February 12, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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12, 1959
SI-IELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmaown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Wn.hington
@rm Underwrlfen
le InsuraPce Building
on Request
Burglary Reported
At Union Saturday
Newell Bisson, Star Route 1,
Union, reported a burglary of bed-
ding, silverware and other house-
hold items Saturday to the Ma-
son County Sheriff's office.
The exact value of the goods
taken is not known but it is con-
sidered to be fairly extensive.
Z23 Cota Street Phone HA 6.8118
National Guard Seeking Members
Shelton men of draft age in in Lhe active (luard upon (:omple-
the Mason C0llnt} r el'ell were re- lion of the six months training.
minded today b:; Capt. John A. ],Men who begin s x months train-
Burnett of Sbel{on's Btry 8, 700ling after becoming 18V, must
AAA IAn (AWl ISP), Washington I serve an additional 5,..',. years upon
National Guard that. now is toheln,pletion of the six months train-
time 1o consider: their military -[' g.
l/get/on. Recent re-opening of the I Shelton's unit drills on the first
sixth month active duty program two Wednesdays and one Sunday
offers opportunity for enlistment
of non-prior service personnel in
the Washington National Guard.
Young men, who become eligible
for the draft at age 18, may en-
list in the unit 120 days before
graduation from high school. They
will serve with their unit until
graduation, then take six months
active duty with the Army. Upon
returning home they attend the
normal, weekly, two-hour drill
with their unit, meanwhile resum-
ing their civilian education or oc-
Men 17-18 years of age who
enlist in the Guard and begin six
months training before becoming
18,/ will serve only three years
in the National Guard Armory at
6th and Franklin Street. Capt.
John A. Burnett has issued an in-
vitation to interested young men
to visit the unit and discuss their
military obligation.
The 14 perfect 300 games rolled
since 1937 by George Billick of
Old Forge, Pa., are the most on
record in American Bowling Con-
gress sanctioned league and tour-
nament competition. Hank Mari-
ne of Milwaukee, Wis., is second
with 11.
Try a Journal Want Ac
sight had us all looking, and won-
dering last week. Floating leis:
urely down the canal was a fair
sized house boat, with about 15-
ft. diving platform. Later we
spotted it anchored out in front
of R. C. Shelly's residence. Mr.
Shelly is the Sea Scout master.
Seems, Mr. R.E.S. was fortunate
enough to be around the Bremer-
ton yards where they were about
to scuttle the H.B. and luckily ac-
By Vlvian Jones Badcr with F)ostmaster and Mrs. en at the Junior High Auditorium
UNION.--Well sir, the strangest H. Coon of Bremerton. The meet- Tuesday, Ireb. 10, at 8 o'clock, was
ing was for Dist. No. 4. Dinner
was served by the Rebekah lodge
at the I.O.O.F. hall.
Tile Salty Sashaycrs had their
usual square dance last Friday at
the Hood Canal Woman's club in
Potlatch. From Union, Mr. a]d
Mrs. Ted Ha/Icy.
Mrs. Nine Miller had a delight-
ful Sunday in Seattle with Mrs.
Kenneth Martig.
Marion Richardson's mother,
quired same for his Sea Scouts. Mrs. Nancy Flak, will be In Union
So from here on out it will be a .............
. ., . ".. . I WlLII 2viarlon un[ll spring. 2drs.
permanent ilxture on the canal ,, , .........
" " i raa came up trom long eacn,
It will be used for tram ng and a ...... , . ,,
' . ...... I UallI rlnera VlSlll'l her ' l(1
vuriety of act/vines. Looks uKe I dauhte r "tle Cla'rence Richard
fun. The houseboat is ?n rt. tn-,, ' " ' "
sons. The Norman Richardsons,
is equipped with sink, tables, lock- also had as Sunday guests, the
era, bunks, tools and twin Die Kenneth Berglunds of Olympia.
el engines. The boys are teeny
thrilled. Seems Ground Hog day was
OUR ..POSTMASTER, Wands Feb. 2. Mr. G.H. appeared, aw
Wyatt, attended a pastmasters' hi shadow, and dove m for more
business meeting last Sunday at sleep. We agree with him too.
