February 9, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 9, 1947 |
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Thurs,day, January
We have a fleet o
and a staff of ex
handle your movln;
speedily and elf
whatever type of art
want moved. You're
of course while we ta
221 S. 2nd PhOl
hursday, January 9, ]947.
Large Supply Materials
Available In January for
Spencer Foundations
and Stipports
For Appointment or Call at
1416 Summit Drive
Do not even tasteanyhome -
ca,reed vegetables or meats hat ""--'; ..... ;7 ....... "
snell or look peculiar. Uloquallum
The tenant of the remotest 1 g (Czowded' out last. week)
cabin upop the very verge of civili-
zation is wittdn reach of newspa- Mrs. C, L. Andersolj and Mrs.
pers recording the passing lfistory Arthur Liboki were in* Shelton to
of the world.---Lewis Cass. " see the doctor Saturday of last
What is taught in the Sunday Mrs. George Brandt of Olympia
schools of today is the code of were visitors at the Anderson
morals for tomorrow..-Woodrow ranch the Sunday before Christ-
rilso]]. In as.
We of Cloquallum are hoping
Roberson Plumbing
-- and Heating-
P h o n e 6 8 5
222 South Second Street
Home Phone 181-J
Home Address 528 Cedar
Tie-Mill Slab Wood
!lc0ouC!S Rep,a,re00 .,,o.o
ta Stree - Ohoe 633 r
' ' " L : 0 Instantlyrclieffromheadcold
, -S CLOCKS - FINE JEWEgla #1/# starts to come when
'f @ @'f V@@ you put a l[.ttle ya-tro-nol
' FROM N . V DIS ReSS OF in earn nestor: wnat's more
.... ' ' - ' 'i' | .2 S IFFLY, STUFF T --it actuany nelps prevent
) ' " lC • •
: many colds from deve o mg xf
nlin i:nl:ieu00i usedintimelTryitlllow
V M I II- I ll J i l i 1 fqii l'4fl'Brl'iD directions in package.
;Y BOAT ,,.0o,, v,cu
,...,o.. w.., VA-TRO-NOL
i be routed via Sir. Indian, Ferry
Sir. Skookmn Chief, 1V£11waukeo
No. 2
Sally, except Sunday at 5 p.m.
ympia and Shelton
mlton daily, except Smzday CLEANERS
E CARLANDER, President
mt Wave
est of
Now Open for Business
1404 Olympic Highway
(Corner of Elinor and Highway)
Pickup and Delivery Service
es On /
and "
very much that the new yeas' will
see out" most unified and earnest
wish fulfillde soon. and that is of
course, the old question of having
the power line brought to our dis-
trict. We have been waiting very
patiently now for ahnost five
years while we see anl also hear
of other projects going on and be-
ing considered. When we know
definitely that there was money set
aside at one time for this purpose
and it was used to favor another
district some few years ago. But
as the new year comes to us with
bright hopes for the near future
let us all be firm in our belief that
the P.U.D. commissioners will not
overlook us further in this matter.
On looking back over the past
,year one of our greatest achieve-
ments was getting the Grange in
our cmmnunity. Although there
were several doubting Thomases
we have proved to them that it
could and has been done and we
feel that we have made a good
start for the young age of seven
months from time of being organ-
There has been much discussion
on the overcrowded condition of
the school bus out this way. We
of CloqualIum feel that there
should be a correction made in this
matter as we have the lakeside
road and no guard rail and also
with the ice on the roads as there
is at present we are running our
homes liable to another disaster as
bad as the Chelan Lake incident.
The children are sitting three and
four in a seat and at times find
it necessary to stand in aisles,
which could mean a bad accident
in case of a sudden stop or jerk
• of the bus which happens often on
all of them• We feel sure that
the school board's attention has
not been called to this matter be-
fore. But we do hope that such
conditions will soon be taken care
The Priscilla club has planned to
have the January meeting on the
second Wednesday in tlle month.
The regular date fell on New
Year's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Barton of
Chehalis have returned to their
cabin here after spending the hol-
idays at her mother's home in
that city. Also Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell. Both families are work-
ing with the A.B.C. Lumber Co.
Mr. Ames from Auburn was a
visitor in the district last week
looking for a tenant for his place
at Pan Handle Lake.
