February 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 11, 1965 |
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l ebruary 11, 1965 SFI"ELTON---MA 0N COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Ch.r stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton Washington PAGE 11
-~ , r
:ii i!!¸¸
...... i:!ii ill i ......
i!! iii ! i
Revitalized Blazers
Host Ye,owjackets
In Shelton Gym Today
Miller . ....................... L pf pa
474 289
Hopkins .................... 8 2 307 255
Centralia ................... 6 3 336 320
Washington .............. 4 5 275 33!
Hoquiam .................... 4 5 382 315
Shelton ...................... 1 8 274 375
Second and Cota
@ Where You Get The Best Deal, By George @
Scout Week Feb. 7-13
ira Rodgers 0, Bob Hilton 2,
Swett 5.
Le Roy Scouts of America offer a outh CATHOLIC 45--Jeff Kieburtz
°PPortuni ' Y Bill Kneeland 1, Barry Laber
. ty to develop God iven tal- George Wagner 10, Chuck Rob-
: . bdlhes. Exploring many fields tso,~ 2, RiCh Wyatt 2, John Dick-
inson 2, Ron LeBresh 3, Rich Bur-
interest, a Scout grows in, knowledge fiend 10,Roy Ritnerr¢~ 6, Larry Bell
experience In so doin , he 4.
METHODIST I124---Ray Bar-
elf . • g keeps rtngton 3, Bob Bryant 7, Jim Ben-
Physically strong, mentally awake nett 0, Don Stewart 1, Collin O~r
arid raorally straight. -- 3,SchuffenhauerDan Barrom0.8, Mike Carper 2,
LDS 44--Roy Sage 2, Ron Al-
' len 21, Dave Sage 1, Don Wag-
goner 4, Bob Masteller 10, Bruce
Pearson 0, Dan David . BAP-
TIST 138--Bill Archer 26, Jim
Stewart 0, Dave Roller 2, Larry
Dick 0, Dick Creasey 0, Randy
Yule 0, John Cole 2, Ted Beese 10.
BAPTIST I140--Steve Archer
9, Mare Burnett 6, Fred Lamont
14, Ed Beerbower 2, Tom Adams
5, Steve Townsend 4. EPISCO-
PAL 30--Joe Linton 6, L. Dyer 2,
Rick Hanson 2, T. Dyer 2, Bill
Batstone 6, Grey Souliere 12,
&YLOR, Secretary JERRY SAMPLES, manage
METHODIST 153---Tom Lowe
15, Bob Bennett 6, Jack Bryant l ~ [
2, Steve Clinton 8, Jim Richards
16, Dave Miltenberger 4, Joe Gru- Twin or
vet 2. MT. OLIVE 23---Rich Mac- Full Size
key 6, Jim Sells 6, Bill Surratt
Fagergren 0, Tim Rose
at Eells & Valley
Phone 426-4663
Complete Set.
Matlress and
Malohing Boxspring.
23The scoring:
a 38-44 decision to the Latter Day
Saints, whose ann Allen scored
In other games, St. Edwards
Catholic rapped Methodist II, 45°
24, anff Baptist II kept St. Davids
Episcopal out of tIae victory col-
umn with a 40-30 verdict. Fred
Lamont scored 14 for Baptist II
~and Grey Souliere 12 for EpisCo-
Teams scheduled to play in the
Mt. View gym on Feb. 25 are not-
flied they will have changes in
both site and date: to Bordeaux
school gym and to Tuesday, Feb.
Jefferson .................. 1 8 269 418
Last: Week ,
Centralia 51, Hoqniam 48
: :i: :~:: : Hopkins 43, Jefferson 28
,~\=~ Centralia 43, Hopkins 23 ' ' Pants
~ ~ Hoquiam 55 Jefferson 21 b"
:: } ~ :i;:~ ~!~!~i . Today " 7,
I Centralia at Shelton Day s
~ Friday " Never needs
, .... Fi~?~: • * * =
N 1~! Washington at Jefferson ' Ironinn
~;~:~ [~,}'.~;~ Armed with the tonic of perpet- ~ 50% Forrel
~ ~;~ ~ rating the end of Miller's 33-game Polyes~:er
I~! winning skein, the Shelton Blaz- 50% 'C,~t{on
~it ere rettlrn to junior high basket-
:::! all ac io, today hosting tho
Centralia Yellowjackets in Shel- , '"
~;:: ton gym at 2:00 o'clock. , ......
