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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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e __ m m m m &apos;  ,'' 'T+" ca* a*v STATE NOTICF OF SALE OF STATE LANDS COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS TIDE LA D lat 117CAI PlIRI IfATlgIM4l I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TI aa ,JI, JIUilLll -- on Tuesday, [he 41h day of Februaly t$1 Jt lld ,ltJ'lk , • .... " . " ' Monda ", October 7, 1916 ! NOTICE ]S I{EREBY GIVEN, That 1947, comrnencln at ten. oclock in the Board met n continued session, All - .... - " en Tuesday, the 4th day of Feln•nary forenoon of said say, In Iron, st tne ,),•,uon+ nm f lamt mcetin .......................... 1947 conmlenelng at ten o clock in tile main entrance door to tle County "/q',;'{,' ",'hl-&h': ....... 2o:zalr, ox ALL Or "J-Iw*ER forenoon of said day In tront of tile Cotn t ltouse in the city of Shelton, r ............ ,,,+ h, th,, n,,munt of ON STATE LAND main entrance deo:' is the Counly county of Mason, State of Washington, ¢7(l'"fol:';(f(',k * en'(tlll ;:y O'c't'(',b;Tw 5th -- Cout lt(use In the tity of Stlelton bx the (ounty Auditor of slid county 2r 2h,, .... ' i,,.--?. ... . ;6•eas Notice is hereby given that on Tues- countv of. Mason, .Sta!.e .9f Washln.g: tile following flesc]ibed state land, urer for tile eredit of County Read da th( 4th day (f Februar5 1947 ton oy the ((,un[y AUUltO' ot sa ¢l'togtner wits tne nnprovements su.u- T'ud " ' eomnmncinG at tea o'clock in. !.!m cpuni;y tho fol!?wing.devtbcd state ati+.(+l, th?ze9!l, will b+e.sold at public Remittance ill the amount ef $6 08 forenoon of said say, n Iron, o1" the tlue tunas, together wltn the noprove- auclloa to the llignes Dl(luer %norelor . ' T .x " n "-- .  - -' -' main entrance, door to the county ments situated thereon, wl, ll i,e sol.d,to-wit: .... e "'" ¢nrtS'ing*'anl'%Ytlblellgglfe(u1stt))r + tit( Ct of Shelton at )ubtl( auction to tne nighest bid- NOTE--No one exeel)t ciuz hs st tile . . ' '. ....... • - court house in  ' Y +  ' t " !  "  ' , - c,, " ..... *- .- " llsnnlent el roac[ reeelVC(l alnl turnea ount 0fMason Statt of Washington, thl Ill+rotor' to-wit: (Uniteu states, or persons was navo ,)I io rPltflsul'(r far file credit of , by tile y Count Audit({'( of sad coun- NOTE LLN) one except citizens ef declared their intention to become l:::.:+ /+.+.:; .,,f  ...... brb:e y on th( following de tile Un itd Stat(s el persons ho}st(h can pmcmse state lands ,,,,, ,%.,,c ...... . ..... , ty, th t I "  ' " " " '' " ' ' ' " ' " ' ' , ,,+ , r ' :" l)anee license was issues to victor scribed state land wi!l be s.old at.put)- have declared their intention to be- I .... AI IfII.{ATION '(.):_19;65  ...... Community Club for three months Is,list auctnto. t° the hignest bmuer inure- t come s,,;l audsllantiPt:rNnasel lte", nines, ,l sISp E'I 1:oll?'  at,g:'t,s2"'W" ": ". , , ..... endingw O JUnewatson,7th a1946)pt:ared w th pro- . ...........  ,,, ... ' All tide of the second (:lass, I containing 40 acres, more or. less, ac- ,.o.; 1., ,, --a;ifn;::'. "Sunny Shore • ,,--.-*.:,{*"+:; (q].;/':: x ors owned by the State oF Washington, cording to the government survey 'A','t',-l?io'-[,"e;;.  " ;rw'{)%1 1 2 w" a.,.er ,  , *,, 74 .......  • + , ( f a r:tis(d at 50000 ................... " " ' " , situat( In front if adja(.cnt to or th;leo , pp • $ ' • e ' 1 and 2 of sea'ten 18, township 21  .... ' e f t l i ht of It was moved and secondd that M n- . . abutting n mn the north 365 fet of Sub oct to east r .nt o g . , ., r  . l)rth range 5 west W• M,, cunts n .... ) eld n under da., Oetobcl 28th at 10.30 a, 1. (,)m lot I section 16 townsl ip 20 nolth way ,l Count.', Rad pJ g , " .' • house ' 4 1 acres nlore nr less a( ..... . • mtssl )nel s R( o 11, coult Sh,l- !rig. 15, 5: iZ' .. ....... :.. -urve" range 2 west W, M, wtll a fl'ontage Appllcat (n No 18341 it, r, W.l be desianated as tile t me suture to the ov,..,e- = , ' ' ' '  ' ' ' ' 2'I( N NO 19525 ........... ," • lhelco[ aised at 33 325 50 of 5,88 hneal chains, more er lea, AIl LI(,A ) • ' "" '" s ' ' i,6h25% r ; of Wt 'a,;d Lots aPllrasel at>50:00 pc, ch%0?" $9.t.00: .SW: ef SW+ of ectlon i6..ton-  plato lo, hea, ing ou .amo. Ca,- ' O ppucatton o l12Zfl i Snll) 23 norln, rsnge I west, w. vt., . ' ' e 8 and 4 of set'tier 18 townsh l) ,1 ,,,.. +,.+ 1..n..,, **' . ....... + ,1, . ,,+-+,,i-,, 4a -e,'(s mort or less a( I ermli tc lay and ma nlaln a 3-111h rth .an o 5 west, W. M•, contain- ,,, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,, ,le, ,,c ....... ',, ......  e.,•-,: ......  ........ . .... - • " , . ' ,'e, no ' ! g ...... owned by ,he State ol Wa.shiltgt,m, eordm to the g(vermnent survey wat}}t al,t (ou r(adalfc( d ing 15645 acles, meze or lea,., accmd . • ' -, " r ised at 60000 v w ,, , - .... ., situate Ill fzunt of adjacent to ci thl(+oL app a•,, $ . . , . • , .......... v ....... tng to the government suzey thelcof .................... ,.. 2_., ..... ..,:•,.... I aPPIICATION NIl 19588 to Chfford Johns, Lilhwaul). DI|I.LII %1 ,li)ll LII t+'lrlgL LWU till| %1 111 a  • • • * , , ap 1raised at $58,420.00 , ) ,  ,z , , + ", n- Pelttlon of C. A. Jackson, et ux, " town- width )f ot. 4 se<tlon 2. lownslul NL of NE, (£ scctim 36. tow ,.t n stlects n lmber on SE  (, section 18 . , , . foz Vacalion of c(i a .... 2) north range 8 west W M. wtf slnp  north, range 3 west, !/ M,, , sii) 21 north range 5 west, /, M. , , .... , ,. Town of Albn, received, It was mo- . t . . •  , a roniage oF 15.16 lineal chains mo'e , oml.otnmg t0 acres, more or less, tit ' t , , ccmtaininG 160 acres, more el l:s., ' ...... e ''e ed and se(.ondcd that Monday, Octo- i , to ernment 'urve or less appraised at $30.00 per cllain, (siding to the goveznm .nt sul% y I " •' u[+cordoag ........ t)).5 gv,o ,fro ?," 'Y or $45.{80 $ thereof, al,pra sed at $600.00. b er28t)l..+} 2-0! p.nk. comwsl?:letb • tuereot, pp, ueu  uo ........ ! %'' ...... *PPI l( ATION NO 19657 room ct, urt ,t,ue ................. . To be donke le ed Seed area J).;xceptmg, llowever any person el '* " ' " (s ' e t ' ,,. h, I.o ,., ).- ' ",,f F' ]. of the above described tide |ands lnclud-I Lot 3 of section 36; townsid e .21 d;';lfi:n:t(d 1 tithe oHl:)iend place for 'V hh'd' N of S/ of. NJ'¢t :)f e d)n an orystel' tractde.,ded.w})yldnl!e n o,'thh 'na[.e2 WeoStrh 2: leMi cclet(?