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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 HELTON---MA 0N C0 TY J0 NAI --Published in "Chr ',stma, town, U.g:A.", N elton, Washin#on i/ !;//i~ i!i: Rainbow, Jobies And DeMday To Ce-s onsor Dance Three organizations, Mark E, Reed Chapte'r of Demolay, Bethel No. 37 of the Order of ,Iob's Daughters and Shelton Assembly No, 19, Order of H.ainbow for Girls will combine efforts to s'pon- Y, OI' a ,'I~I71 i ~ fo ,'FA'I.1 "8"~Vf' e [.he.1 rt ~JV=il'l" lG:Lr,,h'try 19. The (lance will be held from 8-11. O nl. ill the ]',,a;~ '~n)ic temple an:l is open only te t.h~).'.:e who have re- ceived an ln'.iIaLh:ll fl'oln a D( I~]O- 'ay, Rainbow or Job's Daughter,*; member. 'Pieltel.:~ will be $1..53 pm couple and may he purchat;ed from &ny Yl]enl~)e,' of the three o:g;(n[- : ,? ions. Chqperenes for the dance 'in- elude Mr. and Mrs. Board, Mr. 'm'l ?.r"s Fe:'ris, Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Mocri,-'.on, Mr. and Mr,s ,}ac'k Pov,,ell and Mr. and Mrs. led kuseth. Talk On Norway By Foreign Student Interests t)YO Here Marit Vaula was g~eat speaker for the t,'el)rual'y 2 CY0 nTeeting. Members eujoyed her 'ta'lk and eolore~ qlides about her .home in, Norway. ReTreshments were prepared and served by Kim Doran. A one act ~p]ay, "Mooncalf Mug- ford", will be .pt'esente~t by the CYO in Bremet'ton, ~Star 'of the Sea Parish h'all at 2 p:m. 'Febru- ary 28. Members of the ca'~t are Pare McComb l~,a r y ~Connolly, Rick McComb and Nathy Flower. Director is Melody :Mdrgan. CYO members will spend ,the weekend skiing at Wlfi~e Pass 'as guests of the Olympia .Ski Lodge. Sandi Gnwer, Judy ,.~mith, '~hle-. la Lichter and :Diane Zukowski COLLEEN SHRUM'S sewing ability won prizes for her several will lead the cheering sedt~0n dur- times during the five years she was a member of the Curlle ing the church leag~m ba'Mr at the University .~f Wash- ington where his major is architectural engineering. He is em- ployed 'by the Washington Natural Gas Co. as an engineering aid. Republican Women Prepare For Full And Adive Program The anmml meeting of the Washington State Federatim~ (,i' Republican Women was hehl in Seattle's Olympic Hotel January 29-30. Club presidentS aY~d de'le- gates we e briefed on "The Shape of Po!itics, 1966" at the Friday meeting. The S~ttm'd'ty meeting had am its theme "Focus on Olympia". This meeting" recessed for a 12:30 p.m. luncheon at which Washington's new state chairman, C. Montgom- • cry Johnson, was the keynote 3peaker. . Thd. g't()und work was prepared fro' a full and active progTam for this year. *All +nierestefl residents 'ire cordi!tlly incited 'to the next meeting of tl'e Ma~on County Wo- men'S H, epublican Club for details in depth. It will be held at 1:30 p.m. next Wednesday in the Me- morial Hall. -7-- 7 ........ Si5 ........ i,7,v7, -= Live regulator !or easy sewiug. SI Terrific Music by The Bala,jo King Trio JOURNAL WANT ADS GET I GER SPEClA Limited Quantity Available ECONOMY SEWING MACHINE by SINI3ER Sturdy, dependable sewing mac'hine, llas exct'usi ve t op?d'top-in bol)l~ifi, and stitch leugth o,ly SINGER* Full Canister Gleaner 'only ": ~'' Extra-capaclty bag makes cleaning a whiz. Complete with attachments. BE THE FIRST TO CALL FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Ber/nte 'plays re:Kay hmtrumentS and all requests, a~bcompanled by MARTHA & G~NE FLEMI%I~I 117 E. 5th Olympia Members Otfly IIIIII II III I Ill .... . ........ ,. Offkial Visits VFW P. .t At Last Meeting At the February 5 meeting oI the VFW Post No. 1694 the De- partment Commander Eric Sand- , " str0m, Dept. of Washington, Dept. + " Chief of Staff for the West Side Bob Dyer, and the fifth DistricI~ Commander Hy Hastings paid theh' official visit. ~ • EW ', t i r~ New members initiated into the N' ' t ~)~S post were Thomas Gray, Andrew Bragg and Wilbert Busack. Dept. I ~\l~lll~ a.~,,,.._~) Ji~', Commander S~mdstrom did the I He also drew the winning ticket / . ~.~4'~__ for the half of beef which went to Chaplain F. E. Minoiza. Members are reminded to re- member the birthday dinner to be "][ "~i held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 19 in the Memorial hall. All Past Comman- ders of Post 1694 will be tlonored ~'~~ ~O "M,~ke and the Voice of Democracy win- nor will be a guest. .... SIIELTON JAYETTES : MEET TONIGHT SheltOnp.m. Jayettes will meet at (,~ ~ ~(~tLI~'~E '~]~L~ 8 tonight in the home of %.