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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pae 4 ................. ,I ........... i ..... I1, , ...... i .00SI'ORTS'00 GARY OLARK BANGS JUNIOR LEAGUE W Bernie's Barber Shop ........ 16 Grays(one ......................... 13 Los Joslin Insurance .......... 12 Shamrock Cafe ..................... 12 Angle Insurance ................ 10 Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop 8 Beekwith Jewelry ............ 5 tlernbroff Agency .............. 4 High game--Gary Clark 226 High series--Gary Clark 557 PAIR OF 200 GAMES LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge NO. 1684 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport John Howe, Governor Phone HA 6-4743 Walter Tyynismaa, Scy. Gary Clark supplanted Larry L Neal in the junior bowling spot- 4 light Saturday with a 557 series 7 which included two trips into 200 8 territory. 8 Itis efforts enabled tailend Hem- 1'0 broff Agency to deadlock lead- 12 ing Bernie's Barber Shop (Bill 15 Sloan 450)• 16 Angle Insurance (Dave Knutzen 4291 and Graystone( Stan Ahlquist 532) were shutout victors over Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop (Nancy Wilson 394) and Beckwith Jewelry (Jerry Mallory 4901, while Sham- rock Care (Mike Lee 393) earned a 3-1 duke over Los Joslin Insur- ance (Mel McGee 539). FRATERNAL LEAGUE W Lions Club .......................... 17 7 Active Club ........................ 14 10 Cascade-Olympic .............. 13 11 Kiwanis Club ...................... 12 12 Shelton Hardware ............ 11 13 McCleary ............................ i0 14 Fuller Construction ........ 10 14 Moose Lodge ....................... 9 15 Dot Hanlon Singles Ohamp in Women's Annual Oily Tourney SI'IELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI--, Published .!n. *rChr{smasfown, U.S.A.," Champions of the women's bowl- ing association of Shelton for 1959 are: Dot Hanlon, singles Dot Barnaby anti Hazel Cum- mings, donble$ Olympia Plywood, team Phyllis Ziegler (scratch) and Esther Berets (handicap), all events Play in the annual association tournaznent was completed last weekend when doubles and singles were run off at the Shelton Rec- reation. Team event competition had been held the, previous week- end at the Timber Bowl. Dot Hanlon rolled games of 176. 198, 142, plus 99 pins handicap for a 615 aggregate and was trailed in order by Bobble Barnett at 586, Rea Brown 580, Mary Helen An- derson 559, Phyllis Collins 553, Es- ther Berets 552, Willa Mills 548, Ann Cole 543, Dot Knutzen 541, Vera Bishop 538, Bunny O'Neill 536, and:Essie Gibler 534. The Barnaby-Cumming combo hit a 1113 aggregate in the dou- bles to shade by a scant two pins Evei3 Eliot and Merna Haskins 00_.00llOl.BOOgS00-.'L00o,5oo,, MERGANSERS LEGAL PREY Fifteen Mason County lakes are among a large number of fresh water areas in Western Washing- ton on which it is now legal to shoot merganser ducks (sawbills). No limits were imposed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service when it announced the open season on these fish predators last week. The season will run until April 10 'unless terminated sooner• Only shotguns of 10 gauge and under i may be used and shooting hours are sunrise to sunset daily• The Mason County lakes include Aldrich, Benson, Cady, Clara, Hav- en, Isabella, Nahwatzel, Panther, Phillips, Spencer, Tiger, Trask, Twin, U, and Wooten. Also on the list are the Dose- wailips, Duekabush, Satsop, Sko- komish rivers. The season is designed to pro- tect trout from mergansers, which subsist entirely on fish and do heavy damage to trout. The birds can swim faster underwater than the fish can. $ =}: Phone HA 6-3292 ii High game--Ed Byrne 242 High total--..Russ Morken 595 Webber Drilling Company John Webber Phone llA 6-8157 Jaouzzi Pumps Sales & Service Route 1, Box 8, ;helton £300=ir00muti0000l Outboarding's new PROFILE or POWER ...from for'59' at 1111. Other prize winners were Phyllis Ziegler and Betty Olson 1063, Alice Kopperman and Esther Berets 1055, Goldie Williams and Betty Thompson 1051, and Vera Bishop and Kay Got( 1045. JEAN PETERSON'S 519 series paced Plywood's team triumph, achieved on a 15-13 aggregate. Other team prizes went to Insulat- ing Board 2485 (Phyl Ziegler 520)° 101 Park In 2451 (Dot Roberts 4641, Evergreen Texaco 2439 (Al- ice Crossan 471), Lumber 2438 (Joyce Dion 5361. The Tropics 2417 (Dot Roberts 422), Purchas- ing 2404 (Phyl Collins 479t, and the Rayonettes 2400 (Myrt Mork- eft 481). Mrs. Ziegler hit 1552 (496-515- 523). to win the scratch all-events, while Mrs. Berets posted 446-472- 552 plus 164 pins handicap for a 1634 aggregate in the handicap all-events count. Thirty-two teams entered the team event, 56 the singles and 28 pairs the