_- " l;i'+'ben"iili+; tle set hy statute Wy," sis? a.,ea a:'ett:l..pe3,t  #-%)ii.l;(o'nl',.'Sd3:c'i.'ficJio'd ili to' he government survey thel'e- to consider Final, l hidgets, sonde time lhe il/ ol w,A o rw,A, :fg o = "..,:;7" "" ' +' '"" ],,' ao.)raied at -¢440000 was spent examlmng same. a was W£ of NW¼ of NWt and NE o, ass .... %27*a ^f' eeti,n 86 "*ownshi  21 "moved and seconded that considering of SEI of NW of N.'W1/. -'I Applieation Na 11237  .. ane '2 west ;W  cot{aln- of budgets he continued until tumor- Spot burning la to e aetornfinea ' The title lands of the second class. ) 't',",' 50 "acres +in'ore " or "less ac- row. , by inspection, , ....... owned by the State of Washington,, .,,dl.'; to 'tle' covernment survey Meeting continued till tonmrrow. , Accordin G to tim State's crume in.ere situate in front of, adjacent te or+ [hreo. a,,-z'aiedVat $4 400 00 - Tnesday, October 8th, 1ill6 [,re approxmmtel ,+2iT,toleet ye!!ow abutting upon tile west 208 feet of ', Said 'lan'd wl i bo sol for list less Board nlet in continued session. All fir 192,_000 feet aeaa ainu aq.wn :ell)w lot 3, section 21. ownship 20 north, ! titan the anpral d value above stat'ed pre:ont as of yesterday. fir, ]2+975,(X)0 feet sapnn Is', epz,t.u range 3 west, w..1.. WlUl a iron,- I a{Id u.,on the ttu'{ns and condiLions fol- Claims anoweu. feet hemlock, 9,237,000 lee, rtd fir, age of 3.33 lineal chains, more Or llowln'. " " Resohltion adoptlng Final Budgets, 98,400 lineal reel POleS,. ,fi,oou. zest less, aPl)raised at $40,00 per chain or l Notie,s than one-tenth of the nur- Copy of Budget as adol)ted and Cm'tl- spruce aml 705 000 fyetwm3J?)ne. $133.20, I ehase nl:i('h must he paid at the ]nie ' ficat for levy and collection of taxes, , APPLICATION MS lwaa ! a..-,,.. ..... .. ,.,,,o e h2" ,%{,- n .... i;mel if he lc not: received from P U D 3 +Tim.her on .E, st' SEV of NE  All t ido 'ands ef the se('ond class ]owlel of tile inpr)venmnts must . Cop.y of Joint ResolutLon by gvcrn: ' o seeuon lti, township l nor!n, range u-,ned h " the "State of Washin:ton' ' e,-t)'lth ,lay to the officer 'making lng soar(! st Mason counw cnool i 5 west W. M., contammtg ) 2t?leaCevs, s{t(+te i' h•(Jnt of, ,dJaeeat t o. i;'•s'ttle tle/full amount of the up: District 309 ondState of yatlnnOn , nore (q' lens, acorun'g t t I'-"'" abtitting upon that part 'nf lot ], sec-, prdsed value of the improvements, _:.ln!tnce mmltee, in r:¢ .' ,..A' @rnnle]l surve tn(.q'eo! anu t )pt •)xl- ion it[ +,,,*,nshn 20'lqh l'nqe 2 +,o .h,,vo mlaled One-t,nth of the nut- ol ;iuo.uuu.t)u pal" vmue st the ut).u r, ately.. 17 tre+  !)ng•  ttj noi't . line west"-? ........... W M, l :"+'ng "::'sotlth t;l' t.b 2",Z*th ,+, ......... hn[ "'''' " m'te v ............. i naid &nnuallv of said s(holl dtptr ct; said resolu-. 9f the N] of !.E!!+:...¢n c,,Za r" 365 fer.t of ssi( let 1, with a frontage tffg;:&tftcr with interest on all deferred t!on.3?,!ng $,![o bKd.,."^.utt'ltL.t2 .!'=" .aDPl.'t's, cu "'. '!',".'/,'". ....... h  uppra ,td aL $40.00 per eha n or $612 40 ' hnn p(r annum: Plmvlded That .any ^^+t,w:.]),a,,o-: . -2;-,.+.o ut)flect u), eas ',n;,U.....t¢...,a?..• ;- ' Application No. 11245 J lnlrchaser may make full la},ment o[ knse avp.,.. %o, w 5 ..,):.:.f,...FL2. %%+ay [(it i()glt'InI,{, I•O[I. J If( i'et,olol'e, o( . }" I ulI" ff'l' slt  t 4 l" ai I''''l ..... ¢ : ¢ ..o(I, s,., ,,**,,''a t,,t." 1 . ,,, ]nol,..I ........ nl;;,'est and statutory fees zutu oe. rejecte(l anu money ,u .v- +'<:;t'': Wt'IL':.'.l,,;: <+)0; .ht of ow, ea ,,v tll,, + Stale f 'ashinZ a'U"'ine aa ohtaln deed. Tl:e I,U; fu5%% %%''3,+ was issued to Ca, l ,+... .l :; .. r ., + ........ )z No s t de h front of tdja<ent to or chaser of land contalnin thnDer ( . -" : ...... ' " " "e- ., ''" pen(ling uncter t l l)li(..Ltl it , . --$'tl nff nnnn that nn 'tU n )t' lrd- '3 ,,+ho- v.hmhlo lnatcrla e lS Drohibited j. jonnson. Delight l%esorL, lol tnl .ti ,:1,)050. (', "l'" f SF  net ol L)7 lownship 24 nor,l, range by law froln cutting or relp+()vin.g any mtmthd.enfljng - Dfcember,)3.1stk+1946, : T( i:}((:l !l;!k.; :+;+ti';;;t' Sn,,,.',s ttt 1,e ;l.r"ti+"';03"h, eV';,f "';:i;i f',' t"2: ,tl'",t : )'ta ning consent t-;f" "{]:,, Conmlissi,,n-, Co4tnted " tlwIlstOcmnO[[OW, d t II to , or cn J '. .P •', ""+ ...... +,-. t"oriaK of 2.58 lineal c.hains mire, 1 el' of Puhlle Lands until the fuh am- +.  ; t A.CCOl'(lln( t( n( *I[t'fl (?'u!S', o"* . OZ' I , fmnlatsod nt .'(a(10 De*: oun( of the purchase price has been row. . " ... + at,; approxinmt*'y 6,000 ]'e,.t y(•!ow .,. ",}'4 a}" "*,ll e .... ....... ' .... t .... ¢1" and di, ed issuid ' Wednesday, Oetober 9th, u,, Ct t (Jl  d lttan(lili 3 OW " " " €'" ,t'ir 7,00(i f . ?-I'•,  +,, '*?J,. "+'T[,+':,rf')' of h +ir] l+**,,t,= rPI AI! sales of state lands are made[ Board met in continued session. All O l( ( t It (.! IU % ), lqU • ....... ' " fir 45 000 - " ' + '" ' " ,= (.?.*'..X.:/": ':,;---'.."n*;,d "v" +'"+"¥' -,ubq,ct tt) + the resel vations of oils gas- present as of yesterday. 000 fet red lt 3,000 fc(,t uown  a . " . , I of Claims alloweu. 'e=.. o(gO I'oo| ,,,.dmr R 00(I l't'et dead of Wlshlngtcn, situate in [runt of es, eoal, ores, nll31erals and fossi s _ . ........... , _.. , o  - .... I lo(k er St Plat of Shtltonville ree(ived t ' ' TION NO 19566 3 w(st  M ling westlly of te plescribed in sect on 3 of chapter 256 , I )+ AIIII(A ' •  .....   :' ' " '" ' " ' " I " " r' WaS "nlmed and 'secnndet] tiaat pelf- • " 2 of section w(sterly line of m right of wey for of the Laws of 907. . • - - ,, Timber ou Lots land . " . t.l, .... ;, F4t,.+ Ti,-h,,.v l'n  +.= , 91.1d |*+rid will be sold subtect to the lion be accepted and that November ' 2 township 23 nor,n, range a wtst, / *. ....... ,*4."v -f.'" ;}.,'* ,, :.'.i" . :'2 " I 4^:'. , c,),if|,'nm nnd reselwations of 4th at 2'00 p m eo!nmlssioner s room . ,ir a' ,.---,"" 4 17 ai'rs rot,re Sll0Wn on 2"lar+ (,• ,,)e, ,,e(l ctou,:r' L';,',,,+, ................... ,- { .- • ' , .'--r' .: .-- . .' "+ --' .... Y+' '?':" t:?+'d' £':.' + "5.e ; vel'nment 9, 1930 In the office nf lhe 'Co,nmls- chapter B12 of the Session Law:u of 1 J27, c+ou}'t !louse,. l}elton: wasmngton, De ,.;or ,vy,o+a,c'(oe ' nni:aie, f { $7 019 20 sloner of Publlii IAni]s at Olympia, , relating to easements for rlgnts-oI-way uSarna.e)n a.,ne meia2u place ut + su[vea.,2,'" 5.'2"5; be left for s(.ed Washington, with a frontage of 9.57 . and the carrying ol t,tuber, stgne,.nun- , " 7;,,.€,',; ,'e ,+*,, rhlnnnce No ...... , fY2 '"*"'se(d +a'ea cortaintnG a1')- lineal chains, more or, appraised I orals and other prouuets_2ver the came. I ,,'''n{]  1",,1':+";, ,otev" ,'IE/ of NEIA st ll/+ to be left Appuca%lon o. J,26o "   16 23-30--5t the needed funds received and up- Burnt nags to b(felled for fire pro- The lid6 [ands of the second clas. ] nroved ,rtion.: To be donke Z logged. .. owned by the Stat+e of Washiz]gton. ] ' ----'-' [" Order to cancel warrants approved t t Start s (ru st inlle s!tuote In i/on( o[ al a(ent io or . -.