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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pge ......... i|nmlnInnnnnunnummun R PLATE GLASS TABLE TOPS i Add Beauty... Save Finish .... .. ItELT0.N'M.A$N 0UNTY JOTJ. A.L . Published !n,ChrtstmaMown U.2..A.,"I gig.ellen., Wahingto n .... i f University Plans ltome f Economics Open House High scllool girls from all parts . p ., . . , y of Washington's school of home ce,nomics Friday and Saturday, 'Feb. 13 and 14. Is yam' service ClIID groping fol Special displays tours mid dem- a project? On-*) t ....... 1"" t .• ) ,.., t-ia(l you ever though! of schol- S[ ' LIOIIS WII L} o|)en II'OIII '.,:OUI  , •  ' , ^. _" ._ 1o  ) ld " _ ,,  . lal'sntps for xomen %VllO lln(I tney .. 5:,0 I m. a 7:30 to u p -., ' . " . - . " • ^ Frldav, ami from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 mtt go Pack t0 worK.' . p.m,, Saturday. The event will also . T{nS army. ol mn't going be open to the general public to stop growing--an.easy one-tmlo Besides the displays and dem-i :Ire wortdng outside the home. Half of these are over 40 years JANE;$ JOTTINGS COUNTY AGENT'S COLUMN Around Maon County with County Extension Agent Jane Jones Windsor old• By 1965, the Census Bnreau predicts one-fifth more will be back to work. Divorce, widowhood, or a fam- ily finally raised are hardly cir- cumstances for a flush backlog of •avings. HOW MUCH BETTER if wom- en could be helped to start or fin- ish training for the work she does best and for a job that pays enough for her time. Under the best of conditions working wive• spend almost a third of their earn- ings for expenses directly related to their jobs. Thi• slice out of a small salary can make working seem pretty hopeless. From our side as county agents we predict a "swing shift" pro- viso. The teaching we do is even more in demand and in some places lunch hour lessons in of- o:mtrations on all phases of home e.ctmomics, tours of Raitt Hall. the Home I,conomms building and of the University's home manage- ment house wtll be led by coeds majoring in the field. 300 (]AMES EASIER American Bowling Congress rec- ords show that it's easier to bowl a 300, once a bowler has the first 11 strikes, than it it is to bowl 299 or 298. Since 1908, the ABC has issued awards for 5,928 games of 300, 3,287 for 299's and 2,407 fox" 298's. The 1959 American Bowling Congress tournament at: St. Louis, Me., Feb. 14-April 23, will be the 56th since 1901. REP. ROY RITNER WRITES OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS • ' " , ' ,,, ,,,,..o, ,, ,,al,00m .,e,fers,,., OLYMPIA tSpecial)---The first I two weeks of the 36th regular ses- I sion of the Washington State Leg- I islatm'e were spent largely in get-[ ling acquainted and adjusted with I other members. The air is now changing. There is more serious- ness and tenseness in the atmos- phere. Most legislators realize tim big job to be. done. 1 might add that I'm still out in left field. ON TIIENI)AY EVENIN(I I at- tended a public hearing on House Bill 69, dealing with crime and punishment and abolishing the death penalty• Comment -- This bill has a good chance of passing• House Bill 92, enjoining the sale and distribution of obscene mater- ial, and H.B. 106, making dis- tribution of obscene literature a gross misdemeanor were discussed at the same hearing. Comment I feel these two bills have a good clmnce of passing. House Bill 84, increasing unem- ployment contributions and com- pen•ation benefits, had a public hearing- Wednesday evening. Com- ment-- No comment. Olymt)ia , (Special) .... We can now look forward to a park en Lake Cushman. The City of Ta- coma has donated 20 acres for this l)Url)ose. This gift was made af- ter the budget for the coming bi- emfium was prepared. This week with good support from the Mason county commissioners, C. W• Streckenbaeh, Roy J. Mitchell and John E. Bariekman, I met with John Vanderzicht, state park di- rector. AFTER SOME maneuvering with the budget committee I have been informed that $15,000 will be .... SCHOOL M00NU$ ........... I', Monday - Italian spaghetti with S___-ff hot buttered Fj'ench brca(l, corn, 2g4 chilled ai)phmauce, milk, q'uescta ..... Vegetable SOUl), egg  .... F salad sa nd%vi¢:hes, Ilot butter- horns, milk. " -'-dOa'.by VCe(lnesday . Chili con came, grilled cheese sandwich, carrot and celery sticks, cherry or ap- ple cobbler, milk. Thursday -Creamed turkey over mashed potatoes, mixed vege- fables, bread and butter sand- wich, fruit, milk. Friday --- Noodles and tuna, snap green beans, bread