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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P'" NO+l00a00, 00,ROPiCS VALEH IHE DANCE " • Lots of Prizes for the Ladies * Saturday- February 14 WlNNIE SAYS -- Come Early. Prizes in the lunchroom, too, I I I I I i i For Lawns M'00ORGAN00¥E FERTILIZER For Gardens • INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS sUPPLY FIRST & PINE PHONE HA 6-4393 E C O R A T N" G C, E N T E R . Headquarters For Carpets. 1968 STYLES FROM M(WX MAGEE W/CR CMPLETE PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SUPPLIES DEGORATING GENTER 321 Railroad g00eo0B0eeeeee00eooeeeooasoesesoo0o o B 0 0 0 WHAT'S" "- O DOING • C, L, Rowell, your Telephone Manager in Shelton . e • e e e e e • • • • • • • • • • • /eJe** e e • • • • • • • • • g a helleopter to find suit° for  new radio rela towers to carry your ;': than build eosUy aecen roads, they air. ]ieavy radio test gear into Iff fly6 moaths they logged air" mtl €+wrapped ta jbb yeiir: Aril i;ing +' crews aren the only phone'pe0pieWho @ck WitWtime, sving equit- mqmt. On e/ery ph ,¢me job we look for the most e0nomical way to.dolt. i..,+:: !li +if :++::+, N: When was the lasf time you had a telephone visit with an out-of-town relative or friend? If it was some time ago, you've been missing a lot. It's always a thrill to hear the voices of your favorite people across the miles. And the rates will fit your budget, too. Look at the rate MJIt in i tale your phone book cover, and see for yourself. m ca]] tonight! Pacific Telephone PUt,(shed In.."P..hmvown PLANNING + JUNE NUPTIALS MR. AND MRS. CECIL A, PATTERSON wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Norms Ann Vincent, to T/Sgt. David I. Heisey, McChord AFB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Heisey, Manheim, Pa, A June wedding is being planned, (Ziegler Photo. ) HillCred Homemakers Plan Wednesday Meet The Hillcreat Homemakers Club members will meet for a potluck luncheon at noon in the home of Mrs. Grace Wells. 405 Aadia, Wednesday. After lunch, the club will continue on with their making of slipper clmins. A card party to be held thl Saturday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darell Sparks on Mill Creek Road. The party will begin at eight o'clock. The public is invited. Refreshments will be served. Anyone having scraps of mater- ial, rather than throwing them away, donate them to the club. The homemakers use the scraps in making quilts for needy and burned-out families. Scraps may be left with Mary Trotter at the Mason Hotel or will be picked up by calling ttA 6-4708. Homemakers Oouncil Plans Spring Projects Mason County Homemakers Council met Tuesday of last weel and planned spring activities. Si., clubs were represented. April 14 was set as the date for the spring county convention, hostess club and place of meeting to be un- nounced later. A plant and bake sale will be held in April to raise funds for some 4-H campships. Mrs. Edwin Taylor was appointed chah'man for the sale wil.h Mrs. Ray Dillcnbcrg and Mrs. Eric Sjo- holm assisting. Mrs. Clive Troy of Pickering Homemakers Club has been ap- pointed safety committee chair- man for the State Homemakers Assochttion and gave a report on a recent meeting in Olympia with the state president and other mem- bers of the committee. The Wash- Ington State Safety Commissl(m will work with the Homemakers in promoting their safety program. A ('lass in upholstery is being organized and a preliminary meet- lng was held Februt¢rY 9 for those interested. Following the business meeting Mrs. Jane Windsor, county exten- sion agent, led a discussion on equipment and ttme saving in packing lunches. Mrs. Ruth Oison Resigns Pioneer P.T.O. Post Members of the Pioneer Parent- Teachers Organization wish to thank Mrs. Ruth Olson for her faithful service as PTO president. Mrs. Olon who is moving to Shel- ton, will resign from her office. Assuming the duties of president of the PTO will be Mrs. Ellis Ray- mond. Canal Womm's Club '1) Fete Past Prexles At Birthday Meet The Hood Canai Woman's club will meet for the regular meeting Thursday, Feb. 19, in the club- house. A birthday program is planned to celebrate its beginning: 32 years ago this month and past presidents will be invited as hon- ored guests. At the forenoOn business meet- ing members who have been put- Ling their individual talents to work to earn dollars for the club, will turn them In to Mrs.