February 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 11, 1965 |
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PAGE 4 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmasto, n, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washing{on Thursday, February
"~,m al i i i i , _ ............................... , ....
.. '0- - --..-. I Skokomish Church City Gets Bids --7---,-7/----t1 Chamber To See Author, World Traveler
1 I ( II: llg omen . ng Tour !l,, ,... ,. iSpeaker Last Week .,i i &, ................ ............
/ ror nusuanus un ( area! e/rucx ,, mr., =,Te !{ BaalrlOn IO t ...ni uro ....
SHELTON-MASON COIJ'NTY JOUR2qAL, INC., Publishers i .... atn~-i l-l~xu • ~ v i / Ming Tree Caf¢
The Shelton City Commission IF|Lllk~llh'l$1Fl~ t l _ • • "oil's ~:';(" "': ~' .....
Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle ] .... t~y ~ffry v_~.ey Tuesday accepted the bid of Totem l J D£~a~ ~m,,l~m~aw J - _ _ ~],~.,:.' ~¢~,~]'cl~,s ..:.,..
-----. ...... | ~I&UI%UM./~51-1 ---- TEe wolnen's I .j.. .e,. . ,', ,~ ....
Mailing Address, Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412 J Stewardship of the Communit3 Equipment Co., Seattle,for a ..................... [ i- I]r{flHIG" Uffdll{JIHIq~ J -- r~m~.... &-v-~ :(r uJC"* .............
r • , v ,~, o -~ ,y ................
packer body fo the czty s garbage , , ' ~ " I
Published at Shiloh, Mason County, Washington, every. Thursday. J church are entertaining their hue- .^~ ........ "Z...1. ..... e~a ~...~. OFFICERS RE-ELECTED BY J Members of the Shelton Cbamb- ] ]-]lgia game -Jean Red
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington i bands at a Valentine potluck din- ~,~'=~";,~:~"- ~,:~Jff~ ~.~_' SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. J er of Commerce will tour the ex- ] _~7: ~. _ High series -Kay Got!
Member of National Editorial Association /ner this Thursday evening at 6:30 ........... e ................... - ........ l
sis on which to install the body Terms of all present officers of panded famhtms of Pacffm North-I ~~~ Split lnck-:--Bc/Ly W0
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association | p.m. Rev. Eugene I{nautz of the .............. ~" the Mason County Savings and I west Bell Telephone as part of the / ~W~l~~f~~ * * *
........... First Baptist church will be the B-~ o-~i ............ '~ .......Loan Assocmtmn were extended lprogram for the regular monthly l ~~ ABOUT FACE
SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance J guest speaker. me u~acK ores wm oe reins. . . ~ " .
ro~ndAtinn nf ~itv .qun~rvi.qn,' Pat another year at the annual stock-, J embershlp aeetmg tomght. J ~~~ Shelton pinfcms must I~
Outside Mason County $5.00 [ Please keep in mind the Skoko- "'" ............... - --~- ............ Th in ' "
B,,rne holders meeting last Saturday m e meet g will start off withI ~~.~!~ ing bowlers!
FX)ITOR AND PUBLISHER -- William' ~Vl. Dtekie J mish.~: .... Improvement Club will meet Th-'~ Totem .... hid -n th, ~,~aoker. the Title. Insurance Building. ] dinnerh q ~ in theo. banquet room. of the J ~~~~ At Aberdeen last Su~
PLANT SUPERINTENDENT -- Jim Shrum /reo. tu.a~; ~p.m. . • boa`, was ~6 006 The "El,, other Thin action returned Alden C. IS e to a H tel at 7 p.m. w~th the ~~d!~ Evergreen Travelettes
OFFICE' MAI~.AGER --- Lodema Johnson J mrs.1 . ~ara .'°urgaul~ .... was• pleas-, bicl~er_ on ~t~e niece,. .of_ enui~_,. .... .......... t Bayley as president, C. C. Cole ]programM runt° start at 8 p.m. I ~~~ competition, they shellad~
NEWS EDITOR -- Ainu, ..... ~o~,~ /ant..Y surprmco, veo. o, wnen. wa~ True" We'ai''~ E ...... n~ as vine premdent, Phil Bayley as l . V. G kemeier manager for ~~~~ Bowl 4-0 in the morning
"""IETY E ........... a• /friends and nmghbors dropped m ...... s ~t-,v ..... " P B wi '
C~ ~ttl~ secretary-treasurer, and V. T. N here, ll be ]n charge of the ] buL when they Langled
~UL; " IJ,:VU~ -- mar3 w ters f V
l'~tl~hnTf~ri~ A~T~rl~A~rl~ a" .... ~rtl" [ or a alentine party in her honor,~'",Biders ........ on the tmlek were Kimbel Connolly" to the board of d,rectors' pr~glra%illbo ....... J~~l same outfit in the aft erll~
~" iNV'~ER'S~--~-'Dave'2"haehe'r.k~sa'~oar~on, Jerry Stiller, J an.d presented her with a. huge Motors with a bid of -~98595 and zor two years. I . .: .~_ e. ~ne nrs.t meeting| -~~i position match they lo~
r~h, ~,~0 ~,h, o,~ ~,~ r~o, ~ J pink paper nearL on which tee ...... 7. ' ' .0 , • , • ior tee wnamtmr in tee newly- ~%~ same margin.
