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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Program for women u A federal program specialist diversifying the ways in which women and the with the superintendent of women and men share the federal eqaa public instruction, Eva Mertena, responsibilities in life, including am e n d m e n t. F01 willpresent a program on career economic, family and social information about and life for women planning support. NOW organization, MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Appearing on the docket in Mason County District Court before Judge Carol Fuller during the past week were: Municipal Department Joseph Glenn, 22302 Jansky Rd. E., Graham, failure to use due care and caution, $15 fine; Robert Morgan, Rt. 1, Box 189, Elma, speeding, negligent driving, $119 fine; John Brunette, Rt. 10, Box 520, Shelton, speeding, $30 forfeit; David Johnson, 1330 N. 13th, Shelton, speeding, $107 forfeit; Theodore Bentley, 206 Laurel, Shelton, speeding, driving withouta license, $109 forfeit; Charles Abernathy, 65 Crescent Drive, Shelton, speeding, $15 fine; Chester Rhoades, Rt. 3, Box 37, Shelton, speeding, $30 forfeit; David Todd, 1718A Jones St., Shelton, failure to yield right-of-way, $30 forfeit; Richard Lee, Rt. I, Box 700, Shelton, speeding, $30 forfeit; Duane Nissen, 1330 N. 13th, Shelton, speeding, $65 forfeit; Sharon Kadlub, 26 Springwood Dr., Shelton, speeding, $37 forfeit; Betty Vander Wegen, 920 Roy, Shelton, speeding, $37 forfeit; David Shonkwiler, 619 Fairmont, Shelton, junk cars, $40 fine, three days in jail, suspended; Mark Lee, 117 Mill St., Shelton, indecent conduct, $35 fine; Steven Chamblin, 104 E. Poplar, Shelton, taking property of another, $100 forfeit; Ron Augustine, Rt. 5, Shelton, failure to obey a lawful command, $35 fine; James Parker, Carlton Apartments, Shelton, resisting arrest, $100 fine, 30 days in jail, 24 suspended; Thomas Blueback, Rt. 1, Box 559, Shelton, disturbing the peace, $35 fine, two days in jail, suspended; Robert Layton, Shelton, shoplifting, two days in jail; Arnold Cooper, Rt. 3, Box 6, 606, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $250 fine, 30 days in jail, suspended; James Knauf, Rt. 4, Box 389, Shelton, defective exhaust, $9 court costs, $4 suspended; Sandra Larson, 529 N. Fifth, Shelton, speeding, $30 forfeit; Robert Schaefer, Rt. 4, Box 157, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $250 fine, 30 days in jail, suspended; Ivan Thorsos, Rt. 4, Box 120, Shelton, failure to signal left turn, $10 fine; Bradley Baselt, St. Rt. 2, Box 413, Belfair, speeding, $30 forfeit; Frank Bryant, Cedar Glenn ark 94, Poulsbo, over limif of oysters, $34 forfeit; Laula Hempel, 12211 16th St., Seattle, speeding, $41 forfeit; Stephen McCaslin, 163K Russell Rd., Bremerton, no operator's license on person, $10 forfeit; Frances Sanderson, 905 Roy Blvd., Shelton, failure to stop at stop sign, $30 forfeit; James Davis, P.O. Box 415, Shelton, defective exhaust, $25 fine; Aundrea Maxey, 2020 Washington St., Shelton, speeding, $5 forfeit; John Cline, Rt. I, Box 673, Shelton, speeding, $30 forfeit; Victor Johnson, 9004 Kitsap Way, Bremerton, expired vehicle license, $18 forfeit; Lloyd Sherard, Rt. 2, Box 598, Poulsbo, over limit of oysters, $34 forfeit; Richard Holloway, 125 East E St., Shelton, following too closely, $30 forfeit; Richie Renner, 10122 Hemlock St. SW, Tacoma, physical control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, $312.50 fine, 30 days in jail; Alfred Chappell, Rt. 10, Box 130, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $500 fine, $150 suspended, 180 days in jail, 152 suspended; Paul Thale, 1724 Northcliff Rd., Shelton, driving while intoxicated, driving while license revoked, $200 fine, one year and 30 days in jail; Dale Strand, 3708 Perry Ave. E., Bremerton, speeding, $10 was reported on East Pine Street. Bruce Johnson reported a pickup taken. It was located by officers who went to investigate a minor accident on Pioneer Way. Robert Morgan reported a vehicle taken. It was recovered by Washington State Patrol in the Mud Bay area. A, roll-over accident was reported at the Goldsborough Creek Bridge on First Street. A power pole fire was reported on the Dayton Road. Chester Valley reported a billfold lost. Michelle Moore turned in a key ring which she found. A window at Mt. View School was found open. Vernon Farrell turned in a tape case and 21 tapes which were found on Olympic Highway ' North. Bert Day Jr. reported a wheel hub taken from a vehicle. lnez Price reported a fence damaged by vandalism. Charles Winter reported a CB radio taken from a vehicle. Kenneth Winter reported a CB radio taken from a vehicle. Ralph Endicott reported a CB radio taken from a vehicle. Robert Bednarski reported a CB radio taken. A bus parked at Hilburn-Pauley Ford was reported entered. Debbie Harvey reported money taken from two newspaper boxes. Jerry Bressie reported a CB radio taken. SHERIFF'S OFFICE A disabled vehicle was reported on Highway 101 at Potlatch. Mort Davis reported dogs killed chickens. Norman Williams reported a dog shot. Arthur Ross reported a theft. S.B. Furby reported a residence burglarized. Clarence Wivell reported two Shelton, reckless driving, $150 fine; Robert Sergeant, P.O. Box n. driving whie !,?S i 55,,.Shetton.. driving, while. newspaPgjr'b,oxes taken .....  