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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,,AWTON FIRST STREET Noon Saturdays V. "Joe", Simpson &amp; Operator North Mason Oounty !o Date (.',hanged for J "l q Name King and Queen Conservation Lunch North Mason's Juntor King and I Peeause the prod, ram planned Queen of Hearts will be named (n!for the anm:tl Conservation hm- Valentine's Day by Class 8-1 of Cheon of the Shelt(m (Jordan Club North Mason Junior High Schoo will not be available until March, at a danee for the benefit ol' the lthe dai;e has been (.hangod fl'(llo. Mason Cotniy Heart Fund. i I'*ff. 16 Io Monday, March 16, The Fleart Fund benefit is an i in lhe Shelton Arnmry. The March annual affair. Mike Roessel and 161h date will coincide w, ilh the C, onnie Harris are chairmen of the [20th anniversary of the founding Iof 1he club. * King and Queen contest. I Mrs. li'?ht Dill is genezal enaiz- Other committees are: Music, I Bob Spooner, chairman, Mike[man \\;viih Mrs. V T. Connotly in charge of deeorations. The gener- Harding, Valerie Weisel and Char- al public iv Invited and reserw- lotte Jolley; decorations, Valerie ti(ms fro" the luncheon can be made Weisel, Allen Middleton, Ge°rgeiwith cit}er Mrs. Frank Smith at Weisel and Edanna Strickland; refreshments, Christine Ison chair- man, Connie Harris, Suzy Wing, Gary Patterson, Don Shellgren and Jim Paris; tickets, Gene Foster, chairman, Jane Widmeyer; publi- city, Nancy Mattus, chairman, Al- len Middleton, Gene Foster and Dawn Dee Springer. Keith Lamb is advisor of the class. Feb. 15- 16 - 17 Plus "BUCIANAN RIDES ALONE" Starr ng Randol)h Scott and Jenifer Holden The Hanging tree was always ready to bloom in the place they called -HelltoWn-on-the- Border" where a stranger like Buchanan didn't have an out- side chance to ride out alive. OX THEATRE Sun., Mon., Tues. "TANK FORCE,, Victor Mature and Leo Genn battle of World War the screen with irre- force. Feb. 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 Plus "TARZAN'S FIGHT FOR LI FE" Starring Gordon Scott as "Tar- zan" with Eve Brent as "Jane." New and sensational, filmed where it happens in color. The King Of the Jungle's newest ad- venture in unexplored Africa. Thurs., Fri., Sat., BADLANDERS,, =rring Alan Ladd, Claire ly and Ernest Borgnine dlent dawn they a past to forget find. site • . ,z FRIDAY 'TIL 8:30 MORE? as the newest trend setting fabric selections at Ayou toss in your washer ? Pen- pattern for every household bold Spring prints you'd never guess were Come in and buy yours today! WEAR" BROADCLOTH PRINTS 49 € Y. can you get such quality print cottons for too. Big and bold, neat patterns, strtpe, a sewing item you have planned for Spring and washable. REGULATED A¢ Prints t WEAR'' PRINTS  Yd. Cot" hat are crease resistant, machine washable, 9an- fine ;:lihat are.p.riced much lower than you'd expect .u rzcll colorwork. Sew and Save: Mercerized $1i Yd. silk prints. A rich, colorful, spring cotton your finest Spring oewtng. Drees, kirts, screened as many as 8 times. of the First to Own NEW 49-STAR AMERIOAN FLAil 3 new flag, you simply .., =1 one wants the new flag! FOR get them at Penney's in JUST • washable, sun resist- government standards! -. • nag 24x36, 2 flags 12x18. Buy yours now. Value OHAMBRAY IRTS A Real Bargain MEN'S LOGGER BOOTS 8-In. Top, Plain Toe Style Oil Tanned Leather Upper Sizes 6=/'2 . 11, E Width only $888 Ut to Insure Comfort Washable 1.00 HA 6-4304 or Mrs. Percy Kenner- ly, HA 6-2104. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Harold Cramer, 1425 West Turner, on Monday with Mrs. Harvey Gruver and Mrs. Guy N(nris, co-hostesses. Mr. Vern Nelson of Olympia will speak on "Flood Control" Members are asked to bring hor- ticulture specimens of shrubs or spring fh) A discussion on those will follow. Marriage ,Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason county auditor's of- fice this past week were: Robert R. Smith, 22, Elma, and Joy Meserney, 18, Hoquiam. James A. Langrand, 21, Clinton, Ill., and Janis Filer, 15, Poulsbo. Guy Simpson, 21, Seattle, and Sandra House, 16, Seattle. Harry Walker, 40, Kingston, and Barbara Mills, 24, Suguamish. TATE MEETING: Mrs. Nena P. Roberts, president of the Shel- ton Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, and Miss Marian Johnson, state director of moral education, were in Seattle last week to attend the mid-year bus- iness meeting of the organiza- tion. 0U'RNAL -- WaShin 3 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Kirk wish to announce the recent engage- ment of their daughter, Edith Muriel to Mr. Charles A. Willis of Shel- ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Willis of Olym- pia. Miss Kirk is a senior at Irene S. Reed high school and Mr. Willis is em- ployed at Simp- son Logging Company. The wedding date is set for June 4. IDean photo.) Social Even ts 8oclety Editor • Beve Welle • Phone HA. 6-4412 WED FRIDAY IN LUTHERAN RITES with black accessories and cor- sage of pink variegated carnations. A Maltese cross wedding cake decorated with pink roses and topped with a miniature bridal couple was attractively set among a centerpiece of pink and White stock for the the reception in the church parlors following the cere- mony. Mrs, Robert Ogden cut the cake while Mrs. Ted Berry and Mrs. VFW Aux. Hears Reports on State Mid-Winter {;onfab. [epol'ls \\;vel'e made of the VFW mid-winter conference at lho If%St rleetiI K of the Mason collrtty VI;'V Auxilialy by Mrs. Daisy Pinney. service officer, and t-.halrice Gray, depuly chief of staff. Mrs. Sue Weaver, historian, also attended, Mrs. Pinney was presented a cer- tificate o1' conlplet,on of her train- ing course as a service officer. Mrs. Ruth N. Nelson was re- instated as a new nlelnbel'. A mlvprise visit was made by past presMent, Eva Hansen, now living in Retail. A letter from Michael Wayne, an nrphan sponsored by the group at. I-hickley, was read by Iae Rob- inson, youth activities chairman. [)ona.tlozls weFe nlft(ie to tile Hearl: li'und and io the National Memorial Building Fun(I. Florenc, e Ita lnilttm, trell.surer, announced that the auxiliary has reached their 100 per cent paid member- ship for 1959. All members desiring informa- tion about the VFW insurance nlay coutact Larry Godwin of the PosL After adjonrnment of the meet- ing, members of the Post and Aux- iliary joined in honoring Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pinney on their 35th wedding anniversary with a dee- orated tier cake. Hi. Mason Oou#00 Deadline Februiry 16, The deadline for names of at, tractive unmarrl(d prospects for the Miss Mason County contest is Sunday. Feb. 15. Anyone knowing of a girl, who Is a high school graduate by Sept. 1, 19591 and a resident of Mason county for the past six months may send in her name to the Jaycees. Entrants' names should be mailed to the Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box MR. AND MRS. Henry G. Robertson wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Glenda Lee, to Mr. Carl W. Verse, son of Mrs. Rose L. Harpel, of Olympia. No date has been set for the wedding. (Dean photo,) GIRL SCOUT NEWS Instead of their regular meeting last Tuesday Brownie Troop No. 20 visited the Rogers School. The girls delivered several boxes of articles that they had gathered for the students to work with. Ir Trexler and Mrs. Parrott took the White stock and yellow iris dec- girls on a tour of the school and orated the chapel of Mt. Olive they saw many of the projects Lutheran church last Friday eve- that the students are now work- ning for the marriage of Miss Dor- ing on. Mrs. Kelly Nutt and Mrs. ajean Mathews to Mr. Raymond Walter Bain provided transporta- D. Putvin. tion. This