doubles, with Jean Rau getting the top individual mark at her 241 game and 604 series, bowl- ed in the team event for the Tim-" her Bowl entry. PHYL ZIEGLER IN ,Jr'l New inside a, wall as Outslda The new Jolmsoa 8ea.Hor go better with your boat... make your boat go bettetl THEM NOWl.. SAEGER HOTOR SHOP Hillcrest Phone HA. 6-4602 No other car WATERS TOO IA)W, CLEAR Several excellent fish were claimed by steelhead anglers be- fore a general condition of "too low and clear" took over on the local fishing front early this week. Top catch of the week is cred- ited to Mark Cruddlek, who hit the Humptulips for a 20-pounder early last week and repeated in the same waters the next day for 9 and 10 pounders. Gene Storey had the same story from the Sko- komish with 8 and 10 pounders one day and an 8 the following. Les McGee claimed a dandy from the Skokomish Tuesday weighing in at 17 lbs. along with a second at 5-10 (pictured here), while two other Mason County anglers went into the 15-lb. class, Bob Handly getting a 15-8 from LES McGEE was the only known successful angler on the Skokomish Tuesday, getting this nifty 17-potmder and a 5-10 com- panion. (Wingard Sportshop polaroid photo I. the Satsop on the 5th and Vern Itosenberg jomaaeying afield to the Toutle for one at 15-15 Sunday. Single takes were reported by Buck Armstrong at 7 lbs. from the Satsop on the 5th, Derriel Singer, 5t,, Skokomish, 5th; Paul Hinton, 5, Floyd Sternberg, 4, Bob Keir, 6, E. L. Brmien of Tacoma, 6, all l on the 7th from the Skok; Ralph  Aldrich, 3, Dosewailips, 8th; Ian Sytsma, 7, Skok, 9th. i , ii • SIDELINE SLANT S * ! By Bill Diokle l SPORTING AROUND i own ability, a bow er could casl As a follow-up to this column's piece about Wes Stock last week, the subject popped up in town himself a couple of days later, somewhat as a surprise. He leaves again today on the 600 OIRGLE AGAIN ion00 (in miles) ja,,nt to 0000lortda SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE to report to the Baltimore Orioles advance spring training camp to W L which the top 35 prospects in the Lumber . ............................. 13 3 Oriole farm system are invited Insulating Board ............... 12 4 for a special opportunity to show Purchasing .......................... 12 4 their abilities to headman Patti Accounting ......................... 10 6 Richards for two weeks and out Loggers ................................. 5 11 of which they are either invited Olympic Plywood .............. 5 11 to continue with the Orioles main Research ............................... 4 12 training camp which follows ira- Engineering ...................... 3 13 mediately or are given assignments High game=Phyl Ziegler 225 to the farm teams with which High totaL--Phyl Ziegler 612 they will play during the 1959 Phyllis Ziegler shoved the pin- fenm into the forefront of the or- mg news by once again hitting: the 600 circle with a 181-206-225 se- ries for a 612 total in Simpson Women's hmgue play last week. Despite it, however, her Insu- luting Board club lost a 1-3 de- cision and first place in the stand- ings (o Lumber (Joyce Dion 482). were shutout victors over Engi- neering {LaVonne Cole 452) an€ the Loggers (Pearl Boardmar 404), while Research (Betty Schneider 446) earned a 3-1 duk'e over Olympic Plywood (June Lov- ing 503) in other matches. TOOLS season. Stock has hopes of being as- gned to either Bltimore's Tri- ple A farm chtb at Mimni (Fla.) in the htternath.ui league or Amarillo lit the AA Texas league either of which would be qnite a leap up the diamond lad- tier for tim Allyn boy, consider.- ins he has iutd but; one year of pro exirienee In Class C ball Accotmting (Jane White 524) and (Aberd¢m, S.D., in the Midwest Pnrchasing (Dot McNamara 470) htgue) and that was prior to two years (ff military service in the Army wbich w termbmted olly htst week. However, he gained some fine experience in service and indepen- dent ball during those two years as well as considerable maturity, the net of which apparently has prepared him well for a long step upward in baseball's professional ranks. Stock is all business about mak- ing baseball his means of liveli- hood. He is leaving his car at home so he will have nothing to distract ilim from the serious bnsi- ness of improving himself in his profession. BHi Taylor Was supposel to be -building for next year" this year but at last aeomtting his Anacortes Seahawks had won 16 str&ight basketball victories this ,eason without a ,etba(.k. GrminA.tlon gave his 1958 club ;t rough rap tm.d the tormer llighelimber athletic luminary wa ppoed to lye biding his and preparing his inexlmr- material for 1960 this year. With the right breaks and his |- ryes LLUHBER 420 S. FIRST ST. I Wheels are 5 inches farther apart. This