ired' Struthers, reported the tii'nded, sentence deleted six intoxicated, $250 fine, 15 days months; Michael Goodwin, Box in jail; James Coben, P.O. Box burglary of a summer cabin. 260, Shelton, speeding, $30 131, Matlock, obstructing a Mrs. A1 McCleary reported forfeit. Justice Court Wade Austin, P.O. Box 213, Shelton, defective equipment, failure to obtain Washington vehicle license, no operator's license, $20 fine; Sharon Bluher, Rt. 2, Box 35, Union, no valid operator's license on person, $9 court costs; James Darmes, Rt. 3, Box 687, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, continued one year; Wayne Green, P.O. Box 7372, Olympia, defective equipment, $I0 fine; Hazel Hawk, Rt. 5, Box 450, Shelton, never obtained Washington driver's license, $30 forfeit; Bill Hodgson, Rt. I0, Box 681, Shelton, speeding, $15 fine; Eric Jarstad, Rt. 2, Box 20, Union, speeding, $30 forfeit; Steven Johnson, 11020 Kent Kangley Rd., Kent, speeding, $22 fine; William Kelly, Rt. 1, Box public officer, $250 fine, 90 days in jail, 80 suspended. SHELTON POLICE Vicki Look reported a purse taken from a vehicle. Elizabeth Place reported a stray dog at her residence. AI Kunz reported a license plate taken. Sue Malloy reported a bicycle taken. Flossie Howe reported wind chimes taken. Dwight McKay reported he found prescription pills on his front lawn. A window in Dr. Lynn White's office was found open. A two-vehicle, non.injury accident was reported at Fifth and Railroad. The Daily Olympian reported the theft of and vandalism to newspaper stands. A two-vehicle injury accident mailboxes and road signs smashed. Ollie Lund reported a summer cabin broken into. Gene Kohler reported the burglary of a summer residence. Chuck Wynn reported the burglary of a summer cabin. Carl Lundgren reported the burglary of a summer cabin. Lloyd Frazier reported the burglary of a summer 9abin. George Brown reported chickens damaging a garden. Jack Bronson reported the burglary of a summer cabin. Leroy Johnson reported a steer taken and butchered. A one-car, non.injury accident was reported on the Arcadia Road. A car was reported in the ditch on the Sand Hill Road. A car was reoorted in the ditch in Purdy Canyon. A vehicle was reported over the bank on the Valley Road. The Skokomish Tribal Center was reported broken into. A two-car injury accident was reported at Lake Nahwatzel. Kee Quesenberry reported a stray dog at a residence. A pickup was reported in the ditch on the South Shore Road. A car fire was reported on the Larkin Road. A car-pole accident was reported in the Belfair Quick Pack parking lot. Charles Heine reported a cedar permit taken from a vehicle. Floyd Brown reported garbage dumped on the Little Skookum Lumber Company property. Rose Nye reported the burglary of a residence. Robert Mustain reported a billfold taken from a locker at North Mason High School. A one-car accident was reported on the Brockdale Road. Chuck Mustain reported gasoline taken from trucks. Marshall Foster Jr, reported a burglary. Mrs. Dick Knauf reported a German shorthair dog missing. Vandalism was reported to two vehicles in the North Mason High School parking lot. Vic Paolino reported a residence entered. Gale Filbrick reported a residence entered. Louise Brabant reported a stray goat at her" residence. Nye Company reported gaosline taken from vehicles. A hit-and-run accident was reported at Happy Hollow. Kurt Ressler reported vandalism to a cabin. Sandra Vine reported cattle damaging her property. An injury accident was reported on Highway 106 at UniOn, , ' ....... taken. The Bonneville Power Administration reported insulators damaged by rifle shots. A one-car accident was reported on Highway 3 near Bayshore. John McCune reported a boat taken. Ethel Gunderson reported a dog shot. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were to Rea Howry, residential remodeling, $5,300; Darrell Wiltman, pumphouse, $118; John Hickson, fence, $100; Edgar Lane, residential remodeling, $3,491; John Steinberg, residential remodeling, $4,649; Larry Harper, residential remodeling, $5,977; Arthur Ketterling, residential remodeling, $3,530; Lloyd Laughnam, move garage, $500; WaSte Construction, residence, $35,000. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Planner's Office during the past week were to Kenneth Hoffman, addition, $9,600; Henry Kanzler, vacation cabin, $17,082; Arnold Kepner, garage, $2,912; Jeanette Marks, mobile home, no value listed; Arthur Medema, mobile home, $10,000; Maxine Murray, residence, $25,200; Kimball San Clement, residence, $30,000; Tom Satterlee, mobile home, no value listed; Shelton Construction Inc., residence, $32,000; Shelton Construction Inc., residence, $32,000; Shelton Construction Inc., residence, $32,000; Shelton Construction Inc., residence, $37,000; Shelton Construction Inc., residence, $35,000; Edwin Taylor, addition, $13,020; Stewart Thackery, foundation, $800; Richard Tupper, repair burn damage, $43,890. SUPERIOR COURT Dissolutions of Marriage .Rdne, Eamonso'ri' vandalism to a mailbox. Charles Perrine reported eggs thrown at a vehicle. Bob Maesner reported four chrome wheels taken. William Walker reported the burglary of a trailer house. ) Mailboxes were reported /vandalized on the Lost Lake iRoad. Val Williams reported he found a 10-speed bicycle. Water was reported over the 'roadway on Highway 3 at Bayshore. Ted Howard reportedi a traffic accident on priwite property in the Dayton area. The Harold Sowers residence at Shorecrest was reported entered. Ella Pauley reported gasoline rep0/td_ _____ ' ...... Kathleen Corsa and Stuart Corsa. Mary Cameron and Joseph Cameron. Helen Van Cleave and Gerald Van Cleave. New Cases Mr. and Mrs. Ray Terry Jr. against Shelton Construction, breach of contract. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lacey against Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Fisher, partnership accounting. FIRE DISTRICT FIVE January 31, 11:48 a.m., car fire, Phillips Lake, minor damage to car. February 5, 1:37 p.m., aid call, Deer Creek, child with severe laceration, transported to Mason General Hospital, Shelton. Sunday at 7 p.m. at Timberland South Mason Library. She has conducted similar presentations before in which an individual learns to review her own lifestyle and assess her use of leisure time, her work activity, significant people in her life and also explore herself. The program is intended to provide a systematic approach to determining how these facets, separately and together, impact on a person's life. Sunday night Mertena will provide a thought-provoking introduction to her more extensive programs, which are given over a weekend, or through a series of workshops, as planned at the Olympia YWCA in March and April. When asked how working at a disliked job affects the rest of a person's life activities, she responded that you could "use up all your energy hating a job." The meeting will get a woman started on taking a look at what it is she likes or doesn't like about her situation and what can be done to make changes or enhance those things that are going right. Eva Mertena said this presentation brings about "grooming for a career." The Sunday meeting is sponsored by the Mason County Chapter of the National Organization for Women. The chapter has existed for about five years and is currently undergoing a revitalization. Specific action areas of priority are determined by the local members, but the chapter does adhere to the national NOW goals. Basically, NOW's statement of purpose calls for a move to More specifically, some of the goals point toward equal employment possibilities, educational opportunities and reorientation, the development of child-care options for working /Of' welcomed to call at 426-9892. As you will Conform and be dull. James Valentine Cards From J% O GREETING CARDS, INC. $ PLANTS With Valentine Decor... Lather Belts Reg. $8.95 ............... 25 % OFF ALL JEWELRY! "HE TREflgUR£ /IT i t What an00, l00rovement! Now you can apply your wallpaper paste to the walls and put the paper up whenever you want t. Great for busy people. X-100 walleovering paste is applied with a roller directlyto the wall Hang as many strips as you have time for. Then you renioisten anytime during the next two weeks and hang some more! Great? You bed Come in and get all the simple details. We've got lots of wallpaper toot Houri: 10:30 t01 12:00 to 5:00 p.n We have dozens of wallpaper catalogs! • Draperies an d 113 S. Second You are invited to our ['Don't ... Forget Tour SweeUel Evergreen Evergreen Square • 426-3456 • Shelton When care enough to send the very best J Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 9, 1978 TO COAST New Store Owner 000ut S February 15, 16, 17 and 18. Watch for our advertisement. T0 COAST STORES , i ¸ Coast to Coast Store' 123 s. Second Street in downtown Shelto;t Gordy and Fra Smith New Owners L'/: I