Bader, Wash. Wands drove to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Allen and
Bonnie. were off last Saturday to
Tacoma to visit Mr. and Mrs. R.
b CHILIu " 4iq °°
,... ....................................................... L/
aj00ani3 l]ear00l ''L'° """
.... i .................... 49 c
way toafamilyman'sheartis through hispocketbook. Tradition-HAOADOHI CHEESE ?l00q
on Valentines Day sweethearts exchange gifts, so RALPHrS A- G
your gift to the family breadwinner (who is truly a sweetheart)
register tape from RALPH'S A-G MARKET. Show him how he MORTONS, SV2-OZ .............................................. mI
money on this week's A-G
(he might spend the savings
for you !)
ERIFINE, 8-OZ ...................................................
CARTON ............................................
IpTON, 16-COUNT ............................................
Tamat o
-. 41' Chicken 41' Onion 35'
Noodle 2 FOR
3/,I 00
Bridgewater and uncle, Chauncy
Hurd. Mr. Hurd ls the ripe old
age of 91, and we hear carries on
like a young man of 70, goody.
The Aliens' son, Bob, was home
Sunday from Chimicum.
The 1959 World Car Show is
now on at the Field Artillery Ar-
mory, Seattle. All 1959 models
will be shown from both United
States and foreign countries.
Great show for you and the faro-
fly, it's a must.
THE JIM Kimballs were pretty
much upset last Thursday. Their
baby daughter, little Carla, was
nmhed to the Shelton General
hospital with a serious chest con-
dition. After three days, Carla
was much, much improved and
now home again. Tula of course,
remained with her babe, in the
hospital, glad to be home too.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lamb of
Bremerton were on the canal over
the weekend at their summer
home. Mrs. Lamb is a sister of
Roy Dunn of Shelton. The Roy
Dunns have their smnmer home at
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pierce took
that lovely drive around the loop.
It was fun and picturesque, but
mhappily all motels and resorts
were closed, necessitating quite a
long and continuous drive to Sea-
side, Ore. There they rested in a
charming cottage on the beach, re-
laxing and watching the sm'I.
Tula Kimball, leader of the 4-H
Cooking Curies, is wondering if
anyone has any very small flower
pots they want to donate. The
girls' coming project is to paint
and plant these little flower pots
for the patients at the "Sarah
Home" in Allyn. Tula's phone is
No. 416.
Second in the concert series g/v-
By Mabel Kidd
DAYTON.--Mr. Fred A. err, a
very loveable lnelnbcr of our C.Ol'n-
munity, pas,md away last Wedne
day. He will be greatly missed bv
his many friends. Our heartfelt
sympathies h) his family.
Dance to the music of Hollow-
ay'a orchestra, at Dayton Hall on
Saturday, Feb. 14, from 9 p.m.
to 2 a.m.
Commnnity club will meet at 8
p.m. on Friday evening, Feb. 13.
Potluck supper.
Ladies' clnb will meet Wednes-
day, Feb. 18, with Mrs. Robert
Goldy as hostess.
We welcome as a new member
of our commnnity, James Clinton
M. D
4-PAK . .
E ::::::" 43'
FEB. 12 - 13 -14 Tibbits, born Tuesday, Feb, 3, and
A"'(; ............. weighing nine pounds, two ounces.
7 Proud parents are Mr. and Mr
A DIMI c PUSS'NBo0ts-15-Oz J.C. Tibbits. Grandparents are
, m n. Cat Food.. , . Mr. and Mrs. Alien Tibbits of
Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Dell
Adams. Little James is the 12th
PEACHES Halves No. 01/_ 4[i'l$" ,/U-- 1 , grandchild ofthankthe AdamSeveryoneand whothe
L Sliced O0 ,OAMAY TOILET SOAP sixth for tho .lien =hbi.
The Henry Warnes family
' Lady n., Bath '/'°"-he'. 2/29 wishe, to
-~, were so kind to them afte,- the
Comet, 14-Oz. loss of their home.
T.tewell 59 Cleanser . . . 2/33'
2-Lb ..........
TTAGE CHEESE Kr,ft 29 c Ciga}eiie; °*, 0tn.'2,61
"" ...... Purex o.,. 57' 35'
T COFFEE 6-ozMaxwell ......... House 99 Fr0zePta'weet' '°'°Unp°ia'nll 2/350
Pioteweet, Frozen - lO-Oz.
