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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 11, 1965
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February 11, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY" JOURNAL- Published in "Christrnastown, U.B.A.', Shelton, Man Observes gathered at Ilm lmm(~ to hell) hin) tiim, S.nday , ~-~v, coffee and visiting [1 ]l'Own, Henry Bi'clnln(l, S_Clarence Wivell, Mr. Jaines Waldrip and Mls. Sarah Butts and Taylor. nnd Mrs. Herbert Nelson "~' guests at the home ant Mrs. Mohney of Me; Sat irday. In the even ~, attended the McCleary to watch the splendid drill as the Mason County Drill n the first and second Lding a birthday dinner on home of Mr. and ~I', Were 1Yl:r. ra Stansbury Mr. aud Taylor and "son Edwin. guest was Ira Stansbury. Mrs. Jerome Burke too- Angeles Sunday to Wiiliamson and Holsten. Tile Burkes a side trip to Hur- to view the skiers pictures of the magnifi- .~r guests at the home of Taylor Sunday were Justin Taylor and Paul and Janet. nday were Mrs. Skokomish Val- or Olympia and James Waldrip of Mr. and l~{rs. attended an open and Mrs. Albert their 60th and Mr. and celebrating Birthday With ti~eir 40Ih wedd rig anniversary at Feb. 14 there will be a birthday Li!Alcrocl~: Grange Hall. potluck at 2 p.m. h lr. and ]~z21"s. O. I~.. Taylor had A ISABY S|IOWEI{ was given aa their dinner guests on Sunday, for Mrs. Harold Ford by Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Orville Myrand and Earl Bradley, at the parso{]age of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor with the Kamilche Community church sons Mark and Ben. Thursday. Attending were Murine THI,~RIi: IIILL BE potluck din- Johnson, Mrs. Clifton Barnes, ner at Progress Grange Hall Feb.Myrtle Robertson. Martha Koenig 12, at 6:30 p.m. of Nisqually, Verna Ellison and The Bruce Nelsons visited at daughter l~arilyn, Virginia Sigo the home of the tlerb Nelsons and daughters, Jeannie, Rebecca, Smlday evening, and Karien, Marl Dycus, Ruby Mr. and Mrs. ilarry Simmons \Vest, Mrs. Annie Whitener, Elaine and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black- Whitener, Eethel Whitener and welder enjoyed a leisurely ride to Mary Lopeman. Centralia and dining out on Sun-Dinner guests Sunday at Mr. day afternoon, and Mrs. Chester Marshalls was Wednesday Harry R. Wile~ Mrs. Marshall's sister and huband, made a business trip to Seattle.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bush of Enum- We are glad to hear that Fran- claw. ces Allen came home Saturday Working on the dance commit- from the hospital and is doing tee Saturday at Progress Grange nicely. Today is Skookun] Bay Ladies Club at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. K. N. Anthony. At Olympia Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Samples joined NIr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor for dinner at the Oyster House. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Otto made a business trip to Tacoma Satur- day. Mark Craddick returned from San Francisco Friday. Saturday evening the Ed John- sons of Olympia were dinner !guests at the home of the Harry !Simmons. Mrs. Eugene Taylor motored to Spanaway to visit at the home of Mrs. James Putvin. The Putvins have built a new home at Span- away to enjoy our Washington winters. In the summer they make their home in Dillingham, Alaska. At Kamilche Community chul~ch NEW CONSTRuCTIoN -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON County Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING Hall were the Eldon Todds, Cecil Blackwelders and Harry Simmorm. Mr. and Mrs. John Hulet and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petty visited at the home of the Edwin Pettys Monday. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Tay- lor went to Seattle to visit Mre. Ester Rheinsdoff and report she is making progress in her recov- ery from a heart attack. Dining at the home of the Ed Taylors Saturday, were the Ira Stansburys and Mrs. Florence Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lord re- ceived word that their son, Byron Lloyd Lord Q.M.C. made port at Point Loma, Calif., Feb. 6 after making a cruise since the first of August to such interesting pla- ces as Viet-Nam, Okinawa, Ton- kin Bay and Subic Bay. Friday the Martin Ottos visited at the home of the Alfred Ottos of Littlerock. Mr. and Mrs. Mem Lambert had Mrs. Lambert's sister-in-law, Jo- anne Lee of Anchorage as a guest in their home for a few days. The space age has arrived in Kamilche. Tom Wilkerson of Yak- ima landed his helicopter in Chet Marshall's back yard and stopped for a cup of coffee and a short