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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iPage 12 REAL ESTATE i [ II FOR SALE .10 acres with 3-room furn- ished home, good outbuild- ings, chicken houses, rabbit hutclles, cow-barn and garden tract under cultivation. Pri- vate electric system and gas water pump. Located 5 miles from Shelton. Available at once. Priced at $2650 cash. $** 4-room house, close in, plas- tered., fireplace, hardwood floor. Newly refinished inside. Immediate possession. $4000. Tract of waterfront including large hall with lots of building material in it. Fine point on Hammersley Inlet about 4 miles by water, 12 miles by road. See it today. 5-room modern home just fin- ished, Hardwood floors, utility orch and located close-in, eady for occupancy at once. A fine home for $6800.00. Auto-park and trailer camp with over 2% blocks of prop- arty, which includes 17 rental houses and cabins, operating store and equipped service sta- tion. Well located on main hi- way. Will make an excellent investment for some operator. See it today. Plenty of prop- erty for expansion. 300 acres cattle ranch with 35 acres under cultivation. All machinery including new trac- tor, This will make an excel- lent investment for an opera- tor. Paying property, 2-room well built house located on water-front lot on Lake Nehwatzel. Includes furniture for living, Has rurtning water in house and electric lights. Will make a fine place for year-around home or summer property. $2500 casll 5- room modern 151astered home about 5 years old, with fruit room, utility room, and garage attached. Includes oil circulator, . incinerator, and electric hot water heater, Ex- cellent yard with sprinkling system in lawn. All pre-war material and a fine home lo- cated close-in. $8400. HERBERT G. ANGLE Angle Bldg. Plmne 304, [UIII I IJL 1 [ I i WANTED WANTED TAVERNS - CAFES - HOTELS If you are planning on selling your business, NOW is the TIME to do it. We can sell :, your business, so, phone col- , lect, and we Will immediately arrange to see you and give you an appraisal of your 7 ° property. Colson's Exchange Ms. 4806 302 Puget Sound Bank Bldg. Tacoma 12-19--1-9 4t , ................. , i - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Small tract of land 2 miles out on Bayshore facing hiway, filolco btiilding lots on Angleslde, and 8 greenhouse windows, like new, size 3x4 ft, Phone 760-J4. 12-51fn FOR SALE: 4-room modern llouse completely furnished, 15 acres river bottom land. 20 cords slab wood. 5 milk goats, ducks, rabbits. Business is establishing $50 a month. $2300 ash. $2500 oh terms. Write or see Jim Lynam, Tahuya, We. 12-12-19-26 FOR SALE: Not near lmspltal. Inquire Shelton Recreation, First and Frank- lin. ll-28tfn. FOR SALE: five-room house, incom- plete. Inquire at 518 Park St, F10-10tfn. FOR SALE: two Nots in city limits on, Mt. View. Inquire 214 North Scvenilt St. O1-9-23 FOR SALE: two 3-room }ouscs. furn- isiwd, five lols on Park Street. 00 cash, $4.500 terms, inquire 512 ark Street. S1-9-23 INCOME PROPERTY for sale by owner--gross annual returns, $2,280. This house has 3 apartments and 3 single rooms with kitchenette, com- pletely furnished, oil furnace, good location near State Capitol, Price $14,500, one third down, Call 21213. Olympia. D19-16 I I L FOR SALE 80-acre improved farm on Harstine Island, regular ferry service; 12 acres cleared, plen- ty of timber, small stream, piped water; 6-room house, good barn, chicken house, fam- ily orchard, hayland re-seeded; mall delivery and school bus; price includes some stock, im- plements and furniture. A real buy at $5500.00 on terms at 5%. Or will eliminate some timber land and sell for $4500 on terms. 