February 9, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 9, 1978 |
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Test can tell you how to live longer
• • • • . if all strictly objective analysis.
a) Stalistics lic. by suggestions that can help. or 'oBUl u bje
There is no s ctive
b) Doctors arc only for the t i "For instance," says Gallagher, a particularly high cholesterol doctor-patient relationship--and
sick. And you'll have your blood "it will say that if you make level in your bloodstream, that relationship is definitely
If you find yourself agreeing pressure checked, and your lung certain specified changes, such as statistical evidence suggesting it valuable. This program is not
E 5 l '|i I" iltA,I with either of the preceding, capacity and eMciency tested, cutting down on certain types of could be harmful might at least meant to replace that
"....:_ .. -,, don't read on. Why risk ruffling too, just like in the doctor s food or learning to avoid certain convince you to go see a doctor relationship, even though we do
hope one of the major groups it
your feathers? office, stress situations, you can bring and ask him what he thinks, will reach will be those people
After all, what do you - a But you'll also fill out a your vitality age gradually back
:"l '.- lee I veritable "picture of health" - 15-page questionnaire on medical dow, n to your chronological bringAIth°ughinto play"C°mea numberAiive'd°eSof without a,,They familYmay god°ct°r'through the
care about a program of history and lifestyle, and therein one. variables not customarily program and say to themselves,
preventive medicine purporting lies the big difference. Specialized programs will be surveyed by the medical 'Hey, maybe I rea!ly should get
to tell you, using medical How many hours do you offered following the health-risk profession, its proponents like to some medical help.
s'It'l A Gift" statistics, why you may well be sleep every night? Do you drink? evaluation to aid in, for instance, emphasize that it does not
ii:iii ' i I B H°°o:s:M°nd"°i thru Thursd°y 1 i on the road to an early grave? Stnoke? What do you eat and stress and tension control, essentially depart from generally importance of G allagher stresses thecalling ahead
t r 101:0Ocml-mM!%)ht p Why, when you don't even when? What s your occupation? physical fitness, weight control accepted physicians methods, should one wish to avail himself
Din .m. believe it, would you want to Do you enjoy it? When was the and dietary control of In fact, the whole process is of the "Come Alive" program.
i!li!g I kn°w how you might get off lasl time you had a fight with cholesterol. Also offered conducted by trained medical One reason, of course, is to
that road and live a longer, more your husband/wife? Was it regularly throughout the year are personnel under the supervision make the appointment. Another
productive life? , resolved'? five-day clinics to stop smoking, of licensed physicians.
. Starring In the event you ve read this S u c h q u e s t ion s, say But is the computer program is that certain instructions must
TlMarxBr°thers' N far, you may as wellknow that statisticians, may be even more reai!y reliable? Does it work? "If there leone departure," be passed along in advanee - for
70mlnute=. U TUESDAY otrhq?l,TeBorder just such a program will be meaningful than those That's like asking, 'Does a says Gallagher, "it is that this is instance, that a 14-hour fast
ri U offered this weekend right here determining, say, that heart physical work?' points out must be observed immediately
TOP SIRLOIN $4.75 s,,,,,d.toa, nm in Mason County. It's called disease plagued the last five Gallagher. "It's a difficult -_-_-_------------__--------- prior to the testing, f or purposes
I I "C°me Alive," and the first generations of men in your question. But various health Too Late to Classify of blood-chemistry analysis and
111 WEDNESDAY, Doubles Night phase .... the one where you family, or that your morn and factors can be statistically the like.
ursday, All Bar Well Drinks Double for $1.00 come in - will be offered on an your mom's morn both lost verified. For instance, we might -------------------------------------- The basic cost of $15 covers
1doz. appointment basis from 8 to breasts to cancer, not know exactly why, but we LARGE SPACE Master both the testing and computer
February 9 fruhwhole OYSTERS $4.75ServedS,o8pm I1:30 a.m. Sunday at Mason But they'll all be covered in do know now that there is a refrigerator,s210. 426-1838.withy2/9 icemaker, work and a special group
consultation session, a week and
I THURSDAY, Family Night General Hospital. the questionnaire, and when correlation between lung cancer ANTIQUE 60" bathtub, $45; a half later, during which a
Smoll Coyote Wine for two, soft drinks for the children The medically supervised everything has been gathered it and cigarette smoking." walnut dining set, $175; new
program, brought to the will be sent off to a comPuter Gallagher concedes that G.E. garba?e dispose, $20; physician gives each participanta
VEAL OR CHICKEN DINNER $3.50 SotvadStoSp.m. community by the Adventist and regurgitated back in the statistics can be misleading even 2-year-old 20 electric Hotpoint detailed explanation of his
FRIDAY&SATURDAY i Health Education Center, form of a personal health when accurate. He uses the range, $50. 426-6489. B2/9-16 personal chart.