visit. Mrs. Harold Ford had as her guest Saturday Mrs. Clifford Van- der Wal. Mrs. Sarah James of Tacoma visited at the home of Mrs. Annie Whitener and also Mrs. Ethel Whitener on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hem.w Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Henrick- sen drove to Mountlake Terrace Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rogers. Friends of Roland Simmons who attended the grand opening of "Flowers by Roland" in Lacey on Saturday Were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Simmons, Mrs. Frances Sim- mons, Rev. and Mrs. Earl Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty. Thursday evening the Ira Stans- burys and Ed Taylors enjoyed an evening of playing cards at the Cecil Blackwelders. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pender- graft were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ait- ken on Wednesday. ,. MONDAY, Mlt. AND MRS. Harold Ford and daughter left to make their home in Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Otto were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Huskey of Olympia Sunday. Kamilche Valley School's Bas- ketball team lost its game with Mary M. Knight Friday 27-24. Saturday the first team beat Brin- non 31-30. The second team lost 18-8. Next game will be Thurs- day at 1 p.m. at Kamilche school with Belfair. The carpenters have completed the installation of the acoustical tile in Mr. Keller's room and in Mr. Whitener's room at the school. Mr. Keller stated there was an immense difference in the sound and lighting. The movie "Man in Flight" nar- rated by Walt Disney was shown to the entire student body last week at school. Mr. Whitener is the advisor of the school paper, which is pub- lished tlu~ee times a year. The second edition came out Monday. Larry Swantak and James Kelly are doing exceptional work on slides with the school's new mic- roscope. Card Party Winners Announced By Eagles High score for men at the Eagle AuXiliary card party January 28 went to Phil Anderson with Ar- nold Livingston taking second place, Lucitle Speece was high for the women; ,Pearl Bina came in second.. , ' ,, Traveling pinochle went to Dor- othy Eads and A~'nold Livingston. Phil Anderson and Mary Needham held 1500 trump. The next card party will be held this S~turday night aL 8 p,m. in the airport hall. .__.a._......-__ )ml | Biscussion On Oyster Cooking By Mary l~unsgnrd HARSTINE .....This is gloomy Sunday. All signs failed. That looked like a dry, new moon. A dry moon is one on which you can hang your powder horn and it will stay dry from the drip off the end of the crescent. The ground hog did not see his shadow so he is supposed to be covorting around here someplace. If he is, he must be sorry. Even the wea- therman was wrong. Oh, well, with crocus blooming in the garden there is hope. Did you know that this is Na- tional Electricity Week? Did you know that one out of every 20 workers is an electrical worker? So be happy with each little kil- owatt racing through your meter. For this week, at least. • The Harstine Island Women's Club met at the home of Mrs. Jim McAu'liffe on Feb. 4. It was the first time some of us had seen the McAuliffes home since it was completed, and it is beau- interesting fact we learned is that oysters are not a .rich food. Con- trary to the belief of most peo- ple. Unit for unit, oysters have a much lower calorie content than :either milk or meat, and are very high in Protein and Calcium. So go ahead and eat lots of oysters. Eat them smoked, pickled, pan fried, oven fried, marinated and broiled, and in an omlet. It helps if you like oysters, too! • MR. AND MRS. CItARLES A1- ilison seem to be having a fine time in Hawaii. Here is a quote from Llz's letter. "It's good here with swimming every day, Charles off the chain saw and in the salt Water. Today we had the use of a car and went to the pineapple and sugar cane fields, a beautiful sight. Also, I re-visited Schofield Barracks and a number of other places including Pearl Harbor. Quite a change since 30 years ago when I was here. Seeing old friends and getting around in Ho- nolulu. ',Monday we go to Maul to stay with the Ed Stevens of the Coun- try store at Lakewood Center, Ta- coma. Then return to Honolulu I for a few clays and fly home. Ship coming over was divine, but too expensive and complicated to re- turn by ship, so must fly home. Our son Charles was here for 24 hours, came in on the "Ellen Foss" towing a bunch of lumber. We hadn't seen him since last summer, so that was a treat to have him here. Mrs. Gene Seward went to Olympia last week to a party giv- en by