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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 11, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 11, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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From Alaska Mrs. Ed Orr. Gruver, Anchorage, and A laskri. this week with Mr. Gruver. the daughter 11 7T) and Mrs. former Say It Opal of vis1ting Joe 0 WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270-W {Mm Ruth Mon-is ; Visits Mother I Mrs. Ruth l‘vl’orris; and two sons, ‘TOlill‘JV and Ronald 01' Tacoma, jspent the week end in Shelton Iwith her mother, Mrs. Lula Per- kins. I Sunday evening they celebrated their birthdays, which were Mon— day and Tuesday, by having some of their neighbors in for cards. ‘Four tables of pinochlc were in ‘play with Mrs. Bob Downie, Mrs. Stevens, Jasper Hemminger and Bill Downie winning high honors. Mrs. Edith Whittle won the float- ing prize. The party also honored the Ibirthday of Lester Huntington. i‘ The honored guests received many Inice gifts. Making Contest Now Beginning First Prize—A Lovely Blanket Second Prize—Silver Tray Third Prize—Q-pc. Luncheon Set RULES I—Material from L. M. and sales slip turn- ed in with finished dress. 2—-—Only 3-——No childrens’ able. 4—MateriaIs must cost at 45¢ per yard. 5—Dresses must be turned in by Febr COME FOR MORE DETAILS "n.-~u" "WHIIgut’ must be pu rchased amateurs may compete. dresses accept- Icast I uary 26. IN TODAY I I I I I l I I Mrs. Everett Reichman Sinners-(l at Party Mrs. ()lIVLTI.‘ Morris and Mrs. Art Walton were iiitlstcsscs at the for- mcr‘s home Monday evening at a l. :30 dessert, bridge party nonor—‘ mg Mrs. Everett lleichman. Guests Were Mrs. John Rob- inson, Mrs. Fr'nk Hawks, Mrs. Roy Peachcr, Mrs. John Hooper, Mrs. Arthur Lindroth, Mrs. Rob- ert McGough, Mrs. Robert Bamp- ton, Mrs. Lobcrt Bell, Mrs. Eu- gene Burgoyne, Mrs. RobertAJack— son, i’lrs. Kenneth Blanchard, Mrs. Robert Allen, Mrs. Steve Rupert, Mrs. Lloyd VarBlaricom, the honored guest and the hostesses. Daffodils and iris were used in Bud Daviscourt, Mrs. I te: o.“ ‘3. l I no LILLIAN ‘VARREN, Society Editor PHONE 100' SHELTOII—MASON COUNTY JOUIiNAIJ Former Belfair Girl \Veds in Seattle Florence Glencross, daugh- y. cross, <ormer Belfair the bride of Garlan M. Cross— white. son of Mr. and Mrs. David the pastel table decorations with I 30- pink candles. Mrs. Reichman was presented. many dainty pink and blue gifts in a large flannel dia- per on top of which a stork pre- sided. Neighbors of Woodcraft . Hold Thursday Meeting The' Neighbors of Woodcraft held a meeting last Thursday atI the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wiley. At the election all the of- ficers were returned to their same positions. They will be installed' in April. The Valentine motif was I carried out in the refreshments. From Seattle Miss Helen Potter of Seattle visited Monday and Tuesday with her niece, Mrs. Winston Scott. Visits Mrs. McKenzie While in Seattle over the Week end Mrs. Winston Scott visited Mrs. William McKenzie at the Swedish hospital where she is convalescing. Mrs .McKenzie e»! I I I I I pects to be there until Sunday. Mrs. Richard McGee . Complimented‘ with Party v Complimenting Mrs. Richard D. McGee, who left Sunday folL Ala- mogordo, New Mexico ,to join her husband, Pfc. Richard McGee, Mrs. Lewis Newton and Miss Ter» esa Lee entertained at the form- er's home Saturday evening with a farewell party. Games were played during the evening and following the refresh- I ments served buffet style, Mrs.I McGee received dainty gifts. Hon~ ors at the games went to Mrs. Bob Ogden, Mrs. McGee and Miss I Lillian Warren. Guests included Mrs. Walter Lipscy. Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Odgen, Mrs. Florence Day. Miss Warren, the hostesses and the honored guest. Moves to Chelialis Kenneth Calkins, who has been living with the Roy Rectors, has moved to Chehalis where his par- ents are living and will attend high school there. Altar Society Elects New Officers Thursday The\ Altar Society of the St. Edward’s Catholic Church met at the home of Mrs. O. K. Stephens last Thursday to elect new offi— cers for the coming year. TheyI are: Mrs. Stephens, president; Mrs. A. E. Hillier, vice-president; I I Reverend Paul J‘. McConkey of the Presbyterian Church solemn- 'ized the ceremony at 8:30 in the evening in the Glencross home. IHolds interesting Meeting I and Mrs. Albert Glen- Ithcir last meeting with Mrs. Vic- TeSidentS. Itor Palmason and Mrs. William. now of Seattle, became the bride iAndorson, assisting hostess. 1 “Experiments in, . . Modern Music" was very capablyI crosswmte 0f Belfalr on January 3 handled by Mrs. Frank Heuston. I Shelton Music Study Club The Music Study Club held The paper on She stressed Henry Cowcll’s me- thod of using tone clusters, which V For Valentine Party ‘ Anderson, noble grand; Mrs. Al- I make Paper flowers- was demonstrated by Mrs. Don— ovan Palmer at the piano. , Mrs. J. O. Bovce was in: Given in marriage by her fa- charge of the Hymn Study of; ther the bride wore a tailored pin the day, bringing out manyI stripe suit and blue blouse. Red ' points of interest of Homerf rose buds formed her corsage. Miss Ruth M. Glencross, brides- maid, wore street dress and a yellow rose corsage. The wedding march was played by Miss Clarice M. Ring. The candles were lit by Miss Gloria Smyth in a blue street dress and a black and blue‘ Rodehavor, evangelist singer. She also told the story of the "Old Rugged Cross,” which Mrs. Hens—I ton sang and played. Mrs. Albert LeGault sang twoi vocal selections from the B0— A. Y Ferwerda played two num— bers on her accordion and sang u. Miss Dorothy Ann Crosswhite, the “Lord’s Prayer,” accompan- flower girl chose a pink shark-{Jed by Mrs. W'iniecki. 5km dress- ‘ Mrs. Palmer played “Three. The groom’s man was Harold Levience. The reception followed with the young couple cutting the white wedding cake, decorated with white roses and bridges. In charge of the serving were Lucy M. Foster, Miss Kate Foster, Mrs. Marjorie Arthur and Miss Gloria Smyth. Miss Marie Crosswhite at- tended to the guest book. Among the Belfair guests were Lucy M. Foster, Miss Kate Fos- ter, Mr. and Mrs. David Cross- white, Miss Dorothy Crosswhite. and Miss Marie Crosswhite. Both the bride’s and groom’s mothers chose blue dresses and gardenia corsages for the wed- ding. The young couple will make their home in Belfair. Mrs. Cross— white is a. graduate of the West Seattle high school and is em- ployed in North Coast Bus Term— inal. The groom attended South Kitsap schools and is employed in the Naval Ammunition Depot. O.E.S. Initiation Held Last Saturday I I I I I I I Moods and a Theme” by Gusta- okelmn. The two visitors for the day were Mrs. M. E. Tromahauser and Miss Margaretta Miller. Girl Scout Council Hold Monday Meeting The Girl Scout Council met at the home of Mrs. A. E. Hillier on Monday, February 8. lAmong those present were Mrs. Claude Rhodes and Mrs. A. M. Michael— son, president and secretary, re- spectively, of the leaders group, Mrs. Willard who took the posi- tion of commissioner in Mrs. Wil— liam M‘cKenzic’s absence, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Klasell, Mrs. H. An— gle, Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Scott and a new member of the council, Mrs. Cropper. Mrs. Horace Skelsey has also accepted a position on the coun- cil. The financial report for the year was given and accepted as follows: Cash Received . Balance on hand beginning of year .............................. ..