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Send obituaryinformation to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
Deadine is 2 p.m. the tuesday
before publication.
Douglas Merton Long
Douglas Merton Long, age 56,
joined God's team in Heaven
on Saturday, January 21, 2012.
He was born on May 24, 1955
in Spokane, WA to Gwen and
Leonard Long. He graduated
from Shelton High School ('73),
and Whitworth College ('77),
where he played basketball and
football, was recognized as a two time All American,
and was inducted into Whitworth's Hall of Fame. In the
summer of '77, he met his soul mate and love of his life,
Kristie Gordham. They were married on January 6, 1979.
Doug was passionate about helping others, spending
much of his life coaching and teaching. He was an
inspiration to countless people. Doug was blessed with
an incredible athletic ability and unwavering faith. His
platform as a Seattle Seahawk enabled him to spread the
word of God and touch many lives. His contagious smile
and optimism will live on forever.
He was an amazing family man, survived by his: wife,
Kristie; son, Kyle (Lindsay); daughters, Rachael and
Kenzie; and grandson, Cameron. He is also survived by
his parents and sisters Teri, Linda, and Deborah.
The Long family has asked that everyone celebrate and
remember Doug's life in his or her own way. A memorial
fund in his honor has been set up, and additional
information can be found at www.movethechains.org.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Jenny Minnie Bunko
Jenny Minnie (Beeker)
Bunko, 97, died Tuesday,
Jan. 31, at home sur-
rounded by family. She
was a resident of Shelton
for 67 years.
She was born Aug. 8,
1914, in Golden Valley,
N.D., to Viola (Van Heuv-
elin) Becker.
She married John
Bunko on July 3, 1937, in
North Dakota.
She worked as a laborer
for J. Hofert Xmas Tree
Co. for 40 years, retiring
in 1968.
Her family shared that
she entered a contest in
the 1950s in Sheiton and
came up with the slogan
"Christmas Tree Town
She is survived by her
son Norm Bunko (Ber-
nice) of Shelton; daughter
Carol Valley of Lacey;
five grandchildren and 12
Her mother, husband
and sons, Jerry and
Chuck, preceded her in
A graveside service will
be held at 11 a.m. on Fri-
day, Feb. 10, at Shelton
Memorial Park.
Forest Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
Gloria Johnson
Gloria (McFarlane)
Johnson, 63, died Tuesday,
D Jan. 31, at Providence St.
~~ Peter Hospital in Olym-
ii pia. She was a resident of
Shelton for 20 years.
_]/OREST She was born Jan. 1,
1949, in Tacoma to George
~J/cEFUNTEER~LHcOR~ATION and Barbara (Knoble) Mc-
A Reputation Built on Service She married Bill John-
:: son.
~ ~i ~i~i : ~ ~l~ wasShea
~ ~ ~: ~0i ~~~ homemak-er and
~::~i ~ai I ~ grand-
~~ mother.
~~:[ enjoyed
I Shelton- (360) 427-8044 She
~i] cooking,
iliiii iiii i iii i, ii ii~ i~~i~~ i!ii!~ [~~!tJohnsonGloria ~c~go~a::s,bakingand tak-
her family
Worthy of
Your Trust
She is survived by her
significant other Steve
Gonsalves of Shelton;
daughters Katie Beebe
and Becky Lofgren both
of Matlock; sons Russell
Johnson of Tacoma, Rob
Fetters of Shelton and
Brent Newel of Shelton;
sisters Tammy and Mona
of England; grandchildren
Kelsey and Logen Beebe,
Kiah and Andrew Lofgren
all of Matlock and numer-
...... O
ous nieces and nephews. Little League.
Her parents, husband, He is survived by his
two sisters and a brother daughter Mia Kantas of
preceded her in death. Shelton; sons Tony Kantas
A celebration of life will (Sonja Cady) of Olympia
be at 2 p.m. on March 3, and Steve Kantas of Shel-
at 391 W. Hatfield Rd. in ton; sisters Marsha Beck-
Elma. man (Mary) of Portland,
Forest Funeral Home of Ore., and Christine Kan-
Shelton served the family, tab of Medford, Ore.;
brothers Andrew Kantas,
Don Raymon Kantas Paris Kantas (Cecil) and
Don Raymon Kantas, Mark Kantas all of San
70, died Monday, Jan. 30, Diego, Calif.; grandchil-
at home in Shelton. dren Alex, Gabble and
He was born April 20, Noah Kantas and nieces
1941, in Portland, Ore., and nephews.
to Harry and Angeline He was preceded in
(Mainates) Kantas. death by parents and
He graduated in 1960 brother Harry.
from Park Rose High A service will be held at
~~ !!!!i .... ~i:i School in noon on Saturday, Feb. 11,
i Portland, at St. Edward's Catholic
~l Ore. Church in Shelton with a
He reception at the church to
from Or- McComb Funeral Home
egon Poly- of Shelton is handling the
technic in arrangements.
the Port-Online condolences may
land areabe sent to the family at
Don with an www.mecombfh.com.