:~:~"_i~ In their previous encounter ~ ith .
asketball players stretched from one form3 when Shelton junior high holds its annual the 'Jackets, the Blazers dropped Colors--Tan, Brown~
e gym to the other when they stoodnight basketball game on February 19 in Shelton an overtime decision at Centralia, Dk Olive
~er. They will wear Blazer unt- gym. Jefferson of Oiympla is tile opponent• so feel confident of squaring ac- , '
counts today. This will ,take a .~. .....
good performance for the Jackets . W~.~' " .
IIOItTH IA'SON SPORTS NEWS ~ve been playing fine ball and "~ ~lW
STRING SNIPPERS---These six players (TomMiller junior high (Aberdeen) on Feb. 2. They have moved into third place in the ' "
D0:YOU KEEP Malloy 10, Mike Swisher 16, Jerry Sparks 12, Jan will be in the lineup again when the Blazers p ay standings. *
The Blazers can't be looking ............. _.~_.~ ~
_qG THE B__/),Lk [ Bulldogs Muff Chance To Escape Cellar As 44)D°naldS°nplayed30'theChriSentireClOSegame34' andwhenMikethe LaMarShshelton juniorJeffers°nhighin nightShelt°ngame.gym" Feb. 19 in the annual past Centralia to their annual ~,=~,=m,~'~ ~ .w~
)0 HEAVY p [ OL~pxcF°rks ComesA Up With Third Quarter Edge Blazers ended the 33-game winning streak of night game next week, when Jet-~ '~j~~' ' |
......... ferson he'ads for Sherton gym for | ~ ~ |
llimber Title H0pe$ Ifi 3 Big G Co iv that Friday evening benefit game_~__ | ~~'~ |
'.~ ~ [ W L pf pa Forks45pau16 f N. Mason 42Miller 25 on Feb. 19. I/#1~1
................ o oo w. ames nl Ill
~, ~..fi.-"~1 [ Vashon ...................... 5 2 458 370 Medsker f Dlshon 6 ~R1 g"--'l--I '~m~. :'~
~'./"~' .~ 'Port Townsend ...... 43 340 329 Petersonll c Allen4 |pl II t 5 Days; So E IT V" "t Sh It Gy
~" \W.]~ ,Forks ........................ 24271280 Brower7 g Drake g ex U , as 0 ISl :e 0n m
~. ~ /~ ~'| ~i [ Sequim ...................... 1 5264383 Perry 6 g , Merrill 5
~7"~ "~A-~,,. ' ~ ]lN°rth Mason ............ ~"'~628536~Subs:F~rks.wen~w~rth9~LY~V£PIC~ABASKETBALL.ahead~fShe~t~'Eas~andP~rt~dtheC~imbers~w~rseth~maForksJohnson 6 NM--Hunt12 10132' 10---45 . ff~ ~] TIES/- I.
~-~ ~ \] - " ~-~[ [ Last 1~ .... ~ • ~V L pf pa [ Angeles at 4-2 marks. Port Ange- ] standoff, possibly in part due to ! i
• ~ore by Quarters
I I I Balnh dge 40. ort Townsend ................
South Kitsap ............ 5 1376328 [ lee and South are paired Satur- [ the fact that Doherty used his
/ ~ | I I 36 luorm mason ±o ~a v sv----az SHELTON ................ 4 2344292 [ day while Shelton is at Central ] bench generously. Whatever thei
Forks 45, North MaSOn 42 ---:.:---" E. Bremerton . ......... 42365344 [ East has a non-conference test [ cause, the Climbers looked a bit I ~X,~_~
]. ~ [ [ I Vashon 93, Sequ m 47 w~.,-- ~ .... *u ~ason 34 Port Angeles ............ 42355335 [ with West Bremerton tomorrow[ ragged, i •
itsap ........ and is idle Saturday. owell came out with scoring an.