week the troop will be Miss Mathews is the daughter busy making valentine tray favors of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ogden for the patients at the Botts Nuts- and Mr. Putvin, son of Mr. and ing Home. Mrs. L. L. Putvin. The Rev. Walter Kellerman of- ficiated at the double ring candle- KEEI>ING UP on her career, Ann Frank, recently returned home from a week in San Francis- co at the Institute for Nurses and Anesthetists conducted by the Am- erican Hospital Association in co- operation with nurses and anesthe- tists. During the morning sessions of the Institute, the group visited va- rious hospitals to observe anesthet- ic practices and equipment, and a trip to an Army hospital to wit- ness the use of the oxygenator in heart and lung surgery. YOUR VALENTINE WILL LOVE A light ceremony before relatives of the couple and a few close friends. Mr. Phil Stoehr sang, "Oh, Prom- ise Me" acompanied by Miss Sharon Kellerman at the organ. Andrew Scott, aunts of the bride, poured. Mrs. Don Hansen, sister of the bridegroom, served punch. In charge of the guest book was Miss Peg Prouty and Miss Rosanne 365, Shelton. GIFT FROM OUR LINGERIE DEPT Putvin, sister of the brldegroom, HOME The bride was escorted down and Mrs. Doyle Howard, cousin the aisle by her father, Mr. Ogden. of the bride, gift table. Q For her wedding she chose a full The bride changed to an olive length gown of white Chantilly green two-piece dress with brown LOANS Choice of Dozen Shades! lace over taffeta, designed with accessories and orchid corsage a boat neckline edged in tiny seed from the bridal bouquet for the pearls and bridal point sieeves, wedding trip to Seattle. FASHION TINTS FOR 'Her elbow length veil was caught The new Mrs. Putvin was grad- SPRING in "Her" Favorite GAYMOOE NYLONS Seamless! or 98' Full Fashion! With shorter skirts, the importance of color correct hose is most important. Select from 12 rich spring shades, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............ conservatives or dramatic. Sheer, ......... semi-sheer, full fashion or perfect .............. fitting seamless. Stretch or conven- ..... tional types. For any hose your VaN ........................ entine wishes, shop Penney's for Gay- iii iiiii'i!iiil : !::#:::ii::::i ........ modes that are beautiful and service- able too. Sizes 8'& to 11. Lengths for short, average and tall. :::: VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL PRICE! NEW JEWELRY Famous jewelers labels! Every piece made to sell for more. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets. Metals, plastics, every piece a bargain, 50 < 15 DENIER 60 GAUGE SPECIAL PRICE! SHEER NYLONS 2 Full fashion, sheer perfect! All PAl R sizes 8 to 11, new Spring $= VV"l shades. Stock tip again this I• weekend and you'll save! She'll Love the Newest Richest, Lightest in Nylon Tricot Proportioned "Feather Trique" SLIPS :!!:r :::: '398 Give Y r Valentine a very pretty, perfect fitting nylon Slip. In Sizes :::::::::i:i::, tO fit 32 to 48 and in lengths for : :i!i:::i:ii:i!:!i!::ii!i short, average and tall. VALENTINE SPECIAL! BOUFFANT HALF50"YARDsLIP ' $2 's8 Just the gift for a teen-ager. Under spring skirts and dresses they will !:i:i:i!ii!:!iiii!i I need several. Here's a Gift He Will Enjoy Wearingl You'll not Dread the Laundry 100% COMBED COTTON "Wash 'n Wear" BBOADCLOTH WHITE SHIRTS, *2.98 Little or no ironing So easy to wash, comfortable to wear, alwav. white, tailored carefully for the perfect fit. Completely Sanfor. ized. Perfect fitting collar. Con- vertible cuffs, wear with or With- out cuff links. VALENTINE SUGGESTION NY LON/COTTON FStretchable 69 ANCY SOCKS € Smart, Spring patterns and or,/ ors. Comfortable, sturdy, $z 9/ to 14's. WIL little or no by a matching headl)ieee. She car- ried a heart shaped bouquet of stephanotis and yell()'., rose