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t t,2:Ol00o &t;;*:te aw00or00'd no'e:-
idleeraft b:adges by darning seeks
!or a sweater. The girls discussed
the type of tray favors they will
make for Shelton General Hospi-
tal patients for Valentine Day.
Girl Scout Troop 26 is working
(m the second class rank badges
land proficiency badge. As an add-
ed project the" girls are also rank-
ling a Troop cookbook.
Mary [eth Connoliy, reporter.
Girl Scout Troop 19 met in the
basement of Bordeaux school to
idiscuss the kind of Valentine fa-
i vors they would make for the
I Shelton General Hospital patients.
i The prospect of new badge WOrK
will be taken into consideration
following the completion of the
Ineedlecraft badge. Tentative plans
are for an outdoor badge.
Los Hliboki recently celebrated
her tenth birthday with her
UIL"" friends. Several games were
played and ice cream and cake
delighted the youngsters.
Among those present to help
y with the festivities in the Arthur
Hliboki home were Cathy Luhm,
Jane Finch, Gloria Linda and Rose
8'81122 or HA 6-fl207 :Atchas°n, Vicky and Becky Hall,
[il IRE ROAD Steven Anderson Gwendelen, Adia,
Nancy Molett, :limmy and Anna
,j .........
For Your Loveliness
Feb. 8-14
Dedicated to More
: Beautiful
, Women
00Elaine's Beauty Salon
6'all Laurel Phone HA 6-4582
Card Table Tops
To Benefit Shrine
Children's Hospital
Nydi:t ChLb, Daughters of the
Nile, held their regular meeting
on Wednesday evening of last
week in the home of Mrs. Leo
Along with a lovely social eve-
ning', plans were made for the
completion ot tile sale of ads for
the card table tops. The table top
project funds will be used to buy
materials to be sewn into blouses,
dresses, aprons pajamas, shirts
and layettes for children in the
Shrine "Crippled Children's Hospi-
tals. Any remaining profits will
be placect' in the convalescent relief
fund to be used for the purchase'
of braces and artificial limbs for
the chihtren, who have outgrown
their present ones.
The club would like to thank
those merchants who have given
their suppola, to this project and
with the hope that others will
help with their ads to complete
When the tables are completed
the club will be happy to loan
one or all 24 of them to any club
or organization.
During the business meeting,
Mrs. Bessie Hall was re-elected
president; Mrs. Florence Weeks,
vice president; Miss Bernice Bolh%
treasurer, and Mrs. B. N. Collier,
The next Nydia Club meeting
will be held Feb. 25 in the home
of Mrs. Bea Grout.
Members of Past Matrons Club,
Welcome chapter , Order of East-
ern Star, will meet for a luncheon
at !2:30 p.m. ThUrsday, Feb. 19,
in the home of Mrs. Alberta Lan-
ders, 1018 E. Ellinor.
Robert Sloane
200 Iast Pine HA. 6-4147
Community Concert
February 15- 21
1959-1960 Season Headquarters al the Shollon Hotel Lobby
Your Mason County Community Concert Association
It is the purpose of the association to advance the community's best
interests by bringing nationally recognized artists to the local stage each
Membership in the Association is on an annual dues-paying basis,
and emberships are available only during the campaign week. Admis-
sion t0 concerts is for the season only; no single admissions are sold.
Net$ilboring associations often honor each other's memberships when
auditorium seating allows, and we are being welcomed in this manner at
Bremerton, Chehalis and Hoquiam concerts.
Artists for the 1959-1960 season will be chosen at the end of the mem-
' .ruhip camPaign. Your participation in the Association's growing mem-
bership will contribute to the selection of a finer and expanded program.
Members joining at this time will be welcomed at the final number of
the 1958-1959 seasoh--The Graudan Ensemble, strings and clarinet, on
April 22.
