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Nine Shelton wre
regionals this Sat
Over two days, 17 Highclimber
were narrowed down to nine dm
2012 4A Narrows League Champim
On Friday, Feb. 3, Shelton took i
tlers to Foss High School for the fir~
the championship. By the end of th,
Saturday, Feb. 4, nine wrestlers ha
high enough to move on to the 4A 1
Wrestling Tournament on Satur&
11, at Thomas Jefferson High Scho¢
Shelton finished in third place wi
points behind South Kitsap in first,
and Bellarmine in second with 257.
The High,
placed above Cen
l:~'1 sap in fourth w!
[~l Olympia in fifth
t~;:1 Gig Harbor in sb
t~l 96, Mt. Tahoma
[~iiI enth with 91 and i
I~i;;i:[ in eighth with 14.
"The team
great at the
Ty League Champ
head coach Chr
McCullough said.
Shelton had fm
pions at the tournament. At 113,
tlers to compete at place. Senior Adam Coff- to take third."
man, at 132, lost by injury At 145, senior Kusiah McCullough fin
default to Josh McCarthy ished in fourth place for the Highclimbers
urday inAuburn of Bellarmine in the final after losing by decision 6-5 to Kurtis Keom-
round while junior Benmpel from Central Kitsap.
McCullough defeated Central Kitsap's Josh Anderson, at 285, lost by "Kusiah won a big match in the quar
Criollos by technical fall 16-1 for the top default to Kyle Lanque of terfinals against a tough competitor from
Central Kitsap. South Kitsap,' Lacy said. He has worked
spo,!Ty won his third straight league cham- 'Adam had a great hard for a long time and wrestled his best
tournament and wrestledwhen his season was on the line."
ingrestlersthe knowledge,Pi°nship'" LacYhe is said.he first"T°wrestlerthe bestin school°f my Colby excellent in the finalsKenny Zacarias and Shelby Salisbury at
tship, history to accomplish this." Barber match," Lacy said. The 113 and 132 respectively, both finished in
7 wres- Junior Jakeob Garrick, match was tied 4-4 in the fifth place.
t day of~ at 126, also won by techni- third period when Adam "Kenny had by far his best performance
; day on~ cal fall in the finals win- injured his shoulder and had to default the of the season. He has really surged ahead
i placed ~~ ning 18-3 over Sean Lu-match." over the last two or three weeks," Lacy said.
'egional '~~ tovsky of South Kitsap.He said that Anderson was trailing 0-1 He added that extra "wrestling tutoring"
ty, Feb. "Jakeob won his second in the semififials before earning a takedown from Roger Wilson was a big help to Zacar
,1 in Au- ~i~: strmght league champion- with less than 15 seconds remaining in the ias.
shin Lacy said. His per- match. "Shelby wrestled the,best tournament
~'~i~ ......... ! i~i~i~ : ~"--
Lh 239.5] ] formance in the finals was "Unfortunately, he injured his arm in of his career," Lacy said. He came through
dominant and flawless, the match and was unable to wrestle in the the consolation bracket and picked up a lot
~ith 389 ......... "
" ~ 1 - Senior Colby Barberfinals," Lacy added. "Ben continues to im- of team points."
',limbers Garrick panned Brandon Kebba of press us with his competitiveness and de- Zacarias and Salisbury are both alter.
xal Kit- Bellarmine in 1:31 for first sire." nares for the Highclimbers into regionals.
th 202, , place at 170. At 126 and 132 respectively, senior Ivan At 120, sophomore Jesus Nunez compet~
ith 152, 'Colby wonhis second straight league Fiedler and junior Malachi Conklin both ed well enough to take sixth place but will
:th withchampionship," Lacy said. "Three matches, finished in third place,, not go on to regionals.
in sev- two pins and one technical thll, end of sto- Fiedler defeated South Kitsap's Adam"Jesus is a first-year wrestler that,really
3tadium ry. Lutovsky by decision 9-4 in the consolation has great instincts and positioning, Lacy
At 182, senior Johnathen Dennis defeat- final while Conklin defeated Bellarmine's said. "An injury early Saturday morning
qrestleded South Kitsap s Tristan Hartmann by de- Garrison Grisaffi 1-0 in the consolation fi- cut his day short, but he still had a great
qarrows cision 4-1 in the final round, nal. weekend."
onship,"Johnathen won his first league champi- "Ivan rebounded from a tough loss in the Sophomore Gill Ramos at 120, freshman
is Lacy onship and third consecutive tournament," semifinals and won his next two matches to Benny Olivas at 138, junior Dylan Corey at
Lacy said. "He is really on a roll and wres- finish third," Lacy said. "Malachi was in a 145, junior Blake Gentry at 170 and junior
Lr cham-tling at a very high level." very competitive weight and after a loss in Betsaid Garcia at 220 also wrestled for the
Ty Two Highclimbers brought home secondthe semifinals he won his next two matches Highclimbers.
through a
tackle during
the Shelton
girls' rugby
sevens game
last summer.
