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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o .... " TONIGHT -- HEAR America's Foremost Jubilee Singers "The Mississippians" Formerly of NBC, San Francisco DIRECTlED BY THOMAS ,T. PRUITT Presenting a Program of American Folk Music -- AT THE --- JUNIOR HIGH AUDITORIUM TONIGHT -- 8 P. M. (THURSDAY. JANUARY 9) 1PeR TB'E ENEFIT OF 'i'II HIGH SCHOOL CIIOIR ROBES AdmisionAdults 50€, Students 30¢ Dorothy Cramer-Richard Ashcroft I SO(00IFIt 600{NI00; Wedding Held In Seattle Church Miss I3orothy Irene Cramer, Mrs. Woods. mother of the daughter of Mrs. I. H. Woods of bride, chose a green suit and a] Slmlton, and Mr. 3. G. Cramer of brown hat and brown accessories t Tacoma, and Ronald V. AshcrOft, for her daughter's Wedding. Hcr J I.O.O.F.-Rebeask h son of Me'. and Mrs. Richard Ash- mlit was accented with a corsage croft of Los Angeles, were united in marriage in a ceremony per- formedat  p,m,, December 28, at the University Lutheran Church in 'Seattle. The Rev. Steinhoff performed the ceremony in a setting of whi¢e chrysan£hemums and white candelabra. The bride, who was escorted by her father, Mr. Cram- or, wore a gown of white brocade satin with a veil of fingertip length. She carried a white Bible and white •orchid. Miss Josephine Schultz of Seat- tle, ac¢lg .as maid of hpnor, wore a gown of royal bluc velvcteen with a'mat'ching bow in her hair. She earied a bouquet 'of pink carnations. M'iss Joan Fuller, el- so'of SEattle, served as brides- maid. l-Ier dress and bouquet were similar rio the maid of hon- 'or, Harold O. Cram'or, brother of the O'ide, was :bes*t man. The ushers Were J(,sSe G. Cramer, Jr., brot.ler of the bride and Wm'en J. Woods of Shelton, a tep-bro- thor. :Mr. "Gtistafson of Seattle and Miss Ester Stone sang "At Dawn- ing ..... For You Alohe" and "The Lords Prayer. durig the wed- ding. ED EI[JJO+T'S HOLD NEW YEAR EVE PARIT A= Now Years Eve party was held at tlc residence of Mr. and Mrs, Ed Elliott on Frazfldin t, Those present were Mr and Mrs. G. W. Graham: :Mr. and Mrs: Don Clark and daugl]thr, Mrs. Jean Listen and her daughter, Barbara, :Mr. anal :Mrs. Emil Lauber and their.son Alfl:ed, wlo is home on furlough, and Mervie Wingard, g'andson of Mr. and Mrs. Etliott. Courteous Dr;v;ncj will .prevent most accld=n, fs. Give way €o Test end careless €]rivers. Observe tra]c s;gns. DIRCIARGEDErnes: Palmei',FROMson ofARMYMrs, W. SaTe driving means lower [nsurenco races. B, Palmer of Mattock, has re- FOR COMPETE INSURANCE PROTECTION turned Lo h'is honte after serving With the. Arn W Engineers Corps INSURE WITH FARMLelI| in Japan since last April. He re- cently received lis honorable dis- charge from the service. BILL PEARSON t N STALLA'I?ION--HL A*fE D ;"  District Agent Laurel Court No. 26, Order of OSCAR MELL the Amaranth, l] l conduct a public installation Friday, Janu- aw i0, at 8 .p.m. Mr. and Mrs. - ;LOcal Agerlt Robert Anderson of Hoo'dsport (xc=  :.  will 'be installed as the Royal Ma- ..... ' tron and Patron. (Jteetyi"coz7 insulation --,to make winter a bright eeaJon. Superb wools that hold their color., . in 3Jew sculptured or classic atyle... some with nailheads. Miea', we, me., 21.75 l Ill I I l I I  l I lJl I lm LADIES' CHENILLE ROBES-- Thickly tufted. Colors: Blue, American beauty, and rose. Now ................................ LOVELY CHINTZ BRUNCH COATS-- Gay floral print. Now ................................ LADIES' HOUSE COATS-- Soft+rayon prints YoUr choice in sizes 14 to 20 ............................................................ CHENILLE TUIED RUGS-- In Blue and peach to brighten any room ................................................................. Mock ShEll Accents on ROOMY POUCH HANDBAGS 4.98 Mock shell ornaments top these handbags in plastic patent or leather grain. You'll appreciate the dou- ble top handles, In black .plastic patent, black, brown, leather grain. 