing Folders - Indexes And All Transfer Supplies Blank Books - Bound and Loose Leaf Berkshire Typewriter Papers MASON COUNTY STATIONERS Stationery, Office Supplies and Equipment 118 N. Second Street - Phqne 602 Officers Named By V.I .W. Auxiliary Ruth Edmiston and Irene Jack- son were named to the positions of lmtriotie instructor and color bear- er No. 2. respectively, at the last: regular rneeting of the V.F.W. Au×lliary which was held Friday, ,l'uumry 3, at the Memorial Hall. The positions had previously been vacated by Betty Godwin and Grace Petty, Officers were installed by the Past President Arma, Springer. The recent membership contest was announced closed by the chairnmn and it was ordered that the losing team shonld take the winners to dinner. "['lie sewing club of the auxiliary will mcet at the home of Mrs. WiN fred Jackson, 228 South 7th St.. tomorrow evening. Members are asked to bring sack lunches. The department president, Mrs. Marguerite Hastings of Spokm]e, will pay her official visit to the Mason County Auxiliary Friday, January 17. All members are urged to he present at tiffs iml)OVt- lint meeting. Committees appointed were Mrs. Lottie :Emerson Mrs. A r m a Springer and Mrs, Lucy Edmiston. Phil Murphy left Thursday for a trip of one month to Chicago and Minneapolis On business. .... L • . Large Supply Materials Available 'In January for , Spencer Foundations and Supports i PHONE 799-J For Appointment or Call at 1416 Summit Drive i J Welfare Council Convenes Tomorrow Friday, Janna.ry 10, at.l;30 p,m. the newly-formed Health and Wel- fare Council of the Mason County I('c(leration of Wolnen's Clubs will meet in the Welfare Building fn Shelton. Each a.ffiliated elnb has been asked to send two delegates to the council which has for its purpose education in health and welfare l)roblems. Representatives of health and welfare agencies will serve as eonsliltants to assist the club womea in their fact-finding program. "Although our cmmcil is a pro- ject of our District Federation," explained tle chairman, Mrs. J. R. DeBard. "our meetings are open to anyone interested in our pur- pose. We expect t:l serve as a fact-finding group for the clubs we .represent and to be of any as- sistance we can to promote tile programs of established agencies for health and welfare service." WINSTON SCOTTS IN CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. ;inston Scott en- joyed tile holidays, oz" a part 'of them in Los Angeles where they visited Mr. and Mrs. A] Koch and :Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Sardine, both former Shelton residents. Mr. P, nd Mrs, Scott also enjoyed the Rose Bowl game. While in California they visited some of Mrs. Scott's relatives. O.E,S. HOLO$ MEETING SATURDAY EVENING Order of Eastern Star will hold their regular meeting Saturday evening in the Temple starting at 8 p.m• SUTTONS LEAVE FOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Sutton plan to leave Saturday for a month's Clearance I I 25% Reduction "\\; Why a Clearance On New Merchandise? It" is our policy to give you the latest styles in the high- est quality merchandise obtainable. In keeping with this pohcy, zt is necessary to move all remaining winter stocks to make way for spring goods already beginning to arrive. These are values well worth your consideration! "I r S 2(1 TOP COA Reg. $35 Reg• $30 26.50 22.50 All Wool -- 34 to 42 DRESS RAIN COATS Reg. $10.95 Light Weight U.S. Rubber 100% Waterproof PLASTIC RAIN JACKETS Reg. $5.50 4.10 Short Length Brown or Natural Color REMAINING STOCK OF "DRESS GLOVES 25% Lined or Unlined Entire Stock ROBES All Wools ......................... 13.12 Reg. $17.50 Plain, Plaids, Cheeks ...16,88 Reg. $22.50 R;g. $32,5o 24.38 Rayon Twill Solid • 2 Colors .......................... 