* Rose MIlle, chairman of the project, as birthday gifts to the clvb. The IAlliwaup members, of whom Mrs. tester L Ager is chairman, will decorate alad serve the luncheon. Mrs. William Gil- bert will give the history of the club for the benefit of this year's 20 new members. Mrs. Bert Hoard of Shelton will be featured as So- loist, and: Mr. George Drake will talk and show colored pictures of his trip to Europe. The: club's new chairs and extra heat will assure comfort for those art.ending. Eagles Hold Bi- Monthly Card Party Mrs. Glen Gardner and Herman Lorenzen took high score prizes at the last night of play at the Eagles' pinochle party last Satur- (lay. Mrs. Gardner's score was 6,- 680 and Mr. Lorenzon's 6,260. Low score prize winners were Mrs. Dale Jones, 1,660 and Roy M, ingus, 1.800. Traveling pinochle was won by Mr. Lorenzon and Vera Hunt- ington. The next card party will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21, in the Eagles' hall. Coffee and sand- wiches will be served following the evening's game. Pre-School P.T.A. Planning Pla" School Shelton Pre - School Parent- Teachers ASsocittlon is planning a playsehool for three and four- year old children. The plaYsChool will be held twice Weekly andwith a similar program of that of kin- dergarten. Program for the school will be explained in detail at a meeting at 8 o'clock, Monday eve- ning at 2020 Laurel St. Anyone interested in the program is asked to attend the meeting• WARC TO MEET The regularly sCheduled meetinl of the Mason county ct apter o the Washington Ass(cietlbn fo Retarded Children will be hl at 8 p.m. Friday in the Rogers school. + W.C.T.U. i00eets Sects/Events o, p ii E i: '+ Society Editor • Beve We,la * Phone HA. 6.4412 WEDDING PLANS TOLD MR. AND MRS, MARION J. HELSER are announcing thdenglige- ment of their daughter, Charlotte Mac, to Mr. James R. Peterseni son of Mrs. Edna Peterson. March 21 has been ch0ken as th dhte for the wedding. (Dean photo.) the Woman's Christian Temper- ante Ihion was held last Friday in the home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. b'ollowing the one o'clock no-host ]llncheon, h(: = business session was held during which Mrs. Roberts m'ged all members to write their representatives and senator to let lhenl knovv we (to not want SIln* day liquor nor ()pen gamhling. Mrs. Roy Eells led the devotions, and Mrs. David Turner reviewed the stov of the life of Frances ,Vill'rd, "founder of the WCTU. In exquisite white carrara marble, her statue stands, the onlY woman so honored in the :statuary hall in the capitol at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Arvilla Wiley reviewed the second chapter of the study book, "Shadow Over America." Mrs. Blanche,B. Bell will have charge of the program of the next WCTI7 meeting" at the home of Mrs. W O. Galloway. Knott Guild to Plan For Tea and Sale The Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild will hold its Feb'uary meet- ing with a 12:30 hmcheon on Fri- day, Feb..20, at the home of Mrs. George Cropper w!th Mrs. George' Grisdae, co.,hosteSs: Plans will be made for the tea be held at the new PUD build- April 10 and for the "Next tq ew" sale which will be some- tiros in early May. Members racy articles they .wish to do, ate ect to tbe me'cLing On + HOUS Americanism Viewed P.T.S.O. to View At Legion Aux. Meet