and butter sandwich, peanut butter cookies, milk. awulable so that this park can be THIS WEEK IN opened u I) for some public use this eoming ummer• Washnngl0n Hisl000 Another announcement this wcek waa the news that the Dose- Congress created the collectio wallips park site on Hood Canal district of Puget Sonnd by an act ha been purcha•ed by th( State approved February 14, 1851, and PaYk• department from Henry  fLxed the headquarters at Olympia. Myner for $65000. This money Simpson P. Moses was commis- came out of an appropriation for sioned as collector of cu•tom• atd the present biennium. There are W. W. Miller as surveyor of the 500 acres tn this park, extending port of Nislually, arriving late iland along the bank• of the rlv- that year, accompanied by Elwood er with 1,500 feet of waterfront on I Evans as deputy collector. Moses the canal. ' WITSIER00 FUNERAL H0 8YRNE • BATS'r 703 Railroad AV PHONE HA 8- Travel Journal Want Ads Pay fi-es nd " "o "e .....  ...... i adopted an anti-Hudson's Bay at- . . ] _-== :' :  : I ................ cIn: HoCetn%)n2a%cnen - pt:nl!c nea, rin g.s w(ficn i In the appropHatlon for the :titude and brought the government uenler ,i • ,x •  nave attenaea are nigmy interest- Dosewa i role " int de th • a  e ' .  11 p• p I rty there zs an- o bt many ousand dollars d.fZ.J'/ddrNpdldd [ 4 lib:d°:-tit;:eJUwStbken Stwr3am n Lgci nd hUmtlbve,hLlmat:2; other $25,000 available for devel-)by selgnre• of British vessels after ......... ] :[ /l/IlIll'l I'Iil'IIl' r want help in planning esy nutri- =hnmdaJ oftPn  as possible opme.t. This will mean that thej..emoval of the port of entry 2kit - u - anmp. Pt._ .  I  tin,,- ma| h,,vlncr la,,.l " ' • camping, trailer, Bwinlnling and to Olympia. Tills resultea in a ,-..,-, .n.,....  .....................................................  \\; __"" -':''L-J _-L'"e'--t'': ...... There are two bllls which - boatlng facillti Will be made special term of court held there .uun • -u- • 4 .-/ I \\;[ g os ano m .snag.rag menr homes, fret counties in the 24th district, avatlableto some extent thiyear the following January. At this HA 6-8272 or HA (  .............. |  theater cengroCnnsg, Ves answers for'They were introduced by Sen. Got- There seemed to be absolutel:: term of court there were admitted • a't" One example is • , , . a t r uin " I • • I • mmnmmm, m mkm mma- [ .f .............. • ............. ? don Sandmen. I ,to agreement by the onno•inf 0 p settee Q cy A. Brooks, I. N• 401 Railroad Ave x / u #a • mm, mlmmmmumm, ,  ti:hwa;l'egsU':a4JmalaUmatjc S.B. 200, SUPPORTED by the! sides-'trhen a large public hrln Ebey, S. P. Moses and Elwood SHELTON WA$ t w-,- mr •m• • t,. i  28 workin day• a -'ar " county commissioners, provlde•l wa• held on the ,ubject of trading vans. , ," / Wn II IIm Imm • m mw )  ,,rn, a ....  o,' 0, r.+ that Where any tax title lands are I stamps. I felt the proponents of _ T-'-: .-:. ....... =. . . ! •  _   [' ...v..,.o ...o,. .... ' '"" ' t th ..... -vne American ilag was zirst Of "  I  ed States De at tment of A ic I being held m any county a• fores e bill dd a better job of proven.. ........ " .'. - I1  aIl L d _ | ' t .... • _p ... - grA m . lands that upon" the petition of 25]tation than did the opposition rzczazy m spmyea over Alasga I [/',,d",nf' --. • mE "ure z'esearca centers remte that tax 'a es of the count that the IT hess •tam s are now issued for when riusstan troolas lowered their I nM'Fzg'/-rl' the autonmtic clothes dryer saves " P Y "* ' Y P • flag and U B Marines hoisted the w ----    J T e homemaker 20 times the en- • " "ezmine whe'he ot not aecordln-to wltriease  This *-- ' Stars and Stapes at Sitka on Oct NaLI Fndl • th '  commissioners must hold a hear- merchandise prLzes in 43 states " ". * l ":":: • [ er and time n ing to react ' t r " g s• , was • . gy ceded to hang no 1 . 18, 1867. ' , r Jl|m , J clnfh .... l;..,a "ri ..... a ....... SUCh lands would be more valuablel t he d before one of my commit- " ? I r.. -- vv nun , \\; sa,,,n ; ...... ,.n.. .;_.,,, .... if offered for sale and returned it es• I attended to gain personal • '--' - :: .1 ] -- .r   ....... *'""*" '""''" € .... i"+e "'e I hfformation ; U  ,t,.... | • • when the automatic laundry equip- "" v ....... I . • I - ' " • n -'$ [  ment is on the same floor with S.B. 149 increa•es the basis forl AN INTERESTING hearing I ' ; !" n n l   | %4r the kJtchen and bedrooms, Miss assessing reforestation lands on] ThurSday afternoon dealt with I • . .,z:_ , ;i w  | |  Arlean Pattison, Extension Home the west side of the Cascades fron]l House Bill 68 to authorize cities I  n .  