You are cordially invited into membership. _Call Campaign Head-
quarters, HA 6-3920, Monday, Feb. 16, thru Friday, Feb. 20, I0 a.m. to
5 p.m., and Saturday, Feb. 21, until noon. (In Hoodsport, call Tit 7-
This space provided through the courtesy of
JOURNAL- Published in
Social Even ts
Society Editor • Beve Wells • Phone HA. 6-4412
Honeymoon In Vancouver
MISS BARBARA JEAN BAILEY became the recent bride of
Mr. Vagn V. Sorensen in the Faith Lutheran church. (Dean photo.)
* €. v,
VFW Projects to
Aid Belfair Girl
At Scout Roundup
Nuel Curtis Auxiliary to Post
5372, VFW, at its regular meeting
Tuesday, l,'eb. 3, unanimously vot-
ed for each nlember to ass/line a
money making project and to re-
port at the next meeling, March
3, the natttre of their project. Mrs.
H. L. Parsons has l)romised l.he
one reporting the most original
project a gift.
Proceeds from the projects will
be given to Karen Kovack, Belfai,',
a Senior tMariner) out of Troop
136, who in one of six gtrls chosen
from the Olympi(- Patrol Council
as a representative to tile Inter-
national Senior Girls Round tip
this July in Colorado Karen is
a sophomore at Soulh Kitsap high
shool and will celebrate her 16th
birthday enroute to Colorado. Be-
sides being active in Scouts, he
has held offices in .lob's Daugh-
ters, Baptist Youth Felh)wship,
and is a past secretary of South-
west Washington Baptist Youth
All members are asked to bring
something to next meeting for
the Rogers school in Shelton for
retarded children, such as empty
spools, round oatmeal boxes,
scraps of material, plywood, cop-
ing saws, children's outgrown
clothing, etc.
Hospital chairman, Mrs. Phillip
Hanify, .reported she had two hos-
pital gowns to take to the Retsil
Hospital and that there is a need
for lap robes and asked the girls
who bad any old wool garments
to please cut some in squares and
piece lap robes and bring to March
meetings. Lap robes should be
about 36 by 54.
Mrs. Gordon J. Squire reported
100 per cent participation of the
9th grade English classes at North
Mason junior high school on the
National VFW Auxiliary essay,
the theme for this year is "The
Space Age Challenge to America."
Local winners will compete for
state prizes, and state winners for
national prizes. This is the na-
tional VFW's 24th annual high:
The newly married Mr. and Mrs. I White candles in wrought iron i school essay contest.
Vagn V. Sorensen are making their [candelabra, white chrysanthemums Members of Belfair Fire Depart-
home at the Goldsborou,h Trailer land American beauty colored stock
? l decorated the chapel for the dos-!
Park following .their honeymoon t ble ring ceremony, officiated by
in Vancouver, B.C. . the Rev. J. Bernhard Bretheim.
The bride, the former Barbara Mr. Bretheim sang "Oh, Perfect
Jean Bailey, is the daughter of Love" and "The Lord's Prayer"
accompanied by Mrs. Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey.
The couple were married Jan.
23 in the Faith Lutheran church.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, chose a. •white full
length gown of lace and tulle de-
signed with long sleeves and scal-
loped neckline. The lace bodice
was emphasized by a scalloped
lace apron covering the upper
tiers of the tulle skirt. Her finger
length veil was caught by a tiara
of seed pearls. She carried a white
orchid and stephanotis bouquet on
her white Bible.
Mrs. Duane Rodgers, sister of
the bride, was matron of honor
in a light blue brocade waltz
length gown and pearl tiara. She
carried a colonial bouquet of Am-
erican beauty roses.
Bridesmaids were Miss Joane
Gohrtck and Mrs. Vince Himlie.
They wore waltz length gowns of
light blue floral brocade and pearl
tiaras. They carried colonial bou-
quets of American beauty roses.
Mr. Sorensen asked his brother,
Emil, of Vancouver, B.C., to be
best mare Ushers were Mr. Duane
Rodgens and Mr. Vince Himlie.
Young master Jay Himlie was ring
bearer, and Barry Diseth, cousin
of the bride, junior usher.
Mrs. Bailey chose a navy blue
dress with matching accessorie
and American beauty rose and
white carnation corsage for her
daughter's wedding.
