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Alex Ross, Shelton High School
senior, may have an interest in
starting his own business like his
father, Glade, did with Rossware
Computing, a software program-
ming company based in Shelton.
"I feel like I want to follow in his
footstaps and start my own busi-
ness," Ross said.
Ross said he is going to major
in business management when he
graduates high school.
"It opens up millions of different
jobs," he said. "I think it's a very
good skill to have."
In addition, Ross said he has an
interest in graphic design. Next se-
mester at SHS, he said he wants to
take multimedia communications
and web design.
Ross said his top choice for col-
lege is Western Washington Uni-
versity in Bellingham and said he
has sent his application this week.
"It's close to family and friends,"
he said. "Lots of people I know go
Ross has been involved with the
Leadership program for this year
But in his junior year, Ross was
one of eight students selected by
SHS staff to attend a national con-
ference in Florida.
During his one year with the
club, Ross organized the school as-
sembly for January 26, an academ-
ic acssembly.
"Those few weeks were quite
stressful," Ross said about the
preparation of the assemblies.
"Lots of after school hours work."
For an assembly that ran twice
in the day, Ross said the toughest
part was writing the scripts.
"I had to write down what every-
one was going to say," he said.
Outside of school, Ross enjoys
snowboarding, wakeboarding and
skiing. Two years ago, Ross discov-
ered wakeboarding while on a sum-
mer trip.
"Got a boat and thought wake-
boarding looked like fun," Ross
said. "From that, I thought snow-
boarding looked fun, too."
For his senior project, Ross vol-
unteered with Northwest 'Chil-
dren's Outreach in Belfair and or-
ganized collecting donated clothes
and shoes, placing boxes at various
schools in the area.
"I needed to get whatever clothes
they needed, in this case it was
shoes, and try to raise enough to
help them out," Ross said, noting
the total value of clothes and shoes
collected was around $750.
Ross said not only will he miss
the social aspect of life at SHS (i.e.
hanging out with friends), but he
enjoyed a lot of the teachers, in-
cluding Antje Fortier and Daniel
"They've just been an inspiration
and they helped me throughout my
high school career," he said.
Alex Ross
You Are Invited!
A Valentines Day Benefit
Dance is scheduled for 5:30 to 8
p.m. on Monday, Feb. 14, at Ev-
ergreen Elementary School in the
gym. Dance to a variety of ma-
rimba and DJ music. Participate
in the dance competition and you
could win a prize. Admission is $4
for each individual. Children ages
12 years and under are free and
must be accompanied by an adult.
Snacks, beverages, photos, face
painting, and other suprises will
be available for an additional con-
tribution. There will be a raffle
drawing for a one night stay and
buffet dinner for two from Little
Creek Casino, a gift basket from
Sensaria, and more. Tickets cost
$1 per ticket or six tickets for $5.
This event is open to the entire
community so invite your friends.
All of the money raised from this
dance will be used to help fund
the 5th Grade Outdoor Education
Ten week Spanish
Language class
are offering a 10-week Spanish
Language instruction series
beginning March 2, 2011.
The classes will be held each
Wednesday in St. David's Church,
324 West Cedar Street. The
advanced class is scheduled from
4 to 5:30 p.m. and the beginning
class from 5:35 until 7:05 p.m.
Both sessions are designed
to emphasize conversational
Spanish. For fee information and
registration please call Jo Ewart
432-9474 or Carolyn Carlton 427-
Register Now for
'Quality Care Golf
Mason General Hospital Foun-
dation's Annual Golf Tournament
+is now accepting registration for
its shotgun Quality Care Golf
Tournament, set for Friday, June
24, 2011 at Lakeland Village Golf
Course, Allyn. Falcon Financial,
Inc. is the Tournament Title
The handicap and non-handi-
cap tournament starts at 10 a.m.
and cost is $140 per player. There
are five players per team and reg-
istration deadline is Wednesday,
a St. David's Epi~c0Pal+ Chur~l~T J~e );+.':~: ..... +
d Mason County Literacy ...... To +make a corporate ~ponsor-
ship gift or to register please call
Mason General Hospital Founda-
tion at 360-427-3623.
Download free
music with
library district's
'Freegal Music'
You can now download - and
keep - free music from the Tim-
berland Regional Library Dis-
trict's Freegal Music collection of
hundreds of thousands of digital
songs. Freegal music files require
no special software to download
and do not expire. They're com-
patible with PCs and Macs and
can be transferred to iPods, iPads
and other MP3-compatible play-
ers and devices.
Freegal is easy to use. Log in
to the Freegal Music site with
your Timberland Regional Li-
brary (TRL) card number and
pin. Search half a million songs
from the Sony Music catalog, over
100 music genres, and more than
50 record labels. Then download
three free songs each week (Mon-
Freegal Music includes cur-
rent hits such as Ke$ha's "TiK
ToK," classic songs such as Bruce
Springsteen's "Born to Run," jazz
standards like Dave Brubeck's
"Take Five," and much more.
To download free music from
Freegal, you must go to www.
TRL.org. Click on Library Collec-
tion, then "Download Collection"
on the drop-down menu. Search
Freegal by song title, artist, al-
bum or composer. Browse fea-
tured artists or newly added art-
ists such as Susan Boyle, Band of
Horses and Britney Spears. Surf
among 127 genres from alterna-
tive, through blues, Christian/
Gospel, classical, country, folk,
hip-hop, Latin, new age, R&B,
soundtracks, and world music, to
zarzuela (a type of Spanish oper-
Freegal Music is the most re-
cent of the downloadable catalogs
offered by TRL, including audio-
books, e-Books, videos and more
Education Grant
In 2010, Peninsula Credit
Union introduced a new educa-
tional scholarship program called
PEG (Peninsula Education Grant)
aimed at supporting educational
initiatives. This program grants
money to fund programs, mate-
rials, and related financial re-
sources for educators to assist in
providing learning and growing
opportunities for their students.
Thirteen PEGs were given out
ranging from special needs pro-
grams to solar powered cars. In
all, $6,000 was made available to
our local educators.
One of those recipients, Chimi-
cure Primary School, received a
$500 grant for a "Peaceful Play-
ground" program, which they im-
plemented this fall. We are happy
to hear that through the grant,
they were able to enhance their
students' play and activities while
promoting values of playing fair
and working together.
Peninsula Credit Union is
pleased to announce that they are
continuing the program for 2011.
Grants are available to educators
in all primary or secondary classes
for both public and accredited pri-
vate schools within Mason, Kitsap,
Jefferson, Clallam and Grays Har-
bor Counties. Grant amounts are
awarded between $300 to $500 for
implementation of new programs,
continuation of existing programs,
materials, equipment, or supplies.
Application forms are available
online at www.pcfcu.org and in all
Peninsula Credit Union branches.
For more information, call 800-
426-1601. Applications must be
turned in by April 29, 2011.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011 - Page B-3