n^,,, [  Management specialist, points out $100 to $3.00 per aci and on the [ to provide off-strcet parking with  :. d. I m-  m'-PV '  Only 203 Sn ft is re-ulred to east side from 50 cents to $1.50[the right to lease or buy property [ A •  " ' '] d t v r -l.  \\; use a" dryer "whereas 68 -- ft per acre. I for such purpose and finance the ] • •nEm I  h N. i Ii ",'  [ \\;'k is needed for indoor line snalc'e to: Here are several bill• now tn/same. Private parking lot operat- ] IIEE I T  I'I . , v , " or . V mmm m . _ han00 three load• of clo+00es the Hou00 wh,oh w,l bear watch-I s were i. st00ng oppos,tion. A n "I • i - , .... ) .......... im 173 Reservin ublic lands letter was read from President .... rZ, .  -  space savin" advantaee of auto-," g: -- g P / . J ••n • | . l\\; " -'u-3 i AI \\; rustic clothes dryers can be ira-! for school use, when selected by I Rex Alhson of the .l!ied store ]  II 4i , m -C'/.'. i X\\; '"    lortant esneeiall to the-family]public school board--Educatlon/,ion ,lviarcne, in wlllcn ne con- I .. Ill Ih  /  \\; ' it I  buikling a ew iome. These anal comm)eteein ls'2fR;Jrate tol bud- I demned the propo•al. . i  . .t \\; ' ,  !  other studies are a boon to theselg, ts, " g L • --/ Two hearings before the House I ft ,:/ q,\\;  . - -.  1 rA " x ' .\\; women who have the burden of de. Harbors committee. 161.--Prepare• / Judiciary committee brought out I . " __ / k_ t> ,, i %'W  *, --- 4 "'. , \\;.-- cisions to save them time and statistics on problem children- -Ju- [ large numbers of people on Thurs- I " --'' 'l -V '  j, ¢ . "rr.   energy. ]diciary. 209--Regulates labor or-[ day evening. The first dealt with   ,n " e "'- AI i"   "lt{l ]_ "qv.#   No"*" for household hints" ganizations, elections, funds---La-]pending Civil Rirhta legislation I X "\\; w* .,.V dA   /= 'i. v   Soap scum that sticks tenaciou•- bor. 212---Trading stamps, re- [ now before the legislature. Thi I t.: : "  .... ' * "-- I \\;l x t//7-._ " %IE  "i'.72.. _." \\; tic set'for  short eyole and use IF YOU I)ESmE a copy of a]unlawful to publish or dLss.mlnate I IIlII!). i r'i 'Tf/ "IW+" i  warm water. The magic is in the particular bill please let me know/any printed matter indicating any I  i U "#/!' ;'2 FU6fl¢fl  ; [l[ one to two cups of water softenor and I will forward the same. m preference or limitation as to race I "} I *  " .... .-5" *  v - I / or , I '- I __ "%. " ..... .: _ou add ........ color.  ..... X .... .. (: ' ! %b" If your glass shower door has[ D4-.*,4-.., .-.L]..I / The second hdarin dealt with n -- i  : %,, '-. i  the same unsigtliness  scrub It] DilIJtlt lSllqJ[tilt ! House I3ill 178 Joi'nt Tenancy I  !  . --u., 5/, r, ,' A.r,:. • If thoroughly wlth a solutton of one l rlL. /' .... 4 L .... • . ] Several leaders from organizel la " i "* /- ".ii:)  .']i,v/"" . -rr,  cup softener to a half bucket of lllq[ qloUI:'L, IIOWIII /bor were on hand to speak in be- I  A I L_ \\;4W /  "n ,\\;(, '  .:,.,i,""  %qb not water. The softener must be I The answer to man's ae old de- ] half of the bill. which is sponsored m ," _-" - • m"- r', [ . ::.= . -*i I"   non-preclpitating. I,tre for "immortanty "wii'l be an-]by Rep. A. L. Rasmussen. He an- I " v n m Iml t  -- " :' ' | \\; • f ................... swered in the col"or film ,,Thelnounced this bill may come up In m ill di\\; ;t tll#/l r ,.€ iiS I l O II ',  - " ' - I Quest" scheduled" for Thnrsday, t the for,n of an. init]ativ., if not I m k# r  n$ _ "'wFN f " -- .¢x* le., l nI nnIIIlIInU I b4eb 12 in the First Bapti.t |assea t)y the mgislature. Joint I v ,, '-  II • ' Ten ' " t: ,91. -w /  Ki TM _   UI.UMUHI&-I.Uffr Ichurch. Film Is slated for ow-/__ any ,s s.nllaE t ? commu.nitv I AIII iI ............ ' :: ' lnnatT7h"e3uPe.'gr. William Cul- 1 ').' ". \\; "Vkl lq "= X C Q ,--- Cloqual- Ibertson preside of the Moody i . =. .. P : - . I • l, , • • :I -- v , rlatlonsnlp or unrelateo I ][')} _.r'" ,, " -"  lure Priscilla Club met at the hall I Bible Institute. explores the time-| ' ' • n ,1 , L r • J :5, ...,:.  .L. : • f Wednesday evening with eight lbruised wonders of Egvnt the fad ] NEW BILLS filed this week in- m _ L X  t.. 0 ,,:.