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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12, 1959 . SI-D,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "ChN,smaown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington GARL HOWARD ENDS SPEOIAL TRAINING For Lawns rmy Sergeant First Class Carl ,Infantryman Badge. E. Howard, 26, son of Mr. and MrS&apos;[HThen iuh SclSergeant attended Shelton IBi li ijll i ill i il aid  li Ray J. Howard, Route 1, Shelto ,, g hool. mILUIKURIIIIE completed a two-week advanced j .................................... intelligence course Jan. 23 at Fort[Jame s nl-n Gain Le " "'" , v v win, Wash. I FERTILIZER . . Honors at CWCE tie roe(rived training in map reading, photographic interprets- James M. Olson of Belfair was Lion, logistics, terrain analysis, among 205 students who won For Gardens • INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY FIRST & PINE • PHONE HA 6-4393 scouting and patrolling, air-ground operations and atomic implications connected with intelligence. Sergeant Howard, who Is regu- larly assigned as a scout leader in the 8th Cavalry's Troop C at the fort, entered the Army in April 1949. He holds the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star Medal for valor and the Combat places on the Central Washington College of Education honor roll for fall quarter. Of the total 41 students made all A grades for a grade point av- erage of 4 points. Mirriam's turkey ts the largest :of the four forms of American tur- keys. A//yn News Items of Interest By MARLENE BURGEON or-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nel- ALLYN--Mrs. Margaret Davis son, formerly of t<amilche but now had as Sunday visitors her brother living in Sitka, Alaska. Mr. Nel- and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Woi- son is spending some time in Seat- colt and son, Ricky of Shelton. tle for medical rare. Mr. and Mrs. Fred SLack are Last. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Hat- happy to have their son, "Wes, vey Rice had as houseguests her home again after completing his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. term in the service of his country. Wes received his honorable dis- charge from the Army last week and this Thursday he will be leav- ing by plane for Miami, Fla., where he will report for spring training in baseball with the Bal- timore Orioles. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sargent spent a weekend recently in Se- attle visiting her sister and broth- Herb AltergoLt of Palouse, Wash. Wednesday morning they left to attend a convention in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Raisini had as Sunday dinner guests, her sis- ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. MoJean of Tacoma An occasion of interest was a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izett Sunday. Each guest came m Mexican at- tire. A Mexican dinner was served VALENTINE HANKIES with approrpriate decorations per- vading. The idea was inspired by a gift of Mexican food sent by rel- atives in San Antonio, Texas, at Christmas time. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Anson Cleve- la, Ld, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bariekman, : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Cleveland and Darryl and Mrs. Lulu Cleveland. Surely sounded like fun[ We're sure all who know Mr. Louis Dowie will be happy to lemm that he was well enough to spend ..: this past weekend in his home, returning to Sarah House Sunday evening. Saturday was such a beautiful day that Mr. and Mrs. Dowie drove to Vaughn where A P R 0 H S Mr. Dowie visited from the ear with friends They had as Sunday dinner glleqts Mr. and Mrs. WiN _= Sl GO $3 so liam Davidson of Tacoma. .4 00 " to B , Friday morning Mrs. I-,arry , Weckhorst drove to Auburn and to • EaGh brought back her little grand-  FROM  daughter, Mickie Leimback, to spend the weekend in their home. Their daughter and husband, Bet- i ty and David Young, and little Barbara were also home for the weekend. The community of Allyn will be sorry to lose their old residents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vasbinder, as they have sold their home and have moved near Seattle. blessed! A pleasant day was spent last i • week as Mrs. Margie Beeson and daughter, Karen, and Mrs. Jeri • Beeson and daughters, Roxy and Kim, drove to Auburn and had Two llappy ensembles with two separate and distinct personalitiesl luncheon with Mrs. Sally Leim- back in her home. Experienced traveler• with the jackets; pretty stay-at-home• without! Friday, Feb 6, Mr. Victor Raise- Both, delightfully styled by L'Alglon in printed acetate. Left. Polka ni was the honored guest