February 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Thursday, Februar
" For Sale I For Sale Wanted For Rent Real Estate
REDUCED -- 7 x 35 binoculars, coat- [ CONDITIONED ALFALFA HAY _ LADY WANTED FR I JART-TIME QUIET, CLEAN, unfurnished apart- ANGLESID~~ g0 x 120
cd lens, guarant~ed. Regularly~ $34.50, Tht(e~. ~,~tad~s~.. K(m Pet. esr on, Route. work to start with. Work. includes ment .... Rehigerator, built-in ov(n. for sale, Phone 426-8563. No Satur- : OEliTi0NAX
NOW $29.45 at Ziegler's Camera Shop I o Port An-sirs Phone 487-~93n some sales work answering tele- and range included for $55, Refer- day or Friday night calls, please.
, 3/26 tfn | .... ]5 ~2/3 tfn phone, and keeping of store in gen- ences required. Waterfront Realty. __ A 7/4 tfn
"=77-~'--~~ .---U------W.. I ........................................................ oral. Only those interested in year Phone 426-8277. 1/21 tfn
I~OR A .~R.EE.HOUR of beauty can ]FOR SALE -- Electric Range double round l)art-tinm work ne(d apply.=:.A~." ~.-:..--- ;.----:-"~-----~' F()R---SAL-E~--B-~'--O~E~R ~ Tllree
;or a 2~erle ~orman CosmecLc arm- I nven Grill deen-~,.,H ,,.if' W.,.~ ~v,.i~,. ~,,v ~o ,,/. z..,,..( ~'o~ ~m~'z" -- une Dearoom /louse su- bedroom, lZ~ bath, all on one level•
o~stratioL .lathes phone 42~-4582. , .....el ~K .h¢~.e A¢)~.464K 0/1 .....Stable for couple. Coil at 7~2 Pine Large living renal with fireplace, Val]U¢_~
E 6/4 tfn [ ..... *" ..... ~_.1(28fl/11WANTED -:- ceda:r logs and ;lm--~ i--$1~" _ .... P.I/.2J:_ tf_n large Idtchen, extra dining area,
W~I i=Vlb~
ELEC2:ROLUX SALE~, service an~ | BRAND NEW COLOR pack Polaroid i Call Olympia 352-3178, Scheller Bros. I GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Three- FI~ appraised. Call 426-2007.
sgppnes. Joan Rice. Phone 426,6108 I camera. Price reduced to $117,50.Lumber, Route 4 Box 414D Olympia room apartment. Furnished rood- H 1/14 tfn :
alter 2:00 p,m. Joemonstrations. ] Zlegler's Camera Shop. 1/23 tfn Wash. 9/17 tfn i era downtown area. Water and heat T---W-~BEDR-O~C)M----H()ME--on--ArcadIa MOUNTAIN VIEW
R 1/7 tfz ] yR--~-'-(i~'-R--'--~A~~I-(~-'--~ ~-'~-Kiq~-~~'o~e.'T!}b~ furnished. Adults. 119 E. Cedar. Avenue, Large living room and kit- Three bedroom rambler with
SCHWINN BIKES -- New and used [ Many thonsanda of items to choose an hour. Phone 428-~H20. L I1[12 fin __4"26:4895°r426-448_1: G 11/26 tfnrhea. Good location. Close to stores l fireplace, hardwood floors, carport
Parts ..... and repairs Keys locks snow~ from: . ~ar e a e.scotmts We .,~Y I AVON~..ALLING .................... H-a~--~--f-ew-ter-e a _ [ FOR RENT -- On the bay .... Olvmnta- and school. See to appreciate this ~ and economical oil heat. This mod-
_~k!~i_~al;_a~~~1~!!] '£~la~ci=i-:~/de~t~ry~ } ~a~toe~e:i~di~>rritth:2;h{~:}nd~fr~.~ I ~:~!I~s~" f~e~wt~cel?Ve~p~/~2t:,2~ti buy at $6,950. Call 426-2278.M 12/3 tfn ] estly priced home is convenient to
-- Yi-I~Eb--b-F-~-IY~Z--i~iVIN-d:)--No-do~I school and shopping area. Priced
"C/~Ij_~STMASTO~aN,. U,S.A.' rubbel [ Demonstration group shading classes [ your home write Mary Rasmussen i ...." .......... payntent on honm built in rural ! to sell at $12,250.