,v Strawberries... 19'
Daisy Maid - Farm Fresh -- Cubes
Butter.. . . lb. 63'
Stove's Meats Produce
UAUO .A. sPiCN,O-.-'b v.rsg. I
..too ...................................... ,oo,o 39= GRAPES Fancy Californ,a
SPARE RIBS Ft..h, ea.,
Meaty ...................... LB.----
GREEN ONIONS "' Large 5'
HOLIDAY HAMS Bar s Fu,,y 83 ’ onohes Each
Cooked .............. Lb. "'
SUOEO BAOON tumnCarsten'SLeafA'" 3 'bs. Sl RADISHES °'"'-'" L,,,o 5'
BOILING BEEF Lean Brisket, .................. Lb. 39 ’ Bunches ...................... Each
bow Trout 39: Be0Ccot00 ""°'"
Granite Falls fresh
10-in. Size California, Green, di 11
Limited Supply tender ...................... Lb.
A thank you to everyone who
helped to make the benefit dance
for Ella Smith a m:cceau. Special
thanks go to Mrs. Tony Fonzo of
Shelton who sold some sixty tick-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1,rye of
Yak/ms spent Thursday and Fri-
day as housegnests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Lemke.
Sunday dinner guesLu of Mr. and
Mrs. LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs.
Ronnie IGarde and daughter of
Recent hmcheon guesls of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Le.Garde were
Mrs. Joe Bourgault and Mra. Bill
Carder of Skokomish Valley.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rob-
erLs were Sugar Townsend of
Agate and Jerry Heminger of
Barbara Goldy is staying with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dar] Goldy, and attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman and
sons visited on Friday evening in
the home of Mrs. Ed Olsen and his
parents near McCleary.
Wkend guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Carol Kinnie was her mother, Mrs.
E. L. Bond of Granite Falls.
Sunday evening guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole
wrre Mr. and Mr,. Frank Rogers
and children of Shelton.
Friday overnight gucst in /he
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hick-
son was Mrs. G. N. Needham of
Sunday drop-in guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold l.-
Gardc were Mr. and Mrs. George
Magnette and da.ughter of Shclton
and Mr. and }-Ienry Warncs and
Fred l,amont of Shelton spent
Friday ovcn]ight with Richard and
:Bill Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. llarlw Hale of
Port Angeles spent ttle weekend
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Lcnlkc. '
,lanie, McNtdty spent Slladay
with Barbara (;oldy.
Mr, slid Mrs. Seal)Combs sp,mt
tile weekend in Seattle with their
daught{er, Mrs. Mozelle Pearson,
and sons.
On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Phillips called on Mrs. James
Hickson to wish her a happy birth-
, wlanuu "fc)u uluY Foe lass
enjoyed by a large audience. It
was the "Mats and Hari" dance
teanr concert. FroPn Union Mrs.
Lila Schee].
Ran into Mrs. Robert Bingly of
HoodsI)ort today. Lois is a former
Union resident. Just in case some
of you have not heard, the Bing-
lys are the proud parents of a
b-by daughter, seven weeks old
Basketball at Hoodsport, last
week with Lower Skokomish and
Kanriiche playing. From Union
driving that busy station wagon,
came El/nov Buechel, bringing
youngster's Mary, Margaret, Ricky
Buechel, Charlene Kelsey, Doug:
and Nikki Coles, Donald Deemer,
Dtma Timm. Quite a carload,
Elinar, yipe.
Nat Stairs, who belongs to the
sheriff's reserves, had himself a
time, joining the group from Shel-
ton on an inspection tour of the
Morn'De Reformatory at Monroe,
MRS. NINA Miller and Shelton
club members, attended the Oln-
pie Woman's Club last Tuesday.
A delicious lunch, later a program,
speaker and music.
Hood Canal Square Dance club
will hold their second dance of the
season Saturday eve, Feb. 14, at
the Union Community hall at 9
o'clock. Make this a date, pot-
Every winter season, we Can-
elites seem to have to endure pet-
ty thievery, one way or another.
So far this year, four hou=es, 8unl-
mer homes, have been pilfered and
the public telephone booth at the
foot of Elf hill, by the highway,
has been badly damaged and the
receiver snatched off. Wonder
what anyone wants with a re-
ceiver ?