A white lace cloth graced the
reception table with pink tapers
adding to the attractive setting for
the triple tiered Maltese Cross
wedding cake at the reception in
the church parlors honoring the:
Mrs. Bill Hartline eat'the cake
and Mrs. Ernest Diseth, aunt of
the bride, Dash Poin and Mrs.
Charles Lombard lSoured. In
charge of the guest book was
Miss Judy Russell and Mrs. Bei't
Clark, Miss Mary Hayward, aunts
of the bride, and Miss Barbara
Goodwin, the gift table. Mrs. Don-
ald Daniels and Billy Danlels as-
cdsted with the aAgpotmenta.
The new Mra tlorenn ehan
to a black and white tweed
with black aeceUoHeS and WhiU
orchid corsage for her honeymoon
trip. She was Rrluated from
Irene 8. Reed htg sehdol and is
¢nployed as dental mlstant by
Dr. R. W. Norvold.
Mr. 8orensen attd higli ¢hol
and college in Denmark and is
employed in Smpson. Logging
Company's Inmllatin Board plant.
Concert Association
Sets Dales. for 1959
Membership Drive
Final details for the membership
campaign of the Maon County
Community Concer Association
were completed at a work party
Saturday at the Grant C. Angle
The following board members
have agreed to work as captains
under the leadership of member-
snip chairman Dr Andrew Beelik
and aNistant chairman Dr. Romeo
Conea: Mrs. Edward J. liva, Mrs.
Phil Ptulsrude, Mrs. Dave James,
Mrs. Mel Munson, Mrs. Franz
Rauseher, Lowell Hart, Vernon
(Pat) Havens, Roy Dunn, Merrttt
, iEells, and Melvin Cleon.
At the work party, renewal
cards will be typed, and the cap-
tairm will receive materials to be
distrlbuted to their workers. It
is hoped that a work force of at
least 50 workers will be obtained.
Headquarters for the member,
ship drive will be the lobby of
the Shelton Hotel, kindly made
available by Ed Faubert, manager.
Campaign week for new memlSer-
.Mps will begin February 16.
ment were on hand to receive a I
new folding wheel chair, gift of t
the Auxiliary. Firemen reported /
a request for the loan of the chair]
for the following morning. I
March meeting will be election i
of officers.
Our 13th anniversary would
have passed unnoticed except for
the refl'eshment committee who
had a lovely decorated cake. The
cake was baked by Mrs. Myron
Polk and decorated by her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Austin Hicks. Angel food
cake, strawberries, whipped cream
and coffee and anniversary cake
was served by Mrs. Einer John-
son, Mrs. H. L. Parson and Mrs.
Palli Chase Joins
Joble Bethel 37
' Patti Chase was initiated into
Bethel No. 37, Order of Job's
Daughters,' at the last meeting of
the group.
Also during the meeting, George
Howard, guardian, presented the
first Jobie of the Month award to
Nita Potter for the month of Jan-
uary. The Jobie bracelet was given
to Judy Nicholson.
The next meeting of the Jobies
will be 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the
Masonic Temple.
STORK SOWER: Mrs. Donald
Stoddard was honored by a baby
shower recently in her home.
Among those present were Mrs.
Ted Depoe, Mrs. Keith Simpson,
Mrs. Barbara Okonek, Mrs. L,u-
cille Speece, Miss Lucille Cockran,
Mrs. Nita Fisk, Mrs. Fran War.
rens. Unable to attend but send-
ing gifts were Mrs. Joyce Olscn.
Mrs. Mazie Moran and Mrs. Bon-
nie Brown. Host0 for the sur-
prise shower was Mrs. Maizie De-
JOurnal Want Ads Pay
Mrs. Donald Botts
Honored at Shower
Mrs. DonMd Botts, Jr., was hon-
ored recently in the home of her
mother at a baby shower. The
table was festively decorated with
a centerpiece of roses and candles,
surrounde(I by five cflkes, all eat'-
rying oui the pink and blue mo-
tif. One of the main atlra(.tions
of the table was a cake decorated
m the form of a baby b(mk.