$140.47 I I hemian Girl and Pink Lady. Mrs} I ‘cream bars were served at the! Individual contributions .... .. 85.85 In appropriate musical and I Book reviews and raffle..." 285.32 » floral decorations Miss Myrtle I Hopland and Miss Juanita Miller‘ Total Income ______________ “$511.64 were initiated into Welcome Chap- I Cash paid out 1 ter NO. 40, Order Of the Eastern Dues for n] onjbers and I Star last Saturday evening in the ' leaders ................................. 19.30; Masonic Temple. Rent (Memorial Hall) . 3.00‘ Viola Kimbel, worthy matron ’Lights ........................... .. 9.02l and William Anderson, worthy 03- I Postage ................................ _. 2.00 tron and Daddy of the SheltonIBank Service ...................... .. 4.64 Rainbow Assembly assisted with I Adun training , 4.77 the ceremony. 7ational Quota and Char— Among the visitors from Ta-' ter Fee ....................... _. 1800 coma were three former worthyIExpgnse on raffle . 7'21 advisors of the Order of Rainbow IBooks __________________________ _. . 10 32. for Girls, State Of WashingtonlLittle House‘ ........... .. 190.36 and Territory of Alaska, a posi- Soldier Kits . I 218 tion Miss Miller now holds, Mrs.,i "27%.; Olive Dille, past grand matron of. Total Expense .............. ..$270.80 ‘ guard and Mrs. Mable Burke out- ‘ the installing officers. l ' Mill Creek Club ‘ Schedules Meeting The Rebekahs will hold a reg-u- I The Mill Creek Club will. mcctl lar meeting on Friday following I with Mrs. W'allacc Kneeland on which they will have a potluck Wednesday for an all day meet— supper and a Valentine party. ing.’ Potluck luncheon will The following officers were in- Isel‘Ved. After I118 busmess meeting I stalled in January: Mrs. Grace I the group Will he the quilt and. Rebekahs Make Plans Bordeaux P.—T.A. . Will Meet Today The Founder's Day program will . be presented today, February 11. at the regular. meeting of the Bordeaux Parent-Teachers Asso— ciation meeting. which will be held in the school house after school. I Mrs. Glen Breitspechcr is in! Vina Dahlman, vice grand; Miss! icharge of the play and the musi- Elizzibcth Butler, recording secre- tary; Miss Inez Shorter, 'financial secretary; and Miss Nellie Nel- son, treasurer. Mrs. Lucy Young, right sup- porter to noble grand; Mrs. Matil- da Mead, left supporter to noble grand; Mrs. Ethel Mitchell, war- den; Mrs. Ruth Latham, conduc- tor; Mrs. Hannah Peterson, right supporter to vice grand; Mrs. Ag- nes Ruff, left supporter to vice grand; Miss Mary Dobson, chap» lin; Mrs. Margaret Bell, inside cal selections-to be given by the; mothers. Mrs. Frank Worden is; presiding over the tea arrange-I ments. side guard. Mrs. North of Tacoma and Wal- ter Buckmaster of Puyallup were Visits Mother Dr. and Mrs. Loring and small daughter, Elizabeth Ann, of Ta-I Icoma, visited Mrs. Loring’s mo-‘ ther, Mrs. W. R. Brodt over the V.F.\V. Auxiliary Plan Birthday Party wee“ end- The V.F.W. Auxiliary made Remtives Entertained plans at their last meeting for new Last week the celebration of their 13th birth- I Mr. and Mrs. day anniversary at a party to be I son were the held on February 19. . The next sewing club will meet on February 12 at the home of Eva Hansen. Each lady is to bring a sack lunch and scissors. Frank Gustof— guests of their: daughter and husband, Mr. andI Mrs. Frank Worden last Sunday.I as were Mrs. Wordens aunt and» uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Ander—I son and her sister and brother,( Eleanor and Frank. Lincoln P.