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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ For Sale R Y" Saturday - Bring in lUick cash. Iew/Used, 495-3541, Reading, clovq and grass hie in two or more 426-8856. old furniture at 4th and Cota. tiny toy fox terrier Phone 426-6152• Jack Frost Construction Licensed. Bond Rernod-.- ed • e, lng and new. too • Tree estimate. 426-4227 tfn Auctions Thursday and 7:30 p.m. at the Ballroom. Shelton, Highway 101, Cliff Nichols, Auctioneer tfn Carpet Layers C:°l.i,ntallatio,, carpet, ;', tile. $2.00 a yanl. 4'26-3763 .l]ox 406 Slnehon 6/gtfn Iluilding Materials * Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock Ready Mix ,Y POURS ELCOME ;PATCHED TRUCKS -00ItAYSTONE 9F SH|LTO N 7th & Park S;r;et 2/1 ltfn i" EL thQ finest in: RETE RS AR:: RGE • Trucks :ROss ORE SE PHONE / I /. For Sale ANTIQUE SHOW and Sale, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, First and G Street, Aberdeen. Monday, February 13, 7-9 p.m.; Tuesday, Febraury 14., 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Nine dealers. $2/9 DATSUN "Z-CAR" radial snow tires, approximately 1,500 miles wear, mounted, balanced, $50. 426-5551 days, 426-9154 nights. E2/9-3/2 STEREO WITH AM/FM radio and tape deck in excellent condition, reasonable. Phone 426-2482. A2/9 CONSOLE STEREO with Girard turntable, Packard-Bell color TV, AM/FM radio, $495. Phone 426-1395. L2/9 ALFALFA HAY for sale, bale or ton. 426-1446. J7/21tfn JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes, at rock-bottom rices. Kay's Draperies, 113 outh Second. K3/4tfn GOLF CLUBS, bag and cart, $200. Call 426-1295 after 4 o'clock. 2/9tfn 3-PIECE sectional (rose beige), $200; roll-away bed and mattress, 48", $30; Hollywood bed and headboard, $50. 426-3855. E2/9 YOU SAVED and slaved for wall-to-wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast. C2/9 The Herculite Jungle Fabricators of boat tops, industrial and marine upholstery and covers. Sail loft services and repairs. 426-2321 Rt. 4, Box 312 Shelton, WA 98584 tfn Bulldozing, land clearing, driveways; excavating, gravel, crushed rock. FREE ESTIMATES 27S-6666 tfn Island Plumbing New and Remodeling Repair Service 426-2458 426-6850 on Harstine Island 7/22 fin JX Brand Beef Locally grown, natural corn fed, custom cut and wrapped. JX Cattle Co. Skokomlsh Valley 426-332S or 426.2806 Mike dozing gravel otto field 00ackhoe service 206 €. pine 426-1500 mh-- E, o For Sale MOTORHOME, 1973 Fireball" 21', self-contained. 426-8419. P1/12tfn FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Judy Maire, Route 3, Box 504, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A2/9 GEODUCKS, 60c pound. 9's Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. 426-4028, 275-6417. N1/12tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn UPHOLSTERING TO fit all your needs and new custom-built furniture. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858. S6/2tfn WILDERNESS CANOPY, insulated, 39" high, for long, wide box. 426-8701. $1/19-2/9 GOOD GRASS hay, large bales, $1.35 per bale. Call mornings or evenings, 426-6046. J1/19-2/9 STURDY 5x10 closed box trailer. Rack door makes ramo. Spare tire. $300 or best offer. Call 426-4582. R1/19-2/9 HAY, EXCELLENT grass and clover, $50 per ton or $1.50 per bale at haystack. Also available for $2 per bale at our store. Open 9 to 6, Monday through Saturday, Tozier Brothers. 