........................ / names of the ladies was inscribed. ~m t'auiey ~nc. w~tn a nm oi ED'S AUTO SERVICE [remodeled dining facilities of tide J ~~i In the morning they
COPY DEADLINES i The heart was lace-edged with a0~,o0o. • . .
BYRNE TOLD THE commie- MOVES TO NEW SITE . J She!.ton Hotel sznce .~t was taken ] ~; "C pins, in the afternoon 25:
RURAL CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES -- Monday 10 a.m. | ruffle of whitehandkerchiefs and sick that the Pauley bid did not Ed Johnson h2:rm2:eda hi~s~c); J over oy Steve Sagmfllm. I ~~~
DISPLAY ADVERTISING -- Tuesday noon | lavender cows. "rnose present were meet specifications on two points mouve •repa .... z~ezs atI -CONNEI{--NAMMIi,'D- ] T~. /nla T~ ~1~]
SOCIETY NEWS -- TUF_~DAY noon | Mesdames Clara Rosenberg, Eva
PICTURES AND NEWS --- Tuesday 50 m | Latzel, Beverly Mahlendorf, Grace b~et, that Ceht~iPriscebsSrewa:s b~t[a~en 1~a°~:s~ ~13~:' S~°eqU~ormerly State Representative Paul H. i ~~"~ |~ a-fll~ I U UI~
WANT ADS -- Wednesday _ 10 a.m." -' " | Liles, Bed McCoy, Roberts Ragan : occu,qed b,, Jim Paulev Mercury /Conner was this week appointed l ~~ FOR SALE T Tee bed~
than the actual difference in their ~" • " • ~ ' ~ h ' f ' ' " -- '
....... J and Virginia Bourgault" The eve" ability th n~r¢ .... th~ ~h ¢,, immedmtely adjacent t° the As" I c awman ° the H°use H~ghways I ~~ Mt. Vww. two batlas. ~
J king was spent in playing games,-. Y .-- .~-'." .... : -"~ ~,':~ -~: sociated Service station at let and I Subcommittee on Highway De- I ..~:r~, ~own. $70 per m,,ntn. •
I ---- i /with prizes going to Mrs. Grace wmcn tee truck is oeing ootained. L;oLa'~ ' St I--rYtt unenb ....... and wommmsmn'~ x " " and-! . ~ a _
Real Estate 426-6592., lf~
| . ~'# a j ~ 1 J Liles, Mrs. Eva Latzel and Vir- City Clerk Alma Catto asked _ ." ...... J ..... d -" J MRS FLORENC~ MAYBERRY ]95s CHEVROI ET I ICK
the commission to be thinkin r~e naa xormerly operateo at rma~sme 2, verusmg. ' * ".. 2 . ,
l ' ~k ~ ~~ • ,~Vi= i | ginia Bourgault. A delicious des- about whether or not the citg 1108 East Cots St., in the back end J "Conner was appoited to this J Mrs. Florence V. Mayberry, ofIlalqt, n~l L~[)?l~i3t.l).nh or
| ~ ~ ~- ~' .~~- ~ ~r~l i | sert of cake, ice cream and eof- oh,~,,l,] tak ......... ~., .... ~ J of the old Shelton Garage. J important post because of his ex- J Santa Pails, Calif., author and FOR gALE _L Refrig~.i:dt~,
.... 2". ~~ , ~ ,.~ =,~t ,. , ~ v . - velea, ~Aras VlSltoa .in ne ! and dl y( ] In go0a
i r ~l~lr ~r~r ~f-~r ~d~-~r V ~ i J fee was enjoyed by all. =.. . ...... ~ • I , • • i nerience nz'oven legislative abil I world tra • a "'" ' ..... "
i ~,,,~#rL#rd~#~[~r~r ~1~/~[~#'_.~.___ | J Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter, Mr. ~'rommons zor a census were made ................ ~ ..... lit. an" -ecial ....... I Shelton earl'" last week Phone 426-3258
| and Mrs. Harold Hunter and Mr." ........a. s * ~ "ON SHOW-DANCE PROGRAM i field, acid Chairman Leonard Formerly Secl'etary-mmlager o. 1t
| and Mrs. William Gilbert joulaaey- Fred Whibadeau, owner of the i Sawyer, who made the appoint- the Santa Pails Chamber of Com- N((~:(!FisO~u I*t~D(~FTe~