Americanism was the theme of the Feb. 4 meeting of the Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. R. H. Frank, Americanism chairman, stated that "with strong Ameri- canism we need not fear other 'tams'." She urged all members to display the country's flag and to encourage others to do like- wise on Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12, and on Washlngton's birthday, Feb. 22. Mrs. Oscar Levin, child welfare chairman, asked auxiliary mem- bers to save materials such as paint, wallpaper, spools, yarn, etc., to be sent to the Rogers school for use in craft activities. Plans were completed for the dinner which will honor past com- manders of the Fred B. Wivell Post and past presidents of the Legion Auxiliary Unit 31 Feb. 17 at the Memorial hall. Arrange- ments are under the direction of Mrs. Warren Earl and Mrs. R. H. Frank, food; Mrs. Oscar Levin and Mrs. Alberta Landers, decorations; and Dr. R. "W. Norvold, entertain- merit. Refreshments lmnoring the new- ly initiated Mrs. B. J. Rishel were serwd at the conclfision of the i meeting. Navy Morns to Sew For Navy Babies Members of the Mason county Navy Mothers Club will serve at the Kiwanis hmcheon on Tuesday in the Memorial hall. The following Thursday, the club will meet at the home of Mrs. RaY Sharp for a potluck luncheon and sewing session for the baby layettes which will be given to the Bremerton Navy Mothers Club for Navy wives, when needed. There will be no evening meeting. Pickering Club Plans )mmit 'Party ?ickering t )memakers C 1 u b 1 meet this.Thursday with Mrs. J, mie Howaru and Emily Babcock a hostesses. The club is spon- soring a community Valentine ar- P :y Saturday, Feb, 14 with potluck tl )per at 6:00 o'clock Those at- . Atn please bng 'In addition :o  "3;,, tei, own able s+rvicc, valentin ', nd +•me pz'es for , Ties. ca rfl tables and cards vi 1 alsO e needed. Two Skits Tonight The dramatic talents of the Shelton Junior high school faculty and students will be put on trial with the presentation of two con- troversial skits at this evening's meeting of the PTSO at 8 p.m., in the junior high school• The topics of the skits are en- titled "Homework ?--How Much" and "Every Kid's Got One." In the teachers' roles will be William Brickert, Mrs. Clara Porter, George Kaszycki, Mrs. Jane Gruv- er, Don Brown as counselor and Mike Scrafford and John Sells aa students. Moderator for the dra- matizations will be host-principal, Bruce Sehwarck. Refreshments will be served fol- lowing the program. LAKE ISABELLA WOMEN The Lake Isabella Woman's club presented the Henry Warnes fam- ily, who lost their home and con- tents by fire recently, with a quilt. Monday's meeting of the club' was postponed until a later date due to snow. DELIVERED TO Complete with cernnt datlon, roofing; plumbing, electric , ran! heater, refrigerator, easily handled sections for • 2 bedroom 25'x26' bedroom 4 bedroom 24'x40' 3 bedroom 24'x5ff 4 bedroom 24'x55' BUDGET 415 Perry HOQUIAM, ==--- send free flo0P plan folder to Name Address City SKATING SKIRT Friday, Feb, 13th SHELTON ,ROLLER ARENA Free Admission, Shoe Rental 25¢ To Girls in Skating Skirts EVERYONE VOTES ON PRETTIEST OUTFIT +Saturday, Feb. 14th Morning Session - 10 a.m. - 12 Noon Afternoon Session - 1:30 - 4 p.m. NOVELTIES & REFRESHMENTS Evening Session - 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Door Prize - Valentine Box of Candy SHELTON ROLLER OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH PHONE HA Honsewamer: IieatiLng cost00; three wa lilo t per gadee fro Hen(In S Oils because the tlflored for todafs heatinit sy/Item!k Mere lat frel )nderd's exclklv Tharmisol keeps your burner dm  effi¢ioM |lh'lt# Imi H0U|levarmar's tips On K%a"flns can' CVt I;e'at' waste,;Save mon An d a• intert or carry(nil chRrs'Wl1 0 + lOittlllllll, ]18 S. 8RD ST. PHONE HA. LC'OKING DEAL? • . • o 0,, ,,,+w +,,m :,d+ BETtEr'SEt MAYTAG AT IIs APPLIANCE ley CENTER Phone HA 6-4663 & & j P'" NO+l00a00, 00,ROPiCS VALEH IHE DANCE " • Lots of Prizes for the Ladies * Saturday- February 14 WlNNIE SAYS -- Come Early. Prizes in the lunchroom, too, I I I I I i i For Lawns M'00ORGAN00¥E FERTILIZER For Gardens • INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS sUPPLY FIRST & PINE PHONE HA 6-4393 E C O R A T N" G C, E N T E R . Headquarters For Carpets. 