~m..~Pso~°~sa,m~a~.me ~ourn~jM~l;~b | in my homo or yours. For informs- [ 600 N 'T' St. Aberdeen Wash. ' ] ~ setting. Five minutes south of Shel-
-.::'~tt:-ff'-t~'2.~t.~-±~": ........... .~.C~--~--= I finn call 426-4538 V 1/7 tfn " ' R 12/24 tfn ~ ton, Use our house plans or yours.
].IAY FOR SALE -- 75c a bale ........ L-:T .... ~I/~E. VleW Call 426-2120. Mc 1/28 2/11100 ACRES--S, E. OF TOWN
Johnson, 426-8974. 1~14~ tfn t anu~ '--~.usu'e~ pamc---quarts'" " "~ or ganons'" ~ l,'omwt~ I~A~Cm,'~ UU~ -- ~ouect- REDUCED FOR--Q(II'CK- SALE'CI6se Logged over land with lots of
.................................................................... 419 il ~ ors please contact Box MVP. c/o Tim
KODACOLOR ENLARGEMENTS '5X7' [ -- Ra road Ave., Shelton Electric' [ "ournal ~Ze .,a" hi'host -rices. ] ELWOOD MANOR in, small two bedroom house, Full merchantable alder and year round
~olfL:,tt: ~;4rg, treg. $2.50 value. Jt~;nbg [ Co. . 2/I1 tfn [ ......... 2/4 3/1 I APARTMENTS price now $3400. Sell equity for
creek through one 40 acre tract.
' ' 'l n s frtm Kodaeolor nega-] =r * ~ Tn -- [WIf~-L--bXRE--FOR---CH~iI~Z)REN--in] ....... $1700. Cash or trade for car, trailer
th'es only 5 for $1.19. Offer expires [ L~OS~ ~ .~ oun(1 my home Phone 426-4683. Capitol[ J.N]OW 2kvallaDle house, small acreage or what have Surfaced road fronts property
next March 31• Zlegler's Camera] , ' Hill Shel'ton Mrs Arthur L John-I ...... you? Balance of contract is $1700 corners. Lake and river fishing
at $25 month. Phone 426-6963.
Shop, 124 N. 2nd St. phone 426- [LOST -- Brown, white and black son.' .... 2/4-18 ] ~ un?urmsneu D 1/'28 tfn nearby. Owner would consider $125
6!63. 1('21 I Beagle, two years old. Answers to ~-~ ~ff-,~-~-~--~.~-~'~(~= t~ • 2-bedroom XS-Si3~i~f--pXiri~El~-TS-~SK--~fa-r~e:b%'d= an acre.
~()U cAN .P~. ,~' re. ore water at~ ]__.PePpy--P!lone 426°6625. : _=H 2/11-18 ~'~p:$~;m~.*t~job'.'~ou'rT"~_~..~0:'~inc;~ I • Wa I-to-wall carpeting room mobile honm at $100 a month.
longer with ~'alroanr.J~ ~torse pttmj0~a, [LOST -- Ladies gold ring, 2 hearts job "ix 14 miles 'from Shelton' appli- • Ol~lneries Call 426-4749 after 5 p,m. THREE BEDROOM BEAUTY
Dec tnem at Sheitoa Electric uo•, I set with gems Reward 426-6333 ~-nt ~nust have own trans,mrtation -- . ~ .... A 1/28 tfn
419 Railroad, 8/16 tfn/ .... B 2/11:18 cavil 426-8032. ~2/11 tfl~ • Launory ?aoiH¢ies ~ ~ f-~ su~T Y~ ~ A beautiful and well planned
. Legal Publications
the City Phlnning Conunission of the l ItEI'ORT AND PETIq
City of ghelton, Wasllinglon, will hold [ DI~TRII~UTI(]
a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday J IN THE SUPERIOR COt
February 16, 1965 at the City Hall on] STATE OF WASHIN
the application for a conditional ex-[ MASON COUNTY
eeption for tile North half of Lots[In the Matter of the C
1 and 2. BIk. 3 David Shelton's 2ndJtates of GEORGE DUNN
Addition to the City of Shelion, in IDUNN, Deceased.