in the dot blouson jacket over bateau-necked sheath. Navy and white; black home of his daughter and son-in- apd white. Sizes 10 to 14. Right, Fitted white collar jacket over law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amaeh- er, as they celebrated his bit'thday scoop-necked sheath, each with braid trim. Black and white; navy and with a dinner and gifts. Sharing white; gray and white. Size• 16 to 20. in the occasion were his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Amacher's grand- Each $22.95 children, Vickle and Mike. Mrs. Martin Auseth, one of the • teachers of the Allyn school, in- forms us that the children there L'Ai00lon i will enjoy a Valentine's party Fri- . day afternoon with a Valentine ! exchange and refreshments. February 7 was a happy day for little Norms Jean Austin ancl I her mother, Mrs. Hank Austin, as they celebrated her second birth- '   I day with a mlrprtse party. Those in attendance were Vere, Dentae, Gregg and Delores Wynn and Tor- ma's brothers, Hank, Jr., SLoven, • . Danny and Chucky Austin. !i'r:Cw:d:r:i Mr. Hank, who is one of • the direclors on the board of the ! North Mason County Schools, which includes Belfair, Allyn and " Victor, reports that he and the other school officials are proud and happy over results of the re-  -- cent, school election. It was the largest vote ever taken and the results will assure them of the much needed high school for that district. , Berkshire stockings with the exclusive w alga Milosevich with her friends, w Bergeson and husband, came from Bremerton to call on her i Nylace Kantrun Top and Toe-Ring that stop Pearl a//runs starting at top or toe! parnL, Mr. and Mrs. George Mi- losevich, one day last week. The i -- Miloseviches had as Sunday viM- tars their two daughters, alga orLon and their sons, Jonny and wife, and their two children, Linda i and Michel of Caress and George Jr., and his wife and son, Kenny of Aubm-n. Reggie Engman has received his honorable discharge from the serv- ice and after a short visit with his parents in his hometown of Saginaw, Minn., has returned to again asmlme his old position as v.a# coursoI manage,, of the Coast Oyster Co. | • • • in Allyn. [ Grange News i A near attendance record was set when Pomona Grange opened | the 1959 gavel season at South- u side Grange hall last Friday eve- | i ning. Pomona master, John Bar. i iekman, plsented the traveling gavel to Clyde Landsaw, master of i the Southstde Grange. An inter- w i est|ng meeting was concluded by a good program presented by loc- i Lurer, Ella Chapell. j Southside will take the gavel to | Progress on Friday, Feb. 27. J Twanoh Grange gave np its reg- ular meeting last Friday evening i [ to attend the gavel meeting at I Southside. Master, Hank Harper, was unable to attend because of illness. | Matlock Gnge held their regu. | ,50 lar meeting Friday evening with a large crowd in attendance. They |. tO have been busy enlarging the park. '  ing lot and reXinishing the floor $2.$0 in preparation for the 50th anni. i versalT next year. | Ralph Simpson, Jr., Shelton Vai- l ley's new master, appointed his \\; Sty]ca that sparkle . . • for Valentine's I]ay and new committees for 1959. The la- '  :dies are planning on learning I Spring! • • . featuring such innovations as the crafts at their auxiliary meetings. I Th(, henefit dance given a week ] sporty new "crew cut" tie.., a galaxy of Tahitian ago Saturday was held as a. re- and South Sea prints .. . the new slim trim shape reception for the newly married ago Sa.turday night, was held as a ,' . . . colorful Gaylon cord fabrics. Give him the Mr. and Mrs. Victor %randall. ' The Agate Grange had a Valen- | tie he himself would' buy! tine dance on Saturday evening. ..... SHELTON ST[ DENTS Ask Us About These RECEIVE DEGREES GREDIT n, Ru¢ wa00h,,,glon st,, de,, t s ,'eceivod ba..helor's degrees, advanced de- 'groes and tca(:hing eert.ifieates • Regular 30-Day Accounts durin the a,,tmun quarter, Mrs. • Revolving Credit Plan Ethelyn Toner, U. of W. registrar, M € ItCANTI LI;: ;announced yesterday. • 90-Day Special Accounts ! Of the 394 bachelor's degrees • • Contracts :and 133 advanced degrees were Gayle E. Ferguson, bachelor of , , arts in elementary education, and iV. Dale Palmer, master of arts (drama), rom thelt-l, MA I"L O£K meeting of Mary M. Knight will be this Thursday ewming at 8 o'clock. Matlock (]range dsnce will be this Salurdav night, Feb. 14th. THE BLUE and pink shower for 1Vir. John Hogben is m tin+ school auditorium Friday night Feb. 13, and everybody is welcome. Mrs. Marie Meek of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meek of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. The occasion was Mrs. Marie Meek's