widens the stance, not the car. Gives you a steadier, *balanced, road-hugging ride. SlEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR A ROAD TEST TODAV SHELTON MOTOR GOMPANY • Ist and Gr=ve Street in pretty heavily at the Timber Bowl if he achieved the right com- bination of accomplishments dur- a league series. Here's what he could pocket: He could roll a perfect 300 game and collect $100 in cash fzom the Timber Bowl, $100 from the mak- ers of 7-Up, $100 from Camarano Brothers, a $500 defense bond from I the makers of Crown Prince bowl- ling shirts, and a $300 defense bond from the Northwest Bowling and Billiard Supply. i He could roll a "Dutch 200" game ( alternate strikes and spares) and earn $10, lie could roll an all-spare game and col- lect $5 from the management, and if during either of the preceding games he picked up the 7-10 split he'd add $5 to his booty, the 5-7-10 split for $20, and the "Big Four" split for $2.50 in cash. Tiis is a total of $1,142.50 in all . . . a highly unlikely occur- fence, to be ms'e, but po,uible with the right: conibina.tion of good luck and ability. There are those who would like: the opportunity possessed by Pfc. Den W. Meyers, a member of the Fort Lewis Chief tan basketball team which plays the Cheney Studs a benefit exhibition basket- ball game in the Shelton gym next Sunday• Private Meyers, you see, Is coach of the Chief tan team, which includes among its per- sonnel 1st Lieut Bruce Palmer ad 2rid Lieut. Alan MeLam. Meyers , an al/-eonference guard at Central Washing,on and captiu of the Wildcats for throe yer Pahner was all-conference for- ward at Kansas State Teachers College for three years, was an all-tournament NAIA selection in i1956 and was named to the Helms Little All -American basketball team that year. MeLm is from East Corinth, Vermont, is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Vermont in 1957 al- though apparently did not partici- pate in varsitysports in college. In higi school__ was an all-state football selection and played bas- kethall, baseball and skiing along with football. RAINIER'S 920 GAME TOP BURP PIN PLAY WOMEN'S BURP LEAGUE W L Rainier Beer ..... litner's Straight"( ...... 58 8 46 29 shelton Recreatio n ......... 41 35 Tle Tropics ............. 39 37 Mick's Tavel-a'::"::::::::::::::: 38 38 uog Cabin ..... Heidelberg t]eer .................. 28 48 's I ............... 28 48 t: he. Logging Co. 26 50 rings game ............ ....... • Dot Roberts 198 zgn totaiMazT Anderson 487 Individual scores left little to writc about but the leading Rai- flier Beer ar,,- • • 9"" to"- grcgation hanged off a • v am game to highlight Burp [ca_m_nowiing action last week. teanl member roiled her ,.Op giefof the evening in achiev- i!zg. eat, led by Mary Helen Anncrson'a 190 She also'lind the night's top So: ....... • .  rms at 487 as Rai- nlCl tared ' '. " - Rishel Logging (Dot l:n utzen 382, ." - ,.  I:)y "I q-U count. TWO Oler ' ¢ "ere re( " Mi "' sllutou(s x .... ord- ed, ..! S Tavern (Edith Chamb- lin z;)) Ore ..... r Shelton Recreation = 4000), Tho Tropics i +.e,.nerts 468 ovcr Log Cab- i11  L IlK C e ,.. '; : .I ,velancl 371 ). Iltner s Stgat Shots INorma Coram ,17: Won a 3-1 verdict over Hei- vt ilcGee 428• ''r,C,,,i-N1:S LEA'.'UE , . W L if;ill s Shell Service ...... 14 6 00oto,.00 ..... 11 9 ]"e=''navmersy Elech'ic ...... 11 9 I ' graf's Camc.a Sit() 10 10 l'repp's Re. ' P ,, [ " n " ,×all Store 9 ,., 10 ,._,. [O_!Y )ptc PlYWood .......... 9b 10 wes,tez Meat ................. 8 12 Ip°_n. s llylng A Service 7 13 I 2!g. game _ Dean ec,.r 219 -- Dea Pety b8 Seven 600 Series for Major Leaguers; All Of Evergreen Lineup_ MAJOR LEAGUE l"ts. Northwest Evergreen ................ 60 Home Gas Company .................... 57 Tinlber Bowl ................................ 57 Dan's Nite Hawks ................ 46 Woiden's Chevron Service ........ 44 Jim Pauley Inc ............................ 32 Olson Barber & Beauty Shop .... 27 Ritner's Chuck Wagon ............ 21 Higt] games-Jim Archer 246, Bob Turner 246, Glen Roessel 234, Sonny Lowe 233 High series--Jim Archer 652, Sonny Lowe 641, Bob Turner 636, Dick White 620, Bert Howard 619, Ray Rice 619, Ade Kopperman 603 Major league bowlers went on a record scoring binge last Fri- day, blistering the Timber Bowl lanes for seven series between Jim Archer's 652 and Ade Kopper- man's 603, and racking up 25 games above 200. The entire Northwest Evergreen four-man team hit in the magic figures--Archer at 652, Bob Tur- ner at 636, Bert Howard and Ray Rice at 619 each. This effort was rewarded with first place in the standings, a leap from third on a 22-point gain. Timber Bowl gained 15 points to tie for second behind Dick White's 620, Dan's Nite Hawks also scored 15 points as Sonny Lowe hit 641., Home Gas slipped from first to a tie for 'second on an ll-point gain engi- i neered by Robertson's 603. It was probably the greatest one - night concentrated scoring spree in Shelton bowling history. MOGLIPS OLINGHES 2ND BEATING OWLS TR1- COUNTY LEAGITE W L North Rivet" . ....................... 