Earl Graham of Tacoma, who
has been in the service as a Coast
Guardsman and recently returned
from overseas where he spent four
years, was a recent visitor at the
C. S. Anderson home.
The Chapman family of this
district were quite disappointed at
not being able to make the trip
to Oregon as planned for their
Christmas holiday vacation due to
the flood conditions down in the
Willamette valley and other parts
they had intended to visit.
The Christmas party given by
the Cloquallum Grange was very
much enjoyed by the children.
Those from out of the district who
• , ....... -'7" ............................ 2
Native Sheltonian. i ........ P'oiia00:c]00 ..... -1
Dies New Year Day,
Mrs Lester H Ellis, a native l A dell htful re-Christman par-
Sheltonmn, dmd Wednesday morn- ] tv was enio ed b the Potlatch]
• . . • . g P ,
• - . . .Y Y .
mg January 1 at her home infer in Chlb at the Worts home|
Tacoma. Sezwees were held t n- on December 17 wRh Mrs. E.,
day at 1 p.m. at a Tacoma fun-
eral chapel with the Rev. George
F ul e h e r officiatipg. Interment
was in a Tacoma cemetery.
Mrs. Ellis was graduated from
Irene S. Reed High School in 1917
with salutatorian honors. She was
48 years old at the time of her
A resident of Tacoma for the
past 30 years, she is survived by
her husband, tester Henry; one
son, Richard; one daughter, Bar-
bara; her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Larsen, all of Tacoma;
four sisters, Mrs. Alma Sund-
strom of Belfair, Mrs. Emma Lay-
ton of Olympia, Mrs. Mabel Ness
of Tacoma, Mrs. Irene Decker of
Puyallup; and one brother, Leon
J. Larsen of Tacoma.
Shelton Valley
Shelton Grange 403 had a good
turn out of its members at the
first meeting of tle year.-Let's
keep coming. The grange is also
fortunate in having two new
members both interested in music,
Mr. and Mrs. TaLe. Mr. Tate is
employed by Frank Warren. They
are newcomers in Shelton Valley.
The Cooks, of Arcadia, also mem-
bers of Shelton Grange 403, play-
ed at our Christmas party which
we forgot to mention. The Cooks
and the TaLes have promised to
play for a short time at our card
party .provided anyone wants to
dance after playing cards.
The young folks of the Valley
ice skated last Thursday evening
on the Hlester place.
Mr. and Mrs. James Frazier
came up from town last Thurs-
day to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Cooke. It was Mr. Cooke's
birthday and Mrs. Cooke served
birthday cake and ice cream.
Mrs. Harry McConkey and Mrs.
Signe Kneeland called on the
Winsors in town last Friday and
found them hovering around the
front room heater. Mrs. Winsor
was getting dinner on the heater
and served a good meal in spite
of all handicaps. Their kitchen
chimney had burned out New
Years eve and had not been re-
paired. However, when we called
again Saturday evening the chim-
ney had been put in shape for use
and the family comfortable.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooke
called on Mr. and Mrs. W. very
of the Lorrainy ranch one eve-,
ning last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kneeland.
their two children, and Mr, and
Mrs. Joe gneeland were among
those' who called at the Highlands
on New Years day.
The Connoly boys Jim and Bob
were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Hiester this last week.
David Jacobs, Bob Hiester, He-
wilt Slater and Mary Ann Slater:
attended the 4-H Club meeting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Evans in Isabella Valley last Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Less Spilseth vis-
ited with the Glovers Sunday.
Monday mornings icy condition
of the road prevented the school
bus driver from getting around to
pick up the children on time,
However, better late than an acci-
Worl as hostess, A delicious
Was served at one o'clock I
after which Christmas carols were
sung and gifts exchanged and]
opned. A pleasant afternoon fol-]
Jowed,, with sewing and visiting. I
Those present were Mrs. Avey,
Mrs. Cornwall,' Mrs. Hill, Mrs.
: Schrimpf, Mrs. Greeley, Mrs. Shel-
don, Mrs. *berg, Mrs. Carlson,
Mrs. Reiman, Mrs. Pickering, Mrs.