3/[. C. ZINTHEO, Realtor, Phone 157. 40-acre farm near Dayton, 8 acres cleared, balance in tim- ber; 4-room modern house, barn, chicken house and other buildings, well and new elec- tric pump. Price $3900, terms; or 20 acres with the cleared ground and improvements for $2300,00 on terms. M.C. ZINTHEO, Realtor, Phone 157. #*$ 10 acres and 2-room house on Arcadia Road 4 miles from Shelton, only $1350 on easy terms. M.C. ZINTHEO, Real- tor, Phone 157. HOMES FOR SALE New homes for G.I.'s on Angle- side. Designed by skilled archi- tects, Large window areas, hard- wood floors, 40-galldn automatic water heaters, floor furnaces, utility rooms, carports, patios, sunny kitchens, largo ward- robes, ample storage closets. Better Home Builders Call Dick Kieburtz at Phone 160-J 12/19-tfn d SALE: 4-roonl modern ]lomc, part basement, furniture, boats and float, one mile south of Union on Hood Cared. Inquire William Gra- hflol at prcnliscs. Reasonable. 1-2-23 FOR SALE OR TRADE for SheZton property, 7-room modern Imuse, full cement- basement, double garage, laundry room, approximately, four acres, half cleared, family orchard. five miles west of Olympia on Shel- ton-Olympia highway. Inquire Jour- nal office. J1-2.16 CLASSIFIED ADVRRTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads ane more Insertionau Reader aoticea Se per word. 75o minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, $1.00; orlglnm poetry 50C per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted over the telephone from phone sub- scrtbsrs. Cash should accompany alp other orders or payment made within five (5) days of the firs! insertion to save expense of bill- ing. An extra charge of 10c wlU be made when billing is necom. sary. PHONE 100 USED CARS ItERE'S A REALLY NICE CAR: 1936 Pontiac "6", five new tires, heater, seat covers, fog llgits. Up- holstery clean and shows no wear, This car must be seen to be appre- ciated. $700, J. M. Shrum, just out- side city limits on Matlodk Road, Phone 272M. l-9tfn PeR -SALE: -1929 Model A pickup $175 cash. Claude McKcnner, RLe 1, Box 2 (two miles south on Olym pie Highway). 19-2; 'FOR SALE: 1936 Dodge coupe, motor Just overhauled, good tires, scaled ncam neadllghts. Warren Woods, phone 88 or 772J. i-9 FOR SALE: trnck, Inquire Mason County Laundry, 1-9tfn. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE: 1942 Dodge weapon carrier converted to pickup, New tires. Inquire 404 Franklin or phone 563. J1-9-23 FOR SALE: 1933 Chevrolet coupe, box on back. Motor Just overhauled, good tires. Mrs. H, S, Ahern, 534 Fair- mont. Phone 329W. A1-9-23 FOR SALE: 1937 Ford coupe. Radio and heater, as is, $395. Phone lllR. Mc1-9 FOR SALE: good '35 ligit sedan. $350. Can be seen 640 Cascade. A1-9 FOR SALE: complete 1939 DeSoto motor, fair condition, $75. Can be. used in 1937 thru 1942 model Dc Note and Ohrysler cars. Inquire Mall Chew'diet Co., phone 777. 19 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1934 Dianmnd T flatbed and dump-bed, for pick- up. W. W, Wilson, Lllllwaup. 1-9 WILL PAY CASH for older model car in any condition. Write Box 4 A1-9 -RSALE: two pickups, '30 Durant rand *30 lIodel "A", $195 cecil Pcr- simll's Associated Station, three miles south on Olympia Hlghw]aY2"-16_r_ FOR SALE'. 1937 Ford "85" Fordor sedan. Good shape. Phone 761R4, L1-2-9 FOR SALE: 1935 Red L.W.B. truck with steel flat bed and llydt,aulie hoist. Also 1931 Model "A" 2-door. Both in good condition. Ernest Loertseher, Lost Lake Route, Elms. Pixone .Shclton 72J. 1-2-16 FOR SALE: '36 Chevrolet special De- luxe sedan, Phone Hoodsport llW4 after 6 p.m. or get in touclx with i. J, Van Laanen. 