Kantas associate
of science Forby Wayen Lamb
degree in Forby "Barney" Wayen
mechanical engineering. Lamb, 71, died Saturday,
He was a member of Feb. 4, at home in Shelton.
the U.S. Coast Guard Re- He was born Dec. 28,
serves from 1960-1968. 1940, in Chehalis.
He married Colleen Mc- He was a retired bar-
Gee in Las Vegas on May tender and the director of
10, 1997. The marriage the Mason County Furni-
ended in divorce. He was ture Bank.
previously married to Joan His family said his fa-
Fursman -- the marriage vorite pastime was help-
ended in divorce, ing others that he was a
He worked in the saw- friend to all and would be
mill industry for more missed.
than 30 years as a mill He is survived by his
superintendent and plant daughters Nancy Brock of
manager. The family said Portland, Ore., Patrieia
he was known for break- Williams of Portland, Ore.,
ing production records and Betty Thorn of Caledo-
and his unconventional nia, Mich. and son Forby
or "old school" manage- "Jay" Lamb of Portland,
ment style. Previous Ore.; grandchildren Scott
employers include Louisi- Williams of Portland, Ore.,
ana Pacific Corp. in Wis- Crystal Williams of Grand
consin; Little Skookum Rapids, Mich., Annette
Lumber Co. in Shelton; Mullens of Portland, Ore.,
Mary's River Lumber Co. Anette Thorn, Thea Thorn
in Montesano; Bambee and Alexis Thom of Grand
Mill Inc. in Renton; Tree- Rapids, Mich.
source Co. in Spanaway His parents preceded
and Tumwater Lumber. him in death.
He was a member of St. A memorial service will
Edward's Catholic Church be announced at a later
and the Elks. His family date.
shared that he was a hard Forest Funeral Home
working man who enjoyed of Shelton is handling the
sports and helped coach arrangements.
Leiloa Paoa Maiava
Leiloa Paoa Maiava,
48, died Friday, Feb. 3, at
Swedish Medical Center in
Seattle from liver cancer.
She was a resident of Shel-
ton for over 10 years.
She was born Aug. 28,
1963, in Pitonuu Western
Samoa to Paoa Gafa and
Meripa Feagai.
She married Kirisimasi
Maiava in 1991 in Austra-
She was employed as a
schoolteacher in Western
Samoa and New Zealand.
She was part owner of
K&L Landscaping.
She was an active mem-
ber of LDS Church pri-
mary president under the
direction of Bishop John
~V~ • ~
~i° , Her
i~N~// fam-
ily shared
that she
was a
who made
Leiloa friends in
Malaya Shelton.
They said
her du-
ties at the church were
important to her. She did
volunteer work for the
elementary school and in
community activities. Her
husband said all dearly
miss her.
She is survived by her
husband Kirisimasi Maiava
of Shelton; daughter May
Liahona Maiava of Shelton;
sons Kristopher Jr. Maiava,
Nathan Rimoni Maiava and
Mason Ezra Malaya all of
Shelton; brothers Lalovi
Gafa of Samoa, Aga Gafa
of Australia, Silupe Gafa
of Samoa, Vaitai Gafa of
Samoa, Faasala Gafa of
Samoa and Faalili Gafa of
Utah; sisters Faasu Gafa
of Samoa, Leta Gafa of Sa-
moa, Toeupu Gafa of Samoa
and Pofitu Gafa and Sina
Gafa of Shelton.
She was preceded .in ......
death by her parents and
brothers Gogo, and Faama-
di Gafa.
A funeral will take place
from 9 a.m. to noon on Mon-
day, Feb. 13, at the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints in Shelton.