Adding to the excitement of the
occasion were games, prizes, sev-
eral pantomime skits and a phone
(:all from the Robert Edwards in
Richland, Mrs. Botts' sister. Nu-
merous pictures were taken of the
It guest of honor writ her grand-
mothers and 'aunts.
A poem honoring grandmothers
was read by Mrs. Stanley Waylelt,
preceding the opening of gifts.
Hovering over tim t)assinette ot
gifts was a four foot paper mache
stork. Assisting Mrs. Botts with
the gift opening was Miss Linda
Greenwalt while Mrs. Donahi
Keith wrote the remarks of the
open gifts which were later read.
Hostesses for the ewmt were
Mrs. Bill Hungerford and Mrs.
Amos Martin of Olympia.
Relatives attending the event
were Mrs. Flossie Earl, Mrs. Botts'
mother, Mrs. Donald Botts, St'.,
her mother-in-law, Mrs. Effie
Staniford, grandmother, Mrs. Jim
Howell, St'., great-annt, Mrs. Jim
Howell, Jr, cousin, Mrs. Al Green-
walt, aunt, Misses Barbara Hun-
gerford, Mary Martin, and Linda
Greenwalt, cousins.
Close friends attending the
shower were Misses Julane Sein-
ers, Frances Clifton, Ruth Pearce,
Mesdames Donald Keith, Carl
i Story, Leroy Sylvester and Stanley
MOVING: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Day and son, Pbillip, returned
Saturday from Kingston, N. Y.,
where Mr. Day has been attend-
ing IBM school for the past flvc
In ten days, they will be leav-
ing Sbelton for Albany, Ore.,
where they will make their home.
Mrs. Day is the former Sally
]' I2
DANC ............... E
9:30 'TIL 2:00
• Door Prize
• Refreshments Served
• Everybody WelCome
• Music by Grange
Tune Toppers
Each 2nd & 4th Saturday
"Fill 'er tq), Harry . • • kiNk;
Whether you want a pint or a
tal(ful, we're always glad to
see you !
First and Pine Streets
Phone HA 6-3906
" "r:' CHECK
You'll have a complete record of your food budget
and all your expenditures if you pay by Seattle-
First National check. Open a checking account
today. It's much more convenient than paying with
cash, and your canceled checks will show you what
you spend for each item in your budget. For the
record . . . pay by Seattle-First National check.
I i
P'ro]s4onal Care
For the Clothes You Wear
Pantorium Cleaners
215 80UTH 2ND STREET . PHONE HA 6-3371
• Wher tlte Charm o I Newness Is Rtored •
t t,2:Ol00o &t;;*:te aw00or00'd no'e:-
idleeraft b:adges by darning seeks
!or a sweater. The girls discussed
the type of tray favors they will
make for Shelton General Hospi-
tal patients for Valentine Day.
Girl Scout Troop 26 is working
(m the second class rank badges
land proficiency badge. As an add-
ed project the" girls are also rank-
ling a Troop cookbook.
Mary [eth Connoliy, reporter.
Girl Scout Troop 19 met in the
basement of Bordeaux school to
idiscuss the kind of Valentine fa-
i vors they would make for the
I Shelton General Hospital patients.
i The prospect of new badge WOrK
will be taken into consideration
following the completion of the
Ineedlecraft badge. Tentative plans
are for an outdoor badge.
Los Hliboki recently celebrated
her tenth birthday with her
UIL"" friends. Several games were
played and ice cream and cake
delighted the youngsters.
Among those present to help
y with the festivities in the Arthur
Hliboki home were Cathy Luhm,
Jane Finch, Gloria Linda and Rose
8'81122 or HA 6-fl207 :Atchas°n, Vicky and Becky Hall,
[il IRE ROAD Steven Anderson Gwendelen, Adia,
Nancy Molett, :limmy and Anna
,j .........