7 0 Moelips ................................ 5  2 Wishkah ............................... 3 4 Quinault .............................. 2 5 Matlock ................................ 1 7 Last Friday Moclips 61, Matlock 44 North River 53, Quinault 37 MATTOCK --- ME)clips used the Mary M Knight Owls as a stepping stone to second place in the Tri- County league standings by ham- mering out a 61-44 vie(Dry over the Matlock quintet Friday night. Rossmaier, Kingery and Walker scored in double figures for the Owls but couldn't match the Mo- t:lips trio of Curly, James and Getchel. The lineups: MOCIJPS 61 MATLOCK 44 Curly 18  Avery 4 ]'ames 14  Rossmaier 12 Ethridge 5  Kelley 6 Booth 3 g" gingery 10 etchel 12 g Walker 10 Subs: Moclips--Coaett 6, Juar- ez 2, Dominick 1. Matlock--Jhan- son 2, Filyaw. SWING SlllFT LEAGUE W L Planers ....................... 13 7 Woodworms ................... 12 8 Hemlockers 12 S Log Peeler. ................ ] 1  :.. '. Strippers ........................... 11 9 Chasers ............................ I0.!,, 9 , Mixers .............................. 7 13 Pin Benders ..................... 3 17 High game.--Gordy Hanson 243 High total--Glen Laugen 573 HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE W L Evergreen Texaco ........ 16 8 Shelton Union Service 15 9 Ji/n Pauley Inc. " " 13.', 10L 101 Park In .................. 12 12 Byrne & Batstone ........ 8 16 Buechel's Garage ..... ... 7V, 16U, High game--Mary Anderson 180 High total---- Mary Anderson 484 TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal (Oakland Bay tides are one notur and 55 minutes later.) Friday, Feb. ]3 Low ................ 2:]0 a.m. 4.2 ft• High .............. 8:29 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low ................ 3:15 p.m. 3.4 ft. High .............. 9:25 p.rn. 9.2 fL Saturday, Feb. 14 Low ............... 2:56 a.m. 5.3 ft. High ............... 9:05 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 4:08 pro. 3.1 ft. High ............... 10:43 p.m. 9.0 ft. Sunday, Feb. 15 Low ................ 3:15 6.3 fL. High .............. 9:43 a.m. 1.0.8 ft. Low ................ 5:04 pro. 2.8 ft. Monday, Feb. 16 High ............... 0:12 a.m. 9,2 ft. Low ................ 4:59 a.m. 7.2 ft. High .............. 10:23 a.m. 10.4 ft. Low ................ 6:00 p.m. 2.3 ft. Tuesday, Feb. 17 High ............. 1:31 a.m. 9.7 ft. Low ................ 6:16 a.m. 7.7 ft. High .............. 11:20 a.m. 10.2 ft. Low ................ 6:54 p.m. 1.8 ft. Wednesday, Feb. ]8 High .............. 2:32 a.m. 9.7 ft. Thursday, Febru| i LM. BowIm 3058 Aclual I Hilling 600 | MEN'S 1NDU Lumbermen's Mere Wilson's Leftys 20th Century iantorium Cleaners * Waterfront Cole & Myhre Grant Lumber Morgan Transfer High g Bab Stewart High total .--Bah Jack Stewart Ineily 617, Low ..' .............. 7:29 a.m. 7.8 ft. High ............... 12:17 p.m. 10.1 ft. Low ................ 7:44 p.m. 1.3 ft. Thursday, Feb. 19 High .............. 3:17 a.m. 11.0 ft. Low ................ 8:26 a.m. 7.5 ft. High .............. 1:14 p.m. 10.1 ft. Low ................ 8:29 p.m. 0.8 ft. MIXED FOURSOME W L Deerslayers .................... 57 27 Who Knows .................... 52 32 Rusty Ducks .................. 51 33 New zeniths of tiveness wei'e Industrial week by tim tile entry when cumulated 3058 fit of handicap in match. Eight. of the 15 the five men were iffIl ket and three of topped 600, with . figu/'e shared by t]' Bab Stawart. pacl. nal scoring spree Wll= ' ! 234-206) with JacRi"' 192-190 for 619 Inel]y 223-215.179 brought team and 991. Their Pantorium ents (Mark for 608) couldn't Timber Ducks ................ 46 38 Board Busters .............. 45 38! Pin Busters .................... 33 51 Odd Balz ........................ 26 58 Wee-Uns .......................... 251,.1, 58. Iligh Score, Men's game--Ed Richards 212 Men's total--. Ed Richards 539 "Vomen's g'ame-=Marie Runnion 182 Women's total--Marie Runnion 478 in their first game lacked by 11 pins. second game. i All other matche locks: Morgan den 503) with Cole bil Service Grant Lumber with Waterfront Bur(hill 462), Wilson 534) with Thriftway (Ray • For Lawns MILORGANITE FERTILIZER  For Gardens INDUSTRIAL AI BUILDERS SUPR ->'-- FIRST & PINE , PHON Good News for Two-Car Faml00 oll • bodily Injury and BILL property damage • ¢oll|son coverage 125 N. 5th • ntedleal.paymenta Phone HA FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO • LIFE * FIRE * TRUCK QUICK-ON TIRE CHAINS ALL POPULAR SIZES MARKED DO Lunsford's 'firesfone 317 L Pae 4 .................  ,I ........... i ..... I1, , ...... i .00SI'ORTS'00 GARY OLARK BANGS JUNIOR LEAGUE W Bernie's Barber Shop ........ 16 Grays(one ......................... 13 Los Joslin Insurance .......... 12 Shamrock Cafe ..................... 12 Angle Insurance ................ 10 Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop 8 Beekwith Jewelry ............ 5 tlernbroff Agency .............. 4 High game--Gary Clark 226 High series--Gary Clark 557 PAIR OF 200 GAMES LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge NO. 1684 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport John Howe, Governor Phone HA 6-4743 Walter Tyynismaa, Scy. Gary Clark supplanted Larry L Neal in the junior bowling spot- 4 light Saturday with a 557 series 7 which included two trips into 200 8 territory. 8 Itis efforts enabled tailend Hem- 1'0 broff Agency to deadlock lead- 12 ing Bernie's Barber Shop (Bill 15 Sloan 450)• 16 Angle Insurance (Dave Knutzen 4291 and Graystone( Stan Ahlquist 532) were shutout victors over Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop (Nancy Wilson 394) and Beckwith Jewelry (Jerry Mallory 4901, while Sham- rock Care (Mike Lee 393) earned a 3-1 duke over Los Joslin Insur- ance (Mel McGee 539). FRATERNAL LEAGUE W Lions Club .......................... 17 7 Active Club ........................ 14 10 Cascade-Olympic .............. 13 11 Kiwanis Club ...................... 12 12 Shelton Hardware ............ 11 13 McCleary ............................ i0 14 Fuller Construction ........ 10 14 Moose Lodge ....................... 9 15 Dot Hanlon Singles Ohamp in Women's Annual Oily Tourney SI'IELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI--, Published .!n. *rChr{smasfown, U.S.A.," Champions of the women's bowl- ing association of Shelton for 1959 are: Dot Hanlon, singles Dot Barnaby anti Hazel Cum- mings, donble$ Olympia Plywood, team Phyllis Ziegler (scratch) and Esther Berets (handicap), all events Play in the annual association tournaznent was completed last weekend when doubles and singles were run off at the Shelton Rec- reation. Team event competition had been held the, previous week- end at the Timber Bowl. Dot Hanlon rolled games of 176. 198, 142, plus 99 pins handicap for a 615 aggregate and was trailed in order by Bobble Barnett at 586, Rea Brown 580, Mary Helen An- derson 559, Phyllis Collins 553, Es- ther Berets 552, Willa Mills 548, Ann Cole 543, Dot Knutzen 541, Vera Bishop 538, Bunny O'Neill 536, and:Essie Gibler 534. The Barnaby-Cumming combo hit a 1113 aggregate in the dou- bles to shade by a scant two pins Evei3 Eliot and Merna Haskins 00_.00llOl.BOOgS00-.'L00o,5oo,, MERGANSERS LEGAL PREY Fifteen Mason County lakes are among a large number of fresh water areas in Western Washing- ton on which it is now legal to shoot merganser ducks (sawbills). No limits were imposed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service when it announced the open season on these fish predators last week. The season will run until April 10 'unless terminated sooner• Only shotguns of 10 gauge and under i may be used and shooting hours are sunrise to sunset daily• The Mason County lakes include Aldrich, Benson, Cady, Clara, Hav- en, Isabella, Nahwatzel, Panther, Phillips, Spencer, Tiger, Trask, Twin, U, and Wooten. Also on the list are the Dose- wailips, Duekabush, Satsop, Sko- komish rivers. The season is designed to pro- tect trout from mergansers, which subsist entirely on fish and do heavy damage to trout. The birds can swim faster underwater than the fish can. $ =}: Phone HA 6-3292 ii High game--Ed Byrne 242 High total--..Russ Morken 595 Webber Drilling Company John Webber Phone llA 6-8157 Jaouzzi Pumps Sales & Service Route 1, Box 8, ;helton £300=ir00muti0000l Outboarding's new PROFILE or POWER ...from for'59' at 1111. Other prize winners were Phyllis Ziegler and Betty Olson 1063, Alice Kopperman and Esther Berets 1055, Goldie Williams and Betty Thompson 1051, and Vera Bishop and Kay Got( 1045. JEAN PETERSON'S 519 series paced Plywood's team triumph, achieved on a 15-13 aggregate. Other team prizes went to Insulat- ing Board 2485 (Phyl Ziegler 520)° 101 Park In 2451 (Dot Roberts 4641, Evergreen Texaco 2439 (Al- ice Crossan 471), Lumber 2438 (Joyce Dion 5361. The Tropics 2417 (Dot Roberts 422), Purchas- ing 2404 (Phyl Collins 479t, and the Rayonettes 2400 (Myrt Mork- eft 481). Mrs. Ziegler hit 1552 (496-515- 523). to win the scratch all-events, while Mrs. Berets posted 446-472- 552 plus 164 pins handicap for a 1634 aggregate in the handicap all-events count. Thirty-two teams entered the team event, 56 the singles and 28 pairs the doubles, with Jean Rau getting the top individual mark