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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 11, 1965
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February 11, 1965 BEELTON--MASON COUNTY .TOURNATJ-- Pub]is ied in ctChr stmastown, U.g.A.", ghelton, Washington PAGE 9 ii i ii llll i i i I I i all Hansen Outlines Procedure For n Bills As They Reach Congress IIANSEN Representalive presentation of the budget, Congress e. All committees ira- hearings and begins to examine I have dis- not even our new understood the dif- what we call the committees and the )recess, I am going committees are programs and e of funds amounts. These category of subjects space, education, agriculture, for.. Whole spectrum Some authorize- year by items and pro- those of public Often these Yet lie for years m spent. authorizatio~ are made. processes are legislative core- d pro- and eparLmen- Public bills, then care- needs-~nationally --- determines outer limits for the reports their Rules Corn- that body a rule for floor time of de- not a bill will be mL (the opep ~amendment sometimes un- as the "gag" and ]Vfeans pass or fail for U.S. tax NO STAMP message re- will repro. type faces. photos in true laws are so intricate and delicate that with 435 Members desiring to amen~ a 1)ill to reflect wishes of constituents, pressure, etc., the entire COml/lex revenue and tax- alien system couhl be overturned in a matter of moments. Debate could be uever-en(ling and the bill would end undoubtedly with re- committal to the connnittce, per- traps never again to see the light of day. TIlE SENATE, of course, al- ways has tim open rule due to its smaller membership and due to the fact that any amendments placed on a tax bill must come back to the House of Representa- tives and either be ,adopted, re- jected, or go to conference for settlement of differences. The Con- stitution of the Uuited States gives the House and only the House the right to raise revenue. It is the tax body of the United States. The appropriations committee b~gins its examination, review, and hearings on the Presidential budget immediately upon the pre- sentation of that budget. For ex- ample, this week secretary Dillon and budget director Kermit Gor- don appeared before the full com- mittee for .a summation and re- view of this budget in relation to revenue, with the session open to questions from the full committee. Tiffs is a departure from Chair- man Cannon's process and a heal- thy one. Any budget should be summarized in full before sub- committees go their ways With pieces of that budget. A subcom- mittee cannot work intelligently unless there is all understanding of the entire financial picture. Subcommittees then begin the process of reviewing item by item the departmental budget which is their responsibility. This is not cursory, but a study in depth of government spending, programs, details of administra- tion, management of a depart- ment's far-flung activities, always bearing in mind limitations of au- thorizing legislation. For exam- ple, if a national park has been designated by the legislative In- terior Committee the sum of $2 million to develop that park, the Appropriations Committee is lim- ited by this authorization or by subsequent amendatory committee authorizations. FOLLOWING THE subcommit- tee's complete review, there is the day known as "mark-up" when the subcommittee reviews requests makes its own appraisal of those requests as related to urgency or necessity, and cuts or increases budgetary figures. This subcom- mittee's report then is made to the~ full committee. Usually only ~a ~ew i~ems are challenged by any Member of the full commit- tee, for the subcommittee is rec- ognized as the knowledgeable group in a given field. The bill goes to the full committee where the chairman requests the hours of debate desired. Some take only OR, ONE OF TEN dUST DRAW YOUR DREAM HOME ~4ell ~n_~ ,. • it iul Contest m open to Northwest resl- 4¢atSl8yearsofageorolder.,Eas to n to l m,l .- y e terl Nothing t tles J v ail. the coupon below for your contest and entry forms. (Contest closes April 30.) • % esthn -- blouses...That's Our BuMnessl _ ate the cost ofbuildlng our own des" a yottr lot. - _ Y Ig aVailaF . Caoose from more than two dozen ble plans (each o " • • • IfY°u Wish ,..^,. ffermg unllmzted varmtions). Clal arran;; "v even make all the necessary iinan- 2 ayrnent g ment . In many cases, your lot is down MAIL TODAY ("Ira ,} Pz .a Im II II iI im i II Sand DRAW YOUR DREAM HOUSE contest rules and entry I Narne Addre. (,) I have, OrWlll ha booklot of eam.l.Ve- Ctaar d.