February 9, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 9, 1978 |
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The Hood Canal student
Survey is complete and has
tallied. The third grade, in
with their study on
decided to conduct
survey asking the students
questions. Here are a few
results: Favorite book -
favorite TV programs
Company and Chips;
- rose; number _ seven;
blue; month _
Lbew; sport_ football.
ere many other
ions. Making up the
annaire, distributing,
it and tabulating the
all were part of a fine
Uig experience.
?he Lilliwaup Community
last Friday night
a really full house. This
an interesting,
1g place to be.
program was the history
area. Francie Robinson
Sod around pictures of
ird grade class conducts survey as part of school study project.
VIRGINIA REIS original settlers and their homes, During the business meeting 2 5. T h a t i s w lien t he girls play their first league game Bunch back into scouting, wildlife merit badge, without walnuts, your
and told stories and anecdotes of
her ancestors and others who
made the history come alive.
An honored guest of the
evening was Lon Webb, an
oldtimer who could tell how the
old logging camps were moved
from place to place. The cabins
were put on skids and pulled by
donkeys. There are beautiful
maple trees flourishing today
that had been planted by his
family 98 years ago. We even
heard how the canal froze over
in 1890, hard enough and thick
enough for bales of hay on skids
to be towed across by donkeys.
Another honored guest was
Francis Catto, who chose to
celebrate her birthday that
evening at the meeting. She was
able to describe to the
assemblage some of the
memories she had as a youngster
when her parents ran the hotel
in Lilliwaup. History comes alive
when, instead of reading it in
books, one hears it from people
who really experienced it.
0 scheduled meeting
school for tonight
HEARING Hunter) and duaghters, Mrs.
Mary M. Knight PTO Andy Rusick and Mrs. James
at the school library Funderburg, all of Seattle, were
rsday evening at- 7:30 guests last week Monday of Mrs.
president, Barbara Elvin Hearing.
r, Would like to see Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Bradberry
attend. There will be were Tuesday dinner guests of
Ussion on the coming Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier.
Mrs. Elfin Hearing was a
Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Alta
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mrs. Rodger Spalding and family.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe
of Forks spent several days last
week with the I.C. Ford family.
Mr. and Mrs, Lud Rossmaier
spent Sunday at Rainier .with
the Paul Rossmaier family.
The children of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Beerbower will host a
35th anniversary party February
d l at the Matlock Grange Hall
i'from 1 to 4 p.m. All friends and
relatives are welcome.
Ladies Club met at
ange Hall last week
With Sadie Dawson
ladies decided to
State Homemakers
Which will have its
in Seattle this year.
are SUpposed to wear
Ock Grange held its
Friday evening
started at 8 p.m.
e PUt on the work at
With almost all the
'esent. The next
17, will be a
at 6:30 p.m. The
utao gent, Loren Mercer, is
come and zive a talk
ra -- ---
nee and answer
may come up.
met at the
Saturday evening
and Mrs. William Barnes
hostess. High score
Mitchell and
;end; pinochle to
and Lottie Ford;
tdrey Austin and
meeting is
er Lee Smith, six
OUnces, was born to
Diane Smith at St.
sPital in Olympia
at 3 a.m.
rnal grandparents are
Roy Smith (Mary
of Nokomis,
and maternal
Kay E. and William
co, Florida.
ts are Mr.
E, Dawson, Lake
L.E. Francis of
vo (nee Pat
In 98
rn I
Uary 9, 1978. Shelton-Mason
it was decided that the stage of
the clubhouse will be used in the
future for the children to play
quiet table games during business
meetings after the potluck
dinner. Remember, this building
was originally a multi-purpose
room (in today's lingo) of the
old Lilliwaup Schoolhouse.
So many new members and
families come to the meetings
that it was decided, as a
time-saver on dishwashing and
clean-up, that everyone should
bring plates, cups and utensils to
the potluck dinners and take
them home and wash them.
Happy birthday to Francis,
and congratulations to the club
on its wonderful growth.
The Lions Club flea market,
February edition, will be this
Saturday in the Woman's
Clubhouse on Route 101 in
Potlatch, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sellers, come and rent a table for
the day for $5, or bring things
for the Lions to sell for you on
consignment. Their commission
is 15 percent.
