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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 11, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 11, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ellfiry - : HOSPIT anz of Uni 3 Shelton medical ca i ight Thursday, Febru gfi__ L._fi__, , atlock Events Arouse Interest By Mrs. Mable Priszner Mrs. Mary Stansell. Mary M primary teacher is visit- g her husband at Rapid City, L uth Dakota, as he is soon to be W t overseas Mrs. F. Hewson is . Ching. Herbert Helin is slowly recov— ' ‘Hg from measles, and has been " 1. Qllfined to his bed for three ess - G , Product L clothes ltly there r disease I up prod » lnliness es roughly es last 1 Our' rel" le treatm 'vi ‘ l stubborn l grime. i is necessa clean, 11. :kers are ' 3n. .; County idry' & lleaner , l l IZE Box I RELEASED FROM IIOSPITAL Mrs. H. H. Halbert was released "owll of six transfer ing the new H seBeige, a god ' >ply ofthis flatre ‘ face powder . . . r in a $2. size. ith your pu :auty Prepa itary trial b, .11: extra cos, warm, g1 orous comp, your spirits ' I2 GOIZS L11 5 Richard York, will be [vise you p incl new fash' visit next was box of face - .e. Imac mt! sonal Styles S U I T rics. and wo’ you'll be 5! ll! llOI‘Od and ‘ Smart sprm l l l ( ' Stockholders of Mason County ‘ asks. a i.“ want! Roll ' 7 .Wm-h i..- “A... Mr. Shaffer of Matlock zidoing his farm work for him. William Evers of Shelton vis- t' with Mr. and Mrs. Teen last Wednesday. Louie Davis of Camp 5 Spent he past week with Sam Hewson. Mrs. Howard Morrow left last 86k for San Diego, Calif, to see {5 husband who is sick and in 8 Navy hospital there. Gerald Reed came home from eattle where he has been work- 8‘ to spend a few days with his a“fights, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton ee . Bob Winkelman left Monday .th a truck load of furniture for j 1‘- and Mrs. Clinton Painter who 1'6 moving to Kent, Wash. We 8 sorry to lose such good peo- le out of our neighborhood. They ,Ve been here for quite some "118. We wish them luck in their eW home. , Mrs. Mable Priszner visited hursday in Bremerton with her “lighter Mrs. Mildred Rhines and lster Miss Dortha Bane. Miss Marjorie Evers was mar- ed last week in Tacoma to Al'- UI‘ Behling of that city. Clinton Okerstrom, county ag- t. held a meeting Thursday at .9 Hearing home for community eliders. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Port— an. Mrs. Ira. Ford, Mr. and 1‘s. Trenckmann Jr., and Mr. and "S. Elmo Erickson were present. Miss Florence Wilkie visited in 91' home in Seattle and Mrs. 1Shop in her home at Camp 3 hlle the school was closed. Both Ve returned and taken up their .. “ties at Mary M. Knight school. I the Shelton General Hospi- ~»last week following three Onths treatment, and is now re— uDerating‘at the home of her alighter. Mrs. Gunnar Johnson Hoquiam. ‘ I . HOME _~ LOANS I i O Convenient Terms . O Reasonable Rates 9 N0 DELAY I i i Mason County Savings ,& | Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. MILLO’S QUALITY MARKET ‘ 1k GROCERIES FRESH MEATS FRUITS FINEST FOODS AT BEST PRICES l . . HOODSPORT I I l , l N l l Creamery Will 10 l—W—‘W'. (I. Tacoma Freight via Str. . . No ‘» .~ .. A. ,. 4).. n ..L 1 . .. ary 11, 1943. Elvin ‘ caring and Mr. and Mrs. James MEMORIAL BUILDING RED CROSS Nutrition Class Plans are being formulated to hold a county—wide one day meet- ing on nutrition and point ration— ing in Shelton early in March. 'The nutrition class scheduled to start under the instruction of Mrs. Frank Hueston will be delayed l until after this meeting. Details will follow in later ‘papers. I This is tho time of the year ‘whcn your attention is directed to the fi: 'al problems of the ,Red Cros More than ever your llclo i'i‘. ns'r-(icd. Not only is your doll 11“ (ISO. but many will be 'aslmo to help organize the drive. A meeting of the board of direc- tors at the Red Cross work room at Sixth and Railroad, February 11, 7:30 P. M. One week later at the Court House at 8:00 P. M. the annual election of ofiicers will be held. Your attendan e'is ‘requested. * 4. \Vhat did you do this week? In war work, in Red Cross work? 2;: :1: :1: Most of us receive at least good food, warm clothing and good wages for our week’s work. What did the boys in the Solomon Is- lands get‘? Mosquitoes, bugs, dy- sentery fever, perhaps an arm or a leg shot off or a hospital case for some other reason. Or maybe the supreme sacrifice. Of course you want to help him. Through companying the army wherever it goes the Red Cross has the organ- izing and the sanction of the ar- my, together with assistance from millions of members at home to do the job. it This is a time when We should say to ourselves “What can we do to help,” not “What can we get flout of this war.” x:}: I!"