birthday. Jasper Bayer is in the veterans hospital at Vancouver, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook re- turned Saturday from a two weeks trip whic'h took them as far south as Los Angeles. They visited their son and family, the Lowell Cooks at Hillsboro, Ore., Mr. Cook's two brothers and families at Fort Brags, Calif., their daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCow- an and baby at Torrance, Calif., and also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher and family at Lawn Dale, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Stalkup st Yreka, Calif. They said the weather was perfect, around 80 and 90 degrees at L.A. MRS. LEE Gunderson was host- ess for a birthday party honoring her daughter, Mary's 3rd birthday. Those that enjoyed the afternoon were Mrs. Wayne Evers and fam- ily and Mrs. Ruth Boydson and daughter, Jean Ann. Friends of Jerry and John Prall, former Matlock residents, will be interested to know Jerry Prall is in the Air Force and is at Lin- coln, Nebraska, private secretary to a major, and John joined the Marines and is stationed at San- Diego. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman. Sergeant and Mrs. Cunningham and two children were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper. MR. AND Mrs. Ira Ford and Roy Hunt were Sunday callers at the Frank Cooper home. A delayed birthday dinner far Grandpa Neers' 90th year, was held at hls daughters, Alma Nye's home near Olympia Sunday. Those attending were two more of his daughters, Mrs. Henry Melquist of Moorhead, Minn., " and Mrs. I)uis Bauer of Brenan, N.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rosmnaler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Val- ley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle, Jr., and baby, Betty FiN yaw and Larry Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dick and son of Hoquiam and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Daniels and two sons were visitors at the Herbert Brehmey- er, St., home Sunday. MR. AND Mrs. Io S. Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thayer, all of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bunco of Pasco, were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bhdn Bunco. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Dick and and )ns spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I.Bree. Mat]ock (]range met with 21 members present Vridav evening and Mrs. Sam Diggle," Jr., was hostess. Our Past Master FAmer Bradbcrry installed the following officers: Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Treckmann a assistant and lady astant st:eward and I)ra Hear- ink as chaplain. Old Man Winter left us with 4 to 5 inches of mow Monday morning. Middle Skokomish By MARY VALLEY MIDDLE SIOKOMISH .... Mr. and Mrs. A1 Adams and family of Poulsbo were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vilknson Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and son Gary were also visitors at the Wilkinson home. (;ltANGERS PI,EAE remem- ber. the first regular meeting of the month will be held Friday the 13th at 8:30 p.m. The ladies are furnishing pies for the supper. A small charge will be made and the proceeds go for the "March of Dimes." Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson are the proud parents of a baby daugh- ter. born last Saturday morning at the Shelton General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley and Mr. and Mrs, Chester Valley attended the Pomona Gavel meet- ing last Friday evening at South- side Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson spent Monday fn Tenino where they visited Mrs. Johnson's moth- er, Mrs. Cliff Gendereau. Little Michael Dusk of Kirk- land visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm spent the last weekend in Portland with their daughter Joan. The P.T.C. rummage sale which• was held last Saturday in the PUD building netted a tidy mnn to the Club for their efforts. THE VALLEY FOLK are happy to welcome back one of their old neighbors, Mr Eric Nelson. He has purchased the Victor King, Jr., place and has moved in. NI(,F, MONOTONY When he totaled 1951 pins in the nine game all events of the 1958 American Bowling Congress tour- nament, George Ymmg of Detroit, Mich., became the first bowler in history with nine consecutive ABC all events totals above 1800. Kimbe, I Logging [ Company[ Modern Equipment I °T " I Ex1rmnced Men I FOR / * LAND CLEARING I • BA;'gEN, EXOAVA,. / O BULLDOZING ! • DUMP TRUCK8 | For Hire I • PILEDRIVING | For Imnd or Water I • PILING AND LOGS | For Sale [ PHONE HA. 6-6203 I ," , ,1", : : = I I ...... [ . , , i i i 1 lb. box Assorted Chocolates 2 lb. box $?o veb, ours .... McCONKEY'S