426-4373. T1/19-2/9 "QUIK" Sewing Machine Service has expanded its service area to include Shelton residents. Clean, oil and adjust your sewing machine right in your own home. $9.95 each. Call 866-1621, Olympia. (21/19-2/9 ENERGY-SAVERS -- custom-cut firewood. Heaters, fireplaces or trash burners. Custom cut to order. Minimum order 1 cord. Fir and alder. Free delivery local area. 426-3410. R1/19-2/9 BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC fireplace for sale, $100. 877-9440. Y2/2-9 BOX SPRING and mattress, $25. 426-7449 or 426-4683. G2/2-9 PACK BURRO, pack saddle, bacs and other tack, $150. Umon 898-2868.B2/9-3/2 F A R.M T .R,:A.C T:O R. Allis-Chlmers.Model CA. New Goodyear rear tires. Recent engine rebuild. 12-volt system. Live PTO and pulley. H.D. wide front end. New paint. $1,595. Shelton 426-6679. T2/9 FOUR-DRAWER dresser, $10; sofa, $20; Victorian secretary, $100; antique rocker, $40; antique night stand, $)0; 2 antique beds. 426-9560. W2/9 USED ATTRACTIVE glass fireplace doors, function excellently, to reduce smoke and conserve fuel. 426-6551. B2/9 ROTOTI LLER, GAS-POWE RED, $165; 3-speed bicycle, like new, $60. Cash only. 426-3666. P2/9tfn TRACTOR AND equipment sale, 16th-19th February. See listin.s in next week's paper• Byerly s 2nd Hand and Used Farm Equipment, Belfair. B2/9 %5 FLEETCRAFT camp trailer, 15Vz', sleeps six, $603. 426-4078. F2/9 DOUBLE CANOPY bed, box spring and mattress, $40. Ford van seats, $8 each. 426-1580. H2/9 TOP SOIL Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Also cow manure. Pick-ups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. if, Coffee Creek Ranch Quality Locker Beef All beef U.S.D.A. inspect- ed. Grain fed. Custom cutting and wrapping. We deliver. Visitors welcome. 426-5131 tfn Concrete Foundations, slabs, walks, dr/yes, walls, etc. FREE ESTIMATES 275-6666 : tfn For Sale CHIROPRACTIC AND regular mattresses and box springs, king, 2 queens, 2 fulls. New- good for bad backs. 1-858-3401. A2/2-23 HIDE-A-BEDS, NEW. 1-858-3401. A2/2-23 ROLLTOP DESR, $685. 1-858-3401. A2/2-23 ONE 8' metal canopy with boat rack. First $200 takes it. 426-5879. T2/2-9 LARGE DINING room set, blonde mahogany. Includes 3-drawer hutch with sliding glass top, large table, two leaves, 6 padded chairs, 4-drawer chest with desk shelf. $400 or best offer. 426-4016 or 426-3883. B2/9-3/2 FIREWOOD FOR sale, $40, split and delivered. Call Dave or Jerry, 426-7115. K1/19-2/9 SINGER GOLDEN Touch and Sew, deluxe zicjzag sewing machine, fashion disc, and book, $100. 426-5188. T1/26-2/16 CEDAR KINDLING -- full pickup load, $20 delivered. 426-9021 evenings. P1/26-2/16 WOOD, FIR and pine, $40 a cord, delivered 426-5862. $1/19-2/9 FIREWOOD -- FIR, cedar, dry alder, by the cord or by the load. Delivered to Shelton-Union areas. Call 426-1300, 898-3473. M 1/26tfn VERY NICE looking and sounding piano $500. 426-7449 or 426-4683. G2/2-9 AKC-REGISTERED Australian shepherd, $75. Full bedroom set and recliner. 426-8965. G 1/26-2/16 RENT A Rinse 'n Vac carpet shampooer by Blue Lustre. Only $3.50 for 4 hours, Monday-Thursday. Or $12 day anytime. Coast to Coast, 123 South Second. i/26tfn Used Cars '73 V2-ton Ford Explorer. Power steering, disc brakes, automatic transmission, overload springs, auxiliary gas tank, 302 engine, transmission cooler, 50,000 miles. $2,700. 