— * l I i l l i l l i : i I l s: The boys whom we are helping now in whatever way is in our [power will some day come home land who will say they did not earn the right to criticize those who did less than they very best. YOUR the Red Cross you can help. Ac—i .________...__._.—_ ._.._____ I There is a very great need for Nurses Aides. As regular nurses A leave the hospitals the extrawork can not be taken up by the re-~ maining few who are left. Here is ; where the nurses aides can help! I REPORTER :k A regular monthly meeting of the Northwestern Camp and Hos- ‘ pital Committee will be held inl Seattle, Thursday, February 11.: P. B. Murphy, Mason county ‘. chairman is planning to attend. I ( ( I l :lc :l< ; I The local situation is marking, time aWaiting developments in‘ I Mason County. ‘ l I 4: t 7 I ::< :i‘. This. much can be said. There will be a local need for books,l card tables, chairs, reading lamps, . magazines, baseball bats; side tables, book racks, in fact eV— 1; lerything that makes day roomsl comfortable. Hospital comforts, l too. So look around and see what i you can do to help. i l i radios, l l l I Over one hundred and fifty! lives were saved by Red Crossl blood plasma bank in the recent‘ night club fire in Boston, to say [nothing about the work done byi lthe canteen service. ..< x :1' Fort Lewis, Wash. February 4 American Red Cross Mason County Chapter, Mason County, Washington Dear Ladies: I want to take this opportunity to express thanks. on behalf of my buddies and myself for the wonderful mufflers you sent us. We appreciate very much the work you mothers, sisters and} sweethearts on the home front are doing for us in the service. We more than realize that if it were. not for you people on the home front backing us up, this infernal mess would be a great deal hard-v er to clean up. Again I want to say thanks for the muffler. Keep up the good work and keep ’em flying. Sgt. Bart Botta R.C.N. Co. 644 TDBN Fort Lewis, Wash. . l l l a l a l News Brevities From Grapev1ew With the power shut off, and lthe consequent inconveniences, ers. Bill Somers and children and ; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wright decided that this was a good time for a ivisit in Seattle. I School has been going this past ‘week although therehas not been a. full attendance, due to illness and transportation difficulties. Mrs. Wilbur Reeves was called to Sunnyside last Wednesday be- !cause of the death of her father, er. A. Besteman. Her neighbors [extend their sympathy. Jo-Ann Housen and Roberta De- Voe were both ill this week but are better now. John Carnine went to Seattle on Thursday to visit his son, Rob- ert Canrine, who is in the Navy hospital there. He was brought from Alaska after beinginjured in a plane crash. He is aviation radio man. Mr. and Mrs.’ George Wheeler and children, Toby and Nora, came. back with Mr. Carnine for a visit with Mrs. Wheeler’s par— ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell. Mia, Wheeler is an economist with the War Production Board and is different people about labor short- ages in essential industries. He left Sunday for San Francisco. Mrs. Wheeler and the children _ are planning to spend the spring and summer at Grapeview. The 4-H Sewing Club met on Saturday at the Spooner home. They took up knitting and other gsewing. The Garden Club plan to ‘meet on Saturday, February 13, at 2:30. l FRACTURES HIP I Mrs. Hiram Johnson of Angle- Iside was admitted to the Shelton .hospital on Sundayh suffering a lfractured hip which she received through a fail at her home. ANNUAL MEETING , of Association be held Saturday, February 27. 1943 at a. m. P YORHIEIGIII . ' BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, . Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER, President PUGET SOUND .. ’A,:,; FREIGIII LINES ‘g‘lx'nj-a‘. m, in the northwest to confer with, [Kamilbhe News Is Delayed Kamilche, Feb. 1 (delayed)—- Progress Grange met Thursday evening with only 10 members l'present and they had to leave l their cars at Keyzer’s Station and lwalk. The only damage in the hall due to the cold was a broken faucet. The apron auction was postponed until February 11. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Petty and ifamily visited Mrs. Petty’s mo— Ither, Mrs. Belle Grate and Mr. Petty’s mother, Mrs. Charlotte: Tetu in Olympia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Beardon -and two daughters moved from lthe Roessel house to Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and family moved from the Krotzer camp to the home vacated by l Beardons. February S—The Kamilche La- dies Club met with Mrs. Eliza lCasey in Shelton Wednesday. with lfive members and five guests, present. The next meeting will be gviéh Mrs. E. M. Petty on March r . I Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.,Jim. Waldrip and sons, Mrs. Zora Waldrip and Miss {Sarah Waldrip attended a family (dinner partyin Seattle Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold. . Mr. and Mrs. William Boice and ifamily of Bremerton were over lnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil— liam Turner Saturday and also visited with other friends in this vicinity Sunday. iFive Youths A—re ! r Sentenced Here E On TIER Chargel Bringing an abrupt halt to a! small local crime wave, five local youths were sentenced to terms lof not more than 15 years in Nthe State Reformatory at Mon- roe by Judge .John M. Wilson in Superior Court, Saturday. Four of the youths, Jack Tan- ner,l_Frank Leeberg, James Hick-1 son and Martin Leeberg had their sentences suspended, pending "good I behavior, on the recommendation of local law enforcement officers. Frank Hadsell, the fifth member of the gang, was committed tol the penal institution, however, be- ' cause of .ast b ' law. p rushes With the The five pleaded guilt ' y to a charge of .second degree burglary for breaking into a local tavern and stealin a t' goodsi g ‘quan 1ty of bottled Snowboqu l (Continued from Page One) water. “Fortunately the cabin next door had a deep hand pump Well, With the primer located down inl the well. It didn't freeze! and finally we found we could get wa- ter there. That helped a lot. “They finally brought a rotary snow plow from Spokane to_open the roads. Until then it'had been Just one-way traffic and every time a. person met another.‘ car, it was necessary to get out andl dig a turnout. 3‘ School Closed “The Belfair school is still clos— ed—all heating equipment having frozen up. The kids have 'been having a big time. “A lot of buildings were dam-' aged in Bremerton and along the canal. Flat top structures took most of the beating, many of them collapsing.” JOURNAL Want ‘Ads are used by scores of your friends neighbors with great success. 'Mrs. Lily Cameron. Mr. Smith is 3 03611]. PUBLICATIIINS l .ley; SI—llEL’l‘ONeMASON Pickering Life Nowwls Normal By Virtue E. Ilalilou . With the return of electricity this week life is again back to normal in this district and it is with a sigh of relief we snap on the lights and think the incon— veniences caused by the Storm are now over. . Mrs. Gene Smith and infant! daughter, Carolyn Jane, returned , Friday to the home of her mother, stationed at Farragut, Idaho, and hasn’t seen his daughter yet. Mrs. Hansen left Friday for- her home at Salem, Oregon, after spending a. week with her cousin Mrs. Paul Gibble and family. Mrs. Fred Chitty, son Fred and daughter Lois, of Olympia, visited at the Claude Halllon home on Friday. Fred Jr, is stationed at Santa Monica, Calif, and was: en— joying a ten day furlough at hoine. , The P i c k c ri n g Homemakers Club will meet with Mrs. Helen. Harrell on Thursday afternoon, February 18th. Mrs. Lily Cameron received a cablegram last week from her son Sam. saying he was “safe and well." He is with the mcrchantl marine somewhere in the west Pacific. south- NO'I’H‘E 0F CLOSING ()F REC . RA'I‘ION HOOKS Notit-i- is l rcby given that Regis— tration Books will be closed for origi- nal registration and transfer of rogis— ; tratioll. in all procincts in Mason County. on and after FUbl‘lllll‘y 131b,. .1943. ‘until March 7th. 1943 (March 6th. 1943. being tho date or School, Ochtions in all precincts in Mason' CUllIllJ). HARRY DEYETTE, Auditor Mason County. Washington. 2~ll—l8~2l. N0. 