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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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window or [80 le oft e things you don't get in a Corvair araong your best reasons for buying it.} '65 Comir Monna Sedaa The beauty of it, of eou• • " "" ' --- ore {m . thaa ..... rse, goes oeepei ot wnicn auu up tO some m the oti erngsy°u don't get. There's rant pluses. get in the - u-e the coia what you do Power steering? Power brakes? Cor- pace. vair needs them like a centipede needs ha y;? °win.d°wpos ,forexamp]e. crutches. With mos of the engine pc get is hardton stvlin weight on the rear wheels, the front every o d frmneless side w'indows= n ones are free to steer easily. And slops rvalr Closed model, qmck and The transmission and d are You ..... nvehne hum _sure--wzth no Tha .- means more fool room nosediving. "~ 1;0 ~ -, tlOor is ...... orvmr s rear engine, the C o m e o n xr_ v acuCallyflaL " ,,, ,,,,,. I I ra¢ , . ,. I I and no no water, no antifreeze discover the dig Drwe" eal s to worry about. All ference. • Ci. ethmg new- discover the difference at your Chewvlet dealer' , Chevelle. Chevylt. CorvMr. bn ,tte ....................... ~ ..................... 46-7865 CHE ROLE Shelton 426-4426 1st & Grove lege for the weeken~l. The Hood Canal Woman's Club will meet Feb. 18 at 11 a.m. in the clubhouse. :Mrs. Blanche Calahan will review her trip to the Orient. This Will be the program which w~s postponed in January because of the snow. Mrs. Dave Collins was the hos- tess for the Blanche Radtke Ta- coma Orthopedic Club meeting last Wednesday. D. H. Pierce's brother Hal and his wife are here from Fairbanks Alaska, for a visit. Hal is a for- mer resident of Little Rock and makes his living in Alaska by farming. The Annual Fireman's dinner was held-Feb. 6. The agenda in- cluded a speech by the Fire Chief, dinner at 8 p.m., and after that card games. And last, but not least, anyone wanting membership in the Mason County Community Concert Asso- ciation should contact Mrs. Archie Calahan~ Mrs. Stephen Hale, or Mrs. Rudy Schwab. The member7 ship entities the members to four concerts held in the Shelton the- atre. Deadline for buying the tick- ets will be Friday, Feb. 13. ....... ............... P*Gz Last Thursday Ground was broken Sunda~ morn- as it winds up its annual campaign ing behind Mountain View schooldrive v'em 13. Your area repre- ~l(:~12~hat :it few enevg(~tlc, sports- sentative i~nrial Somers attended in th~ cmzens of ~nelton nope the "kick-off" banqueL at tlm Dr. e near luLuru will be a much- B N Collier home Sunday even- needed athletic fiehi for Shelton i|~ "~nd w~- cm^~ . .,u ~-,~.. m~,}~o.~e~m:,~, o~ nana to,: tne).no- iasm after hearing more about advoc / ut~camon was zong-nme the 1965-66 season, and the art- . ~.tte ~ sucn !t project, Jun- ists who will be available to north- mr ~zg'n t~oacn walt Clayton. west audiences Please contact Fair Harbor Grange has re- her if interested in l~ecoming a scheduled its card party for Feb. member of this worthwhile organ- 27. That's two weeks away--so ization circle the daLe on your calendar. .......... Mrs, Hal Retzman is in charge of' li iillJi I i lll illil the event. !i Sarah Eckert Orthopedic meet-i h R M A ing will be i, eld Feb. 19 at then U H 91 11# I= home of :Mrs. Austin J. Hicksi with co-hostess ~[rs. Bob Battles:i ~r~T~,a,v Xr~TT ~m~r assisting her. Main order of bus- i ~J[al~l~.L~k~X~ ~Z-ZI~ILdP.~I iness will be the nomination of of- :i .......... icers for the coming season, ii (~J~flk~(.~E HALL Members of Grapeview Volun-]| _ _ . .. teer Fire Department Ladies' [ ~'A~ r..L 'i • Auxiliary are reminded of their[| . IP n i.' regular meeting Feb. 17--7:30 p. i i ~m7 • V~U |~ m. at the schoolhouse. ] i r MUSIC BY THE New memberships are still be- | ~ogmaCCeptedcbYeerMason County I ,u.