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Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 9, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Oakland Bay Junior High earns achievement award MAKINGTHEGRADE Oakland Bay Junior High time. School, which serves eighth- and On April 25, the office of Su- ninth-graders from the south perintendent of Public Instruc- Mason County area, has been tion and the State Board of Ed- awarded the 2011 Washington ucation will celebrate Oakland Achievement Award for Improve- Bay's achievement at an awards ment from the Office of Superin- ceremony hosted by Mariner tendent of Public Instruction and High School in Everett. the State Board of Education. Oakland Bay Junior High was On Wednesday, Feb. 1, princi- one of 11 middle schools state- pal Bracken Budge received an wide to receive a special recogni- email from State Superintendent tion award for improvement from Randy Dorn informing him of the the Office of the State Superin- school's achievement, tendent of Public Instruction. Only the top 5 percent of all Of the 367 schools in the mid- schools in each category are dle-and junior high-level award tabbed in the annual Washing- category, Oakland Bay achieved ton Achievement Awards pro- a score of 6.34 out of a possible gram. Oakland.Bay Junior High 7.0 in the improvement section received this award based on the of the Washington Achievement school's performance, accord- Index to secure the award. ing to the Washington Achieve- For more information about ment Index -- a comprehensive Shelton Schools, contact Super- measurement of how schools in intendent Wayne D. Massie at Washington are performing over 426-1687. Oakland Bay Middle School to hold science, engineering fair Shehon Skookum Rotary Club will sponsor annual event for K-8 students The Mason County Science & Engi- neering Fair will be held on March 17 at Oakland Bay Middle School. All students in Kindergarten through eighth grade in Mason County are eli- gible to participate. Applications will be taken online only at No applications will be taken by mail. Rules and application instructions have been sent to schools in Mason County. For documents or materials, email The annual science fair is sponsored by Shelton Skookum Rotary Club and is hmded by OysterFest dollars. Local students named to Dean's lists Scott Laes of Shelton The Dean's List at Ma- has been named to the calester College is pub- Dean's List at Clemsonlished at the end of each University for the fall semester. For fall se- 2011 semester, mester, it was published Laes is majoring in po- one week after the grade litical science, submission deadline. For To be named to the spring semester, it will be Dean's List, a studentpublished three weeks af- must achieve a grade- ter the grade submission point average between deadline. 3.50 and 3.99 on a 4.0To be eligible for the scale. Dean's List a student must have been regis- Wendy Gorman, the tered as a full-time, de- daughter of Diane and gree-seeking student and Matt Gorman of Shelton, may not have been on a has been named to the study-awayprogram. Fur- Dean's List of Macales- thermore, a student must ter College for academic have achieved a semester achievement during thegrade-point average of fall semester of the 2011- at least 3.75, 12 or more 2012 year. credits on a regular grad- A graduate of Shelton ing option, no grades be- High School, Gorman low C- and no withdrawal was a sophomore at Ma-or incomplete grades for calester in fall 2011.the semester. Master Gardeners offer country living workshops These Master Gardner events occur on the last Saturday of each month; the a.m. class is from 9:30 a.m.-noon and the p.m. class is from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Memorial Hall lo- cated at 210 W. Frank- lin Street in Shelton. Cost: $15 per day Series Passes: $90 per per- son or $100 per couple Payment accepted at the door. Call 427-9670, ext. 680 to register in advance to ensure adequate supplies for class. Feb. 25 -- Fru- gal Gardening -- all-day class: JoinWSU Master Gardener Dave Shephard to learn effec- a.m. class: Join WSU Mas- bees, beekeeping, and pol- tive and efficient uses of re- ter Gardner Lou Schmidt linators in the garden. sources in gardening. Top- to learn about summer va- p.m. class: Join WSU Ex- ics include planning, prepa- rieties that require lots of tension educator Mary Di- , ration, planting, protecting, heat such as squash, toma- Matteo for insights into production, container gar- toes and beans and how to keeping and maintaining a dening and feasting, deal with summer droughthome orchard. March 31 -- Mush- and feeding your garden.June 30 -- Rain Gar- rooms and Composting -- p.m. class: Elizabeth Camp- dens and Raising Chickens a.m. class: mushrooms -- bell, Northwest Indian Col- -- a.m. class: Bonus class, JoinWSUExtensionagent lege educator, will share no fee -- Join WSU rain Jim Freed to learn about how to use native plantsgarden experts to learn mushrooms and other for health benefits. Partici- about the benefits of rain specialty forest products, pants will make rose hipgardens and how to in- p.m. class: Composting jam. stall one on your property. with