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February 10, 2011 |
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By NATALIE JOHNSON school supplies for children birth throughhours of operation.
Community health promoter and high school." Rigby said that she and Pioneer have
Americorps volunteer Tara Rigby has Rigby said, "Just in the last week, the been working with another Belfair orga-
been working diligently since September first families from Pioneer were able to nization, the Food Brigade, which serves
to address a problem that she saw wasreceive help from the outreach center." as a mobile food bank.
escalating in the Pioneer School District. "I'm excited that that's up and begin- "We've been working on a mobile food
"Some of the needs that they have ning to run, we just fulfilled our first or- bank," Rigby said. "We're partnering
out there are clothing and food, and I've der this week for a family with two chil- with them to do that food distribution ...
been focusing on both of those," she said. dren," she said. "One was a student and to bring the mobile food bank distribu-
"Four-hundred and six students at Pio- one they had also was an infant." lion into the Pioneer School District."
neer are on free or reduced lunches which Rigby said that the program is de- Rigby said that she hopes to bring a
is 55 percent of the student body." signed to help not only children enrolled mobile food bank to the district on April
The Pioneer School District is corn- in Pioneer, but also their siblings and 1, during the district's next PTA movie
prised of a primary school for Kindergar- parents, night.
ten through Third grade and an interme- Rigby said that getting enough food Rigby and Kim Klint from Mason Mat-
diateJmiddle school for Fourth through was also a huge problem for Pioneer stu- ters are planning an informational meet-
Eighth grade, dents. While Pioneer offers free or re- ing on the new programs on Thursday,
After more than five months at work duced lunches, children are often on their Feb. 24 at 5:30 p.m. in the Pioneer Mid-
with Mason Matters, the Pioneer School own for other meals, Rigby said. dle School library
District and countless community organi- "That's only during school days ... and %Ve've invited a lot of representatives
zations, Rigby - who has a daughter in they might have younger siblings," she from organizations around the commu-
the second grade at Pioneer - said that said. "And 20 percent of the kids asked nity who might have resources to help
she is pleased with the success of her pro- have said that they either had to down- out as volunteers in some capacity or an-
grams, size what they had for dinner or a meal other," she said.
"As far as clothing is concerned we've or skip a meal because they don't have Rigby encouraged members of the pub-
gotten an account with Northwest Chil- enough food to go around." lic to attend to find out what they could
dren's Outreach which is a wonderful or- Rigby said that the families of chil-do to help.
ganization in Belfair," Rigby said. "They dren at Pioneer often have a difficult time For more information, email Tara Rig-
provide clothing and hygiene items and reaching area food banks during theirby at ruthtara@hotmail.com.
426-861 5
Valentine's Day
Monda ¢
February 14
Order T°day'
In addition to our regular Store hours
We will be
Flowers, candy, and gifts for
Every occasion ....
4th and Railroad, Downtown Shelton
....... d/n°aF:,:
Cooper Forrest Jones
Cooper Forrest Jones was born January 31, 2011 to Rachelle Dani-
elle Jones and Joshua Sierra Jones of Shelton. He was born at Capi-
tal Medical Center in Olympia and weighed seven pounds and 11
Hunter Louis Schroeder
Hunter Louis Schroeder was born January 31, 2011 to Michelle Erin
Nolan and Josh Morris Schroeder of Elma. He was born at Capi-
tal Medical Center in Olympia and weighed seven pounds and one
Alex Rock Miles
Alex Rock Miles was born February 1, 2011 to Kimberly Jean Jansan
and Jeremy Joseph Miles of Olympia. He was born at Capital Medi-
cal Center in Olympia and weighed seven pounds and eight ounces.
Room Moz " -
Ma n rentsWante
Upcoming Foster I Adopt Parent Training
Orientation: Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 • 5:30-8:30pm
Pre-Service Training: Feb. 25,26 & March 4,5 • 9am-5pm
Mason County Foster Parents Wanted
Lpcation: Shelton DCFS Office • 2505 Olympic Hwy N. Ste 440
Pre-register for the classes:
through Bill Todd at towi300@dshs.wa.gov or call (360) 565-2296
Division of Children & Family Services
For more infonnation about
Foster or Adopdve Parentin& call:
Unless otherwise noted, all events take
place at the Mason County Senior Activities
Center at 826 W. Railroad Ave. The senior
center hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
on Friday. The center's telephone desk (426-
7374) is closed for lunch from noon till 12:30
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga.