-,] '  memhers and two guests present, led glories of Baalbek and Bvblos| elude: II Wll/gI Inl I .. :':-" %5[_  ,, \\; Mary Walkooand .E!sleaauer were[in Lebanon, the tarni•hed gran'-'[.. H'B..351-:Fixea time county of-] i IIlivl i m Inhm , r "r;" r  hostesses. Mary rula and Anna Ideur of Palmyra in Syria He tells/rices snail oe open for hu•ineat I m _ _ .] from8 30am to4 3 tJ i I/ Ntkula were guests. Mary Nia-ltie stories i)ehtnd,the ola,sie/ : • • : 0p.m.;cl*,]l P A 3" T I= R N _el SL" I ...,,  ula demonstrated painting fabrics Icivilizatlons, of the men who built/same on Saturday, Sunday and ] m --. " -- "- "- - m, '* I l  With Tri-Chem tube paints The ]tem and their makff/ct b-t fu- ]legal holidays. ] n m You exn llAV I; n -,,, ,,,,,k,,,,:II I •  next club meeting will be the first/tl'ie efforts to imm ortal-i'ze t'hem- [ H.B. 356 -- Authorizes tate to i . - .... :..:--::- -.. -.:7  ...... =Ii t2 t I ,' • ..u D  ..,, [  Wednesday in March, a day meet- [ selves through the Work of their / reimburse counties for expends [ i Trom st llnglo toIIpoon tO I €omp! - ! iI=d I  ' I ITdm li ing. Ihami. " Iand charges.incurred in the re-ll lervicel - I I ,i x J / i i I  IX Mr. and Mrs. George Beckettl Through the camera's e-,e su-/celving' storing and distributlngll ,_ . II o _-It • I'II ,v I %qB visited the Tom Kearneya Friday ]-lemented by artistic reconstru" [of federal surplus commodiUee, i i The idlal, opportunity for preoeI ir] t dll J llrl   and Saturday. I U;o e viewer travel• back| H.B. 360--AUthC¢IZOS the i.U-II --W,I ..... " ........ "" "" ..... an lll;ll tilll-lln I ownlrl tO liClCI 1111-1 ! I  I I I IdrI , I I Mr. and Mrs. Kearney drove I i..-u.h the centuri ........... ] ce of a fumily state fishing li- I i ownors TO IltaQ Till-Ira I . xlr / • I r I   Wayne to Portland Sunday and I such things as the build;-,- o € *,, I_ n for the sum of $8,50 or a I n Irving plet:oo to *hilt prelen iolllII I . L • m  v r he left Monuay zor ualifornia. [,,vamids, the mighty '',,'o , Izamily county license for $1.50. i m . I I11 _*Mal " II l[I I    Din- On--It was an overni,-ht '.'- ,. ,.,._ ___ v ..... Y .... /  i i ..... -'-,.---* ' r II  rr- , e, arnaK, I.iill lliy•te ' I + • a D K rloul City of ...... d ...... / _ .g0. t 00,ld yof on and 00aul Ev'lBacch.. a.d !1  N@lP-ngI Ittihod, o eXtOll plo¢oi4  " AAr L Mile Khi 4 /  e'a e Ken Pearsona visited their I%e: 't once aefiedlUUVIIIIIIIIUIl| I I ' buy.- ,.abl. on-,ll ,amou; Wal!al i' lille I Illle ,IIi ,,  son•, Dick, Don and Jerry, at the l 'r Culbertsou m ............ | ..... II StOl'li IItIme*l -"I " I • A m y " tllltilllllelt I.llll* I , "'1 I 1ISll , ' A''bUrnmodSn?tlllstYor " a. I the ,aU' i aawer to ira-/D,wI,nl,, I I .t. ,., ............ " .....  " )'I- _ yne -r ........... t_n___ w Imortallty e_an:'l fotmd tn Ood'• Ill 'lLilli| IIl/lli; II  .,-,vm m' ttlern not includedln.lrt w_ ,g1] lL:ld ° ilo[ea Ill V UZiUiiy ax.rnuoa, A / --- 1:ne l:l;IDle ,i .... i I I  --_ l " . WOiJ, , . . . ule worla ' ,HIr d  .beautifu ig a.e , :een ny. l_.,et a.ay,  the l,,t _. lit ,mm, • : iPtl I n .... , , aldg I t'll(%.h mg near tzoquallum, ana tmveral I.'. '-"t he that - .... --" t..z'-./llIlIdlINdll II imimi I I • " . " . "'.' '' : I I ..... , h htin 0I, u -,cn the Will OZ -- , times a g g de h for - " ' • /o00ab' t /lUlUUIIl00lll ii mLIMITED TIMI OliRll, i: . .... . .  -- IL ,ImO [] .............. /I  | Oovement•ourcearep'-]l ;" ..... : ............. = , .... " --'--'---  lin ........ '  °"*'^" " ......... " I! g a •uD•tant,ai mcreise " -l, • N D I P-" ......... L__ MOBIL.MAID @ rJ ding mate "In " " _ --. mm • I -- dustries and their employees and/m I II T tt u I I A It I a at m a a U '= I the communities which deend II n Im m mm m u m m Ii mm m  I w n .' []  It largely on these industrieS," Rep./m n V I v 1 rIi I • v i i v ii Ii  v -m Mack said. t GoVernment statistiianl plaee the national expenditdr fd" n- • truatlon in 1959 at $tgbi which while 2 per ceht, or $ar million, ahead of the rcrd ,Y . 1957 represents no actual ga.m tn works undertaken due to sm aot VA£INTIHI .... /¢IAL s209900 MODEL SP40 (Regularly Priced at $229.95) 2 per cent increase in costS. Government sources now .are  predicting a $52 billion builin.g year for 1959, Mack said, wmca Would mean a •ix to seven per cent increase over last year. Congres•man Mack said th$.t I the national capital both daily newspapers now are vubllshing building and real estate " eight to 12 pages twice a • tead of once weekly This, he •aid, is an in( i lively demand for new homes the capital. Gary Benson of Belfair To Tour With Band The 60-piece Concert Band at Central Washington College of Ed- ucation, Ellensburg, is buSY pr. paring for its annual tour. Washington communitie•. T n • band will tour durtng winter qta.r- ter for four days beginning .eD. 16. Gary Benson of Belfair s a member of the band. The first successful try radio tranmffl0 from. airplane was received by Pge ......... i|nmlnInnnnnunnummun R PLATE GLASS TABLE TOPS i Add Beauty... Save Finish .... .. ItELT0.N'M.A$N 0UNTY JOTJ. A.L . Published !n,ChrtstmaMown U.2..A.,"I gig.ellen., Wahingto n .... i f University Plans ltome f Economics Open House High scllool girls from all parts . p ., . . , y of Washington's school of home ce,nomics Friday and Saturday, 'Feb. 13 and 14. Is yam' service ClIID groping fol Special displays tours mid dem- a project? On-*) t ....... 