TI]~V ~OV[ ~ ~VHOA~UV ] ed to Portland Thursday to attend ~*~r~t~* ][~)~tJ,rt~- ]Blue Ox Theatre, is seeking the ] meEt. [ merce Mrs. Mayberry has writ- B(ard :(~f Commi~'.~idnm'g of]
' |ilL/ UL~LiI~L nv ~/~lFMlll/ J the funeral of ~Irs. George Em-~ ~XXLt~X .Z~|~Ut~|ILt, I feelin~ of parents and young peo-I lien short stories which have ap- pital District No. I ~f' MaS
• o . .~ • ' " Washington has prepares
Public indignation is reaching a rightfully wrathy point/m.ott, aunt, of the.Hunters stop- 1"~....~ 1114 rL._$1..._ J ple on holding dances at the the- I RAYONIER RESEARCH peared m a national pubheahon, n,,' h,,a,,( ~' r ..... ,,. 4,,aT 1~
., ' , ...... / ping over mgnt a~ me home oz mr. l~l~ 111 KOI-UUIIU atre in combinatmn w~th his show I W L [ Doubleday Company recent y pub- a final hearing on ihe pro
over tnerepeateo waywaroness oI segments of tnis com-/ and Mrs. George Downs, who re- .- ........ I programs [Fourfowlers ...................... 15 9 I lished her book, 'The Dachshunds get will be held in the C0
• , • • ' centl moved into their new home t~race ~trle! wmmott, a ~ormer ~ -~ :. , .... , _~ ,~. ..... i ,,_:_, ...... ,n ~ I ,,f Mnmn Iulnnd" n ~torv for ehil missi )n,rs r mm qt the. Ma~
mumty s mvenlles. / Y . . . • .............. I ne woum ma~e pc.ft, u~ tz,e p,e~.. I uxtt,nLenttnce .................... J.~, ~.. , ................... a - r,^::':, ,~ ..... " .... '~ra$'
,,_ ~,,," . .......... J The severe wind Friday mace driv- r~sL~en~.o[ ~nezton,.oiea ,'co..x inI ent seatin¢ space next to the stage J Pin Curlers .. 13 11 dren. ~'0~'~ "~'n"~'F~ l~'~('''' 2~" 1
k'ortian(~ where see had hved " "~ ............. ~, ~ " P .... Y ' r
me ~lCKel21Ilg atl:acK Oil an ~-year-oL(1, mils-mannered,| ing quite difficult on the tz~pm-n .............. I available for dancing after the I Silva Foxes ...................... 12/2 11 ½ I She has traveled extensively, Dick A, ngle, seci'eta
physically :small man early this week by a 16-year-old youth| home. . a y years, umer resment.s wm ~ shows. Persons wishing to express I Water Boys .......................... 12 12 I volunteering her services as a lee-
: chmax~ '" " to weeks of threats, intimidation,"" " " and MRS. GENEVA Deyette and ~ho ..... ~...... ~.. o..~.~. ~. ~^' |oplmons on suck ~ y I .......................... z,: I lurer an~ teacher mr tee ~anal ......
ex'/J children and Mrs Edna Hunter rememt)er net as t~race ~aiawin , ....... lan are asked'Wood Birds "" 12' ..... ; .....
~nd "~ved"" ""2"'~'"" .... ?~." ~'~'[to write to the Journal. The am-|Acetate Aces .................. 10~ 13V2 |Faith. Mrs. Mayberry has spoken Courtesy is not the':
tortion visited upon this frightened and helpless octegenar-/combined a busine'ss and pleastire . o e. to ~ne~ton wain neT loint of interest shown will de-iRayonettes ...................... 8 12 i from the platform and on radio way' when driving, but!
tan a-ro-n ,,~,,~ h,,1H,~ -- J trip to Tacoma Saturday, stop-parents w.nen omy a cmld. Sh.e[termine whether Thibadeau pro-i High games Ann Matye 221, land television in most of the states way of right, says the*~
e, ~v ~ ~ ....~, ........ | ping in South Tacoma where Mr.~as a great granddaughter of WiJ-]ceeds with the plan. |Jerry Driessche 213. ]including Hawaii and Alaska. Her ely Council.