buds surrounding a white orchid, and her great-great aunt': handker- chief. Mrs. Madeline Anderon, aunt of the brRle, was matron of honor in a cinnamon brown sheath with matching net overskirt. She car- riod a colonial bouquet of bronze and yellow chrysanthemun'm. Bridesmaids were Miss Bellaine Ogden, sister of the bride, and Miss Letha Wilson. They were l gowned in light tan and beige -dresses of the same style as that of the matron of honor and car- ried colonial bouquets of bronze and yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Deborah Anderson, cousin of the bride, flower girl was dressed in a gold silhouette and carried a basket of bronze and yellow chry- santhemums. Miss Carol Wolden, cousin of the bride, and David Mathews, brother of the bride, were candlelighters. Mr. Putvin asked his brother, Lawrence, to be best man. Ring bearer was Donnie Hansen, neph- ew of the bridegroom. Ushers were Messers Don Putvin, brother of the bridegroom, and Don Han- sen, brother-in-law of the bride- groom. Mrs. Ogden chose a dark brown orlon boucle knit dress with brown md beige accessories and varie- ,ated pink carnation corsage for wedding. utvin, mother of the bridegroom, wore a turquoise suit uated from Irene S. Reed high school and Mr. Putvln attended Pacific Lutheran Colege. He is employed by Siml)son Logging Company. They Will make their home in Shelton. Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Don Hansen, Mrs. Hildur Alvestad, Mr. and Mrs Orville Alvestad, :Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Babcock, all of Tacoma, Miss Az'line Putvin, Mrs. Lydia Blair, Portland, Miss Caro- lyn Maim, Mt. Vernon, and Mr. aad Mrs, Arthl/r Voldeil, Seattle. * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates , NO DELAY" Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance BIdg, ONCE A YEA TOURSTORE - IT'S A DATE - Journal's Calendar of Events Today, Thurmhty, ]Peb. 12 PTSO, 8 p.m., Shelton high school. The Quest, travelogue film, 7:30 p.m., Baptist church. Friday, Feb. 13 World Day of Prayer services, 2 p.m., St. David's Episcopal church• WARC, 8 p.m., Rogers school. Basketball, Highclimbers vs. Montesano, there. Sturdy, Feb. 14 Basketball, Highclimbers vs. E1- ma, 6:45 p.m., Shelton gym. Sunday, Feb. 15 Shelton churches invite you to attend services today. Monday, Feb, 16 Pre-School PTA, 8 p.m., 2020 Laurel. Mark E. Reed chapter, Order of DeMolay, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Tem- ple. Tueday, Feb. 17 American Legion Post and Aux- iliary, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Bethel 37, Order of Job's Daugh- ters, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Wednesday, Feb. 18 Laurel Court, Order of Amar- anth, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. Hillcrest Homemakers Club, noon, Mrs. Grace Wells' home. Thursday, Feb. 19 Past Matrons Club, Welcome chapter, OES, 12:30 p.m., Mrs. Al- berta Landers' home, 1018 E. Ellt- nor Hood Canal Woman's Club, Pot- latch clubhouse Navy Mothers, noon, Mrs. Ray Sharp's home. Chamber of Commerce, 7 p.m.,' Shelton Hotel. AT A NEW LOW PRICltl t Matching Boil Sprlng $49.50 • Complete Ensemble $99.00 OR OYSTER DINNER INN|RSPlUNG ' TERMS TO The public is cordially invited to a fried oyster dinner Sunday, Feb, 22, fro,n 1 to  p.m., m te PLEASE YOU Belfair Masonic Temple. A meat dish will be served for those no00- Olsea Furniture Co wishing oysters. The dimmr is sponsored jointl by the Belfair Job's Dau and Rhododendron Garden Club. 328 Cots Street • Phone I-IA 6-4702 Dinners will be $1,25 for adult- START TONIGHT TO IN JOY THE WONDERFUL liST OF FOAM LATEX The bouyant foam Iotex ac- tually floats your body on milllons of tlny air cells pro- viding luxurious, cushioned comfort and the Rrm support your fired muscles must hove for healthful sleep. This wonderful sleeping comfort