1"" t .• ) ,.., t-ia(l you ever though! of schol- S[ ' LIOIIS WII L} o|)en II'OIII '.,:OUI  , •  ' , ^. _" ._ 1o  ) ld " _ ,,  . lal'sntps for xomen %VllO lln(I tney .. 5:,0 I m. a 7:30 to u p -., ' . " . - . " • ^ Frldav, ami from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 mtt go Pack t0 worK.' . p.m,, Saturday. The event will also . T{nS army. ol mn't going be open to the general public to stop growing--an.easy one-tmlo Besides the displays and dem-i :Ire wortdng outside the home. Half of these are over 40 years JANE;$ JOTTINGS COUNTY AGENT'S COLUMN Around Maon County with County Extension Agent Jane Jones Windsor old• By 1965, the Census Bnreau predicts one-fifth more will be back to work. Divorce, widowhood, or a fam- ily finally raised are hardly cir- cumstances for a flush backlog of •avings. HOW MUCH BETTER if wom- en could be helped to start or fin- ish training for the work she does best and for a job that pays enough for her time. Under the best of conditions working wive• spend almost a third of their earn- ings for expenses directly related to their jobs. Thi• slice out of a small salary can make working seem pretty hopeless. From our side as county agents we predict a "swing shift" pro- viso. The teaching we do is even more in demand and in some places lunch hour lessons in of- o:mtrations on all phases of home e.ctmomics, tours of Raitt Hall. the Home I,conomms building and of the University's home manage- ment house wtll be led by coeds majoring in the field. 300 (]AMES EASIER American Bowling Congress rec- ords show that it's easier to bowl a 300, once a bowler has the first 11 strikes, than it it is to bowl 299 or 298. Since 1908, the ABC has issued awards for 5,928 games of 300, 3,287 for 299's and 2,407 fox" 298's. The 1959 American Bowling Congress tournament at: St. Louis, Me., Feb. 14-April 23, will be the 56th since 1901. REP. ROY RITNER WRITES OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS • ' " , ' ,,, ,,,,..o, ,, ,,al,00m .,e,fers,,., OLYMPIA tSpecial)---The first I two weeks of the 36th regular ses- I sion of the Washington State Leg- I islatm'e were spent largely in get-[ ling acquainted and adjusted with I other members. The air is now changing. There is more serious- ness and tenseness in the atmos- phere. Most legislators realize tim big job to be. done. 1 might add that I'm still out in left field. ON TIIENI)AY EVENIN(I I at- tended a public hearing on House Bill 69, dealing with crime and punishment and abolishing the death penalty• Comment -- This bill has a good chance of passing• House Bill 92, enjoining the sale and distribution of obscene mater- ial, and H.B. 106, making dis- tribution of obscene literature a gross misdemeanor were discussed at the same hearing. Comment I feel these two bills have a good clmnce of passing. House Bill 84, increasing unem- ployment contributions and com- pen•ation benefits, had a public hearing- Wednesday evening. Com- ment-- No comment. Olymt)ia , (Special) .... We can now look forward to a park en Lake Cushman. The City of Ta- coma has donated 20 acres for this l)Url)ose. This gift was made af- ter the budget for the coming bi- emfium was prepared. This week with good support from the Mason county commissioners, C. W• Streckenbaeh, Roy J. Mitchell and John E. Bariekman, I met with John Vanderzicht, state park di- rector. AFTER SOME maneuvering with the budget committee I have been informed that $15,000 will be .... SCHOOL M00NU$ ........... I', Monday - Italian spaghetti with S___-ff hot buttered Fj'ench brca(l, corn, 2g4 chilled ai)phmauce, milk, q'uescta ..... Vegetable SOUl), egg  .... F salad sa nd%vi¢:hes, Ilot butter- horns, milk. " -'-dOa'.by VCe(lnesday . Chili con came, grilled cheese sandwich, carrot and celery sticks, cherry or ap- ple cobbler, milk. Thursday -Creamed turkey over mashed potatoes, mixed vege- fables, bread and butter sand- wich, fruit, milk. Friday --- Noodles and tuna, snap green beans, bread and butter sandwich, peanut butter cookies, milk. awulable