Mrs. Dorothy Jessup had her
daughter, Mrs. Jean Moore, and
son, Mike home for the weekend
from Tacomm Mike brought a
young playmate with him, Sy Hap-
py, and the lads had a whale of a
time. Sy's parents are on a vaca-
tion trip to the Hawaiian Islands.
A group of youngsters from the
Union school bussed over to Low-
er Skokomish the other day to get
their yearly vaccination shots for
smallpox, diphtheria, tetapus.
Our school principal, Mrs. Berge
is having a Valentines party for
the children at school this Friday
afternoon. Parents will furnish
refreshments of cookies and candy.
ST, ANDREWS House will have
several conferences this week.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the
"Canterbury Club" of Christ
church, Seattle, will be at St. An-
drews House for a conference. The
club is a mixed group, made up of
students from the University of
Washington. Director, Chaplain
Forbes. Monday through Thnrs-
day of next week.
A group of 30 ministers and
heir wives from the "Assembly
of God" church in Brcmerton, will
be staying at St., Andrews House.
Hey there, did you know Feb
23 ia Presidents Week? So the
youngstcr's at the Union grade
school, ripper grades, have an as-
signment, each one to write a sort
of sketch of different presidents,
to bring them something more on
their English grades. Oh, yes,
we'll have some blinks to chat with
you about, come next week--So
Back Driver
Training Bill
The twenty thousand members
of the Washington State Home-
makers Council were urged to give
full support to Senate Bill No. 125,
which provides for driver educa-
tion in the state. Mrs. Clive Troy
State Safety Chairman, Shelton;
announced that this was done on
recommendation of the State Safe.
ty Committee.
"TItE MEASURE, prepared b
the Highway Interim Committee
headed by Representative Julia
Butler Hansen, has received a
thorough study from the Council'
safety committee," Mrs. Troy
stated, "As submitted to the Leg°
islature for consideration, the
measure can provide every poten,
tial young driver the opportunity
to learn correct driving attitudes
and techniques."
Where drivel" education has been
a'allable, Mrs. Troy pointed out,
a ,substantial reduction ill aecic;en
irlvolvement and violation o traf
fic laws has been noted.
"WHERE LIFE IS concerned,"
Mrs. Troy said, "every effort
should be made to afford our
youngster training to insure self-
preservation. Parents have an in.
vestment in raising children, aad,
like a stock market crash, this
investment can be lost as the re-
sult of a traffic accident."
The five hundred local clubs
making up the State Homemaker
Council have been asked to con-
tact their legislators urging them
to give favorable consideration tO
this measure.
Thls tree just won't fitf
It's clear that there should
have been better plan-
ning. In insurance, too,
careful planning is needed
to provide you with pro-
tection that will fit your
needs. Call our office for
planned protection with
P.S., Persol Serw..
4th & R. R.
lEA 6-827
..... ........... -- ........ --ii--, ...................... .....................................................................................
Amer/’a's Finest Silverplat
Silve00are -
Check Up Event
Plan now to bring your
silverware servlce up-to-darte !
FtAClE mTmn I,I(CES emcm , sEmx| MZC[S mmVlOULL/
AND P=r,m.o m ms or 4 mco ao rcum
Toapof 4.00 4k$.00 Rutter Knife $2.S0 SfJm
Forks, Regu/a’ i IL00 8.00 Cold Meat Forll 4+50 $,Mi
Forks, Viande 8.00 S.O0 Gravy Ledlo 4.50 .311
Knives, RegulM' ' )13.00 9.7S Jelly Server 3,00 2JHi
Knives, Vlandee 13.00 9.7S Lonll Serve/' S.7S 4.,10
SaJad Forks 8.00 IL00 Pickle Fork 3,00 Jl
SOUp Spoons fowl, Ilolald Tablespooo 3.00 2,.2S
or Cream Styls) 8.00 8,00 Pierced Tableepo011 3.00 .,18
Butter Spreaders 8,00 S,O0 Round Server 4.50 3,N
Cockteil Forks 8,00 8.00 Serving SpOOS 4.50 $.)
Iced DrlnkSpoonS 8.00 8.00 Supr SPoo 50 f.H
After Dinner Coffee SpIMll& 4.00 10 $ga 1nSS[
.a,lp$% Fill-in... add-on...sbrt a new set!