1551 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In- the Matter of the Estate, of Matilda Olson. Deceased. , Notice is hereby given that the un— dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as administrator With will annexed ol’ the estate of Matilda Olson, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are here— by required to serve the same, duly verified. on said administrator or his attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the clerk of said court. together with proof of such service. .Wltl'lln six months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice or the same will be barred. ' Date of first publication February! 4th, 1943. ! IDEN M. RASMUSSON. ’ Administrator with will an- nexed of said Estate Address. Odd Fellows Build—i ing. Montesano. Washington. A. P. WILSON. Attorney for Administrator, Odd Fellows Building. Washington. 2—4—11—18—3t, No. 4088 ' SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Bowden-Gazzalu Company. atlon. Plaintiff, Montesano. a ’COi'pOl‘- Earl Kent. Adele Kent; Helen Mc- Reavy Andersen lfOl‘i’llOl'ly Helen G. McRcavy). John Doe Andersen: Fan- nie D. McReavy. a widow: Joseph E. Morton (also known as Joseph S. Mor- ton). Jane Doe Morton; Kuett’s Sportsmcn’s Tavcru, Inc. a corpora— tion; Herman P. Cramcr, Jane Doc» Cranmer; John V.’ Cumbcr. Jane Doe, Cumber: Mason County; State 01' Washington: George Bradley, Janc_ Doe Bradley: Lizzie Collier. John Doe Collier; Charles 1 1101‘. Jane Doe aischcr; Robert Me 11. Jane Doe ‘Iel'oign; George Re lich. Jane Doe: Reinich; George E. Starrott. Jane Doc Starr'ett: Hugo Pcyser. Jane Doe Pey— ser; B. B. Meaghci'. Jane Doe Meagh— er; Thos. P. Hanncgan. Jane Doe Hann‘egan: 1’. A. Mcagher, June Roe Meagher; Louis R. Flowers. Jane Doe Flowers; Warren Carroll; Jane Doe Carroll; The Unknown heirs of John McRcavy, deceased; the unknown heirs of Fannie D. McRcavy. deceased; the unknown heirs of oath of the de— fendants above named who may be deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right. title. estate. lien. or interest in the real estate described in the amended complaint heroin. Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said Fannie D. Mclteavy. a widow; Joseph E. Morton (also known as Joseph S. Morton), Jane Doc‘ Morton; Herman P. Cramer, Jane Doe Cranler; J'Olln V. Cumber. Jane Doe Cumbcr; George E. Bradley. Jane Doe Brad— Lizzie B. Couicr. John Doe Couier: Charles Fischer, Jane Doe Fischer; Robert Meroign, Jane Doe Mcroign; George Rcinich. Jane Doe Reinich: George E. .Starrctl, Jane Doe Starrett; Hugo Peyser. Jane Doe Pey- ser; B. B. Meagher, Jane Doe Meag- her; Thos. P. Hannegan. Jane Doe Hanncgan: P. A. Meagher, Jane Roe Meaghcr. Louis R. Flowers, Jane Doe Flowers; Warren Carroll. Jane Doc. Carroll; the unknown heirs of John: McReavy. deceased; the unknown heirs of Fannie D. McReavy. deceased: the unknown heirs of each of the defendants above named who may be: deceased; also all other persons orl parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. lic . or intorcstfln the real estate desoibcd in the amended complaint heroin. Defendants- YOU. and EACH OF YOU. ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appeal- within sixty (60) days after the date. of the first publication of this sunl—_ mons, to-wii: within sixty (60) days after the 4th day of February, 1943, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and an- swer the amended complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attor- neys for the plaintiff at thcir office below stated in Seattle, King Co ty, State of Washington, Mason Co my being the place designated by the plaintiff as the place of trial of said action; and in case of your failure! so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the amendcd complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said; court. The object of the above entitled action is to recover possession of the real property hereinafter descride to quiet title to said property In plaintiff. to remove all clouds from «such title, to exclude the defendants (other than the State of Washington) from any interest or lien in said real property. and for general relief. all as more fully appears by the amend- ed complaint on file in said cause. The following is the description of the real property aforesaid: All tide lands of the second class. formerly owned by the State of Washington. situate in front of. ad— jacent to or abutting upon t at p91"— tion of the Government mean or line in front of Government Lot 4. Sec- tion 32. Township 22 North. Range 3 West. W. 11.. extending to the line of extreme low tide, and lymg East of' the East line of. Seattle Street (also known as Skookuln Street) extended North. as said street is designated on the plat of Hood's Canal Land and Improve— ment Co.’s Plan of Union City. ac-I cording to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Ma— son County. Washington. Volume 1‘ of Plats. page 9; situated in Mason' County. Washington. ] PRESTON. THORGRIMSON. ‘ TURNER. HOROWITZ & STEPHAN and THEODORES. TURNER. Attorneys for Plaln- ‘ tiff. 1411 Fourth Avenue Bldg, and Seattle. Washington Phone : MAin 6386 2~4~11~18-25-8~4-11-6t. , LOST, ,tho Clerk of the above entitled Court COUNTY JOURNAL} (s -. _.._.