accordance with zoning ordinance No. NOTICE IS HEREBY
682. I Georgia Kreisa. Executr
PURL JEMISON, Chairman Iministratrlx With Will
Planning Commisshm 2/4 11 2tl)ortSaidthe Clerkande°mbinedpetitionOf saidestateS'forCOUrtdistllt
Real Estate ins the Court to settle
tile same and to distribU
erty to the persons the
and to discharge the E:
~ / i Adminlstratrix With Will
~,~ said fiual report and peril
i trlbution will be heard
the 5th day of March, :
Conrtroom o1" said Court i:
County Courthouse at ell(
ington, at 10 A.M.
DATED THIS 27th day
Mason County Clerk.
By Teckla Vermillion,
Deputy Clerk
Robert L. Snyder
CLOSE IN .... [125% North 5th
~:)R SALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe, J~--LC)-ST~---Mi-dTJaEu)]r:~--6r0Wn'-and (~UALITY--OneT-i~e-d~-om down(0~a • Appllanoes year round living, 115 ft. of water- home with 2 car, plastered garage. On 3=/'2 acres, this modest homeI Shelton, Washington
vlbge.]pulleySSheltona~ad ,shaftS.Junk Co.,All typeslflrat andSal" II whitetcr sixfemaleevenings,Walkerolympia,h°und" 357-7336.Call af- apartment. Furnished, W/W carpet, • Private parking frontflies, enjoyment.Suitable fOrCallone 426-8589°r two faro-any. Large 120 x 100 foot lot in ex- offers 2 bedrooms, large living Attorney for said estates,
Realtor. 428-6592~ 1/14 tfn • Swimming Pool F~-Lf~-~E~)--K0--~M---H~I~--t~-~--g~ Loads of storage. Heatrola fire- ed well, and a new roof. Will need
._~jll,~nee.~.=~26, 9/$ ttn4 De 2/11 $75 per me. Contact Kurt Mann, • Private Storage time. L 7/16 ttn cellent area. Built-in kitchen, room, fenced yard, excellent drill-
~0R ~LE -- Large sele~tlon of re-I ' ~÷ ~ #" " ' ' FOR RENT -- New 2-beff~o--~se, $9950 month lots, near school and stores on Hill- place in large living room. This some repairs, so the "you decor-
cona.ltzoned ranges, refrigerator~,l ~usea ~rs city, water and sewer, located near crest, $6500. Phone 426-4105. home is extremely well built. $21,- ;;;m-'-"sI°w
wa~aer~, alters. Eells & Valley AP-i ~ Bordeaux school. Phone 426-3130. S 12/31 tfn750 F.H.A.
_ pliancy_ Center., 8/5 ti~]1955 PONTIAC SEDAN; '59 Ford se- E 2/11 tfa Contact Manager, 426-3100
SEE OUR FINE etock Of fireplace dan with '61 engine. 426-4885. ~O~-U-S-E~a-r-age-,---)tice .
equipment. From flreglow to Frank-H 2/11 NICE LIGHT fireplace apartment. 1/7-tfn neighborhood, half block to school•
lln atones,' grat~s to gla~a doors. ~--~'w~ ~tztonia-J One bedroom, furnished. Inquire 718 ~ ~ ;T Good rental property. Phene 426- THREE BEDROOM WATER- NEED EXTRA INCOME ....
rl ........ -- ....... "~' " North Sixth. D 2/11 tin 2484. N 10/22 tfn FRONT HOME--- PARTLY Invest in Shelton's newest LAUN-
CaZv,cw.SO~. Tile and Firepl.a~.r.-xx/10 .Mt.ttn tic transmission, no-slip rear axel, Service MUST" S-EL--L ------ L-a-Fge~ ~ be-dFo6m FINISHED
also 30" electric range both excellent • DROMAT and become independ-
DON*T SELL IT! Have your uphol- condition Reasonable Phone 4~- Miscellaneous , house, fireplace, three lots, fruit
stery cleaned by Cleaning Services 6539 ' " P 1/14 tfn ' " W~ BUY scrap Iron, ~atterles, radla-I trees. Near stores anA schools on 120 x 406--with tidelands. Two ent. New building; new equipment;
Company, phone 426-4376 or 426-8138. .~-r~,-'-~.~'~..~7-.~C~~ CAR1) OF TIIANKg tqr~, cop~or, salvage of all kinds. Hillcrest. Phone 426-6190 after 4 p.m. miles from town. Fireplace. Ex- excellent location. Price and terms
1/7 tfn~oo ~.~.~vr~u~ m~a~u~ vw~2~ May we extend t) our many friends ~peltgn Junk Co•, _FJl~t mad_Mill or weekends. S 9/3 t~ncellent spring. Some material in- are extra low so call us today for SEE THIS NOW!!