t} [ ~ ~ ~ [ South Kitsap 56, Port Townsend ~ North Kits ap :..~.,:_ 0 6302397 IF THE CLIMBERS can make]honors at 19, supported by Brick-
/ .:~"( ~ ~ [ Bainbridge 49, Po~ Angeles 42 MgTiiN"~T I ..... e:~. ~:r.ta.ay [hay under their home-floor sun[ert's 13. The lineups:
~ae!r.on ~',..~o~a 4,.__ ,Friday and Tuesday and get by,~ . " RwINNI'N6 CARSI@~~"~~'~'"~J
~.:.__~_~ ll~ [ Quilcene 59, Forks 48 |||~m~||V~|~/ | ~'or~ Angems ~a, l~ast as I the road trio a~ainst Central they[ Sheldon 57 North 44
~"f~"~ ~ / Vashon 65, Chimacum 60 South 69, Cen~al..59 [could place'themselves in a com~-[ Swisher 2f Wilcox 2
~J. "~ ~ [ This Friday ~~[~ I~lT]] p 'rms ~rtaay {mandin~ nosition to win the[P°welll9 f J. Mandio6
North Mason at Sequim mPuN.~ il|k£ sout atShelton lleague ~itlc, as their only remaln-[Brickert13 c Morley!0
l Forks at Port Townsend |.~mnm.V = wes~ a~ ~as~_ . ling conference game then would/Huffman4 g Eliason9 TU
~. [ Vashon at Bainbridge ~n~T~ na~KETBALL Lf~ ~or~n at t~orLAngems I be against Port Angeles, that too / t~euey g Stadshaug b
This maturday ~ h 1 o S
'l~rv ~ [ Thla Saturday ............. uu L "~'~'--~ _ .... ".._ . ]'n S e t n gym Feb. 20. [ ~ubs: Shclton--~Winn 8, Dawson
.~ -.u== ] Sequlm at Quilcene (nl) ........... "~. . ~,~...~ HER, AAA TRAFFIC 409 Railroad 426-6432
.... ks ~t T ........ ;_,, ~wecnoms~ z ............ u u oau ~c~z SAFETY POSTER CONTEST • .
~o, . .-or n ,.e2 I the Climbers nmst play better ball l 2, MilleT" 2, Bailey. NK--Riehl 3. !
~]~__ [ Cathohe .................... 4 1258144 ~n_eiton at we ntrat .- I To accomplish this, however,[ 3, Fredson 2, McNeil 2, Wilson l
1~,,,, ----------- Bapti.t II ...... 41281221 ............. • ~.
K BELFAIR -- Gary Miller did • " ......... 22
tiff ~n~t nf Nh~ltem " ' [than they have the past couple of ~Dc~a.r 2, Smith 2, Tout 2, B. Man-I ....................................... ~,
....... "~--~T~'" . [weeks, during which they looked [ din 2, Erickson 0, Murphy 0. ! . .~
• his level best to bring NOl~:h lVta-ML Olive ............ 32 221 170---..~-...-~..M~I~ ,~. h~.nl~ ~ ....... ........ ,o .... a~.........~ ....... a[lethar, gic and tired while losing to|. . . Score by Quarters WEEK END SPECIALS
L [son its second Olympic A league Faith Lutheran .......... 23216238
• " East and West and winning umm- . ~- •
B~I==,=_ [basketball victory Friday night at l.atter Da,~ SailOrs .... " 3227246 m front of Highcltmber basketball[ " 1 "'o ..... [Shelton ............ 16141116--o7 :m
pzesmvey ove~ ~ ztn mm '~um nth 44
|~|~]~ ~m~ [Forks but even his 25-point con- ~ T ~ "" ~ 41a527.~ forces between tomorrow and next] ",~ -. " ." ,. . ~[ N(' - ........... 6 9 13 16 ....