877-9413. R2/2-2: FORD MUSTANG II, Mach I, 1975, excellent. 426-3579. Jg/22tfn 1969 DODGE Monaco, V-8, PS/PB, AT/AC, 4-door. Runs good. $750. Call evenings, 426-3091. Y1/26-2/16 '69 BRONCO 302, 3-speed. Spoke wheels, very low mileage. 426-5150. D2/2tfn '73 VEGA, good condition. Make offer. 482-4079. M2/2-9 VW S(2UAREBACK, 1970. Rebuilt engine, new brakes, battery, muffler, very clean, $1,395. 426-2690. L2/2-23 '71 VW Bug. Good condition, 1,200. Call after 5:30 p.m. 26-8114. H2/2-9 1965 FORD pickup V2-ton with new engine. 1971 Mercury station wagon in excellent condition. 426-4297. P2/2-9 1959 GMC 6-cylinder, $450. Call 426-1295 after 4 o'clock. 2/2tfn '75 TOYOTA pickup. 14,000 miles, automatic. $2,650 or best offer. 877-9418, Hoodsport. T2/9 '74 F-250 Ford Explorer, 34.ton, automatic transmission, 390 engine, air conditioning, canopy, dual tanks, heavy-duty suspension, low mileage. $3,850. 426-9207. B2/9-3/2 1967 GTX, 440, with 4-speed, runs, $350. Call 426-6887. H2/9 '68 FORD FIO0 truck, .6-cylinder, 4-speed, $900. '69 r-ord LTD wagon, P/S, P/B, automatic, air conditioning, 429 engine, stereo, $800. '68 Datsun Jeep, 4-wheel-drive with top, $600. 426-8870. H2/9 Used Cars FOR SALE -- 1965 Ford Galaxy. This car has a standard transmission with overdrive, which is rare in this model. $450. 426-8527. K2/9-16 1974 COUGAR XR-7. Super sharp with deluxe interior, 6 new steel-betted radials, many extras. $3.800 or make offer. 426-7250. Z2/9 1973 4-door Mazda with new rotary motor, excellent condition. Best offer over $1,600. 898-3586 Union. W2/9-16 FOR SALE -- 1969 Chev Impala. Blue, white upholstery, excellent condition. $1,295. 426-5566 before 5, evenings 877-9416. H2/9 1974 VW Super Beetle. Sun roof, very good condition. $2,400 or best offer. 426-4362 after 6 p.m. G2/9-16 GRAN TORINO, '73, 351 V-8, A/C, P/S, P/B, air shocks, radials, $1,800 or best offer. Call from 7:30 to 3:30, 426-8291; from 5 p.m. on, 275-2263. F2/9 1975 MERCURY Cougar XR-7, excellent condition. $3,750 or best offer. 898-2298. H2/9 '69 INTERNATIONAL Travel-all, IO00D, V-345. Fair conditlon, rebuilt engine, trailer hitch, needs some work, $800. 877-5333. O2/9-3/2 PLYMOUTH FURY III, 1973, 4-door, air, A.T., cruise control, trailer hitch, electric brakes, P/B. $1,800. 426-6591. 52/9 1970 PONTIAC Grand Prix. Vinyl top, radials, good condition. $1,200. 426-1597. R2/9-16 '67 FORD pickup, Vz-ton, $1,300. Good condition. Call 426-3563 after 4:30. B2/9 '66 DODGE pickup, V2-ton, good condition, $900. 426-8739. Call after 5. $2/2-9 '64 FORD GALAXY, good condition, $600. 426-6246. W2/2tfn Garage, Yard Sales FLEA MARKET second Saturday monthly, 9-6, Potlatch Woman's Clubhouse. Hood Canal Lions. H1/12tfn SALE -- HIGH quality, low price's. Tools, furniture, kitchenware, small appliances, collectibles, much more. Come see. 810 South 8th, Shelton. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9-6. Look for signs. Mc2/9 MOVING SALE -- almost everything goes. Thursday and Friday, 10-4, 805 South 8th. D2/9 '69 OPEN Country 9½' overhead camper, cab high, insulated • ck" 9' wide canopy with boat ra , lywood lifting carage door with ardware; 8-string steel guitar with amplifier and case; 120-base piano accordian with case, both excellent condition. Student guitar, radios, calculators, misc. clothing, music, PooKs, deSk and so forth. Phone 877-9501, Holiday Beach. Sate February 11th, 12th, 9-5. C2/9 MAMMOTH GARAGE sale. Huge variety. Friday and Saturday, 9-4, 650 Cascade. J2/9 FISHING GEAR, 2 propane tanks, household items. Friday, Saturday, February 10, 11, 9-5. 