at her 241 game and 604 series, bowl- ed in the team event for the Tim-" her Bowl entry. PHYL ZIEGLER IN ,Jr'l New inside a, wall as Outslda The new Jolmsoa 8ea.Hor go better with your boat... make your boat go bettetl THEM NOWl.. SAEGER HOTOR SHOP Hillcrest Phone HA. 6-4602 No other car WATERS TOO IA)W, CLEAR Several excellent fish were claimed by steelhead anglers be- fore a general condition of "too low and clear" took over on the local fishing front early this week. Top catch of the week is cred- ited to Mark Crudcilek, who hit the Humptulips for a 20-pounder early last week and repeated in the same waters the next day for 9 and 10 pounders. Gene Storey had the same story from the Sko- komish with 8 and 10 pounders one day and an 8 the following. Les McGee claimed a dandy from the Skokomish Tuesday weighing in at 17 lbs. along with a second at 5-10 (pictured here), while two other Mason County anglers went into the 15-lb. class, Bob Handly getting a 15-8 from LES McGEE was the only known successful angler on the Skokomish Tuesday, getting this nifty 17-potmder and a 5-10 com- panion. (Wingard Sportshop polaroid photo I. the Satsop on the 5th and Vern Itosenberg jomaaeying afield to the Toutle for one at 15-15 Sunday. Single takes were reported by Buck Armstrong at 7 lbs. from the Satsop on the 5th, Derriel Singer, 5t,, Skokomish, 5th; Paul Hinton, 5, Floyd Sternberg, 4, Bob Keir, 6, E. L. Brmien of Tacoma, 6, all l on the 7th from the Skok; Ralph  Aldrich, 3, Dosewailips, 8th; Ian Sytsma, 7, Skok, 9th. i , ii • SIDELINE SLANT S * ! By Bill Diokle l SPORTING AROUND i own ability, a bow er could casl As a follow-up to this column's piece about Wes Stock last week, the subject popped up in town himself a couple of days later, somewhat as a surprise. He leaves again today on the 600 OIRGLE AGAIN ion00 (in miles) ja,,nt to 0000lortda SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE to report to the Baltimore Orioles advance spring training camp to W L which the top 35 prospects in the Lumber . ............................. 13 3 Oriole farm system are invited Insulating Board ............... 12 4 for a special opportunity to show Purchasing .......................... 12 4 their abilities to headman Patti Accounting ......................... 10 6 Richards for two weeks and out Loggers ................................. 5 11 of which they are either invited Olympic Plywood .............. 5 11 to continue with the Orioles main Research ............................... 4 12 training camp which follows ira- Engineering ...................... 3 13 mediately or are given assignments High game=Phyl Ziegler 225 to the farm teams with which High totaL--Phyl Ziegler 612 they will play during the 1959 Phyllis Ziegler shoved the pin- fenm into the forefront of the or- mg news by once again hitting: the 600 circle with a 181-206-225 se- ries for a 612 total in Simpson Women's hmgue play last week. Despite it, however, her Insu- luting Board club lost a 1-3 de- cision and first place in the stand- ings (o Lumber (Joyce Dion 482). were shutout victors over Engi- neering {LaVonne Cole 452) an€ the Loggers (Pearl Boardmar 404), while Research (Betty Schneider 446) earned a 3-1 duk'e over Olympic Plywood (June Lov- ing 503) in other matches. TOOLS season. Stock has hopes of being as- gned to either Bltimore's Tri- ple A farm chtb at Mimni (Fla.) in the htternath.ui league or Amarillo lit the AA Texas league either of which would be qnite a leap up the diamond lad- tier for tim Allyn boy, consider.- ins he has iutd but; one year of pro exirienee In Class C ball Accotmting (Jane White 524) and (Aberd¢m, S.D., in the Midwest Pnrchasing (Dot McNamara 470) htgue) and that was prior to two years (ff military service in the Army wbich w termbmted olly htst week. However, he gained some fine experience in service and indepen- dent ball during those two years as well as considerable maturity, the net of which apparently has prepared him well for a long step upward in baseball's professional ranks. Stock is all business about mak- ing baseball his means of liveli- hood. He is leaving his car at home so he will have nothing to distract ilim from the serious bnsi- ness of improving himself in his profession. BHi Taylor Was supposel to be -building for next year" this year but at last aeomtting his Anacortes Seahawks had won 16 str&ight basketball victories this ,eason without a ,etba(.k. GrminA.tlon gave his 1958 club ;t rough rap tm.d the tormer llighelimber athletic luminary wa ppoed to lye biding his and preparing his inexlmr- material for 1960 this year. With the right breaks and his |- ryes LLUHBER 420 S. FIRST ST. I Wheels are 5 inches farther apart. This widens the stance, not the car. Gives you a