~d to a lot, on llke your 42-pagl ' ' . " ~' .Ouse plans and pricesd would ER and [] quality HOMES ESsex 3-5001 mm mm mm rams an hollr, some four hours. Am- eudmenLs may be offered and points of order are nsltally made upon wordinK which would change an appropriation bill from that of pure appropriations to a lcgislil- rive directive. This is a singularly sensitive aYea, for many people who caunot get :t bill passed in a legislative committee attempt, tlu'ough the device of amendment, tu use the appropriation bi.ll as a legislative directive. times in these amendments of- fered, there are impediments lip- on proper Executive power, par- Licularly ill Ihe field of foreign af- fairs. An amendment may be pop* mar and difficult to vote against, but tile long queslion one asks alw.tys is what does this do t0 the United States and to the Exec- u{ivc's at)lilLy in handling his dip- h)macy. I have the privilege of serving Also, ninny on the Interior Subcommittee and its activities range from far-off Samoa aud the Trust Territories to forest programs for the entire United States. During hearings it is my duty to understand the pro- grams, then ask tllc questions wtlich will ;tevelop the answers necessary for tile entire House of Representatives and Senate t.o ev- ahmte, and to suggest improve- ments through tile use of approp- riated flmds. A SMALL example of this pro- ross is illustrated in the ease of trust you will come to Samoa and March 4th of this year the Ap- Northwest shakes and shingles. Din'inK the hearings two years ago when Governor Lee of Samoa ap- peared, that Territory was in lhe l)roe.ess of begimlin,,~' a building program l: asked if tile), bad con- sidered usiug' Northwest shakes and shin~les, li'ollowing Ilmt time their u.~;e l)cK:tn and tim other day at a receptiou in Secretary Udall's office for the govertlors of our territories, Governor Lee said, "I see your Northwest shakes and shingles in use. I also trust you will an opportunity to visit the educational television program which may well become a pattern for 1.he United States and perhaps tbe w,)]ht." lte continued by add-. in/~ thai lilts excilinK and useful t)]'og'ram lind been made possible by the thouglltful work of our sub- mittce. One historical footnote---on propriations Conmfittee will be one-hundred years old. Iu earlier Congresses it had been co-mingled with \Vays and Means, but as the nation's work grew the necessity came for a division of power. Chairman Mahon in addressing the full commi'tLee this week in its organization meeting said, "I trust we will make this hundreth anniversary a year for pride in our abilities." !:i!~: ~:~ :~.i~: " ,~ ! ~:'!;: ii:~;~ ~ ~:' i " I'~'F i i ~i~'"i'illI ,: ,,ii~' ~:5:;/ Semi-Boneless < < < < < < < < < Shoulder I Butt Out < Ib Fresh Wash. Grown * Drumsticks * Thighs Ib * Breasts Wings ................................................ 29¢ Necks & Backs ...................... lb. 10¢ Gizzards .......................................... 39¢ Fryer Livers ............................ Blade Cut Pork Steaks .................... ,b. 49¢ Pure ,Pork.Country Style Sausage ............................ ,b. U:S. Choice Round Bone Cut Chuck Roasts ................ ,.. 49¢ Milwaukee Skinless Wieners 2 $1 .................. pkgs. Milwaukee All Beef Skinless Wieners .................. U.S. Choice Cross Rib Roasts .................................... ,b. 69¢ e o SHOULDER PICNIC CUT Only "Quarter Roast" U.S.D.A. Inspected 4 to 5 lb. Aver. Blade or 7-Bone Cut ib GROUND BEEF Iba 33c Ib U.S.D.A. Choice Beef lb ENTER STANDBY CARTOON CONTEST 1055 Wonderful Prizes FIRST PRIZE Free groceries for 1 year. Up to $25.00 every week for 52 weeks! SECOND PRIZES Free groceries for 6 months. Up to $25.00 every week for 26 weeks! 52 THIRD PRIZES A week's supply of groceries free! Spend up to $25.00. 1000 ADDITIONAL PRIZES 2~'b. can of STANDBY Coffee. GET ENTRY BLANK FROM YOUR FRIENDLY TRADEWELL STORE. Strawberry Preserves 4o oz 79* .......................... Tin Pine.Grapefruit Drink 4,6 s1 ................ Tins Deluxe Purple Plums 4 2y, $1 .............. Tins Sliced Yellow Oling Peaches 2- i s $1 Creamed Corn 7 S l . ...................................... Tins Whole Kernel Corn 7 $1 .................... Tins Out or Sliced Green Beans . Sieve 5 Tins J. Sweet Peas ~ S,evo 5 ~o~ $1 .............................. Tins EVAPORATED Tradewell No. 1 Tin SNOWD iFT Tradewell Shortening 3 lb. tin 57¢ TOMATe (Chicken Noodle, Cream of Mushroom, Veg. Beef 6/$1) 3 lb. Tin Heinz No, 1 Tin ,Pacific Sta-Crisp Salted lb. pkg. I Standby 46 oz. Tins .Prices ef~.ective thru Sat., Feb. 13, 1965. No sale to dealers. Reserve RIvjht to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer. 14 OZ. 13L!,