2332 Madison. W2/9 FANTASTIC SALE, new and used. Rummage, antiques, furniture, craft items, baked oods, plants. Friday between 2-5, Saturday between 9-5. 825 Franklin, 426-2758. $2/9 Work Wanted LICENSED DAYCARE, 1 block from Mt. View School. Have openings for steady children, Monday through Friday only. Ages 2-5. 426-5840. B1/26-2/16 1974 Ford Pinto 2 door. Good condition .................................. $ I 8 9 5 1975 Dodge O-2OO Club Cab Pickup with 8ft. romper .............. ; .... s6500 1973 International Travel.all ...... $2250 1970 Chevrolet Station Wagon ..... $995 1969 Dodge Monaco $850 4 door hardtop. Beige with black vinyl top .................... 1967 Rambler $795 2 door .................................................... PAULEY A4OTORI Front & Railroad Sholton 426-S183 \\; LI o  RATES Work Wanted Help Wanted Boats & Motors CHRISTIAN DAYCARE Center MANAGER FOR Christmas [ree 16' GLASPLY, with full canvas, on Angleside desires 1 preschool farms, year round. Planting, 40-h.p. Marc, $3,695. Sande's child on regular basis. Call shearing, harvesting, shipping. Boats and Motors, 275-2846. Glenda Barnes, 426-5627. B2/2-9 Position with future for right $2/2-9 person. Hofert Tree Farms. P.O. LICENSED DAY care, infants to Box 88, Olympia 98502. '69 BAYLINER. 400 hours T.T. 6 years old. Pioneer School 943-8850 weekdays. Inquiries 120 Chevy II, Marc. I/O. District, Timberlakes. 426-8140. okay weekends. H2/9 Fishfinder, bilge pump, C10/13tfn windshield wiper, heater. $3,400. RN, DAY shift, full time, fringe 426-6830. E2/9 LICENSED DAY care, age 3 and benefits. Apply in person at Fir up. 1 block from Bordeaux Lane Terrace Convalescent GIYOURtW11A School. 426-3814. A1/12tfn Center, 2430 North 13th, HOUSECLEANING. Call after 5, Shelton. E.O.E. F2/2-23 Want Ad 426-6204. B2/9-3/2 APPRENTICE OYSTER openers needed, pay while trained. Must 426-4412 RELIABLE WOMAN would like be right-handed and have to do housecleaning. Call transportation. Apply Olympia mornings, 426-9374. H2/9-3/2 O y s t e r C o m p a n y , ------------------------------------ Monday-Friday, 426-3354. RELIABLE MARRIED couple O2/9-16 Mobile Homes will house sit or child sit while -------______----- you're on vacation. Now until TREE PLANTERS. Must have June 11th. 426-7121. M2/9-3/2 one season experience in QUALITY 3-bedroom, 24x60, 2 timberland tree planting. Work is baths and family room. Excellent ROTOTILLING, LARGE or smalI, in Shelton-Olympia area, and condition, 7 months old. Phone jobs. Call Larry, 426-7658. crew bus leaves daily from 426-7438 after 6 p.m. C2/9-16 A1/19-2/9 Olympia. Call 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 1-491-0600. O2/9-16 LOVELY 1977 Ban Prix mobile home, set up in Hidden Haven .-_-_-- - ---------------- A S S I S T A N T S C H O O L Trailer Court. Completely skirted and landscaped. Only lived in 3 In transportation supervisor, who is months. 426-4888. 