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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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| \\; Don Tidd, We Won't Love & Leave You. i / I I I | Your satisfaction with our after the sale warranty service is vital to us -- it's my pledge to every purchaser of a Capitol Chevrolet vehicle! ON MOST MODELS FROM CAPI I WHY ACCEPT LESS? OLYMPM! risen sells !WALT WARING Sheit0n home phone: " 426.218 i coupe accent 4 AM seats. Rally etor, j, sharp. price 488 W. & white 9 n with seats, 4 AM side Peed radio, rear No. i. *1974 that 18 a *6292 "76 CHEV "111 Camlno" Beautiful black & silver finished "Conaulstldor" with black vinyl Interior, vs, mroo transmission, full ,  ,tso po. eel belt Iadial tires. Deluxe wheel covers. Only 16,000 miles. List price S8495. TODAY'S mc, s4996 '71 TOYOTA °8rjql0B Full sized sedan with small car ecom3, med. brawn metallic, matching cloth bench seat interior, overhead cure 4 cyl. engine. rcliot, fllc transm[ssian, AM u, rmted glass • deluxe wheel covers No LgY-588 List price $1119S. ' TCmAY'S mc, '1288 '72 PINTO te .ll ic$ i with derk . terser with hl back oucket all, 4 cylinder nglne, 4 speed ansmlsslan, AM radlo gas mhm,, No, JDD-213, List. pri $1995. ,€y" '1488 '7 "l-Tom 4x4" Hard to find unit • this one's near new. only miles, Vg, 0Utomatic'-' steering, tilt wheel, =dLo, gouge,, duel ,,_l'LSlidhl rear glass, 's'T._m..r. mirror, • ;',"-w sial moldings, atS. I"ue metallic with u.nlng Scottsdale" Interior. No. X81870 List price Ir. TOOAY'S mc, $6877 '76 FORD "PintO" Dark blue metallic 2 door, sedan with matching hlgl. back Ixet seats, 4 spead transmission, AM radia& body side moldings. This week's best buy. No. D2702. List price $2995. TODAY'S mc, s2688 "73 FORD Dark green metallic sport truck with silver GT stripes • dark. _grean custom vinyl seats, VIi, automatic, radio, power steering, air conditioning • deluxe wheel covers, very hard to find unit. No. GR5870. List price . TODAY'S $2877 Ptla 75 CHEVY Bright red pickup a matching cab hi !nsultad canopy  "Mlkoclo deluxe trim package, red vinyl Interior, 4 cylinder engine., 4 speed transmission, truck mirrors, step r.r bumper. Look ma over I m o beauty. No. PF5753. List price $,. TODAY'S *2877 pea '76 "ln Ore,let" A go on_YWham. 4 wheel drive wlth big fatally room, dark bronze metallic with beige hardtop • seddle tan custom interior, bucket front seats with full rear seat, V8, automatic, aer steering,, AM ra o, "Western finnea moo wheels • flotaflo tires. Sharp. No. JDF-519. List price S6,q. ' 85778 Pea "76 DATSUN Locally owned s pot'ty cash* finished in dark green metallic with gold custom point trim, automatic trans. meg wheels, Radials, AM/FM radio • Iouvered rear window shade. Loaded • lovely. No. JDC-152. List pr:e 86895. TODAY'S ', *5988 '76 BUICK *'lllveria- si. me. !llc luxury po xm m?vcnln vinyl roof • rguncly ValOur intarlor. power windows, 6 way power seat, tilt wheel, AM/FM stereo with tape, ctu,,Ice €on_. trol • only 25,000 miles. No. JDJ-4S5. List price $7495 TODAY'S mc, %388 "73 MONTE '74 FIAT Burnt orange finish with a block soft top, saddle tan bucket seat Interior, well equipped with Spyder performance ecluilneat • 5 speed transmission. A beautiful fun car that's winter priced. No. BWJ785. List price $399S. TODAY'g ma *3388 '73 PINTO I JWqO II Ford's economy car finished in bright gold with saddle tan bucket seat int., 4 cyl., engine, 4 speed trans., AM radio and white bend tires. Looks good but runs better, don't miss this super No. ICC-408. LI,t price e ,oDAY'Sma *1673 "76 OLDS "Curie supreme,0 Dark blue met'oil ,,. _j_ ,, Ic door whlte luxury doe skin va ,rmu coupe with half Fawn belgo sport sedan, 4 nyu root • dark blue cloth seats with foldlng custom cloth seats, full center arm rest, V8, furl r, factory air, western power, air conditioning, S spoke wbls, body side moldings, steel ralsecl white letter tires, belt Radial tires, deluxe pc m lrrorl • much more. bumper decor. Loaded & _.ral eye catcher. No. lovely. No. GHS188. List • v-961. List price $349'3. price $3695. TOOAY'S $2888 TODAY'S ma $3376 '73 LINCOLN °'Camlnental,0 Luxury hardtop coupe finished in gold" metallic with ma..tchlng Landau roof e plush cloth interior, loaded • lovely, air _d. It,ng. fo ,torea ,-, rope, power windows • . seats,; cruise control & ti. 0twln0 wheel, don't it. No. HCP-664. Llst price 13795. TODAY'S me, $3333 '76 CAPRICE °°llstte Waln" Silver blue metallic luxury auto with wood grain side trim • medium blue deluxe vinyl soots, air conditioning,, power tall gate, rear detagger, tinted glass, luggage rack, steel belt Radials-& only 33,000 miles. No. LCN-17. List price $,1995. TOOAY'S ma $4688 '76 CHEVY -Chevette ,° Deiert brown 3 door hatchback with saddle tan bucket seat interior, 4 cylinder engine, auto. trans., AM radio, white wall tires, style steel wheel covers, lift up rear door & fold down rear seat. No. IKN-d60. List price $2995. TOOAY'S *2676 "75 CHEVY 0elle °° A fresh lease return, white with blue custom locket seats, 4 cylinder elir, auto. trans., AM radio, chrome wheel rings, side moldings, a cute little 3 door hatcbeck with f01d down rear seat. No. JCZ-640. List price $2495. ODAY'S $1788 PRtCI '73 01LDS °°Curies.S" Llte gold sport coupe with medium brown custom bench seat Interior, VB, autx, tic, fu, ger; AM radio, tinted port wheel covers. Only 58,000 miles, well kept exceptionally clean auto. No. BTY.467. List price Les. TODAY'S s2488 Pwa "75 PINTO Bright yellow sport coupe with black bucket seat Interior, 4 cylindor, egine, automatic tram., AM rome, tl,Oglulrrors, efuc. rear , steel belt Radial xe body moldings & only 1,000 miles. She looks like new. No. JCW.,6. List price m. ,WARS s2778 Pea "75 CIIEV '*4x4 P.U." Lime green metallic % ton custom deluxe Interior. exterior, trim, VS, automatic, power steering brakes, gauges, factory air conditioning, truck mirrors, AM radio, 'step bumper • split rims. No. PH2217. List price m. TODAY'S , s4588 '73 CHEV llNoell Medlum green metellic 3 door hotchback with matching vinyl interior, fold down rear Nat, VS, automatic, power steering, AM rediD, Rally wheels, Radial tires. Super value. No. BTX-S20. List price lrOOAY*S *1973 Pins "75 CHEV wVan" Heavy duty  ton, long wheel base, dark blue finish with 2 bucket soots, full side .ess, V8, auto., IS, air €o., AM/FM radio, OUgOl, truck mirrors, eaa lining and floor carpets, hard-to find model. No. BXL-818. List price Ss95. ,OOAY'. *4444 pea "77 CAPRICE '°lletuto Wall °, 17,000 mile like new 9 Scenger finished in Sea green metallic with grain side trim & wddle tan vinyl interior, air, AM/FM radio, power seats, window & door locks, rear defoggor, rack & much more. No. JDE-842. List price $749S. TOOAY'I .ms *6688 '73 DODGE "Trick Van" Hard to find long wheel base with V8, automatic, and power steering, fully carpeted interior, bucket seats, AM/FM stereo with tope and much more. A winter special. No. GXS307. List price $3995. TODAY'S "$3333 PRIC! "74 CAMAR0 "LT" Luxury sports coupe finished In bright red with black hi hack bucket Seat interior, 3,50 V8, automatic, full power, AM/FM stereo, air conditioning, tilt wheal, Radial tires. & low mileage. A rare find. No. JCV-62. List price $4495. TOOAY'i • ,,,€, $3988 '74 CHEVY .°Vega°. Dark green metallic 3 door Runabout, mot:hlng custom vinyl Interior, 4 cylinder engine, automatic, trans., deluxe bumper group, ANVFM radio, white well tires. Fold down rear seat & low mileage. No. JDE-814. List price $1995. 'OD*Y" '1 mc, 474 "71 DODGE "Pkkup" ; Narrow box finished In white with charcoal vlnyl interior, heavy duty aMg, avy duty tire, step rear mper, 6 cylinder engine & S speed standard trans. No. 957OA. List price $1995. TODAY'S '1 296 PWCI '76 CHEVY "Cltevtte °0 Popular 3 door hatchback finished in Poppy red with saddle tan vinyl bucket seats, 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed transmission, AM radio, white wall tires ,8, body side moldings, she s TODAY'S ',, *2576 '74 FORD "lqckulV' Light blue long wtdo bcm w/matching blue custom vinyl interior. VS. 3 speed standard shift • stae rwor bumper, You'll lank forever to find a better buy.. Locally owned and well kept. No. GW91182. Lit price $3]95. *OD'Y" *2474 F, Im "73 CHEVY "74 CHEVY '°Wmzer KS °° "MMIbu" Go nywharo 4 wheel drive Classic 4 door sedan is oaded, bright blue, finished In medium brown *'brown Cheyenne Int., metallic'with vinyl roof & exterior chrome decor cocoa brown custom vlm, I package V8, auto., power Interior, VS, auto., Ja steering, AM/FM radio, tilt radio, 6 way power , steering wheal, mud grip tinted glmm• air el.. tires • full wheel covers. A fine car & a super vaw No. JCM-119. List price No. BUR-090. LIlt prl $3495. $2795. ,ODAY', *2973 ,,,o,Y', s2274 iqlta Thursday, February 9, 1978 ,- Shetton-Mnsn County Journal - Page 23