The deserve no sympathy from anyone and it | and Mrs. Bert Deyette enjoyed the )am .morrow, WhO .zounae.a tee j _ J High series---Beth Brown 476, Jsoeaking trips have carried her
i ~ " b • square dancing. - ~ • through v:anana mexmo, an t,t ,
s he h pe here that the court, when comes J Mr and Mrs Don Dock spent ..... townt°Wnmteof OZMasonUamana,county,a prancer i ~in the ]u0nner rr0"poses J~Jerr" Driesche.~ .553,. |Central": "- America; ......... and Ecuador, ~~ "
tinge to mete punishment, gets real toug.h and J Sunday afternoon with Mr. and x~ous. . .... l i -..L.|--I!.._ U ........ J l9th HOLE CLUB TO |Columbia, and Venezuela in South J UL'~a- VA "1 .11"
' • Mrs. George Steelman of Union. ~newas marrma .to t~eorge wm: j ]L~i~|~[|V~ ~U[~$~ ~MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY |America. In addition she has lec- J Fri. - Sat. O~1
makes,, u wwd example o/ them for all to ee. J M~'. and Mrs'. Chester Valley and molt ~.ept. 4, 1900 m Shelton and j ........ 1 H ! Members of the 19th Hole Club, ] tired in Rome, The Hague, Am- J Open 6:45 - Starts
It zs high time this sort of thing is stamped out in our/gTanddaughter Jan, drove to Che- na~ ceiem'ated their 64th wedding I ~tate r~epresentanve ~'au "men s division of the Shelton Golf ' .... " " • ~- I "~=' ""_- T .... =..
anniversary last September |Conner today introduced a House Club will hold their first 1965~steraam' and ~uxemoourg ]n ~ur- J One Complete 5r
community and that those with the authority to do so pay| hal i_s. Saturday, and were dinner She leaves her husband]', and bill setting aside special recrea- meet'in,- ,~x~ Wednesda,,-~,o',-~ ;-lope. [ ----_ ---,---_~ ,7._.G-fi-,~
....... / guests o~ xv~r. anu ~vn's. -~. ~. two sisters, Mrs M J. (Mildred) J lion areas in Mason, Clallam, and the Ba.~shore clubhouse ~ ""~' ...... J Speaking at a public meeting at J ~IAM! ~! PU:Kkt~"
qmc er nee~ to an~ mage more thorough investigations| Ahem, also to bid their niece, Ann Engeldinger, and Mrs. Paul (Geor- iJefferson Counties. Dinner will bc at 7 o'clock On |the PUD Building Feb. 6 she told I ~ ~m,~,~,
of reports given them by neighbors who see these things| Ahem goodbye, as she lefLthe gie) Anderson, both of Portland. J Conner proposes that land be the business a-ends for the ni-ht |of her experience among the San J , ~ ~ ~
. " ' . - '- I IlrSl: oi tEe weel~ oy 1:rain 1:o ,~ew
nappenmg. York, where she will go by Amer- In addition to other nieces and/set aside and recreation facilities ]are explanation's of new rules ~or IB]as.. ndmns.w.hen, she ,as ow [ed I
nephews in the Portland area, she|be built at the following areas: the night are explanations of new i°Y tnezr creels ~o come u ne i ~-~.--
• . ican Freighter to Africa, after be- leaves two nieces, Mrs William [ 1. Fosen s Lake Camp and Pic- 1965 by' nro manager ,.~,, [ Mulcts Ishmds, off the North i ~i~
.................. ling home on furlough from the
A GUNSTRUGTIVE DiFFFR[NfiF Sudan Interior Mission. Gilbert of Hoodsport Mrs. WiN/nic ~rea, ~,son cou, r Walker and o~ 1965 elub tomcat- ]C°ast of P,~nama, to ~e!l the,~ o~ I I~
liam J D er of Montesano, and/ 2. byre ~amp ann mcnm area, ment ~lans b,, chairman Don P" 1 /tnis new worm ~eng on, u.~ I l i
........ / Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gendreau of ~ " -Y ,-, • *'~ -- ,-~Olallam Counb, I " ~ ' ,,u-/~oal i~ the attainment of world I Jn -d
The Boy Sc(uts of America has been known for 55J Island Lake were dinner guests of two nephews, r-am and ~aroml-~ J ~ev ~'~ ~ , '.mi --- ,
• n ~" eace ,, --
years for thc great contributions it has made to the youth ]d Mr" an~,~s~ Mrs; Arthur~,,. Johnson one Hunter of Shelton. [Picnicl 3. Upperarea,HOhjeffersonR~Ver CamPcounty.a dII Olvmnic ........ A& i/P Mrs.' Mayberry spoke of their ~i "lt~ ~~i~l ~,,~
of our country, but there has been no finer activit thani Mrs Chet Rosenberg entertain- ----- | Yesterday, Conner introduced Shelton 57~North Kitsa~ 44 ]culture and of tl~e world-wide vis- i ~.'~'~'~
• y • .