• |¢1 .... Aocording o he  ! .  '+ ....... . ..,....g ....... '*are aporotmately 20,000 feet red fir abutting upon that portion of lot 2, ] SUMMONS .Y PUBLI(ATION,,w . Refund in the amount of $11.75 from ovt*,r riO", ],]13,000 t'eet small red fir, aeciion 1, township 19 noi'th, range IN THE SUPEt£o uu w _£ the "I-iillvard 'Co of St Joseph Ms 31,000 foot dwn small t(d ..... l l, 6,000 3 est W. M. described, as f)llows STATE. OF WASI-IINGTON 1,'ul -...€" s-,.v'""('I( ............................ .... '*' ..... ea ",.,,,,1.7, nni feet cedar, 212 000 feet hen|lock, 90.000 Comnmnclng at the me, ander eorner[ MASON COUNTY ...... la turned over to Treasurer for the cred- feet whit+e pin, and 1,20 lineal, ft(:t on the ..... south line of sad se(tion 1 ' W. A, Gleason, Aanlnlstra tr ,,S-e ,'+ ,,.-e",,. ......... .r:-:- w,.--g-se._ " p01es. , ...........  ..... and .running thence along the hal- tats ill G R Milbouru deceas d, Fin.ll Esthnate Collnty Road Pro- h APPLICn**u ,,. *,,*, anted government meander line N 46" Plaintiff, I tect No. §5 grax'el screening, W. D, :'+ Timber on NES of, _section 25, 36' 45" E 281•&2 feet, N 17 ° (}0' 45"I .... -Tvs,--  .. t !'ear Contractor, in the amount of ,+,town.hip 23 north, range a west,. W, E 1030.25 feet, N 40" 06' 45" E 648,90 ] Alma .I. mentg(nnery. qorge_ r. [ $1195.88 was apnroved. - M•. cen[atntnG 160 acres, morq o!' !ess, feet, N 36" 06' 45" E 6Q8•30 feet, N ' Moatgomery. Ruth M= Kunzm, nar- ] Copy of resohltlon 160, Budget for according to the. g'qv£yll![.le,lt, survey 30 ° 06' 45" 1 843,24 feet and tilellce les I. Mpntgo[lery, l-earl : ulass, 11947 6y Connnissioners of P,U.D. No, lheleof appralsta at $7,u(m, . N 52" l' 45" "E 170,00 Sett to th( .Mart,a ann momgomery t]lo un'l 1 rceived and anproved + inlt)hr on SEA of .ction zm town- true point nf beginning, irhenee sou- lenow], heb's of Cbal:les R. M%ntgome:.y I Selm01 ' Bu(gets for 'the several ship 23 norlh range o wesL W. 4., t nuing along said bdaneed govern- and tile unknown news st .TanK t• School D stricts of Mason county were i containi,ff. 160.eres, more _tr less, n|ent meander l[e N 52', 96: .45" E Montgomery. and. to all otlerltl.)elt/e ' apnroved' I I I o IIe ev( tnm+ nt sul vey 9 fee tllonee leavln gal(l Da£aneea unknown eiannlnG any r gl " ' ' F]""] u'¢'etS were nnroved as fol ::.pcrdfl gapi{raid gt $71,622.[,0... (,|!l*n{ent meander lne and runni'nG estate,, llen or inte!'es't la the .real lows' ......... "*' According. to.the Statffs (!rusc. tnel:e northwesterly to  point in tile .cqn- ; property desqrib(a n* tne cominalnt Meeting continued tint l Mmday, Oc- • are approximately 7,utio,Ix)0 1Set ycJ= ter line' of a e0unty roa nl salo lot ' adverse to p£alntiIt's owne!'sJtlll, er a.ny tuber 14th, 1946. "qow fir 47(i,00 Feet lefkd  stangm  ana 2, thence $56" 4G' 45," W+ atong cain cloud upon pzaintiff' tlue tneret 9, Monday, October 14th, 1946 'down yellow fir, 1,tim!,uuu eet tr an= county roaq ,,::enter l!n( to an angl( Defendants ....... .2 E Board nlet in continued session, All +,r 0',. 2,2)5,0Ofl ,feet co as_r: u.tu 'p_glnt ttereln, thenee S 42 22 .90 8TA'r+E_O_F WA_INGpI!.]:Zrt = [present as .of previous meetiug. : [t dew, st.anqmg, a na aw[.^cuua+-: vg along +sale..county roaa center me, ABOV] NAIJI.)£ltL'mIl..'::.' I -Claims ahowUd: + i'.+.a-5,000 fe..t 2emjocK,+ .',lu.:y.  tl,, point nilt 'is N 97 ° 53' 1.5" ;})V +, .YOu ave..her+bys^mlnnIdto,:ap, Ferry.receipts in th0 anlount of t¥wIllt' plne. 1,bl) pon m ant oo, e ot the po|nt ort)eg!nn!ng :1no lnence pear whnm sixty ,so) uays alter tn 9 $106 00 for week endinff Oct(ber ]Tth .ailvcr fir. S37Y*Sfl'"15 '' E to said l)llJnl of be-'date of the first publication of this rote'fred and + tin'ned over to'Tl:eas'- APPLICATION NO. 10.122 ginntng, with a frontage of 3.00 lin- sumlnon,, to-wit, within sixty (60) urcr for the credit oI County Road. Timber on Lots land 2 of sect/era oal chains, nJere or less. appraised'days after the ]2th day of December, Ren!iitance in tle amount of $.75 31, township 23 norith range. 4 west, at $25.00 per chain or $75.00. 1946 and defend the above entlued W ., containing 77.57 acres, n!ore Ece.ptlnl, however, aliy portion of action in tile abovo entitled court, and 'or les, according to the government ihe above descrlhed tide lands inch!d- answer the complaint to lhe phtin- ' su,weY thei'eof, appra/sed at $28,081.00• ed ,,in an oyster tract d.!eded 1)v the tiff, and serve a copy ef your answer " Ti nher on Lets 3 and 4 amt SE'tA StaP.v (,f Washington June 8, 1901 to upon the undersigned attorney at his " orth°F SW4+{.angeOf 4sect Onwest, W,21 M.,t°wm|hlPeontain-23 2632.B" Jacohscn under application No. i °ffiCCyour failurebel°w soS'Sled;to do,andjudgmentln easewillOf tag ]i9.23 acres, more or less, aceord- |ng to thi government survey tllereof, Applicathm No. 11321 De. rendered against you according to appraised at $53,].86.75. All fide ]ands of the soeond class, the demand of the son|plaint, which ., ollky frees and sernbby trees on nwn(,d by tlte Stale of Washington, has 1lees filed with the clet'k of sald Hcmemalter's C[uh rcconmmn()in that , rocky points to be left f|,r seed lrces, situstc in front of, adlaeent to or c()ur[, a II(nne Den!(mstration Agent he so- • S.+d area hwaled approxinmtely ill abutting" upon the west 70 feet of the l That tile cause of' action herein Is cured,, ed and filed, +' the SWA. of SWA ot Let ]. N(, b%n'n- east 17Sleet of lot 2, section 17, town- to quiet tide in the estato of G. R. + fag. of slash except in very hazardoUS sllit) 22 north range 2 west, W, M,, Milhourn, to the following deserihed pntS with a frontage oil.06 lineal" (:ha ns, real tt)opert.y:/, lz SE/ of SE, of NW. of See, 23, " According to the Staie's cruise there nlnre or lea.% appraised at $50.00 per Twp,' 23, N. Rge. 3 W•W.M., subject , aro approximately 1,25,000 feet red chain or $53.09. fir over 30", 34,000 feet (lead standing Apnllcatlon :No. 11331. ! to the terms and conditions reserves .. and d)wn red fir over 30 inches, 7,- All ilde lauds of the second class, to tho Riverside Timbe.r Company, owned by tie) State of Washington, I a corporallon, together with lhe water + 000,000 feet small red fir: lfi,000 fet situate in front of, adjacent to or +right thereto under pernlit No. 8324, ' cedar, 3,115,000 Feet hem!ocl¢, at/,uuu . feet white pine and 13,200 lineal feet abut, ng upon .that oart of lot 1, sec- I situated in tho Couaty of Mason, Stats t(n L township 20 north, range 2 of Washington• , poles, west, W. M.. measured along the gov- [ JAMES MUNRO, : APPIJCATION NIL 19,123 Timber on WzA of SEI/i and SEIS.?