With 1847 Rogers Bros., you ran live cNually
but graciously today and every day
for cmtinuous prid io owne=hi
12, 1959
SI-IELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmaown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Wn.hington
@rm Underwrlfen
le InsuraPce Building
on Request
Burglary Reported
At Union Saturday
Newell Bisson, Star Route 1,
Union, reported a burglary of bed-
ding, silverware and other house-
hold items Saturday to the Ma-
son County Sheriff's office.
The exact value of the goods
taken is not known but it is con-
sidered to be fairly extensive.
Z23 Cota Street Phone HA 6.8118
National Guard Seeking Members
Shelton men of draft age in in Lhe active (luard upon (:omple-
the Mason C0llnt} r el'ell were re- lion of the six months training.
minded today b:; Capt. John A. ],Men who begin s x months train-
Burnett of Sbel{on's Btry 8, 700ling after becoming 18V, must
AAA IAn (AWl ISP), Washington I serve an additional 5,..',. years upon
National Guard that. now is toheln,pletion of the six months train-
time 1o consider: their military -[' g.
l/get/on. Recent re-opening of the I Shelton's unit drills on the first
sixth month active duty program two Wednesdays and one Sunday
offers opportunity for enlistment
of non-prior service personnel in
the Washington National Guard.
Young men, who become eligible
for the draft at age 18, may en-
list in the unit 120 days before
graduation from high school. They
will serve with their unit until
graduation, then take six months
active duty with the Army. Upon
returning home they attend the
normal, weekly, two-hour drill
with their unit, meanwhile resum-
ing their civilian education or oc-
Men 17-18 years of age who
enlist in the Guard and begin six
months training before becoming
18,/ will serve only three years
in the National Guard Armory at
6th and Franklin Street. Capt.
John A. Burnett has issued an in-
vitation to interested young men
to visit the unit and discuss their
military obligation.
The 14 perfect 300 games rolled
since 1937 by George Billick of
Old Forge, Pa., are the most on
record in American Bowling Con-
gress sanctioned league and tour-
nament competition. Hank Mari-
ne of Milwaukee, Wis., is second
with 11.
Try a Journal Want Ac
sight had us all looking, and won-
dering last week. Floating leis:
urely down the canal was a fair
sized house boat, with about 15-
ft. diving platform. Later we
spotted it anchored out in front
of R. C. Shelly's residence. Mr.
Shelly is the Sea Scout master.
Seems, Mr. R.E.S. was fortunate
enough to be around the Bremer-
ton yards where they were about
to scuttle the H.B. and luckily ac-
By Vlvian Jones Badcr with F)ostmaster and Mrs. en at the Junior High Auditorium
UNION.--Well sir, the strangest H. Coon of Bremerton. The meet- Tuesday, Ireb. 10, at 8 o'clock, was
ing was for Dist. No. 4. Dinner
was served by the Rebekah lodge
at the I.O.O.F. hall.
Tile Salty Sashaycrs had their
usual square dance last Friday at
the Hood Canal Woman's club in
Potlatch. From Union, Mr. a]d
Mrs. Ted Ha/Icy.
Mrs. Nine Miller had a delight-
ful Sunday in Seattle with Mrs.
Kenneth Martig.
Marion Richardson's mother,
quired same for his Sea Scouts. Mrs. Nancy Flak, will be In Union
So from here on out it will be a .............
. ., . ".. . I WlLII 2viarlon un[ll spring. 2drs.
permanent ilxture on the canal ,, , .........
" " i raa came up trom long eacn,
It will be used for tram ng and a ...... , . ,,
' . ...... I UallI rlnera VlSlll'l her ' l(1
vuriety of act/vines. Looks uKe I dauhte r "tle Cla'rence Richard
fun. The houseboat is ?n rt. tn-,, ' " ' "
sons. The Norman Richardsons,
is equipped with sink, tables, lock- also had as Sunday guests, the
era, bunks, tools and twin Die Kenneth Berglunds of Olympia.
el engines. The boys are teeny
thrilled. Seems Ground Hog day was
OUR ..POSTMASTER, Wands Feb. 2. Mr. G.H. appeared, aw
Wyatt, attended a pastmasters' hi shadow, and dove m for more
business meeting last Sunday at sleep. We agree with him too.
