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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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": ...... FOR L BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds. choice of 1322 colors, L,M, DECOR- ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 tin ler, faster, more efficient. Also 24- hour photo finishing. Try_ t. Zieg- let&apos;s Studio, 124 No. 2rid. HA. 6-6168. 2/15tf= N]W AND USED L-LI SAWS for sale. I.E.L. power saws. Sales and Sere|ca. Phone Olympla FL. 6-18 nays. FL• 2-1062 evenings. Robillon Machlne Works, 106 ] Olympia Ave., Olympia. 11/l{Rfn road and fill gravel, Mhed sand and /[ravel, .drainage gr.avel and pea I[ravel tot aveways. ormaD .An- hereon, phone HA: 6-52. Jolt's Creek aad and Gravel, Baylll  under F.H.A. terms on all building supplies. Lump it all under one bill. //wton Lumber. 420 8. let St. Ph. HA. 6-dS0& e/Sits for s: ece steol, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts, All typu sal-, vae. Sbelton Junk Co., F(rt and ell, phon._______e B 6-se. u/si WATKINS PRODUCTS, finest in spices and flavorings. Coemeties, household products. Phone HA. 8- . Cll/18tfn el. Phone 6-3187. Dolls of all kinds repaired• Do it now Come in and see my collection of new dolls ana tmcywork. Also origln,d Inserted patterns in pillow caes. Mrs. Ann TwardowlkL 11/6 tin MrONo  8AW , 8  p., direct drive, $90.50, xe.tach bar and chain` Hillcret Hardware, 11/1, tz IIIIII _ I - i ' , ' .......... " .... " '"-" Foe i, SALE eF, FOe e00,AL ESTA'r00 e00AL00, FOR SALE--Wrlnger %ype washer used]TOP QUALITY slide' and movie screen Classified Advertising GeE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished 10 ACRES 2-bedroom house out- FOR SAI,E: the H, _', about 12 times, owner invalid cannot [ for sle. Lunaford's Firestone Store, apartments, hot water heat, range,, bulldin,rs' at Dayton 3500 'Needs arty on 7th and ] use washer, excellent condition, $75. i 317 Railroad. Phone HA 6-8476. refrigerator included. Holly Hill i handyrn Artesi wel. Hk 6-6892 Union 411. Phone HA 6-8318. YI/29 tfn ] 2/5-19 Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough "Mcl2/ll tfn ----"-- . a a.a" ,. FOR SALE: 4-room HUlere home, plaste ,d, insulated, I -- 'Ltt¢ 4Jj large emeco oz. re- ! tt,es large well branched trees. conditlonea ranges, re:rsgeratore, Wagener Feed Co, 219 So First ................ large fenced lot. $4900. Phone ILk. 6- throughout., fireplaC*] wuhers, dryers. Eells & Valley An- Phom  HA 6:4532 ' 2/12 tin ' = ...... w I 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p.m. carport iwJth AstOresad,ld.s(l W2]k_IN'II'JIIUI ES/27ttn to schonls. =.oAnesi(slF0] ._pliance Center. 6/Stfn SE"A.S WINTER SA--L-E"-e.--S--2.  l 6-3180 ater 5:30 p.n " , X-J, UM .I'U.*. ,aJ/ -- "ANVO De{lrooms. ----- ' , FoR SAL. dry_ heavy or 'l/ght slab WANTED -- Houses to wreck. Cleave I one with rug; 23' x 15' living room, SPACIOe_ ,' wood, $10 a cord. HA. 68{/lt a Robinson. Phone HA 6-3710. [ wall to wall carpeting; large kitchen, sale. R.ea_ sen able. ..g t 1/29 tin € plenty built-ins; dinette; cement wall-to-wall c ar15etiab l foundation and long driveway" gaY- dishwasher. Ple-asantwt 'ISBU-'r- .*' ...... ..f2..,- p o%.-, age; two 60' x i00' fend lots.' This only 3 l)l0cks f:omi, rgemente for all tour, tree,per- =m,,,, u,, uuv©,e,v. o,,,u,,, nice hom at F& ..... t=i €o H A 6-er-7-p.lai'e|et tatlon and reservations, at no addi- Furnace Co., 821 So. Third. Dial HA. down"about $53"ver-nh'-"Phne , o-,, , , v ,€ tioned COat tO yea. Clara ]Bell Angle. . 6-61'1. 5/ltn HA 6:6573. " i1/2 tfn TO dalo(l.llh phones HA. S-4I14 or  6-&172. WANTED---Boats to fiberglass. Fer]TW-'Bld--ed p ol_es 1, 000 fir_ seed,af.E] 6/28tfn r:tuu . mra oeu- 1957 $1 000 7 m estimate call I-IA 6-6977, William Mc- ff .... ................ I room o garage, fireplace, 2 enclosed oSa7l:LhO00oe  m. -"T-'BU--'Y"- IN"- ='La_ us'"" "'"/° porches, Rowers, garden, outside fire-  ............ "-- e pack -gal. vart0=m 97 cents, - CHAIN SAW SHARIJ$ING speedy ] place, patio, fenced yard, near store ONE BEDROOM HOUSI |o1 $1-.79, 2-Ea}lone $8.97. Fens- accurate nrecision erindlng' [ow al and school. Phone HA 6-4818 after porch, large lot,,: First,lefts Ice L'h'eah Center, 4 etfaN°l R=.r 'tar ................... h"nT4"tlloat Phone I 4:30 p.m. N2/5-19 6Hill_62eres)Hillcrest at eitycity ltete tfn .,.,,, .tory W]0-R-Y OYR.]IUI[, or will nell --7"- ] home In town; economical electric  " trailers, etc. Hllleret Hardw11l s Cleary. Phone Elms Sg06_after 6:30 lax e arid wT',,vat'='o,emen W.akOil.131.1M all C = p.m. MCl/15-2/26 tecdYby waterVrtgh? "R;u'onbe  DOLLS FOR S.LI: Z," Revlon Dolls WILL BUY seller's equity re= estate t_._erm to responsible party. Phone "'n."GuaeL "'1.00 and hand made clothes to fit. 10 to contracts. Archte Springer. Dial[ ...HA S-3998. Mc8/23 Un ............ 31" Revlon ad Madame Alexander Olympia FL %9876. 1/15 tni FOR SALE: Five acres, moaern house, PiAiS,: .... electric hot water tank Skokomlsh uaran e WORK WANTerking, care for " it ed. Low bit doll. Also heztitehlag. Phons Valley Phone HA 6 8888 1311/14 tin 6-67. 0pal (Day ..... Ell/14tf sick, house cleaning, janitor work .... ' ___ " • . or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis]SMALL BUT CO'Y'-'-2"flT-  I' NVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR tl urana, pnone HA 6-IJt or HA o-I crest house with fenced yard. Low dence near the I0'- and serviee at Hlllcrt Hardware. __3323. 1/22 tin [ down. ,payment, balance like rent. school. Mondays,  2/0tt e I o cosmg costs Phone HA 6-6261 Thursdays Phone *.   6-2070, 121 East Cots. I10/80 tJn [ w,=/o ,,n o,. ..'. Uppmb :j,' Knowledge, I# year books, $25. C.all FOR FULLER BRUSH nec call Mel- I I  after 6 p.m. HA 6-4157. 1/15 tin vn L. Arnold. HA 6-2052. A10/80 tJn I I  ! model 18 h.p. Evlnrude outboard me- .. --.  . . <   crp lrolt, batteries, radlw- tor at greatly reduced prices. Hill- Jtt u.e'r- Three-room gurmsled I tore, copper, aalvags of all kinds hic crest Hardware. 1/15 tin apartment also =three-room _peffuyi Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill • t' y! • urn/shed house,  per month. Sub-I Streets. Phone EL 8-3628. 84/7tin FOR KAL -- Cttrrante. goose)errlee urban location. Phone HA 6-6978. I _ Dll/ tfnl . - : aarge or. smart tracts oz neetarberrie, loganberries, boyesn- Shelton and Vicinty ., ..... , ......... I umner. CMh. Crmecr available at berries, and Canadian red rhubarb. #U,UAJ"=,U __ZA'. on u vzew. i our exPemm Jones Tie & Lumber Three plants $1.00. Garden Shop, Pnone HA §-aut.. , K xo/s un [ Co., P.O. Box 473, Olympia. HA 6-3710. 1122 tin KENNETH F. COX F'OR RENT -- Ted h---e| 9/30tim FOR RENT--Large partly furnished Rates three room apartment downtown. Adults. No pets• $,50. Water, gap ....... bags furnished• Inquire 417 So. Sec- Ao worse or le tam•aura on. ' P1/29 tin charge) $100 single insertion, _-7--c--:---- - " ': "'era --^- or vt .rz"  xeezten[  neoroom. $.1.60 .WO ..seru ,..t . bath and , unfurnished house wlree lnseruor. Aaaluonal m- available Feb. 1, $100 per month. Ple you,. orde,'s now. Sears Cata- ri'lrn a .2%n %Cul, tu for l/.n log Sales Office Phone 6-8201 r { q .... -: ' $2/12-19 ........... age, lea.t and.all utilities fur•sees tar 01 ulanKs $1.U0 a- except etectmcty. none HA 6-8811. 1't .%Yq er notices 15 word minimum ...... J/29 tfn ,'JA aW,J*A tlflfi n ¢.r rtr nlalmre ICh TWO OR FOUR bedroom home on •   ...... v-.--  ............. II rest - e - fu " - - . ........ ,,,v^# ^.-^n..le,, - ^ • i O • - 1 c got r nt, un rmsnea ex- I'utt ttT---ttmall house on Angle- u .t, a, ,,u  cept for stoves. Phone HA 6-6270. side. Phone HA 6-8080 after a p.m. $1.50 per msertton. D1/29 tin FOR RZNT: 4-room ,,p.,' ooffi¢lateiy- _.= E]ea,__ve..___ , _dx apartment, w=hi,g t=:tl.. furs/shed. Pho HA -IO0 mtm  ptttu in uvtuzoe. At, "ZU uota. 'z/m un i k lie tie taken over he telephone must IR RENT'Modern furnished cabi-'---'-- iF OR T--Furi_ed cottages and _ be paid before the end of the electric range and tank. Water free. ler spaces. Tee x-qnes. L40/9 tin • month..Art extra charge of 10 | [ Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. FORJ.R R. ----Reed Apt. S'-badroo | will be made when billing is i[ , CI/S,, tfn George. HA 64842 or HA 6-46. • m= ,. I[ week. Cameron Hotel. 3/Stfn 10/9-11/1, tin • , I I __ ['OR lNTUnfurn-hed two bedro'ol=n GOT.dBOROUGH ''IAII' pARK. "| hotme, large utility room, $55 per Convenient to mill;" a'n-d-'aowntown , - t • v-m J month, Phone HA 6-4000. S1/15 tin sto.s. Ci.t._sewar and water.._At U  ILARGE ONE-BDROOM house for ntgnway Drldlge. 