Fire District No. 17 of the
Hamma Hamma area will be
there. In order to raise funds for
the new fire department, the
auxiliary will be renting a table.
Tonight the Neighborhood
Watch program, put on by the
Mason County sheriff's
department and sponsored by
the Hood Canal Auxiliary, will
take place at the Hoodsport
Community Hall.
The Lake Cushman
Improvement Association meets
this Sunday at 11 a.m. at the
resort. Property owners, be sure
to note the change of meeting
The Tiny Tim Orthopedic
Guild will have a bake sale this
Saturday in the bus shelter next
to the Hoodsport Post Office.
All the proceeds will be donated
to the Mary Bridge Children's
Hospital. The sale will start at I0
a.m. in the morning and end
when all the homemade
merchandise (cake, cookies,
candies, etc.) is sold.
Family night at Hood Canal
School is scheduled for February
at the close of business on December 31, 1977.
Charter number 12292 National Bank Region Number 13.
Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency,
under Title 12, United States Code, Section 161.
C ..... Thousands of Dollars
asn an(] clue from banks .......................... 68,809
.S: Treasury securities ................. i ........... 38,560
Ob[!ga.tlons of other U.S. Gov't agencies and corps ......... 7,269
,_..o.t,gaz.ions of states andpolttical subdivisions ........... 45,949
umer bonds, notes, and debentures ....................... 25
Federal Reserve stock and corporate stock ................. 450
Loans, Total (excluding unearned Income) ..... 341,069
ess: Reserve for possible loan losses ........... 3,985
Loans, Net . . ....... 337,085
Direct lease fina'nc'ina ........ . ii. [ii''i[; ............ 155
Bank premises, furniure'anci :fixtures, and" other
R assets representing bank premises .................. 10,556
eel estate owned other than bank premises ............... 114
ustomers' liability to this bank on acceptances
outstanding ..................... 1,136
Other assets ...ii[i;iiii ..... i ................ 6,268
T OTAL ASSETS ................................. 516,375
emand deposits of Individuals, prtnshps., and corps ..... 163,566
=me and savings deposits of Indivs., prtnshps., ano corps... 278,580
eposits of Un ted States Government .................. 3,331
eposits of states and nolltical subdivisions .............. 17,423
Deposits of commerciarbanks ......................... 2,953
Certified and officers' checks ........................ 6,425
TOTTAo.L- DOMESTIC DEPOS TS ..................... 472,278
Tota demand deposits ..................... lZ9,007
_gtal time and savinqs deposits .............. --a,../,
F FICES ....................... 472,278
ederal fun unties sold under agreements
ds purc{lased" ancl "sec" "
to repurchase ................. : .... 6,720
Acceptances execu'ted'l:;y or'for account of this bank
ancl outstanding .............. .... 1,136
Other liabilities ...iiiiiiiii .................. 3,132
TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and 483,266
aeoentures ...................................
Subordinated notes and debentures ..................... 8,000
Common stock a. No. shares authorized 730,000
S . b No shares outstanding 730,000 (par value) 7,300
urplus " " ................ 7,700
Undivided b'roii ................. : ................. 9,609
Reserve for Ital reserves
__ contingencies a'nd" otler'cap .......... 500
tOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ....................... • .
veg:h for 30 calendar days ending with report date: _ i
ap and due from banks .............. : ...... • • • 56,545
t-ecl, funds sold and securities purchased under agreement% 283
to resell .......................... iiii'" 338',007
Total loans .......... O0"or more'in" clomestic offices. 32,727
Time deposits of $I00,0 ... 464,079
Total deposits ............ riti'es's'oi( "under
Fed. funds purchased and secu 9,208
_ agreements to repurchase ..................... 511,023
TOTAL ASSETS ............ as'of're'port clate) 835
Standby letters of creclit (outstanding • tlons of ......