so that this park can be THIS WEEK IN opened u I) for some public use this eoming ummer• Washnngl0n Hisl000 Another announcement this wcek waa the news that the Dose- Congress created the collectio wallips park site on Hood Canal district of Puget Sonnd by an act ha been purcha•ed by th( State approved February 14, 1851, and PaYk• department from Henry  fLxed the headquarters at Olympia. Myner for $65000. This money Simpson P. Moses was commis- came out of an appropriation for sioned as collector of cu•tom• atd the present biennium. There are W. W. Miller as surveyor of the 500 acres tn this park, extending port of Nislually, arriving late iland along the bank• of the rlv- that year, accompanied by Elwood er with 1,500 feet of waterfront on I Evans as deputy collector. Moses the canal. ' WITSIER00 FUNERAL H0 8YRNE • BATS'r 703 Railroad AV PHONE HA 8- Travel Journal Want Ads Pay fi-es nd " "o "e .....  ...... i adopted an anti-Hudson's Bay at- . . ] _-== :' :  : I ................ cIn: HoCetn%)n2a%cnen - pt:nl!c nea, rin g.s w(ficn i In the appropHatlon for the :titude and brought the government uenler ,i • ,x •  nave attenaea are nigmy interest- Dosewa i role " int de th • a  e ' .  11 p• p I rty there zs an- o bt many ousand dollars d.fZ.J'/ddrNpdldd [ 4 lib:d°:-tit;:eJUwStbken Stwr3am n Lgci nd hUmtlbve,hLlmat:2; other $25,000 available for devel-)by selgnre• of British vessels after ......... ] :[ /l/IlIll'l I'Iil'IIl' r want help in planning esy nutri- =hnmdaJ oftPn  as possible opme.t. This will mean that thej..emoval of the port of entry 2kit - u - anmp. Pt._ .  I  tin,,- ma| h,,vlncr la,,.l " ' • camping, trailer, Bwinlnling and to Olympia. Tills resultea in a ,-..,-, .n.,....  .....................................................  \\; __"" -':''L-J _-L'"e'--t'': ...... There are two bllls which - boatlng facillti Will be made special term of court held there .uun • -u- • 4 .-/ I \\;[ g os ano m .snag.rag menr homes, fret counties in the 24th district, avatlableto some extent thiyear the following January. At this HA 6-8272 or HA (  .............. |  theater cengroCnnsg, Ves answers for'They were introduced by Sen. Got- There seemed to be absolutel:: term of court there were admitted • a't" One example is • , , . a t r uin " I • • I • mmnmmm, m mkm mma- [ .f .............. • ............. ? don Sandmen. I ,to agreement by the onno•inf 0 p settee Q cy A. Brooks, I. N• 401 Railroad Ave x / u #a • mm, mlmmmmumm, ,  ti:hwa;l'egsU':a4JmalaUmatjc S.B. 200, SUPPORTED by the! sides-'trhen a large public hrln Ebey, S. P. Moses and Elwood SHELTON WA$ t w-,- mr •m• • t,. i  28 workin day• a -'ar " county commissioners, provlde•l wa• held on the ,ubject of trading vans. , ," / Wn II IIm Imm • m mw )  ,,rn, a ....  o,' 0, r.+ that Where any tax title lands are I stamps. I felt the proponents of _ T-'-: .-:. ....... =. . . ! •  _   [' ...v..,.o ...o,. .... ' '"" ' t th ..... -vne American ilag was zirst Of "  I  ed States De at tment of A ic I being held m any county a• fores e bill dd a better job of proven.. ........ " .'. - I1  aIl L d _ | ' t .... • _p ... - grA m . lands that upon" the petition of 25]tation than did the opposition rzczazy m spmyea over Alasga I [/',,d",nf' --. • mE "ure z'esearca centers remte that tax 'a es of the count that the IT hess •tam s are now issued for when riusstan troolas lowered their I nM'Fzg'/-rl' the autonmtic clothes dryer saves " P Y "* ' Y P • flag and U B Marines hoisted the w ----    J T e homemaker 20 times the en- • " "ezmine whe'he ot not aecordln-to wltriease  This *-- ' Stars and Stapes at Sitka on Oct NaLI Fndl • th '  commissioners must hold a hear- merchandise prLzes in 43 states " ". * l ":":: • [ er and time n ing to react ' t r " g s• , was • . gy ceded to hang no 1 . 18, 1867. ' , r Jl|m , J clnfh .... l;..,a "ri ..... a ....... SUCh lands would be more valuablel t he d before one of my commit- " ? I r.. -- vv nun , \\; sa,,,n ; ...... ,.n.. .;_.,,, .... if offered for sale and returned it es• I attended to gain personal • '--' - :: .1 ] -- .r   ....... *'""*" '""''" € .... i"+e "'e I hfformation ; U  ,t,.... | • • when the automatic laundry equip- "" v ....... I . • I - ' " • n -'$ [  ment is on the same floor with S.B. 149 increa•es the basis forl AN INTERESTING hearing I ' ; !" n n l   | %4r the kJtchen and bedrooms, Miss assessing reforestation lands on] ThurSday afternoon dealt with I • . .,z:_ , ;i w  | |  Arlean Pattison, Extension Home the west side of the Cascades fron]l House Bill 68 to authorize cities I  n .  