February 9, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 9, 1978 |
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y CI b pl f • "ly W k d
" Ke u ans or K-FomI ee en
""'"t, ommu:e,., Key Club of Shelton family. This is the fourth annual recreation day at the high school United States, Canada and the
.i00h School is sponsoring observance of the event. Sunday from ll a.m. tolp.m., Caribbean. Key Club
K.Family Weekend in Shelton Joining the Key Club of inter-club meeting with Circle-K International is presently
February 11 and 12, according Shelton High School will be its Thursday, and a Key Club celebrating its 53rd year of
to Rick Brooks, president of the sponsoring Kiwanis Club of program for Senior Kiwanis service with its international
theme, "Fulfill Man's Hope For
Clothing Bank, 10 a.m.-2
p.m., Collier Clinic building.
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., courthouse.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD.
Christmas Town CBers, 7:30
p.m., Island Lake firehall.
Rainbow, 7:30 p.m., Masonic
Mason General Hospital
Auxiliary coffee hour, noon,
home of Mrs. Harry James.
Mary M. Knight school board
meeting, 8 p.m., school.
Parents of Senior Class, 7:30
p.m., Sub Room, SHS.
Mason County Little League
baseball board meeting, 7:30
p.m., Colonial House.
Tuesday, February 14
Kiwanis Club luncheon,
noon, Heinie's.
Overeaters Anonymous, 7:30
p.m., Timberland Library.
Key Club, 7 p.m., SHS.
Dirt Dubbers, 10 a.m., Fir
Tree Park.
School board meeting, 8
p.m., Evergreen School.
NARFE, 2 p.m., PUD.
4-I-I Leaders Council meeting,
7:30 p.m., Extension Office.
Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree of Honor, 8 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Mason County Hospital
District commission meeting, 8
a.m., hospital.
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
Roundtable for Scouting,
7:30 p.m., United Methodist
Wednesday, February IS
Progressive pinochle, 6:30
p.m., Senior Center.
Shelton High Key Club.
K-Family Weekend is a
two-day period adopted by the
Key Club International Board of
Trustees as a time for promoting
the relationships between
members of Kiwanis
International, Key Club
International, and/or Circle K
International to strengthen the
bonds that should exist in every
Shelton Kiwanis, Kristmastown
Kiwanis and Senior Kiwanis, and
the Circle K Club of Garrett
Heyns Educational Center.
The purpose of the weekend
is to join the organizations to
dedicate a weekend when they
can work together.
Among the events during the
1978 K-Family Weekend in
Shelton will be a family
Key Club International is a
high school service organization
founded in 1925 on the principle
of voluntary involvement-action
in the high school and
community in which each Key
Clubber resides. Currently, there
are more than 80,000 Key
Clubbers in 3,900 high school
Key Clubs throughout the
Movie showing planned
Tile four Marx Brothers and as the sixth program in the
W.C. Fields star in a double Community Library Association's
feature to be presented tonight series Movies/Take 5.
Collec3e Corner
When Olympic College Extension Center moved into the building
formerly occupied by Mason County Federal Credit Union a few
years ago, there seemed to be ample room for the Individual Progress
Center, which was its original goal.
Since its inception, the campus has had cooperation from many
sources as it has continued to grow. Rooms at the high school are
being used at night. Exceptional Foresters have shared a building.
Grant C. Angle School has provided its wood shop. Classes have been
held at the Colonial House through the courtesy of Simpson Timber
This winter the movable partitions within the College Center's
structure have been shifted to provide an added classroom. To
complete this, the counselor's office was tucked into the corner of
another study room. Extra chairs and tables were purchased this
winter and were added to the largest study room for the I.P.C.
Students at present study together in this library. Speed readers
sit" with their backs to the center of the room. Students of history,
math, English and writing study together, each doing his own thing.
Soft music over the intercom pervades and serves as a buffer from
"It's a Gift" features W.C.
Fields as Harold Bissonette, a
merchant plagued by a shrewish
wife, a disintegrating car, an
obnoxious infant (Baby LeRoy),
a flood of molasses, and a blind
hotel detective intent upon
wrecking the Bissonette grocery.