, ~,lea with a buffet dinner Feb. 7 Sheltoman" a traffic safety measure. He pro- ~ort Angeles' ' • 6o,~• East 48" ]ion 'of their leaders, who. perceive. ] .'~ ~lm.~....~,~,~,,~.
]posed th.t the state use fluores- South a9 -entrM 59 I that peace among the,," own tr]be~: ~ .... ~ .... '~'?"~L
. ~ ca s r~erztage program. J in honor of her husband's birth- , p • ~ s ' " South o6 Port Townsend 49 'c . '. '- ~k"
• cent aint on ca~ license plates ~.' " and zslands is of no lasting bene
Now. d nring Boy SCOUt Week (Feb. 7-13), we day. Those present were their son Dies In Seattle /so that they can be seen more (nl~ " ]fit nntil the "wars and mmmrs of ] ~k" FmdMacl
,'.an assess the. influence of, Scoutino_ .... on ,__.,~fro,. I Venae Rosenberg of Seattle, andMr' Seattle papers reported thelea~ly,at night. _ _. . J Bainb'ridge 49, Port Angeles ,2 ]wars" throughout the world cease J ~ ~|~
........ - ," . and Mrs. Max Latzel, Mr
death Saturday of a native-born/ .... J El) ] • i ~ .... ~---: "
czgm through, rt and zts natmnal program to pre- |Mrs. Rodger Mahlendorf, Carrie • ~ariier in tEe weeK, uonner m- ( to exist - -- -a
• ' , " ~.ko J troduced leglsiauon to set up I "1- m )ic A ~
Sheltonmn, Hov, ard M. Bu ...... u y 1 ~," ,,~ ~ "
serve. .:.freedom.. throuah,:. ~........... rm~.v~÷, .............. .... 7~,÷ .... d ~,,. J Mr.and andTammie'Mrs. ClaytonMrS" ROYFerrierMingUS,of who became general manager of J Str~tC~icd; st~rP;)g'~Pln?21azaends Bainbridgc 46, Port Townsend i~ Civilian Defense )[ * ,.
spons¢o~e patmo~,sm....... /Hoodsport, Mr. "and Mrs. Phil the Port of Seattle. g .P ' Y g ' ' -P-. 36 . "~ my ~S|~
There is no question that Scouting~-and its special era- Stopper of Sbelton. The conversa- He was 65 when he was found ] s~nieficanto.mitn~aLl~e~°u~c~ ~°_ i Forks ,5, North Mas(m 42 [/ W~rning Sound~ 1] ~ ,,ts~o~w~a~
~hasis 0n laerita-e makes ...... tion pmce oI tne evening was tne dead in his bed at his home in|s ' Y P') ] " Val in thej Vashon 93, Sequim 47 J~Asteadyblastof3to5ml~t~tes~ J _ v~ ~tS~NT~Vwa~n=,-;:
v ' . g -- , a construcnve aklerence in the]birthday cake trimmed with fish- Seattle. He had retired from his|ter use or.raw .mate'~ s j Vashon 65, Chimacum 60 (El) J~ means -robable attack ~ i SKYLINE DRIVi
Port otzti n st Ju aevempment m tee state r~e pre ~
life of a boy A ood Scout is able to exolain t v at J ing lures and topped with pole and • p ' o la ne 30 after[ ....... t~ - • ;~" " " • for" J Quilcene a9, Forks 48 (nl) I( Short blasts for 3 mlnutea ~ J - OP-ENS FEB.'