con be yours today . . Don't Wait . . . Come in today! ,,AWTON FIRST STREET Noon Saturdays V. "Joe", Simpson & Operator North Mason Oounty !o Date (.',hanged for J "l q Name King and Queen Conservation Lunch North Mason's Juntor King and I Peeause the prod, ram planned Queen of Hearts will be named (n!for the anm:tl Conservation hm- Valentine's Day by Class 8-1 of Cheon of the Shelt(m (Jordan Club North Mason Junior High Schoo will not be available until March, at a danee for the benefit ol' the lthe dai;e has been (.hangod fl'(llo. Mason Cotniy Heart Fund. i I'*ff. 16 Io Monday, March 16, The Fleart Fund benefit is an i in lhe Shelton Arnmry. The March annual affair. Mike Roessel and 161h date will coincide w, ilh the C, onnie Harris are chairmen of the [20th anniversary of the founding Iof 1he club. * King and Queen contest. I Mrs. li'?ht Dill is genezal enaiz- Other committees are: Music, I Bob Spooner, chairman, Mike[man \\;viih Mrs. V T. Connotly in charge of deeorations. The gener- Harding, Valerie Weisel and Char- al public iv Invited and reserw- lotte Jolley; decorations, Valerie ti(ms fro" the luncheon can be made Weisel, Allen Middleton, Ge°rgeiwith cit}er Mrs. Frank Smith at Weisel and Edanna Strickland; refreshments, Christine Ison chair- man, Connie Harris, Suzy Wing, Gary Patterson, Don Shellgren and Jim Paris; tickets, Gene Foster, chairman, Jane Widmeyer; publi- city, Nancy Mattus, chairman, Al- len Middleton, Gene Foster and Dawn Dee Springer. Keith Lamb is advisor of the class. Feb. 15- 16 - 17 Plus "BUCIANAN RIDES ALONE" Starr ng Randol)h Scott and Jenifer Holden The Hanging tree was always ready to bloom in the place they called -HelltoWn-on-the- Border" where a stranger like Buchanan didn't have an out- side chance to ride out alive. OX THEATRE Sun., Mon., Tues. "TANK FORCE,, Victor Mature and Leo Genn battle of World War the screen with irre- force. Feb. 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 Plus "TARZAN'S FIGHT FOR LI FE" Starring Gordon Scott as "Tar- zan" with Eve Brent as "Jane." New and sensational, filmed where it happens in color. The King Of the Jungle's newest ad- venture in unexplored Africa. Thurs., Fri., Sat., BADLANDERS,, =rring Alan Ladd, Claire ly and Ernest Borgnine dlent dawn they a past to forget find. site • . ,z FRIDAY 'TIL 8:30 MORE? as the newest trend setting fabric selections at Ayou toss in your washer ? Pen- pattern for every household bold Spring prints you'd never guess were Come in and buy yours today! WEAR" BROADCLOTH PRINTS 49 € Y. can you get such quality print cottons for too. Big and bold, neat patterns, strtpe, a sewing item you have planned for Spring and washable. REGULATED A¢ Prints t WEAR'' PRINTS  Yd. Cot" hat are crease resistant, machine washable, 9an- fine ;:lihat are.p.riced much lower than you'd expect .u rzcll colorwork. Sew and Save: Mercerized $1i Yd. silk prints. A rich, colorful, spring cotton your finest Spring oewtng. Drees, kirts, screened as many as 8 times. of the First to Own NEW 49-STAR AMERIOAN FLAil 3 new flag, you simply .., =1 one wants the new flag! FOR get them at Penney's in JUST • washable, sun resist- government standards! -. • nag 24x36, 2 flags 12x18. Buy yours now. Value OHAMBRAY IRTS A Real Bargain MEN'S LOGGER BOOTS 8-In. Top, Plain Toe Style Oil Tanned Leather Upper Sizes 6=/'2 . 11, E Width only $888 Ut to Insure Comfort Washable 1.00 HA 6-4304 or Mrs. Percy Kenner- ly, HA 6-2104. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Harold Cramer, 1425 West Turner, on Monday with Mrs. Harvey Gruver and Mrs. Guy N(nris, co-hostesses. Mr. Vern Nelson of Olympia will speak on "Flood Control" Members are asked to bring hor- ticulture specimens of shrubs or spring fh) A discussion on those will follow. Marriage ,Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason county auditor's of- fice this past week were: Robert R. Smith, 22, Elma, and Joy Meserney, 18, Hoquiam. James A. Langrand, 21, Clinton, Ill., and Janis Filer, 15, Poulsbo. Guy Simpson, 21, Seattle, and Sandra House, 16, Seattle. Harry Walker, 40, Kingston, and Barbara Mills, 24, Suguamish. TATE MEETING: Mrs. Nena P. Roberts, president of the Shel- ton Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, and Miss Marian Johnson, state director of moral education, were in Seattle last week to attend the mid-year bus- iness meeting of the organiza- tion. 0U'RNAL -- WaShin 3 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Kirk wish to announce the recent engage- ment of their daughter, Edith Muriel to Mr. Charles A. Willis of Shel- ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Willis of Olym- pia. Miss Kirk is a senior at Irene S. Reed high school and Mr. Willis is em- ployed at Simp- son Logging Company. The wedding date is set for June 4. IDean photo.) Social Even ts 8oclety Editor • Beve Welle • Phone HA. 6-4412 WED FRIDAY IN LUTHERAN RITES with black accessories and cor- sage of pink variegated carnations. A Maltese cross wedding cake decorated with pink roses and topped with a miniature bridal couple was attractively set among a centerpiece of pink and White stock for the the reception in the church parlors following the cere- mony. Mrs, Robert Ogden cut the cake while Mrs. Ted Berry and Mrs. VFW Aux. Hears Reports on State Mid-Winter {;onfab. [epol'ls \\;vel'e made of the VFW mid-winter conference at lho If%St rleetiI K of the Mason collrtty VI;'V Auxilialy by Mrs. Daisy Pinney. service officer, and t-.halrice Gray, depuly chief of staff. Mrs. Sue Weaver, historian, also attended, Mrs. Pinney was presented a cer- tificate o1' conlplet,on of her train- ing course as a service officer. Mrs. Ruth N. Nelson was re- instated as a new nlelnbel'. A mlvprise visit was made by past presMent, Eva Hansen, now living in Retail. A letter from Michael Wayne, an nrphan sponsored by the group at. I-hickley, was read by Iae Rob- inson, youth activities chairman. [)ona.tlozls weFe nlft(ie to tile Hearl: li'und and io the National Memorial Building Fun(I. Florenc, e Ita lnilttm, trell.surer, announced that the auxiliary has reached their 100 per cent paid member- ship for 1959. All members desiring informa- tion about the VFW insurance nlay coutact Larry Godwin of the PosL After adjonrnment of the meet- ing, members of the Post and Aux- iliary joined in honoring Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pinney on their 35th wedding anniversary with a dee- orated tier cake. Hi. Mason Oou#00 Deadline Februiry 16, The deadline for names of at, tractive unmarrl(d prospects for the Miss Mason County contest is Sunday. Feb. 15. Anyone knowing of a girl, who Is a high school graduate by Sept. 1, 19591 and a resident of Mason county for the past six months may send in her name to the Jaycees. Entrants' names should be mailed to the Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box MR. AND MRS. Henry G. Robertson wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Glenda Lee, to Mr. Carl W. Verse, son of Mrs. Rose L. Harpel, of Olympia. No date has been set for the wedding. (Dean photo,) GIRL SCOUT NEWS Instead of their regular meeting last Tuesday Brownie Troop No. 20 visited the Rogers School. The girls delivered several boxes of articles that they had gathered for the students to work with. Ir Trexler and Mrs. Parrott took the White stock and yellow iris dec- girls on a tour of the school and orated the chapel of Mt. Olive they saw many of the projects Lutheran church last Friday eve- that the students are now work- ning for the marriage of Miss Dor- ing on. Mrs. Kelly Nutt and Mrs. ajean Mathews to Mr. Raymond Walter Bain provided transporta- D. Putvin. tion. This week the troop will be Miss Mathews is