£ ernment meander line as follows: ' I Attorney for the Estate. : SE14, section 24, .township 23 north, Beginning at a point on the govern- I Office and Post Office Add,'css: range 5 west; W, M., containing 120 ment nvander line in front of said tBremcr Building, Bremen, on, Washington. h)t 1, which is N 11 ° 30' W 3.00 chains I  acres, rot,re or h,ss, according to the from a point where said |neander line Date of first publication, December governs}eat sur'y ttlereof, appraised is Intersected by a line running east 12, 1946, at $4a.7m.00.. Conky trees to be left for seed, from a point on tho west line of the 12-12-19-26--1-2-9-16 • NO burning except In very hazard- SEt st' NEzl of adjoining sectiou 4, when logged. To be tractor which is 31..50 chains south of the from John T. McCuteheon for post- ing notices by County Auditor, hear- ing on Franchise for Peninsula Light, received and turned over to Treasurer for Credtt of Current Expense, Agrieultnrist's monthly re.part for monih ef Septenlber was'examined aud apm.oved. Connnunieat, h)n f r n n! Pickerin CAI,L II'(IR Bll)N northwesl eormr oI ill|) NI{H,.I ef NEA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of said section 4 .and thence conttnu- ihe Board of County Commissleners, ' to State's cruise there are ing N 11' 30' W along said meander Mason County, Washington, will, re- down line 4.03 chains+ nlure or I(YSS, to an eeive sealed bids up to 2:00 o'clock angle point therein and thence N 3" P.M., Jsnuary 20th, 1947, at the Court (l' E 0.]1 t,hahls, more or less. to House. Shelton, Washington, at which tllo point of inte!,s(+ction of a line time all bids wilt bc opened and pub- which is ilaralh't to and ]7,50 c h0.tns liely read aloud fer the: norih of the soulh line of the SEI,, Constrnction of Mason County Read lz • ' ', of N, of adjoining ,}ctlon 4, ttro-+p|.ejeet No. 186 (Project No. 2-2-61) duecdeat aeress sa!o ot 1, with a Non-S&id single seal trcatnlen.t ,-L • ' ' " "' ' ' 18.6 miles long sur,,cy =" - - - " se,,,,d,,le. tlero Al)proxitnrde Estiumte of Quantities 252 tons Bitum• Cenlent RC-5 ,000 feet yel- Application No. llltl lead standing The tidelands ,of the second class, 3259 Cu, Yds, Mln, Aggregate DO() feet fir o)vned by the Stale of Washington, Each bid shall he in accordance feet 2,635.000 situats tn frorlt of, odjacent to or with the plans, specifications, and 000 ft. down cedar, ahllti n G lipon lhc ea,t ]00 feet of otller e.onirs.cL doen!|lents now on file witl the County Auditor of Mason feet cedar pules, 210,000 ft. lot 2, seclton ]7, lownship 22 norih, County, Was lington, wipers copies I)Ine, of ].52 lineal chains, more or less, for each set, Deposit will be I'efundt)d ] FOIAA)WI.Nf CLAUSE AP- range 2,west, W, hi., with a frontage ln:W [m obtained by depositing $5,00 PLIES TO ALL THE ABOVE LIST- apra.ised at $0,00 per chain or $76.00. if pIans and specifications are return- Ei APPLICiTIONS: . ,, ,, The nurchaser (f the aoove d(st'r!l- ed in good condition, ed timber will bc required to fdl all Bid fornls may he ol)tained from County Audiior of Mason County, dead and defect!w;• the area ] Each hid stlall be accompanied by a , and to (.'om])l" 81rlclly wltn laws gov- (,rldng sla|h di-!a/, a.fouud iu ,rttl certified check or cashier's check psy- 36 Chapter 1. telnlngt0n 51 tonx])ll'(l able. to the Colulty Tl'casllrer of M'a- Stt'ut's tutd ]I.WS alncndatory there(e, sou Oountv ill tile sum of 5% Of bid Tile pt 'ihuscrs of stale tnltl, er aye lO be fo!'eited to {asou Counly by r¢(]ullf| to rnn (.|lit' ?he lill+s sad the successful hidder hi case he fails I+r@ VCSpolistb](" for tre:pass In cr+ praist,d vM|le of the inlprove, I|a.nIs, to onter into contract and file an tll'llbcr is c|lt oiq ti(t.t:tlel}[ a[Ric-t, wac(I tl. above ,Mat,+d. One-tenth of the pur- ] leeelt|.ble surety boud ill llle sunl of l(4ad eha}:e price n|ud, be imid annually ltle amouut of contraet to fill condi- '.tq/c l)itl of aalo tl! I,€! Issl|('(l. will t!)¢q'e!:|J'(*:r with inierest on all deferred tlons of said contrat within five days tr, ivc (he hotd('r tl)c I'IU[ t. coDl,l%l,,t pt, yIile!llS fit iht , |'/t{G" (,1' six )r cetl- O[ the date. of award, '1']1,: board ()f County Conu|lissien- }i,yin' ro¢/(ls tl ,1": In O, }t!J()v}i (l? t|.qtt ])(,1" D.Illltllll: Provided, Tha( Itlly e's of Mason County reserve the right (I i .+i})(+{ {r,t(,t fo" t l-It' 1 qyll41"$qkl t(I H;tl(l ,ll'',a.i+r 1D3y 111gke full llaynlent Of "t'i'l|'ce;i but w l (.,? 'ivo hit',,) any' ex.- prhcip: , II|h 'esi and slatuhry, f.,es {o re eet ally or a.ll bids and to '$ti'i:+' jm,isrli(:lior| t)v,,r {)1. lr,.t,l. :( ;+tny limo and (,bt.aiu deed. Tim put- wah, e till inft)rmalities in the biddin;¢. cham.r ,)I' lan,l eont'ainin tlmher <)I" BOARD OF (OUNTY COMMIS- ('t , SLat r('.(:r v(°s tiw righL to grant Dated this 6til day of January, 1947, vigh[ of Way t'(,' ]og'ging ((aids or o|her valuable lnaterb£1s iS T)rohlhlted for auY nth( r 11 n'pt,se ()v(.!' and across by law f!'t)nl cutting or removing any SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY the above destTibcd traei at s|!y time such tilnber or materials without first WASHINGTON tnd nil,her ihe Stat+ nw the Krantce obtahzing consent of the ConmtsMonor H. R. DICKINSON, ala]l be liabh to the I-|oldcr of the of P!!blle Lands, until the full alnou!ll IVLE ()'DELL, R() CARR. i-9-16.-.2t Dil| ttf al0 for ally dalDtlge caused ef tire ptn'cllas( l)rlce, has beell llaJd ttlf'l'eh) . all(] deed i,sued. Saiti itin|ber on said 10nd will. l) sold for n(it less t}larl the aPll!'sls etl All ill(,s (,f .tate Isnds are illll(to value a appraised bY t] 0 Copuuis- subjet't It) the res/q'vatiens of oils, +e,.d, rf Publie Lan{s 1 tile alan- g':ts(,s e,)al, )!'e:L nlinertds nnll fossils .......... "  ., - of every nallle, kind and de,nTit)llon, ne, r providcd by law, a Jah,n};|lt (I f|ll(l te the additional l(,rms ar|d con- which i now on file In the ofllec oi the 2,uditor ef said county diLtons prescribed ill ectios 3 of chap+ werm of sale are: Cash (|.| be paid ter 256.of the Laws of ]907. 0 ttzC day of sale, ' SIdd land will be sold sub oct it, T+he purchaser of ti abe • on state the tcrl*(ls, eonditb)ns and reserva|h)ns ]an0s will have 5 y(ars within which of chapter 312 ,)f tim essJon Laws to remove said timber, with tile p)qvi- of 1927 rolalin i,) easeueqlts for }ege of ieellYillG eKtfnslons of tinio rights-of-way and the earl'yblg ef tim- tiM0( the 8t.atutes GoverlllnG• t',ar, stone, minerals and other pro- "OTTO A. C:ASE, ducts over ihc same. ComnflBaioner of t)ui:)lie Lands,  OTTO A, CASE, C.ommissiouer of I'ublit: Lsnds, ]-2-9-16-23-30--5t • [ 1-2-t-16 -,3-b0--5 t, ( , NOTI(.E OF ANNUAL NO• 1831 ON I,'INAL P;'I'O(]{tlOI.,DEILS MEETING TION l'{IR Goldsherough T('.lel) ('onlpany I)N , Nlleltan, 1Vasamgton Ult' ,F TIIE N()TIOE IS HEREItY GIVEN. ti*st N(Y l lOl:t t.h( annnal n!eettng of the steckh(lld- (n's of i,h (Ioldsborough Telephone i'll) (.olut)allY will bt, ] eld at the A, Bue- of W'il- ,chcl home on, Moada3r, 'tilt; 2(ttll day of iJanusry, 1947, al  .