. • g _ o an.one wh__, line a career connected with the Se- | mctea at woma. oe a rag.step_ . - j Tri-Counly i ~ means attack imminent ,) i Come- One Come
he believes, his heritage to be who created it, who preservedI AND MRr~. HumphreYmN:lr attle waterfront since 1921, when|War~ in ~os~ermg new anmmtrms ] North River 83 Matlock 54 ~ ..... _" ......... ~
it, who defends it, and how. son of Mill C ee "e ' • he graduated from the University| and new payrous m washington.| Quinault 71, V¢ishkah 70 ]~ ~ ' - = --------ZT~
The ex eldence of the "............... J guests of Mr. and Mrs. George of Washington. He had been Port~ ~-~ ~ 1 Central J
v - ~umwater ~ounell, ~oy ~COUtSJEmrkley Wednesday. of Seattle manager since Nov1,/I A lum~ I Montesano 52 Tumwater 41 I .............. ..,
9o3. St. Martins o7, Yelm 44 I
of America, which serves Mason Count- shows that th The Community Hall was alive He first worked for the W C ]m 1 1"~ D ' "" I Raymond 71 Rochester 42 I FO}~ yOUh o ~ EEIHI-7~I'~I
Ctlb Scouts Bo- Scouts I ~ "-" " ~,' . "~JFriday night with the sounds of
• " , y . , a m ,:xplorers under its jurisdiction ] about 50 lively boys and girls who Dawson & Co., agent for the ,m:ilaKen earn I Elms 93 Widte Pass 78 J ~ ' t'~
display the American flag at their homes to show their an-|had come to the" Bachelor's 4-H erican-Hawaiian Steamship Co., J Charles A. James 84, a native] Eatonville 40 Winlock 36 -It • ~'~/t • '-- .........
..... . ~ sue ck 41 Tumwatcr 31
.... ~- party. Lots of fun, food and noise timore & Ohio Railroad then be- day m San Bernardino, Calif., J Seamount ] "~L/~/~~ (" "~-~'~]'~J-(
preclatl.on of.thmr hemtage. They work at living by their |were had by all. Chaperoning the and othm lines, later for the Bal of Gzand Mound, (lied last Sun- Ca Ro ' J i~m m ~. £ ~|]1) _~. -~-~ tJr~ t.~
Scout credo-Tthe Cub Scout Promise the Boy Scout Oath,'Fparty for the evening were Bev came di=trict frmght agent for where he had hved since 1947. [ Peninsula 59, Bethel 52 " ~ ' '
build JandsSandYilLyman'aB°nnletWfljliam ands landC rolHun er. American-Hawaiian when it open-| Brutal will be at2 p.m. today J Sumner 73, Fife 53 ' I ....r M :
y,aCtivities helPspiritto as a " ed its own Seattle offices in 1923.|in the family cemetery in Grandl Foster 84 White River 63 i ~~, ~., ~ ~,~ t.~ ! ~
practical means of enjoying and passing on our herita e Lar-nJeeting^°f,Sk°k°mish grange' Dater he was Northwest manager/Mound. J North Thurston 59, DuPont 56 ' ~~"
and maintain personal fitness of bod mind, and Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. is the regu- of Williams, Diamond & Co., ag-| Mr. James was the father ofi Foster 51, North Thurston 50 i ~iL
......... g " *~u-u,s ~-~ ........ "~'~ v--~r .... ent for the A-H Co. until that[Dave .lames of Seattle, a former| Bethel 69, DuPont 53 I
Jt zs also the rcsponszb# ty of every true Amer. I there will be a "cakc walk", thefirm retired from the intercoastal re#dent of Shelton a~d Union.[ Curtis 63, Fife 53 ~l~~l~
trade. Other survivors include his wife,[ Sumner 69 White River 47 I " -' ~.W~-.!l~ ~
ican ersonally to understand and maintain the proceeds .going to the Malrch of He was named Maritime Man I Ella Mac, and two other sons.I Sout:hwest J - - = ~;- ~~
r . ' ~ / ~imes. ~mo t~ep. t~narles ~avage
Amcmcan wa o life to honor it by his own : will be there to give us someof the Year by the Puget Sound ..... J Hoquiam 59, Olympia 54 | =
Y f . , _ ~x- . • Maritime Press Associationin .- WEATHER --, J Cbehalis 62, Celatralia 56 I -- - - ]niliJi~
cm lar ( ond s hzghhghts of the legmlature
p y "" uct, and to pa's "t intact to succeeding __ " 1964. J High Precip. ] Aberdeen 62, Morris 50 I = -=-!l~
gene ,a ions. ~ .... /.%....=.~.... He is survived by his wife, Ger- ] Feb. 3 .............. 44 . 35 .12 ] Kelso 45 Long 41 I - - -_ - _ ]~]~~
Our country::.i, can, be grateful to the Boy. Scouts oe rurmer., ~.~OUIIL.~/ trude', a son 3ohn in Portland;. and J Feb. 4= . 50 41 1.... 40 | Caress 8'0 Battlem'ound 77 I = _ - - --- _ i~~ ~~
a d~ughter Virginia in New York. Feb.a .............. 48 '31 1.10 ] ttudson's Bay 47, V.ancouver 41 [ ~~~ ~..~"~ ,~
America forthe character building, citizenship training, and Resident Dies In Funeral services were held Ties- Feb. 6 .............. 46 30 -- / Everm-een 54 Columbia River/ -- - = ~~~ ~~
physical fitness program that it provides for our youth. Port Angeles day. with cremation following. |Feb. 7 .............. 49 39 19 ' 44 ~' ' / ~~~~:, ~~.
