February 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Lay. February 11, 2965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christma.?town, U.S.A.", Shelton, PAGE 13
Shower Honors Sally Hal
SOUthSide Gf Swayze German Club Holds Meeting In That Language;
Has Cool( Book Published With German Recipes
Ray Kraleha vacation and visiting Mrs. Belly By Cindy Wfllard Molly Taylor, who will attend
ha,.' . -; A bridal show- "Wolf and Sally• Thc SHS German Cluh meets Michigan State University next
s. yUy
Hall at li~e 13usy Bells 4-H club members twice each month on Wednesday year, has been invited to the ']
tel~'¢]~2: t otty Swayzc 5an. met Jan" 31 at Dixie LaFonds fornights. The German Club was ca- campns to compete for a substan-
Peac;:'-~. ~'?re 2)ary Par, thcir 4-H party. Members had chili tablished last year, and since thaL tial scholarship, Molly will spend
, ~.~,:~K, a,aye ], mher, Bet- and crackers, excnange(t presents, time has been remarkably suc- Feb. 11-13 on the Michigan State
~ -.~.ation Uafkin, August.~t danced and had a taffy I)ull FirsL cessful. In that time, the member- campus.
¢.~Urt2. S~'ayze and daugh- group of club member's that play- ship has risen to about 40 mere- . . .
s~es~'t~_~wayze, Sally Hall ed the "beetles" v:cre Jo Ann ber~:. The club was founded with...-..,.r' ............. ~Ar~lr~ 'rnompson,
.t*: ~tn,y swayze. Send-Cole Toni Cole, Georgia Magnett the hope that .it would prov.me president of the University of
i~?s t)~tn !mable to attend and 'Marlene Schmidt and the oth- Lhe stuuents wno were stu(l~ng Puget Sound, is the fittest speak-
Moil-- nine .EacreLt, Vicki er group of 4-H'ers who played tne ~erman mnguage, w~tn a~et- er for the Father-Daughter Ban-
,.o ~ .~rool~s, Cindy Bog- the "beetles" were Mary Beth te~' undelstanding', of the CUltUre ~uet,- whm' ................ h ,,,m h~ h,~ln w.h ~
~' 2Uby Null and Wilma Magnett, Darlene Holtorf: Trudyof Germany and also with the hope( ,,~r.ct. .................. ,or the even~ WIll De'sole":
, ~aae ~,eco, ~ted x~othRo(t[.~e~:t andtii~athli~f,~ Tre~tZ~t that it would aid students in Lher at a co." " -- ,.. --"
as ice cream and coffee l e h, usage of the language.., senior ;~trl:~w~f P;; PeT:tns" ~:be.
servea ~ ..... The .' g The club s officers mcmae pres-.~ ~,,..,.._ .~.,_ ,=. ......
Played: xm (lessert. Games Julia Bares after school. ' _ . 1_; j......, t;,r,~ ~t). x~ an(x sopno-
(dent Colin Orr" vice presiaems, o,o frirl~ l~a~- ~'~ mt.].. •
Wires 4 H el " • Arcadia club met at the home , , _ m_.'_ o ....... u ~. xnei~ is usual- m
.~ - ut)memoers of Vi Huston last Wednesday withMike McNeil Mike Briekert ana ,.. - -" " .
, .... ~y not enougn room ~o aeeommo-
[ua~la Woods last Wednes- Mary 'Willardson, Opal Asche, Ida Bill Merifield (note' Each ot these ................
. . U~Le ~. oi me glrls Who WlStl to
." " _ : _. attend so ~t m recommended that
.ra+,.~mbers discussed Do~:nie, Ella Chappell, Mary AI- boys is the chairman of a specim • •
~e~,uaY March 27 and bough, Margaret Asche, Pauline committee ) secretary, l~at r'm ..... ' ......
" ; * ,. Lne glms WhO w]sn to purenaSe
the~:'~ms are supposed Emsley Wilma Delong, Stella ker," and treasurer,. Jeff Fitztnuml :" t~c" ke-st sno- uld try
~o" buy" mere'
~ ? ucmonsu'ation part- Booth" 'hostess Vi Huston and a All meetings of the Get.nan c uo _.n-- tnv*'-~'~ut~e ...... ,~pu~,ile(l"' -
;~sonY.. the next meeting, m~est' zelma Hodgson attending, axe conducted in that language--, *...'
~hic~U'sc::sscd .State con- The next meeting will be held at~Venmthe minutes ale w,,Lten in College applications have been
For'~a,'^£e t a.e week of Opal Aschc's March 3, and mar- " • submitted by the seniors, to Miss
a,,mune s nay a-t=t bles and card games will be play- Initiations are held twice ae.yearter M~trgaret ........ ~alaw~n, ana nave~ been-
one during the first sem s , .....
are making tray favors -- - '" uar i maims Tnose wno are eligible to
~UCkley Scho-' ~'" -- - ' ed. and later during the tourm q - __ . : ....