1-2-16 FOR SALE: 2936 DcSoto sedan. New tires. Roy MeLucas, Rt, 1, Box 218AA, Slmltoa (Isabella Valley). 1-2-16 Miscellaneous NEW CLASSES In all Branches of Business Subjects including Stand- "type, C.P.A. Coachlna. Auditing, and Federal Income "lax, DIETZ BUSINESS AND SECRETARIAL SCHOO. L. Capitol Park Btdldln Olmpla., Phon6 6088. :Approve veteran training. IPOlt SPENCER FOUNDATIONS'%d mpports, plmne 799-J for apo!nt- ment or call at 1416 Summit Drwc, $9 -26 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Home freez- ers, locker plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, ortable coolers, power meat saws, 'Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kphl- er Power. PleaSe. Prices right-- qmck deuverles, MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690, Olympia, on the Hlgnway at Mud Bay "Y". P.O Box 612. 2/.7-tfn , ,  | HILLCREST HARDWARE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES .... PAINTS ..-- SPORTING GOODS 1209 Olympic Highway SEIDELHUEBER ELECTRIC WATER TANKS Regular $109,95 Special $98.50 SKOOTING STAR SCOOTERS Regular $15.95 $13,50 SIIOOTING STAR SCOOTERS Rf,gular $13.25 $9.50 BIIEAD' BOXES ttcgular $1./5 95e CANNISTER NETS .Regular $1.65 $1.00 IlEAVY ALUMINUM SAUCE PANS Reg. 60c--SPECIAL 49(: CARVING SETS Regular $6.00 $4 50 BIJCK SAWS Regular $1.60 $1.35 PJN-IIP LAMPS Regular $:t,85 $2.50 PIN-UP LAMPS Regular $5.10 $3.75 IRON CORD PLUGS 1¢.egular 15c 9c CASTER Cq J 1'S Regular 10c 3 for 10c EDLUND (?AN OPENERS Regular 55e 35C POTATO MASHERS llegular 49c 35C DISIt MOPS WIllZZ METAL POLIStI Regular 12(" Regular 30c 9C 10e each ttEAVY ALUMINUM EGG BEATERS Regular $3.95 $3.10 PYIEX WATER SETS Regular $3.75 $3.25 SHOPPING BAGS Regular 35(: 10C 5c BALLS OF TWINE 2 for 5c SALT AND I EP]ER SETS Regular 35(; 20c - limit 1 APPLIANCE CORD Regular 5c ft. 3c per ft. RUBBER GLOVES It(ulsr .59c ac pair WONDER PEELER & SLICERS Iiebular 35¢3 20c PARER8 AND CORERS Regular 15c 8c IIACK SAW BLADES Regulsr 12c 9c /lUBBER "FIllED W, IIEELBARROW WHEELS Regular $14,50 $11.25 each IIEDDON SALMON PLUGS Ih!gular $1.50 75e each IIACK IOAI.DS R,,gular $9,90 $7.50 each CA ]IP STOOI,S ILcgulsr $1.25 98d ALL METAL WOOD BASKETS Regular $2.49 $2.15 ALUMINUM WATER PAILS Regular $1,04 75C DJ USTAILE GARDEN CULTIVATOR Regular $2.25 $1.25 each ALL TOYS 25% OFF BOW AND ARROW SETS 50% OFF ALL ENAMEL WARE 25% OFF ALL-WAY SCROLL SAWS Regular 850 50c STANLEY AUTOMATIC SCREW DRIVERS Rcgnlar $5,35 $4.25 CANVAS GLOVES. Rubber Covered Regular 95e 85e ttEAVY TINNED DAIRY PALLS Regular $2,35 $1.75 2 CONVERSION RANGE OIL BURNERS Regular $59.50 $50.00 IRISIt MAIL HAND OARS Regular $19.50 $15,oo ALL ALUMINUM: CLOTHES IIAMPERS, Hand Painted Regular $10,95 $8,50 HILLCREST HARDWARE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES .... PAINTS .... SPORT'iNG GOODS 1209 Olympic Iiighway James Rousll - Phone ,199 SHELTON-SON COUNTY JOURNAL Classified Service FRUIT TREE SPRAYING. Contact E, C. Gunter or Berne Evans. Phmm I5F3. Also second growth wood for sale. Cut about four months. ,-2tfn NOTICE TO PUBLIC: I am still do- ing watch, clock, gun and jewelry repairing at my home. B. S. Barger, 205 N. 5th St,, phone 681W. 12-19--1-9 HEMSTITCHING IGc TARD. Irlfe and scissor sharpening. Would like to continue with Mrs. Twony'a cus- tomers. Mrs. Fred Elson, 427 Belle- vue. 3-7-tfn PORTABLE STEAM CLEANER for truck and auto motors. Work eve- nings and Saturdays. Ernest Booth, 411 Harvard, phone 478-J 6-20tfn. Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service I J I I Classified Ads Classified Service BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto radios. Acroas from Junior High school, 1221 Franklin. Phone 112W. Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Klllmer Electric. ll-7tfn, PRESCRIPTION SERVICE on medi- cal contracts, old age assistance, or direct with you on your doctor's order. Prepp's Drug Store, Second and Railroad. 10-3tfn. WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- rtal guaranteed. Vcrn Davidson, 903 Ellinor, Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tfn ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and supplies, Free pickup and delivery. Jack Manley. only authm'ized fac- tory representative. Phone Hoodsport 2W2 or IQlhner Electric, phone 664. 7-16tfn. NYLON HOSE MENDED: Runners and snags. Phone 217R2. P12-5tfn. DANCING every Saturday at Hatchery Grange Hall. Gods music, good time. W5-30tfn. I Classified Service SEWING MACItINE REPAIRING. alsct parts for all makes of sewing machines, Phone 596J. B10-3tfn CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and meat rinding. Have your locker meat cut y an experienced meat cutter. Beet, pork, veal and elk and deer in sea- son. Cut, wrapped and trimmings ground, 3c pound. Don Williams, 604 Dearborn. Phone 381M. 9-12tfn USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B. Smith Co., Legmn and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. U. S. Tires and batteries. 11-15tfn. HEMSTITCHING: 10c yar, also but- tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadls, and Boundary Streets.) 2-28-tfn GENERAL GARDENING: shrub and tree pruning. Phone 38. F. M, Foster. F1-2-9 IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS co.tact C. L. Col- lins, Business, Agent, 1612 Division. Phone 240W. 8-30tfn PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 I Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st " Phone 126 F. K. McCUTCHEON S-I-G-N-S PAPER HANGING Phone 28 LOST AND FOUND LOST: white and black Springer pup, brown spots on forehead. Answers to the name of Dynamite. On Hill- crest. J. L. Bailey, 627 Bellevue, 1-9 LOST: Pair of pink plastic rimmed • glasses at Three Lakes. Finder please return to Bob Strobe, 817 I Cola or phono 81R. 1-8 LOST: December 26, red Cocker Span- lcl, seven rodS. old. wearing collar. Reward. Call 280W evenings. 1332 c1-gtfn. Ridgeroad, L(ST'-I),Jm. light meter on high- way 101, I7 miles north of Lllliwaup. Reward. Write Lt, H. W. Kitchen, Itq. Co, 23rd Inf., Fort Lewis, Wash. 1-9-23 FOUND: knitting needles and green yarn. Owner inquire at assessor's on,co and pay for adv, 1-9 LOST: man's yellow gold wristwatch, Finder please return to 321 Cota St., c-o Crane's Apparel. G1-9-23 LOST: small goldi)hx with dtamond '- et ins|do red stone, downtown week before Christnms. Valued as keepsake. Phone 616J2. Mrs. B. C, Combs. 1-9 LOST: before Xmas, brown leather billfold, containing two $20 bills. Reward for return to Journal or pho/m 15F21. Mrs, Joe Itlll. 1-9-23 LOST: pair of bronzed baby shoes. Valued as keepsake, at Flsi lIatch- cry Saturday nigit. Finder please return to Journal office. C1-9-23 I I NEW BEARING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARp BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shelton Phone 628 BULLDOZING, LANDCREARING, EXCAVATING No Job Too mall, No Job Too Large CALL VIC ZABROSKI Phone 627-J For Free Estimates, No Obligation Satisfaction Guaranteed 12-26-tfn CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Servlce William Graham Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash. CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING Stoves and Furnaces FOR RENT FOR RNT: Beautifully located on North Bay .and state hi[hway 14A at Allyn, washington, gnown as Bayeide Apts. ,Management furn- ishes usual furniture and urnih- legs, hot and