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February 9, 2012 |
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you're still my
man of steel.
JCisses and fIugs,
John Hansen, left, receives the keys to the Sanderson Field Events Center and
Commissioner Dick Taylor, right, while Commissioner Jay Hupp, center, looks
Orgainzers with his wife, Rachel Hansen.
Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
Fairgrounds from Port of Shelton
on. Hansen owns Northwest Event
By NATALIE JOHNSON pared to sign a three-year lease for
natali~Y.~.~masoncounty.com the fairgrounds property with North-
west Event Organizers, but the lease
was stalled in the midst of allegations
After years of preparation, the of misconduct and gifting of public
Port of Shelton Commission voted funds against Dobson.
Tuesday to approve a lease with Dobson was later cleared of any
Northwest Event Organizers for the wrongdoing by anindependent inves-
Sanderson Field Events Center and tigaton.
Fairgrounds. This year the lease got back on
"It's been a drawn-out affair, but track, and the Hansens are excited
I think we're finally there," said port about the challenge of not only put-
Executive Director John Dobson. ting on the Mason Area Fair, but
The lease allows Northwest Event numerous other events at the fair-
Organizers, :o~ed by John and Ra- grounds. ......
chel Hansen, to lease the fairgrounds 'Wee had a meeting last night with
property for $3,000 per month until the (Mason Area) Fair Board," Rachel
Dec. 31, 2013. At that point, the Fed- Hansen said Tuesday. "I've already
eral Aviation Administration (FAA) got a lot of volunteers."
has ruled that the port must return In addition to regular events at the
the land to airport use because of its location like OysterFest and the Ma-
proximity to the runway, son Area Fair, Northwest Event Or-
"It's been a longtime coming and a ganizers hope to put on at least four
lot of hard work on your part," said additional events.
port commission Chair Dick Taylor. Rachel Hansen hopes the first"self-
Northwest Event Organizers hasmanaged" event at the fairgrounds
run the Mason Area Fair since 2010, can come together by April, potential-
when Mason County eliminated the ly for an Earth Day-themed festival.
fair from its budget and quit its al- The Hansens also plan to improve
most 50-year lease with the port. the RV area and stables at the fair-
In spring 2011, the port was pre- ground.
2002 Cat Mini Excavator
with thumb, Dayton Rd,
area Feb. 6
$1,000 REWARD
For arrest and conviction
Please call the Mason
County Sheriff,
(360) 427-9670 Ext. 313
Port of Shelton Executive Director John Dobson brought a
$3,000 per month lease for the Sanderson Field Events
Center and Fairgrounds with Northwest Event Organizers
on Tuesday. The port commission approved the lease.
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Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, February 9, 2012