PHARMAOY 4TH & RAILROAD DRUG GENTER 306 RAILROAD I 12, 1959 . SI-D,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "ChN,smaown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington GARL HOWARD ENDS SPEOIAL TRAINING For Lawns rmy Sergeant First Class Carl ,Infantryman Badge. E. Howard, 26, son of Mr. and MrS'[HThen iuh SclSergeant attended Shelton IBi li ijll i ill i il aid  li Ray J. Howard, Route 1, Shelto ,, g hool. mILUIKURIIIIE completed a two-week advanced j .................................... intelligence course Jan. 23 at Fort[Jame s nl-n Gain Le " "'" , v v win, Wash. I FERTILIZER . . Honors at CWCE tie roe(rived training in map reading, photographic interprets- James M. Olson of Belfair was Lion, logistics, terrain analysis, among 205 students who won For Gardens • INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY FIRST & PINE • PHONE HA 6-4393 scouting and patrolling, air-ground operations and atomic implications connected with intelligence. Sergeant Howard, who Is regu- larly assigned as a scout leader in the 8th Cavalry's Troop C at the fort, entered the Army in April 1949. He holds the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star Medal for valor and the Combat places on the Central Washington College of Education honor roll for fall quarter. Of the total 41 students made all A grades for a grade point av- erage of 4 points. Mirriam's turkey ts the largest :of the four forms of American tur- keys. A//yn News Items of Interest By MARLENE BURGEON or-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nel- ALLYN--Mrs. Margaret Davis son, formerly of t<amilche but now had as Sunday visitors her brother living in Sitka, Alaska. Mr. Nel- and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Woi- son is spending some time in Seat- colt and son, Ricky of Shelton. tle for medical rare. Mr. and Mrs. Fred SLack are Last. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Hat- happy to have their son, "Wes, vey Rice had as houseguests her home again after completing his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. term in the service of his country. Wes received his honorable dis- charge from the Army last week and this Thursday he will be leav- ing by plane for Miami, Fla., where he will report for spring training in baseball with the Bal- timore Orioles. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sargent spent a weekend recently in Se- attle visiting her sister and broth- Herb AltergoLt of Palouse, Wash. Wednesday morning they left to attend a convention in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Raisini had as Sunday dinner guests, her sis- ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. MoJean of Tacoma An occasion of interest was a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izett Sunday. Each guest came m Mexican at- tire. A Mexican dinner was served VALENTINE HANKIES with approrpriate decorations per- vading. The idea was inspired by a gift of Mexican food sent by rel- atives in San Antonio, Texas, at Christmas time. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Anson Cleve- la, Ld, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bariekman, : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Cleveland and Darryl and Mrs. Lulu Cleveland. Surely sounded like fun[ We're sure all who know Mr. Louis Dowie will be happy to lemm that he was well enough to spend ..: this past weekend in his home, returning to Sarah House Sunday evening. Saturday was such a beautiful day that Mr. and Mrs. Dowie drove to Vaughn where A P R 0 H S Mr. Dowie visited from the ear with friends They had as Sunday dinner glleqts Mr. and Mrs. WiN _= Sl GO $3 so liam Davidson of Tacoma. .4 00 " to B , Friday morning Mrs. I-,arry , Weckhorst drove to Auburn and to • EaGh brought back her little grand-  FROM  daughter, Mickie Leimback, to spend the weekend in their home. Their daughter and husband, Bet- i ty and David Young, and little Barbara were also home for the weekend. The community of Allyn will be sorry to lose their old residents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vasbinder, as they have sold their home and have moved near Seattle. blessed! A pleasant day was spent last i • week as Mrs. Margie Beeson and daughter, Karen, and Mrs. Jeri • Beeson and daughters, Roxy and Kim, drove to Auburn and had Two llappy ensembles with two separate and distinct personalitiesl luncheon with Mrs. Sally Leim- back in her home. Experienced traveler• with the jackets; pretty stay-at-home• without! Friday, Feb 6, Mr. Victor Raise- Both, delightfully styled by L'Alglon in printed acetate. Left. Polka ni was the honored guest in the dot blouson jacket over bateau-necked sheath. Navy