Memorial donations can
be made to LDS Church,
1200 Connection St. Shel-
ton 98584, Bishop Rice 2nd
Forest Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
See Obits on page 8-7
Mary E. Doescher
Mary Ellen Doescher, 84, of Shelton, WA passed away
at her home on Tuesday, January 31, 2012. Ellen was
born on July 11, 1927 to Louis Edward and Alta Marie
(Howard) Collier in Pe Ell, WA.
Her family moved from Pe Ell to Hoodsport when
Ellen was a teenager and she attended Irene S. Reed
High School in Shelton. She went to work for the
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in the "tool crib" where
she met and married Willard Doescher in May of 1945
in Seattle, WA. Ellen worked a short time also as meat
cutter for Safeway before becoming a full-time wife and
mother to four children. After the children were older, she
worked part-time as a waitress and cook for Flo's Bar-be-
Mrs. Doescher was a member of the Spring Road Chapel First
Church of God where she served as chairman of the church board for
a time and was once on a bowling league.
Ellen enjoyed stained glass (many of which are windows of her church), ceramics, crocheting,
cross stitch, and crafting. She also liked to garden, travel, camp, fish, and cook. She was an avid
reader and collected cookbooks. Her biggest love was her family.
She is survived by her son David (Marjaneal) Doescher, Homedale, ID; daughters, Shirley (Rick)
Tunnell, Shelton, WA and Linda (Guy) Krebs, Pascagoula, MS; son in law, Bob Okada; Shelton;
grandchildren, Molly Tunnell, Tumwater, Whitney (Danny) Myers, Tumwater, Marguerit Doescher,
Boise, ID, Michelle Krebs, Pascagoula, MS, William (Melissa) Krebs IV and Brian (Elizabeth)
Krebs, both of Birmingham, AL, Gabe (Brandi) Krebs, Hurley, MS and David (Limari) Krebs
of Atlanta, GA; great grandchildren, Kai Meyers, Cassiel Myers, Megan Caudill, Joseph Pitts,
Katie Storey, Rachel, Erin, Hannah, Walker, Nickolas, Abby, Madelyn, and Elias Krebs. Ellen was
preceded in death by her husband Willard, daughter, Joy Doescher and brother, Jack Collier.
Donations can be made to the Joy Doescher Memorial Fund, c/o EO. Box 849, Shelton, WA
98584 or to the Springs Road Chapel, 1113 Shelton Springs Rd. Shelton, WA.
A memorial service will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 1:00 pm at the Spring Road
Chapel, Shelton, WA. The family was served by McComb Funeral Home.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Frank H. Meriwether
Frank was born in Jackson, Tennessee on May 6, 1921
and passed away peacefully on January 29, 2012.
He left the family farm at 16 to join the Civilian
Conservation Corps, joined the Army in 1940 and
was a radio operator/gunner/navigator on a B-26
over western Europe. He was awarded many
medals but never liked flying in planes again. After
leaving and rejoining the Army several times, he met
his future wife Mildred at an Army dance in 1947
and married her, along with her three children. He
worked in Military Intelligence in the Philippines and
Japan, and finally at Fort Lewis. He retired in 1962 and
the family grew up in Olympia.
Shortly after, he was a corrections officer at the State Correctional
Center in Shelton. He liked being in the main guard tower, and interacting with
inmates. He also earned his Bachelor's degree in Psychology in 1974. In 1978, he
separated from his wife Mildred, then retired from the DOC. He traveled back and forth
to the family farm in Jackson, and met his second partner Harriett McFarlane. She was
his constant companion and they were happy. They settled in McCleary for many years,
and he wrote the book "South of My Village" under a pen name. In 2004, Harriett died
of cancer.
Frank's dementia increased, and his neighbor Maggie and her daughter Joyce provided
friendship and in-home care for him. In 2009, he moved in with Joyce and her husband.
It was great for him - with increasing dementia - to be in his new home with 24-hour
good care and attention. He was a quiet hero and his humor remained to the very end.
Frank had six children; James Menear, Karen Menear, Carolyn Burns, Marnie Cain,
Michael Meriwether and Frank (Pat) Meriwether II. James, Carolyn and his wife
Mildred have passed away. He has five surviving grandchildren and an increasing
number of great grandchildren. His lone surviving sibling is his sister Elleen Parsons in
Frank's family is holding a small graveside service with his ashes at the McCleary
Cemetery at noon on Thursday February 9, 2012for family and friends as was Frank's
wish, followed by potluck. View an extended online obituary and leave remembrances
at www.FuneralAlternatives.org Arrangements are with Funeral Alternatives of
Washington 360-753-1065.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 9, 2012