11,,.0 Reg, $14.95 SLIPPERS Reg. $4.95 $.70 Opt' Style- Black or Brown Romeo Style - Brown Only T SHIR S- DRAWERS Reg. $2.59 1.94 25% Wool - All Sizes SKI SWEATERS Reg, $6.95 Reg. $8.50 S.00 635 Blue - Red - Green -- All Wool ALL WOOL SPORT SHIRTS Reg, $10.50 Reg. $12.95 7.88 Q.70 Plaids and Checks ARMY SURPLUS CALK SHOES Reg. $14.50 10.65 10-inch Top Sizes 6 to 8 Only Miller's Men's Shop COMPLETE MEN'S APPAREL Hotel Shelton Building - Phone 609 business and pleasure trip• They will go to LoS Angeles by plane aid then by train for Chicago and Detroit where they will visit M'. Sutton's sister, and other friends and relatives. SGT. HALL RECEIVES 3RD RATING FOR CHRISTMAS Mrs. Grace Hall received word Monday from her son, Sergeant LeRoy Hall, who is in Saul, Korea, stating that as a Christmas present he received a fourth rating. He is now a Technicial Sergeant 3rd class, with the Ordnance Division H.A.M. Co. He also told his rnotlmr that he plans to be home the latter part of April for good. He has been in Korea for tile past two years. W.C,T.U. MEETING FRIDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. L. D. Hack will be hostess for the Woman's ChrisUan Tem- perance Union Friday afternoons, January 10• The meeting will start at 1 o'clock with a pot-luck hmcheon. G.E. HEAT LAMPS - Ruby Pyrex Glass ........................ $2.95 G.E, RS SUNLAMPS - Usable in any ordinary socket without special equipment ............ $15.00 PORTABLE HEATERS $7.89 to $18.60 Friday-Saturday; Jan, 10, ,!! Gall luaaotl) l$1ro Trevor, 'n Dvo Ad P Men,|ou "THE BACHELOR'S DAUGHTER" with Je Wyat, BIIUe Burke "A 0irl's best friend is her DADDY! !" N0ws = M[mleal - Cartoon Sunday - Monday - Tuesday Jqary 12, 18, 14 Rosalind Rnsseli, Alexander Knox in "SISTER KENNY" She Won Fame . . but Lost LOVE ! ! Deaz/ Jagger, Banish Bondi NEWS -- CARTOON iii WedneSday - Tlmrsday January 15, 16 TWO FEATURES "IF I'M LUCKY" The Musical that's a Sereen- 'fhl of Good Luck Charm! Vlvlan Blaine, Perry Coma Harry James, Caren Miranda and-- "GUNS OF THE p )) ', ECOS  Dick Foran, Anne tgei NEWS Miss Charh/ttc Ross and Miss Donna Lemke were co-hostesses for a stork shower Thursday eve- ning of last week at 7:3g in the evening lmnoring Mrs. Wallace Anderson. The shower was held at the home of Mrs. Watson Ross. Games anti refreshments were enjoyed duril]g the evening with honors at games going to Miss Joan Frisk, Miss Romona Jackson and Miss Winnifred Collier. Guests for the evening included] Miss Joan Soper, Miss lta Bailey, I Miss Irene  Bailey, Miss Mildred t Carber, Miss Frisk, Mis., Collier,] Miss Mary Eliason, Miss Florence i Fentiman, Miss Marjorie Ann Val-] lay, Miss Jackson, Miss Ros, Miss I Lemke, Mrs. Ross nd te honor guest, Mrs. Anderson. ENTERTAINS GUESTS ON NEW YEARS EVE Mr. and MrS. William Griggs en- tertained a group of friends at their home on New Year's Eve. Music was enjoyed during the eve- ning and later Mrs. Griggs served lunch. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Allen, Joan Allen, :Mr. and Mrs. Martin Longan and Michael, Mrs. Pat Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Homer McConb, Mr, an.d Mrs, Carl Dodge, Mr and Mrs. Ira Stands- bury, Walter and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs, Gene Evers, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sparks and Mr. and Mrs, Griggs, all of.Shelton. Also pres- ent was Melvin Sparks of the U.S.N., San Diego, Calif. CHOFIUS TO REHEARSE Rehearsals for the mixed chorus will be renewed Monday, January :13, at 7:30 o'clock at the high school auditorium• Lynn Sher- wood will direct. An interesting program is sehedulde for ppring and everyone is urged to