___...._. __.._...__.__._L _ . -.— ,_.__._._ ..__.q .__. JOURNAL W NT ADS o vvvv vvvv v "w "77'7"" Classified Service ~AAAAAAAMAAAAA —AA AluAAA MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Pianos, Accordions, Band in— struments, Records, sheet mus- ic, accessories and service. Messingale Music Co. 105 West Heron, Aberdeen Phone'Ab. 3025 2-11 3-4—4t. CHARTS FASHIONS Correct mo- del selections for your figure. Private personal service at your convenience. Call your local ; corsetiere for appointment. Ber- nice J. Stewart, phone 372R. 2-4—2-25——4t. FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER 1 By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE I FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach, Ulcers, In- digestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 11-20——2-26—-15t. vavvvvvvvv v mvv vvvvw Lost and Found AMnAMAAAAA4\AA“AAMAA REWARD for return pair white skiis. Paris brand with Gerber Brother bindings. Call 571. K-2-4-18——3t. LOST: black Cocker Spaniel, li- cense No. 138. Answers to name of Bosco. Call 1112 Cota St., or phone 129 R. Reward. D--—2-4-18~3t. LOST: car chain, between Day- ton and Shelton hospital. Re— ward. Return to Journal office. D~—2-11h1t. STRAYED or STOLEN: Reward for information where’ abouts of 12 tame Mallard ducks, six brown hens, six green headed drakes. Ed Dalby, Water ‘ Wheel Place, Union. 2-11-18—«2t. CLASSIFIED RATES I ADVERTISING 20 words or less (minimuml charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 500. , 'Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks. 75c: poetry 50¢ per inch; display rates on reducst. . Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. other orders or payment made be— fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra. charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 .. original class”? led mwvvvvvvv‘ vvvvvvvv Wanted .II‘IIIIIII WANTED TO BUY: wood circu— lator in good condition. Phone Journal or write stating price, size, and location, Box 10, care Journal. WANTED: woman to (10 light laundry work in her home. Write P. O. Box 414. P~2~11A1t. WANTED: woman to live in hom—e and do general housework. :In- quire Journal office. C-rv—2-11-18-25ev3t. I WANTED: woman who can oper- ate linotype machine to work one or more days a week at Journal Office. 2-11tf. WANTED: experienced “ lubrica- tion man. Good opportunity and | Cash should accompany all i l I mvvvvvvvv Real Estate ““‘““A FOR SALE: small cabin on Lake cash. Rt. 3, Box 199A. Isabella waterfront, 3 miles from Shelton on Isabella Valley road. Lights and water. $500 I R—2—11-18—2t. FOR SALE: 6 house, garage, barn, house, 21/2 acres, surfaced roa Capitol Hill. $3,000. $500 dow G. E. Shaw. room modern chicken d. n. 2-11—1t. s of Journal. five or six room house near high school. Write box R, care R—2—11-25—~3t. l WANT TO PURCHASE: modern? I 572W. lPARTLY FINISHED house with materials to finish. 1 acre good , soil. Half cleared. Just outside; city. Walking distance. Phone N—2-11~1t. l from mills. 3 rooms, bath, ga l age, woodshed. Nice spot. Very reasonable. 153R. Annz'lltf-IFOR SALE: furnished home on I Hillcrest. Walking .distance r— garden Phone L—-2-4-11—~2t. ily, place. Six kinds chickens, 1,9 ' $1200 cash. Inquire Journal. FOR SALE [FOR SALE: 5 room house, 3 lots, 1 well fertilized garden, good fam- berries, chicken houses, pens for young FOR SALE; mile city limits. City water. $1500 with terms, C—l-Zl—tfn. —i I go“ Pay f0" right ma” Large 1 35 acres With 700 feet of water-1 i front. Cabin. good spring, goodl local establishment. Write or inquire Journal office. M—~2-11-25~~3’t. WANTED: woman for general housework, stay nights. No ob- jections to child. Mrs. Robert Scott, 1 mile from Olympia highway on McCleary cutoff. 