02/2-9 He,00 Wanted also a journeyman mechanic. $850-$1,000 per month. Good --------------. - ........... .......... fringe benefits, including TWO MOBILE homes with land, WAITRESS, 18 or older, day holidays, retirement, sick leave, one with waterfront and one near water. Super buys. Check shift, 6-hour day, 5 days; medical and vacations. Apply to Saturday, Sunday off. $2.65 Bruce Jaros, Assistant our real estate ad and give us a hour, tips, lunch furnished, Superintendent, Sheton Schoo call. Himlie Realty, Inc., uniform furnished. Apply at District No. 309, Evergreen 426-2646. H2/9 Minor's A&W Family Restaurant, Elementary School, Shelton, 1972 KINGWOOD 12x60 Shelton. A2/9 Washington 98584 or call 2-bedroom. W/D, fireplace, 426-1687. $2/9-16 $8,950. 426-1643. M2/9-3/2 OPENING -- NEW travel agency. In need of manager with 24X44 SUNNYBROOK in experience in all phases of travel  mobile park, on Hood Canal, and management. All replies kept confidential. Phone 426-3503 Wonted adults only. $25,000. 877-9741. $2/9-3/2 after 5 p.m. G2/9-16 ._------_--- ____ ____._... 20 SUCCESSFUL people SHARE DRIVING to Olympia CASH FOR your mobile home, interested in $42,000/year in 5 Capitol campus, 8-5 shift. After paid for or not. Olympia Mobile years. Write resume, P.O. Box 6 p.m., 426-3842 or 426-2083. Homes, 6800 Martin Way, 757, Shelton, WA. 2/9-3/2 D1/26-2/16 Olympia. 456-5151. O10/!3tfn CHALLENGING CAREER in WANTED -- CLOCKS. Will buy SPOT CASH for used 8'-wide sales in Shelton. Available for old parts andpieces. Apprentice mobile home. Call 357-6070 qualified person. Unlimited repairman. Phone evenings, anytime. M1/19tfn earning potential, excellent salary .426-2725. B1/19-2/9 program with complete training, TOP DOLLAR paid for your no travel. 426-3443 between 9-3. FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE, used mobile home or trailer. Call St2/8tfn mature couple wishes to locate Olympia 357-6070. M3/17tfn party interested in loaning CASCARA BARK buyer wanted: $12,000 @ 8% interest. Secured TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Person to buy and process loan. References. Write c/o Box Trailer wiring. Swa. control, cascara bark in June, July and 1, Journal, 3rd and Cota, jacks, brakes. The Htch Shop, August. Light part-time work. Shelton. 2/2tfn  48 14 Lacey Boulevard. We train and finance. Need . 491-6150 H10/27-4/27 200-sq.-ft., dry, safe storage area WANTED -- CEDAR saw toqs, and approximately 1,500 to green second growth" Cai['f"()'r----''-- +,; ,'urrnt ,,r;o o,:,,ol i,, . ,, v- u t- u  ,.,,., ,,,, , I ;-e i e,.,,, 2,000Box 14.sq" AIsoft" ReplY$60 fort° ,26571 . /1,'1;n "" ........... mobile, large lot, $13,500. good used lO0-1b, beam platform , 426-6622 or 426-9652. scales and are interested in used WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any $1/26-2/16 corn choppers (cascara bark mix of fir, hemlock, pine or grinders). Write c/o Journal, Box cedar. Minimum 3Vz inch top 14. P1/12-2/9 diameter. 25c each. Call Versapanel, John's Prairie, REAL ESTATE salespersons. 426-5571, for specifications. There is a reason why Century V7/28tfn 21 is the fastest-growing real estate company in the world. We OLD LAMPS and parts. Aladdin, have openings In our residential Rayo, Royal, Rochester, glass sales, our new factory-built home and hanging lamps, household sales, and our land office sales, estates. 877-5733, Jack For details call Tom Townsend, Lelmback, Hoodsport. L6/23tfn 426-3363. C1/26tfn STAMPS AND coins. As a LIVE-IN Invalid care. Furnished collector, I can pay more than private apartment, references, no most dealers. 426-9085, smoking. 