cold running water, refrigeration, electric lights, oil burner and launury facilitieS, Apartment prices from $25 to $83.50. CAbins $15 and $17.50. W. . Beak- ley Manager. " 8-28-tfn / I  I I Frozen Food LOCKERS Now Available At MT. VIEW LOCKERS Open Week Days 7:30 a,m. To 6:30 p.m. H. F. BOYSEN, PHONE 62-R i II II W-fL-L--71N free rent ot small" furnished house for part-thne care of youngster. Middle aged couple preferred: Inquire Ritner' n'' WANTED TO RENT VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-RX Prompt Service Sill I AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK dO EATON Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets WANT TO RENT: couple, one child, urgently in need of four or five room house. Prefer Lincoln school district. Phone 272J. H1-2-30 WANTED: furnished apartment for newly married working couDle. Phone 360. R1-9-23 II II I NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN  that all claims i against Mason County for the year :[946 must be In the hands of the Auditor of Mason County not later than January 13th, 1,947, in order that they may be ahowcu at tile Janu- ary mcettng of the oaru of County Commissigners: The. law !'equlres that uellmluent claims De nelG until the following year, 1949. HARY DEYETTE, Auditor Mason County. 1-2-9--.t. NOT|CE Ylereaftcr I will not be responslble for any bills or obllgatlona ncurred by anyone other than myselL 1-9 JACK EATON, Large Supply Materials Available In January for Spencer Foundations and Supports PHONE 799-J For Appointment or Call at 1416 Summit Drive PHONE 84 SheIton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair dO Appliance Repair . Cabinets,Built or Repalred O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-:1X SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Kcys Made - Locks Reprcd Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cots PHONE 243 BOOK BINDING --Libraries and" Schools Songs and Prayer Books Periodicals, Magazines --Newspaper Files --Old books repaired and rebound. Prices Reasonable Karl Krupa Bookbinder Route 1 ...... F3ox 114` Raymond, Wash, DON'T READ THIS Unless Your Radio Needs Repair THEN CALL BURGESON RADIO SERVICE Phone 112-W 1221 Franldin Closed Saturdty Or Leave Work at Kilhncr Electric SWEDISH MASSAGE Zone Therapy And Mineral Bath MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 RAY'S JEWELRY o Prompt Watch Repairing O 117 Cote Street Phone 633 MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O PECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUIL,DIG BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton THE GIFT BOX 200 West 4th Olympia, Wash. "Vte invite you to visit our sllop of Catolic religious supplies and gifts. 7/8-tfn OIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 types to change your wood or coal range for oil. Same units as used by factory mod- els. CALVIN WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W vvvv vvv vv vv v  FOR SALE FOR SALE: 40-gallon electric water heater. Also 2-wimel trailer, double box with tarp. Spare wheel and tire, Phone 667 or write P.O. Box 165. F/-9 FOR SALE: modern wood and coal range with two electric hot [ates ia new condition, Write 509 harv- ard Street J. A. Tobler. 1-9 FOR SALE: one light weight Vaughn drag saw and one wood heater. Call evenings at 829 Franklin. Gll-28tfn KITCHEN cabinets, linen closets, store fixtures, and custom mill work. made to order. For free estimates Pimne 217R2 or 217R3. Peterson Bros. 8-1tfn, FOR SALE: wood circulating heater. Phone 96J. C1-2 USED FURNITURE Maroon velour daveno bed, swing rocker, hassock (all matched). 1 Extra swing rocker. Walnut desk, chair with blue leather seat, and lamp. End table. 