2-11—2577773 . WANTED: old records of all kinds. We will pay up to 2c a piece. Shelton Electric Co. 2-11—25——3t. LOST: Sheaffer fountain pen. Name on barrel. Reward for return. Inquire Journal office. l A—2-11~25—3t. CARD OF THANKS . May we extend in this way our l sincere appreciation for the kind— nesses, sympathies and beautiful, floral pieces offered us during} our bereavement over the death of our beloved father and brother. Jack Stewart, ‘ Mrs. Elizabeth Baumgardner, Mrs. Daisy Morrison, Mrs. Maude Johnson, Mac Stewart. _.._ .-...._... CARD OF THANKS May we extend in this way our sincere appreciation for the kind- nesses, sympathies and beautiful. floral. pieces and assistance, es— pecially to the Odd Fellows Lodge, during the passing of our beloved husband and father, Joseph Val- ley. Mrs. Joseph Valley Mr. and Mrs. Lee Valley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Valley Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lawton No. 1514 NOTICE OF H EARING 0N FINAL A (l (J O U N ’I‘ OI“ ADMINISTRATOR AND PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Gust Nor-dquisl. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that C. W. Browner, Administrator of the abovc entitled estate, has filed with his final account. report and petition for settlement. distribution and dis- charge. wherein the Court is asked to approve said account and report, make distribution of the estate and discharge the Administrator. NOTICE ‘-IS FURTHER GIVEN. that , in accordance with an order of the Court 'made and entered on the 6th day of February. 1943. a hearing will be had before the Court on said final account. report and petition on Sat- urday. the 13th day of March, 1943, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M.. on said day in the Court Room of this Court in the Court House at Shelton, VVEshington. lggated this 6th day of February, ESTHER ROLES. Acting Clerk of the Superior Court for Mason County, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Administrator, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington. 2-11-18-25—34—4t. IN PROBATE No. . 1560 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of Emil Christensen, Deceased. Notice is.hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as administrator, w.w.a. of the estate of‘Emil Christensen. De— ceased; that all persons havings claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same. .duly veri- fied, on said administrator, w.w.a.. or attorney of re rd at the address below (stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of vsueh service within six months after the date of first publi- cation of this notice, or the same will be barred. \> Date of first publication February 11th, 1943. ‘. JOSEPH MATSEN, 1 Administrator. w.w.a.. of said Estate. Address, 1602-5 Smith . Thwer. Seattle. Wash. JOSEPH MATSEN. Attorney for Estate, Seattle. Wash. 2—11-18—25~3—4——4t. CALL FOR BIDS FOR GASOLINE Notice is hereby given that bids will be received and opened by the Board of County Commissioners of »Mason County. Washington. on Mon- day. February 15th. 1943. at 2:00 o’clock p. m.. at the office of the board in the Court House in Shelton. for furnishing gasoline to Mason County for all its needs. and including such school districts as wish to avail themselves of the benefit of this contract. for the year commencing February 15th, 1943. order of the Board. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. Mason Coun- ty, Vl'ushington. ' 2-4-11—~2t. By - Complete information a b o u t what you have to sell always helps. v . 'rn imqmwvfiime HELP WANTED: unusual oppor- tunity for man or woman to get established in Write Mr. Whitnell, 720 Wash- ington Bldg, Tacoma, Wash. 2-11-18fi2t. WIDOWER with completely furn- ished home, refrigerator, elec- tric range, etc., wishes couple, preferable without children to furnish board and room in ex- : change for use of home. Write for appointment. 1". L. Marble, : P. O. Box 37. 2-4-11-18-»-3t. WANTED: old piano preferably under 52 inches high, also cash' for used accordion 48 bass or 80 bass. Give full details. Mes- singale Music Co., Aberdeen. 1—28—A2-287773t. .WANTED: full time housekeeEer. Phone 152. 1-21—~—tf. WANTED: 8 by 8 Delmar Cole, 323 Cookson, or inquire Journal. 1—14--tfn own business. ' bljass propellor: . , beach. Priced at $1400.00 IAISO 4:50 acres of oyster groun , planted cd with the above waterfro property at some reduction l price. 3': 2i: * 131,4 acres of buy at $2250 terms, or 352,0 3 cash. I have instructions to accept l sealed bids on the Kaunas property located at 514 Cota St., directly across from the ( Lincoln school. 6—1‘oom mod~ ern home on 60 x 100 lot with garage. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. . 2: is =I< * * . lent garden tract. Terms, half cash. $850.00. =k 11* I HERBERT G. ANGLE Used Cars ber, 24,000 actual miles. Phone 572W. with Pacific Oysters. Priced at $350. Can be purchas- mvvvvvvvvvvu "WWV vvvvv'vvv‘vvvvvvvvvvvm 1941 HUDSON Sedan, radio, wea- ther master, two-tone, A-l rub- Fine condition. $1075fi Consider trade. N—2~11——-1t V ds nt in 1 land and water- front on Spencer Lake. Excel- lent property for summer homes or year around homes. Excellent COAL: 00 2-room house with woodshed and some nice dry wood and excel- one NOTICE OF CLOSING 0F REGISTRATION BOOKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the registration books in the precincts : of the City of Shelton. Mason County. . Washington. will be closed to original registration on and after February 19th. 1943. until and including March 6th. 1943. the same being the. date or the School Election. Dated this. 9th day of February. 1943. JORDAN CLAPPER. Registration Officer City of Shelton. 2-11-18-—~2t. RESOLUTION WHEREAS: A great deal of damage would result to the County roads~if heavy loads were hauled during the period of thaw: BE IT RESOLVED, that all logging trucks and heavy loads or all kinds be prohibited on County roads. until further notice. and that this resolution be published in the County Journal. Approved this 1st day of February. 1943. at Shelton, Washington. VINCENT E. PAUL. H. R. DICKINSON. R. TRENCKMANN. Board of County Commis- sioners. Washington. Shelton-Mason Attest: HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Board. 2—4-11—2t. (Service to Allyn Substation Liné, Tracts SAS-lA and IB) NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE IN THE MATTER OF The application of the United States of America for a franchise to con— struct. operate and maintain one or more electric power transmission lines across, over and upon certain county road or portions thereof in Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS. America has. under the provisions of Chapter; 187, Laws of 1937. filed with the Board of County Commissioners of'Mason County. Washington. an ap- plication for a franchise to construct. maintain and operate one or more electric power transmission lines. to- gether with the necessary towers. poles and other fixtures appurtenant there— to. across. over and upon the here- inafter described county road or por— tions thereof in Mason County. Wash- ington. for a period of fifty years. NOW. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be- held on said application by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County. in the Mason County Court House at Shelton. \Vashington. on the 23d day of February. 1943. at 2:00 o'clock P. M. The following described road or por- tions thereof is the one referred to above: The center line of the 6.9—kv trans mission line crosses the said county road in a northeasterly and south- westerly direction parallcl to and feet distant northerly from the south— erly boundary line of the 400-foot right of way of the City of Tacoma Electric Power Line at BPA survey station 921 68.8 ‘in the NElf. NEIL; NWL/i. of ection 20. Township 22 North. Range 1 Vl’est. W.M.. Mason County. Washington; thence in a southerly direction upon and alongr the easterly side of the said county road to the northerly side of Evans Avenue in the town of Allyn: lhcncc across Evans Avenue and easterly up— on and along the southerly sidc of Evans Avenue to the end of the line at BPA survey station 954+89.6, which point is approximately 4 foot west of the west side of Sherwood Avenue in the town of Allyn and in the NWH SEE/4 of said Section 20; also includ- ing anchor guys which extend west- erly from the transmission line over and across the said road at BPA‘ Sur- vey stations 933+72.2, 9354-038 and 946+23.2. HARRY DEYETTE, County Auditor, Mason County, Washington. 2-4-11-2t. AA..-” .1 M a s o n County, : the United States of‘ 5. l l l, good paint and motor. I NOTICE OF TEACHERS’ EXAMINATION Superintendent of Schools o'clock A. M.. March 6. 1943. 'x I J. E. MARTIN. ' 2-11—18-2t. , Co. Supt. of School No. 1559 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO I PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS MASON COUNTY . In the Matter of the Estate Emanuel Prouza. Deceased. " del-signed, W. A. Witsiers, Prouza. Estate or the ‘said Deceased. ,hercby required to serve the same 0rd at the addresses hereinbelow g en. l ()1- l 1943. first W. A. WITSIERS. ed. l Shelton. Wash. lCHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for‘ said Estate. 