the daughter busy making valentine tray favors of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ogden for the patients at the Botts Nuts- and Mr. Putvin, son of Mr. and ing Home. Mrs. L. L. Putvin. The Rev. Walter Kellerman of- ficiated at the double ring candle- KEEI>ING UP on her career, Ann Frank, recently returned home from a week in San Francis- co at the Institute for Nurses and Anesthetists conducted by the Am- erican Hospital Association in co- operation with nurses and anesthe- tists. During the morning sessions of the Institute, the group visited va- rious hospitals to observe anesthet- ic practices and equipment, and a trip to an Army hospital to wit- ness the use of the oxygenator in heart and lung surgery. YOUR VALENTINE WILL LOVE A light ceremony before relatives of the couple and a few close friends. Mr. Phil Stoehr sang, "Oh, Prom- ise Me" acompanied by Miss Sharon Kellerman at the organ. Andrew Scott, aunts of the bride, poured. Mrs. Don Hansen, sister of the bridegroom, served punch. In charge of the guest book was Miss Peg Prouty and Miss Rosanne 365, Shelton. GIFT FROM OUR LINGERIE DEPT Putvin, sister of the brldegroom, HOME The bride was escorted down and Mrs. Doyle Howard, cousin the aisle by her father, Mr. Ogden. of the bride, gift table. Q For her wedding she chose a full The bride changed to an olive length gown of white Chantilly green two-piece dress with brown LOANS Choice of Dozen Shades! lace over taffeta, designed with accessories and orchid corsage a boat neckline edged in tiny seed from the bridal bouquet for the pearls and bridal point sieeves, wedding trip to Seattle. FASHION TINTS FOR 'Her elbow length veil was caught The new Mrs. Putvin was grad- SPRING in "Her" Favorite GAYMOOE NYLONS Seamless! or 98' Full Fashion! With shorter skirts, the importance of color correct hose is most important. Select from 12 rich spring shades, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............ conservatives or dramatic. Sheer, ......... semi-sheer, full fashion or perfect .............. fitting seamless. Stretch or conven- ..... tional types. For any hose your VaN ........................ entine wishes, shop Penney's for Gay- iii iiiii'i!iiil : !::#:::ii::::i ........ modes that are beautiful and service- able too. Sizes 8'& to 11. Lengths for short, average and tall. :::: VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL PRICE! NEW JEWELRY Famous jewelers labels! Every piece made to sell for more. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets. Metals, plastics, every piece a bargain, 50 < 15 DENIER 60 GAUGE SPECIAL PRICE! SHEER NYLONS 2 Full fashion, sheer perfect! All PAl R sizes 8 to 11, new Spring $= VV"l shades. Stock tip again this I• weekend and you'll save! She'll Love the Newest Richest, Lightest in Nylon Tricot Proportioned "Feather Trique" SLIPS :!!:r :::: '398 Give Y r Valentine a very pretty, perfect fitting nylon Slip. In Sizes :::::::::i:i::, tO fit 32 to 48 and in lengths for : :i!i:::i:ii:i!:!i!::ii!i short, average and tall. VALENTINE SPECIAL! BOUFFANT HALF50"YARDsLIP ' $2 's8 Just the gift for a teen-ager. Under spring skirts and dresses they will !:i:i:i!ii!:!iiii!i I need several. Here's a Gift He Will Enjoy Wearingl You'll not Dread the Laundry 100% COMBED COTTON "Wash 'n Wear" BBOADCLOTH WHITE SHIRTS, *2.98 Little or no ironing So easy to wash, comfortable to wear, alwav. white, tailored carefully for the perfect fit. Completely Sanfor. ized. Perfect fitting collar. Con- vertible cuffs, wear with or With- out cuff links. VALENTINE SUGGESTION NY LON/COTTON FStretchable 69 ANCY SOCKS € Smart, Spring patterns and or,/ ors. Comfortable, sturdy, $z 9/ to 14's. WIL little or no by a matching headl)ieee. She car- ried a heart shaped bouquet of stephanotis and yell()'., rose buds surrounding a white orchid, and her great-great