~~~i~ii! ~~i"' ..... ~app~y ~or meVaXmUSappdcauonSCn°tarshlpSDlanKsareas R:~l:!:: : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
te, Membership is open to an stu- _ ............
• - - one reuewmg
dents who have compm~ea f . ..
' , • -- as~ as tney arrive.
year of German, or WhO are m ~ne , , ,
p~ocess of completing a fourth ...... .....
" "' -- - are ,he ~kl~ wrestling team, rosen-
quarter of German Tne cues .....
'. ea oy ~arry weir, will partici- D ASH & RIN'SE IN SAME PAIL ,,
50 cents per semester
' "" of the pate in the sub-district meet at
"California. During the first meeting ~. PLASTIC MOP PAILS ..... .
~" -" us the ~ast Bremerton Feb 13 The event
WOLF 1 ...... Mr and Mrs. Paul Koch are month, the members olsc .s .: . " "
.... an a -ro wiu prooably continue during the Regular $3,98
, c~t ~.~tur~.ay e roud arcnts of a grand- .. . -. enhre day, bewinnin~ m the monl-
mgton State Umvermty th• p. -P ....... d Mrs business on nan(l, aria p~P - .
~after being home fo't" Qatlgnter Dorn to iv~r. a ......... g~'am fo~" the next_ meetlng..d consist ing Those" boys°- who° wall" attend
THE PROGRAM worn " . '
L)es l%oca. " ..... he form of nave b.en named as Rob Mills,
[ Staying with Mr. and Mrs. ~Val- o~ entertainment in ~ .... EVERSHARP PENS m , , , = , , •
, • " " aker after Joe Tnompson, Larry Ewing, Dar-
~lter Kratcha, Linda and Susan is sdqes or a guest ape ........
wnicn, tne memoer~ ~ '
I John Kratcha who has recehtly . 7 .. "~-- would sin"~ on Taylor,: DaVe Detmefs, Steve Regular $1.98 & $2.98
"expressive' t~erman • ~., -- ' -- .-- .....
[~l~~/ returned after spending the winter - ~n-s andFellstrom, Steve Daugherty, Tom
- food .owe Da, on, rm- I Only WESTBEND BREAD BOX..... $4.99
• -_ ~U in Minnesota. would be served German ........
...... b held a strong, J~a l~atnam, an(l Dave
~l Friendship club will meet at in a)ecemoer, the cm
• • Gunter ' Regular $10.95
~:~,~ ~½hT Tldy.~/ ARt |lthe home of Maxine Creasey Feb- Christmas party, inwtmg all the • , , . .
~A~_~R'~t~'~I ruary 17. Members are asked to teachers (high school) and their _ _ .,
alumni' OHPOMOJ . ,,brary or,e. a- I only WESTBEND CAgE CARRIER.. $3.99
~r.~ ~t0L~IBL~DSt-I~,|I bring a Valentinc for exchange --~ ' .... lished a su~'erb tion will he held Feb. 9, Feb. 12,
|lwith their secret pal. The last The cnm has puo , v
.......... cont,~) Feb 16, Feb 19, and Feb. 26. The Regular $6.95
";.~.~. "~.|lmce"ing was hela at Julia Date's, COOl, DOCK..seen. memu~t " • " "" : - ct - " " dv
...... elman l'eci~'es l lessonsWiu Decon(lu ea Instu
:~,~f~k~~ ~ |1 Mm AND MRS. REX Hena- uteo Oh1 an(1 new ~ " P ,I • "
wnw.n were u-anm s" : ...........
~t"u~"~c.~O'|','icks Of Arcadia Sunday attended ..... sLed into En~" hall, under the direct,on of the I only WESTBEND COPPER PENGUIH $4.99
,~' dg,'-"a"L't~,~ ~'i'~'~ |[ the 25th wedding anniversary of lish. The cookbook was organized ,~ow~:z~az~ s~:;~en~V~sa?illb~u ~ Regular $10.95
' W~'~ )~] ~'il Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oien of Poulsbo. and was printed by Miss Irene I . " " ' -
~"5~'~:'*~';;) /~| Visiting Mrs. Phyllis Kratcha Burright's commercial classes. ,graded acco.rding, to.their..efflc!en
D~Z~/J X,~:~ ~| one day last weel( were Mrs. After selling appt~oximaLely 150 [~u:? c~e%~l:~e s~?e~ets pVron~~n~neiys 5 only 'Colony' S~emmed Glass Vases $2.99
~'~,~ ~*~| Sharon Atwood and daughter of books, the club has deemed ~o ~ '
~}C~~. ~1:~| McCleary. Mrs. Helen Reed of publish a second edition plus a lC°m~:rU:tedtu~e°[dserthi;ttth~eSc°oPnhe 45 PC,SET ,~4~t~
~V.~[ ~x p/Q~| McCleary and Mrs. Mary Win- supplementary edition The books
me-' be ..,,,chased fro,n any G~r- more familiar with the reference TEXAS WARE . . . . . ....