1Suite 1. Lumbermen's Bldg. gShelton. Mason County, ‘ VVashlngton. . Computed rfor Oakia'nd' Bay 5: 55‘minutes earlier) High 12:36 am. 11.8 Thurs Low 6:06 am. 4.5 Feb. 11 High 12:24 p.m. 14.1 Low 7:26 p.m. 2.2 High 2207 am. 11.7 Fri. Low 7:08 a.m. 5.8 Feb. 12 High 1:09pm. 13.5 Low 8:29 p.m. 1.8 High 3:41 am. 12.0 Sat Low 8:27 a.m. 6.7 Feb. 13 High 2:00 p.m. 13.0 Low 9:29 p.m. 1.5 High 4:58 am. 12.6 Sun Low 9:53 a.m. 7.1 Feb. 14 High 2:55 p.m. 12.6 Low 10:21 p.m. 1.1 . High 5:55 a.m. 13.2 Mon Low 11:07 am. 7.1 Feb. 15 High 3:52 p.m. 12.4 | Low 11:12 p.m. 0.7 High 6:38 am. 13.8 Tues Low 12:01 p.m. 6.8 Feb. 16 High 4:43 p.m.‘12.4 Low 11:54 p.m. 0.4 High 7:15 am. 14.1 Wed Low 12:43 p.m. 6.5 Feb. 17 High 5:29 p.m. 12.6 11934: DeSOTO AIRFLOW Tudor, , Needs some fender work. Phone 572W. N—Z—ll—elt. l An examination in State Manual will be given in the office of the County at III-:00 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR. v of.. Notice is hereby given that the un- V has been appointed and has qtiallfi'ed as Ad- ministrator of the Estate of Emanuel Deceased. and that all ‘per- sons having claims against the said are in duplicate dulyyerilied with the neces- sal'ylvouchers attached upon the said.“ Administrator or his attorney of rec- iv— , and file such claims together with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court within six months after the date of the first publication of this Notch- (it said claims will be forever barred. Date publication February 4th. Administrator of the Estate of Emanuel Prouza. Deceas». 703 Railroad Avenue. 2-4-11-18—25—4tf Tides of the week (Hood Canal tides croonehour r ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. fl... , FOR I CARDS W m" For Sale m-““AAA‘ AAAAW SALE: Gentle Shetland pony, saddle and bridle. Family milk cow, heifer, fresh. Phone 105. Evenings 11-F-3. H—2-11—tfn. FOR SALE: 1937 Chevrolet se- dan in good condition. Has good tires. $350 cash.. Write Les Johnson, Route 2, Box 152, Shelton. 2-11-18——2t. FOR SALE: 1942 G. E. range, refrigerator, incinerator, Quak- er oil burner. Cash or equity. G. E. Shaw, Capitol Hill. 2-11—1t FOR' SALE: Singer Sewing ma- chine. $25 cash. Good condition. Phone 121. C-2~11~18-25—3t FOR SALE: complete bedroom suite with coil springs and mat- tress. Also desk, end table, small mangle. 9111/2 Franklin Street. C—2—1171t. ..— FOR SALE: team horses, 1500 apiece, 6 and 7 years old. 374 mile south Dayton, J. T. Stev— ens. 2-11-25—3t. upright piano, in good condition. $50.00. Mrs. Carrie Jenkins, second house past Moultrop‘s Station on Olympic Highway south. 2-11-18-25A'e3t. FOR SALE CHEAP: 64 True De- tective Magazines. Straight ser— ies. At Rexall Drug Store, cor- ner Second and Railroad. V—2-4-11-18—-—3t SPINET PIANO Beautiful case, fine make with bench. Trade taken and terms arranged. Messingale Music Co. Aberdeen 1-28-2-28~3t. Shelton prices. Order while available. Range $9.60 ton, Lump $10.60 ton, by load 4 tons or more, delivered. Lesser am- ounts $1.00 more per ton. By sack. not delivered, 85c. Call 473W. Terms, cash. Also wood at $11 cord, ‘ H»—1-14--2-14—1M FOR SALE: grow your own Fil— berts, 21/2 foot to 3 foot trees 15c; 3 foot to 5 foot 250. Log- anberry plants. Herman Dewitz, 101/. miles on Allyn road from Shelton, turn south 1 mile to vineyard. 1-8--3-11#10t. "fiv'VVOVV-v' For Rent “‘4 A-‘-AA“AQ‘A-AA FOR RENT:\ 5 miles east. Small 4—room house, .well water, elec- tricity, garden spot, chicken house, free wood. R.F.D. and school bus. Available April 1st. Phone 61M. EfZ-ll—lt. FOR"RE,NT:_ four room apart- ment, partly furnished. Reliable party. 1404' Olympic Highway. . . '. ' D—2-11——1t. THREE RooM moderfhouse to; rent. 1622 Boundary Street. C. .c. Gibbs, phone 148M. 2—11—1t. FOR“ RENT; two 'room cabin, I partly furnished, kitchen range, bed, etc.,: lights, water. Wilbur Peterson, Mt. View on High~ 2-1l—1t. m mvv W. "cholerawright LAWYER Phone 337‘ \ Angle Bldg. Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW . > Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank :Phone 723 - - Sh'flton. INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping . Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W“. A. 'Witsiers. Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington :2: RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 I I