Live music in our Ioun .m. to 1:30 a.m. combines a range of medical and outlook, combining stress factors following fictitious anecdote to P U R E B R E D I R ISH setter For more information and
personal factors to tell you and health hazards in your daily illustrate: puppies, $30. 1-352-5241 appointments call 426.1967 or
FEATURING where you stand in terms of life with definitive suggestions as Two cars are in a race -- a 426-4183.
I PHILLIP overall health and why you to avoiding them. Russian car and an American car. FURN ISHED 1-bedroom mobile
home. Clean, carpeted, quiet,
perhaps could stand to make "And it will compare your There are no other cars entered. Potlatch area. Electricity, water Only if withheld
LOVGREN certain changes, actual age with your 'vitality' The American car wins. included, $80 month. 877-5423. Freedom cannot be granted. It
Termed a "health hazard age," adds one who has However, upon disclosure in the W2/9
b .t must be taken. Max Stirner
appraisal," the program draws undergone the program, Russian press, the story comes FOR SALE- 1955 nternational
dl upon more than the usual Adventist minister Tim Gallagher out, "The Russian entry placed 1-T. flatbed. Good hay or cedar
r Dinner hour until ] 1:00 p.m. indicators surveyed by your of Sheiton. For instance, you second . . . while the American truck. Call after 6, 426.9104. [ -_uVaa 1
,It • SUNDAY physician when you undergo may be 35 but have the body of car was second-to-last. C2/9tfn .........
111p'7..' II Open 12:00 noon -- 8:O0 p.m. your periodic physical. Sure, BUS-year-old.' ,, "Sure, statistics can mean GARAGE AND bake sale, //, " 380CD/ /
' Senior Citizens night 10% off on full dinners, you'll still part with a little Not merely a scare tactic," ahnost anything you want them Saturday, February 11, 9-6.
II "gQ "0 e LOST -- MANS brown billfold.
,,y 0/t e 0 O 426-8501 ---=.-------------'" ""--------------------------------" --'-----------'--------------'------"= Reward offered for return.
u, Legal Pubhcatbn= regal Publications Legal Publications 426-947 o 426.724 B2/a ......
e can accommodate your party up to 50 in our Banquet Room j W
"-- ' ___ 1' ---------------- ----'----'----'-----------'---'' :: months" - Tw° sma" pups' '/old. Black male, Husqvar It
NOTICE OF SALE of the full bid price based on the sh, money order or certified b lack-and-wh ite female, na
I1€1III=I:11€11€IIC:11€IIIIIII11€ OF VALUABLEMATERIAL cruise estimate, provided that check. Said deposit shall
d ON STATE LAND such deposit shall not be less constitute an opening bid at the 426-7008. M2/9 ......... __. __
STATE OF WASHINGTON than $5,000.00. This balance appraised price. FOR SALE -- 220-gallon oil / k-l----E-G-e-a- /
Robin Hod oP,,M,, OF NATURAl' may be paid by personal check. Upon award "of this sale, the tank, $25. 426-9036 after 6 p.m. / MOTOR SHOP |
RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, Purchaser must also furnish respective deposits shall be
: Commissioner of Pubic Lands within 30 days of date of sale a returned to the unsuccessful L2/9 - '
Restaurant Notice is hereby given that surety bond of $1,000.00 to bidders. On the day of sale, the LICENSED BABYSITTER n | 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. |
on Tuesday the 28th day of guarantee compliance with all purchaser must pay the balance Union. 898-4241. V2/9-16 1 426-4602 /
February, 1978, commencing at terms of the bill of sale. All between the bid deposit and the
Friar Tuck Room saidten o'clOCkday, atin thethe Southf°ren°°npuget°f checks,be money orders, etc. are to full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of r L
made payable to the sale fee, or may, if the purchaser NOW OPEN. e e WEIRE NEW!