14/4trn " '"" = ront Fenced ,ard some furniture FOR Rgot-rh-bedroom modern idu - SCRAGS TYPB 2 x 4 mill, Hoillster i W&ter paid. "$ '=nO. Phone HA p x. .ect cnettj..[arage, ulity motor boring bar. Call IPex 828100Ai 6-2259. 81115 tfn i room. *none rt e-su. XZlXe un, Hunt Mill. Bremerton. r/e-xa [¢¢MORTALI tw hed Pm ho F-OR-RENT--portemen's Apt Mote, TR-U'CKERS--ATTENTi0! W-'---'d0 o----u-ri f--o-r-rn-'t_-)0---per-'rn-ontl:"g-Lr'age, an--- low winter rates heat furnished best to meet any price on .truck [ furniahed. Phone HA 6-6880 about  newl v redecorated' clean ',= a I'L tires. Lunsfora'a Fire.stone Store. 8 p.m. B1/8-3/I Owner manacled. Very desirablel 317 Railroad. /5-9 FOR iJ--NT  Attractive water-Tntl p|are to live, toasted at Shelton Air- I , , ,, home, 1 bedrooms, city conven-: port, 8 miles north of town. Call .............. fences, 10 miles from town. Call HA HA 6-37n. A/lS n F-- -LAB W-D 6-1. FOR RENT: I bedroom turalshed apt. 11  UU _718 No. 6th, phone MA. 6-4848 after Green 15 20 Inch o p.m. D10/Iltta $16PER AD III I I ,-- , , ,, , , OATS. TItAJ[LE]P and outbogrd raG- mrs at M/llcret 7dbu'dware. ll/{0t ROOFING and all other hullding ma- terial, nothing down` 88 moniz to pay under  ternm now available at Lawtoa Lumber, 420 L It eL, __._hon...,_ er_.__:__Lt n _ FOR SALE BLUEBERRIES -- Extra large plant of Jersey, Rancocu ad Concord, $L75 each or 8 for $5 Garden Shop, HA 6-3710. 1/22 tfn COVERINGS  for walls, windows, floors. Paint, wallpaper, drapes, rugs, tile, yardgoods. I.M. DECOR- ATIN CENTER, 21 Railroad. 11S9 tin XERICAN AUSTIN engine with tranmniesion, with Aqua rust pre. venter for sale or trade for cement mixer. Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5458 after 6 p.m. Mc1/29-3/5 'RTTMTOWN I.. ' rubber ,'rOP"'-S()IE gravel fill dirt F E stanppr sale at Um Jourl,_$1.00 Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 tin F.H.A. TERMS now available on all} building materials allows yon tot v=00v 1_ construction cost under one I AAA %£MAeU.gAI .AA'A bill. For information inquire at ) HA 6-3710 Lawton ,-umber, 420 & t Bt. Phone | HA. e-4&0s, e/6ttn / Snrubbery BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip* I Feb. Daphne 24" .................... $1.50 meet at Walt'e Mar/he Supply, on J beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods-' Magnolias (budded) .............. 4.00 _}rt TR. 7-f4. 1/19tin LOCKER MEAT Cut, double wrapPed and trimmings ground--5 sent• per pound. Don Wil- liams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. 9/25 ttn ASPARAGUS PLANTS, Martha Wash- ington--$1.00 per do'. Garden Shop. HAY FOR SAL---Never been wet. $25' l;r Ion. Phon0 HA 6-3722. 1/1-2/5-26 where, Phone Olympia FL 7-776].. Cl/ tfn 18-FT. CgDAR-PLANKED raied-deck cabin boat, new 9 hp. Wisconsin motor. Will sell or trade on larger boat. Prfer troibr. 16-fl, Clinker- built boat, $58, Phone Hoodsport TR 7.5370. T2/-12 ELECTRIC OIIGAN, Want responsi- ble pary t.o assume so}l monthly payments, Also spinet piano. Write ; Credit Mgr.. Tall•an Piano Stores, Inc., 375 12th St. S.E., Salem, Oregon. , ............................................. _ ........... 3/5-I___ APARTMENT SIZE RANGE; 6 cu. ft. G.E. I.Lefrigevator; Ehctrolux; 17" RCA "IV; Dtnett.c set; Bed, spring. maitres. Returnable. Phone HA Green and Gold Hollys ........ 2.50 Red Bud Trees (Ex. large) ,. 2.00 Rock Daphne, small ............. 50 Forsythia, small i .................... 50 Deutzta, small ......................... 50 Boxwoods .................... 75, and 1.00 Broom, White or Red (Non- seeding) .... ............................. 75 Gold Spot Acuba, small ....... 7b Deodar Cedar .............. . ......... 2.50 teach WilloW, ex large catkins .................................. 1.00 Peon/e. large c/ump mixed pink and white ..................... 1.00 Apple Trees .............................. 2.00 Dwarf Apples ........................ 2,75 Combination Trees  in Cherry, Pear or Plum .................... 3.50 Flowering Plun or Crabapples .......................... 2.50 Japanese Flowering Cherries 3;50 Wide selection of E]vergreen and 6-3454. 3/5-12 FloWering Shrubs /R-ANF,'W-St-uffe1-Mag[cC;iihis Route 1, Olympia Highway Prln Model "L,." all guarantees, now only $149.50, $20.48 down; $10.05 L _ . , ....... monthly. Ralph Horton, HA 6-6889, I 3/12 tfnl ................ '' ' F-G---/L-'Tj- ] Custom Wnb )n, $3f). Arvid A. Johnson, Sko-I .......... . ..kg_m2...h...Pb'._ A..6:L...'__ J2/lS I ,m.vaung . or regular pzowmg, ONE PORTABLE walk-ln fret;zr, ": I z =crag and. hgrrow_ g, e0fvating ! H,P.; one 5 Ii.P. 6-inch meat, grind-[nlaGe.lev.e, l'04k lng,, er: on?. I H.P.. 4-{rich meat grinder: gravel, weu-a6l sawdust. Work one b tlA'. -pnue  speea eneJosea b" hnur d,so.ln.hQ,A,ffiA v.- motor' ()De ]argo ,ec{-efaew d¢b € ....... aa'   =a4u, Carlson Tile & ireplaee Shop. Mr.. Urke, HA $678, Vie:w. ph()n, HA 6-2057. C'3/12 tin . .  JL 1,950 PONTIAC. body, upholstery and tJrcs good, Best cash offer. Arlo .. _W.L F.,.!,_'t-__p.. ,:-c._ _] A._:. SO .: ..... =/_ }'OR SA,LE-,..BaI,d hay $t5 to $25 per ton. Forrest Green, Matlock Phone HA 6-3605. 2/19-26 ,,., , I I SEARS WINTER SALE ends March 3. P'la:e your orders now. Sears Cata- log les Officc.. Phone -830/. /19-19 DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11.20-t '?'ll'i I ..... I[li]J/ IL Ill .m m I I _ APPLIANCES FOR RENT ark letric lVloor Banders 8teri/ Electric Pa'tabh Hand Sanem Relflna EleetHc Floor Ponehero HOw Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. lt Phone HA. 6-4308 2-10tJEn EELLS AND VALLEY BEUEVE . , Honesty, sincerity, and good service are remem- bered long after pries is forgotten. ] ,, ii i | I I FRIGIDAIRE -=, Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers For Expert, eonotol, Eiffel•it Appliance ]3/Service T][,mBOTE It&. s-sSu " L USED FURNITURE ,1 Dresser with mirror ........ $15.00 1 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite ...... $65.00 1 Mahogany Drop Leaf Table .................................. $19.00 2 Upholstered Chairs ........ $15.00 2 Davenos .................... $25,00 ea. l DeLuxe Toidy Chair ...... $3.50 1 Mahogany Dinette Table $20•00 1 Walnut Round Table, 4 chairs & buffet ................ $50,00 :Print L/noleum (new) 75¢ sq. yd. 9x12 Print Rugs (new) .... $6.95 9112 Fibre Rugs(new) ...... $22.95 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 I,I IIIIII IIIIII I ,,I,I I .... • , , BEDROOM VALUE ouble dresser, Jeveled mtr. ror, Bookcase headboard bed. Foot and rails and nitestand. Walnut, Blond Ash and Frosted Mink, complete with 10-year warranty mattress and box spring. $199 Complete Usual Friendly Convenient Terms Olsen Furniture Co., 328 Cots HA 6-4702 " .... II1' Immediate Delivery on popular steed BA and .qRES Free Tire-Mounting Service CATAIX)G SALF OIZT'IC Sears, Roebuck and Co. Evergreen Square Phone HA. 6-8201 Shelton 10-21t/n • I. L ............... INSUITION ! Ftbelmm and Rockwool home blown lnltion. Special elec- tric heat and floor insulations. No down payment and 3S months to pay. Ft ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. Hoquiam, Wash. t Phone Hoqulam 312 10-31tt ! .';" ..... ' ...... SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel Low winter rates Heat furnlehed Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Located at Shelton Airport, 3 miles north of town. HA 6-3772 12-18-tin I , , I "VALENTINES DAY" A rosebush, an evergreen shrub, an azalia or other flow- ering plant make rememb- rance of Valentine's Day all Year long. Belfair Gardens 8tar Rtc. 1, Box 55, BelfaJr, WaIz. Across from BelfaSt P.U.D. ........ I ,  . . , I II ,L, . PHONE HA 6-2118 2-12-tfn Zenith Television Finest Reception ,and Carefree Service NO PRINTED CIRCUITS Buy a Zenith Today Olsen Furniture 328 Cota H 6-4702 I ..... • , ,., Help WantedMale $115.00 A WEEK Married man with good car, age 21-40 to put out and pick up Fuller catalogs. Write or- ders, deliver merchandise. PHONE HA 6-2052 1/22-2/26 downtown $50 month, references. | a rmmrt. ... .,^^,. .... , €. Phone HA' 6-_._._8.8: , B!/1 tin| courteous service. Phone uS ollect. ]P'0ND APNT nvsTalel ma 1211, Greys Harbor Renerlng, 227tin I At Goldaborongh Apts, 84/4tn [ Inc. LAWTON A.PAR_ach I W-ATED" ,nn rec ...... e .... t v unite ideal for single men or worn-I "', h't, r "r%ide  "'rio'; an. Also attractively furnished one] ............... -'P- ...... ' .... bedroom apartments. All utilities | SAW FILING -- Henry Boysen` 2212 furnishes except lights. Reasonable. I Laurel Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 t£n Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 8-8177 I ........... - 12/4" tin IBABY SITTING in iooasport area. --- _----'====_.