Bader, Wash. Wands drove to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Allen and
Bonnie. were off last Saturday to
Tacoma to visit Mr. and Mrs. R.
b CHILIu " 4iq °°
,... ....................................................... L/
aj00ani3 l]ear00l ''L'° """
.... i .................... 49 c
way toafamilyman'sheartis through hispocketbook. Tradition-HAOADOHI CHEESE ?l00q
on Valentines Day sweethearts exchange gifts, so RALPHrS A- G
your gift to the family breadwinner (who is truly a sweetheart)
register tape from RALPH'S A-G MARKET. Show him how he MORTONS, SV2-OZ .............................................. mI
money on this week's A-G
(he might spend the savings
for you !)
ERIFINE, 8-OZ ...................................................
CARTON ............................................
IpTON, 16-COUNT ............................................
Tamat o
-. 41' Chicken 41' Onion 35'
Noodle 2 FOR
3/,I 00
Bridgewater and uncle, Chauncy
Hurd. Mr. Hurd ls the ripe old
age of 91, and we hear carries on
like a young man of 70, goody.
The Aliens' son, Bob, was home
Sunday from Chimicum.
The 1959 World Car Show is
now on at the Field Artillery Ar-
mory, Seattle. All 1959 models
will be shown from both United
States and foreign countries.
Great show for you and the faro-
fly, it's a must.
THE JIM Kimballs were pretty
much upset last Thursday. Their
baby daughter, little Carla, was
nmhed to the Shelton General
hospital with a serious chest con-
dition. After three days, Carla
was much, much improved and
now home again. Tula of course,
remained with her babe, in the
hospital, glad to be home too.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lamb of
Bremerton were on the canal over
the weekend at their summer
home. Mrs. Lamb is a sister of
Roy Dunn of Shelton. The Roy
Dunns have their smnmer home at
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pierce took
that lovely drive around the loop.
It was fun and picturesque, but
mhappily all motels and resorts
were closed, necessitating quite a
long and continuous drive to Sea-
side, Ore. There they rested in a
charming cottage on the beach, re-
laxing and watching the sm'I.
Tula Kimball, leader of the 4-H
Cooking Curies, is wondering if
anyone has any very small flower
pots they want to donate. The
girls' coming project is to paint
and plant these little flower pots
for the patients at the "Sarah
Home" in Allyn. Tula's phone is
No. 416.
Second in the concert series g/v-
By Mabel Kidd
DAYTON.--Mr. Fred A. err, a
very loveable lnelnbcr of our C.Ol'n-
munity, pas,md away last Wedne
day. He will be greatly missed bv
his many friends. Our heartfelt
sympathies h) his family.
Dance to the music of Hollow-
ay'a orchestra, at Dayton Hall on
Saturday, Feb. 14, from 9 p.m.
to 2 a.m.
Commnnity club will meet at 8
p.m. on Friday evening, Feb. 13.
Potluck supper.
Ladies' clnb will meet Wednes-
day, Feb. 18, with Mrs. Robert
Goldy as hostess.
We welcome as a new member
of our commnnity, James Clinton
M. D
4-PAK . .
E ::::::" 43'
FEB. 12 - 13 -14 Tibbits, born Tuesday, Feb, 3, and
A"'(; ............. weighing nine pounds, two ounces.
7 Proud parents are Mr. and Mr
A DIMI c PUSS'NBo0ts-15-Oz J.C. Tibbits. Grandparents are
, m n. Cat Food.. , . Mr. and Mrs. Alien Tibbits of
Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Dell
Adams. Little James is the 12th
PEACHES Halves No. 01/_ 4[i'l$" ,/U-- 1 , grandchild ofthankthe AdamSeveryoneand whothe
L Sliced O0 ,OAMAY TOILET SOAP sixth for tho .lien =hbi.
The Henry Warnes family
' Lady n., Bath '/'°"-he'. 2/29 wishe, to
-~, were so kind to them afte,- the
Comet, 14-Oz. loss of their home.
T.tewell 59 Cleanser . . . 2/33'
2-Lb ..........
TTAGE CHEESE Kr,ft 29 c Ciga}eiie; °*, 0tn.'2,61
"" ...... Purex o.,. 57' 35'
T COFFEE 6-ozMaxwell ......... House 99 Fr0zePta'weet' '°'°Unp°ia'nll 2/350
Pioteweet, Frozen - lO-Oz.
