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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ty approves :e main work The Shelton City cost $1,600. If, after the review, fiSSn, fit its meeting as told by Dr. S.S. raRer, Chin and Mayo bids received on the ia Section of the new Lment plant had eviewed and that the low Was Lindberg  of Lynnwood. oarSked that the  n sign a letter to state federal officials o11 the 1 of the contract. The she said, the conunission decided to have a total revision of the lnunicipal code, it could be done at the cost of $12 a page with the city receiving credit for the $1,600 paid for the review. If the city should choose to supplement the present code, the cost would be $12 a page for each page which had to be reprinted and there would be no credit for tile research fee. City Attorney Herb Fuller tot Rust be ma ¢.J . approved bv told the commission he would :,aeral officials.  have a report next week on the !'Ynnwod firm's bid of proposal. ,000 Was the lowest of Mayor James Lowery signed received on the pro ect le *' . . j . a proclamation setting February .,.COmrmsslon voted to 12-18 as Vocational Education ,are.. the mayor to sign a Week in Shelton. The l S:Rmmg the contract proclamation was presented by state and federal Shelton High School students Is for apProval, t ' irish Wold, a re resen Teresa Walker and Sherrie Little. )o . ,.. P atlve k -uousnin Comoan . tie, a-  " y- • . pPeared at tile School board ll°la.Reet!ng to make a . .m Upaating the city sots mooting tPal COde. stated the original code Tile Shelton School Board Printed by her firm in will hold its regular February euptlated in 1965 and meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the neeaoPtetoe  out of date Evergreen School library. • plete revision g)t in line with changes i law and Court decision Commissioner to last • s ,, Updating. appointed urm. Would review the !1 ordinances passed since The commissioners of Fire time and make District 5 at their regular le'ndati°nSould be taken°n what meeting January 25 appointed Sion. by the Ralph Victor to fill the vacancy Baptists to hear missionary speaker For the past nine years Reverend and Mrs. Mike Neumann have trained Christian leaders in the Democratic on the board created by the work sessions in which church resignation of Royce Waldrep. leaders are equipped to do the Republic of Madagascar. Neumann, a missionary with the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society of Wheaten, Illinois, will tell of his work in Madagascar when he speaks at The First Baptist Church, Fifth and Cota, on Saturday and Sunday at the Missions Conference. Neumann was field chairman of the CBFMS work in Madagascar for the last three years he was there. During this time missionaries worked out a new agreement with the Malagasy Baptist Association. Because of government *restrictions the mission arranged to work ,under the Baptist Association s authority, with all final decisions about the work made by the Malagasy Christian leaders. Neumann focused on leadership training through literature and teaching. He directed the literature work, which included an island-wide correspondence course ministry with 3,500 students enrolled. Through extension seminary classes led by Neumann, church leaders received training. Students studied programmed materials at home. When they met as a class, Neumann showed them how to make applications from their lessons by preparing sermons, Bible studies or children's stories. "The extension seminary classes are practical e review, she said, would 00lhot's Wrong With This Picture? (Can you find all seven mistakes in sixty seconds?) (Answers below.) t's Right With It Is, Still On work of the ministry," he said. Neumann graduated from the University of Oklahoma in Norman and from the Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon. The Neumanns, who have two children, were appointed as CBFMS missionaries in 1966. The conference, which begins Saturday with an 8 a.m. men's breakfast at the church, will include a ladies' salad luncheon at 1 p.m. Saturday, and a valentine party with the high school group in the evening. Sunday, Reverend Mr. Neumann will speak at the morning service and will give a presentation of his mission work at the evening service. The public is welcome to attend these services. SALE! 487 South 1st Shelton Parking in rear e at $9.119 'c19 ].0 S,, TM a pair. ||) It's not ralnln 9 so she rIOIb/doNn' t cutting anvtht', I,e] i ne Unlco Sprayer, lit.IS has nothing in it tospray. (4) Miller L-awn'l'/,., ne gravel 4ind the Tozler's store (.wh. ". e ls pictu .re t them• /'In vi._ ;.'..:z'..V_tor 40 Ibs. (t The Northrup Ki and Lilly .Miller seeds "'$i$:/U -W2. Cantroctor )Wh., Barrow. 12n.N. is resting on a 45 __L" -" tnere Is same aueat;,,,, k,..., a Jt o it we'll list them mr you 1, man'! use the DIoTJIon Dust, $1.1A. Democrat women schedule speaker Diane Oberquell, chairman of the Washington State Board of Prison Terms and Paroles, will be the speaker at a noon luncheon meeting of the Mason County Democratic Women's League February 15 in the Timbers ' Restaurant banquet room. She will be speaking about i her present position as chairman of the Washington State Board i of Prison Terms and Paroles. The public is welcome to the meeting. Diane Oberquell Further information can be obtained from Annette McGee, president of the Democratic Women's Club. Shelton - Olympia DALLY EXCEPT SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS PASSENGER SCHEDULE Leave Shelton 8:45 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Arrive Olympia 9:15 a.m. 5:15 p.m. Leave Olympia 9:45 a.m. 5:50 p.m. Arrive Shelton 10:15 a.m. 6:20 p.m. PARCEL EXPRESS SERVICE OLYMPIA DEPOT Greyhound Bus Depot Capitol Way and 7th Phone: 357-5541 SHELTON DEPOT Senior Center 208 Grove Street Phone: 426-2910 Cascade Trailways The Brothers Four Are Coming Back Sponsored by your community credit union Wednesday, March 8, 1978. Two Performances: 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Shelton High School Auditorium. Tickets available at both branches of your credit union, Shehon and Belfair. Credit Union Members -- $2.00 Credit Union Members Under 12 -- $1.00 Non-Members -- $5.00 Annual business meeting of the Mason County Federal Credit Union. Wednesday, March 8, 1978 at 8 p.m. -- Shelton High Auditorium -- NO ADMISSION CHARGE lH mason count:l.i leoeral creole union Shelton 521 Railroad Avenue 426-1601 Belfair New Belfair Center 275-6066 Thursday, February 9, 1978 ' Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13