<fclock for [fie elettion of directors and the transac|ton of' SIlch other business as nlay properly c0I*: bef()re the mect- II report sad petition 'lntck transfer b0)l¢+s will [.)(..cloistral i. asking th, Court io from the evening CI d:anuary JJ, JJa7. )rove ss, id final report and |,<? veot )ened on the nlorning of distributiou, 1,o dis- J+1 lary 21 1947. Ddcd ,lml arY' 9. 1917, I)ELPH [NE I{1SHEI, lretary. 1-9-16--t, NO. 1881 NOTICE TO CREI)ITOI{S TO I'ltI+;SENT AND IPILE CLAIMS IN THE SU:eERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Merr rill Saez:er, Dcceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters of Administration on the Es- tate of Merrill Saeger, dee, cased, vrc granted io the undersigned on the 2let day of Deeember, 1946, by tho said Superior Court. All persons having (llims against said , estate are required' to serve titcln, with the lecessary vouchers, ul.),m the underGn'd .at t ho• Law Offh'e. of Alden I.:. |,yley, l'!t(e ,Ln- suranee BuildinG, Shelton, Washlng- tou, that being tim pla(:e designated ft,r the transatlion of tho huslness cf tho estate, witliin lx months aIter the date of the fi!'st publication of tl|is, not ee, ?o-wit: within Six monlhs after th0 26th day of D(eeluber,, 1946, and file the same with the Clerl¢ of this Court, togetlmr with proof of such service, or they will he fer(wer barred. Dated this 26th day of December, ]946 • C, ERTRUDE S. SAEGER, Adn,inistratrix of the Estate of Merrill Saeger, Deceased, ALDEN C. BAYf.EY, ALtorney l'or A(hninisi!'at!'lx. Titli; lnst!|'ult'e Building, S]lclton, Washingteni2.2(j_l.2.9.i6__tt ' Res,flution re Emergency Airport ap- [1roved. Resolution ,.e Transfer of 2000.00 fron| County' Road Io State Develop- inent Fund. Approved lesolution ro ]947 Levies anproved. Notices of appliealion for Beer Li- ce(me by L, A. Welsh. Lon's Hat- char Pavtllan was approved This bcin the time set for hear- Ing on petition of I:I, , I,eekwood, et,al, for the location and Establish- ment of Counly Road. Engineer's re- port having heen re(:(ilved, proper no- tice having been given (Is apl)enrs from affidavit on fl]e, and no one ap- pearing to object, It was moved and seconded that the following Order of Establishment be approved. Carried. Fire Insurance Pol]cy Oil Al!'port Hangar and Machine Shop. in the am- ount of $50,000.00 approved. Agreement was made with City of Shelton to shore ('.()st equalh, of re- eonslructing City Dump witll bnll- doze r. Meeting continued until Monday, Oc- tober 21st, 1946. Mondsy, Octoher 21st, 1946 ]oal'd n|et in coatlnued session. All present an of last nleeting. Clainm allowed. Harstine ferry reeeiD'ts in the am-" ount ef $101.50 for week ending Octo- ber ]9th received and turned over to Treasurer for the credit of County Rotrd, Thk+ bein the time set for hear- ing en Petilion of D, D, Deputy et IX. for t}le vacation of all unnanted street In Plat of Pleasant Cove Beach Tracts No. 2, , proper noLice having been given as app;al•s from affidavit on file, and no one anpeartng to ob- Ject, it was nloved and-seconded that Ills Order of Vacation be approved, Carried. Letter fron't'tt. E. Loop, Sul)t. Con- solidated Dist. No. 31], asking for $1000.00 from Federal Forest Reserve monev, received and filed. Letter fro!n Geo. M. Grisdale ill re Union Garbage Dulnp, received and filed, Copy of letier to Pros, Atty,, from l-Iood Canal Ires, Chlh, In re C, E. Grhn potition for Vacation received and filed. "-. Meeting continued till Monday, Oc- tober 28th. 1946. )Ionday, Octoher 28th, 1946 Board met ill continued meetinG. Harstine ferry receipts in the anl- ouut of $70,75 for week ending Octo- ber 26til received and tin'ned over to Treasurer for tilo el'edit of County Road Fund. Claln!s allowed. This being the tlnlC set for hearing on proposed Plat of.Mading's Sunnz Shore Add,, Mr. Bayley appeare(l anti rcquesied that hearing be postponed until Tuesday, Nnvember 12. 19:30 a.|n. It was !uow)d and seconded lhat request he granted. Carried. Alden C. Bayiey appeared and re- quested that a dale of hearinG" be set on proposed Plat of tie Re-Plat of a i)ortion of Bayview Hon!e Tracts, It was nloved and seconded that Tues- day, November 12th at 10:00 a.m,, c(:Huln ssiouers roonl, courihouse, Shel- t,(tn, Wash., bc designated US lhe t|n|e an(l place for hearing on said pro- posod plat. Carried, . . This being t.he tiule oes|gnated for hearing on petition of C. A..JacKson for the vacation of ce'tain eu'eets ta Plat of Town of Allyn, proper notce having been given as appears from affidavit on file, and no one at)pear-. ing to object it wm nmved and sce- onded t nLi Ql'(Itl" Of Vacation be ap- proved Carried. This hchlg tile thn(: seL fol hcarhlg on Ernergeney appropriation for Ah'- 1)'wt, tu:otler notice havilbg been given ab appears from affidavit (u) filc and ix( Olle appeorhlg to obJect, it Was nloved and seconded that rcsolulh)n Grantillg En|erg0ncy be approved and signed. Carried, Application for Franehise by U.S.A• Dept." ()f Interior. Bonneville power Administration to cross certain county roads received, It was moved and sec- nnded (hot applicathm he accepted and ihat Monday, Dec.entber 16th, 1946 at ;(l(I i),lll., conHiliss}olsH's ()our( r(itY!ll, c0urt hf)use, She]ion. Wash., hc deslG+ hated as the tiule and plac for hear- SWET,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAl/ in on same, Carried, was ,moved and seconded tllat a load limit of four tolls be placed on Tonunason Bridge at Satsop Hatch- cry. Carried. In the matter of De('ding certain Tax Title lands to State Forest Board, it was moved and seconded ihe z'eso- lut on be approved. Carried. Meeting continued till Mt)ntlay, Nov- ember 4th, 194(;• BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS, H, R, DICKINSON, Attest : Chairntan. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board. 