Thora's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ribard Seward, to celebrate the birthday of Thora's sister, Mrs. Toge McQuillan of Tacoma. Lewis T. Williams is at sea again. He is due to arrive on the east coast on Feb. 18 aboard the Rachael V, of the Oceanic Cargo Association. At the Women's Club meeting, Mrs. Jim McAuliffe showed us a 12 foot letter they had received from their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Michael MeAuliffe as you will recall, Michael was mar- tied the day after Christmas in Califol~ia. The McAuliffe seniors had received no word from the newlyweds since the wedding. The extra long letter was in response to a request from Ella for some news. The letter an~ved wrapped around their hometown paper, which gave an account of the wedding. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beyel~, last Saturday and Sunday, were the sister of Mrs. Beyers, Mrs. Mannis Gerlitz, and her son Richard. Mlt. AND MRS. Alfred SchenkI of Seqiu spent the weekend with Mr. snd Mrs. John Burial. We have had people arrive at our beach home in almost any- :thing that will float, including a canoe and a seaplane, but this is the first time anyone has come. in a kyak, dressed in a rubber suit. Ralph Jackson of Seattle, left his car at the ferry landing, and paddled over to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ntis Baunsgard. Don't forget the meeting of the Social Club Feb. 12. This is an important meeting, as there will be tile election of officers for the coming year. So plan to come and vote for your choice. We are very happy to report that Gordon Simmons is home once 'again from the hospital and feeling quite well also. Raymond PAGE 7 McCulloch expects to come back to the Ishmd this week. MR. AND MRS. AL Pridham attended the annual .indoor picnic sponsored by the "Dick Week's Personal Choice" program from Radio station K.T.A.C. More than $250 people gathered at the South Tacoma Comnmnity Hall for a potluck dinner ou Sunday, Feb. HILLCREST HOMEMAKERS The Hillcrest Homemakers Club will meet next Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the home of Mrs. Darrell Sparks with a noon potluck hmch- con following. Twelve members ~tied two quilts at the last meet- inK. an nnnual bus tour of Seattle to view the best out-door ChristnTas 7. There was entertaiument by decorations. the Puyallup Junior Eagles club ............................................................... There is always a craft and hob- by display by the membership. From Monica's description it must be like a county fair. This seems like a good organi- zation for people who want a new interest, and like to have things planned for them. This year there are plans to go to Victoria to visit the Buchart Gardens, to We- natchee to the Apple Blossom Festival, and to Portland for the Rose Parade. They have taken trips, as a group to Hawaii and Mexico. Everything is scheduled and reserved for you at very rea- sonable rates. There is an annual clam bake at Port Defiance, and Mt. Moriah Lodge F. & A. M. No. 11 SAT., FEB. 13 Stated Communications Lodge Opens 8 p.m. Lout 0. Larson, V/.M. Arnold I.~ Cheney, Secretary on the following Lowrey Organs Lowrey--Linooln Model Deluxe ¢ ¢ • Spinet Piano,,,,,,,., $425 Brentwood Model, , , . . . . $925 Remember---We are open Monday and Friday Evenings Till 8:30 205 Cots 426-4302 Red Tags That Are T6,YOU his. is One Of Our Biggest Of The Year For Hrs. - Pete Melin Manager Appl. Dept. m Up to 12-pound heavy fabric loads-truly cleant ,Z •Famous Filter- Flo Washing System •3 Wash Cycles • 3 Wash and 2 Rinse Temperature• • Soak Cycle • Water Saver Load Selection • Unbalanee Load Control • Safety Lid Switch • Porce- lain enamel top. ~asket and tub, RED TAG SPECIAL w/t M 3 Heat,-- Timed To 140 Minutes-- Lint Trap In Front Easy To Empty Automatic or Timed-- Magnetic Door Latch Front Lint Trap M 4 Burners Removable Oven Door Full Timer With Clock King Size Oven w/Auto. Timer Full Width Storage Drawer Compare at Only M RED TAG SPECIAL RED TAG SPECIAL gd R ED TAG SPECIAL with trade Sd with trade Copper or White Biggest Washer Value ... actually two washers in one! with a NEW MINI-BASKET" ~~~,:,~.~.. -,.~-=~ . Mini-Basket for W~sha]du :~.~ that you nev.r dated • ~.%~ , machine.wash 5eforet ~ NN~:arge basket for opts ~~'~k. ~,.N 12-pound capacity I~~. 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OPENER & KNIFE SHARPENER ........................ i ....... $17.95 You Can't Beat "A MILLER'S DEAL" Ahvays Shop Miller's First,--Buy At Home Faciory Trained Service Department Free Delivery-. Full Warranty Buy In Carload Lots--Better Savings To You. Buy In Shellon As Low Priced Anywhere