,v Strawberries... 19'
Daisy Maid - Farm Fresh -- Cubes
Butter.. . . lb. 63'
Stove's Meats Produce
UAUO .A. sPiCN,O-.-'b v.rsg. I
..too ...................................... ,oo,o 39= GRAPES Fancy Californ,a
SPARE RIBS Ft..h, ea.,
Meaty ...................... LB.----
GREEN ONIONS "' Large 5'
HOLIDAY HAMS Bar s Fu,,y 83 ’ onohes Each
Cooked .............. Lb. "'
SUOEO BAOON tumnCarsten'SLeafA'" 3 'bs. Sl RADISHES °'"'-'" L,,,o 5'
BOILING BEEF Lean Brisket, .................. Lb. 39 ’ Bunches ...................... Each
bow Trout 39: Be0Ccot00 ""°'"
Granite Falls fresh
10-in. Size California, Green, di 11
Limited Supply tender ...................... Lb.
A thank you to everyone who
helped to make the benefit dance
for Ella Smith a m:cceau. Special
thanks go to Mrs. Tony Fonzo of
Shelton who sold some sixty tick-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1,rye of
Yak/ms spent Thursday and Fri-
day as housegnests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Lemke.
Sunday dinner guesLu of Mr. and
Mrs. LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs.
Ronnie IGarde and daughter of
Recent hmcheon guesls of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Le.Garde were
Mrs. Joe Bourgault and Mra. Bill
Carder of Skokomish Valley.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rob-
erLs were Sugar Townsend of
Agate and Jerry Heminger of
Barbara Goldy is staying with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dar] Goldy, and attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman and
sons visited on Friday evening in
the home of Mrs. Ed Olsen and his
parents near McCleary.
Wkend guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Carol Kinnie was her mother, Mrs.
E. L. Bond of Granite Falls.
Sunday evening guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole
wrre Mr. and Mr,. Frank Rogers
and children of Shelton.
Friday overnight gucst in /he
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hick-
son was Mrs. G. N. Needham of
Sunday drop-in guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold l.-
Gardc were Mr. and Mrs. George
Magnette and da.ughter of Shclton
and Mr. and }-Ienry Warncs and
Fred l,amont of Shelton spent
Friday ovcn]ight with Richard and
:Bill Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. llarlw Hale of
Port Angeles spent ttle weekend
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Lcnlkc. '
,lanie, McNtdty spent Slladay
with Barbara (;oldy.
Mr, slid Mrs. Seal)Combs sp,mt
tile weekend in Seattle with their
daught{er, Mrs. Mozelle Pearson,
and sons.
On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Phillips called on Mrs. James
Hickson to wish her a happy birth-
, wlanuu "fc)u uluY Foe lass
enjoyed by a large audience. It
was the "Mats and Hari" dance
teanr concert. FroPn Union Mrs.
Lila Schee].
Ran into Mrs. Robert Bingly of
HoodsI)ort today. Lois is a former
Union resident. Just in case some
of you have not heard, the Bing-
lys are the proud parents of a
b-by daughter, seven weeks old
Basketball at Hoodsport, last
week with Lower Skokomish and
Kanriiche playing. From Union
driving that busy station wagon,
came El/nov Buechel, bringing
youngster's Mary, Margaret, Ricky
Buechel, Charlene Kelsey, Doug:
and Nikki Coles, Donald Deemer,
Dtma Timm. Quite a carload,
Elinar, yipe.
Nat Stairs, who belongs to the
sheriff's reserves, had himself a
time, joining the group from Shel-
ton on an inspection tour of the
Morn'De Reformatory at Monroe,
MRS. NINA Miller and Shelton
club members, attended the Oln-
pie Woman's Club last Tuesday.
A delicious lunch, later a program,
speaker and music.
Hood Canal Square Dance club
will hold their second dance of the
season Saturday eve, Feb. 14, at
the Union Community hall at 9
o'clock. Make this a date, pot-
Every winter season, we Can-
elites seem to have to endure pet-
ty thievery, one way or another.
So far this year, four hou=es, 8unl-
mer homes, have been pilfered and
the public telephone booth at the
foot of Elf hill, by the highway,
has been badly damaged and the
receiver snatched off. Wonder
what anyone wants with a re-
ceiver ?