1968 STYLES FROM M(WX MAGEE W/CR CMPLETE PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SUPPLIES DEGORATING GENTER 321 Railroad g00eo0B0eeeeee00eooeeeooasoesesoo0o o B 0 0 0 WHAT'S" "- O DOING • C, L, Rowell, your Telephone Manager in Shelton . e • e e e e e • • • • • • • • • • • /eJe** e e • • • • • • • • • g a helleopter to find suit° for  new radio rela towers to carry your ;': than build eosUy aecen roads, they air. ]ieavy radio test gear into Iff fly6 moaths they logged air" mtl €+wrapped ta jbb yeiir: Aril i;ing +' crews aren the only phone'pe0pieWho @ck WitWtime, sving equit- mqmt. On e/ery ph ,¢me job we look for the most e0nomical way to.dolt. i..,+:: !li +if :++::+, N: When was the lasf time you had a telephone visit with an out-of-town relative or friend? If it was some time ago, you've been missing a lot. It's always a thrill to hear the voices of your favorite people across the miles. And the rates will fit your budget, too. Look at the rate MJIt in i tale your phone book cover, and see for yourself. m ca]] tonight! Pacific Telephone PUt,(shed In.."P..hmvown PLANNING + JUNE NUPTIALS MR. AND MRS. CECIL A, PATTERSON wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Norms Ann Vincent, to T/Sgt. David I. Heisey, McChord AFB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Heisey, Manheim, Pa, A June wedding is being planned, (Ziegler Photo. ) HillCred Homemakers Plan Wednesday Meet The Hillcreat Homemakers Club members will meet for a potluck luncheon at noon in the home of Mrs. Grace Wells. 405 Aadia, Wednesday. After lunch, the club will continue on with their making of slipper clmins. A card party to be held thl Saturday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darell Sparks on Mill Creek Road. The party will begin at eight o'clock. The public is invited. Refreshments will be served. Anyone having scraps of mater- ial, rather than throwing them away, donate them to the club. The homemakers use the scraps in making quilts for needy and burned-out families. Scraps may be left with Mary Trotter at the Mason Hotel or will be picked up by calling ttA 6-4708. Homemakers Oouncil Plans Spring Projects Mason County Homemakers Council met Tuesday of last weel and planned spring activities. Si., clubs were represented. April 14 was set as the date for the spring county convention, hostess club and place of meeting to be un- nounced later. A plant and bake sale will be held in April to raise funds for some 4-H campships. Mrs. Edwin Taylor was appointed chah'man for the sale wil.h Mrs. Ray Dillcnbcrg and Mrs. Eric Sjo- holm assisting. Mrs. Clive Troy of Pickering Homemakers Club has been ap- pointed safety committee chair- man for the State Homemakers Assochttion and gave a report on a recent meeting in Olympia with the state president and other mem- bers of the committee. The Wash- Ington State Safety Commissl(m will work with the Homemakers in promoting their safety program. A ('lass in upholstery is being organized and a preliminary meet- lng was held Februt¢rY 9 for those interested. Following the business meeting Mrs. Jane Windsor, county exten- sion agent, led a discussion on equipment and ttme saving in packing lunches. Mrs. Ruth Oison Resigns Pioneer P.T.O. Post Members of the Pioneer Parent- Teachers Organization wish to thank Mrs. Ruth Olson for her faithful service as PTO president. Mrs. Olon who is moving to Shel- ton, will resign from her office. Assuming the duties of president of the PTO will be Mrs. Ellis Ray- mond. Canal Womm's Club '1) Fete Past Prexles At Birthday Meet The Hood Canai Woman's club will meet for the regular meeting Thursday, Feb. 19, in the club- house. A birthday program is planned to celebrate its beginning: 32 years ago this month and past presidents will be invited as hon- ored guests. At the forenoOn business meet- ing members who have been put- Ling their individual talents to work to earn dollars for the club, will turn them In to Mrs.