1-9--It, NOTICE OF RI.S'RICTI()NS ON STATE llIGII%VAYS Notico is hereby given that in ac- cordance with the l>rovisions of Sce- tion 65 of Chapter 53, Session Laws of 1937 of the State of Washington, the following scettons of Primsry Stats Highways and Secondary State Highways will be closed to travel by all vehicles, or by any class of ve- hicles hereinafter described, for a per- iod of not less than 100 days from the effectivo date of this order. This order shall canecl and super- scale any previous order or orders it. conflict therewith; provided, however, that this order shall not supersede or modify any restrictions now in force coverin G limited loads oil bridges lo- cated anywhere on Lhe ttigllway Sys- telns above referred to. PRIMARY STATE IlIGll%VAYS West of Cascade Mount,his PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 9: Shelton to Port Angeles Route: From the end of concrete pavement north of Shelton to Sequinl. PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 14: From a junction with Primary State Highway No, 9 oil Hood Canal via Port Orchard to the end of pavement north of Gig Harbor and the branches leading to Harper and to Manchester from Port Orchard• SECONDARY STATE IIIGIIWAYS West of ascade lIaulitalns ECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY N(). 9-D: From a junction with Prhnary State Highway No. 9. southwest o McCleary in Grays tIarbor County to a junction with the same primary state llighway south of Shelton ill Mason County. ECONDARYSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 14-A: From Shelton northeasterly to a Junction with Primary State High- way No. 14 near the head of Hood Canal in Mason County. SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO, 14-B: From a Junction with Pri!nary State Highway N0, 14 near the heaa of Hondo(son Bay in Pierce County to a Junction with Secondary State Highway No. 14-A near the head of Case Inlet in :Mason County,, LOAD RESTRICTIONS 1 The highways described above are closed to all vehicles whose gross weight (vehicle and load) shall cx- eeed tho load limits set forth below for the tires of various sizes and for the tires identified by numbers. Tits Maximum Gross Load Size Allowed for Each Tire 5.50 .................................................. 1100 lbs. 6.00 ................................................ 1400 lbs. 6.50 ............................................... ]600 lbs. 7.00 ................................................ ]800 lbs• 7,50 ................................................ 2250 lbs. 8.25 ............................................... 2800 Ibs. 9.00 ................................................ 3400 lbs• 9.75 & 10.00 ................................ 4000 lbs. 10.50 & 11.00 ................................ 4600 Ibs. 11.25 & 12•00 ................................ 5625 Ibs. 1.2.75 & 18.00 ................................ 6375 Ibs. 13.50 & 14.00 ................................ 6750 Ibs. Tire Maximum Gross Load Number Allowed for Each Tire 10 ........................................................ 1400 lbs. 11 ........................................................ 1100 lbs. 13 ........................................................ 1600 lbs. 14 ................................................ -- .... 1400 lbs. 16 ........................................................ ]800 lbs. 16 ........................................................ 1800 lbs. 17 ........................................................ ]600 lbs. 18 ': ....................................................... 2250 lbs. 19 ........................................................ 1800 lbs. 22 ........................................................ 2250 lbs, 28 2800 I bs. 84 ........................................................ 3400 lils, 40 ........................................................ 4000 lbs, 42 ........................................................ 4000 lbs, 48 ........................................................ 4800 lbs, 50 ........................................................ 4800 Ibs, 2. High pressure pneunlatic tires shall have the same rating as set forth in tho above table. 8. No allowance will be made for any second rar axle that is suspended from the frame of a vehicle independ- ent of tho regular driving axle, and conunonly known as a "Rigid  Trail Axle." Allowance will be made for singlo tires ,only, on the front axle of any truel¢, 4. The load distribution on any one axle of any vehicle shall be such that it will not load the tires on said axle in excess of the prescribed load set forth in thls order, 5. Should there be evidence that any truck supplying motive I)ower for ally type of trailer is inadequate to handle with safety the specified maximum load for such trailer, the load on the trailer shall be reduced sufficiently to allow said truck and trailer to operate with safety• Any loading in e+/cese of the specified maxi- II'ltlnl load will be considered a viola- tion of this order. INFORMATION Further detailed informatiou luay be secured at any time from the follow- ing persons, at the addrcss given: Members of the Washington State Patrol, Geo, H. Shearer. District En- gineer, Stxth Avenue South & Spo- katie Street, Seattle. 3, W. Hamilton, Dtstrlct Engineer, Wenatchce, Wash- ington, J. C, Claypool, District Ell- gineer Box 327,- Olympia, Washing- ton, Walter F. Winters, D strict En- 'lneer, 4200 Main Street, Vancouver, ashington, T. P. Doyle, Dlstriet En- gineer, Box 52, Yakima, Washington. 3". R, Tillman, District Engineer, N, 2820 May fair Street, Spokane 13, Washington, Headquarters Office, De- partment of I=tighways, Transportation Building, Olympia. Inland Autonlobile Association, Spokane, Washington. Au- tomobile Club of Washington, and its branch offices. '].'his order simll bec.onm effective and be in full force on and after the 10th day of January, 1947 and the forego- ing regulations will be rigidly enforc- ed CLARENCE B: SHAIN. • Director of Highways. Dated at Olvmpia this 16th day of December, 194. 12-26--i-2-9--3t, NO. 1"/54 NOTICE OF IIEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT, RE, PORT AND PETITION OF ADM|NISI+RATRIX FOR SET- TLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION A N D DISCIIARG E. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND :FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. . IN PROBATE In the Matter of tile Estate of Ghmn W. Brown, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN• that Nervle G. Browu Olson, Administra- trix of the above entitled estate, has filed hsrein her final acconnt, report and petition for settlement and distri- bntlon of the estate ot' said deccascd. where n the Court is asked to approve said account and report, and nlake dis- tributiou of the estate, and discharge the A(hninlstratrlx, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in ascot'dance with all order of the Court lfiade and entered OIL the 21st (lay of December, 1946, a hearing' will be had before the Court on said flu- al account, report and petitiou on Saturday, the 25th day of January, 1947, at 10 o'clock, A, M,, on said day iu Hm Court Rosa1 of said Court ill ihe Court t.