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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SSSS$ SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Ray's Barber Shop Belfair Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt :!i,. B&D Contractors, Inc. CR5-2195 CR5-2113 o ARCO HEATING OILS 373-2544 CONSERVE ENERGY t The Pottery & Gift Shop lelhlr Center's parking breeds new ordinance While construction surges ahead on expansion of the Belfair Thriftway shopping center, some local residents are beginning to question whether or not the new center will have enough parking spaces. But Monte Anderson, the county's principal planner who worked with the center's architect in revising plans for parking and access to the site, says the worst part will soon be ove r. "Once everything's finished the parking may be a little tight, but it really shouldn't be any problem." Future parking conditions at the expanded center might have become "even better" had Mason County drafted its recently established parking ordinance before consideration of the proposed site plans for the shopping center. In fact, though the county Sunday Services WINTER HOURS: 1st Worship Service ..... 8:30 a.m. Sunday School .......... 9:4S a.m. 2nd Worship Service ..... 11 a.m. BELFAIR COMMUNITY BAPTIST P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church phone -- 275--6031 i For All Your Insurance Needs Fulmer & Co., Inc. 520 Pacific -- Bremerton, 377.8547 Represented in North Mason by Bob Sutton 275-6120 Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair Service Fuel €Oo, Inc. 1318 PARK AVE. 479-2772 E, HEMERTON iiii 1 .i I. , HELP WANTED Factory Work Sewers & Assemblers -- Full Time. Starting wage $2.68 per hour. Automatic Advancement m apply in person only Imperial Mfg. Co. m Across from Kitsap County Airport. 112 PRICE SALE ON RECEIVING TUBES In stock, Feb. 9 thru 16th only. "THIS AIN'T NO BULL" EVERYDAY LOW, LOW MEAT PRICES COLOR TV & RADIO SERVICE -- MOST BRANDS planning office is reluctant to admit it, the ordinance was passed for the large part because of the difficulties encountered with increasing the number of parking spaces planned for the expanded site. "Fortunately, the principals involved in this case, Alice Pope, who owns the land and building, and her architect were cooperative in changing their plans," says Anderson, "but it pointed out to the county that it didn't have a leg to stand on when it came to consideration of proposed projects and their parking." Last summer the planning office received plans for two proposed projects in the shopping center, the construction of a new building to house an expanded Thriftway supermarket, and a local branch of Olympia Federal Savings and Loan. "Just looking at the original plans," says Anderson, "we could see potential problems with crowded parking and, more importantly, access to and from the bank." Using the county's established environmental checklist procedure, Anderson worked with the Seattle architect contracted for the job and two site plan revisions were made in June and August. Anderson says he is pleased with the changes. "Originally, the bank wanted to have the entrance and exit for their drive-up windows fronting the main highway right at the intersection of Highway 3 and the Old Belfair Highway. This would have only added to the Monte Anderson of the Mason County planning office stands amidst construction for expansion of the Belfair Thriftway shopping center and consults its plans for new parking. planning council and county commissioners concerning approval of building permits for the proposed project. If the commissioners decide that the plans for the project might have adverse environmental effects, then they even better." Orin Clark, owner of the Belfair Drug Store, shares Stites' opinion. "I can't see it as a detriment to my business and I really don't think there'll be much trouble with parking. Most of it should effect of the new ordinance in the future will probably be to curb direct off-street parking which now exists throughout Belfair along Highway 3. Sections in the ordinance dealing with accesses will encourage new buildings to locate further back from the highway to allow the installation of a curb "bumper." Such confusion of an already dangerous intersection." can issue what's known as a stay down by the Thriftway, so Plans now call for only two "conditional declaration of customers shouldn t have any entrances to the shopping center, non-significance.' trouble parking near the drug The existing access coming off This terminology means that store." the side street south of the the commissioners can grant the Anderson says that the main project a building permit on the condition that certain "mitigating" actions are followed to rdduce the adverse environmental effects. Last fall, it was ruled in a test court case on the state level that both state and local governments can use this process of approval with mitigation. According to Anderson, even center will be retained, while the southernmost entrance fronting on the Old Belfair Highway will be closed and only the one at the northern corner of the center will be kept open. "What this does is trap traffic inside the center's parking lot and keeps it from pouring directly out into an intersection." As for parking, the. new plans ;eal]" for the constructmn of 34 spaces for employes behind the row of shops now housing file center's restaurant, beauty parlor, barber shop, drug store and proposed variety and hardware stores. According to the plans, the expanded center will offer a total of 192 parking spaces. Before construction began the center contained 105 spaces. Last