February 9, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 9, 1947 |
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Thursdar, January 9i
WILL PAY CASH for use4
voter machine. Phone 596J.
and FOR SALE: ladies all-woe
:Box suit. box jacket. Green.
F1-9 Never been worn. Reaso
. I quire Journal Office. ,
water tank and upright
boiler, $80 cash. Inquire
r /.
ughn ! FOR SALE: large prewar W',
Call t later. Write Mrs. L. Edml
28tf___nn i Franklin Street.
store I
york. I horse. Cheap, $75. C|int'Will
aates Rldgeroad, phone 793J.
FOR SALE: New "Hampshlr9 "
Two years old, $5, or tl
three pullets. Jim Dorcy,
2, Box 103. Phone 221R1
FOR SALE: one Eureka
cleaner. Inquire 1205
phone 320J.
FOR SALE: .wood
30. Looks like new. Good
nquire 1205 So. 7th or
FOR SALE: mixed
timothy, not
able. Also apples.
FOR SALE: rubbcr-tired
Good condition, $12.
FOR SALE: Universal
power saw. chain driven
motor, $345. Taylor's
tric, phone 128.
"FOR SALE:. four very
19.00 tircs and tubes. :
Jim at Ingrain and
Co., First and Pine•
FOR SALE: 6-year-old
Morgan marc, gentle
Inquire of Yvonne
FOR SALE: boy's bicyclez
dition. Tldyman. serene
Arcadia road from
FOR SALE: 85 foot bait
lete with corks and
t• 3, Box 234A, Shelton.
worn twice.
der. 1224 Ed
tiae new]
new tire overhaule
Pershall's Associated
miles south.
:FOR SALE: new double
sink with $50;
EJecto water
tank and
$125; new two- nch well-
Inquire Eaton Body
Works, Third and Grove.
FOR SALE: Western
nace, oil or wood,
Hot air circulator
See G. C. Angle.
New Cheap
for Heating and
Range or
820 Fairmont
OLD GROWTH 16-inch
fireplace wood,
All y.n Wood Yard, P.O,
• Allyn, WASH. .
Wagner Corn
weeks old. $15 to
Belfalr 283.
FOR SALE: 14 foot
trailer. Sleeps four. Ver
side. $650. Phone
5 p,m.
FOR SALE: mnall oil
stove. Write J. B.
B. Franklin
Phone 312
Address: Shelton
• at. 3, Box
Phone: Shelton
Eliot Electric
Title Insurance Ill
Phone 645
119-121 South
Bell" Building
Title Lsurance
Opposite First
Phone 23 - -
' W.A.
Phone 180 - -
Aountlng Tax
123 4th St.
Iit Off.lee at Angle
dty;. Januai, y_ 9, :19t7.
On Your Windshield
At Any Service Station
}e have a shipmenl
No. 0
No. 4
• Feed
OiNeill Bldg.- Shelton
Adults 50€,
II i i i i iii i
-"_"2-': .......................................................... " .....................................
CiTY BASKETBALL LEAGUE same fate at the hands of the pho-
W L pf pa tographers last night.) The first
Needhana's Men's ..,, 0 16:, ]03[lmlf schedule closes with the cur-
Morgan Lumber .A 1 157 99]
Pantorimn Tailors .A 1 168 95[
13m'goyne Photo .... 3 2 115 108
Rayonier .................. 3 3 166 174
McConkey Pharm. 1 ,t 10,t 133 I
Olympic Plyufood ..1 5 128 157
Belfair . ..................... 0 5 87 '219
Games Monday
7 Morgan Lbr. vs Needbnm's
S Burgoyne vs Pantorimn
9 Belfair vs Olympic Plywood
Games Wednesday
7 Rayonier vs McConkey
8.. Needham vs Belfair
9-.Plywood vs Morgan Lbr.
Underdogs had their fling--at
least two of them did-- in city
league basketball play Monday
night when Burgoyne Photograph-
ers slipped Morgan Lumber its
first loss of tim schedule, 28 to 22,
and Olympic Plywood posted its
first victory at the expense of
MeConkey Pharmacy, 33 to 27.
Belfair failed to keep step with
its fellow underdogs by losing a
39 to 17 count to Rayonicr in the
third game of the evening.
