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Brian Cowley of Shelton High School fessional engineers and scientists on the de-
and teacher Matt Hinkle of Shelton High sign of a human mission to Mars. In addition
School are among the 287 talented juniors to the mission planning, selected scholars
and teachers from across the state who were will have unique opportunities to tour en-
accepted into the fifth year of Washington gineering facilities, receive briefings by ex-
Aerospace Scholars (WAS): a distance learn- perts and see for themselves what engineers
ing program with a NASA-designed cur- do on a daily basis.
riculum covering the history of space explo- Furthermore, they will participate in
ration, the space shuttle, the International hands-on engineering challenges, including
Space Station, the moon and Mars. rocket design, construction and launch; ro-
From January through May, the scholars botic rover design, construction and obstacle
will complete 10 lessons - submitting quiz- course competition; and lander design, con-
zes, math solu ons, essays, and graphics struction and deployment. All expenses (in-
concemmg these topics every other week. cluding travel, meals and lodging) are pro-
Scholars will independently select a topic of vided to students free of charge by the Wash-
interest for a final project combining an es- ington Aerospace Scholars Foundation. The
say with a graphic. Based on their scores on Aldarra Foundation, The Apex Foundation,
the Phase One curriculum, up to 160 of the The Boeing Company, The State of Wash-
top performing scholars will be invited to an ington, Battelle, Microsoft, Pratt & Whitney,
all expense paid Summer Residency at The Washington Space Grant Consortium, BAE
Museum of Flight in Seattle. Systems, Aviation Liason Services and indi-
Teachers participate in WAS as Online vidual donors. The Museum of Flight hosts
Academic Evaluators (OAE) during the both the program administration and the
Phase I curriculum, and will join students summer residency sessions. Additional part-
this summer to serve as a Summer Residen- ners include NASA Johnson Space Center
cy Academic Facilitators (SR-AF) during one for curriculum development, the Washing-
of the residency weeks. Teachers support ton State Governor's Office and Washington
the students' interactions with each other, State Legislators.
Mentors and Assistant Mentors, and others Washington Aerospace Scholars applica-
involved with the program while assisting tions for the 2011-12 program cycle will be
students in the research, development and available late-summer 2011 at www.museu-
presentation of team projects and activities, mofflight.org/was. WAS participants must
During the Summer Residencies scholars be high school juniors, United States citizens
will have the opportunity to work with pro- and Washington State residents.
As we celebrate our fifth year of Washington NASA Space Grant Con-
pr°grammiJ g'trackscythatpatedpr°gram'°VerinwAsthe540ScholarsOurWASStudentsWe alumniaresummerafterPr°Udhaveass°ciati°ntheyReSiden-t°partici-rep°rtgrad- bersEnVir°nmentalandS°rtium'InTheof2010'theMUSeumThewAsfourthB°eingPr°tecti°nalumni°f Flight'andC°mpanY'tenthWereAgenCY'mem-placeThe i
uatethat overhigh 77school,percentandofWeourarereportingeXCited icateamSRocketry(OUt of Challenge100) in the NationalsWeam Amer-in i
alumniin a science,are pursuingtechnology,a c°llegeengineeringdegree AshleyHUntsville'Allman,Alabama'a 2008AlS°'wAsinalumni,2010' 11
°rtheWAsmathematiCStop engineeringalumni are(STEM)attendingcollegesfield'andSOmeuni_Of AerospacefirstWas acceptedNationalscholarst°Communityparticipateprogram atCOllegeinNASAthe !
versities across the U.S. and partici- Johnson Space Center and is current-
pating in a variety of amazing intern- ly working at Johnson Space Center
ships including opportunities with as part of NASA's Undergraduate
NASA Johnson Space Center, The Se- Student Research Program (USRP).
attle Biomedical Research Institute,
Michael R Anderson
Memorial Aerospace
In 2003, Washington native Lt. Col. Michael P. Anderson was one of seven
American heroes who perished aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia as it hurtled
to earth. From his blue-collar foundations, Michael aspired to fly and explore the
universe. His dreams came true, he said, through hard work, dedication and a
commitment to achievement. Michael tirelessly talked about those same qualities
to every child he spoke with during his many school and community presentations
in Washington and around the country.
National research shows that the chances of at-risk children graduating from
high school improve when opportunities are structured so that students have
meaningful extended-learning experiences coupled with positive self-esteem and
adult role models. The Michael P. Anderson Memorial Program aims to inspire
youth through positive experiences and exceptional adult role models.
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Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday,h Feb. 10, 2011