n^,,, [  Management specialist, points out $100 to $3.00 per aci and on the [ to provide off-strcet parking with  :. d. I m-  m'-PV '  Only 203 Sn ft is re-ulred to east side from 50 cents to $1.50[the right to lease or buy property [ A •  " ' '] d t v r -l.  \\; use a" dryer "whereas 68 -- ft per acre. I for such purpose and finance the ] • •nEm I  h N. i Ii ",'  [ \\;'k is needed for indoor line snalc'e to: Here are several bill• now tn/same. Private parking lot operat- ] IIEE I T  I'I . , v , " or . V mmm m . _ han00 three load• of clo+00es the Hou00 wh,oh w,l bear watch-I s were i. st00ng oppos,tion. A n "I • i - , .... ) .......... im 173 Reservin ublic lands letter was read from President .... rZ, .  -  space savin" advantaee of auto-," g: -- g P / . J ••n • | . l\\; " -'u-3 i AI \\; rustic clothes dryers can be ira-! for school use, when selected by I Rex Alhson of the .l!ied store ]  II 4i , m -C'/.'. i X\\; '"    lortant esneeiall to the-family]public school board--Educatlon/,ion ,lviarcne, in wlllcn ne con- I .. Ill Ih  /  \\; ' it I  buikling a ew iome. These anal comm)eteein ls'2fR;Jrate tol bud- I demned the propo•al. . i  . .t \\; ' ,  !  other studies are a boon to theselg, ts, " g L • --/ Two hearings before the House I ft ,:/ q,\\;  . - -.  1 rA " x ' .\\; women who have the burden of de. Harbors committee. 161.--Prepare• / Judiciary committee brought out I . " __ / k_ t> ,, i %'W  *, --- 4 "'. , \\;.-- cisions to save them time and statistics on problem children- -Ju- [ large numbers of people on Thurs- I " --'' 'l -V '  j, ¢ . "rr.   energy. ]diciary. 209--Regulates labor or-[ day evening. The first dealt with   ,n " e "'- AI i"   "lt{l ]_ "qv.#   No"*" for household hints" ganizations, elections, funds---La-]pending Civil Rirhta legislation I X "\\; w* .,.V dA   /= 'i. v   Soap scum that sticks tenaciou•- bor. 212---Trading stamps, re- [ now before the legislature. Thi I t.: : "  .... ' * "-- I \\;l x t//7-._ " %IE  "i'.72.. _." \\; tic set'for  short eyole and use IF YOU I)ESmE a copy of a]unlawful to publish or dLss.mlnate I IIlII!). i r'i 'Tf/ "IW+" i  warm water. The magic is in the particular bill please let me know/any printed matter indicating any I  i U "#/!' ;'2 FU6fl¢fl  ; [l[ one to two cups of water softenor and I will forward the same. m preference or limitation as to race I "} I *  " .... .-5" *  v - I / or , I '- I __ "%. " ..... .: _ou add ........ color.  ..... X .... .. (: ' ! %b" If your glass shower door has[ D4-.*,4-.., .-.L]..I / The second hdarin dealt with n -- i  : %,, '-. i  the same unsigtliness  scrub It] DilIJtlt lSllqJ[tilt ! House I3ill 178 Joi'nt Tenancy I  !  . --u., 5/, r, ,' A.r,:. • If thoroughly wlth a solutton of one l rlL. /' .... 4 L .... • . ] Several leaders from organizel la " i "* /- ".ii:)  .']i,v/"" . -rr,  cup softener to a half bucket of lllq[ qloUI:'L, IIOWIII /bor were on hand to speak in be- I  A I L_ \\;4W /  "n ,\\;(, '  .:,.,i,""  %qb not water. The softener must be I The answer to man's ae old de- ] half of the bill. which is sponsored m ," _-" - • m"- r', [ . ::.= . -*i I"   non-preclpitating. I,tre for "immortanty "wii'l be an-]by Rep. A. L. Rasmussen. He an- I " v n m Iml t  -- " :' ' | \\; • f ................... swered in the col"or film ,,Thelnounced this bill may come up In m ill di\\; ;t tll#/l r ,.€ iiS I l O II ',  - " ' - I Quest" scheduled" for Thnrsday, t the for,n of an. init]ativ., if not I m k# r  n$ _ "'wFN f " -- .¢x* le., l nI nnIIIlIInU I b4eb 12 in the First Bapti.t |assea t)y the mgislature. Joint I v ,, '-  II • ' Ten ' " t: ,91. -w /  Ki TM _   UI.UMUHI&-I.Uffr Ichurch. Film Is slated for ow-/__ any ,s s.nllaE t ? commu.nitv I AIII iI ............ ' :: ' lnnatT7h"e3uPe.'gr. William Cul- 1 ').' ". \\; "Vkl lq "= X C Q ,--- Cloqual- Ibertson preside of the Moody i . =. .. P : - . I • l, , • • :I -- v , rlatlonsnlp or unrelateo I ][')} _.r'" ,, " -"  lure Priscilla Club met at the hall I Bible Institute. explores the time-| ' ' • n ,1 , L r • J :5, ...,:.  .L. : • f Wednesday evening with eight lbruised wonders of Egvnt the fad ] NEW BILLS filed this week in- m _ L X  t.. 0 ,,:.