Morgan Lumber's loss was the
most startling ulSset of the sched-
ule so f{u' and left Needham's
Men's Wear, idle Monday, in po-
sition to sew up the title next Men-
(lay night with a victmT over the
lumber merchants /providing the
haberdashers didn't suffer the
High School
Jan. 10
Jan. 14
2 Games Starting at 7 P M.
New Sheiton Gym
Students 30€, Children 10€ (incl Tax)
We Iave
1,000 gallons for new oil burner instullations
Lain rgtiser on next Wednesday
night's three-game llrog "l•:ln]. tile
second and third games of that
date opening the second half sched-
All-around scoring punch gave
the photographers tbeir victory
over the Morganites, plfis a sec-
ond half drivc which overcame the
]umbcrmen's 10 to d and I5 to 11
advantages during the first half,
but in the third quarter the pic-
ture-snappers netted 12 points
against four and pulled into a 23
to 19 lead. Hugh Gruver, Bill Mc-
Cann, Harohl Wilson and Larry
Cardinal shared in the photog-
raphers' sem'ing distribution while.
A1 Eaton was the only lumberman
able to hit the net.
Olympic Plywood's first victory
of tile schedule was largely thru
the fourth-quarter scoring spurt
staged by Buck Armstrong. who
potted four baskets in the last
period and wound up the evening
with the week's best individual to-
tal at la points. Homer White
made an important contribution to
the plywood cause with eight
nmrkers, but Armstrong's zero
hour spree broke a 23-23 tbird
quarter deadlock. Pat Smith and
Torger Lee divided the pharmac-
ists scoring burden.
Rayonicr registered its third
straight conquest in taking the
nightcap from Belfair with six of
its seven players scoring almost
equally. The lineups:
Burgoyne's (28) Morgan Lbr, (22)
Wilson• 6 f Levett 6
H. Gruver 7 f Eaton 10
Cardinal 6 c Cormier 6
McCann 7 g Valley
Burgoyne 2 g Eacrett
Subs: Burgoyne's--Coffman, L.
Gruver. Morgan Lumber--- Mel
Olympic Ply. (33) Mcgonk. (27)
B•Armstrong 13 f Sorners 3
Hutchinson 4 f Schirmer 2
Baze 6 c Smith 9
Lumsden g Lee 8
White 8 g B. Viger 5
Subs: Olympic Plywood--How-
arth 2, Fletcher, Moore.
Rayonier (38) Belfair (17)
Jeffreys 4 f Foster 6
Daniels 6 f Nealy
Kendall 7 c Hope 2
Kelly 6 g Pedersort 4
MePherson g Simonson 5
Subs: Rayonier--Steniberg 7.
S. Armstrong 8. Belfair--Thom-
as, Crow, Davis.
Second half play opens next
Wednesday night in the city bas-
ketball league with the second
game of the night's program, the
first game closing the first half
One of the second half features
will be an exhibition game Febru-
ary 3 between the Morgan Lum-
ber team and the barmstorming
Negro team, the Broadway Clowns,
The exhibition will be preceded by
a regular league game between
Pantorium Tailors and layonier.
The second half schedule:
Jan. 15.-Needham vs Belfair,
Olympic Plywood vs Morgan Lum-
'Jan• 20--Pantorium vs Olympic
Plywood, Rayonier vs Needham's,
MeConkey's vs Bm'goyne's.
Jan. 22--.McConkey's vs Need-
ham's, Burgoyne's vs Belfair, Ray-
enter vs Morgan Lumber.
Jan. 27=-Pantorium vs Belfair.
Olympic Plywood vs Burgoyne's,
Morgan Lumber vs McConkey's.
Jan. 29---Rayonier vs Bu r-
goyne's, Needham's vs Olympic
Plywood, Pantorium vs 1%cCon-
Feb. 3Pantorium vs Rayonier,
Morgan Lumber vs Broadway
Clowns (exhibition).
Feb. 5--Olympic Plywood vs
Rayonier, Belfair vs Morgan Lum-
ber, Needham's vs Pantorium.
Feb. 10--Morgan Lumber vs
Burgoyne's, Olympic Plywood vs
McConkey's, Rayonier vs Belfair.
Feb. 12--Belfair vs McConkey's,
Morgan Lumber vs Pantorlum,
Burgoyne's vs Needham's.