~1 " Marie Taylor with Marge Lycan ~ ' ~ as co-hostess. After the business meeting the evening will be spent who'll :look their Sunday bbst in the Cunnln making fir tree table favors which used at the state Jaycee littlecottot sNOWinyournearbyModeO'Day will be convention in Seattle in IV[ay. store. See them in :sugar 'n' spice ,colors and Styles .., at lV' de O Day's tiny,prices. Shelton, North Mason, Elma, Mon- tesano or Mary M. Knight. Ther~ are no restrictions as to where or what a Reed Scholar studies. Winners of Reed Scholarships .Little Glrl's ~lzes #]) $~0 will be announced in May. 3to 6x .................................. ~ for ' The following students are at- attending institutions of higher learning with assistance of Reed Scholarships: Philip Ch'amer, Eliz- abeth Fredson, Gerald Parks and Kathlecn Younfflund, all of Shel- ton; David Osterberg, Montesano; Dawn Daugherty, Olympia; Greg Mowe, Elma; and Stetson Palmer, Matlock. Marriage Licenses '63 VAL IANT V-|0e ,l dr. Sad ......... $159,5 Heater. Std. Trans,- Factory Warranty '62 FALCON Del. 4 r. Wagon ......=t495 Radio - Heater o Automatic- Real Sharp '62 VOLKSWAGEN 2 dr. Sedan -$1295 Heater - Top Condition '60 F )RD GMax:e 4 dr. Sed ............. =109,5 Radio . Heater- 'Automatic '59 CHEVROLE Belair "6" 4 dr ..... $745 Heater. ~utomatlC '59 PLYt IOU Cust. Wagon ........... Radio -'Heater- ,Automatic = Power steer '59 FORD Custom 4 d~. Sedan ............ $64~ V8 - Radl0- Heater - Autornatlo '59 FORD Custom 4 de. Sedan ............ :$695 V8 - Heater Std. TranS. '58 FORD V8 Country Wagon ..... i~adio - ~EeP - ,~t/t~mt=~tl¢ dr. wagon--:$51}5 :Heater - ~A:fftol~tio HI ~At~ IU • Girl's Sizes 7 to 14 ." ..................................... IlL ~r ,pr. L~ong ~:B0X - 3 'Speed '55 ½ Piokup ...................:$74S V8 - "4 Speed - 'Canopy ~RD ]/~ Tan ~kup ....................... Healer - A.Vtbmatic -New Brakes each or ~4 ~zi~elr~-petlte, medium, medium tall, tall '1199 each Fits L!ke your Skin each each or for Large 'Selection of 6prlng Colors and fabrics to plus fed. ix. Applying for marriage licen~s in the Mason County auditor's ,~s royce z,~ ~on e ~ c ................... ~s495 2 ~Speed -4 Speed Tvhns. office this past two weeks were: Ramsey C. Maneval, 24, Brem- erich, and Karen Hcndrickson, 21, Bremerton. Karl N. Sells, 51, Shelton, and Patricia Benson, 43, Grapeview. Sheal Anderson, 18, Pt. Ludlow, and Carol Sancier, 19, Eureka. John Bednarik, 18, Aberdeen, and Wendy Davis, 18, Aberdeen. John B0Zick, 25, Bremerton, and Mary Norker, 18, Bremerton. Leonard J. Torgusen, 18, Pt. Orchard, and Gloria J. Miller, 19, Brcmerton. William A. Parker, 48, Poulsb0, and Bessie J. Loop, 40, Port Or- chard. Jim Hilderman, 20, Bhelton, and Pamela Sells, 19, Shelton. Ray Drebis, Jr., 29, Shelton, and Janet Larson, 22, Sheltom Larry B. Noll, 21, Shelton, and Sally Hall, 18, Shelton. W. E. Timmerick, legal, Shelton, and Kathryn Francken, legal, Shelton. Henry O. Austin, 41, Allyn, and Ruth M. Doud, 42, Belfair. SHOWN STYLE 264--6 THRU 20 STYLE 264 JR.--5 THRU STYLE 264X-14V2 THRU s 100% Cotton Cardigan ,Neckline • Raglan Sleeves • Front Button and Zipper WhRe Only .also carry a complete of b,e :and two piece in misses, juniors and aM made in bl riSp cottons ,and $5.99 fn lrl..q9 Other Styles Can ISe Ordered In Or Colars. to ttl2 Vbe 4Burberry type ~.opper in Sklhner's rayo,/¢ot- *.on ,blend Ta~kle Twill is a magnificent ,all-weather coat and super value. Sleekly smart, with rag- lan sleeVeS, It's ~a perYeo~ coat for any climate. Sturdy water repetlent finish. Sizes: 8-18. OES PAST MATRONS OES Welcome Chapter Past Ma- trons will meet for a 12:30 p.m. luncP, eon next Thursday in the hom,e of h~/yra Ccqlier. Anyone wi:~hing a ~ide should be aL Mrs. Hack's by 10 minutes of 12 noon. JOG BAKE SALE The Alma Burke Jogs will hold .a balte sale from l~0 a,m.-~ ,p:m. Saturday in the Safeway store. AUTHORIZE'D 426-3433 707 80~ First Shelton GhrYsler--.P~ymou th---Valla nt International Trucks Evergreen Square 426-8293 New Spring Coats Arriving Daily