Jackson, Mrs. Hussman and the
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgberg
spent their holidays in Everett
with relatives and friends•
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Beardon were
host and hostess on Christmas
Eve for a group of friends includ-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Cornwall, Mr.
and Mrs. Lad Anderson of Union
and Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley of
Y0nug people home from their
schools for the holidays ate Elaine
:Beardon from Ellensberg, Mark
Hussman, Seattle, and Elizabeth
Hussman, Portland, Ore.
The Hussman home was the
scene of a happy dinner paT'ty last
Sunday. Those present wre Mr3
and Mrs. Win. Treumper, Mr. and
Mrs. O, E. Havens, Mr. and Mrs.',
Druen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Druen and daughters and the
Hussman family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and
son, David, were brief callers in
P)t}atch and Hoodsport on Tues-
day, coming over from Edmonds
on a combined business and pleas-
are trip. They are en route to
Portland, Oregon.
Wayne Pickering and family of
Seattle visited at the C. A. Pick-
eying home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Sheldon on,
tertained with a dinner on Christ-
Wilbert Catto
Walker Park - Phone 591-W
Curio Shop
Phone Union 426
Sometling New
Something Different
From "Old Mexico
Sport Jackets
For Ladies
Consider them for your
Spring outfit.
anklin Street Phone 563
,u your printed
C'O-M-I-N-G --
-- at
Butler's Cove
An 11-Piece Orchestra Featuring
Broadcast by Remote Control from the
Dance Floor Over KGY from 10:15 to 10:45 "
D" I t tLl, jo Broadcast 1:30 to 2 P. M, Eaoh Friday I
• . ,.,i Bremerton-TacomaStages I
T:: F:::vstJ:G :tsirs!ivCohoT:2:!!!::::
C °C°;:t2° %:I:: r oF rm° nP o B: eTr eJnt°:n ta J U Q ncli:enn e
I Withln'A Week of
Your Order Leave
yotzr hands OJYmpi a
less-engraved ""----.--
point wedding
a n d marriage 8:30 a.m.
.,<, ments. Special 10:45 a,m.
given to silver 1:45 p.m.
wedding anniversary 5:00 P.m.
tions. 9:00 P.m.
'"Phone 100
• 8:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
9:45 p.m.
8:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
*3:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
Leave Leave
Bremerton Shelton
7:00 a.m.
9:45 a.m,
12:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Via All
* x^ yn
"' Unday or Holiday service.
Charter Work a Specialty
Depot at First & Grove
Phone 162
attended were Mrs. Harry Matt- eve card party at the Neldon
hews and children from McCleary. home.
Mrs. Matthews was the former Dinner guests Saturday at the
Miss Jenny Annensen, daughter of Roomer home were Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Axel Annensen also Allan Rau, Mr. and Mrs. Lud An-
of the Cloquallum district. Mr. dersen and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
and Mrs. Alfred Annensen were
also there from MdCleary. Mrs.
James Laddly and the Daley fam-
ily from Elma also attended. Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Nagel and Marion
Nagel of Kamllche were there too.
The party was climaxed by a won-
derful oyster supper which was
prepared by the very capable
home economics chairman, Mrs.
Thelma Leorstcher. Each child
was presented with a generous
treat by Old Santa himself.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Woodruff
and family left for their home in
verett after spending the week
end with their folks over the
Christmas holidays. Also the Le-
Gaults had as their guests over
the week end Mr. and Mrs. Cooper
of Seattle and the Schroeders of
Mrs. LeGault and son and fam-
iyl were Sunday callers at the Wm.
Bethworth home.
Mrs. Roy Baldie is to be the
est of Mrs. HarryMatthews at
cCleary. Also her three young
daughkers will accompany her.
Lloyd Anderson and family of
Algona were last week end visit-
ors at the C. C. Aderson home.
Mr. and Mrs. warren Moore
werew business callers in Seattle
lastweek, Their daughter, Mer-
ial, was a vlsi.teoalet the home of
relatives there the week
Callow. Mr. Ran was on an exten-
sive business trip thruout the
East and South in December, He
returned Ju§t before the holidays.
Sunday the Andersens went to
Olympia to see Mrs. Oron Addle-
man, an old resident of Hood Can-
al who is in the hospital ser-
iously ill. They found her some-
what improved. They also called
on another old resident from here,
Ray Sturgis, who has been con-
fined at his home for about ten
Embroic Braid
Brilliant Colors
Aztec Rings
So-called Aztec ring is
large, massive, startling,
For men only.