—T.A. Slate Founder Day Program The final details are now being made for the Lincoln Parent- Teachers principle meeting of the year, The Founder Day program. Plans have been made for special music and candle lighting cere- mony. "Problems Confronting the Home During War Time” is the! I I I DIVORCE GRANTED Ruth Landon was granted a final decree of divorce from Floyd W. Landon in Superior Court, Saturday. topic selected by Charles R. Lew- is, guest speaker. The meeting ,will be-held on Thursday, February 18 at 3:30 in the Lincoln school, Mrs. Winston Scott and a special appointed committee are in charge of the program. Girl Scout Troop No. 4; Make Plans at Meeting ' Girl Scout Troop No. .4 met at the school house February 4th to discuss plans for earning their' book badges and to decide about the gifts for their mothers onl Mother's Day. I A potluck supper has been I scheduled for February 18 at the Girl Scout Little House. It will be held after school and the girls will be working for their kitchen bands. ’ The treasurer reported the troop I has $4.07 'in their treasury. Ice close of the meeting. Irene Bailey, scribe. may try Visits Daughter . I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. E. McDo’n- ald had as their guest Mrs. Mc- Donald’s mother, Mrs. Mary Chil- son of Olympia,,the past month. Th y drove her to her home in 01 pia Sunday and spent their stay there visiting. that may mitted to the Shelton be» led NEXT week only, with your pu of any DuBarry Beauty Prepa we Present a complimentary trial b~ face powder. So, without extra cos A representative from the Richard Salon, Fifth Avenue, New York, will be i Toilet Goods Section to advise you p ' IN HOSPIT George Franz of Uni Monday for medical cal 4t Cleanliness G i r h I ‘ us of Product! e Nav; Gerald When .work clothes eattle i frequently thereng‘ to 5; chance for diseaserarents, dirt to hold up produ eed. only is cleanliness es _BOb health—througth ' th a t work clothes last 10 j r- and look better. Our rel're mov beds include treatmre Sorr removes all stubborn 9 Out ( of dirt and grime. .V9 be production is necessa Ime- WI ‘ tOT/ . . clean, h 9‘” hon clothed workers are d t' . a; to pro uc ion .aughte) , lster M _Miss 1 Mason County , ed last Laundry & urge} Clinto. Cleanersgt. hel( . lasl Onths . “Derati I In a choice of six transfer ' naughte shades including the new H Hoqu Beige and Rose Beige, a godly. acquainftdsupplyofthis Harte . gossamer-soft face powder . . . I regularly only in a 52. size. 1 V one of those warm, g1 I shades...try a new glamorous comp. ( be just the lift your spirits I GilgfuanSalonGomul 1 CI Mrs. Opalka, treasurer and Mrs. Roy Rector, secretary. ‘. After the business O.E.S. of Washington and A. J., Swindle past grand patron of O.‘ BALANCE end of year .... ..$2~10.84 WWé K YOUR DBUGGIST Didn‘t Start The War So don’t blame him when you can’t always get meeting 3 cards were played with honors go- I I I I I I mg to Mrs. J. L. Mrs. John Cormier. : The next meeting will be held' with Mrs. Arch Boylan on Marchl 4th. Mrs. Roy Rector was the as- sisting hostess last Thursday. Replinger and I Capitol mu Club I Schedules Meeting ' The next meeting of the Capitol Hill Club will be held on Febru- ary 18 at the home of Mrs. Harry Calkins. It will be a 1 o‘clock I luncheon. . ‘ A pinochle party will be held on February 15 at the Barney Cald- I well home at 7:30 p. m. I I I x l I I the goods you want or the brands you want. Nei- ther can he. And don’t blame the druggist when he asks for the return of used metal tubes, or when he can’t keep open late hours, or when he can’t deliver or give you all the services he once gave. Our gov- I ernment won’t allow this anymore—to save gas, tires, materials, and labor for the war effort. And don’t