and white; black home of his daughter and son-in- apd white. Sizes 10 to 14. Right, Fitted white collar jacket over law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amaeh- er, as they celebrated his bit'thday scoop-necked sheath, each with braid trim. Black and white; navy and with a dinner and gifts. Sharing white; gray and white. Size• 16 to 20. in the occasion were his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Amacher's grand- Each $22.95 children, Vickle and Mike. Mrs. Martin Auseth, one of the • teachers of the Allyn school, in- forms us that the children there L'Ai00lon i will enjoy a Valentine's party Fri- . day afternoon with a Valentine ! exchange and refreshments. February 7 was a happy day for little Norms Jean Austin ancl I her mother, Mrs. Hank Austin, as they celebrated her second birth- '   I day with a mlrprtse party. Those in attendance were Vere, Dentae, Gregg and Delores Wynn and Tor- ma's brothers, Hank, Jr., SLoven, • . Danny and Chucky Austin. !i'r:Cw:d:r:i Mr. Hank, who is one of • the direclors on the board of the ! North Mason County Schools, which includes Belfair, Allyn and " Victor, reports that he and the other school officials are proud and happy over results of the re-  -- cent, school election. It was the largest vote ever taken and the results will assure them of the much needed high school for that district. , Berkshire stockings with the exclusive w alga Milosevich with her friends, w Bergeson and husband, came from Bremerton to call on her i Nylace Kantrun Top and Toe-Ring that stop Pearl a//runs starting at top or toe! parnL, Mr. and Mrs. George Mi- losevich, one day last week. The i -- Miloseviches had as Sunday viM- tars their two daughters, alga orLon and their sons, Jonny and wife, and their two children, Linda i and Michel of Caress and George Jr., and his wife and son, Kenny of Aubm-n. Reggie Engman has received his honorable discharge from the serv- ice and after a short visit with his parents in his hometown of Saginaw, Minn., has returned to again asmlme his old position as v.a# coursoI manage,, of the Coast Oyster Co. | • • • in Allyn. [ Grange News i A near attendance record was set when Pomona Grange opened | the 1959 gavel season at South- u side Grange hall last Friday eve- | i ning. Pomona master, John Bar. i iekman, plsented the traveling gavel to Clyde Landsaw, master of i the Southstde Grange. An inter- w i est|ng meeting was concluded by a good program presented by loc- i Lurer, Ella Chapell. j Southside will take the gavel to | Progress on Friday, Feb. 27. J Twanoh Grange gave np its reg- ular meeting last Friday evening i [ to attend the gavel meeting at I Southside. Master, Hank Harper, was unable to attend because of illness. | Matlock Gnge held their regu. | ,50 lar meeting Friday evening with a large crowd in attendance. They |. tO have been busy enlarging the park. '  ing lot and reXinishing the floor $2.$0 in preparation for the 50th anni. i versalT next year. | Ralph Simpson, Jr., Shelton Vai- l ley's new master, appointed his \\; Sty]ca that sparkle . . • for Valentine's I]ay and new committees for 1959. The la- '  :dies are planning on learning I Spring! • • . featuring such innovations as the crafts at their auxiliary meetings. I Th(, henefit dance given a week ] sporty new "crew cut" tie.., a galaxy of Tahitian ago Saturday was held as a. re- and South Sea prints .. . the new slim trim shape reception for the newly married ago Sa.turday night, was held as a ,' . . . colorful Gaylon cord fabrics. Give him the Mr. and Mrs. Victor %randall. ' The Agate Grange had a Valen- | tie he himself would' buy! tine dance on Saturday evening. ..... SHELTON ST[ DENTS Ask Us About These RECEIVE DEGREES GREDIT n, Ru¢ wa00h,,,glon st,, de,, t s ,'eceivod ba..helor's degrees, advanced de- 'groes and tca(:hing eert.ifieates • Regular 30-Day Accounts durin the a,,tmun quarter, Mrs. • Revolving Credit Plan Ethelyn Toner, U. of W. registrar, M € ItCANTI LI;: ;announced yesterday. • 90-Day Special Accounts ! Of the 394 bachelor's degrees • • Contracts :and 133 advanced degrees were Gayle E. Ferguson, bachelor of , , arts in elementary education, and iV. Dale Palmer, master of arts (drama), rom thelt-l, MA I"L O£K meeting of Mary M. Knight will be this Thursday ewming at 8 o'clock. Matlock (]range dsnce will be this Salurdav night, Feb. 14th. THE BLUE and pink shower for 1Vir. John Hogben is m tin+ school auditorium Friday night Feb. 13, and everybody is welcome. Mrs. Marie Meek of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meek of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. The occasion was Mrs. Marie Meek's birthday. Jasper Bayer is in the veterans hospital at