fall, several months after approval of the plans for the expanded center, the county planning office prepared an ordinance establishing county standards for parking and accesses. After review and approval by the planning commission, the county commissioners voted to adopt the new ordinance. As typical, the ordinance's language can be confusing, but basically it relies upon a formula considering the proposed project's intended use and amount of square footage to set the recommended number of parking spaces. Once this figure has been set, the planning office can use it in their recommendation to the tf the county would,havq,d ba Hers would regulate access the ordinance at the :*'me,:it and reduce the number of Cars would have made little differedce backing out onto Highway 3. in the final outcome of the plans for the expanded shopping center, but it might have raised the number of parking spaces "slightly." Under the ordinance the shopping center would be considered "clustered commercial" which requires 5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet, a figure based on studies by Urban Land Institute. Applying this figure to the shopping center, it would need a total of 225 spaces, an increase of 33 spaces over the final plans approved. As for tenants already renting shops in the center, they seem undisturbed by the future parking planned. "At first I was really upset," says Ray Stiles, owner of Ray's Barber Shop, "especially when the bank construction got underway. "But now I feel that once the mess is all cleared away most of the people will park down in front of the new Thriftway and things will be pretty mucli the same as they are now, maybe Anderson says the ordinance should also help end future "strip development" along the highway and encourage the creation of mole "clustered commercial" planning. "Which, when done right, is much safer and more attractive." CASTING SET FOR 'THE HOBBIT' Casting for the North Mason High School Drama Club's spring production of "The Hobbit" has been scheduled for February 27 and 28 followed by a third session on March 3. Casting will be for high school students only. Performance of "The Hobbit" will be April 27, 28 and 29 and Mary 4, 5 and 6. Donations of both labor and materials are needed for building sets. Funds from the recent talent show and past dances sponsored by the drama club are being used for the production. For more informaUon call Terry Haydon at the North Mason High School• II|fill| Hucklebe,000000y Herald Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Man. & Tues.; Wed. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. News and advertising copy deadline 5 p.m. Fridays. For your convenience there is a mail slot in the door for copy. Office located across from Belfair Texaco in Belfair. MARK LEE ................................. Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............. Advertising Manager Office Telephone 275-6680 ORDER HOWl BEEF HIHDGUARTERS 150-175 lb. avg. 98 € Solid hanging wt. Lb. FREE CUTTING & DOUBLE WRAPPING STEAK SALE ROUND $1 09 STEAK ........... Lb. A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and North Shore I Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - February 9, ]978 PORTER HOUSE S229 STEAK ........... Lb. T-BONE S229 STEAK ........... Lb. TOP SIRLOIN S229 STEAK ........... Lb. Game Hens 20 oz. average ...... lb. 65' Cut-Up Fryers u.s. inspected .... Lb. 59 € Whole Chicken Breast Lb. S11, Pork Spareribs 3 to 5 lb. average ............. Lb. 99 € Sliced Beef Liver .............. Lb. 59 € Sale effective 2/9 thru 2/12 Our entire selection of meat is comparatively priced. Stop in and check our "Lowest in the area" produce prices. Come to WALT'S for one-stop shopping. Open daily til 8 p.m., Sunday til 6 p.m., in the Allyn Center, Allyn, WA. D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 4 BONDED LICENSED INSURED JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK P.O. Box 377 Belfair, Wash. 275-6684 Lewis Funeral Chapel Serving families in this community since 1909. ('all us collect from anywhere. CHRIST  LUTHERAN CHURCH AND RETREAT / CENTER OF BELFAIR 10 a.m... Worship Service 10 a.m ..... Sunday School Come as you are -- Nursery provided % mile W. of Belfair State Park 275-$$54 Office 275-6950 Homo Donald O. Fossum, Pastor WEEKEND SPECIAL • 3 Pc. Chicken Dinner For 2 People*4 9s Complete, dinner includes: Salad, Baked potato & Bread Loaf. 275-6929 * Chicken Dinner All you can eat *3 6°- * Soup & mA Sandwich ,1oo Good from 2/9 to 2/16. • The ' Briar Meeting Area ORDERS TO Open 7 days a week. THE SPORTY TOURING MACHINES Travel in style with the XS 750 Special. It's smooth, quiet; comfortable and fast• And it has lots of extra touches for that unique cus- tom look. COME FALL IN LOVE TODAY AT . • • Free drawing Feb. Ilth for Big Event at the Klngdome. Feb, llBth, Mote Croci Race. Bremerton Yamaha 479-1323 Navy Yard Hwy. xs Your first you: This like nothing den. It Yamaha able Sleek, Energy Efficsent HomeAward This design is an emblem for Mason County P.U.D. No. 3's new Home Award program. Under this program, homes built or upgraded to standards will qualify for a metal plaque bearing this emblem. The plaque involved house's badge signifying that it is a dwelling that will operate lower energy bills. We feel that the energy conserving home is an effective the rising cost of energy. So give us a call or drop by our Shelton office to fir you can participate in this important Energy Efficient Home Award program. of the future. P.U.D. No. 3 encourages you to ;ave. It pays. OFFICERS Lloyd Suhr, President: M.D. Parrett, Vice President: E.W. Taylor, Secretary; Richard Holland ' r ! i