~f/X~i:--'~l~w-7~-d-;;i---pKi;~7~--~;.~v~= --reouut motor,very z'easoname,nd ncl~-hbors and es eciall to the ~treets. ~'no~e ~-~u. 8 4/7 tm
........ -) ....................... c .... Phone 426-4428 J 1/21 tt'n a o e r "P helYton Hoe~ ~--~--~ The kid who used to ~ eluded--you can finish and save. more inf, ormation. Here is a "suburban
pack camera at a sensational 117 50 Doctor and nut's .a )f th ~ S " I~rRN'A~ ~T.~A~x~;r~ ~=,~=,,~.,,, ,~
Ziegier's Camera Shop 124 No. 2nd. '51 FORD V8 pickup 3/4-ton. good con- pital and Shelton Manor Nura g stallations oil converslons.~eltoll without hands can now be the one $12,500. WALKER PARK .... located on 2 acres ~,
Z 11/19 tfn ditlon, $450. Call 426-2278. iV] 11/19 tfn Home, our deep thanks for the flowers Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial who drives a car without brains,
~W-~i-~)~-:'-m-61~l]e"--~-e~f-Na-tl'o~"alFoR-SALE'~Old-pickul):"$40: Trailer !~nr(la~Ym~na~hics given us dm'ing our 428-4792, .___~ 5/1 tfn. wal~s the StaLe Safety Council. NEW THREE BEDROOMS, LOOK - only $13,500 for this city limits. This valh
b(st mdler, youP best buy. DeTray's I $10. Phone 426-85,97 D 1/28 tfn , ~r. "~.~ ~.~ *Pen ~rimb-ll GRA.~ PIANO SERVICE ----Th~er home can be yours for
obil " .................................................................. ' " .... Here is a spacious 3 bedroom front property with a comfortable
M e ~Iomes,. 1617 Pones Road, I ~'OR SAL~ --- '4R lnternatinnal nick- I ~. ..... ~.. c,.,..,.~ ....... and technician. Regular Care Pre- ~-- DEN, FAMILY ROOM beautiful 100' of low bank water- and it's loaded with vS
1 m l ...................... o~=~ ...... ve ,, -- the full basement thr~
.......................................................O y Pia, Pl one 352-2907. D 10/15 tfn I up $175 _Ph°ne 4267.,3556. H 1/28 2/11 i ........ nts Costly Repair . Call Olympia
' " • ............... ~ 943-3712 or 857-6622, or Shelton 428- HOOD CANAL rambler with a den for the master' 2-3 bedroom home, an excellent unfinished attic " Ther
THOMAS ORQAN --- 120 Bass chord, ] 1950 FORD PICKUP with 6 cyclinder, ~ ~IP ~Jl~lrllt[. 8267 ' f~ R/19 tfn
of the house, a large family room artesian well, large new orchard, cheery kitchen'dining
$250, J0hnny's Mhsic Box, 205 Cota.[ heavy-duty Industrial engine, Six ~'~',,,~ .... >~-*-~----~--~-~-;----~---~- ---"-'-~---~- for the children and an award garden area, and many other de- large livng room, 2 b(
. . a]16 tin : ply tires, radio heater four-speed I ...... w~z~.~÷'~ .~±~'~x .~ ~ompany commg'[