* Rose MIlle, chairman of the project, as birthday gifts to the clvb. The IAlliwaup members, of whom Mrs. tester LAger is chairman, will decorate alad serve the luncheon. Mrs. William Gil- bert will give the history of the club for the benefit of this year's 20 new members. Mrs. Bert Hoard of Shelton will be featured as So- loist, and: Mr. George Drake will talk and show colored pictures of his trip to Europe. The: club's new chairs and extra heat will assure comfort for those art.ending. Eagles Hold Bi- Monthly Card Party Mrs. Glen Gardner and Herman Lorenzen took high score prizes at the last night of play at the Eagles' pinochle party last Satur- (lay. Mrs. Gardner's score was 6,- 680 and Mr. Lorenzon's 6,260. Low score prize winners were Mrs. Dale Jones, 1,660 and Roy M, ingus, 1.800. Traveling pinochle was won by Mr. Lorenzon and Vera Hunt- ington. The next card party will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21, in the Eagles' hall. Coffee and sand- wiches will be served following the evening's game. Pre-School P.T.A. Planning Pla" School Shelton Pre - School Parent- Teachers ASsocittlon is planning a playsehool for three and four- year old children. The plaYsChool will be held twice Weekly andwith a similar program of that of kin- dergarten. Program for the school will be explained in detail at a meeting at 8 o'clock, Monday eve- ning at 2020 Laurel St. Anyone interested in the program is asked to attend the meeting• WARC TO MEET The regularly sCheduled meetinl of the Mason county ct apter o the Washington Ass(cietlbn fo Retarded Children will be hl at 8 p.m. Friday in the Rogers school. + W.C.T.U. i00eets Sects/Events o, p ii E i: '+ Society Editor • Beve We,la * Phone HA. 6.4412 WEDDING PLANS TOLD MR. AND MRS, MARION J. HELSER are announcing thdenglige- ment of their daughter, Charlotte Mac, to Mr. James R. Peterseni son of Mrs. Edna Peterson. March 21 has been ch0ken as th dhte for the wedding. (Dean photo.) the Woman's Christian Temper- ante Ihion was held last Friday in the home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. b'ollowing the one o'clock no-host ]llncheon, h(: = business session was held during which Mrs. Roberts m'ged all members to write their representatives and senator to let lhenl knovv we (to not want SIln* day liquor nor ()pen gamhling. Mrs. Roy Eells led the devotions, and Mrs. David Turner reviewed the stov of the life of Frances ,Vill'rd, "founder of the WCTU. In exquisite white carrara marble, her statue stands, the onlY woman so honored in the :statuary hall in the capitol at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Arvilla Wiley reviewed the second chapter of the study book, "Shadow Over America." Mrs. Blanche,B. Bell will have charge of the program of the next WCTI7 meeting" at the home of Mrs. W O. Galloway. Knott Guild to Plan For Tea and Sale The Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild will hold its Feb'uary meet- ing with a 12:30 hmcheon on Fri- day, Feb..20, at the home of Mrs. George Cropper w!th Mrs. George' Grisdae, co.,hosteSs: Plans will be made for the tea be held at the new PUD build- April 10 and for the "Next tq ew" sale which will be some- tiros in early May. Members racy articles they .wish to do, ate ect to tbe me'cLing On + HOUS Americanism Viewed P.T.S.O. to View At Legion Aux. Meet Americanism was the theme of the Feb. 4 meeting of the Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. R. H. Frank, Americanism chairman, stated that "with strong Ameri- canism we need not fear other 'tams'." She urged all members to display the country's flag and to encourage others to do like- wise on Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12, and on Washlngton's birthday, Feb. 22. Mrs. Oscar Levin, child welfare chairman, asked auxiliary mem- bers to save materials such as paint, wallpaper, spools, yarn, etc., to be sent to the Rogers school for use in craft activities. Plans were completed for the dinner which will honor past com- manders of the Fred B. Wivell Post and past presidents of the Legion Auxiliary Unit 31 Feb. 17 at the Memorial hall. Arrange- ments are under the direction of Mrs. Warren Earl and Mrs. R. H. Frank, food; Mrs. Oscar Levin and Mrs. Alberta Landers, decorations; and Dr. R. "W. Norvold, entertain- merit. Refreshments lmnoring the new- ly initiated Mrs. B. J. Rishel were serwd at the conclfision of the i meeting. Navy Morns to Sew For Navy Babies Members of the Mason county Navy Mothers Club will serve at the Kiwanis hmcheon on Tuesday in the Memorial hall. The following Thursday, the club will meet at the home of Mrs. RaY Sharp for a potluck luncheon and sewing session for the baby layettes which will be given to the Bremerton Navy Mothers Club for Navy wives, when needed. There will be no evening meeting. Pickering Club Plans )mmit 'Party ?ickering t )memakers C 1 u b 1 meet this.Thursday with Mrs. J, mie Howaru and Emily Babcock a hostesses. The club is spon- soring a community Valentine ar- P :y Saturday, Feb, 14 with potluck tl )per at 6:00 o'clock Those at- . Atn please bng 'In addition :o  "3;,, tei, own able s+rvicc, valentin ', nd +•me pz'es for , Ties. ca rfl tables and cards vi 1 alsO e needed. Two Skits Tonight The dramatic talents of the Shelton Junior high school faculty and students will be put on trial with the presentation of two con- troversial skits at this evening's meeting of the PTSO at 8 p.m., in the junior high school• The topics of the skits are en- titled "Homework ?--How Much" and "Every Kid's Got One." In the teachers' roles will be William Brickert, Mrs. Clara Porter, George Kaszycki, Mrs. Jane Gruv- er, Don Brown as counselor and Mike Scrafford and John Sells aa students. Moderator for the dra- matizations will be host-principal, Bruce Sehwarck. Refreshments will be served fol- lowing the program. LAKE ISABELLA WOMEN The Lake Isabella Woman's club presented the Henry Warnes fam- ily, who lost their home and con- tents by fire recently, with a quilt. Monday's meeting of the club' was postponed until a later date due to snow. DELIVERED TO Complete with cernnt datlon, roofing; plumbing, electric , ran! heater, refrigerator, easily handled sections for • 2 bedroom 25'x26' bedroom 4 bedroom 24'x40' 3 bedroom 24'x5ff 4 bedroom 24'x55' BUDGET 415 Perry HOQUIAM, ==--- send free flo0P plan folder to Name Address City SKATING SKIRT Friday, Feb, 13th SHELTON ,ROLLER ARENA Free Admission, Shoe Rental 25¢ To Girls in Skating Skirts EVERYONE VOTES ON PRETTIEST OUTFIT +Saturday, Feb. 14th Morning Session - 10 a.m. - 12 Noon Afternoon Session - 1:30 - 4 p.m. NOVELTIES & REFRESHMENTS Evening Session - 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Door Prize - Valentine Box of Candy SHELTON ROLLER OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH PHONE HA Honsewamer: IieatiLng cost00; three wa lilo t per gadee fro Hen(In S Oils because the tlflored for todafs heatinit sy/Item!k Mere lat frel )nderd's exclklv Tharmisol keeps your burner dm  effi¢ioM |lh'lt# Imi H0U|levarmar's tips On K%a"flns can' CVt I;e'at' waste,;Save mon An d a• intert or carry(nil chRrs'Wl1 0 + lOittlllllll, ]18 S. 8RD ST. PHONE HA. LC'OKING DEAL? • . • o 0,, ,,,+w +,,m :,d+ BETtEr'SEt MAYTAG AT IIs APPLIANCE ley CENTER Phone HA 6-4663 & & j