For Your Loveliness
Feb. 8-14
Dedicated to More
: Beautiful
, Women
00Elaine's Beauty Salon
6'all Laurel Phone HA 6-4582
Card Table Tops
To Benefit Shrine
Children's Hospital
Nydi:t ChLb, Daughters of the
Nile, held their regular meeting
on Wednesday evening of last
week in the home of Mrs. Leo
Along with a lovely social eve-
ning', plans were made for the
completion ot tile sale of ads for
the card table tops. The table top
project funds will be used to buy
materials to be sewn into blouses,
dresses, aprons pajamas, shirts
and layettes for children in the
Shrine "Crippled Children's Hospi-
tals. Any remaining profits will
be placect' in the convalescent relief
fund to be used for the purchase'
of braces and artificial limbs for
the chihtren, who have outgrown
their present ones.
The club would like to thank
those merchants who have given
their suppola, to this project and
with the hope that others will
help with their ads to complete
When the tables are completed
the club will be happy to loan
one or all 24 of them to any club
or organization.
During the business meeting,
Mrs. Bessie Hall was re-elected
president; Mrs. Florence Weeks,
vice president; Miss Bernice Bolh%
treasurer, and Mrs. B. N. Collier,
The next Nydia Club meeting
will be held Feb. 25 in the home
of Mrs. Bea Grout.
Members of Past Matrons Club,
Welcome chapter , Order of East-
ern Star, will meet for a luncheon
at !2:30 p.m. ThUrsday, Feb. 19,
in the home of Mrs. Alberta Lan-
ders, 1018 E. Ellinor.
Robert Sloane
200 Iast Pine HA. 6-4147
Community Concert
February 15- 21
1959-1960 Season Headquarters al the Shollon Hotel Lobby
Your Mason County Community Concert Association
It is the purpose of the association to advance the community's best
interests by bringing nationally recognized artists to the local stage each
Membership in the Association is on an annual dues-paying basis,
and emberships are available only during the campaign week. Admis-
sion t0 concerts is for the season only; no single admissions are sold.
Net$ilboring associations often honor each other's memberships when
auditorium seating allows, and we are being welcomed in this manner at
Bremerton, Chehalis and Hoquiam concerts.
Artists for the 1959-1960 season will be chosen at the end of the mem-
' .ruhip camPaign. Your participation in the Association's growing mem-
bership will contribute to the selection of a finer and expanded program.
Members joining at this time will be welcomed at the final number of
the 1958-1959 seasoh--The Graudan Ensemble, strings and clarinet, on
April 22.
You are cordially invited into membership. _Call Campaign Head-
quarters, HA 6-3920, Monday, Feb. 16, thru Friday, Feb. 20, I0 a.m. to
5 p.m., and Saturday, Feb. 21, until noon. (In Hoodsport, call Tit 7-
This space provided through the courtesy of
JOURNAL- Published in
Social Even ts
Society Editor • Beve Wells • Phone HA. 6-4412
Honeymoon In Vancouver
MISS BARBARA JEAN BAILEY became the recent bride of
Mr. Vagn V. Sorensen in the Faith Lutheran church. (Dean photo.)
* €. v,
VFW Projects to
Aid Belfair Girl
At Scout Roundup
Nuel Curtis Auxiliary to Post
5372, VFW, at its regular meeting
Tuesday, l,'eb. 3, unanimously vot-
ed for each nlember to ass/line a
money making project and to re-
port at the next meeling, March
3, the natttre of their project. Mrs.
H. L. Parsons has l)romised l.he
one reporting the most original
project a gift.
Proceeds from the projects will
be given to Karen Kovack, Belfai,',
a Senior tMariner) out of Troop
136, who in one of six gtrls chosen
from the Olympi(- Patrol Council
as a representative to tile Inter-
national Senior Girls Round tip
this July in Colorado Karen is
a sophomore at Soulh Kitsap high
shool and will celebrate her 16th
birthday enroute to Colorado. Be-
sides being active in Scouts, he
has held offices in .lob's Daugh-
ters, Baptist Youth Felh)wship,
and is a past secretary of South-
west Washington Baptist Youth
All members are asked to bring
something to next meeting for
the Rogers school in Shelton for
retarded children, such as empty
spools, round oatmeal boxes,
scraps of material, plywood, cop-
ing saws, children's outgrown
clothing, etc.