Feb. 17--Morgan Lumber vs
Needham's, Burgoyne's vs Punter-
Frisken Oil Co,
Mason County Distributor for Associated Oil Products
I i
'Cat, s Win in Overtime Fray
Tuesday for Tilts :,ual organization details will at which phuls were shaped for
be recorded by the Shelton Rifle the formation of a WesLel'n Wash-
IV L For Agl. P('I. Club, sponsored by the V.F.W. ington rifle league. Anstey was
named one of the leaglle's district
Aberdeen .... 1 0 28 27 1.000 post herc but open to anyone in- directors. It is exl)eeted that Sun-
Olyml)ia .... 1 0 62 23 1.000 terested, next Tuesday evening in day's i)lans will be enlarged to
Elma ............ 1 0 28 25 1.000 Memorial Hall at eight o'clock include Eastern Washington rifle
Centralia .... 1 0 26 25 1.000 wiLh the election of permanent of- clubs interested in joining tile ri-
Hoquiam .... 0 1 25 26 .000 fleers and adoption of simple by- fie league.
Shelton ........ 0 1 27 28 .000 laws. So all interested in becoming
Raylnond ..... 0 1 23 62 .000 Approximately 50 enthusiastic members of the Shelton Rifle Club
Montesano ...... 0 1 25 28 .000 persons interested in rifles and and the league competition it ex-
Scores Friday small arms attended the last l)eets to be able to offer its morn-
Aberdeen 28, Shelton.27 lover- meeting of the proposed club in bet's tn a short while art urged
time Deeember and since then several to be on hand next Tuesday in
Centralia 26, I4oqniam 25 other prospective members have Memorial Hall when the final re'-
Olympia 62. Raymond 23 cxpre.sed interest in the organ- ganization of the. club is com-
Ehna 28. Montcsano 25 ization, according to J. H. Gray, pleted.
Game Friday V.F.W. post adjntant who is act- The local club will affiliate
Centralia at Sheltm) ing ms temporary claairnaan during with tile National Rifle Associa-
Olympia at Itoquiam the orgmfizational period, tion and thereby will be able to
Aberdeen at Montesano Gray, Marvin Anstey, Bill ,proctlr for its members their am-
Elma at Raymond .laekson and John Yingst attend- munition at a half or less of the
Games Tuesday ed a meeting in Seattle Smday regular retail In'ice through gov-
Montesano at Shelton <,f all V•F.W. rifle club chairmen ernment sources.
Aberdeen at Hoquiam
El.ma at Olynap,a _ rg
l=aynlond at Centralia Blazers Improved; Me anites Meet
.aving come witi, in a whisker Tackle Bobkittens Olympia Elks In
of turning in the season's first This, ,,, :00r;aa '' -:¢a+uraa "*
tremendous upset ill their very Here
first conference start, the Shel-
ton Highclimbers get two home- Showing considerable improve- Playing sloppy ball, Morgan
floor chances to give further in- meat over their previous two los- Lumber suffered a 50 to 27 set-
dications of how they'll stack up ing starts, the Shelton Blazers back at the hands of the Capitol
in the Southwest league's north- made a nmch eloser game of their Rmmd Table team in Olympia City
ern division baske'tball race when return engagement with Coontz eag'ue basketball play Saturday
they meet the Centralia.Tigers in Junior high school of Bremerton night in Shelton gym, and with
the new gym this Friday evening in surrendering a 36 to 23 deeis- two tough foes to face in the next
and the Montesano Bulldogs on ion on the Shelton gym floor Fri- .three nights must play much bet-
the same floor next Tuesday day. ter ball than Saturday's perform-
night. This Friday afternoon the Blaz anee to keep from falling below a
The Highelimbers 'twice were ers get into their Sot,tbwest Wash- .500 won-lost average.
all but wrapping up the ball ington junior ligh conference eom- Tonight the Morganites tackle
game last Friday but Lady Luck petition by entertaining Aberdeen St. Martins College junior varsity
wasn't sitting on their bench so on the Shelton gym maple, the first in the collegians own gym, while
Aberdeen finally wound up with teams playing at 2 o'clock with ,Saturday the Shelton club comes
a hard-earned, hair-raising 28 to the second teams following, back home to the new gym to en-
27 decision in overtime. And now Bernie Heuer was the whole tertain the potent Olympia Elks.
the Highclimbers are itching to show from a scoring standpoint for Tonight's play marks the start of
get the Bobcats up here on srlel- the Blazers his 14. tallies being the the second round of the first half
tea's own flora', where they fig- only thing keeping the Blazers in schedule. In first round competi-
ure they can square the account, the game at all, especially in the tion Morgan Lumber whipped St.
