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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 10, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 10, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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k Journal photo by Natalie Johnson City commissioners Mayor John Tarrant, left, and Dawn Pannell presented Kristmastown Kiwanis mem- bers Vicki Gonzales and Patti Tupper with a certificate naming February 2011 Kiwanis Children's Cancer Cure Month. City proclaims February as Cancer Cure Month By NATALIE JOHNSON dren's Cancer Cure Program. pital and the Vancouver, B.C. involved in or sponsors. According to the resolution Children's Hospital," the res- "It's a long list," he said. The Shelton City Corn- signed by the commissioners, olution states. The commission then pre- mission proclaimed Febru- the program will fund the Ki-Mayor John Tarrant pre- sented Kiwanis members ary 2011 Kiwanis Children's wanis' Children's Cancer Fel-sented representatives from Vicki Gonzales and Patti Cancer Cure Month on Mon- lowships. Kristmastown Kiwanis with Tupper with the certificate. day. "The Kiwanis Clubs of the a certificate to commemorate"We're proud to declare The city is issuing this Pacific Northwest will col- the event, this month an awareness proclamation along with Pa- laborate with Doernbecher Tarrant read a list of all month for cancer," Tarrant cific Northwest District of Chi]dren's Hospital in Port- the events and service proj-said. "Again, thankyou for Kiwanis International's Chil-land, Seattle Children's Hos-ects that the Kiwanis club is what you do." .S e ha By KEVAN MOORE A Shelton transient will be sentenced next month after pleading guilty this week to a kidnapping charge in Mason County Superior Court. Justin L. Brossard, 34, a homeless transient from the Shelton area who still faces a failure to register as sex of- fender charge, was originally charged with kidnapping in the second degree with a deadly weapon enhancement. Brossard pled not guilty on Decem- ber 27 to that charge but changed his plea this week on Monday, Feb 7, after the deadly weapon enhancement was dropped. Sentencing is set for March 7. The kidnapping occurred on Decem- ber 2 when Brossard arranged a ride from a female acquantance's residence on Maple Lane to his brother's resi- dence in Timberlakes. When they turned onto his broth- er's street, according to police, Bros- sard told the woman that, "he decided he didn't want to go to his brother's house. Brossard produced a knife and told (the woman), 'You're going to do exactly what I say,' as he pointed the knife at her and threatened her." Court documents said that the wom- an then headed back towards Shelton in hopes of finding help. Police said that is when Brossard made crude sexual re- marks and advances towards her. The woman managed to avoid be- ing kissed by Brossard and eventually parked between the Shelton Cinema and Safeway store in downtown Shel- ton. "Brossard told her to get out of the car and have some drinks with his friends around the corner," according to police. But the woman "managed to talk Brossard into getting out of the car and when he did so, (she) drove away." ..- OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY -"Business DISTANCE LEARNING Engineering Located at the intersec- lion of Highway 101 and 108, from Olympia and Shelton 360-426-5254 Open Mou-Thur 6am.12am Ffi-Sat 6am.2am. Sun 6am-llpm tm-gpm Fd-Sat 7m-10pm Marl Complete _ -- $I~27 ,....~_ . Now in King Box ....... u /pacx "'J: "/pack +m " Y"/carton Don't delay Another Moment! Make TODAY the Day You Decide to Hear Better* n o"' gall$OO0 Gallo 2% Milk ~:~or $3.99 each Am or Fuente • Starting at ,a6ars $229 O +tax 00g0 I;i M0nsterEnergy ÷mReg. $1.99 16 o . Progresso Star g at ........... Soups $799 112 pk. cans .,- 0PE_____NN LATE ............ 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