February 9, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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1:30 p.m., Retired Scien-
tists meeting at the Shel-
ton Timberland Library.
Lunch will be at noon at
the Grove Street Brew-
house. Phyl Antonsen will
show slides and tell about
her rafting adventure on
the Kongakut River out of
Fairbanks, Alaska.
3-5 p.m., Youth N' Ac-
tion will be hosting a
Choice Cafe at The Ar-
mory, 601 W. Franklin St,
Shelton. They will have a
meal cooked by youth, ac-
tivities and a dispute reso-
lution workshop by certi-
fied mediator and training
manager Oriana NoG1 Lew-
is. This will be Youth N'
Action's last Choice Cafe
at The Armory before it is
shut down for renovations.
I0 a.m.-noon, Kidz-
town at Olympic Middle
School for kids in Kinder-
garten through sixth grade
crafts, games, breakfast,
music, bible lessons, skits
and small groups to help
your kids get the most
out of every weekend. For
more information, contact
Melody at 427-9092
9 a.m., TOPS No. 1402
meets every Monday at the
Harstine Island Commu-
nity Hall, 3371 E Harstine
Island Road N. If you are
looking for a support group
to Take Off Pounds Sen-
sibly, come and join. For
more information, contact
Marlene at 427-3873.
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Unit-
ed Way Valentine's Day
Dessert Auction at Shelton
Civic Center, 525 W. Cota
St, Shelton. Enjoy lunch
with friends at this lively
auction of locally made,
dessert items that can be
shared with a Valentine.
Tickets are $10.
6 p.m., Mason County
Optimist Club meets sec-
ond and fourth Monday
at Taylor Town Station
Restaurant, 62 SE Lynch
7:30 a.m., Chamber
Morning Leads Group
meeting at Pine Tree Res-
taurant, 102 S First St,
Shelton. The Chamber
Leads Groups provide net-
working opportunities for
members at their weekly
10 a.m., Managing
breast cancer and prostate
cancer: guest speaker Tri-
cia Sinek, manager of the
Franciscan Health Sys-
tems "Community Cancer
Program" will be at the
Olympic Bakery in Shel-
ton, sponsored by UsTOO
prostate cancer education
and support group.
11:30 a.m., Tramper
Sams, a Good Sam RV club
will hold their luncheon at
Mulligan's Pub and Grill at
Lakeland Village in Allyn.
For more information call
11:30 a.m., Mason
County Multiple Sclerosis
Support Group monthly
meeting at E1 Sarape's, 318
W. Railroad Ave., Shelton.
The meeting is open to
those that are interested.
To obtain additional infor-
mation please call Debby
Zillmer at 877-6959.
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Shel-
ton Kiwanis Club meeting
at Xinh's Clam & Oyster
House, 221 W Railroad Ave,
Shelton. The Shelton Ki-
wanis Club has been serv-
ing the community since
1924. Join the club for its
weekly meeting. Lunch is
served at 11:30 a.m. with a
program from noon until 1
p.m. This meeting will fea-
ture County Commissioner
Steve Bloomfield.
Noon, Chamber Mem-
ber Services Committee
meeting at Steven's on
Railroad, 203 W. Railroad
Ave, Shelton. The Member
Services Committee devel-
ops and implements the
Chamber's Member benefit
12:30-3 p.m., Parkin-
son's Support Group meet-
ing will be at the Timber-
land Library in Shelton.
Caregivers, family, support
people welcome. For addi-
tional information, contact
Rebecca at 426-6197.
4 p.m., the regular meet-
ing of the Mason County
Transportation Authority
Board at the Mason Tran-
sit Business office, 790 E.
Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton.
7:30 a.m., Chamber
SAVER Committee meet-
ing at Nita's Restaurant &
Gallery. The Shelton Alli-
ance for Viable Economic
Revitalization (SAVER)
Committee will hold its
regular monthly meeting.
Contact Bob Buhl, ~chair,
for details.
11:30 a.m., Class of 1952
lunch and short meeting at
Taylor Station Restaurant
and Lounge.
11:30 a.m., Chamber
Lunch Leads Group at Ste-
ven's on Railroad, 203 W
Railroad Ave, Shelton. The
Chamber Leads Groups
provide networking oppor-
tunities for members at
their weekly meeting.
3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents
Teen Gaming Lounge for
teens. Play Xbox Kinect,
Wii and other games, watch
movies and have refresh-
ments with friends. Snacks
and supplies provided by
the Friends of the Shelton
Timberland Library. For
more information call 426-
7:30 p.m., non-denom-
inational, no collections,
all-welcome, teaching of
Jesus at Evergreen El-
ementary Library, N. 9th
Street, Shelton
10-11 a.m., TOPS meets
at the Shelton Christian
Church every Thursday.
For more information, call
Ruth at 432-0870.
1-2 p.m., Shelton Dia-
betes Support Group meets
in the Ellinor Room at Ma-
son General Hospital. Con-
tact Sue at 427-7332 for
more information.
6 p.m., Chamber
Monthly Membership
meeting will be at the Pa-
vilion at Sentry Park, 190
W. Sentry Dr., Shelton.
Speaker/author Randy
Spitzer will present "Re-
sponsibility Cultures"
at this month's meet-
ing, sponsored by Sound
Learning (Mason County
7-10 p.m. John Lucas
and Randy Linder will
perform at Taylor Station,
Restaurant and Lounge on
Drawing Feb. 1 lth
• 20 - $1,000 Cash Drawings,
Noon to 5:00 pm
• $10,000 Grand Prize given
away at 5:00 pm
• 20 Drawinss to spin the
wheel and win $100.00 to
S250.00 in free play
starting at 5:30 pm
Come See Our 1st-Run
Corner of 5th & Franklin
Man On A Ledge
Daily 6:45pm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:00pm
Sat-Sun 2:00 p.m.