~J'U~]~[ ~m~ [ tribution couldn't quite turn the F~'~t'-~.h~'i£ti~ .......... 1 4 i6i 253 ........ n~ .... a .... a---b'¢d~t .... Iwater'in bearing'me Cenhalraz°r'eageandUmYpmtn°neUAn / . * * *
-.--~m,. ................... Within those five days Coach[ . . • " . .. -.: ; "IOTIIER LEAGUE GAMES Crest Prell .... |
.' . ~ Ir'rmK'" ....... Episcopal .................. 0 5147275 , • - " gems ann even m tne loss ~o
l~l~..-. I l~'orKs gog petter an-lineup scor- Last W,~k Jim Dohertys daring cagers play] ~ 77 .... e n~cess~- before| SOUTH 69 -Leith 17 Rylander
n[lillw ~.L_ _ I ing and squeezed out a 45-42 vie- L D.S. 44, Baptist 138 three games which can settle their ] ~oum: wm ~. : ~ . 2a "y.__ :~._'.2[ 6, McOready 3 Knox 19 I~enoyer Toothpaste Shmnpoo I
O|vm~'ie lea~,e hoo-hash The/ l:nls t;lara ot Lne c( mmg ~lve ottyn/1~ ~ .~.' •-' %. ." ~' .Z:. r.~
b uu-ougn tory on i:he basis of a 4-point Baptist II 40, Episcopal 30 ~ v . t.- v " • / ..... ~. ....... f,,,,~. | ,o, ~tomne u, t:oat:es ~, ~mgnng reg...89¢ reg. $1.00 |
• R1J; .~ ]bulge in third quarter firing. 1st Christian 47, Faith 37 omens .are favorable, with one/ ..................... | 0, Anderson 0, Eisentront 0. dEN: |
" ~ [ Miller led North Mason to a Catholic 45, Methodist I124 big IF--if the Climbers call rise[ * .~ * ..... '| TRAL 59--I(e, ndall 2, Toiler 11, now 57¢ :: 2 now 7 1'
Z ' i 23-22 first half adge (from a 12-10 Methodist I 53, Mt. Olive 23 again to the sharpness which[...Shelton, snOUl~ere~r .~Y _~ortn| Plum 10, Co11)y ]0, Jacobs 22,
marked their performances during[ t~ztsap, .at t OlllSDO .1 rm,!}y.n~.n~| Thompson 0, Collier 2, Mnrphy 0, Max Factor , |
I ~ ]first quarter deficit), but Forks Tonight
| || countered with a 13-9 third per- Mt. View gym, 7:00--Episcopal vs. the first three weeks of January. joy making a l~-p.om~. ]:n's~ haiti \Vinger 2. " Swedish Formula BAN Roll'on ' I
~ . • lean serve as stlorlIlg Ior :t D~-,ta.
[ 1~[~ lind bulge which turned out to be 1st Christian; 8:00--Faith Lu- THE SCHEDULE as r, ght down[~.. : • . • ' .... n ........ [ POWP ANGI,,LES 65---Cohm~an Hand Creme 1)eodorant |
h l ' " " he Ul_Vl~lp)c left,tie DaSK~LUc~, va~L~,r.v. " '. ....
[~[i~ the ball game as both Clubs scored theran vs. Baptist I S e ton s alley, for ~t g~ves t "] ;~,,~ om,,~ .... ~11 ~noeare(1 to| 8, Clayton 8. Stones 29, Green 4, Special Sale reg. 75¢ |
~,1~]~ll| 10 in the final period. Lincoln gym, 6:30---Mt. Olive vs. Climbers the home-floor advant-]. ":'~ ~"'"'.'~';"" ~.:~"'.'-?L*~:2:."..ZLILovell'5 Bell o Bennett '5 Kush- $ 50 ¢ |
i ~U Millet" hit 10 field goals and five lVIethodist II; 7:30--Methodist I age against South Kitsa,p tomor-ire Dur~eneo Dy ~:~m ~i~2~,~.Var~;~[man 0,' Bond '0, Ove;-st~'eet 0, 2 tubes for 1 now ~3 '
I I1~ free throws in the Bulldogs totalvs. Baptist II; 8:30-.-Catholic vs, rOWonnight and against~n~ East Brem- / _'2~.~''''.[ tne~r play .......... since '"-toe '''%nmd x~e~'- | Ludke, ~,, ~ ~. 4. EAST~ 48---~Vinderl. 0, I
err Tuesday even...~,. , ~f i~ ,,,o, ...... ~. /bteinman O, Johnston 14, I-lug~e-1
[] klSR of 14 field goals m~d 14 foul shots. L.D.S. v -"~ ~"~ ~' ........ 1 Clairol .