1 Large Mirror. 2 Vacuum cleaners, (1 large, 1 small). Walnut bedroom suite (7 pcs.) 1 blonde maple dinette set (red leather). 1 Frigidaire (6.3 size) 1 Hague washing machine. Miscellaneous articles 1 unpainted chest of drawers kitchen utensils dishes small radio ' ' " ,, ]9. Thursdar, January c diy Jmmarv 9 " ! t " -- - EUl 2]LJI.E With IWILL PAY CAS. for us0' FOG-G0 [ machine. Phone 596J. : i On Your Windshield '   At Any Service Station suit, box jacket. Green. Never been worn. Reasom [ Or Store Journal Office. quire FOR SALE: 150 gallon ins water tank and upright boiler, A-1. RAPPE00S[ later. Write Mrs: Franklin Street. FOR pack _q SALE: black horse. Cheap, $75. CfinVWiT e ,_ Ridgeroad, phone v nave a shipmenl FOR SALE: New Hampshir, Two year/ old, $5. or t f new tiree pullets. Jim Dorcy, 2, Box 103. Phone 221R1 FOR SALE: one Eureka. cleaner. Inquire 1205 Soutl phone 320J. . FOR SALE: wood elrcdlatitfl 30. Looks like new. Good ¢4 nquire 1205 So. 7th or ph FOR SALE: mixed Imp,. alf timothy, not baled. 'riesd able. Also apples. Jacoby ti 2. FOR SALE: rubber-tired babl Good condition, $12. Phone/ FOR SALE: Universal '°0 power saw, chain driven, $: motor, $345. Taylor's Ra{I trig phone 128. FOR SALE: four very go. 19.00 tires and tubes, $10 Jim at lngram and Rcit Co.. First and Pine. FOR SALE: 6-year-old bl Morgan mare, gentle, shol Inquire of Yvonne Jacobs Store. Steel Traps No. 0 to No. 4 (TCH ANYTHING FROM WEASEL TO A COUGAR Dlympia Feed uNDI PLYV CITY B; Noodlm m' Mol'an L Pantorium I3urg'oyne Rayonier McConkey Olympic F elf:tir .... ( 7 Mor 8 Burg !) Belfa G; 7 -- Rayo 8- Need 9 --Plyw ISnderdo least two league ba night whe ers slippe first loss c and Olym first victc McConkey Belfair J its fellow 39 to 17 c third gem Morgan PHONE 660 Between 9 a,m. and 5',30 p.m. FOR SALE: 50-lb. capacity ice box in good condition, See P. A. . Rose at Mcll Chevrolet, 1-2-16 FOR SALE: good breed of puppies. Reasonable. Stx weeks old. Phone 554R after 4 p,m. L1-2-16 FOR SALE: boy's bicycle in good condition, $18. Phone 3F25. Inquire Rt. 3, Box 202 (Arcadia Road). B1-2-9 FOR SALE: baled alfalfa hay. A. Lemke, St. Rt. 2, Box 96. Phone 14F35. 1-2tfn. FOR SALE: 5 h.p. outboard motor, $25. John C. King, Rt. 3, Box 217 (Arcadia Road). 1-2-/6 A GIFT THAT LASTS Nice Singing CANARIES Mrs. E. Latzel PHONE 615-R5 ( POR SALE: one used Colonial wood range with coils, in good condition. Phone Hoodsport 11W4 after 61P'm'-216 M. J, VanLaanen FO'-R SA and blonde thor- oughbred cockers. Call in afternoon. Mrs. E. Julian, Rt. , ,ox::259, Shel= ton, -2-. FOR SALE: one Econo)*y King.cream separator, eectrxe arlven, wilt mo- tor, $75. One buzz saw with 2 h.p. gas engine, A-1 condition, $40. Eight Muscovy ducks, $15. A. W. Ramey, St. Rt. 2, Box 98 (near Dayton)l: 2- 9 1 ft. bed, $125. One garden trac- tor and attachments, plow, rake and cultivators, $70. Itammer mill. like and 51 It, 6-inch belt, $! Box 25 four miles sou npic h 'hway. OIL HEATERS new and 50-ft. 6-inch belt, $90. Rt. 1, Box 25, four miles south on Olympic highway. W1-2-9 ,.m, - II n All Sizes IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Ask for Duerden at Erickson's Phone Bremcrton 2680 616 Pacific Avenue 12:26--1-16-4t CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner In operation at Sam B, Smith Co., Iegion Way ane Cherry, Olympla. Phone '/753. 11-16tfn. FOR SALE: see Olympic Motor Sales for auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets. nhone 595. 