The Highclimbers trailed thru- second half. during which he scored MarUns but in turn were edged
out most of the regular time but 11 of his ttal. 'in the final two minutes by tltc
with Aberdeen leading as the last The Coontz second team won as The hnnber dealers were far off
quarter opened by 20 to 17. Carl it pleased over the Blazer sec- .form on their shooting against the
Stmdstcn and Ken Cardinal notch- on.is, 48 to I5. The lineups: Round Table and suffered a bad
ed baskets to give the Red Black FIRST TEAMS letdown in the final quarter, when
its first lead. Tracy King and Bob
Kevo retaliated to again put the Coontz (36) Blazers (23) the visitors tallied 16 points
Kiefelt 6 f Dale 2 against four for the home club.
Bobcats three points up only to
have Cardinal and Glen Ander- T. Brott 12 f Davidson Until that point the Morganites
son each hit the twine for an- Ram 11 c Getty 2 were still in the ball game, but
other one-point Highclimbcr edge Apleund g Ieuer 14 young Jay Rockey hung up 17
at the two-minute mark. How- Neon 2 g Edgely points during the contest and the
ever. Jim Abrahamson converted Subs: Coontz--Walker 1. Schnell Round Tablers poured on the coal
a :foul to square the score at 25-25 2, Allison 2. Blazers---Pennington against the Morgan relief lineup
and that's how it stood as regu-. 5.'G. HunteT, J• Hunter, Warmouth in the final quarter.
lation time ended. White, Priszner. " Round Table (50) Morgan (27) I
SECOND TEAMS Beck 2 i Levett 3]
In the overtime, Sundsten pop- Coontz (48) Blazers (15) J, Rockey 17 f Eaton 6 I
ped Shelton into the lead with a Co,nier 5
pixot toss from the foul circle Hits 8 f Austin 4 Welters 9 c
and the Highclimbers tried to Garno 2 f Eacrett 2 Fuller 4 g Valley 2
Walker 2 c Oakley 5 W. Rockey 5 g McCann 1
stall the rest of the way, but ICe- Bynum 12 g Kenyon Subs: Round Table-=Cousins ,t,
vo was fouled and converted to
make it 27-26 for Shelton. Again D. Brott 18 g Brehmeyer 2 Simmons 3, Anderson 6. Stamey,
the" .Highclimbers' attempted to Subs: Blazers--McCowan, Ditt- I%iggin. Mo'gan Lumbe ..... Mel
freeze the leather but were called man, Richert. Hunter, Rutledge Morgan 1. Woods 4, Undmvood 5,
for traveling and Abrahamson Cole, Yarr. Zellman. Coontz--A1- Villiams, Eacrett.
took the toss-in and cut loose lison 2, Schnell 4. ,,,,,,,vv,,,,,v,,,vT,v,v,All_.
with a one-hander that bounced 00nyn
around the hoop before dropping Cleansweep Mark .......................
throngh for the winning points. S Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cornelius
It was a tough loss for Shelton Resumption Of returned from their visit to Call-
to take as Coach Cbet Dombroski fornia, December 21st. Mr. and
former assistant coach at Aber- " Mrs. Charlie Zaller, who were car-
deen, wanted to knock over his Fem Major Play for their place while away re-
former club in the worst way and tin'ned to' their home in Bremer=
to come so close only to be denied WOMEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE ton and all spent Christmas day
was a keen disappointment to the W L at the Zaller home.
Shelton squad and coach. Cammaranos ............ 20 12 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cleve-
The Highclimbers put out their Smoke Shop .............. 20 12 land, Dtmne, Tommy and Merger-
best ball of the year in giving Shelton Transfer ...... 18 14 et Fraisure. of Victor, spent
the Bobcats a terrific scare and Chatterbox Care ........ 6 26 Christmas in Port Angeles with
if they can duplicate tomorrow High game .... Frankie Fredson Mrs. Cleveland's parents, Mr.
night may notch their first victory 180. and Mrs. L. T. Guy.
• High total---Inez Dodds 482. Mrs. William Coleman visited
of the conference campaign and
upset the potent Centralia Tigers, with her daughter, Mrs. Week-
who e.cged Hoquiam, 26 to 25. Continuing the juggling act horn, a few days during the hollo
Elma shaded Montesano, 28"to 25, which places a new leader in the days.
van each night of plalz, the worn- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleveland,
and Olympia smothered Raymond, en's major bowling circuit found Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cleveland,
62 to 23, in other league open- the Smoke Shop and Cammaranos Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cleveland and
era Friday. tied on the top rung after re- families attended a shower on
The lineups:
Abeuleen (28) Shelton (27) sumption of competition last Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones for
Thursday. their new home in Shelton.