Hospital chairman, Mrs. Phillip
Hanify, .reported she had two hos-
pital gowns to take to the Retsil
Hospital and that there is a need
for lap robes and asked the girls
who bad any old wool garments
to please cut some in squares and
piece lap robes and bring to March
meetings. Lap robes should be
about 36 by 54.
Mrs. Gordon J. Squire reported
100 per cent participation of the
9th grade English classes at North
Mason junior high school on the
National VFW Auxiliary essay,
the theme for this year is "The
Space Age Challenge to America."
Local winners will compete for
state prizes, and state winners for
national prizes. This is the na-
tional VFW's 24th annual high:
The newly married Mr. and Mrs. I White candles in wrought iron i school essay contest.
Vagn V. Sorensen are making their [candelabra, white chrysanthemums Members of Belfair Fire Depart-
home at the Goldsborou,h Trailer land American beauty colored stock
? l decorated the chapel for the dos-!
Park following .their honeymoon t ble ring ceremony, officiated by
in Vancouver, B.C. . the Rev. J. Bernhard Bretheim.
The bride, the former Barbara Mr. Bretheim sang "Oh, Perfect
Jean Bailey, is the daughter of Love" and "The Lord's Prayer"
accompanied by Mrs. Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey.
The couple were married Jan.
23 in the Faith Lutheran church.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, chose a. •white full
length gown of lace and tulle de-
signed with long sleeves and scal-
loped neckline. The lace bodice
was emphasized by a scalloped
lace apron covering the upper
tiers of the tulle skirt. Her finger
length veil was caught by a tiara
of seed pearls. She carried a white
orchid and stephanotis bouquet on
her white Bible.
Mrs. Duane Rodgers, sister of
the bride, was matron of honor
in a light blue brocade waltz
length gown and pearl tiara. She
carried a colonial bouquet of Am-
erican beauty roses.
Bridesmaids were Miss Joane
Gohrtck and Mrs. Vince Himlie.
They wore waltz length gowns of
light blue floral brocade and pearl
tiaras. They carried colonial bou-
quets of American beauty roses.
Mr. Sorensen asked his brother,
Emil, of Vancouver, B.C., to be
best mare Ushers were Mr. Duane
Rodgens and Mr. Vince Himlie.
Young master Jay Himlie was ring
bearer, and Barry Diseth, cousin
of the bride, junior usher.
Mrs. Bailey chose a navy blue
dress with matching accessorie
and American beauty rose and
white carnation corsage for her
daughter's wedding.
A white lace cloth graced the
reception table with pink tapers
adding to the attractive setting for
the triple tiered Maltese Cross
wedding cake at the reception in
the church parlors honoring the:
Mrs. Bill Hartline eat'the cake
and Mrs. Ernest Diseth, aunt of
the bride, Dash Poin and Mrs.
Charles Lombard lSoured. In
charge of the guest book was
Miss Judy Russell and Mrs. Bei't
Clark, Miss Mary Hayward, aunts
of the bride, and Miss Barbara
Goodwin, the gift table. Mrs. Don-
ald Daniels and Billy Danlels as-
cdsted with the aAgpotmenta.
The new Mra tlorenn ehan
to a black and white tweed
with black aeceUoHeS and WhiU
orchid corsage for her honeymoon
trip. She was Rrluated from
Irene 8. Reed htg sehdol and is
¢nployed as dental mlstant by
Dr. R. W. Norvold.
Mr. 8orensen attd higli ¢hol
and college in Denmark and is
employed in Smpson. Logging
Company's Inmllatin Board plant.
Concert Association
Sets Dales. for 1959
Membership Drive
Final details for the membership
campaign of the Maon County
Community Concer Association
were completed at a work party
Saturday at the Grant C. Angle
The following board members
have agreed to work as captains
under the leadership of member-
snip chairman Dr Andrew Beelik
and aNistant chairman Dr. Romeo
Conea: Mrs. Edward J. liva, Mrs.
Phil Ptulsrude, Mrs. Dave James,
Mrs. Mel Munson, Mrs. Franz
Rauseher, Lowell Hart, Vernon
(Pat) Havens, Roy Dunn, Merrttt
, iEells, and Melvin Cleon.
