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neglect cases not as rare as some think
from page one.)
three-quarters of the
neglect involve nothing
ly than common
:O. rding to Shelton
Doug Larson, who
lmself involved
because, as it is now,
! solid testimony is almost
essential to the intervention of
sheriff's deputies in cases
assumed to involve neglect, many
owners abuse their horses
without even knowing it.
"Sometimes I really wonder
what goes on in people's minds,"
he says. "I don't know how they
can see all that bony structure
through their horse's hide and
still honestly believe it is being
adequately fed."
Horsemeu Guyer recalls a
particularly mind-boggling case
she encountered a couple years
ago. A horse belonging to a
young couple new to the whole
thing was losing weight steadily,
and when the Versatile
GROUCHY, the two-year-old Welsh pony victimized by cruelty and
neglect, models the meat she's added to her bony frame in about a week
of nurturing care at Dayton's C Bar J Ranch, where authorities took her
when her owners abandoned her.
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made a career out of
retreads for tough Shelton
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° tire that gives anotherofservice. =t &
First & Cota, Shelton 426-8104
Horsemen looked into the blood they can emaciate even a ahnost as though they resent
situation they discovered the well-fed horse. And neglected their animals, inaway."
owners had been stretching a teeth, no longer able to grind the "As long as there are human
single bale of hay over four grain sufficiently to render it beings who feel they are superior
winter months, digestible, can kill a horse and have something to dominate
"They were giving the horse eventually, as well. such as an animal," adds
a little handful of hay every Often the neglect, intentional Kimball, "there will be cases of
day," says Guyer, shaking her or inadvertent, is rooted in cruelty. And legally it's very
head. "They didn't know any simple economics. In short, hard to do anything about it.
better. They actually asked me, literally scores of people with a You practically have to have a
in genuine surprise, "Do you fancy for horses wrangle up movie of theabuse."
mean we have to buy another enough cash for the initial Humane Officer Guyton
bale of hay already!?" And that purchase without giving a speaks with similar frustration.
was after about four months." thought to the on-going "It's really hard to prove
Kimball says many expenses, anything," he says. "For
unknowing horse owner8 observe It's not cheap: A full-grown instance, in the case of a death
the bloated belly of a horse requires a monthly due to suspected malnourish-
malnourished animal and actually outlaying of between $65 and ment, the owner can say, 'Look
assume that they're oveffeed&g. $70 at the very least, estimates in my barn. I've got lots of
"They say, 'Look at that big Adair. That includes worming, feed,' and only by performing an
belly. He's fat!' You can't which must be donefourtimesa autopsy and making a bone
believe that they're that dumb, year; horseshoeing, a ritual marrow check can it be
especially when the bones on the required every six weeks at $18 determined positively if the
poor horse are just hanging out a shot; feeding, which during the horse actually had been getting
all over and his eyes are winter runsabout $45 a month; anyofit.
sunken." and the usual upkeep of bedding "And if a guy starved his
and shelter, horse you can bet he wouldn't
Of course, underfeeding isn't "A horse is a pure luxury permit an autopsy. He'd bury
the only nutritional hazard. A requiring quite an expense," the evidence in a hurry."
fat horse,• notes Kimball, often attests vet Larson, "-and the I f nothing else is
can be as sickly as a starving initial expense is insignificant." accomplished by it, Kimball
one. "That's the problem with While most of those involved hopes publicity will encourage
most of your show horses here express optimism over the people to report any suspicious
today," she says. "The judges apparent increase in public situations involvinganimals.
want them that way. If you go awareness of animal abuse, plus a "The majority of the time
into a halter class without a fat growing willingness to report the owners have no idea they're
horse you may as well give up." suspicions, the potential for doing anything to harm their
Even the amount of food cruelty may never be eliminated, animals," she says. "They're
given a horse isn't the sole "It's true there are some more than happy to doanything
determinant, however. According people who seem to have we suggest. Most of the time
to Adair, horse lice -r real absolutely no compassion things workoutnicely."
problem here - suck so much whatsoever," admits Larson. "It's
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How Much Hot Water?
One of the items
frequently overlooked whet
remodeling or buying a new
home is the capacity of the
hot water heater. First notice
of this oversight normally is
discovered while under a hot
shower when it turns ice cold
prematurely. But then it is
too late. So, here's a short
course on the subject.
The capacity of storage
water heaters is rated in two
ways and is usually imprinted
on the nameplate of the tank.
One number tells you the
capacity of the tank, and the
other number shows the
recovery rate per hour. The
sum of the two numbers gives
you the number of gallons of
hot water a tank can supply
in one hour.
A tank of 50 gallons
capacity with a recovery rate
of 40 gallons will supply 90
gallons an hour, which should
be plenty for a family of five
in a home with two baths, an
automatic dishwasher and
clothes washer. A family of
four without a dishwasher
should be able to get by on a
30- or 40-gallon tank with
30-gallon recovery.
If there is anything we can
do to help you in the field of
real estate, please phone or
drop in at MASON COUNTY
REALTY, 724 Railroad
Avenue, Shelton, phone
426-4486. We're here to help.
SAVE to *300
on a complete
Bedroom Group
nce Sale
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on a complete
Dining Group
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SAVE s50
or more on any
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Hard Rock
Thursday, February 9, 1978- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5
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