Kevo 9 F Cardinal 6 The co-leaders eltch won 4 to 0 Harry Anker, his wife and son,
Brown 2 F Cartwrlght 3 victories, the Smoke Shop smok- from Vaughn, spent Christmas
S.King 6 C Sundsten ing out the erstwhile leader, Shel- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Abrahamson 7 G Anderson 3 ton Transfer, and the bottlers Ole Anker.
Helland 2 G Fraser 5 kicking Chatterbox Cafe deeper Maureen and Jimmie Knight,
Subs: Aberdeen--Druzianich 1, into the basement, from 'Renton. spent thre days
Anderson 1, McGillicuddy, Smeth- Scoring was hardly on the brag- with their mother, Mrs. Schofield
ers. Shelton--Hagen, White. gable side, Inez Dodds topping the just before Christmas.
ium, Belfair vs Olympic Plywood. circuit with a 482 total which Emmet and Richard Knight
Feb. 19--Rayonier vs McCon- Knight 0wls Drop paced the Cammarano victory, spent the Christmas holidays in
with help "from Dot Christensen Renton.
and Evelyp Smith. while Merna
key's. " ' Mr. and Mrs. Blair, Mr. and
n . . - . uame, 40-27 Mifflin and Lucille Danfels came Mrs. Lutz and Mr. and Mrs. Ul.
ltoDerts, .00er00ant Matlock- Prof. Loops green up with the ,telling pins in the drichson saw the new year in at
/'I n _, - n and white clap Owl hoopsters of Smoke Shop s verdict despite Mr. and Mrs. Schofields.
bop l00agnme rurse Mary M. Knight ran into too Frankie Fredson's league topping Mrs. Austin entertained the
Posting a brilliant 1410 total, much fire-power in the Moclips 180 for the Transfer girls. Teen Age group December 27th
pete Roberts and Toad Serean¢ Crabs Friday night as they drop- The tieups: in honor of Mary Austin's and
*-- " "" ' th h'- ped a 40 to 27 decision which op- Gammmanes (4) Chatterbox !0) Allen Shelgren's birthdays.
Ca°;PeerS,b°ney2guct% a' y e2doth:aT,:gtn:Ya:gangue ,high .trdiimap $6,vHngcaP Mrs. Milosevieh heard from El-
Shelton Recreation bowling alleys . , : "' , ' ' 358 sie Eberhart, who is now in Win-
,, ,Jnlld nff with the winn-,' Bill Brehmeyers play .at center E,.ith 961B.Bolen one, Minn. She is employed with
_a,,-= ..... -:==-'='--" "--hic--=:" was outstanding in the Owls' per, ,l.JBtiige]ly .3$4IL.Cole• 369 the Watkins Co., and Gloria is
o% or, a, flls._.po Wth n 9.e formance, the big outhpaw so0f D,Chrtstsen H;lW.Sch,rmer av going to school there.
wV °otUtluP w ci'cl°se Su°- ing 11 points but he was raatctmcl LDodds l82]D.Roer 3 1 Mrs. Ella Mott visited Mr. and
. P Y " by his rival center Kingman and 725-74=715, 2t871666-680 ,^, Mrs. George Milosevich, Sr., last
aay. , . "h ' khaded by Logan of the visitors Jm{ke Shop (4) _'She! irons tu Saturday and all drove to Brem-
The winners nung up e,r score ............ - -i ...... -"lI ndica 105
.... i;-n-=n Ser'eant hi" wno scorea zz. Tne mocnps re- l, la cap lo} . ; p ,,, erLon on shopping tour.
aturaay a, zter co ^._ .t- serves also won 16 to 9 FredaIrdsn. B]P/$ta[ey aw Mrs. Harvey Rice, wire recent-
wmcnting 63117ns a,n :. Ii%;zvat° ;Fhe lineups: Damrny 02]A,9ermn 33 ly returned from the Bremerton
added • Moclips (40) Mary Knight ('/) LDanfels I}$7 M:noeman • hospital from a major operation,
Gen'e T"ber and Jack Roles Logan 12 F Davidson 4 A.Dundas 3f/tllutheland 364 Gertrude Sullivan retui'ned to
wh;oe '9ot had lea the ,,or' House 8 F Palmer 9 M M,ifflin lf19611an,lVredson 464 is now at home and is improving.