attend. GOODWILL GROUP COMING The Goodwill organization will be in Shelton Thursday, January 16. All persons interested in con- tributing'to the Goodwill and who would like the truck to stop are asked to call Mrs. Lent at 236=%V. VALLEY GROUP MEETS Bruce Schwarck, principal of the Shelton Junior High School, will be gest speaker this evening at the Skokomish Valley Parent- Teacher Club. The room coun will be taken early during ¢he meet- ing and a financial report will be given. POTLUCK LUNCII SLATED The W0nen of the Moose will have a potluck luncheon at the home of Mabel Hall, 421 Cook- son, Thursday, January 16, at 12 o'clock. All members are urged to attend• D. OF H. MEETING NEXT TUESDAY The Degree of Honor lodge will meet at the Odd Fellows hall Tuesday evening, January 14 at 8 o'clock for their regular busi- ness meeting and practice for in- stallation. All officers and girl es- corts are urged to be there. WELFARE CLUB PARTY DECEMBER 21 The Welfare Club held a Christ- mas party at the Memorial ]roll Saturday, December 21. Following a fine progrmn of pinna, accord- ion solo s aiid tap dancing by the Boyson sisters, Santa Claus dis- tributed 200 sacks of candy and nuts. Tom Hayward of Alaska was presented the hamper. SWANK-WILLIAMSON WEDDING TUESDAY Douglas A. Swank and Sherri •Helon Williamson; both of Shel- ton, were united m marriage Tuesday evening, January 7 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Dan- iels. Justice W, A. Magoon per- formed the ceremony• DRIVING LICENSE REVOKED Clifford Delbridge of Olympia was found guilty by a Justice court jury trial Tuesday of drunk- en driving and his driver's license revoked for one year. Justice Ma- goon presided. MR. AND MRS. BENSON RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Otto Benson Te- turhed Saturday from a visit for Christmas and New Years with their daughter and family in Los Angeles. They also Visited in San Francisco on the return trip. Mr. Benson had an opportunity to see the Rose Bowl game while he was there. MR. AND MRS. FAGERGREN RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fagergren returned last week end from a trip over the holidays to Califor- nia. They visited friends and rel- atives. They are neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Benson who also took,a trip to California, and they left Shelton at the same time At Bakersfield, the Benson's saw an X license and on passing them found them to be the Fagergren's. They also returned to Shelton at the same time, although neither couple had planned the trip to- gether. ACTIVETTES TO MEET • 'A meeting of the Activettes will be held Thursday, January 16 at the hon)e of Everett Fourre in the Skokomish Valley, weather pet - mitting. The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock p.m, Simple Shirt Ironing Method Told in Bulletin "A Simple Way to Iron a Shirt" is offe of the new Extension bul- letins now available: This bul- letin presents a quick simple method of ironing a man's shirt in an little time as six minutes.' An ironing board twenty to twenty-one inches in width is rec- ommended• With this wide board, which can be improvised at home, the body of the shirt must bd turned only three tims in tim ironing process. Ever step is shown clearly by photographs and complete directions are given from the washing process to fold- ing the ironed shirt. "A Simple Way to Iron a Shirt" bulletin No. 353 is available at the office of your county agent, /yi!igg,. ,h¢Iton Wash- ,w v v v,v v v v ,v'v 'v" v ' v v v v'v'qr v',r v'l v Cloquallum The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Hibold was the setting for a gay New Year's Eve prty with 18 guests present. I'he evening was spcnt in draining and