A New Shipment of
mas Day. Their guests were Mr.
and Mrs. E. Carlson and Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Maury and little daugl-
ter of Olympia.
The AI Magnuson family spent
Christmas in Tenino.
Mr, and Mrs. Nell Simlnons and
family spent their Christmas with
relatives in Puyalhzp.
Mr. and Mrs. Maury and daugh-
ter spent Sunday at the Carlson
On Sunday before Christmas
Mrs. E. Antus and son, Richard,
and also did some shopping.
New Years came in quite "Lam-
bv"--the first of the year was
a-bit pleasanter as to weather
in comparison with days before
and aftex;. The dance given by the
Sportsmen's Clu at the Masonic
hall was the largest of their ser-
ies and much like Homecoming.
The Skokomish Valley and Canal
points were well epresented and
there were a few from Shelton.
In charge of the affair were the
president, Wally Oliver, and Mr
and Mrs. Jerry Cornwall. The
party was well managed and
there was much enthusiasm. Ku-
eli's Tavern and the Totem Sand-
wich Shop stayed open to give
the attendants a chance to get
supper. There were ,also several
pr|vate "at homes." Mr. and Mrs.
Nolan Mason, had as their guests
Dr. and Mrs. Formau of Shelton
and a number of friends came in
after the dance for music and
lunch. The Brunstroms had a
,,Smorgasbord" also for a large
group of fnenas.
Dr. Don Callison left Friday of
last week for Los Angeles to take
a special course in medics. Dr.
Roomer has charge of his patients
during his absence. ,
The Bonners, Netdons and
Wrights enosed a N. Years
i . i i m. j
• Our first and foremost con-
Help us by having your
bundle ready when our driv-
er calls.
Mason County Steam Laundry
and Dry Cleaners Phone 88
sideration these days is your
family-size laundry -- our
specialty. We want to help
you all we possibly can.
and Gee. Judson, all of Aberdeen I
were guests at the Carl *berg|
home. I
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Piekering l
spent Chtdstmas Eve and Christ-|
mas Day with the Robbins family|
in Hoodsport. " .....
Because of limited space in our temporary quar-
ters, we are offering our stock of quality Living
Room Furniture at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Davenports and Chairs - Bed Davenos and
Matching Chairs - 3-Piece Sectional Living
Room Sqites - Love Seats - Wing Chairs
days with a very bad cold.
The "three musketeers, skat- --- y,. ,,,. ..... ' .......
ors," .Bud Wyatt, Dick Buechel ."¢" ":: ....
and Curtis Grout, spent most of OLD R. BOSTON SAYS$ -:" > "
Lake.SUnday skating; on Carstensen ,i r¢Oz" 7"//'0 ..!'":! ' '" ' J
Jack Hogan now has an artift- " ........ ..-v: ........ ,-
cial limb and is well satisfied w|th t )" ':
it. Of course it will take time to
get accustom :d to same. ii!!ii i .:: ":
€12:!5 A.M. 1:10 A.M.
12:55 5:00
Club Chairs
"5:45 "5:45
6:15 6:15
*7:00 *7:00
7:30 7:30
8:15 8:10
8:45 8:45
9:25 9:30
10:00 10:00
10:45 10:35
!1:15 11:15
11150 12:00
12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M.
1:15 1:00
1:45 1:45
2:15 2:30
3:00 3:00
3:45 3:30
4:15 4:15
4:55 5100
5130 5:30
8:15 6:15
6:45 ?6:45
7:30 "7:00
?8:00 7:30
*8:30 8:00
?8:45 8:45
9:15 *g:00
*9:30 €9:15
T10:00 10:00
10130 10:30
11:15 "11:00
11:45 Tl1:30
Same fine ,.quality as be-
fore the war.. , 100%
American grain. Same
fine flavor, too, from
17 imported ingredients.
Try it soon!
,/5 Quorl $2.77 Cod* No. 37,C
Plus |0 wor liquor tax
90 Proef
[Jffed fr. 100 raln'N6ab'sJ SlY'it8
* Daily Except Sunday
T Sunday Only
$12:40 on
- Table Lamps -Swing Rockers
Barrel Chairs