-,] '  memhers and two guests present, led glories of Baalbek and Bvblos| elude: II Wll/gI Inl I .. :':-" %5[_  ,, \\; Mary Walkooand .E!sleaauer were[in Lebanon, the tarni•hed gran'-'[.. H'B..351-:Fixea time county of-] i IIlivl i m Inhm , r "r;" r  hostesses. Mary rula and Anna Ideur of Palmyra in Syria He tells/rices snail oe open for hu•ineat I m _ _ .] from8 30am to4 3 tJ i I/ Ntkula were guests. Mary Nia-ltie stories i)ehtnd,the ola,sie/ : • • : 0p.m.;cl*,]l P A 3" T I= R N _el SL" I ...,,  ula demonstrated painting fabrics Icivilizatlons, of the men who built/same on Saturday, Sunday and ] m --. " -- "- "- - m, '* I l  With Tri-Chem tube paints The ]tem and their makff/ct b-t fu- ]legal holidays. ] n m You exn llAV I; n -,,, ,,,,,k,,,,:II I •  next club meeting will be the first/tl'ie efforts to imm ortal-i'ze t'hem- [ H.B. 356 -- Authorizes tate to i . - .... :..:--::- -.. -.:7  ...... =Ii t2 t I ,' • ..u D  ..,, [  Wednesday in March, a day meet- [ selves through the Work of their / reimburse counties for expends [ i Trom st llnglo toIIpoon tO I €omp! - ! iI=d I  ' I ITdm li ing. Ihami. " Iand charges.incurred in the re-ll lervicel - I I ,i x J / i i I  IX Mr. and Mrs. George Beckettl Through the camera's e-,e su-/celving' storing and distributlngll ,_ . II o _-It • I' II ,v I %qB visited the Tom Kearneya Friday ]-lemented by artistic reconstru" [of federal surplus commodiUee, i i The idlal, opportunity for preoeI ir] t dll J llrl   and Saturday. I U;o e viewer travel• back| H.B. 360--AUthC¢IZOS the i.U-II --W,I ..... " ........ "" "" ..... an lll;ll tilll-lln I ownlrl tO liClCI 1111-1 ! I  I I I IdrI , I I Mr. and Mrs. Kearney drove I i..-u.h the centuri ........... ] ce of a fumily state fishing li- I i ownors TO IltaQ Till-Ira I . xlr / • I r I   Wayne to Portland Sunday and I such things as the build;-,- o € *,, I_ n for the sum of $8,50 or a I n Irving plet:oo to *hilt prelen iolllII I . L • m  v r he left Monuay zor ualifornia. [,,vamids, the mighty '',,'o , Izamily county license for $1.50. i m . I I11 _*Mal " II l[I I    Din- On--It was an overni,-ht '.'- ,. ,.,._ ___ v ..... Y .... /  i i ..... -'-,.---* ' r II  rr- , e, arnaK, I.iill lliy•te ' I + • a D K rloul City of ...... d ...... / _ .g0. t 00,ld yof on and 00aul Ev'lBacch.. a.d !1  N@lP-ngI Ittihod, o eXtOll plo¢oi4  " AAr L Mile Khi 4 /  e'a e Ken Pearsona visited their I%e: 't once aefiedlUUVIIIIIIIIUIl| I I ' buy.- ,.abl. on-,ll ,amou; Wal!al i' lille I Illle ,IIi ,,  son•, Dick, Don and Jerry, at the l 'r Culbertsou m ............ | ..... II StOl'li IItIme*l -"I " I • A m y " tllltilllllelt I.llll* I , "'1 I 1ISll , ' A''bUrnmodSn?tlllstYor " a. I the ,aU' i aawer to ira-/D,wI,nl,, I I .t. ,., ............ " .....  " )'I- _ yne -r ........... t_n___ w Imortallty e_an:'l fotmd tn Ood'• Ill 'lLilli| IIl/lli; II  .,-,vm m' ttlern not includedln.lrt w_ ,g1] lL:ld ° ilo[ea Ill V UZiUiiy ax.rnuoa, A / --- 1:ne l:l;IDle ,i .... i I I  --_ l " . WOiJ, , . . . ule worla ' ,HIr d  .beautifu ig a.e , :een ny. l_.,et a.ay,  the l,,t _. lit ,mm, • : iPtl I n .... , , aldg I t'll(%.h mg near tzoquallum, ana tmveral I.'. '-"t he that - .... --" t..z'-./llIlIdlINdll II imimi I I • " . " . "'.' '' : I I ..... , h htin 0I, u -,cn the Will OZ -- , times a g g de h for - " ' • /o00ab' t /lUlUUIIl00lll ii mLIMITED TIMI OliRll, i: . .... . .  -- IL ,ImO [] .............. /I  | Oovement•ourcearep'-]l ;" ..... : ............. = , .... " --'--'---  lin ........ '  °"*'^" " ......... " I! g a •uD•tant,ai mcreise " -l, • N D I P-" ......... L__ MOBIL.MAID @ rJ ding mate "In " " _ --. mm • I -- dustries and their employees and/m III T tt u I I A It I a at m a a U '= I the communities which deend II n Im m mm m u m m Ii mm m  I w n .' []  It largely on these industrieS," Rep./m n V I v 1 rIi I • v i i v ii Ii  v -m Mack said. t GoVernment statistiianl plaee the national expenditdr fd" n- • truatlon in 1959 at $tgbi which while 2 per ceht, or $ar million, ahead of the rcrd ,Y . 1957 represents no actual ga.m tn works undertaken due to sm aot VA£INTIHI .... /¢IAL s209900 MODEL SP40 (Regularly Priced at $229.95) 2 per cent increase in costS. Government sources now .are  predicting a $52 billion builin.g year for 1959, Mack said, wmca Would mean a •ix to seven per cent increase over last year. Congres•man Mack said th$.t I the national capital both daily newspapers now are vubllshing building and real estate " eight to 12 pages twice a • tead of once weekly This, he •aid, is an in( i lively demand for new homes the capital. Gary Benson of Belfair To Tour With Band The 60-piece Concert Band at Central Washington College of Ed- ucation, Ellensburg, is buSY pr. paring for its annual tour. Washington communitie•. T n • band will tour durtng winter qta.r- ter for four days beginning .eD. 16. Gary Benson of Belfair s a member of the band. The first successful try radio tranmffl0 from. airplane was received by