At the work party, renewal
cards will be typed, and the cap-
tairm will receive materials to be
distrlbuted to their workers. It
is hoped that a work force of at
least 50 workers will be obtained.
Headquarters for the member,
ship drive will be the lobby of
the Shelton Hotel, kindly made
available by Ed Faubert, manager.
Campaign week for new memlSer-
.Mps will begin February 16.
ment were on hand to receive a I
new folding wheel chair, gift of t
the Auxiliary. Firemen reported /
a request for the loan of the chair]
for the following morning. I
March meeting will be election i
of officers.
Our 13th anniversary would
have passed unnoticed except for
the refl'eshment committee who
had a lovely decorated cake. The
cake was baked by Mrs. Myron
Polk and decorated by her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Austin Hicks. Angel food
cake, strawberries, whipped cream
and coffee and anniversary cake
was served by Mrs. Einer John-
son, Mrs. H. L. Parson and Mrs.
Palli Chase Joins
Joble Bethel 37
' Patti Chase was initiated into
Bethel No. 37, Order of Job's
Daughters,' at the last meeting of
the group.
Also during the meeting, George
Howard, guardian, presented the
first Jobie of the Month award to
Nita Potter for the month of Jan-
uary. The Jobie bracelet was given
to Judy Nicholson.
The next meeting of the Jobies
will be 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the
Masonic Temple.
STORK SOWER: Mrs. Donald
Stoddard was honored by a baby
shower recently in her home.
Among those present were Mrs.
Ted Depoe, Mrs. Keith Simpson,
Mrs. Barbara Okonek, Mrs. L,u-
cille Speece, Miss Lucille Cockran,
Mrs. Nita Fisk, Mrs. Fran War.
rens. Unable to attend but send-
ing gifts were Mrs. Joyce Olscn.
Mrs. Mazie Moran and Mrs. Bon-
nie Brown. Host0 for the sur-
prise shower was Mrs. Maizie De-
JOurnal Want Ads Pay
Mrs. Donald Botts
Honored at Shower
Mrs. DonMd Botts, Jr., was hon-
ored recently in the home of her
mother at a baby shower. The
table was festively decorated with
a centerpiece of roses and candles,
surrounde(I by five cflkes, all eat'-
rying oui the pink and blue mo-
tif. One of the main atlra(.tions
of the table was a cake decorated
m the form of a baby b(mk.
Adding to the excitement of the
occasion were games, prizes, sev-
eral pantomime skits and a phone
(:all from the Robert Edwards in
Richland, Mrs. Botts' sister. Nu-
merous pictures were taken of the
It guest of honor writ her grand-
mothers and 'aunts.
A poem honoring grandmothers
was read by Mrs. Stanley Waylelt,
preceding the opening of gifts.
Hovering over tim t)assinette ot
gifts was a four foot paper mache
stork. Assisting Mrs. Botts with
the gift opening was Miss Linda
Greenwalt while Mrs. Donahi
Keith wrote the remarks of the
open gifts which were later read.
Hostesses for the ewmt were
Mrs. Bill Hungerford and Mrs.
Amos Martin of Olympia.
Relatives attending the event
were Mrs. Flossie Earl, Mrs. Botts'
mother, Mrs. Donald Botts, St'.,
her mother-in-law, Mrs. Effie
Staniford, grandmother, Mrs. Jim
Howell, St'., great-annt, Mrs. Jim
Howell, Jr, cousin, Mrs. Al Green-
walt, aunt, Misses Barbara Hun-
gerford, Mary Martin, and Linda
Greenwalt, cousins.
Close friends attending the
shower were Misses Julane Sein-
ers, Frances Clifton, Ruth Pearce,
Mesdames Donald Keith, Carl
i Story, Leroy Sylvester and Stanley
MOVING: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Day and son, Pbillip, returned
Saturday from Kingston, N. Y.,
where Mr. Day has been attend-
ing IBM school for the past flvc
In ten days, they will be leav-
ing Sbelton for Albany, Ore.,
where they will make their home.
Mrs. Day is the former Sally
]' I2
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