The film contains one of the
most memorable scenes in the
Fields canon, that in which
Bissonette's attempts at slumber
are defeated by a milkman, a
bouncing coconut, the clacking
of female tongues, and a man
asking the whereabouts of Carl
In "Duck Soup," regarded by
devotees of the Marx Brothers as
probably their greatest film,
Groucho, as Rufus T. Firefly,
becomes prime minister of
Freedonia at the insistence of
the batty Mrs. Teasdale
(Margaret Dumont). His
diplomatic skills are such that
Freedonia is soon at war with the
neighboring country of Sylvania,
and Harpo becomes the
Freedonian Paul Revere. The
mirror scene, in which Chloe and
Harpo impersonate Groueho, is
one of the Brothers' finest, and
Today, Thursday, February 9
PWP potluck, 6:30 p.m.,
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45
a.m., Timbers.
Kiwanis Club of Mason
County Seniors, noon, Senior
Clothing Bank, 10 a.m.-2
p.m., Collier Clinic building.
Union Ladies Civic Club,
noon, Union firehall.
Christmastown Rounders, 8
p.m., IWA hall.
Friday, February I0
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers.
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8
p.m., IOOF hall.
Agate Grange business
Skokomish Grange, 6:30
p.m. potluck, 8 p.m. meeting.
Progress Grange, 6:30 p.m.
potluck, 8 p.m. meeting.
Rummage and plant sale by
Shel-Toa, noon to 3 p.m., PUD.
Saturday, February 11
Senior Center dance, 8
p.m.-midnight, potluck at 6:30
p.m., IWA hall.
Sunday, February 12
Shelton churches invite you
to attend the church of your
"Come Alive" program, 8-11
a.m., Mason General Hospital.
Shelton Big Fours, 7 p.m.,
Monday, February 13
PUD No. 3 commission
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
Circle K International is a
collegiate service organization
founded in 1947 at Carthage
College; Carthage, Illinois. It
numbers more than 700 clubs
and more than 10,000 members
who give service to the college
campus and host community.
Sponsors of both Key Club
International and Circle K
International, Kiwanis
International is a men's service
organization of over 285,000
members in more than 6,400
clubs in some 61 countries
throughout the world. It was
founded in 1915, and maintains
its international headquarters in
Our bridal gift registry
permits the bride to
select at her leisure
and assures the giver
that the gift will be
just right.
• Jewelry
• Diamonds
• China
• Glassware
• Silver
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New Construction
• • f e
[ Des,gn Serv,ce
Diabetes ,,,,, p.m.,lodge.
Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, exterior distractions, the film has another plus: therea Gift" will begin at 7:30 p.m.; O..:;U |
6:50 a.m., Holiday Park. The enrollment of 418 students this winter quarter is, of are no warbling lovers.
class set Skookum Rotary Club necessity, spread between these various locations, and still the search The films will be shown }n
breakfast, 7 a.m., Heinie s. for classroom space goes on, particularly for evening classes. Many of the high school auditorium. "It s at
The Thurston County Health Tops Washington Chapter the arts are held in the evening.
Department is conducting a No. 313, 6:15 p.m., First Baptist Community service classes are more popular, after daytime 6ate
two.day diabetic instruction class Church. businesses have closed and working mothers and dads can stagger "Duck Soup" at about 8:55 I |
at the Health Department, 529 Trailblazers, 7:30 p.m., evenings at babysitting to allow their partners a chance to improve p.m.; the program will end at I COI[
S.W. Fourth Avenue, Olympia, fairgrounds" their educational skills or to develop a hobby- about I0:05 P m Admissi°n is l 00m0000i00L,00trl CO,,
February: 14and 15 from 8:30 for children of This willingness, on the part of the community, to permit its by series ticket; individuall, tickets! , on Mt
, i ::h 6:30 p.m.-9 spa, to :'be: shared, speaks welt 0f"eittltddes of Shelton's "'* ...... '' Joor at " v ................. = Am n'==='
will cover diet, p.m., pooi. progressive citizens. It is this spirit of helping each other in many wm De avmiaole at m • ==
insulin, diabetic pills and general Emblem Club business ways that distinguishes Shelton and makes it an outstanding city. $
management for the control of meeting, 8 p.m., mini-lodge.
diabetes including urine testing, WARC, 8 p.m., Mt. View ""'""" ............... ':'
foot care and care during illness. Annex. Why We Should Not
Emphasis is directed toward Youth Advisory Council, 7
the diabetic living a normal life Give Away The Canal
and prevention of complications p.m., Room 312, SHS.
which can occur especially if the Thursday, February 16 No. 106 Ethel B. Dinning
diabetes isn't kept under control. Hood Canal Woman's Club, "We hanged our harps upon the willows. How can we sing
Members of the class are 11:30 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. THE LORD'S SONG in a strange Land?" (Ps. 137:1-8).