~ TOPPERS "y • Ass clatton ~ , ............................. .............. Before IlOU knew about calories... Birlhdays Are At Nahwalzel 6alhering By ffoa~n q[Mpper LAKE NAHWATZEL --- Last Sunday fz~ends and relatives help, ed Dick Tupper and Floyd Gage of Hoquiam celebrate their birth- fore she became a resident of the home. Mrs. Duclos passed away last week. ACCOMPANIED by Wall Eck- err and Miss Louis(.,~ Nachtsheim of Tacoma, the Eacret'~s regretted tlmt limiLed lime made it impos- sible to visit their many friends 'at the home. Monday's report on progress on the well-drilling project at the Fire Hall takes the drill to 120 feet. Good news for sports fans! The good things in milk glve you vitality. That's why you never outgrow your need for milk. Enjoy a glass with ovcry meal. It keeps you going--great. ~fiLality neoral: n~ilk makes a mea| WASHINGTON DAIRY PRODUCTS COMMISSION, SEATTLE Representing the Dairy Farmers in Your Area llemember, you'll need exLra milk ~or #he weekend! O0 (THE ORCHID ISLAND) i You've read about Hawaii Island. • . the Big Island . . . the Orchid Island . . . You've read about its ideal, stable climate, averaging around 70° F... its balanced economy of agriculture, industry, recreation • • . its cattle ranch- es, its coffee, fruit and flower plantations and sugar cane fields, its am~le supplies of fresh water and electricity .. its tax advantages for both residents and enterprisers: Above all, y0U've heard Of Rs unspoiled beauty . . . the, breath-taking snowcapped mountains and tropical fern forests . . • th'e velvety white and startling black sand beaches . .. the famed deep-sea fishing . . . the hunt- ing, awimming, boating . . . KURT MANN 121 Railroad, Sheiton EXCLUSIVE AGENT anyiime Visiting :Mr. and Mrs. Hector Barbour last Saturday were :Mr. and Mrs. Don Vaughn and Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, all of Brady. Saturday evening the Barb0urs were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kuiikle and :My. and Mrs. Alvia Warnes, all of Shelton. MARH R[AL ES days. Those attending were Mr, Where is EDEN ROC ESTATES ? What is the land on and Mrs. Leo Gage, Mr. and Mrs. EDEN ROC ESTATES is about 20 miles from Htlo the EDEN ROC ESTATE like9 Homer Ditton, Mr. and Mrs. 3ira :Allen, all of Hoquiam, Mr. a~d prkiciual city and county sea't ot ria.waii Island A gl'anee DEN I~C F.~TA~ES u " at " "' 0u where it nes in rclat" ' E ..... , nlike some portions of the :Mrs. A1 Tupper, John Tupper, A1- a map will show y mn to the island, is heavily vegetated with tr~,,~l ~,,, o~o ,,~-, an Tupper, and Mr Tupper's sis- Other islands ferns and large Ohia trees qm, ~....7';'_"Z; ";'~_~A" s:?,,~ • -- " to "~owln"~ cultivated =: ..... ,o.,u ~ emmenuy suztea ter and brother-in-law. Mr. and to Hawa ~, s _ nowers (orchids anthuriums :Mrs. 3ohn Sommerfeld." Th.e people who haye been .. ,, ii Island KNOW shrubs,trees,fruits(es"ecia .... ' ...... • )' d visn;ols II " - ,. . v ny oran es, tan eranes Drop-in guests later in the eye-~xready, Island families an... " . "ore other parts of grapezruzcs, papayas, etc ~ ..... g ..Lg , ncea lnvestol - .., *ur pleasure or ront ning were Bill Kingerv S'hclton, the world -- and far, sig h f ?i 's like Lawrence P " Elma,wan,B°b Ord,bothLlOydofOlympia,vancouver,.FiIer and" Doug-Clv~leandCUrtiS'steveBO- r¢oekefeller--havelgD.___Hawail Is1. and bought_.,,, is mUCone of° thet~C L--'--available land on AVAILABLEHOW LONG ATHISFEwLANDc:E~sBE ton.Crap° and Roger Pearson of Shel- div s'iNonsRoO n New regula , " ta° gcenSt b°l raFOOT???? seatte d subdtvts nS will protect those Who i~ now . .. ther logical Within a short tied of Spending the weekend as guests re_ ........ io . ~vest , ti , , pe but the the ltmRs of the opportum me, the bulk of Hawaii subdivlsmn of Mr. and 1V[rs Clifford Reeve y ~pell out ty. out Thero wm ~ . • ' lots will be eold : were their nephews, Sean a~d I~aiClancy:fSundaychildrenMr. at dwere Olympia.:Mrs. the dinner home JOhn of Patten ~uests :Mr, last, an andd ~rat~i:~ t YTta0~yl ~!!ied ¢oy~ Mrs. Claude Irwin of Agate. Visiting :Mr. and Mrs James Bleeker last Saturday were Mr. $1 7' and :Mrs. Dorsey Goff'of Union. per acre Iol [ Sunday the Bleekers visited at the home of Mr. Bleeker's sister i IF and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les Gee of Centralia. r MRS. ARCHIE Kelley and sob, $1g $" David visited at the home of Mr. 0nly down pe monih and Mrs. William Johnson of Shel- ton. i 4 ZI W Low Interest Saturday morning visitors at the Kelley home were Mrs. Nellie a Chappell and son, Larry. I I Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. I personally inspected this property on January 31, 1965 and Kelley were dinner guests at the i Kurt Ma, ] home of Mr. and :Mrs. Lloyd John- can conscientiously recommend it. ~n son of Matlock. Spending the weekend at the home of :Mr. and :Mrs. Frank C0O" " FOR DET--ILS ' per wet~e lV[r. and :Mrs. Start Cwieklinski of Tacoma.