(! ' ~. " ~'-~ ~|I nings of MeCleary. '1 ,~an club" member, or by conbact- l m&terial in the library.
"/.~ ~li GucsLs of Mr. and Mrs. Don Wz- Regular $29.95
.~t~#~./ ~-~.) ] [1] son of Arcadia Monday for a ing Mrs. Shells Rogers, the club
. birthday hmchcon were Mrs. Ann advisor The cookbook is sold at Feb. 4, 3olnt me etn, g..of ,;elSe 15 QT. HIDE-A-MATIC '~-00
a COSt OI /O cenLs.
' ~ Wheeler, Lisa and Mike, Mrs. Vi ~ '--r. - iB0ys ana u,rm w,uu~ wa~ .~u
t....._~-- ~z'i Height. Mrs. Betty Johnson and , , , in the Shelton gymnasium. Our STEP ON CANS . . . . . . .. , D
o, Becl, y Wilson all l olped s,,d Lane P, emo and Regular $8.98
[ar still brinn~ = a~l~ .... |JBecky Wilson celebrate for fifthFrances l%oss assisted at the Fiftb ~; s -
.e. you ........ L I ......
._" ,ou come tous forD, Visiting M:r. and Mrs. Ray Krat-,Hm,lum Directors, which was held[S~in:::Z~:' ~e~;~e;Jn~'Y u~,t,~,-. PADS & COVERS . . . . . . . ,
~aSOline. I[ clla and Janice Wednesday eve- at Aldezbrook Inn on Hood ( anal I - ' "
~/ning were Mr• and Mrs. Walter The tWOeditedJournalismforStudentSfour wrote. I Th
=. Kratcha and John. and copy mi,,:eo" ,meete 2HtSh bKitsap.llhere,min,aasketb~ tea wl,
pub,ished during the convention. I ~ag U~HC~ n t?mt ' t:s?2r r ° ~ ~ ~'ght nIn
These publicaLions were mimeo-I ~a • -
graphed and assembled bY Janice ' will recall that this team beat us ;~
Blake and Carol Castle, both stu-~when we met them at _S.O~hsmKt~ Regular $2.00 .... NOW 1
dents from the commercial de-]sap on january u,.Dy a ve~:y .... ] ONE GROUP $4 88
partment°fShelt°nHighSch°°l']margm'i~ee°lesst°say'tne~ ,.s ....
With under thedirectionoflV[issirene]I-Iighclh"bersln~yfir~dthisgam' =..wv..H v.,l~..,v $,77
' Burright. ~to be one of then" most crucml~= FITTED ' " TWIN Reg. $1,98 ........ NOW Jt
~: .......... ilOOD GAIi~[ S01100L NEWS ~;,;Lii:s'~;R;iRs , ,o,~, o, .....
, TAPER PANTS,, '4 ,ooo.,, ,,w ,o0
Classes Plan Valentine Parties For Fr'day; I ONE GROUP
Junior High Honor Roll Is Announced ,, , , , , , [ Ri{ TwoEDSPREADS , , , , , , , , , , , ROUPS ,/ H
HOODSPORT SCHOOL -- All, Eigllth grade: Joe Campbell, Rik ~;gular $10.98
the classes are getting their rooms I|Fredri~kson, Darleen Gray, Cheryl m .11 /
day 'As Feb. 12 is also Lincoln'S[|deSe~nth grade: Wendy Bolen. m)
~/////~//~.~/~/~/2~/-/~/~/~///~.~z ready for Valentine parties Fri-~|Renner and David Robbins;
~/~//~~/'/~z~~~J/~ manBirthdaY'in Englishthe clasSeSand Conlposition. ,|~arson, ~.hle -~-cl)oweil, ~ue iv~o~i~ ,llave been]| ', ndy' Borovesky, pat Bour' ~a~Ei :$] 9.95|| I' YAROAGE.......... ~k/2 i I,,'
featuring stories about the great[|g ult, K thle?nCandiotU, t I ONE ONLy I'
~!~ Classmates of the Smiths, Ronni;,|VlC"le ~'ierce ana b' van(lerveu'" ORRT~~A;ii3U9; i;$; :O ' m • ' m ' ' • m '2 ClIATHAM BLANKET....... ,
(1st) and Rickie (3rd,, ;v~ll m~ [| The Junior High Is also quite m
them as they moved fro~ he -[]proud of the temporary absence of Regular $13.98
ley to Steamboat Islan "On ,am I[Don eBearden, ninth grader, who
SECOND GRADE t-he me ' ielzY[[has b n in Olympia with the Sen- 2 ONLY ,I
Friday of ]asL week 'n,b ",late' as a Page since the opening ! GHATHAM BLANKETS,,,..,..,
of the class were given the open-]|of the Stale Legislature. The
ing sentence of, "lt rained and [|eighth and ninth grades will pus" !i~:~i~i~OOHATS.........' "1 egular $9.98
KEEPS HEAT IN rand rainedandThelvttta~C'~ [|sibly see Dbn at w°rk as Carl Fell" GIRLS DRESSES.,,.,,,..