WH'ITE-E'ASTJlRb~"i)ihbi~ii~.'-5"~)fi-ft:: transmission, $295. Phone 426-4711. I FOR._ RENT ~,;rr~lera~pace~ ~o/sge ~o ~laut~eaning Sj~lces Company:~ phg FOR RENT kitchen with builL in dishwasher J sirable features. Make an ap-
excellent condition. Phone '126-6778. See at 307 West D. S 2/4 tfn __~,...... ~.'"._yT.,L~__-'-" ....... ~'~ - ~ -:-~ ....... " ..... ,,' ±~."_ 1)2 and 3 bedroom homes, and double oven for the lady of] pointment to see this one today• and bath on the main fl
a 2nd bath in the bl
' T 2/4-181WILL TRADE-equl(y--i]~-l~J59-Pon~iac COMPLETELY furnished.cottafle be- LET'S M.A~.F date to decorate..For the house. Two compleLe baths, STRETCH YOUR DOLLAR
frieze for older cat'. Hardtop. Good son- tween UnionAn~l '~iTanon ?~a~pa~ ex~lertBep~i~ng~tiw.all ~aper~a~ng, Perfect for the growth(
se, $3,, One ,ed and box. aiton Pi, onc 426-3244. L 2/4-1, o. ,.oo-.: ..... "'--- --"°'- "-' HOOD CANAL ----v--- ----,~ - ~,- ---,,,--di°t~bl]eeya'~LgearhardS°°d Ifl°°lls~'U, ~t-c ~=::?r~: ~eiai~ hr:IsPuchWlthas bed'-Its3many so let's get together'
)~'ie ~ ' ( ' ' : ( ' --E ............................................................. Duses anu zmnmg )~e ~t xtt Kox zoo ~m-o~ ~ ~ila Ltn a look,
,l ~, $1,). R~tr~gerat r. $75. Up- 19o4 FORD 4-door, Mechanically excel- ! Union 898-2276 ~-~-~- m..~.~.--.~--_--_~~- just a few of the other outstand- ] r^oms ~1 u- 2 down~ firenlace
r ~'Jlt VaCUUtti cIcan(,r ¢10 426 ~J59 , , ..~ ~,, x~ o~ .r- i • ' ~z~r~ ~ur'~Jmu, ~r~mmeo removes. U S
........... C 2'~1"1 25 .m ..... - .................. I C 10/1 tfnLarry's Tree Surgeon i~ice. 4~- REAL ESTATE ing features. F H. A. selling price ] v . _, v,. _ _,, . . ,
We,,. I ,:Ne.THS ll B',,Ifalr ....... S-ortinb GOods 'FURNISHED AND UNFLT.RNI.S.HED ~,~t2~ ........ 2/.l~..trn Hoodsport Ph. 677-5211 $19.525 wlth' $725 down payment' worKsnop, ......... an0 ,enoeo yarn • ".. • SECLUDED CHARMER
(:~t~ ~ ')Otq, o,"~'*'l:.. ~. I) ,,,'~" ' ur~ ,7/11/.. ,~m~,s I ml~ ~ , one bedroom~ apartmenxs, tWO DIOCKS I~L't'l" AUTU GLASS tl~tallatlon. Dht,q cln~,~ .~t~ .~ ~,. ~,~ I ano omy ~t~uu wltn terms avaiia- is is another acreag
~.~'.:'.'~":".~..,"~ ~': .'~ "" " ~(.-"., ; ,~.,~ [ ....... from bank. shopping center. Appli- if!in Pauley Inc. 501 Ballroad Ave. ,- ........ ~, ............. ~u- b e. within the city limits, an
t~uAt¢ ~u~. vcrsapan ~l. ~.~-tHz.~. I BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ; ances, heat, hot water, garbage scr- _ ~none 426-8281. 4]28 Cfn ~~ DAY, MOVE IN SUNDAY.