{ouse at Shclton, Wash- ington, Dated tllis 21st day ef Dccculber, 1946, (,SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk of the Superior Court for Ma'on County', Wazhington ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Administratrix, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washingum, 12-26--1-2-9-16--4t. NOTICE OP CALL FOR IHI)S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thst the City of Shelton calls for and will on Tuesday the 14th day of January, 1947 open bids for 480 feet of 16-inch transit pipe with one coupling and two rnbbr yings with each length of pipe, l:tl(IS ,0'De aelivel.ed to the City ,Clerk on.oI' efgi:c t.I]e, date of opening, JL)at0tl tills 31st day of Decenlber 1946. ALMA I4:• CATTO Cerk of the Clty of She[ten, Vashington. 1-2-9.-21., NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- t!.lbulioll will lie heard on Satucdty, the 8th day of Fehruary, 19.17, at lhe hoar of 10 o'clr)elt ill the forenot)u. at the court rocln in the court llousc in Shelton, Washington, Dated tlts 41h day of January, ]947. CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk + of Mason Couaty, Washington, (SEAL) H. FRANKLIN IIEIJSTON. Attorney J't)r said Estate, Court Itoue, Sllclton, Wasiinl.n. i-9-16-23--3t. Too Late to Classify WANTED: waterfront property• Inl- l)rovclll(uts desired but not lle(:es- sary, Will pay cash. Inquire st Jour- nal office. R1-9tfn. FOR SALE: n(,dern five-room h(,t|se with 1)a.icnlenl, oil fllrnae(,, nie.e view ,u!d walking distance fr,m lown. 427 IIarvard or call 9W. El-grin. FOR SALE: kitehcn cabinet, bedstead and hox springs, oak table,, dresser, library table, i)raetieally new 40- gal. water tall](, two-burner electric 1)late. ,t0.t Frauklin, phone 563. • J1-9-23 FOR SALE: one small bench saw with nlotor. ]929 Hupnlebile p i c k - u p truck. One daveno and drop leaf kitchen tahle with four chairs. Three hurner gas stove. Inquire after 5 p.m. or all day Satm'day. 518 Parl(. k'llone 281R. F1-9-23 FOR SALE: r,,huil{ hatterics and tires. Iaquire 518 Park Strc(.t. F1-9-23 FOR SALE: '39 Nash 4-door. radio, heater and over(lrive : '34 ,t-door Chovrol(,t lnaEtcr; '31 l'Iudson coupe; '31 4-door DoVllux. lnq,:ire Fay Auto Rebuihl, 518 Park Street. 1-9 FOR SALE: '41 Llncoln club coupe, [. radio, heater and overdrive. Inquire X 518 Park Street. Phone 284R. 1-9 FOR RENT: two-room cabin, furnish- ed. Phone 4F5. P1-9 FOR SALE: Nests automatic roaster. New condition. Inquire 407 South Fh'st. .. M1-9-23 FOR SALE: rabbits. Bced does. Young ones ready for Easter. Inquire Star Route 2, Box 53. B1-9-16 FOR SALE: Monarch range with coils, excellent bake| •. Also wood circula- tor heater. Both in good condition. 224 go. 6th. Phone 691W. QlI9 ! i :Batteries Rebuilt Guaranteed FAY AUTO REBUILD 518 Park Street 1-9 tin HERE'S A REALLY NICE CAR: 1936 Pontiac "6" five new tires. heater, seat covers, fog lights. Up- holstery clean and shows no wear. This car n|ust he seen to bc appre- ciated. $700. J. M. Shruln, just out- side city lin|its on Matloek Road. Phone 272M. 1-grin TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton-Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth iBell Building) Phone 65 Charles R, Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan :Mason, Sccretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO, OF SEATTLE Things About Poliomyelitis? Did you know that the infantile paralysis epidemic of 1946 was the worst in 30 years, exceeded only by the great epidemic of 1916 --worst in recorded history of the United States ? Did you know that the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis is supported by funds raised dur- ing the annual :March of Dimes campaigns, held each year in late January, and by the :March of Dimes only. Did you know that hlfantile Paralysis is an acute infectious disease caused b a virus-=an or- ganism so mnall that even the most powerful optical microscope has failed to reveal its presence; that the disease most often at- tacks children from the ages of two to 15, but persons of all ages do coutract polio? These and many other facts are being put forth by :March of Dimes Local Chairman T. E, Deer in his pre-eampagn reminders of the na- tional drive, January 15 to 30, to refinance rescarch, education and epidemic aid programs in the fight against infantile paralysis. NO. 4830 SI;MMONS le()R PUBIJCA'rlON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY "AtlillllllllilllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllP-L= Mason County = 00ffi Creamery Says: =. _= * ------- What 1947 holds in store for _---- us no one can definitely fore- -- see. However, we know that i we are in for some extensive price adjustments. We are apidly going from a selier -- to a buyer's market which will have a direct bearing on ---- the dairy industry, particu- larly in the field of quality _---- and efflclent operation. One ---- nice thing about the dairy ------ industry is that there is nev- _---- er a dull moment, and we -- will predict that 1947 will be = ---- no exception. We in the dairy =-- . ndustry have the privilege =_ -- of producing, processing, and ---- i distributinQ the finest food --= ---- devised by nature. Let's be- ---- worthy of our responsibility ----_ ---- and all do a better job in---- = 19+z. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.- Happiness? Good Job? Security? Education? Thursday, January 9, MARGIE's ['Phurday, January 9, 19t7 [--_=., ..... :. ::_ -- -:.:..._" . TAXI I ,, HORNER I '/ NO EXTRA FEE Foi - EXTRA PASSENGERi IN "IM I A NITWR. HE THINKg r [] H$ A J0KEY, IT'S I:UNNY 140W ] Phone 392 H-IGi m, +. ,.., A;!,o ! L l,.Wlt4 rD NVl;R GROWN UP record k What Will I the.' L ,.. 