11" x 6" size. Carry as You Like Itl MAILMAN STYLE BAGS 2.98 Roomy pouch styles with convenient shoulder straps that you can adjust and use as handles'! Fine simulated plastic with smooh ,envel- ope flaps. Black and brown. 12 x . 10 ' b.O0 2.50 5,00 [  I i i i iiii I i i I ii of pink roses. The groom's mo- ther, Mrs. Ashcroft, wore a navy blue dress and a brown hat and brown accessories. She also had a corsage of pink rosebuds. For the honeymoon trip to Victoria, B.C., Mrs. Ashcroft wore a steel blue suit with a grey coat and hat accompanied with black accessories. Fqllowing Mr. Ash- oroft's discharge from the army this month the young couple will make their home in Hollywood Calif., where Mr. Ashcroft will return to his former job at the United Az¢ists' Studio. Mrs. Ashc)ft attended the Un- iversity of Washington Where she was affiliated with Phi Mu social sorority. She was employed as a labors:tory technician at the Shel- ton hospital here for some time. Mr. Ashcrnft attended Rhoades School in New York City. lVollowing the wedding cere- mony, a reception was held at the Phi Mu sorority house. White candles, olly and poinsettias dec- orated the rooms of the house. Thc reception table was appoint- ed with white candles and ttm wedding cake. Serving were :Mrs. Bat't Rummel of Tacoma and Mrs. Furn Cramer. Miss Kay Kangas was in charge of the guest 'book. Caldweli-Crosswhite Nuptials At Belfair Miss Marie CrossWhite, daugh- Install Officers A joint installation of officers of Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 and the Oddfellows to be held Friday, January 10, at S o'clock at the Oddfellows Hall, will be open to the public. Officers to be installed in the I.O.O.F. organization inchtde Mar- ion Helser, Noble Grand', W. S. Rawding, Vice Grand; Tom Myers, Warden; R. F. Jackson, Conduc- tor; R. J. Rooney, Chaplain: A. M. Hulbert, Right Scene Support- er; Milton Schumacher, Left Scene Supporter;. James 'Frasicr, Right Supporter to Noble Grand; Roy tanning, Left Supporter to Noble Grand; IAonel Leman, In- side Guardian; :Mel Dobson, Out- side Guardian; Jack C. Rawding, Left Supporter to Vice Grand; Bob Ebert, Right Supporter to Vice Grand: Les Young, Treas- urer: Guy A, Call, Corresponding Secretary; Dellnlar Cole. Finan- .sial Secretary; and Harry Carlon, Trustee. The following ladies will be in- stalled in offices in the Rebekah LodgE: Mary Dobson, Noblc Grand: Telda Afiderson, Right SuppOrter to Noble Grand: Susie Dobson, Le] Supporter to Noble Grand; Ellen Stewart, Vice Grand; Alma White. Righ.t Sup- porter to the Vice Grand; Ruth Yule, Left Spporter to the Vice Grand; Elizabeth Simpson. Past Noble Grand; Lelia Kelliher, ter of Mr. and :Mrs..David Cross- I white of Belfair, 'was married to [Chaplain; Helen Cole, Warden; Gary Caldwell, U.S.N., son of Mr. I Beulah Helser, Conductor; Mbel and. Mrs. Fay Caldwell of Belfair. I Burke, Outside Guardian; Amelia Rev. William S. Scafe, pastor oft Clapper, Inside Guardian; Eliza- the. First Presbyteria Church of beth Butler, Secretary; .Inez Bremerton, performed .the double I Sh°rter Financial Secretary; Nel- ring ceremony on NeW Years Day. I lie Nelson,. Treasurer; and Anna The bride was given in mar-q Call, MuSician. riage by her father. She wore a [ ARCADIA ECONOIICS CLUB navy hlue dressmakers suit, mat-IHOLDS XMAS PARTY ehhrg hat and pearl accessories Members of the Arcadia Econ- with an orchid corsage. Miss Nits Dawn Eddy w the bride's only omics Club held their last meet- • . ing December 13 at the home of attendant and wore a smt of I Mrs.,Arnold Saeger. The occasion aqua with maching accessories. ] was a Christmas party