2/I~ un ment at Walt's Marine Supply, onvice furn shed. Tiled sinks bath- B.OOFING, blown rocR wooi Insu'i~-
I,~Ri;'F ........ oni -~..~iloii-0f-A-&-wR0(~t I beautiful Hood Canal Phone Hoods- tubs showers Ample storage Quiettion aranteed Ph 426 tf PLANNING TO BUILD .... Venient to ri9ht downt¢
., ~ --- ~, • , , ~ • , gu . . -6417. 8/20 n
I.eer tt~ .Carl Anderson, tit. I, Box] vort TR 7-8244. 1/19 tfn clean,attr~ttve surroundings, Also __-~-:=---_ ~~ ........ .-----
SPACIOUS SUBURBAN We have available just a few real will have a choice ~
o70 at Minor's A & W Drive-In on] l-9-d5-R-AINi-E-R-tr~~n-d--Sky- bachelorunlts for single Imraons, FUR w.XI~I~R.T MASONRY, flr%ujaces. HOME [ nice home sites --- either City or mountain view, from tr
Mr. View, . 2/11 lark horse trailc~':s on sale now at electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex- i~.~S, planters, cau 1~. ~. ~.u?n, Six room home with three plus lSuburban tracts. Better select redecorated home that
L()C.Ai: BT~LE'15: iiAY-F0~--S~'LE::: ghe]ton Union geL'vice Station, 332 haust fans, built-in dressing rooms. " • ., ~n WANTED. bedrooms. Large living room with l yours now. Attractive terms ar- rounded by 1 full acts
Pll,me 426-3750 G '~)11 tfn I So, let SL R 10/15 tfn Three laundry rooms, automatic w a- HAV~ .GLTN. WTLL SPRAYI Exterior
-. ) ..'-.-' ' . -----.~. --Y.'..~ . I~ sbers, dryer. Abun~anse not water one Interior. J~Teo estimates. Work dining area. Kitchen and utility ranged on most. and shrubs. Each rt~om i!
1'/.2 t',t~, lO2'. CHEST DEEPv'I*.EEZE ~ and heat. Good beds, of course! ~uaxanteed. Bennett Patatin,, Co. porch. Has full basement an'dl roomy and the dreamY!
7 m(,nths, $180. Call ,126-6436. I t'el;s, lnves[ocK Lawton Apts.. 7th & Pine. Shown ~Shone ~-8~. /t0 uo Real estate listings! garage, oil furace, priw~te waterl EASY DOES IT .... well planned for easy
............................................ B 2/11 [ , by appoinhnent. Phone 426-2121 cH~N---BAW-'-SHA~~,,
FOR SALE .... 3/4 roll-a-way b(d NEW SUPPLY of turtles and fish are I L 12/10 tfu,accurate Oreolslon ~r/ndin=r' ~w a~ system, Has park-like yard with I Lots of good living here -- large There are 3 bedroomS,
with mdt~t:ss,l.g(. colf(,(.' tabh. in Also greeting cards of all kinus ..--~--~---~-~-~.-~'-----w.--~u-~i~h--~-~----=--~=~- ~-..g^- ~- ..... ~--- ..... -% --- --
.... ~ ....... ', I • " " e ' " 426 43-8 ' , ~u~ ~ -- ~.Lur u two w~-o~ ~, *,~u~ur ouvv. =Lmcres~. ~'none We get results -- past records lovely Lrees and shrRbs. With ren- I living room, convenient kitchen, a full basement that ¢
with~ draw(,r,~ t/u'ec cttests ) of (draw" ] 5e apiece. Carl venlngs, v-- s/..tut':-~ t~nT- [ room modern, new apartments on 426-4602. 1/15 tfnprove this. Our office has sold ovati'on Lhis will make a fine I electric heat. This 1 bedroom home complete apartment. Yop
or.. I lease, call either 42(;-66.}7 or[ .................................. I Mt. View. Wall-to-wall carpeting, i SAND AND GRAVEL ~op ~oll peat so many properties lately that home. See it today--only $9,850. will easily convert into a charm- ter take a look 'cause t
426-8560. K 2/11[TERIilEIi PUPPIES for sale. West | draperies, laundry facilities, appli-[ soil custom tractol- work 'John~
~JltSAL:E-.;L.:-Ci}~:i~,£:-~t~it:(ing"nm,.i Hjg!~laonds, and Austra!ian. _Phil.el ances, private parklng and' prlv.~te,~ Crsek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426= we now need more. If you want , ling 2 bedroom rent-beater.l! $595Q, awful lot of house here
elfin(', 26 in. bike, vacuttn~ chmner, [ 426-51.)~. _ ---~" 1/Zl t Ill locKea storage space. ~eatea swtm-I a552 9/12 tfn action, call LOOK! LOOK! NEW HOME I terms of course. .... 000. •
12 fl l,,,al. ,,.