2 halis re, The New of the home fl account € fered at Bring You? :[ It w, gagemel schedule • No ('looking a gift horse i wellat hom(a' in the mouth" and no "Tro- I-Lighclin non-leag Shelto ing toni All these things can be through an enlistment in New Regular U.S. There are 40,000 good month available NOW! If you can of these you will find a fulfillment of all the make life worth living• are hundreds of trades you. Set your goal--then ter it in whatever skill you to excel, And if you are a vetoran an :MOS rating in any of 425 jobs then this new re, lng plan can nake sense- sense--to you. For yoU, have the opportunity of 1 listing in a grade appro;; to your training and experl Plan now to a definite obj for 1947. Don't wait! Y nothing to lose and eve*" to gain by $1iscussing you ticular situation with youl army recruiting officer. S( today ! Mezzanine Floor HOEL OLYMPI Olympia, Wash• jan Horses" either When aeleet her diamond KEEPSAK col: at BECKWITH'S. a glittering gem to ): the faith and light ay forever. "LRY - MUSIC ihone 143 D& C! II iJLll H SPONSORED BY GENERAL W EVERY SATURDA] From 9 P.M. to Mid Memorial Ha Music by General Welfare CI THIS .... LINE'S " BUSY may bet these kids are popular. Y clean--ready to tak'0ff to 15• L. Alexander and Agnes I. Al- exander, I-lusband and wife, Plain- tiffs,  s " C, W. Brown a*d Edith l:;|'(wu, Husband and Wife, the unknown heirs of C. V. Brown, deecased, the unknown heirs of Edith Brown, de- ccased, and all other persons, un- known having or c10ilnhlg to ]lave any rLght, title, estate, lien, inter- cst or equity in and to the herein- after described-Rcal Estate, Defend- o.nLs. THE STATE OF WASItINGTON TO: The said• C, W. Ih'own and Ed- ith Brown, husband and wife, the unknown heirs of C. W. Brown, de- ceased the unknown heirs of Edith :B,'own, decqased, and all other per- sons, unknown, havtng or claiming to have ally right, title, estate, lien, interest er equity in and to the here- inafter describe([ Real Estate; you and (.,aeh of you are hereby sun|- nloned to appear within 60 days afte.r the date of the. first publication of this Sulnmons, to-wit: Within 60 (lays after the 26th day of December, 1946, and defend the above entitled action in the ahove entitled Court, and an- swer the Complaint of the Plaintiff,% and serve a copy of your Anewer upon the undersigned attorney for tho Plaiutiffs at his office below stated; and In case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with lhe Clerk of the said Court. The ob- ject of this action is to quiet the Plaintiffs' title tn and to the follow- ing dcsc,'lbcd lands situated in Ma- son County, Washington, to-wit: Govermnent Lot 5, Section 2I, Township 20 North, Range 2 West, W.M., exeepthlg therefrom the West 10 acres, inure or less particularly described as follows: 13eginning at the nleautler corncr to Sections 20 and 21, sald Township and Range; funning thence South, almlg the West line of said Lot 5, 6,33 chains, more or less, to the corner to Sections 20, 21, 28 and 29; thence East, along the Sec- tion line, 10,52 chains; thence North to tho meander line ef Hanunersle¥'s lnlot; thence along the nleande,' line in a Southwesterly direction to the pohLt of beginning; also excepting therefronl public road riGhL-of-way, and. to perpetually bar and enjoin you and each o£ you from asserting any right, tills, claim, equity, lien or interest therein and thereto and for a' decree adjudging then! tu be the owners of the said lands. B. FRANKLIN I-IEUSTON, ALtorney for Plaintiffs Office and Post Office AddreSs: Com,t llouse Shelton, Was'hingtou, ) ] 2-26---1-2-9-16-23-30--2-6---7t, I0TIC.I t)F DISSOLUTION OF pARTNERSItIP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllat tho co-partnership of B. H. Ingrain and, C. N. BridGes conuucting and carrying on business in Shelton, Wash- ingLon, under the firnl lnlnle and style ef INGRAM-BRIDGES MOTOR COM- PANY was terminated as of 12:01 a,m, Monday, November 25, 1946, and fronl and since that date the under- signed is not responsible for any debts or obligations incurred for and on behalf of said partnerstuu. INGRAM-BRIDGES MOTOR COMPANY. N. C. BRIDGES, B. If, INGRAM. I-19.-19-26---1-2-9-16-23-30--8 t. tl |1 H 0ME LOANS "k Convenient Terms "k Reasonable Rates -k NO DELAY Mason Com, ty Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. • :, .......... : :,  ,coke jamboree at a moment's notic( Priced for Quick Sale .... ' + I | #,r, )r Y*u.a*ters. )'hone ,e. : i '° , + , .... ..... ' i PANTORIUM CLEANER __ THIS WEEK ONLY | a15 s. a"d st. Eight '41-42 Chev. Truck Blocks- (3 reground shafts, ne mains, line bored) .................................................. $16.00 ea One Model A Engine complete, radiator, transmissl¢ rearend .................................................................................... • MORGAN LUM One '41 P-12 Plymouth Engine, good for rebuild .............. One '37 Plymouth Engine, good for rebuild ...................... One '34 V-8 Block, good for rebuild ................................ One 2-to-1 Joe's Marine reduction and reverse gear wet manifolds and attachments for Ford marine OFFICE QUAW. version ...................................................................................... V-8 Cylinder Heads . , . Plymouth Cylinder Heads. One Heavyweight Vaugbn Drag Saw, disassembled ........ $' AT 14 OLYMPIC one 38.40 Frontier model Colt and holster ........................ t  OVERHAUL - TUNEUP - BRAKES - ELECTRICAL • • • WELDING - BRAZING - GENERAL REPAIRS LEO NELSON PHONE Kaiser - Frazer Garage, 120 E. Pine • • PHONE 676 - HAULING AND BUILDI i (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of Financial Condition OF MASON COUNTY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION located at Shelton, State of Washmgton, at the close of busin  DECEMBER. 31, 1946 ,, ASSETS First mortgage loans ..........................  .......................................... $113 Real estate contracts ..... : .............................. .............................. '.... Federal Home Loan Bank Stock ............................................... : United States Governm+ent obligations ........................................ 373 Other investment secfirities .............................. : ......................... 15 Cash on hand and ii banks .......................................................... 54 Furniture and fixtures'. ............................................ Buildi • " ng... LIABILITIES Savings of members . . .$526,! That too is part of our i Specific reserves ...... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[[iiiiiiiiiiiiii[.i ..................... 6! ' for we have a departm( Contingent fund, Federal insurance reserve, undivided profits ........................................................................ 28, sively devoted to fina . $560,  pairs, remodeling and n State of Washington, ) tures. And we can help ) ss. County of Mason ) , corners" off costs! I, ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Secretary of the above named m tion, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true best of my knowledge and belief, , -., 00T00urs+on , ,,:'"u"+" ' ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Subscribed and sworn to before ," savings & Loan ) me this 2nd day of 3anuary, . 1947. PHIL C. BAYLEY, Notary public in and for the : DIRECTORS State of Washington, residing at Shelton. (SEAL)  ",A!LTON I. SEARS % Correct Attest: ! !.. . G. W. DRAHAIV[ ] F. H. DIEHL, t'IAZEL WALMER V. T. CONNOLLY, +' W. A. WITSIERS, ireetors.