~ ~lt~ Forks had 15 of each. * * * d Between those two DoherLy[ The (~lim~ers broke to a 16-6[nin 10, Slate 3, Strachan 4, A- I Hair...... Collfldets 48s I
'~ !1 F,Td~ Bulltd2egiS og°l to Smeqmm this feMeeth~tdi~tu: iPr~e:t~dhutshU~ae. hords his basket battalion up to |first "u;art;r advantage with an |bertson 0, Be,'entson 3.' Berteat~xI
Silverdale to tackle the ever-dan-[ ll'noi~, ...... ~;-h ~ook them [1, Pharr 9, Eathorne o, l~ove z'l reg. ~|~-~ty$1.49 reg~,$1 74. i : i. I|
:.:..'i, ] Y Y g " ketball league with a strong sec- • " ............. Fist ')
gerous Central K~tsap Cougars~ from a .2-5 deficit to a 14-5 edge | : ~er ~. [
~ ond half pezTormance which routed ~ t ~ ......... ..................... |
~a ,,'flay night. /before the Vikings inte,'n,pted[~ .I now 99'¢ now =="
"'., 'Mt. Olive Lutheran, 53-23, last :The Climbers can gain a top-[with a foul shot. Larry Powell[ [
Thursday night, rung tie tomorrow by beating]contributed six of his nine for the | 4"wg'~M]fflEM'lr]Jr]l|~l[}l ff [
~. The league-leaders found them- South, a team which heat them [quarter, Mike B,'ickert three ann | i FREE! Revion "Moon Drops" Ba,th Oil
, selves with only a 17-15 margin |
by three points at Port Orchard [Scott: Swisher two in the surge. [ ] ...... _ ...... [
at the end of the first half, but a month ago. The Wolves current- | In the second quarter Shclton | ~{'~[-~|~l~[|[~|/ff~-'~ with purchase of ' |
,~ turned on the heat, both defensive- ly pace the Olympic AA st, andings [ outscored North, 14:-9, to leave the | ~--~ L~[~]L[~ ~ ~l~l~J~_~
ly "-rod offensively, in the second with a 5-1 record, just a step ]floor at. the long break by 30-15 [ .........
half. Mt. Olive made only one as Powell put in six more. Brick-/ Revlon "M n Drops" Balm
basket in the third quarter against
the impregnable Methodist de- Simpson 0, Terry D]ttmar .... 0, Faul [e~L..~our, Dave \Vinn and Mflce Mc-[ The JOURNM - "
• lense. Meanwhile, Tom Lowe and Shefler 0 " /~e~l two eacn. ! ---'-- $ '
t Jim Richards got the offense roll- FIRST" CHRISTIAN 47--Ben [ From then on the Vikings play- I~ . $4.25 value for plus tax
ing and it was no contest from Myers 6, Cliff Anderson 10, Bob |. ..... --
there on. Lowe had 15, Richards Sergeantottrell 2, Mike. Glover 4, Steve~[arv .... PANCAKE& WAFFLE HOUSE I ] [E]L I [•
C 25, Phil Langness 0, M [] .............. the water one mile North of Hoodsport
16. , Wilson n W'AT'T,T-T TTrn~:r~l~AN 37 ~1 ~UUL uu~ t,ve .... [
~. ~. ,-~.~. L~,.~..,~.~ h house ,
One of the nights top perform- ---Lynn Snilseth 10 John Vonhof|[. Speoialties of thegn use 9 .t.m. to 6 p.m. ] [ : "
arlces was recorded by a league .~'...vm~gnn Phillips 5, ~enm~]I PANCAKES, WAFFL.ES ..... Open Evcry Day [
l newcomer, Steve Cottrell, who led - "" "" ' -- 's" -- .... '
Christian to its second wm~eatcer 4, Steve r~ess u, DUu|I OYST~ ........... ~'r~ CLAM C;I-luwu=r~ ' " I' Franklin Square A2 -33
.. FirStstraight victory, 47-37, over Faith voldMiller 2, Ross Robb 5, Wayne Est- ~[ --""HOM~E."~ADE PIES Dess & Edna Haines I
Lutheran with .a 25-point contri- 6, Lund 0. "I ... ] m~ m~
butt0n, but the best came in a
losing cause. Bill Archer notched
26 but his Baptist I team lost