requested to take a sack lunch, Mason County Democrat From The West Watch comes this message from the
with coffee or tea provided. Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD. Panamanians in exile, from their homeland dictatorship in
Anyone interested in learning Shelton Park Board, 8 p.m., Venezuela, "That no voice is raised in America to defend them
more about diabetes and its city hall. by breaking off negotiations to a new Panama Treaty with the
control is invited to attend. A Hood Canal Lions Club, 8 i dictator of their country."
physician's referral isn't required, p.m., Fearless Freddie's. In a message to the American people, the newly formed
Please call the Health Mason County Weed Control "Panamanian Social Democratic Movement"said, "Any support
Department at 753-8076 to Board, 8 pan., commissioners' for the dictatorship is tantamount to a betrayal o[ the
register. There is a $10 charge heating room, courthouse. Panamanian people. That any dealings with the dictatorship will
be disavowed by the Democratic government that will come to
for the two-day instruction class Clothing Bank, 10 a.m.-2
power in the near future."
for those able to pay. p.m., Collier Clinic building. A paid advertisement appeared in a Venezuela newspaper
with the question, "What right has Torri]os to negotiate in the
name of the people who repudiate him and do not have the
means to express their feelings?" Condemning the Venezuela
l l president and otherLatin American leaders wh°are urging
President Carter to sign the Canal Treaty with Torrilos.
"The party in exile is struggling [or, 1. A return to
government elected by the majority, 2. The return o[ all
persons exiled, 3. Public and private freedom, 4. Respect for
the dignity°fmankindandrightst°thehumanbeing'5"At GRAYSTOHE =
' ..... treaty in which our people and their political organizations
would conduct the negotiations, 6. The expansion of the Canal
This ,one from a 1921 encyclopedia, because being close to
the grass roots, it should give the truth. That the idea was first
CAN promoted by Balboa. (The first to gaze in awe at the Great CORPORATION ;
Pacic.) I
That the work was started by the Fretch in 1882 by Count I
Lesseps, the builder of the Suez. It was soon interrupted by a
$149 terriflcscandaloffraudandembezzlementcausingitt°beput '
in the hands o[ the receiver. 1894, the work was resumed but
insurmountable problems arose calling for AMERICAN
6 PACK INGENUITY. So we bought the rights from France for
"1.69 s4o.ooo.ooo. Happily, the Republic of Panama "CEDED" to us
the FIVE-MILE strip for $10,000,000. (Also we bought and
paid retail the land owned by private citizens in the zone), the relioble experienced ones.
It took ten years with the expenditure of $300,000,000 to • • •. ( tla , , --
complete it for traffic in 1914. 1919 had its best year to that ,:, ::
date with tonnage 7,128,000. It cleared $211,000. The cost to ::'
.-..------_---.-.---- - -- -- :--------------- date was $365,416,000. End of quote.
ii=-i,m "- -----i----i-I As o[ today, the only ships that cannot pass through are
the few largest aircraft carriers, so the military are not in favor
of the treaty, neither are the farmers, who hold the breadbasket
bga o[ the nation, for they realize the additional 8,000 miles is
Crushed -- by the or can. quite an item as well as the time-result on the perishables..
. In 1966 it shipped 81,704,000; in 1975, 140,704,000 log
So, our 51-mile canal is one of our greatest assets as well as
" 'the key link in our East-West MILITARY MOVEMENTS as well DRIVE OUT RAILROAD AVENUE, TURN AT
Brad s l asf°rthesuccess°f°urFARMTRADE" i
Corn, soybeans and sorghum going through the canal earned
$9.1 billion in foreign exchange. In 1976 it handled 70% of our OUR SIGN JUST PAST 12TH STREET,
Quick [armexports. SHELTON I
We are indebted to Congressman Hansen of Idaho for these i. i
figures procured FROM THE CANAL COMPANY BOARD OF one 426-3344
iI Our Bible is again on hand to give from the wisdom of :,
Open 7 a.m.-I 1 p.m., Mon.-Sot., 8 o.m.-10 p.m. Sun. both Moses andPaul, " Brick . Block , Fireplace Accessories :'
] "DON'T MUZZLE THE OX, WitEN tie TREADETH OUT "A" Crushed Rock . Septic Tanks . Pit Run
l/Hill€rest Brad Owen: Owner Mt. View THE CORN" (Deut. 25:4, 1 Cur. 9:9, 1 Tim. 5.'18). "k Sand & Gravel , Drain Pipe . Saturday Pours
' pd. adv.
Page 12 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 9, 1978