,at Union on beautiful Hood Canal @ So u n d Area Headquarters Commissioner of Public Lands. so elects at the time of sale, pay
'= , located at Enumclaw, County of A C C E S S R O A D an additional amount, to bring
I .... OiJ] " .. . King State of Wash ngton, by REVOLVING FUND: $220.00 the total amount of the deposit, MILL CREEK ENTERPRISES
• VALENTINE SPECIAL I ...... the Area "Manager of said Area, to be paid on day of sale. exclusive of fees, to equal 10%
the timber on the following Accessibility: Via Charles T. of the full bid price based on the Just off Highway 3 on Mill Creek Rood, Shelton
described state land will be sold Wright and Helen J. Wright cruise estimate, provided that
25% OFF / i , at public auction to the highest easement, and Department of such deposit shall not be less
with this ad A bidder, to wit: Natural Resources access, than $5,000.00. This balance. , Phone426-5404
MASON COUNTY Complete contract and may be paid by personal check. .I ., • Precision Machining,
' Application No. 39136 specifications may be examined Purchaser must also furnish , .7-[. Light Welding and Parts j
t Supreme Court Thinning at South Puget Sound Area within 30 days of date of sale a
"" located approximately 6 miles by Headquarters located at surety bond of $1,000.00 to
Dining ItourB: "X" I11111( Remonufacturing I
sale is composed of all timber office and office of the terms of the bill of sale. All II|llllb e Bearing Pressing i
]l a.m. to 9 p.m. Tueiay-Friday road northwest of Shelton. The Enumclaw County Auditor's guarantee compliance with all I XJ • Gunsmithlng j
d 7 a.m.-9 p.m. ' ' "X" bymarkedsaleWtihareablUeboundarypaint boundedtags, Olvmpia.C°mmissi°ner of Public Lands, checks,be madem°neypayable°rders' etC.toarethetO , OPEN MON.-SAT.,,,,, 9 A.M.-5 P.M. I
I Saturday and Sunday . property lines, and logged areas To be sold at South Puget Commissioner of Public Lands.
-- .....= _ --------=- ..... " ..... - .... -- g on part SV2SEV4; plus all timber Sound Area Headquarters
. . .-'" 1K" Accessibility: Via public -
.lI ,, - ---_ MIKE MENDOZA . bounded by right of way (Enumclaw, on Tuesday, access, i" "'"*'----'s" T .......... ""
boundary taqs on Dart SI&SEI/4 of February 28, 1'978, at 10 o'clock The State shall reserve -- "orgraciousliril" I
ection 26, Township 21 North, a.m. $2,320.00 of the initial payment
I q "eservations Recommended ENTERTAINING " Range 4 West, W.M., containing Application No. 39157 for slash disposal.
i,... Phone 898-3113 Friday and Saturday Night ; 55 acres, more or less, Haven located approximately Complete contract and l ' ,
| '''lIt.d. _.'__. ..... 9 to ] in the lounge. " c°mprising appr°ximately l0 miles byr°adwest°f Belfair" specificati°ns may be examined t i
1€1€*I1I.3111€131€1€:.111€1,11€1 130,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir The sale is composed of all at South Puget. Sound Area . rt00trna00 Dt lla6t
1k1€11€I1€11€11€11€11€111€111€11€ and 50,000 bd. ft. of Iodgepole timber bounded by clearcut Headquarters located at
pine, or a total of 180,000 bd. boundary tags in Unit No. 1 on Enumclaw, County Auditor's
ft. part WVNW/4 of Section 29, part office and office of the
Minimum acceptable bid: F'I/NEt/4 of Section 30 in Unit Commissioner of Public Lands, q Quality buih affordable
Timber w I be so d on a cash timber marked with blue paint To be sold at South Puget set up in our all adult
or installment pan basis, outside the clearcut boundary Sound Area Headquarters
;_ I00XICA N I Timber must be removed tags on part SEV4NE¼, part (Enumclaw), on Tuesday,
RESTAU "N --- """ RANTREST I prior to February 29, 1980.On or before February 28, TownshipNEl/4SEI/4 °f Secti°n 30' February 28' 1978' at 10°'c1°ck23 North, Range 2 a.m. park or on your lot.