9-10:30 a.m., intermediate/advanced line danc-
9-11 a.m., EZ Crafters.
11 a.m., bridge - signup the day before.
Noon, lunch: sweet and sour pork
1 p.m., bingo.
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9-11 a.m., open line dance.
9 a.m.-1 p.m., sewing circle.
11 a.m. member valetine day social featuring
music and entertainment by Button and Bows
12 p.m. lunch: lasagna sponsored by MCSAA
1 p.m., open painting.
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 a.m., beginning line dance.
10-11a.m., intermediate/advanced line danc-
Noon, lunch: swiss steak
12:30 p.m., game day.
1-3 p.m. watercolor patinting class
1 p.m. pinochle.
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga.
9-11a.m., intermediate/advanced line dancing.
9 a.m.-2 p.m. sewing circle.
11 a.m. general meeing
Noon, lunch: chicken broccoli alfredo
12:30 p.m., bridge signup day before.
1:15-3:30 p.m. chronic disease class
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
8:30 AARP tax aide
9 a.m., beginning line dancing.
10 a.m., intermediate/advanced line dancing.
10 a.m. Tacoma Museum of Glass van trip
Noon, lunch: egg salad sandwich
12:30 p.m.,game day.
1 p.m., pinochle
I I I I I I I I I I~
L- i i i
1729 Olympic Hwy N., Shelton I
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:: [ Mt. Olive ] Davnd C uzcU New Community
A Progressive Episcopal Church Ch rch f U "
/ Lutheran Church /
/ Missouri Synod / 324 W Cedar St., Shelton .¢~.. 111 O nlon
/ 206EastWyandotteAvenue / ~i Sunday Gatherings
~i] / Christian Education ................. 9:45a.m / " ~ervlces
I W d, o..,Worsh,p ............... ll:00am / 7:30 & 10:30 a.rn. atthe
Office phone: 426-8472 U~Jo~ Fir© H~II
/ Office 426 6353 d 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
I Daycare 427-3165 ~t ~ 360-898-7855
www~c.ctsrnembercomaect.net *i TB PTIST[ vvwvv.stdavidofwales.org~ web site: www.thenccu.org
Grace Baptist Church C0ntactus: " --" ~ ~"~ ~2 , ;--~"~"";::'~ "~ ~e
.... ~~~[360) 462-1611 I
in Rit,ers of ¢;rm:e I l 0 ,,o l .4 Christ-ten.red Church ~ I
t,- z~t n - a,* . ~ / I • Sunday Moming Worship 9+10:30am I
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. e t0n:0r;- I bER'fm ram:,'u me ,or.a!l , I I . ,,I ,
SundayM0rningW0rship ...... lla.m. ~ I ............. I I• UightChurch6pm 419W. RaiiroadAve hi |
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m. ~:-, , ........ I ~unoay mgnt worsnip ~ p.m. I I. @ I 1l"radCJ0r, al-~:a5 am, i l~'J~--~k . ~ ~:~,,, ~1
Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m . , .~: ~,~t,uren on
Resumingsm4cesinthene~,lyrenovatd 3 -lO:OOara I Seni°rCenter'S26WRailr°adAve/ I - ' ........................
~ ~ ~ oam
Shelto. Presby " " -
1430 ,'4heltt n NI}rilagg Roi' d %belted, wA I
,~~qz ~6o.~2.~6')6 I SUNDAY~e Center ~1
I s2s I
~t ,: ~i~ i l I WEDNESDAY, 7.'00 p.m. at Hope Chapel ~ I
I . ( Uo ks behind A&W) I
I - ~1 IPleasejoinusfor worship andchapter-b~-chapter Bible teawhin~ a I
• , 0 •
Children and Adult Sunda School 9 AM • Childcare both services ~ [ For more mformatmn call 866-0996 Youth classes at both serwces
i :?#:2: i i i "* .i ........ . .
l:: Sunday S ........ -: Wednesday Night Service !
lii '\ Call 426-4412
' "o/d,.e • peopleb ..... eC qt tt itc7aQ Irlm thr°ugh A"°rship, IV i l 4il' mi kw m Vil Hi
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011
Shelton United Methodist Church