steadier, *balanced, road-hugging ride. SlEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR A ROAD TEST TODAV SHELTON MOTOR GOMPANY • Ist and Gr=ve Street in pretty heavily at the Timber Bowl if he achieved the right com- bination of accomplishments dur- a league series. Here's what he could pocket: He could roll a perfect 300 game and collect $100 in cash fzom the Timber Bowl, $100 from the mak- ers of 7-Up, $100 from Camarano Brothers, a $500 defense bond from I the makers of Crown Prince bowl- ling shirts, and a $300 defense bond from the Northwest Bowling and Billiard Supply. i He could roll a "Dutch 200" game ( alternate strikes and spares) and earn $10, lie could roll an all-spare game and col- lect $5 from the management, and if during either of the preceding games he picked up the 7-10 split he'd add $5 to his booty, the 5-7-10 split for $20, and the "Big Four" split for $2.50 in cash. Tiis is a total of $1,142.50 in all . . . a highly unlikely occur- fence, to be ms'e, but po,uible with the right: conibina.tion of good luck and ability. There are those who would like: the opportunity possessed by Pfc. Den W. Meyers, a member of the Fort Lewis Chief tan basketball team which plays the Cheney Studs a benefit exhibition basket- ball game in the Shelton gym next Sunday• Private Meyers, you see, Is coach of the Chief tan team, which includes among its per- sonnel 1st Lieut Bruce Palmer ad 2rid Lieut. Alan MeLam. Meyers , an al/-eonference guard at Central Washing,on and captiu of the Wildcats for throe yer Pahner was all-conference for- ward at Kansas State Teachers College for three years, was an all-tournament NAIA selection in i1956 and was named to the Helms Little All -American basketball team that year. MeLm is from East Corinth, Vermont, is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Vermont in 1957 al- though apparently did not partici- pate in varsitysports in college. In higi school__ was an all-state football selection and played bas- kethall, baseball and skiing along with football. RAINIER'S 920 GAME TOP BURP PIN PLAY WOMEN'S BURP LEAGUE W L Rainier Beer ..... litner's Straight"( ...... 58 8 46 29 shelton Recreatio n ......... 41 35 Tle Tropics ............. 39 37 Mick's Tavel-a'::"::::::::::::::: 38 38 uog Cabin ..... Heidelberg t]eer .................. 28 48 's I ............... 28 48 t: he. Logging Co. 26 50 rings game ............ ....... • Dot Roberts 198 zgn totaiMazT Anderson 487 Individual scores left little to writc about but the leading Rai- flier Beer ar,,- • • 9"" to"- grcgation hanged off a • v am game to highlight Burp [ca_m_nowiing action last week. teanl member roiled her ,.Op giefof the evening in achiev- i!zg. eat, led by Mary Helen Anncrson'a 190 She also'lind the night's top So: ....... • .  rms at 487 as Rai- nlCl tared ' '. " - Rishel Logging (Dot l:n utzen 382, ." - ,.  I:)y "I q-U count. TWO Oler ' ¢ "ere rcc " Mi "' sllutou(s x .... ord- ed, ..! S Tavern (Edith Chamb- lin z;)) Ore ..... r Shelton Recreation = 4000), Tho Tropics i +.e,.nerts 468 ovcr Log Cab- i11  L IlK C e ,.. '; : .I ,velancl 371 ). Iltner s Stgat Shots INorma Coram ,17: Won a 3-1 verdict over Hei- vt ilcGee 428• ''r,C,,,i-N1:S LEA'.'UE , . W L if;ill s Shell Service ...... 14 6 00oto,.00 ..... 11 9 ]"e=''navmersy Elech'ic ...... 11 9 I ' graf's Camc.a Sit() 10 10 l'repp's Re. ' P ,, [ " n " ,×all Store 9 ,., 10 ,._,. [O_!Y )ptc PlYWood .......... 9b 10 wes,tez Meat ................. 8 12 Ip°_n. s llylng A Service 7 13 I 2!g. game _ Dean ec,.r 219 -- Dea Pety b8 Seven 600 Series for Major Leaguers; All Of Evergreen Lineup_ MAJOR LEAGUE l"ts. Northwest Evergreen ................ 60 Home Gas Company .................... 57 Tinlber Bowl ................................ 57 Dan's Nite Hawks ................ 46 Woiden's Chevron Service ........ 44 Jim Pauley Inc ............................ 32 Olson Barber & Beauty Shop .... 27 Ritner's Chuck Wagon ............ 21 Higt] games-Jim Archer 246, Bob Turner 246, Glen Roessel 234, Sonny Lowe 233 High series--Jim Archer 652, Sonny Lowe 641, Bob Turner 636, Dick White 620, Bert Howard 619, Ray Rice 619, Ade Kopperman 603 Major league bowlers went on a record scoring binge last Fri- day, blistering the Timber Bowl lanes for seven series between Jim Archer's 652 and Ade Kopper- man's 603, and racking up 25 games above 200. The entire Northwest Evergreen four-man team hit in the magic figures--Archer at 652, Bob Tur- ner at 636, Bert Howard and Ray Rice at 619 each. This effort was rewarded with first place in the standings, a leap from third on a 22-point gain. Timber Bowl gained 15 points to tie for second behind Dick White's 620, Dan's Nite Hawks also scored 15 points as Sonny Lowe hit 641., Home Gas slipped from first to a tie for 'second on an ll-point gain engi- i neered by Robertson's 603. It was probably the greatest one - night concentrated scoring spree in Shelton bowling history. MOGLIPS OLINGHES 2ND BEATING OWLS TR1- COUNTY LEAGITE W L North Rivet" . ....................... 