----:z--=_2 Patricia Donaven phone Hoodsport vA . o-ruu=t auartmcnt a TW 7-5314 ' 1/ tin reduced rent. Will take one small ......... child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA BABY SITTING anytime in my home. 6-2238. La12/4 tin Pitons HA 6-8617. WI/22-2/12 F-0" RENT  Two bedroom home, FRUIT TREE spraying by licensed wired fo: automalic washer and dry- sprayer, also troe pruning. Phillip or, double garage, large yard with Hardie. Phone 6-6584. H2/5 tin iot of priscy. Close to down-3-r,-io-o:t/ii-/;g.---a town. Inquire 706 Cota after 6:30 p.m. or Saturday. B2/5 tin lawns, 14 years experzence. HA 6- 6842. 2/5-5/28 ENT--Modern four room h0use, ................ ' W'I"Eu -- TWO nlen wltn DeCK = oil heater Included, $35 per month. • . "P,h.. T-Ta a.dOK ,"*z_,.,, /g ,¢. ground on keyboard mstruments. For --?J:'tY---'?---?: 2":--" 'Y--", information write Journal, Box W, FOR RENT-.-3-bcdroom house 1 mile] stating your qualifications. W2/5-12 out Arcadia Road $65 per monLh. - ............. :--: ................................. Glen WaLton, phone HA 6-3170 |WANTED --. Two women with back- W2/12 1 rouna on aeyooard instrumenL For ..... ,."'.';"--. ........  ........ :----.---;, ....... [ information write Box W Journal. FOR KT--Jargc lurnlsncu terse- I st-*tn -o-r uali'q.''ion  ' '9/.mo room apartment, suitable for busS- { __..--:t__._ .L_'-t___' .__.-:..y_ _- "-'_u_ ..t- ness or retired couple. Downtown. [WILL SIIARE home with older woman Phone HA 6-4655. K2/12 tfn ] witil own income rent free. Call HA t'--R-E,--=.=--]-.'b'i?-d'r'--tftil, Zi-s]iii ] 6?8435 after 7 p,m• or HA 6-8545. anY= house near Bordeaux school, Stoves I ---t-!.-m-tL ....................................... _./5-1_V fnrnished. Pohm HA 6-46}0;,,,,).a[AUTO PAINTING $40. Also spray "'/'--' paint botlscs, roofs, etc. For csti- ...... R---RIN'7-3-:le.d;/--,T{,;dii "ii(itse mates phone HA 6-4322. Inquire 1202 Cots St. R2/5-27 , ,IL , . Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL  RESZDE New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builder No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tin II I ,J  , ,,,,, , ,, , I I 2 ONLY SHOPSMITH WITH ACCESSORIF % OFF ,e Just a few left FAMOUS SIEGLER 0IL HEATERS ½ PRICE Lum00en's Mercantile APPLIANCE DEPT. , 1 , , T BUDGET SHOP BARGAINS *, USED APPLIANCES s Automatic Washer and Dryer 40-Inch Electric Stove . . ,$59.50 Automatic Washer (like new) . . . $149.50 Refrigerator . . . $39.50 * Used Furniture * 1 Table . . . $12.50 Clean Daveno, $69.50 Davenport & Chair, $39.50 Davenport & Chair, needs re- covering, construction good,,39,50 3-Piece Sectional 4-Drawer Chest 5 Drawer Chest Vanity Chest 1 Television . . . $39,50 Floor Lamps. $9,95 1 Daveno . . . $34.50 Overstuffed Chair . . . $7,50 2 5-piece Chrome ets, each $39.50 * Brand New * 3-piece Chrome Sets . . . $49.50 7-piece Chrome Sets . . . $99.50 7-piece Chrome Sets with service, tray . . . $119.50 3-piece Foam Rubber Sectional, was $349.50 .... NOW $259.50 * Floor Covering * Inlaid Remnants . . $2.00 1. yd. Tile . . . 10€ each Wail Covering, 49¢ Running foot Clearance on Heavyweight Print Linoleum . . . 89, eq. yd. THE BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD close to town. Phone HA 6-8636. M2/t2 tfn WANTED --- Riders Is Brmerton. day R--RIN-T:-Thie'-7oorn-"inful'nisli:d shift. Monday through Friday. Phone house. One bl,)ck from stores• Hill- HA 6-3308. $2/12 crest. Phone HA 6-6870. W2/5-19 .............................................. l:;j--p::':-S{{{:li"-tn_-t---.i:i:n HANDY-MAN .... Odd job! If you think it can't be fixed call Henry l& miles from town. Furnished or Landis, HA 6-3098. 2/12 tfn unfurnished. References.. Call HA 6-2018, if no answer call HA 6-8480. P2/5 tin ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent with fireplace, downtown. Utilities d except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. m/shed. $1/2 tin house downtown Phone HA 6-3104. 