File photo
Continued from page C-1
ticing for about eight weeks now with the
team and they've been pretty solid. There's
been a lot of improvement with each prac-
Nault thinks the Loggers have a good
chance of winning the tournament.
After being invited to this tournament,
the team received a lot of support from the
comnmnity. At a fundraising auction in No-
vember, $4,500 was raised for the team's
travel expenses.
The team also received a sponsorship
from Seattle Shellfish for its own jerseys --
the girls played wearing the boys' jerseys
last year.
Another sponsorship came from Our
Community Credit Union, which purchased
equipment bags for the team.
"We're always looking to help out com-
munity organizations and sports teams,"
Marketing Officer Andrew Bertrand said.
"Sports is a big jumping field for business
~because a lot of what
you learn on the field
helps out in the business
For the last two years,
Our Community Credit
Union has also sponsored
two team banners. Each
banner supports one ath-
lete on the team.
Brian Nesmith said the Shel-
Nault ton team has made a lot of
waves, being a one-school
team garnering an invite.
"Walking onto the field from a town like
Shelton to go against the best teams in the
country, I'm not sure how we'll do," he add-
ed. "It's more about experience and I'm just
stoked to be going."
The Shelton girls on the team are Ball,
Diandra Nault, Britney Young, Crystal
Tinnerstet, Katie Chapman, Hollie Brown,
Ivanna Bell, Haily Cougher, Kaytlyn Wise-
man and Sabrina Dennis.
Nesmith also recruited Megan Johnson
from the Olympia team.
Indi Endicott will compete in
50-freestyle next weekend
By EMILY HANSON ~ meet could say every
emiI~,(~:mason,:ount~,.corn ~ one of their swimmers
" ° showed improvement.
"I think this is the
One Shelton swimmer qualified for first time that ev-
the 2012 4A State Boys Swimming and ery swimmer from
Diving Meet at the district meet last the first day made it
weekend, to the second day,"
On Friday, Feb. 3, and Saturday, Youngquist added. "It
Feb. 4, the Shelton swim team compet- was fun; there were
ed at the WCD III District Swim meet Indi no disappointments.
at Curtis High School. Senior Indi End- Endicott I can't say anything
icott qualified for the state meet in the bad about how we per-
50-freestyle. formed."
"Every single swimmer got best Co-head coach Rob Phelan said the
times in each event they swam," co- divers performed well but did not qual-
head coach Chad Youngquist said. ifyfor state.
"Our second day was faster than the "John Pentony was about equal
first day and I'm almost positive that to what he's done in the past," Phel-
every race we did we moved up higher an said. "Houston Dean and Tyler
than the other teams." Faulkner were a little off."
Endicott qualified for state with a He added that Pentony was very
finals time in the 50-freestyle of 23.15. close to advancing to state.
He said he's pretty excited about going "He ended up in eighth place, so he
to state. Last season, Endicott com- was two places off," Phelan said. "This
peted at state as part of the relay team was his first year diving, so that was
but said the experience this year will pretty good. This was also the first
be a whole different game, since he'll time Dean competed at districts and he
be competing by himself, placed 14th."
He said he wasn't sure if he could Between now and state, which be
win state or not. gins at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17,
"I just want to have some fun for my at the King County Aquatic Center in
senior year," Endicott added. "I'm re- Federal Way, Endicott will be training
ally going to miss Shelton swimming, with a few of his teammates.
This'll be my last year of competitive "District three is the only 4A district
swimming." that holds its tournament two weeks
Youngquist said he doesn't think before state," Youngquist said. "So En-
very many of the teams at the district dicott gets two weeks to train."
Athl tricts and state and last enjoys wakeboarding and
ete year we placed lower," Ew- kneeboarding as well as
Continued from page C-1 art said. working on her boat for
Though this was her lastthe Olympia Wooden Boat
age but that this season the season with a school bowling Show.
team did better, team, Ewart said she plans "If I had to choose be-
"I got off to a rough start on joining a Friday night tween all of the sports, I'd
this season but for the team league when she turns 18. have to choose two and
it was a better season be- Beyond- bowling and they'd be wakeboarding and
cause we took third at dis- swimming, Ewart said shebowling," Ewart said.
Super Bowl
Continued from page C-3
Mary passes later and
the game was over, sta-
tistics and myself had
been proven wrong and
the Giants were the win-
ners of Super Bowl XLVI.
An hour of regulation
play over nearly three
and a half hours of live
television and all that's
worth mentioning is the
final four minutes. That's
a pretty unimpressive
Also, speaking of
umimpressive, did any-
one else wonder if Ma-
donna was going to break
a hip during her halftime
Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 9, 2012