Time certific enomma
1 ates of deposit in d " ort date" --
Othe$ 0iO00 or more (Outstandingasotngor ].. ;'u,229
m me oeposlts In amounts or zuv,vv
ore (Outstanding as of report date) ............... 850
abo/ nGaENE G. AMAR, Vice President and Cashier of the
true and%elorbank,.do.here.by declare that this Reporz_ox u on, dition is
u,,ucz to the oest of my Knowleogu. a.u Pelter.
. We, the - - • January 20, 1978
...... unaerslgned directors attest the correctness of this
e?e:d of resqures and liabilities. We declare tnat It.has been
true and cgYeUtS ' and to the best of our Knowleoge ana belief is
County Journal - Page 25
eighth-graders play basketball
against the faculty - boys, girls,
men, women, all in it together.
This is a fund-raiser to buy
uniforms for the track team.
Tickets will be 50 cents for kids,
75 cents for adults, and a
maximum of $2 for the whole
family. It will be a fun night for
Reminder to parents: School
closes early next Wednesday,
February 15. Dismissal will be at
12:15 p.m.
There will be no school
February 20, Washington's
The Hood Canal Trojan girls'
basketball team played in a
jamboree February 2 at Rainier.
Three six-minute games were
played by each of the six teams
represented. The Trojans
defeated St. Michael's 6-4, lost
to Griffin by the same score, and
then tied St. Mary's 4-4. The
this Thursday against St.
Michael's at the Hood Canal gym
at 6 p.m.
Ruthie Perkins, scribe of Girl
Scout Troop 511, reports that
the troop will be having a
valentine party February 13. The
guest of honor will be Mrs.
Beverly Godwin. The troop will
be thanking her for leading the
meetings for a month while she
was helping with the hostess
badge and the world games
The Girl Scouts will be
putting on a skit March 13 with
other Girl Scout troops in the
Shelton area, at the Methodist
Church in Shelton. Families of
the scouts are welcome to come.
The Girl Scout cookie sale
will be between March 4 and
March 18.
The troop welcomes Alisa
The troop has room for two
more girls in the fourth or fifth
grade to join Girl Scouts. For
information call Mrs. Anne
Perkins, 877-9755.
Boy Scout Troop 11 will
build a signal tower this
Saturday in front of the
Hoodsport Ranger Station. It
will be judged by a Tumwater
Council representative at 1 p.m.
These signal towers are being
built by scouts throughout the
Six Boy Scouts will be at the
Shelton High School pool from 8
to 10 a.m. for the next four
Sundays, working on the
lifesaving merit badge.
Everett Simpson was the
speaker at last week's Boy Scout
meeting. He talked about his
experiences trapping, and
exhibited skins of animals he had
trapped. Next week the troop
will be working on the fish and
In answer to some requests, I
offer you a little goodie that's
fun and easy to make, and
always a success. It keeps well,
or can be shipped or frozen
Bourbon Brownies
Make a batch of brownies
recipe or a package mix. Let it
cool thoroughly. Crumble it all
up in a large mixing bowl.
Drizzle 3 Tbsp. of bourbon on
and toss the crumbs with the
bourbon. Using your hands, form
into bails about an inch or so in
diameter. Chop finely 1 C.
walnuts, and roll each ball in the
chopped nuts. Voila! Makes
about three dozen.
• Electric Choinsaws • Skilsaws • Electric Mowers
* Electric Power Tools (of all kinds)
We have new and used electric motors
for any purpose. If it's not in stock, we can get it1
Shelton Electric Motor Repair
After you've cleaned out, sorted, tagged, and
are ready for your sale, you might want to know ....
How To Write
1• Make the days and times varied, over a 4.
weekend is best. Remember to think
about being open at least one evening;
many people who work might want to
attend your sale.
List any unusual items that might attract
customers, such as furniture, antiques,
power tools, etc. It's not necessary to list
items such as clothing, dishes, etc.
People expect to find these at sales.
Give a definite starting and ending time.
Be specific when you list your address. If
your house is hard to find, it,s worth the
extra words to give some directions and
make it easy for people to attend.
5e Make your
ad eye-catching but simple.
When it's written call the Journal,
classified department, 426-4412 to
place your ad... if you have any
questions about wording your ad, just
ask - we'll be glad to help.