1978, at 10:00 a.m. each bidder West, W.M., containing 19 acres, Additional information on
i must make a minimum deposit more or less, comprising ,ermsand procedures of sale are ]i°de|Bt°'eeLtPBl*e''¥1]l||ab|e"t 1
i We t-Ot8 - of $1,301 00 in the form of approximately 80 000 bd. ft. of contained in the "Public Auction
e [ J cash, money order or certified Douglas fir, 80()O0 bd. ft. of Sale" pamphlet.
| ?t 46-5070 check. Said deposit shall hemlock, 10,000 bd. ft. of white Said timber on said land will 2[150 T.rH, zll|rteentl trret
- constitute an opening bid at the pine and Iodgepole pine, 10,000 be sold for not less than the
appraised price. Upon award of bd. ft. of cedar and 5,000 bd. appraised value, as appraised by
i you on a gourmet th,s sale, the respective deposits ft. of hardwood's, or a total of the Commissioner of Public * " tlahileametale
Id //I]/l[O:""" I shall be returned to the 185,000bd. ft. Lands in the manner provided by 2fl'42tl'250 , , }
tr00p into o unsuccessful bidders. On the day Minimum acceptable bid: law, a notice of which is now on .................... --t, ite d,e.....__t, ark
of sale, the purchaser must pay $10,320.00. file in the office of the Auidtor
i the balance between the bid Timber will be sold on a cash of Mason County, and in the
deposit and the full bid price or installment plan basis. • office of the Area Manager of
Chimichangas [ plus a $5.00 b I of sale .fee, or Timber must be removed South Puget Sound Area.
, ] On or before February 28, ,
Flautas - may, if the purchaser so elects at prior to February 29, 1980.
ne time of sale, pay an /s/Bert L. Cole
Mexican Pizza totaladditi°nalamountam°unt'of thet° bringdeposit,the 1978, at 10:00 a.m., each. bidder CommissionerBERT L. COLEof
of $1,032.00 in the form of Public Lands
exclusive of fees, to equal 10Yo must make a minimum deposit
Guacamole ' 2/9-16-23-3t
Chile Rellenos
lhtrros (Custom Made)
Mexican Protein Salad DON'T TRADE MEDICINES • Corrosion-proof brass ,.
valves. II1!
Mexican & Domestic Beer IT COULD BE DANGEROUS • Solid state defrost.
Hueros Rancheros What is food for one person can be poison for • Deluxe, weatherproof
We will cater large or small groups for another is an old axiom. Thereforc. do not eer cabinet.
take any prescription prescribed for a friend vho
any occasion in our FIESTA ROOM thinks you could also benclil. • Quiet, rubber mounted i
Modern prescription drugs are so polent Ihat • Super efficiency. ':' "
they should not be taken ithout a ph)sician's
approval. If you take someone else's prescriplion Call today for information on all-electric
you are gambling wilh our health, cooling & heating that may save you money.
• o olt OI[JR DO(.YI'OR (;AN I'IIONi.; I'
when you need a delivery. We will deliver
Uptown on 4th Ave. promptly without extra ehar:c. ,. :reat man.v We offer planned service and commercial
I;t'ol)le rely 0nn us for Ilneir iealth leeds. We
Lowdown on prices. .,.h'o,,,e i'l.qlleSt for dl,livl.l'y .(.l'vice ;1111| ehal'Re maintenance agreements.
Strawberry T--Petty Neil's Pharmacy
of Heortbrookers $o7
margaritas tool Heart Little Queen $4.11 I Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal
Joan Armatradlng Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 . ...,;. , ,;..
Show Some Emotion 14.7Y Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 ,%, 1, ', ,
WINTER HOURS: Beatles Love Songs $6.97 Olympic eatlway .,'; ... ?--r,'id_.'"-, " " .
Shopping Center . . if//f//[ .,
11:30-9:00 p.m. Olympia Mt. View . :1"/"d' 17''/I€ . .
Thurs.-Fri..Sat., 11:30 a.m.-ll:OO p.m. 13.1111 42-$$$ _ " "./.,'
Thursday, February 9, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County ,Journal - Page