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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 10, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 10, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~ j--1P~ im--ll---m,~m-,-i WORDONTHESTREET How well do you feel you are being by your local politicians? J, ulio Garan Robert Hayek Jim Hard Maud, ie Newman "It s very complicated -"Not bad, not bad at all. I "I don't live in Shelton"I don t think they know you can't please everybody think they're doing their job but I live in Washington. what we think. They have at one time. They're doing the best they can. They're doing horribly."their own beliefs Chat they their best and they re not lobby on, but I don't think doing they're best. It's about they know what I want." 50/50." Port Continued from page A-1 state of Louisiana had started re- questing help from entities like the port, Dobson said. According to the letter from Hauser, about 700,000 tons of haz- ardous materials were at the site, from about 6,000 different locations, including the port of Shelton. MSP argued that .4395 tons was shipped from the port, Hauser states in the letter. Since the port itself does not pro- duce or use any hazardous materi- als, port employees concluded that it must have come from an old tenant, Dobson said. "I said, take a look at this, is there something here?" he said. "That's when we started opening up the can of worms." Port employees traced the ship- ment back to a now-defunct compa- ny called Certified Aerospace, which was a tenant at the Port of Shelton when the hazardous chemicals were sent to Louisiana. "The original company that they're looking for is no longer here," Dobson said. Certified Aerospace became Olympic Tool, and part of it is now Olympic Fabricators, Dobson said. "So Olympic Fabricators (then Certified Aerospace) had some ma- terial, small quantities of it but they had some material that they creat- ed. They hired a company to pack- age it up and ship it ... to this dis- posal company," he said. MSP manifests show that two separate shipments of hazardous chemicals originated at the Port of Shelton in 1992. The shipments were in February and August of 1992 and included non-halogenated solvents and methyl ethyl ketone. MSP didn't properly destroy this waste, Dobson said. "They weren't even destroying it, they were just destroying the land with it," he said. "My understanding is that they were overwhelmed and were just not doing the job, period." Dobson said that because the port has determined that they are not le- gally bound to pay the $4,000 fine, they would not pay the fine. "The intent is good and it's well founded," Dobson said. "But well wait a minute why should we pay it? We have no legal responsibility ... All we're really saying is that we need to put the blame where it be- longs." Dobson said that some entities, like the port, might choose to pay the $4,000 rather than expend the time and energy to prove that they are not legally responsible for the material and the fine. "Sooner or later that $4,000 starts to look real cheap," Dobson said. The port has responded to MSP, and has offered to help connect them with the current incarnations of Cer- tified Aerospace, and their insurers, Dobson said. :: :: ........ : :iiiii iiiiii ii iiii ii' iiiiii!i i!i !i!i!ili!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gift for any - ! F ....... m ~ ~1 . Complete this form, clip it and mail to P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 I You can order by phone (360) 426-4412 w th your credit card. I $37 (Mason County address) $51 (EIma or Bremerton address) $51 (in Washington State) $61 per year out of state Please check: New Renewal Please charge my subscription to my credit card $ Card Number: Signature: Expires: Name: City: C] Visa MasterCard 3 digit security code___ Phone: Address: State: Zip: I I I I I I d ! 2 GALLON "BONIDE" TANK SPUYER ORCHARD SPRAY • Home & i ~ • Controls fungal diseases& insects Garden ik p rpo e 7215031 700218 LILLY MILLER SUPER SWEET LIME ORCHARD LADDERS • Alom oum ,199.9g ('- 3 GALLON ~0' /i i'iiraC~Op /[ rURF-BUILDE. • 30 SEC0NnS " I ~ O~ OUTDOOR CLEANER I ° Cml: 'adn, Sfra gma ew'° °mdc s ' I paint, concrete, | Coverage m~tSa~? clrY'°th, and I 130S34 W0n't harm plants / / 7130842 | i°m oss Control 30 Seconds / Granules 11.99 S gal, size 39.99 / .4lb. • For roofs, decks, and sidewalks 7022676 Cohort% LOPPER : 2' diameter cuffing capacity Fiberglass handles extend 21" to 33" 7117948 .8-1/2" overall length .3/4" diameter cutting capacity . Resharpenable high-carb0n steel blade ~. 7119522 ~~ - Outstanding grip comfort, and flexibi ty - Superior hand protection for every job eem'AL First & Mill • Shelton 426-4373 or 426-241 M0nday-Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 9-5 All prices plus tax • Limited to stock on hand bhelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011 - Page A-5