ask your druggist for Quinine. The government asked him first. Unless you have I malaria, you’re not entitled to quinine. The druggist is the same ‘good guy’ he always was. He’s working hard to see that you get a FAIR SHARE of all available goods. He’s still filling I prescriptions as carefully as ALL his prices down. Your druggist wants to help you all he can. But . he also wants to help win the war. He knows you do, too. FIR DRUG STORE ever. He’s keeping ES. of W'ashington and Daddy of I The Little House will be recon- the Washington Rainbow Asscm- i ditioned soon. as the weather bly. Refreshments brought .the eve- I leaders ning to a close. W'omcn’s Chorus Schedule Meeting Victor Palmason, director 0 the Shelton Women’s Chorus, called a rehearsal evening of the Chorus at 7:30 p. m. in the music room of the senior high school. All members old and new are urged to attend. From Mineral Mrs. Charles Montague and son' Larry Glen-n of Mineral were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chase'from Wednesday to Sunday of last week. Visit In Camas Mrs. Henry Hollatz and daugh- ter Betty Ann returned to Shel— ton last Wednesday after visiting at the h . , r . . ome of Mr. and Mrs. Bert ,StOVWart At Home Here Sullivan, former Shelton residents, in Camas. Henry Hollatz, U.S.N. received a few days leave and joined his wife for the visit at the Sulli- vans. Mr. Hollatz is now com- pletely recovered from minor in- Juries received while on duty at sea. . Richard and Robert Sullivan have joined the Navy. In Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Lobert Bell visited in Seattle over the week end with Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Harley. Bobbie Condon visited his fa- ' ther, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Condon while there. The Bell’s and the Scott‘s attended the basketball game in which Bill Taylor played. From Elma Miss Shirley Farrar of Elma was the houseguest of Mrs. Dan Wil- son this past week. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanWin- kle and children, Donna and Bob- bie of Aberdeen, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden. Mrs. Frank Worden Hostess to Club Mrs. Frank Worden was host- ess to the members of her bridge club last Thursday evening at her home. Honors went to Mrs. Frank Fentiman, Mrs. Clarence Gruncrt and Mrs. Harry Cole. Mrs. George Gilmore, Mrs. Bill Dickie and Mrs. Harold Meade were the other members present. Mrs. Roy Ritner was the club guest. Visitors Sunday Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Grunert of Tacoma and Mrs. Grunert’s mother, Mrs. L. S. Barkley of Seattle. From Olympia Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chown 0f Olympia were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Eddy. Clarence Grunert on ' I I I f and cloths. llasith0 O] .q ‘A for Monday I le yr pin area, I I I . I I I i I Iterfield, Miss Teresa. Lee, ,Herbert Brumbaugh and Lillian Iman, guest of the club and Mrs. damaged it slightly, and all the and council members who can arrange it are asked to re- port to cleanup the house Friday, at 2 p. m., Miss Christianson, director'- ofI will give aI adcrs training course on Mon-: day, February 15, at the Little House. A session at 10 a. m. will be especially for the council mem- bers and a session at 1 p. m. for! the leaders. ‘ A11 leaders and council mem—I bers may attend either or both: sessions. Coffee will be served at! noon and everyone is asked toil -‘ bring their own lunch. 