% -he first few days ofthe Kingman 11 C Brehmeyer 11 68i)-709-75 2143}67-4t5"896 2027 Pullman last Saturday after
aae since ..... z secon- " f Bradford 6 G Z'abel :5 - - - spending Christmas vacation at
event, earnea 2. au 7o o place I Corwin 3 G Nye 3 Use the Journi :Classifieds home.
share of the p •
• I UDS: Mary Knight Fuller 2. they really get resultS. Mrs. Speece, who has been ill,
..... --- ........ is now able to call on he*" neigh-
M a atHo U BECKONS IACK bors and looks very well.
Soap_ de me MPIRE SCHOOL Mr and Mrs. Arclvie IAndsey
Needs Gooo C00rlng .... .... , md family spent Christmas in
Soap made at home must stand STEWART; 6 WEEKS IN FI00RiDA Seattle.
The school children are glad to
severaluWeeksgbef°re I it for se. A ing he ps sl One of the rarest uses to whmh of'all major league ummre, and w|th H1 umpires, asKlem' dean roomfind neWupondeSkSreturningin theirfrom schOOlvaca.
f°er d
r Y combinin of 1 e m the G. I. educahon program haS:
complete the ' , g y td ............... special instructor, It will be run tion. The basement has been wa-
been pu Wlll De UElllZe(1 Dy Jack
fat and also permits the soap to ..... :in conjunction with a baseball terproofed and a new drinki[g
dry I btewar, young Shelton atlnete school fountain has been installed. Also
The test for well-cured soap is I and present manager of the L, M/ Most of the umpires entering a new cement floor has been pour-
to touch the tip ot nemngue to sporting goods department, when professional base, all each year ed in the Teenage rooms.
the soap. If it bies ne ye nas { he departs this Saturday for San- i come out of just such schools as Orin Bruffet has begun build-
not yet comPaleY r COnm$illea ::th ford "Florida, to attend a six-Ithe one Stewart will be attend- ing a fireplace for C. L. Wilson.
the fat and ed'to cure f" ap week baseball umpires' school, ing and he is leaving here this Andy Danielson has just corn-
should be allow ot a w so '°r a] Stewart will attend the school week end with the intention of pleted building a new chimney
longer time. Do n llo ap to under the same type of arrange-I accepting a pr0fessiona umpir- having had to tear the old one
freeze. " "" W - I ments which govern any other[ ing contract if a satisfactbry offer down 'because o a fit,s which
You will wan tne ashingt0n schooltng program to which G. I. Its made him at the nd Of the might have proved disastr0us if
State, Extension C!rcular "M2k- t education privileges are extended, I school. " it had not been $or their dog,
ing Soap at Home. Thisfltrcular ireceiving his tuition and livlngl In going to Sanf0rd, Jack will Penny, who awakened Andy from
gives complete informal.ion on}expenses under the G. I. bill of]not be entering country new to a nap in time to put out the fire
preparing fat for soap making as rights education clause. ' ] him for hewas stationed at Or- before it got beyond control.
well as soap recipes. I The umpires school is to be. lando, Florida, just 25 miles Damage was estimated at about
1 No 105 o rection awe , for several months durin
Get this circua" • from lc nducted under the di Of J. Y , , . g $300 which was covered by insur-
your county extension office, I George BAIT, National Ialgue: ms three years in the rmy.: once.
:S'IL a
tltN'0., Since t88 * L,N Sick, Pres.
..... -.... ' ,
] ...... e .Lr
........ ; ..... !--/2,.."
)lympia City League
Played In
Shelton New Gym
Featuring Shelton's.Home Entry
Saturday, January 11 - 8 P. M.
d I I
. Factory App,:eyed
Chrysler - Plymouth - International
We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild
All Makes of
Cars - Truck - Tractors and Heavy
Logging Equipment
In Our
Electric Welding I PHONE
And Brazing
Motor Testing I
by the Latest Sunmaster Metlmd
Means No Guess
Now Open for Business
In Our Location on
Mountain View
Shelton Lumber
. Company
Due tO piesent conmions our services
will be limited for some time, but as
son as possille we will handle a
complete line of building materials.
PHONE 657 P. O, BOX 598
,; ,..; j,,:' . , . . , ,., ,> • ,. ",,,',% , , ,
(All Makes) '
• • • • " • ' , •
Body Work ).•. Fender Work. Glass Replaced.
Top Work. Lamps and Radiators Repaired.
.E SU.E rO
Ii Pass State Truck
4,leV Pair Requirements
Meli --
First and Grove Phone 777