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Continued from page B-1
"I think I've finally
thought this through," the
wolf sings. "Won't someone
take me to the zoo?"
Children saw the wolf
sing about "changing her
tune," a theme that not
only continued to teach
them about music and in-
struments, but about get-
ting along with each other.
Despite once trying to eat'
them, the wolf learns to get
along with all the other ani-
mals by the end of the play.
Often in the play, char-
acters interacted with the
audience. After hearing a
particular instrument, Pe-
ter would ask the kids who
they thought should appear
on the stage.
During those interactive
segments, and throughout
the play, children in the au-
dience were encouraged to
be themselves - to be loud
and enthusiastic, which
they often were.
Teachers of the classes
in attendance received
study guides to prepare for
the performance, Ahlf said.
After they return to their
classrooms, teachers can
also do surveys to see what
their classes thought of the
This won't be Shelton's
last chance this year to take
advantage of the Shelton
Junior Programs' offerings.
On March 10, students
in grades 4 - 6 can see "The
Wrights of Passage," put on
by EbzB Productions from
Apex. North Carolina.
"The Wrights of Pas-
sage," is geared towards a
slightly older audience than
"Peter and the Wolf' and is
about the first 100 years of
flight in Orville and Wilbur
Wright's own words. During
the play, actors in period
costumes construct a replica
of the Wright Brother's fa-
mous plane onstage.
Ahlf said that it's the
Shelton Junior Programs'
mission to bring live theater
to areas where such pro-
grams are scarce.
"A lot of children in this
area are never exposed to
live theater," she said.
Continued from page B-1
One Million Pillowcase Challenge.cry Thanksgiving and Christmas for
Last year, the shop donated 75 pil- us and I continued the tradition at
lowcases to Turning Pointe Domestic our family holidays after she passed
Violence Services in Shelton. away when I was 10 years old and
"I love it, I'm really enjoying Gajadhar shared a recipe that is to this day my mom, dad and broth-
it," she said. "I have made a lot of very close to her family's heart,ers and sisters expect me to make it
friends, and established a lot of rela- "My Nana was a pretty special at holiday meals. It reminds us all of
tionships here." person in my life, she taught me just Nana and I'm happy to share it," Ga-
Gajadhar also leads the shop in how special grandmothers are.'This jadhar said.
participating m charities like the is my Nana's recipe - she fixed it ev-
Serves eight : ::: :
flour, stirring constantly until smooth.
Add evaporated milk 1/4 cup ata stirring constantly to maintain smooth consis-
Continued from page B-1
They had two guests at-
tending the meeting, Adel-
la Dwyer and Tara Rigby.
Correspondence included
two cards. Turning Pointe
thanked the Women's
Club for adopting a Christ-
mas family from their pro-
gram. They also heard from
the adopted family saying
that the gifts "made our
Christmas full of joy". Joan
Prastka, Kristi Hitchcock
and Brenda Stainbrook are
organizing the April lun-
cheon. It will be held at
Lake Limerick and will fea-
ture a pasta buffet, coffee
and dessert. Payment for
the lunch will be collected
during the March meeting.
have been ill. Patti suggest-
ed the Women's Club hold
a Craft Fair in March on a
saturday. She is asking for
someone to chair the event
and that anyone interesting
in teaching a craft, come to
the hall with information
and a willingness to help
others. Please contact Patti
Chapman for more informa-
Marlene Holman re-
ported about the gifts that
she was able to buy for the
Christmas family with our
donation to Turning Pointe
and how much the fam-
ily appreciated the help and
generosity of the Women's
Sewing will be held Feb-
ruary 22 at 10 a.m. at Mar-
garet Loughlin's home.
The March luncheon will
to rolling boil. Add more butter and flour as needed if sauce becomes too thing. Make
sure to melt butter and mix with flour before adding white sauce to avoid lumps.
Reduce head again, add moreevaporated milk and increase heat until sauce
reaches a smooth consistency, onions in oven safe casserole dish, cover with
Whickey Conway-Larson feature homemade soups
reported that Judy Moore and breads presented by
will be calling all the vol- members Kinser through
unteers for the August Car- Zeeben. Bring your own
nival to begl"n the planning bowls, to ladle:the tasty soup
for that summer event. Therata. Also bring your used
Scholarship report will wait books for our annual used We will be closed
until Kayce Benson returns book sale. The program will
to the island in the spring, feature Norm Bykerk who I iiiiii:!i i~il I SaturdaysFeb~ ~!~ 19to
Pam Wood will be contactedwill talk about the fun ad-
with names of members who venture of book collecting~ j Mondayu Feb. 21 st. We $
i and reading. !i!i ii !t will re°pen Tuesday the $ $$
**** : : l 22nd at 6:30 a.m.
Four Stars
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 1 O, 2011 - Page B-5