and birth- Ed Moore was best man. :Miss]day party combined, s LaVerne. Simpson played the] Used toys to be distributed by wedding march and "I Love You lthe County Welfare Department Truly." [were cSntributed by the group. Following tl{e ceremony a re-[An exchange of Christmas. gifts ception was held at the bride's lwas held and birthday presents home at Belfair. Pouring at the[were presented to those celebrat- reception table was Mrs. W. B. ling their birthdays. Thompson. Miss Dorothy Cross-I The next meetirig will be held white, sister of the bride, passed/ Friday, January 10, at the home the groom's cake. Mrs. Wara Me- [ of Mrs. Art Swearengen. All chem of Bremcrton was in charge ] members are urged to attend. of the guest book. NAVY MOTHE---S CLUB TO Those attending the reception,[ were Nita Dawn Eddy, La Velme ] INSTALL OFFICERS Simpson, Jack Caldwell, Edward/ Installation of Navy :Mothers Moore, all of Eremerton, Mr. ahd [ Cl'ub officers will be,held Thurs- Mrs. W. J. Gillts, Mr. and Mrs.  day, January 16 at 224 E. Har- N. N. Caldwell, :Mr. and Mrs. W.  yard, starting at 8 o'clock in the J. Slagh, all of Bremerton, Mrs. ] evening. Members are urged to be Albert Glencross, Miss Ruth Glen- / present. , cross, Albert Glencross, Jr., all Of /|NSTALLATIATED Seattle, Mr. and M's. eli€ford Can- [ aday, 2I.r. nd Mrs, W. B, Thomp- t Juveniles of the Degree of Hon- or will meet Saturday, January :l0n, Mr. and Mrs. Garlan Cross: 11 at 1 o'clock at the Oddfellow's white, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Caldwell, hall for installation of officers. Nh'. and Mrs. David Crosswhite, Members of the adult lodge will all of Belfair, and Mrs. Mark Me- perform the installing ceremony. chem of Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell were graduated from Kitsap .high school. After a short honeymoon, they will make their home in Bremerton. LILLIWAUP CARD PARTY JANUARY 17 A pinochle party to be held Friday niglt, JnualT 17, is be- ing sponsored by the Lilliwaup Community Club, Playing will commenc at eight ocloEk and there will be a prize or the high- est man's score and the highest woman s scole. Refreshments Will be served by a mot'her-daughter committee, :Mrs. Frank Robinson and Mrs. C. E. Hill. SARAH CARLSON ESTATE On the report and petition for distribution of Esther R01es, ad- ministravrix ol' the sarah Carl- on estate, Judge Wilson signed he decree of distribution. HEARING FINAL REPORT An order setting the time for the heai'ing on the final rport and petition for ditributlon of the Wilfred Lunt estate, was sign- ed by Judge Wilson, for February 8, 17. WILL PROBATED Saturday, an order admitting the will of Vernie E. Mart.i, to probate was tgned and .Judge Wilson appointed" Frank Martin eeoutor to act without bond. DIVOS GRANTED A final decree of divorce was granted Faye ffolmston from War- ren Johnston saturday  during Superior Court by Judge JOhn M. Wilson. - An interlocutory was granted .Sirley .LeGarde Shook from Rex Troy Shook. UNION O.E,S. CR HAS SILVER ,4NIVRSAR EHnor Chapter, Union Oter of Eastern Star, will celebrate their 25th anniversary Tuesday eve- ning, January 14, and all mere- )ors of Eastern Star are cordially invited to attend the meeting. Mrs. Effie KnowJton will be n charge of the program. EXECUTRIX APPOINTED .Judge Wilson Sturday in Su- perior court signed an order ad- mitting the Frank Rabideau es- tate to probate. Tena Shaw was appointed executrix to act with- out bond. ANDREW CARLSON ESTATE Judge Wilson signed a decree of distribution of the Andrew Carlson etate on the final report and petition for distribution of Lawrence A. Carlson, executor FATHER IS ILL J. W. Homan, Cheyenne, Wyo., father of W. A. Homan of Shel: ton,. is reported to be crltiially 111. ll/[r, and Mrs. :loman