after the new year wan ushered in with great gusto. A dainty buffet lunch was ,ervcd by tile hostess. The roads are being kept at a fair rae of traveling condition during the freezing by the contin- ual watellfulness and attention of the road boss in our district as he is always on the job to see that this part of the road is to be tra- veled at all times. Thanks to Wil- liam Walko and his crew. Bill Riddly is a gucst at the Le- Gault home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson have as their house guest his mother from the East. The Priscilla Club will meet on Wednesday of this week. Cloquallum Grange meets this coming Friday, the 10th. Let's all turn out and give the new year a good start. Mrs. Alvin Nagel was a visitor at the home of her parents Sun,- day of this week. Baby Marvin Nagel reecived third degree Imrns when he tripped and fell on the stove at his ban]e. He is under the doctor's care and may have to havc a skin graft doric before it lmals so that it will not leave scars. The Gap. Johnson children were on the sick list last weckand also the Annensen girls. Mrs. Sadie Eveleth, who has been ill, is reported doing very nicely and will soon be home and on the mend again, Dewey Bennett was a business caller at the Albert LeGault home Sunday• Mrs. Rudy Leafs]chef was a vis- itor at the Ernest Leafs]char home one day last week. Her home is near Montcsano. They are driv- ing a new pick-up now Mrs. C. L. Anderson was a bus- iness caller in Shelton Friday of last week.. 5ohn Worman had an his house guests during the holiday season his parents and brother from Brady where they have resided for many vcars and are charter ineln- bers of the Olympia View Grange of Grays Harbor. Mrs. Worman's sister and brother-in-law were also there. Matlock The Matlock ladies club gave a New Year's dinner for their hus- bands and families. It wan greatly enjoyed by all, The next regular meeting of the clnb will be Jan. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Mrs. Anna Rediska had as New Year dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradberry of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman, Mrs. Augusta Portman. Carl Par]man and Miss Gladys Hearing of Spo- kane. Mrs. Elvin Hearing, Mrs. Redis- ka and Miss Gladys Hearing',were Monday hmcheon guests of Mrs. Lillian Par]man, Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess and Mrs. Kate Simms of Tacoma spent Sunday at the Charles Wil- liams home. Mrs. Lena Altemus and her mother. Mrs. Mannhatter of Port- land, Oregon, and Mrs. Irene Ell- ingson and her mother, Mrs. Pa- terson from North Dakota and Mrs. Augusta Portman had lunch with Mrs. Lillian Par]man Thurs- day. Ernest Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Palmer, has returned from Japan after spending the past 18 months there. M:rs. Mary Robcrtson of Seattle. and Mrs. Mabel Burton of Tacoma spent Friday with the Elvin Hear- ings. They are old friends of Miss Gladys Hearing and Elvin Hearing when they lived at Post Falls, Idaho• Sam Nye is in the Shelton Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valley and children, Gloria Valley and Milton Valley of Buckley spent Sunday in Tacoma. Milton has been here the past two weeks visiting his father, Lee, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Nye spent New Year's day and the following day at Rochester with Mrs. Nye's sister, Mrs. Carl Esswin, and her mother. Mrs. Ralpl] Pierce. Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Adams of Eatonville spent New Year's day here with Mrs. Adams' mother. Mrs. Sam Nye, and returning back stopped in at the Shelton Hos- )ltal to see her father, San] Nye. pARAMOUN T THEATRE 8helton, Wa=h. Thursday - Saturday January 9 - 11 2 FEATURES "JOE PALOOKA CHAMP" "FAITHFUL IN MY FASIIION" i i Sunday - Wednesday January 12 - 15 Philip Dorn "I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU" IN TECHNICOLOR (Don't Miss This) Thursday - Saturday Janaury 16 - 18 "DANNY BOY" "SWING PARADE OF 1946" Gale 8term Thursday, January To remove tile brownish stain I which sometimes appears on glass.[ cooking utensils, boil the stained vessel for fifteen minutes in a so- lution of three tablespoons of bak- ing' soda to "1 qu'u't of water. Call- lion: Plaeea rack beneath the ves- sel and the bottom of the water container, or invert 1he vessel; if this is not done. the glass may crack with tile heat. Rub off the stain an soon [IS it ]ms cooled suf, ficiently to touch, and while still damp. This trcatment in a good <me for those oven vessels with (iesigns pressed iato their sides, which are great stain-catehcrs. JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS Children and Adult TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM, ACROBATIC and All Style=' Every Wednesday 2 to 6 p.m. Shelton Eagles Hall Phone Union 385 We have a fleet o and a staff of ex I handle your movi speedily and cft whatever type of art want moved. You're; of course while we ta SHELTOI TRANSFE 221 S. 2nd Ph0 hursday, January 9, ]947. ... ,. , . Large Supply Materials Available In January for Spencer Foundations and Supports PHONE 799-J For Appointment or Call at. 1416 Summit Drive DO' cannc Slncl| The cabin zation pers r of the Wh; school mm'al VVi]sm I I Robers -- an( P h 222 Sou Hor Home Tie-Mill $1a NEVER BEEN IN St DELIVERED IN 2-CO p If Alarm Clocks Repair o.o Prompt Courteous Service at MORGAN FU .... 633 " " m FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF u SHIP YOUR FREIG geadCdds/00 BY BOAT '"'°" NOSE DROPS WORKS FAST RIGHT WHERE 1 FAST FREIGHT SERVICE ,.pus,= ,s, WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN 8HELTON Seattle Freight should be routed vla Str. Indian, Ferry Tacoma Freight wa Str. SkooktLm Chief, 1Vllwaukoe No. 2 Time Schedule as follows. HILLCI Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p.m. fo Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Smzday CLARENCE CARLNDER, Prc)ldent PUGET SOUND FREIGIff i Permanent Wave Spec] Now Open for Jamlary (Corner of Elinor a: Reluced Prices On ! Pickup and Deliver / * i ' SERVICE -- REA Machine • and (, .' lU ALITY .,:e  PHONE Machineless ._ .... : Permanents  " A Iso ..:: .:,/' ,::r- Cold Waves \\;' :;\\; {f7 1/ ' C'O-M-I-N-G At ELVIRA'S BEAUTY SH0 E V E R Y F I BEGINNING JAN 404 Franklin Street Phone 563 f OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT WESTERN ] Butler's ''xcept°n!lYe-v_fc TINY and ms W] as] er riuted An 11-Piece Orchestr O.  O.l.L " ".UKE,, TRACY - TEX STOU1 AND THE SAGEBR  THE NORTHWEST'S FAVORI' Broadcast by Remote C Dance Floor Over KGY fr< tultio Broadcast 1:30 to 2 Bremerton.Tac00 The Finest In Motor Coa PORT ANGELES - SHE.' t SoutF Port Angeles ................ Lv. 9:1. = equim ......................... 9:4.= QUileene ........................ 10:4( Lilliwaup ...................... 11:3" HOOdsport .................... 11:4" Shelton ................... 12:1( 0|YmPa . ....................... At. 2:4- = cConnection To and From Br, onnection To and From Port ."-.._REM ERTON - SHELTI Withln'A Week of .THBOUND DAILY Your Order Leave Leave your hands Olympia Shelton less-engraved  -- point wedding • 8:15 a.m. and marriage 830 a,m. 9:15 a.m. ment=. Special 10:45 a,m. 11:30 a.m. given to sLlver 1:45 p.m. 2:30 p.m. wedding anniversary 5"00 P,m. 5:45 p.m. tions. 9:00 P.m. 9:45 p.m. " , ja -Kllyn THE .o Unday or Holiday service. Charter Work a "Phone 100 CONSULT YOUR LO Depot at Fir=t & Grove