7 0 Moelips ................................ 5  2 Wishkah ............................... 3 4 Quinault .............................. 2 5 Matlock ................................ 1 7 Last Friday Moclips 61, Matlock 44 North River 53, Quinault 37 MATTOCK --- ME)clips used the Mary M Knight Owls as a stepping stone to second place in the Tri- County league standings by ham- mering out a 61-44 vie(Dry over the Matlock quintet Friday night. Rossmaier, Kingery and Walker scored in double figures for the Owls but couldn't match the Mo- t:lips trio of Curly, James and Getchel. The lineups: MOCIJPS 61 MATLOCK 44 Curly 18  Avery 4 ]'ames 14  Rossmaier 12 Ethridge 5  Kelley 6 Booth 3 g" gingery 10 etchel 12 g Walker 10 Subs: Moclips--Coaett 6, Juar- ez 2, Dominick 1. Matlock--Jhan- son 2, Filyaw. SWING SlllFT LEAGUE W L Planers ....................... 13 7 Woodworms ................... 12 8 Hemlockers 12 S Log Peeler. ................ ] 1  :.. '. Strippers ........................... 11 9 Chasers ............................ I0.!,, 9 , Mixers .............................. 7 13 Pin Benders ..................... 3 17 High game.--Gordy Hanson 243 High total--Glen Laugen 573 HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE W L Evergreen Texaco ........ 16 8 Shelton Union Service 15 9 Ji/n Pauley Inc. " " 13.', 10L 101 Park In .................. 12 12 Byrne & Batstone ........ 8 16 Buechel's Garage ..... ... 7V, 16U, High game--Mary Anderson 180 High total---- Mary Anderson 484 TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal (Oakland Bay tides are one notur and 55 minutes later.) Friday, Feb. ]3 Low ................ 2:]0 a.m. 4.2 ft• High .............. 8:29 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low ................ 3:15 p.m. 3.4 ft. High .............. 9:25 p.rn. 9.2 fL Saturday, Feb. 14 Low ............... 2:56 a.m. 5.3 ft. High ............... 9:05 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 4:08 pro. 3.1 ft. High ............... 10:43 p.m. 9.0 ft. Sunday, Feb. 15 Low ................ 3:15 6.3 fL. High .............. 9:43 a.m. 1.0.8 ft. Low ................ 5:04 pro. 2.8 ft. Monday, Feb. 16 High ............... 0:12 a.m. 9,2 ft. Low ................ 4:59 a.m. 7.2 ft. High .............. 10:23 a.m. 10.4 ft. Low ................ 6:00 p.m. 2.3 ft. Tuesday, Feb. 17 High ............. 1:31 a.m. 9.7 ft. Low ................ 6:16 a.m. 7.7 ft. High .............. 11:20 a.m. 10.2 ft. Low ................ 6:54 p.m. 1.8 ft. Wednesday, Feb. ]8 High .............. 2:32 a.m. 9.7 ft. Thursday, Febru| i LM. BowIm 3058 Aclual I Hilling 600 | MEN'S 1NDU Lumbermen's Mere Wilson's Leftys 20th Century iantorium Cleaners * Waterfront Cole & Myhre Grant Lumber Morgan Transfer High g Bab Stewart High total .--Bah Jack Stewart Ineily 617, Low ..' .............. 7:29 a.m. 7.8 ft. High ............... 12:17 p.m. 10.1 ft. Low ................ 7:44 p.m. 1.3 ft. Thursday, Feb. 19 High .............. 3:17 a.m. 11.0 ft. Low ................ 8:26 a.m. 7.5 ft. High .............. 1:14 p.m. 10.1 ft. Low ................ 8:29 p.m. 0.8 ft. MIXED FOURSOME W L Deerslayers .................... 57 27 Who Knows .................... 52 32 Rusty Ducks .................. 51 33 New zeniths of tiveness wei'e Industrial week by tim tile entry when cumulated 3058 fit of handicap in match. Eight. of the 15 the five men were iffIl ket and three of topped 600, with . figu/'e shared by t]' Bab Stawart. pacl. nal scoring spree Wll= ' ! 234-206) with JacRi"' 192-190 for 619 Inel]y 223-215.179 brought team and 991. Their Pantorium ents (Mark for 608) couldn't Timber Ducks ................ 46 38 Board Busters .............. 45 38! Pin Busters .................... 33 51 Odd Balz ........................ 26 58 Wee-Uns .......................... 251,.1, 58. Iligh Score, Men's game--Ed Richards 212 Men's total--. Ed Richards 539 "Vomen's g'ame-=Marie Runnion 182 Women's total--Marie Runnion 478 in their first game lacked by 11 pins. second game. i All other matche locks: Morgan den 503) with Cole bil Service Grant Lumber with Waterfront Burchill 462), Wilson 534) with Thriftway (Ray • For Lawns MILORGANITE FERTILIZER  For Gardens INDUSTRIAL AI BUILDERS SUPR ->'-- FIRST & PINE , PHON Good News for Two-Car Faml00 oll • bodily Injury and BILL property damage • ¢oll|son coverage 125 N. 5th • ntedleal.paymenta Phone HA FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO • LIFE * FIRE * TRUCK QUICK-ON TIRE CHAINS ALL POPULAR SIZES MARKED DO Lunsford's 'firesfone 317 L