Vancouver, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook re- turned Saturday from a two weeks trip whic'h took them as far south as Los Angeles. They visited their son and family, the Lowell Cooks at Hillsboro, Ore., Mr. Cook's two brothers and families at Fort Brags, Calif., their daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCow- an and baby at Torrance, Calif., and also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher and family at Lawn Dale, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Stalkup st Yreka, Calif. They said the weather was perfect, around 80 and 90 degrees at L.A. MRS. LEE Gunderson was host- ess for a birthday party honoring her daughter, Mary's 3rd birthday. Those that enjoyed the afternoon were Mrs. Wayne Evers and fam- ily and Mrs. Ruth Boydson and daughter, Jean Ann. Friends of Jerry and John Prall, former Matlock residents, will be interested to know Jerry Prall is in the Air Force and is at Lin- coln, Nebraska, private secretary to a major, and John joined the Marines and is stationed at San- Diego. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman. Sergeant and Mrs. Cunningham and two children were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper. MR. AND Mrs. Ira Ford and Roy Hunt were Sunday callers at the Frank Cooper home. A delayed birthday dinner far Grandpa Neers' 90th year, was held at hls daughters, Alma Nye's home near Olympia Sunday. Those attending were two more of his daughters, Mrs. Henry Melquist of Moorhead, Minn., " and Mrs. I)uis Bauer of Brenan, N.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rosmnaler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Val- ley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle, Jr., and baby, Betty FiN yaw and Larry Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dick and son of Hoquiam and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Daniels and two sons were visitors at the Herbert Brehmey- er, St., home Sunday. MR. AND Mrs. Io S. Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thayer, all of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bunco of Pasco, were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bhdn Bunco. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Dick and and )ns spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I.Bree. Mat]ock (]range met with 21 members present Vridav evening and Mrs. Sam Diggle," Jr., was hostess. Our Past Master FAmer Bradbcrry installed the following officers: Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Treckmann a assistant and lady astant st:eward and I)ra Hear- ink as chaplain. Old Man Winter left us with 4 to 5 inches of mow Monday morning. Middle Skokomish By MARY VALLEY MIDDLE SIOKOMISH .... Mr. and Mrs. A1 Adams and family of Poulsbo were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vilknson Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and son Gary were also visitors at the Wilkinson home. (;ltANGERS PI,EAE remem- ber. the first regular meeting of the month will be held Friday the 13th at 8:30 p.m. The ladies are furnishing pies for the supper. A small charge will be made and the proceeds go for the "March of Dimes." Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson are the proud parents of a baby daugh- ter. born last Saturday morning at the Shelton General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley and Mr. and Mrs, Chester Valley attended the Pomona Gavel meet- ing last Friday evening at South- side Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson spent Monday fn Tenino where they visited Mrs. Johnson's moth- er, Mrs. Cliff Gendereau. Little Michael Dusk of Kirk- land visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm spent the last weekend in Portland with their daughter Joan. The P.T.C. rummage sale which• was held last Saturday in the PUD building netted a tidy mnn to the Club for their efforts. THE VALLEY FOLK are happy to welcome back one of their old neighbors, Mr Eric Nelson. He has purchased the Victor King, Jr., place and has moved in. NI(,F, MONOTONY When he totaled 1951 pins in the nine game all events of the 1958 American Bowling Congress tour- nament, George Ymmg of Detroit, Mich., became the first bowler in history with nine consecutive ABC all events totals above 1800. Kimbe, I Logging [ Company[ Modern Equipment I °T " I Ex1rmnced Men I FOR / * LAND CLEARING I • BA;'gEN, EXOAVA,. / O BULLDOZING ! • DUMP TRUCK8 | For Hire I • PILEDRIVING | For Imnd or Water I • PILING AND LOGS | For Sale [ PHONE HA. 6-6203 I ," , ,1", : : = I I ...... [ . , , i i i 1 lb. box Assorted Chocolates 2 lb. box $?o veb, ours .... McCONKEY'S PHARMAOY 4TH & RAILROAD DRUG GENTER 306 RAILROAD I