' finished the story " . • e [|strdm will be taking the classes Reg. Stock. Completely Washable
it. Marie Ragan wrote, "It rainedl|to Olympia to watch state govern- ! --
and rained and rained• The rivcr~ment in a, ction as a part of their
was rising so high that the bridgel[U.S. History and Washington Rl :S° REsSEegular $3 95 t° $5 95 S|...|= •.i. •, • '4 3-6x & 7 to14-- Regular Price up t $6.99
~'~.~.~__~ had gone. So the counLy had to[[State History courses.
fix the bridge. This happened[~ The Music Department held a STRETCH PANTIES
where I live in the Skokomish~dance for the school last Friday I GIRLS UNDERWEAR.........
F.'b G! I lal v.,,~. Geri Clark,in Raym°nd'|afLern°°n• Many thanks t° Mr" R~g:ar~.. ~U ? 99 ''
te l r{l- aSS nSU Carr, Becky Bates and Larry Gray,Coulter al~d the students who help" I TopSiZes7t°10and12t°14--Reg'50¢¢a'QUALITY BIRDSEYE
also submitted stories that ex-~ed make it a success. "R
Aluminum Foil One Side celled. Look for themcoming Feb. 16. the school[~wonSIXTHa, basketballGRADE- Thewith girlSBeN v t-
paper gan,e DRESSES . . . . ' ' " ' ' . • , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL -- The[[fair last Wednesday, 23 to 10, but
ECONOM~I 11/2" THICKnamesSCh°°l is pleased't° ann°unce Lhel|the b°ys l°st bY tw° p°ints' 23 t°of tile stuaents who at- [|21. A game is scheduled with Mary !;iii ;; 99C0ATS , , , , , , . , . , , , $6 Regular$3,0OdOZo ~GI~IHI
tained the honor roll for the past][M. Knight for today and tentative- )
semester. The honor roll included:~ly with Southside Feb 18. The
__ On|y cents per foot Ninth grade_[ Don J~ea, Men, Mike [|measles claimed another'victim on
"EDI"M 21A" T"ICK YvonnelV~cD~w'll'van baanen;~°nna ~eed and,|Frlday as Jimmy Dickenson came.,down with the red spots, s4 ~E
_ Only cents per foot Woo,. I J
FULL Rogu,ar $,9, 10 to 18
R¢gular ' ',
Only cents per foot '59 DODGE 4- oma l Dr'tHtp" .......................... SL,.s, GOWNS,' p.JAMAS,' ' ' ' E;C.' ' ' ' ' '
PRE'CiUT UTILITY STUDS 88 5/8" Radio- Heater Regular to $15.00
Power Brakes , P,ower Steering
X 9'
Only cents each
(Were Dry)
Only cents each
W ts dry Sterling Grade
Only cents per foot
Shop Grade Ping Pong TaSles
(Or 2 5x4 pieces)
'59 CHEV. STA. WAGON .................... '795
Power Steering
Radio - Heater, Automatic
'59 RAMBLER AMERICAN ................ '445
Std, Transmission
'58 PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDAN ....... '595
Excellent Condition
'55 BUICK 4 Door .................................... '345
'51 PLYMOUTtl CLUB SEDAN ............ '100
'58 HILLMAN 4 Door .......................... :'$150
Re~jular $8,98 .................... NOW $449
Regular to $5.98 ............ NOW
Regular $2.98 ...................... NOW $149
i ' ' • ' ' '
. . . . .
111 • . • . II . . . . . II
$9,98 tO $12,98
$14.98 to $16.98
Sizes 14-16 and 18 ,only
Regular $6.95 to $12.98
Sizes 8 to 18
$5.00 - $6,95 -,$9.95
$10.98 - $12.98
Sizes 8 to 18
$14.95 - $19.95
4-Size 8 -- 6-Size 14 -- 3-Size 16
,18.95 - $21.95
"Everything For Building"
& Pine Sts.
Phone 426-4393
Phone 426-8183
Front & Railroad
ONE GROUP Regular $5.98 ............... NOW$389
LADIES SLIPPERS Regu,ar $5.oo .............. NOW '3"
Regular $4.00 ............. NOW
Regular $3.98
Long Sleeve