Mrs. Dorothy Jessup had her
daughter, Mrs. Jean Moore, and
son, Mike home for the weekend
from Tacomm Mike brought a
young playmate with him, Sy Hap-
py, and the lads had a whale of a
time. Sy's parents are on a vaca-
tion trip to the Hawaiian Islands.
A group of youngsters from the
Union school bussed over to Low-
er Skokomish the other day to get
their yearly vaccination shots for
smallpox, diphtheria, tetapus.
Our school principal, Mrs. Berge
is having a Valentines party for
the children at school this Friday
afternoon. Parents will furnish
refreshments of cookies and candy.
ST, ANDREWS House will have
several conferences this week.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the
"Canterbury Club" of Christ
church, Seattle, will be at St. An-
drews House for a conference. The
club is a mixed group, made up of
students from the University of
Washington. Director, Chaplain
Forbes. Monday through Thnrs-
day of next week.
A group of 30 ministers and
heir wives from the "Assembly
of God" church in Brcmerton, will
be staying at St., Andrews House.
Hey there, did you know Feb
23 ia Presidents Week? So the
youngstcr's at the Union grade
school, ripper grades, have an as-
signment, each one to write a sort
of sketch of different presidents,
to bring them something more on
their English grades. Oh, yes,
we'll have some blinks to chat with
you about, come next week--So
Back Driver
Training Bill
The twenty thousand members
of the Washington State Home-
makers Council were urged to give
full support to Senate Bill No. 125,
which provides for driver educa-
tion in the state. Mrs. Clive Troy
State Safety Chairman, Shelton;
announced that this was done on
recommendation of the State Safe.
ty Committee.
"TItE MEASURE, prepared b
the Highway Interim Committee
headed by Representative Julia
Butler Hansen, has received a
thorough study from the Council'
safety committee," Mrs. Troy
stated, "As submitted to the Leg°
islature for consideration, the
measure can provide every poten,
tial young driver the opportunity
to learn correct driving attitudes
and techniques."
Where drivel" education has been
a'allable, Mrs. Troy pointed out,
a ,substantial reduction ill aecic;en
irlvolvement and violation o traf
fic laws has been noted.
"WHERE LIFE IS concerned,"
Mrs. Troy said, "every effort
should be made to afford our
youngster training to insure self-
preservation. Parents have an in.
vestment in raising children, aad,
like a stock market crash, this
investment can be lost as the re-
sult of a traffic accident."
The five hundred local clubs
making up the State Homemaker
Council have been asked to con-
tact their legislators urging them
to give favorable consideration tO
this measure.
Thls tree just won't fitf
It's clear that there should
have been better plan-
ning. In insurance, too,
careful planning is needed
to provide you with pro-
tection that will fit your
needs. Call our office for
planned protection with
P.S., Persol Serw..
4th & R. R.
lEA 6-827
..... ........... -- ........ --ii--, ...................... .....................................................................................
Amer/’a's Finest Silverplat
Silve00are -
Check Up Event
Plan now to bring your
silverware servlce up-to-darte !
FtAClE mTmn I,I(CES emcm , sEmx| MZC[S mmVlOULL/
AND P=r,m.o m ms or 4 mco ao rcum
Toapof 4.00 4k$.00 Rutter Knife $2.S0 SfJm
Forks, Regu/a’ i IL00 8.00 Cold Meat Forll 4+50 $,Mi
Forks, Viande 8.00 S.O0 Gravy Ledlo 4.50 .311
Knives, RegulM' ' )13.00 9.7S Jelly Server 3,00 2JHi
Knives, Vlandee 13.00 9.7S Lonll Serve/' S.7S 4.,10
SaJad Forks 8.00 IL00 Pickle Fork 3,00 Jl
SOUp Spoons fowl, Ilolald Tablespooo 3.00 2,.2S
or Cream Styls) 8.00 8,00 Pierced Tableepo011 3.00 .,18
Butter Spreaders 8,00 S,O0 Round Server 4.50 3,N
Cockteil Forks 8,00 8.00 Serving SpOOS 4.50 $.)
Iced DrlnkSpoonS 8.00 8.00 Supr SPoo 50 f.H
After Dinner Coffee SpIMll& 4.00 10 $ga 1nSS[
.a,lp$% Fill-in... add-on...sbrt a new set!
With 1847 Rogers Bros., you ran live cNually
but graciously today and every day
for cmtinuous prid io owne=hi