aunt': handker- chief. Mrs. Madeline Anderon, aunt of the brRle, was matron of honor in a cinnamon brown sheath with matching net overskirt. She car- riod a colonial bouquet of bronze and yellow chrysanthemun'm. Bridesmaids were Miss Bellaine Ogden, sister of the bride, and Miss Letha Wilson. They were l gowned in light tan and beige -dresses of the same style as that of the matron of honor and car- ried colonial bouquets of bronze and yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Deborah Anderson, cousin of the bride, flower girl was dressed in a gold silhouette and carried a basket of bronze and yellow chry- santhemums. Miss Carol Wolden, cousin of the bride, and David Mathews, brother of the bride, were candlelighters. Mr. Putvin asked his brother, Lawrence, to be best man. Ring bearer was Donnie Hansen, neph- ew of the bridegroom. Ushers were Messers Don Putvin, brother of the bridegroom, and Don Han- sen, brother-in-law of the bride- groom. Mrs. Ogden chose a dark brown orlon boucle knit dress with brown md beige accessories and varie- ,ated pink carnation corsage for wedding. utvin, mother of the bridegroom, wore a turquoise suit uated from Irene S. Reed high school and Mr. Putvln attended Pacific Lutheran Colege. He is employed by Siml)son Logging Company. They Will make their home in Shelton. Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Don Hansen, Mrs. Hildur Alvestad, Mr. and Mrs Orville Alvestad, :Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Babcock, all of Tacoma, Miss Az'line Putvin, Mrs. Lydia Blair, Portland, Miss Caro- lyn Maim, Mt. Vernon, and Mr. aad Mrs, Arthl/r Voldeil, Seattle. * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates , NO DELAY" Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance BIdg, ONCE A YEA TOURSTORE - IT'S A DATE - Journal's Calendar of Events Today, Thurmhty, ]Peb. 12 PTSO, 8 p.m., Shelton high school. The Quest, travelogue film, 7:30 p.m., Baptist church. Friday, Feb. 13 World Day of Prayer services, 2 p.m., St. David's Episcopal church• WARC, 8 p.m., Rogers school. Basketball, Highclimbers vs. Montesano, there. Sturdy, Feb. 14 Basketball, Highclimbers vs. E1- ma, 6:45 p.m., Shelton gym. Sunday, Feb. 15 Shelton churches invite you to attend services today. Monday, Feb, 16 Pre-School PTA, 8 p.m., 2020 Laurel. Mark E. Reed chapter, Order of DeMolay, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Tem- ple. Tueday, Feb. 17 American Legion Post and Aux- iliary, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Bethel 37, Order of Job's Daugh- ters, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Wednesday, Feb. 18 Laurel Court, Order of Amar- anth, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. Hillcrest Homemakers Club, noon, Mrs. Grace Wells' home. Thursday, Feb. 19 Past Matrons Club, Welcome chapter, OES, 12:30 p.m., Mrs. Al- berta Landers' home, 1018 E. Ellt- nor Hood Canal Woman's Club, Pot- latch clubhouse Navy Mothers, noon, Mrs. Ray Sharp's home. Chamber of Commerce, 7 p.m.,' Shelton Hotel. AT A NEW LOW PRICltl t Matching Boil Sprlng $49.50 • Complete Ensemble $99.00 OR OYSTER DINNER INN|RSPlUNG ' TERMS TO The public is cordially invited to a fried oyster dinner Sunday, Feb, 22, fro,n 1 to  p.m., m te PLEASE YOU Belfair Masonic Temple. A meat dish will be served for those no00- Olsea Furniture Co wishing oysters. The dimmr is sponsored jointl by the Belfair Job's Dau and Rhododendron Garden Club. 328 Cots Street • Phone I-IA 6-4702 Dinners will be $1,25 for adult- START TONIGHT TO IN JOY THE WONDERFUL liST OF FOAM LATEX The bouyant foam Iotex ac- tually floats your body on milllons of tlny air cells pro- viding luxurious, cushioned comfort and the Rrm support your fired muscles must hove for healthful sleep. This wonderful sleeping comfort con be yours today . . Don't Wait . . . Come in today!