3r2/5 tin -K---i]-g6t.xeep,ng rooms 100 W. XLue, pnonc HA. 6-4678. R4/l[Rtm BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tin -West Coast Upholstery CUSTOM trFHOTR_rO Free Estimates. Free Pickup, Delivery 710 EAST 4TH AVE. OLYMPIA Phone WH 3-0991 ......... MISCELLANEOUS CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deepest thanks to the residents of Maon Coun- ty, who gave so willingly clothes and household articles following the loss of our home and belongings by fire Sunday morning. Henry Warnes Famt{y CXWb-F"Th- N ks ..... We wish to express our hess'tfelt gratitude for the sympathy, klndness and assistance, also the beautiful flor- al offerings given us during the loss of our lov,d one. Mrs. Fred A. Orr Mr. and Mrs. Fred dry Jr. end Family W: wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful flor- al offerings given uS during the loss of our loved one. The Familes of James Story USED CARS FOR SALE--1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accessories, 25,000 miles. IN• Johnson at Den's Flying A Service. 1/18 tin l'-94Bl)d0or for sale.hone 6-043. O2/5 2-5 tfn ieJ5--iS'I--M-O0"TH, four d oo -- 20,000 miles. Besz offer takes. Phone ' - ttA 6-6139. A. O. Charlson. 2/12 tin -' '1948 DODGE" SEDAN, fac-to'ry recondi- 00XNKS t,o=. o,,,,o., .oo0 $12.00. Phone HA 6-tr,. G2/12 Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marl- _ Days and Evenings Pl t. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 II CHEM CLEAN CIA1WS RUGS AND UPHOLSTERy, CLEANER AND FASTER Try It. You Will Like It Glean Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 i "-'--'rr'-rr FEB. CLEARANCE TO MAK ROOM FOR OUR 1959 APPLIANCES We :Offer the Following 1958 Models: KENMORE COMBINATION WASHER-DRYER I1 Only) Was $399.95 .......... Now $349.95 KENMORE DELUXE 30-/N. ELECTRIC RANGE (1 only) Was $289.95 .......... Now $249.95 COLD SPOT DELUXE )6-C13. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZER, 1 only) Was $36.i.95 Now $302.95 All DibPlay Items For Sale SEARs CATALOG SALES OFFICE EVERGREEN SQUARE Phone HA 6-8201 REAL ESTATE 2-1EDROOM downtown l)ome. , nice conditlon. Fuli.. PJatered, n- su]ated and electrically nested, dl ffice only $7,950, Terms. kl51 " :rt ann, Waterfront Realty, . 85 or 6-829 eves. 12 6'k--g-'-g -- New :b-d - e)ectric het. plast;[;nafT(alls, i Cascade. Phone 6-6 tcr 5 ' . C2/r, tn Fb---R'-'SL--F.----bedroom Frilfe.-- • large fenced lot. garale ann sic g house. New wirin I( range d dryt;r $4,000  $50 sown` p ne HA 6'-6549. __ /19-26 sw. -1.3). Tre..u e,. gntable thnher. $795. . all down payment and 8mall monty pay- manta. Also. large a .nouse, re- movable floor. $5.00. A 6-f'38 or HA 8-4184. $2/5 tin : , ,, II -- -- .,, WATERFRONT H(OME Lot 1001709 with oyster and tide- lands. About 8 miles from Shelton on paved road. Modern 2 BR home, ile lace, oil f hardwood floors, f " P ur- nace, tiled bath. deep well, 2-car garage, patio, sidewalks, ate. Call HA 6-2340. Rt. 3 Box 429 A 2-5-12 I PRINT LINOLEUM Heavyweight 9, € sq. .YD. BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD II 1400 SQ, FT., 3 BEDROOMS .... On 100x200 lot, with view of hay, city, and pies. Owner being transferred and must sell. over existing mortgage and save closing cost& price only $11,000. Call to see it today. ' ONLY $5,500 I$ THE FULL PRICE .... On this 2 bedroom Mt. View home with fire| On large 100x120 corner lot. Excellent garage, age and workshop. $1,000 will handle with no ing costs. CLOSE TO STORES AND SCHOOL .... This exceptionally neat 2 bedroom home yours for only $500 down and $50 per month ing interest• Large 2nd bedroom will 3 children very nicely. Also has 2 car garage excellent work shop. Full price $6,500.00. 2 SEDROOMS, 5 YEARS OLD .... , acre lot. Only $500 down, no and $45 per month for this fully plastered, sulated, electrically heated home. Was $7,850 but owner will sell for $6,950 and do financing. 4 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT, $9,800 . • , Only $300 down, minimum FHA financing 1@ able for this comfortable and roomy 4 bedroom I located just two blocks from stores and school, i "just right" buy for the larger family needing of room. MuSt sell quickly so see it today. CHICKEN RANCH, 3 ACRES .... One mile from town, In addition to the bedroom home it has a new 24x36 chicken hOt new brooder houses, and other outbuildings. is $10,500 and terms can be arranged. Will alS sider trade for 2 bedroom house in town. YOUR IDEAL SU•URBAN HOME .... This lovely property is just 1,/ miles from on 5 acres of outstanding land for all types