7-4tfn BRIGGS AND STRATTON air coole@ gas engine. Smith and Blnger, Le- gion Way ad Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn FOR SALE: hand crocheted baby sacques, caps, boottees and soakers. Assortment on hand or orders taken. Mrs. W. A. . Brodt, 121 E. Cedar Street. Phone 582J. 10-24tfn PttONE  for holne Inllk delivery. M11-14tfn. WANTED day in my own honxe. 1411 Railroad Phone 272R. B1-2--2-6 WANTED: used light plant. State make, size, A,C. or D.C. Henry Korzcntowskl, Lost Lake Route, Box 46, Ehua, Wash. 1-9-16 WANTED: . young couple, no tail. dren, WlSJl tO rent furnished house or aparpuant  Shelton. Perma- nent resments. none 5R,. ...... .11-'/tttn.. WANTED: watch charms and fobs, Inquire Journal office. 10-10tfn WANTED TO BUY SECOND GROWTH TIMBER And PolesTo Log Will pay top prices. Contact Vic Zabroski, Plmnc 627-J, Shelton .' 12-26-fn IlI W-DT-Experienced woman 16 general housqwork and Care of one child. Room, noaru, gOdS salary. In- quire Journal. &l.-tfa WANTED: women to worR . Oyster cullers at Oyster ,ay..Call long dis. tance, Oyster Bay, cohcct, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn WT.RESS and kitclcn lelp wauted AppJy otel Shelto ff Sho4pf  W ANT TO BUY: old horace for. Mink zeed. Myers and Itansen Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4678 collect. 1-1tfn WANTED: ALDER, MAPLE, TOP PRICES. honest scale, short haul, Brmno Mill. Lynch Road and iIl- wa, four miles south of Shelton. 8-39tfa, 0m_ most start FOR SALE: boy's bicycle,  llt[J(11[y ule so fg: ditlon Tidyman second   Mn ' e' Arcadia road fr;m highW ^"" ' it'ion' to's;  v eill Bldg Shelton [ia m h'£ FOR SALE: 95 foot bait sel ' " " y 'g' " plete with corks and lead !  ]Llmber rn Rt. 3, Box 234A, Shelton.   - -__ '   - i hRberdash( FOR SALE: one I)air Cbipp_ worn twice, size 9½. FraY,| • der, 1224 Edgewood. ] T. i  • FOR SALE: dragsaw, alsoT ltlgn cJ tiac newly overhauled, '3535J a   ma new tires and overhauled,.,] L]l[ l[ l Pershail's Associated Stautu  El _ tulles south.   n v s FOR SALE: new double d sink with fittings $50" ns EJeeto water pump v'lth ] tank and deep well at $125; new two-inch well-pg Inquire Eaton Body Works, Third and Grove. FOR SALE: Western obl nace, oil or wood, wit Hot air circulator and See G. C. Angle. New Cheap" OIL BURNEt for Heating and CoO Range or Hea $14.75 Furnace -- $39 CLARK 820 Falrmont Shelton 12- SH Higl MOI d 2 Games e New S # 50¢, Students 30¢, Children OLD GROWTH 16 inch W --m:_ fireplaeo wood. imCdiate; , .__P'21--" tt=ll"Vll AlIyn Wood ,Yard, P.O, Jll': .| IIJJr",.,-.l.------ -----'- . .. \\;;I ]I'll • 2=llyn, Washl " ,;! .'*.,U[ff_  ..... )/ft./  J[ .......  ....... " '' : , I$I':?'  /Z  ...... AI , FOR SALE: goodquallty q Ill/i0 0r'',af- \\; U. S.. approved, from hllgll j // flocks, vnty one graa. K,c ']',"i, Wagner Feed Company, 'a FOR SALE: thoroughbred '! :, ' I/#.lli"lLtl • ,eek.s old. $15 to $20. Oy '. ,.. I'. -.---"L'i01.l FOR SALE: 14 toot Glid ' ,.' trailer. Sleeps four. Ver . | ,\\; \\;\ r'---,: aide, $650. lhone Shelton- .:: ".  ' \\;\ '/'Jil FoR SALE: smai, Oil eonV00 stove. Write J. B. Schot fair. For Your HEATER - CIRI OIL STOVE - FUR WE'LL FILL UP YOUR TANK PR BETTER BURNING, MORE DE ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL F We Iave fro 0 to a SUPPLY of STO] 1,000 gallons for new oil b B. Franklin He ATTORN EY-AT-LA Courthouse, Shel Phone 312 Peraonalized AccoUit ,. ,,m-, :' maon Co Service  maon County Distributor for Ass ocia Address: Shelton, ;-/- " ' ' Phone Sh \\; '*- ' 1 ELECTRICAL ENGIN Eliot Electric Equipm! Title Insurance l 4 Phone 645 | CHARLES R. ATTORNEY AT 119-121 South Fourt Bell Building She/ton ALDEN C. ATTORNEY AT I. Title Insurance Opposite First Phone 23 - WITSIERS FUNERAL Lloensed W.A. Phone 180-- ELLIOT B. A¢,ountlng Tax Bookkeeping 123 4th St. INSURANOB HERBERT ANGLE } i OEflde at AZgle