a 'ex- pecting to travel to Cheyen0 to vimt with the elder Mr. Hereon. Miss Landers To Wed North Carolina Man Dr. and Mrs. Glonn '. Land- ors annollnee the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Harold L. Anderson, soil of :ffl'. and Mrs. M. R. Andcrson of Horseshoe, North Carolina. The wedding has been slated for June: Miss Lenders was graduated from Western Washington College at Bellingham. She also attended Washington State College for wo years where she affiliated with Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. The engagement was revealed Mofiday evening at a dinner given at the Hotel Edmond Meany in Seattle for 12 of Miss Lander's classmates from Washington State and Westcz'n X'ashington College. Red roses were lsed Tor the cen- terpiece and for the corsage which Miss Landers wore. :Mr. Anderson was graduated from Center College in Center, Kentucl{y, and s now a teacher in a Slelton school. He served three years in the United States A rnly, COUNCIL TO MEET The Shelton Cirl Scout Council will meet :Monday, January 13. at 2 o'clock in the Little House. CALIFORNIAN VISITS Mrs. Adelaide Smith of Alman- ar, Calif., is houseguest of Mrs. C. B. Mitchell here. Mrs. Smith, the postmistress of Almanar, will spend n couple of weeks in 'Shel- ton. SUNDAY GUESTS FOR I*RANI{ MAKES Mr. and :Mrs. Frances Pearson and children of Olympia and Mrs. Pearson's sister. Mrs. Alma Peter- son and daughter Sue of Sitka, Alaska, werc Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mnko. ALTAR SOCIETY MEETS St. Mary's Altar Society will meet this evening at 8 o'clock at the home of :Mrs. Arne H. John- sen, 1721 Stevens St., just behind the Bordeaux School. NEW YEARS GUESTS Mr: and Mrs. Fred Rose Mr. and Mrs, Robert Frazier and fam- ily had New Year's dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glasser of Ar-' cadia. qhursday, January 91s¢lav :In, ..... 9  0 " l l l II l l II l, l l .... I. +[J .__LL,.(J+:,.y__ '--Jr "l|_: - -- i+ . i "i LOST $! Lbs.|" 1 Los! 1 1 In, I1 w,,Isl 10 in, 1 In hlps nd 8 in, In bust. [] Once'lT0 lbs,, Mrs. D. M. ltawkins I [119 Ibs. at right} lost weight had ! inches with delicious AYDS Vita- ll rain Cmnd. Reducing Plan until I she looks hke a model Your ex- I perience may or may not be the i1 same but tw this easier reducing 1 plan. Very First Box Must Show Results or Money Back. I! [ In clinical test& conducted by [ l l | medical doctors, more than I i I 1O0 perlmns lost 14 to 15 I I pounds nverate in a few I 1 I weekswith theAYDS VIta- I No exercise. No drugs. No laxa- ] • tires.You don't cut outany meals, starches, potatoe% meats or butter-- cut them down. Simple when you enl eious AYDS Vitamin Candy its direc lutely harmless. 30days' supply nutritio $2.25. NOW, phone or call at ' McCONKEY - FIR Phar (Tear Out this Ad as a reml WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER YOU A More Convenient, Improved, and Cmplete REPAIR and MAINTENANCE SERVICE ON ALL TYPES OF Home Appliances BOTH ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL Including I 0 1 0 REFRIGERATORS 0 SEWING MACHINES MACHINES • VACUUM CLEANERS • TYPE OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE. 0 RADIOS 0 WASHING IRONS 0 HEATERS 0 ANY Estimates Gladly Given On Any Service Job " ASK ABOUT OUR CLEANING AND PERIODIC CHECK-UP SERVICE On Machines and Appliances Needing Regular Attention UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Former U.S. Army Technical Sergeant "TOMMY" THOMAS f specializing .in su: All this, of cour's -- wider employn women to go int, rolls, and a result All citizens boner The operation of and the operator lems which face He must mke e farm can b est a Money must be equipment. Tim Established 1895 • , ":r' 61MPSON LOGGING C v v w v v v v v v v v v v + *  +