All Afiaericans this week congratulate the five and a.. A former Mason~ County" "rein- II J'UU r0 u0inu 10 6,[.~ $0melhlng ] liR~
half I~il!ljon !Tnembers of the Boy Scouts of America on dent, Henry Ernest Hollatz, died ig Iillfflllll|
tnmr i y¢a half decades of service to boyhood Jan. 31 in Port Angeles at 51. Mr.
........ ~ ..... SHIFT IEA' I ,TT.~'~A~gnZ~..~ '--=--"Hollatz w&. born in Elma, Aug. ,. ike the Pure 0il P0rI0.rman.ce__..._ I
SW[IWG ' T....~--~ 16, 1913 alld was a res|dent of _ TPiRIR,
d " . - GT E HOUSEWIVE~ LEAGUE the Matlock area until after World
M' ms •': W LJ . W L War II, YOU m~ght aS weH~ do It to win / ~l/~
ix ." ..... . ................................ 42 26 [ Ball s Food Center ..,15 9 He was one o~ *~,,~ --;~-o~ ~'*,,
Pin" Belldefs 4 ....... " ~..'- "--e, ......... " •
.......................... 0 28 Hood Canal Marina 14 1 P1 / "
• ,~ ....... r.ro 9 o. .. [ ~. , ........... 0 insula , yv ood stockholders ]n
~masers .................................. a l 37 | Shelton Marine Supply ...... 13 ' 11until his death. He was a member y
t~em~oc~e,-s .......................... zu 39 Mell Chevrolet .................. 12 12 of the Independent ,Order of For- ,So we did, Class IV-WOnbyBuick Special. i '
woo, worms .......................... z~ 40 B & W Marina ................ 11 13 esters the Fraternal Order of Down at Daytona Beach, we gave everyone another look at Buick's "Win Po cy". J F01L
18H]gl~ game---Lewell Manning S.heltgn Union Service ...... 915 Eagles, Aerie 1440 of Elma, the A V-8 Buick Special won over stiff competition (sorry, boys!) in Class lV--in the I ilm ' tJz0z'
~'''e,"~i°'! ..... .,t~ .... ';"q .-_...C!).r~ ....... 1", ...... ~ ..... ~,.,. |l r °nm'e S igngame"........................... lan Tratnick;.... ~ 21916Nationalc~]vmnh~ sSkii pPatr°ltvn] System and 1965 Pure 0il Performance Trials. The winning Special was equipped with ] 13/4 Ib/:
=~, * * " " • v.,...r.... ._ka .....
IHigh sezues: Stella Howard 534. The funeralwas held in Port our300cubicinchWildcat310V-8andSuperTurbineTransmission, n FANCY
MERCIIANTS LEAGUE / Splits: Bonnie Slettedah]and Anzei'es Feb. 3 With burial in Shei-
IV I,J Betty Dean 4-5; Vera Bishop 6-7;toE'Memorial Park Remember thatthe drivers in the Performance Trials are skilled professionals, i SATIN HEARTS
Olympic Plywood ................ 14 2/Marlene Hill 5-7; Nancy Tobey Survivin¢, are h'ls wife Betty and the carsfine ytuned standard production mode s (If it can be sa d / $3.35 to $10.00
Prepp's Rexall Store .......... 13 36-7-10 ....... ~'*"~n--" ', _,2 ' " " " ' ........ '" "~"' ~:
that the Spec al s Standard anything.) Also remember that the J
~' .'. ,~ . .. .~ .~ " .r'lOllaLZ L~orL 2~ ~eles. one flal.lgll- , . . ...,,, ,..,./,,,.,.,, ,v ....