87.7-5457 before 11 426-8007. P9/8tfn FEATURING HOMES a.m. or evenings. C1/26tfn BUILT FOR ALASKA CASH FOR all cars, trucks, REAL ESTATE sales-- If you service.b°dies' art:l  Immediateand metalsPick'UPof all NEED A USED MOBILE HOME? have had experience dealing with people, we need a full-time, kinds, Newsprint and corrugated energetic, sincere person on our cardboard. Mason County staff and you may be the one. Salvage, 426-8626. M7/15tfn I Stop in and see Mitch at Mason Listings wonted now. We I County Realty, 724 Railroad, CASH PAID for used furniture, get your price, you pay Shelton. Profit-sharing program knickknacks, dishes and tools. pays you more. 426-4486. Call 426-9513 after 5. B1/19-2/9 only $50.00. Coil Uncle Joe M12/Stfn your area representative. WANTED: WILL buy stand of HELP WANTED -- Part-time alder, firewood size. Will cut and motor route, must have car. Call clean myself. Call 426-1300. 426-1098. H1/19-2/9 M1/19tfn SPACES NOW FOR CUSTODIAN, $678-$710 per D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, DOUBLE AND month. Good fringe benefits, Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. SINGLE UNITS includng holidays, retirement, We buy poles, piling, stumpage sick leave, medica/and vacat one. and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914, P.O. Box K, Shelton. Apply to Bruce Jaros, Assistant Superintendent, Evergreen K2/24tfn Elementary, Shelton School New 24x60 skirted, District No. 309, Shelton, WA WANTED- BEER bottles, 30c landscaped. Move in now. 98584. Or call 426.1687. $2/9 per case. Deliver to 1619 Laurel All adult park in Shelton. or call 426-8569. Call after 4 p.m. A1/26-2/16 CAN YOU SELL? For details call DRIVE SEATTLE? Cheerful Joe Don Your own full-time lady in wheelchair would like i business• real estate• right occasional ride to U District. 456-5550 426-2&50 ' in this area. National Share expenses. Union 898-2821. company, established in 02/9 12x56 2 BR. F/LR, 1900, largest in its field. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- ELECTRIC, SET UP IN duck eggs. Call after 6. SHELTONPARK. (Unlicensed? We give 426-9104. C2/9-16 $8,995. exam guidance.) All .... advertising• all signs• ACCESS TO bank ravel within 1100S.F., 3BR. F/LR, forms, supplies furnished, a 5-mile radius of Mason Lake. ELECTRIC, JENN-AIR COOK, Also need area for small land SET UP IN SHELTON. Professional training and fill. Call 249-4874. L2/9-16 $]8,995. instruction given for rapid development -- from Start ---------------------------------- 4 SALE  Shelton Area to SucceSS. Nationwide Boats & Motors 24x60, two bedroom, • advertising brings buyers electric, fireplace, pool, from everywhere. Can --------------------=---------------- double carport, on rented you qualify? You must private property. have initiative, excellent BI$ BOAT Many other extras. character (bondable)• sales  TOPS $18,995,00 ability, be financially responsible. Commissior Have tools will travel. -- volume opportunity for Custom made boat CALL UNCLE JOE man, woman, couple or tops to fit your boat team that can sell. on Jand or sea. Information without obligation, write For Appointment STROUT REALTY, INC. Call 426-2806 Mr. L. E. Hepler Evenings P.O. Box 60968-M Weekends Sacramento• California Frank Bates Owner" 98560 2/9-3/2 ' i L_ 30 Yelrs Experience ttn j Thursday, February 9, 1978 - Shelton-Mason C.ounty Journal - Page 27