WSU Master Gard- May 26 -- Beekeeping p.m. class: Sharon Conboy ner Kimberly Wheeler. and Pollinators and Or- will discuss chickens and Learn how to make and charding West of the Cas- how to raise them in sub- use compost at home. cades -- a.m. class: Join urban and small farm en- April 28 -- More Veg- WSU AmeriCorps member vironments. Get all your etable Gardening and Na- Anna Mangan and other lo- chicken-raising questions tive Plants for Health -- cal experts to learn about answered. Obits Continuedfrom page B-6 Robert Osterman Robert Osterman, 75, died Monday, Jan. 9, in Springfield, Ore., of cancer. He was born Oct. 23, 1936, in Wrangell, Alaska, to Leo and Ann (Negoescu) Osterman. He served in the U.S. Army; two years in Ger- many. He married Leona (Sav- age) Bunnell on Nov. 24, 1962, in Shelton. He was employed as an engineer for Simpson Tim- ber in the 1960s and main- tenance engineer for Wey- erhaeuser in Washington, Mississippi and Oregon for 17 years. He was a member of Shelton Jaycees and en- joyed barbershop singing, woodcrafts, moving dirt with his backhoe, skiing, whitewater rafting, danc- ing, traveling and being with people. He is survived by his wife Leona Osterman of Springfield, Ore; son Darren Bunnell of Maul, Hawaii; daughters Kerri Simon of Olympia and Jill Irvin of Denver; brothers Leo Osterman of Boothbay Harbor, Maine, and John Osterman of Bainbridge Is- land; sisters LeAna Oster- man of Lynden and Sylvia Gray of Menlo Park, Calif.; and 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother Dale. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m., Satur- day, Feb. 18, at the Colo- nial House on Pine Street in Shelton. He chose to donate his body to research for sci- entific study of carcinoid cancer. William M. Neal Jr. William M. Neal Jr., 77, died Thursday, Feb. 2, at home in Shelton from can- cer. He was born May 15, 1934, in Des Moines, Iowa to William M. Neal and Lil- lian (Hoffman) Osborne. He married Marie F. Emsley in Shelton on June .... 7, 1954. He was the owner of Arcadia ~Drilling until he retired. He en- joyed fish- ing. He is survived by his William daughter Neal Carlene Berglund of Kodiak, Alaska; sons William M. Neal III of Longbeach and Dennis R. Neal of Olympia; sister June Simmons of Castle Rock and numerous grandchildren and nieces and nephews. A memorial potluck with open mic will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Shelton Civic Cen- ter. Memorial donations can be made to the American Cancer Society. Gerald Wybenga Gerald (Jerry) Wybenga, 69, died Jan. 27, from a stroke. He was born to Corne- lius and ~Anna Wybenga in the Nether- lands on March 8, 1941. He graduated Gerald from a Wybenga one-room school- house in Orting. He was employed as a butcher at Safeway, a dispatcher for the state patrol in Olympia and as a volunteer firefighter af- ter graduation. He spent his working career in the industrial field, working for Graystone, Cascade Material, Olympia Sand and Gravel and Miles Sand and Gravel. He drove tractor trailers and operated several wash plants and heavy equip- ment. He was a longtime Teamster union member. He was a member of the Elks, Eagles and Moose lodges. He enjoyed polka music and played an organ. The family shared that Happy Hans was his favor- ite band. He liked steam locomotives, antique trac- tors and enjoyed machinist work and woodworking. He is survived by his wife, Charlotte; brother Wilbur (Connie); sister Jean Schols (Herman); children Alan Wybenga, Tracy Jenrich (Troy), Deanna Straws, Cristal Sprinkle, Tammy Pries, Kem Pries, Theresa Naugle (Brian) and Kenny Wybenga (Jaime) and Regularly numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, niec- es, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother John. A graveside service was held at the Doss Cemetery. Thank You For your comfort and support for the Dennis Colvin Family during this difficult time. Sincerely, Judy Colvin & Family Regularly We can help you age gracefully. 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A, Shelton, WA www, Wishing You 50 More Love from -- Bob, Beth, Barry, & Bonny i!!!iii!!!iiiii!ii i!!!i!i!!!i!!!i!i! !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i ~iiiii!i!iiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiii~iiiii~i !~!i!i!~!i!~!i!i!i ~iiii!iiii!iiiiii~ iiiiiiiiiii!i'iiii '~iiiiiiiii~ii!iii i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i! !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i! iliiiiiii!i:i!!:i! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i!i!i!i~i!i!i~i!i !i!i!i!i!i!i~i!i! !i!!ii!i!i!i!i!i! !!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiii!iiiiiiiil i~iiiii~iiiiiiiii iiiii!iii!~iiiii~ iiiiiiiiiiiii!ili iiiiiiii~iii~iii,, !iii!iiiiii!i!iiii iiiii!iiiiiii!i!i! i iiiiiiiiiiiiii!i iiiiiii!iiiii iii iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii i!iiiii iiiiiiiiii !:i:i:!:i:i:i~i:i ~i!i~i!!!i!i!~i!i iiiiiii iii iiiii ,iliiiii!ii~ili~i~ 'iiiiiiiiii~iii~ii i~ii~ii:iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii~iiiii iiiiiiiiiiii!ii~i iiiiii!i!ii~iiiii i~iiiiiiiii~iiiil ii!iiiiiiiii!iii~ Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 9, 2012 - Page B-7