v'tlller wons[lqJetlorl...,u ~, --- ' t ' tr,als are an exhaust ng carefu ly graded test of a car's a /
.. . _2 ",', .........,, ,, . ~- ..................... tea', Mrs Rober cDaniels of Se-
SLewa,Z'L'S J~ooalincl" . ......... t U GItANGE LEAGUE .... ", - H ....;':% ....... s. ".-~'~.: , .... .~ ~g::;"::.>~:'::.::"!:~
• " ; ..... (" 10 • me' one so,,,mey r o,,a :z (,, around abd ty. n economy accelerahon and brak,ng Small J
t~alpzl s S01q,'e-L~ ) ~V I* -- .2. .. "S" " " "
. . . : . ; .... " ................. , ............ ~eatue;tnreesi. ters, 24rs. ~ucy wonoer the Spec'a came out on top. Handsome y / i
K 111t)eJ 6¢ vxTnlLCy',~ o ~u ,*~t~u,e 13 7 ri
...... , "' ............... .. , nSo,,q~,~a~ " ........................ . ~ ~ Swa.oson, Mrs. ~ lham Thompson .... }:~::" :!&t~:.a~:: ::~¢ ~.~*~:.: ::::" :" ':,';:,: ,.:.:,::::;;,~,,;;',',e~ :v~
'£i~l~bev 13owl .................... 19'..Z 25t2 ~V L Highx~;ay South, (lied Tuesday at .... "~~ ~'i'.'./:~.:~:.:~::'~:.~::~~ ....
Cook Plant Farm ....... 17 28 Shelton Rec,'eation ........ 13t,~2~,~ tbe h(n{m of he,' daughter, "Mrs. v.... \~~t ~~i2~ .... ~l-ubt
V.F.\V. Post ..................... 17 28 l{itllvr's Phflt Ladies ...... 13 3 Roy I{imbel. Mrs. Ferguson was \~ ~" ~ t~, ~.,.v
o" • " "* '• •
High =amt.s (.he,,e Cronqui.% I{amier Beer. ................... 12 4 bo, n Jn Mich,ga.n. 1)ec. 22, 1879 ~"- 2[;:b;X
121., l)~ivid.Gvttf]'c 16,). O]sell ];'llrnittlre .............. 10 6 and had hved nl Mason county
High series -'.C]wric Cronqmst Leml(e's Service .............. 5~ 10Th the last seven years, coming here VAL.~NTIN~'~ OAY i~ ~UNDAY
203, Dana .~,homps~m 285. Northwest Evergreen .... 3~ 121,.'- from Tacoma.
:': Boyscu Construction ...... 3 13
]CI{ATERNAL I,EA(;I~E Lu(d,y Lager .................. 3 13
~V ]. ttigh game- Doe Honey 198.
Moose Anl,ler:~ ................... 18 6 ] Hig'b series--Donna 'Coleman
Ftdh'r Construction .......... 15 9 498•
Li(ms Chib ............................ :14 10 Split picks--Willa Mills and
Shell;on H'~'t'rdware .............. 13 1 I. Alice Longacrc 5-10, Mary Helen
Lagle.~ Aerie ................... 1{} 1,]Anderson 5-7, Marlcs Monger 3-7-
- , 9 ~;
Bull Moos( .......................... 1, 10.
Rol.ary Club ...................... 9 15 ..................................
Kiwanis Club .................. 8 16 Fatigue can be fatal. Stop for
High gamc-.-.Lionel Leman 212 that coffee break often on a long
High serles-~-L. L. :Mclnellytrip, warns the State Safety Coun-
{~t&O, = .... . ....... oil.
A pt'ivate funeral service will
be held at, 1 p.m. Friday in the
13atstone Funeral Home x~'ith Rev.
~Iorace Mounts officiating. Cre-
malior, will fol]ow m
.Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Roy J. Kimbel, Sbelton, and
Mrs. E(lgar Osterl)erg, Shelton;
olle son, Kenneth M. Ferguson of
Tacoma; two sisters, Mrs. Helen
Brookwaltev of Lonff Beach, Calif.,
and Mrs. D. L. Fritz of Tonepau,
NeT. ; four grandchildren and
eight great-grandchildren.
i ii iil'i __
ver ree.