'A second: course will be arranged at theI -Monday meeting. Anyone inter-I ested in Girl Scout work may at- I tend these meetings. Friends Visit Jack . A few friends called Monday evening at the home of Jack Stewart to spend the evening re- newing old friendships and en- .Joying musical numbers with Jack Who is home on a short leave from training duties at Fort Crook, Nebr. He left on Tuesday by train from Olympia. During the evening Jack re- ceived a going away gift of home made candies and nuts. Light re- freshments were served at the close of the evening by Mrs. Ber- nice Stewart. -~ I Those gathering for the social l evening ‘were Mrs, W. F. Rob- erts, Mr. and Mrs, Homer Dun- ning, Mr. and Mrs. Loui Larson and son Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dotson, Purl Jemison, E. ' Brewer, J. H. Marshall, Ber- nice Stewart, hostess and 'thc honored guest. Monday Evening Friends gathered at the home of Mrs. F. F. Warren, Monday for a social evening and to honor the birthdays of Mrs. Walter Moultrop and Mrs. Loris Johnson. The latter was unable to attend. The Valentine motif was car- ried out in the table decorations. I Guests included Mrs. James But< Mrs. Warren, Bessie Warren, the hon- ored guest and the hostesses, Mrs. I Birthday Honored i I I Warren. Moose Ladies Slate I Coming Bingo Party‘ The Women of the Moose made plans for a public Bingo party at their last meeting. The Bingo par- ty will be held at the Moose Hall , on Tuesday, February 23, and will be open to the public. Play will start at 8 o’clock. I The next regular meeting for the members will be February 16. Mrs. Harry Dittman Entertains Club Mrs. Harry Dittman entertain— ed the members of her bridge club , at her home last Friday evening. I Honors went to Mrs. Carl Hell- l‘aul Dittlnnu, Jr, with pails, mops, soapj on problems of skin care and new fashl make-up. Only during her visit next was I we otter the complimentary box of face - “ Daughters of/IPidne—ers :. Hold Thursday Meeting I The Daughters of Pioneers, Ma- Mam son County Chapter, held a reg-I ular meeting last Thursday at the » home of Mrs. Eliza Casey. Mrs. I Ivy Hurley and Mrs. John Cormier :became members of the club at 2 this time. After the business session, rc- i‘reshments were served and a so- cial hour enjoyed. J. Pruner co.. I IFYOU NEED, ‘ , I. COAT, YOU CAN STILL BUY IT Despite the war’s drain on vital materials. you can stillvbuy good, ser- viceable . . . yes, smart ’ . . wearing apparel. Tobe able to buy what we need is an American privilege . . . Let the thought of how we. would miss our privi- leges inspire us to do everything possible to ward Victory! Flattering For Spring! With Marathon Mfg”. $4.98 Select your new spring frock with an eye to the spirit it creates as well as the style! Light~hearted flower prints with plung- ing neckline and slim- ming corsclet waist . . . suave dark rayons with tucked blOUSP and lace collar. 12«20. Fresh Styles! DRESSES A glorious array of smart little frocks! Prints galore. neat checks. 5 l i mining stripes and flatter— ing plain colors in rayon or cotton! Two Fash ion-Firsts In Men’s FELT HATS $3.98 Here are the models you‘ll be seeing in every smart crowd this season! One a stitched crown, welt edge brim and con- trasting band. The other has n triple stitched bound edge brim and a wide band with smart medallion. l. PENNEY‘S . . . . ’. SU’PLIERS Forv THE noun FRO" will: your DuBarry purchase. I cone Pharmac‘ Stimulating Seasonal Styles y SPRING SUIT Smart Wool Tweeds! Swank Cavalry Twill! AII~WooI Shetland! A grand choice of fabrics. and W0 I‘ul range of prices, you'll be ab select just what you want! Holl mochs types for real wear! Smart sprin, orsl Sizes 12 to 20. Misses’ DRESSES ’*‘,&J T \- a QUI is? 5 ~ for swank. tailored and I I I I I Sea RAYON BLo' m... $1.98 See all these smooth 1' a y o n crcpcs in clev« er . . . tailored styles! Tuckin and with long slr‘m'r‘s! Pastels and white. 32— 40.