Red Tails
Daily 4:15pm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:05pm
Journey 2:
The Mysterious Island
Daily 4:40, 7:00pm
Additional Shows
Sat-Sun 2:40pm
This Means War
Serving all organic, fair trade espresso drinks
and contests
~t older.
will be verified upon prize
bein~ awarded. Management
reserves the right to change or
Bar & Grill
Prepared by our chef in the dinning room. An 8 oz. filet in a lemon pepper bourbon
cream sauce and topped with green onion and diced tomato. $7~
Seasoned and charbroiled to your preference
8 oz. $18 • 12 oz. ~23 • 16 oz. s28 ° 20 oz. ~34
Save room for our signature
~:~, ...... ~rel0arec]~~:~
Noon and 5:30 p.m.,
Alcoholics Anonymous, 125
West Cota Street
5 p.m., AA, New Com-
munity Church of Union
office, 951 E. Dalby Road
5:30 p.m., Overeaters
Anonymous, Mason Gen-
eral Hospital, Washington
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, The Right
Path, North 80 Tribal Cen-
ter Road.
7 p.m., AA, Saint Da-
vid's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets
7 p.m., Friends of Bill
W. Chapter at Hood Ca-
nal Community Church, 81
Finch Creek Road, Hood-
8 p.m., Narcotics Anon-
ymous, Mountain View Al-
liance Church, 314 East J
11 a.m., NA, United
Methodist Church 1900
King Street
Noon, A1-Anon group,
Saint David's Episcopal
Church Call 427-6831
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30
p.m., AA, 125 West Cota
6:30 p.m., Celebrate Re-
covery, 419 Railroad Av-
enue. Childcare provided.
Call 426-8461
7:30 p.m., AA, Hood-
sport Library
8 p.m., NA, Ellinor
Room, Mason General Hos-
pital, 901 Mountain View
10 a.m., Overeaters
Anonymous, Saint David's
Noon and 5:30 p.m.,
AA, 125 West Cota Street
7 p.m., Narcotics Anon-
ymous, Ellinor Room at
Mason General Hospital,
901 Mountain View Drive
10 p.m., The Point Is,
Easy Does It, 125 West
Cota Street
8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and
7:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street
9:30 a.m., NA, PUD
Hall Third and Cota
3-5 p.m., Freedom in
Recovery, New Horizons
Church, 307 East F Street
4-6 p.m., Gateway to re-
covery at Gateway Chris-
tian Fellowship, 405 S. 7th
4:30 p.m., AA, Hood-
sport Library for women
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Spinners
Gone Straight, St. David's
Episcopal Church, 324
West Cedar Street
Noon and 5:30 p.m.,
AA, 125 West Cota Street
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Belfair's New
Hope, Belfair Community
Baptist Church
7 p.m., AA, Saint Da-
vid's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets
7 p.m. Narcotics Anony-
mous, Mountain View Al-
liance Church, 314 East J
7 p.m. AA, Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation
Center, 2430 North 13th
6:30 p.m., AA open
meeting, Hoodsport Li-
10 a.m., AI-Anon step
study AFG at St. David's
Episcopal Church, 324 W.
Cedar Street
7:15 p.m., Narcotics
Anonymous, Mountain
View Alliance Church, 314
East J Street
7 p.m., Depressed Anon-
ymous, Mason General
Hospital, 901 Mountain
View Drive
9:30 a.m., AI-Anon fam-
ily group, Skokomish Indi-
an Assembly of God, 1925
U.S. Highway 101
11 a.m., Narcotics Anon-
ymous, United Methodist
Church 1900 King Street
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Spinners
Gone Straight, St. David's
Episcopal Church, 324
West Cedar Street
7 p.m., NA at Mountain
View Alliance Church, 314
East J Street
Four Stars
The News TriOune (
Open for Valentine's Day " ~+ nationally known
o ~ ~, Chef Xinh Dwelley
Tuesday, February 14th ~ A Wide Variety of
S:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.~:!~ Seafood & Other Meat Dishes
Rexer~ations Recommended ~:~ with ChdXinh T. ¢lle s Asian Twist
(360) 427-8709 • Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturday
Downtown Shelton * Corner of 3rd and West Railroad
Presented by Team Viking to
benefit Relay For Life of Shelton
2012 we invite you to join us for
"An Evening with Xinh"!
Sunday, February 19th at 4:00 p.m,
Xinh, an award winning chef, will
give a cooking demonstration,
give recipes and provide a buffet
dinner with a variety of fresh
seafood dishes. Tickets are $50
per person which includes two
glasses of wine or beer,
appetizers, dinner and dessert.
You won't want to miss this
opportunity. It will be a great
evening for a great cause!
Tickets are advanced sale only and
can be purchased by calling Karin
at 360-490-7406,
Please visit www.
relayforlifeofshelton.org for more
information on Relay for Life and
how you can join the efforts to
fight cancer! Thank you![
The card is nice...
but he really wants a
is accepting wait
list applications for
seniors ages 62 and
better. HUD subsidized,
controlled access,
garden setting, minutes
from downtown
shopping. Non-Smoking
Property. 23 1-Br. and
one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St.,
(306) 426-3903
15634 ~.,.."~,,,
No-need to be
agitated about an
old hulk.
Come clean
about the
appliances you
don't need.
Run a Journal
classified for
clothes to
Call us
at 426-4412 and
hang on the line.
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 9, 2011 - Page B-3