o urban activities. There is an excellent bar horses or what have you, along with an outdoor: place and harbecue and nice yard for outdOO lng. The home is a spacious 3 bedroom, two two fireplace family room style with loads of cat and work space as well as a long attic for tre ous storage. Don't rlss this one if you are lO 226 1Vorth First SOME EXCELLENT BUI00 ONE OF SHELTONS NEWEST AND FINEST H0 It's U on Angleside w/th a magnificent view o . pies .ann. lay area.. Lovely panelled living room  E.J tve z, repJac%hParate dining room, 3 bedrooms, 2 b 1), tRlO;a;Opotme ' f|replace, and many more e_oell HOW ABOUT A 3 BR HOME FOR NO DOWN PAY / Ba/ance llke rent. About 15 minutes from tcm, 1mm of room, fireplace, and nice features. Owner party to enjoy. $8950. COZY HOME ON 5 ACRES IN SKOKOMISH VAL[. Ideal hOde or. COuple; with 1 bedroom and Furniture an au Included for $4?50 with $1000 dOlt. per month. . ,;t HERE'S A RENT BEATER--ONLY $250 DOWN ,I Modest 2 bedroom home on Hillcret, wired for[ dryer, and on 2 lot& $3950 at ,37.50/month, 2 BEDROOM MOUNTAIN VIEW HOME NEAR S 01 This home handy fpr the family with sr¢ as it is ClOSe to me new school A number of i It's yours for $500 down and ,50/month. $6000, PICTURESQUE SUSURBAN HOME ON 3 ACR£ $ Stone fireplace, 2 bedrooms, chicken houses,  !j with plenty of room. $8500 on easy terms. HERE'S A NICE 2 BEDROOM HOME ON MOUNT/t Fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, panelled living r,|, ard, nice area. $7500 on easy FHA terms. .,i- FOR $250 DOWN $65/MONTH THIS HOME IS yOI)el " Includes insurance and taxes. Very comfortabl¢ ' home, with tile bath, large living dining room, all oIIA ing, 2 car garage, etc. Drape, curtains, new heater, '-' $6550. L ' - ONE OF OUR VERY NICEST OF LARGE 2 BR H '! roomy, and with so many f It's neaz'ly new, ated. 2 car garage, etc. $10.350 with $700 down closing costs. 1 RENTALSAVAILABLE2 BR furnished duplex; tl d°WX'i[l 2 BR home; furnished 1 BR lie•e; and excellent , In Evcrgz'een Square building. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR i', :j Phone HA 6-6363 • Title Insura, -' j ": ...... FOR L BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds. choice of 1322 colors, L,M, DECOR- ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 tin ler, faster, more efficient. Also 24- hour photo finishing. Try_ t. Zieg- let's Studio, 124 No. 2rid. HA. 6-6168. 2/15tf= N]W AND USED L-LI SAWS for sale. I.E.L. power saws. Sales and Sere|ca. Phone Olympla FL. 6-18 nays. FL• 2-1062 evenings. Robillon Machlne Works, 106 ] Olympia Ave., Olympia. 11/l{Rfn road and fill gravel, Mhed sand and /[ravel, .drainage gr.avel and pea I[ravel tot aveways. ormaD .An- hereon, phone HA: 6-52. Jolt's Creek aad and Gravel, Baylll  under F.H.A. terms on all building supplies. Lump it all under one bill. //wton Lumber. 420 8. let St. Ph. HA. 6-dS0& e/Sits for s: ece steol, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts, All typu sal-, vae. Sbelton Junk Co., F(rt and ell, phon._______e B 6-se. u/si WATKINS PRODUCTS, finest in spices and flavorings. Coemeties, household products. Phone HA. 8- . Cll/18tfn el. Phone 6-3187. Dolls of all kinds repaired• Do it now Come in and see my collection of new dolls ana tmcywork. Also origln,d Inserted patterns in pillow caes. Mrs. Ann TwardowlkL 11/6 tin MrONo  8AW , 8  p., direct drive, $90.50, xe.tach bar and chain` Hillcret Hardware, 11/1, tz IIIIII _ I - i ' , ' .......... " .... " '"-" Foe i, SALE eF, FOe e00,AL ESTA'r00 e00AL00, FOR SALE--Wrlnger %ype washer used]TOP QUALITY slide' and movie screen Classified Advertising GeE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished 10 ACRES 2-bedroom house out- FOR SAI,E: the H, _', about 12 times, owner invalid cannot [ for sle. Lunaford's Firestone Store, apartments, hot water heat, range,, bulldin,rs' at Dayton 3500 'Needs arty on 7th and ] use washer, excellent condition, $75. i 317 Railroad. Phone HA 6-8476. refrigerator included. Holly Hill i handyrn Artesi wel. Hk 6-6892 Union 411. Phone HA 6-8318. YI/29 tfn ] 2/5-19 Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough "Mcl2/ll tfn ----"-- . a a.a" ,. FOR SALE: 4-room HUlere home, plaste ,d, insulated, I -- 'Ltt¢ 4Jj large emeco oz. re- ! tt,es large well branched trees. conditlonea ranges, re:rsgeratore, Wagener Feed Co, 219 So First ................ large fenced lot. $4900. Phone ILk. 6- throughout., fireplaC*] wuhers, dryers. Eells & Valley An- Phom  HA 6:4532 ' 2/12 tin ' = ...... w I 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p.m. carport iwJth AstOresad,ld.s(l W2]k_IN'II'JIIUI ES/27ttn to schonls. =.oAnesi(slF0] ._pliance Center. 6/Stfn SE"A.S WINTER SA--L-E"-e.--S--2.  l 6-3180 ater 5:30 p.n " , X-J, UM .I'U.*. ,aJ/ -- "ANVO De{lrooms. ----- ' , FoR SAL. dry_ heavy or 'l/ght slab WANTED -- Houses to wreck. Cleave I one with rug; 23' x 15' living room, SPACIOe_ ,' wood, $10 a cord. HA. 68{/lt a Robinson. Phone HA 6-3710. [ wall to wall carpeting; large kitchen, sale. R.ea_ sen able. ..g t 1/29 tin € plenty built-ins; dinette; cement wall-to-wall c ar15etiab l foundation and long driveway" gaY- dishwasher. Ple-asantwt 'ISBU-'r- .*' ...... ..f2..,- p o%.-, age; two 60' x i00' fend lots.' This only 3 l)l0cks f:omi, rgemente for all tour, tree,per- =m,,,, u,, uuv©,e,v. o,,,u,,, nice hom at F& ..... t=i €o H A 6-er-7-p.lai'e|et tatlon and reservations, at no addi- Furnace Co., 821 So. Third. Dial HA. down"about $53"ver-nh'-"Phne , o-,, , , v ,€ tioned COat tO yea. Clara ]Bell Angle. . 6-61'1. 5/ltn HA 6:6573. " i1/2 tfn TO dalo(l.llh phones HA. S-4I14 or  6-&172. WANTED---Boats to fiberglass. Fer]TW-'Bld--ed p ol_es 1, 000 fir_ seed,af.E] 6/28tfn r:tuu . mra oeu- 1957 $1 000 7 m estimate call I-IA 6-6977, William Mc- ff .... ................ I room o garage, fireplace, 2 enclosed oSa7l:LhO00oe  m. -"T-'BU--'Y"- IN"- ='La_ us'"" "'"/° porches, Rowers, garden, outside fire-  ............ "-- e pack -gal. vart0=m 97 cents, - CHAIN SAW SHARIJ$ING speedy ] place, patio, fenced yard, near store ONE BEDROOM HOUSI |o1 $1-.79, 2-Ea}lone $8.97. Fens- accurate nrecision erindlng' [ow al and school. Phone HA 6-4818 after porch, large lot,,: First,lefts Ice L'h'eah Center, 4 etfaN°l R=.r 'tar ................... h"nT4"tlloat Phone I 4:30 p.m. N2/5-19 6Hill_62eres)Hillcrest at eitycity ltete tfn .,.,,, .tory W]0-R-Y OYR.]IUI[, or will nell --7"- ] home In town; economical electric  " trailers, etc. Hllleret Hardw11l s Cleary. Phone Elms Sg06_after 6:30 lax e arid wT',,vat'='o,emen W.akOil.131.1M all C = p.m. MCl/15-2/26 tecdYby waterVrtgh? "R;u'onbe  DOLLS FOR S.LI: Z," Revlon Dolls WILL BUY seller's equity re= estate t_._erm to responsible party. Phone "'n."GuaeL "'1.00 and hand made clothes to fit. 10 to contracts. Archte Springer. Dial[ ...HA S-3998. Mc8/23 Un ............ 31" Revlon ad Madame Alexander Olympia FL %9876. 1/15 tni FOR SALE: Five acres, moaern house, PiAiS,: .... electric hot water tank Skokomlsh uaran e WORK WANTerking, care for " it ed. Low bit doll. Also heztitehlag. Phons Valley Phone HA 6 8888 1311/14 tin 6-67. 0pal (Day ..... Ell/14tf sick, house cleaning, janitor work .... ' ___ " • . or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis]SMALL BUT CO'Y'-'-2"flT-  I' NVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR tl urana, pnone HA 6-IJt or HA o-I crest house with fenced yard. Low dence near the I0'- and serviee at Hlllcrt Hardware. __3323. 1/22 tin [ down. ,payment, balance like rent. school. Mondays,  2/0tt e I o cosmg costs Phone HA 6-6261 Thursdays Phone *.   6-2070, 121 East Cots. I10/80 tJn [ w,=/o ,,n o,. ..'. Uppmb :j,' Knowledge, I# year books, $25. C.all FOR FULLER BRUSH nec call Mel- I I  after 6 p.m. HA 6-4157. 1/15 tin vn L. Arnold. HA 6-2052. A10/80 tJn I I  ! model 18 h.p. Evlnrude outboard me- .. --.  . . <   crp lrolt, batteries, radlw- tor at greatly reduced prices. Hill- Jtt u.e'r- Three-room gurmsled I tore, copper, aalvags of all kinds hic crest Hardware. 1/15 tin apartment also =three-room _peffuyi Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill • t' y! • urn/shed house,  per month. Sub-I Streets. Phone EL 8-3628. 84/7tin FOR KAL -- Cttrrante. goose)errlee urban location. Phone HA 6-6978. I _ Dll/ tfnl . - : aarge or. smart tracts oz neetarberrie, loganberries, boyesn- Shelton and Vicinty ., ..... , ......... I umner. CMh. Crmecr available at berries, and Canadian red rhubarb. #U,UAJ"=,U __ZA'. on u vzew. i our exPemm Jones Tie & Lumber Three plants $1.00. Garden Shop, Pnone HA §-aut.. , K xo/s un [ Co., P.O. Box 473, Olympia. HA 6-3710. 1122 tin KENNETH F. COX F'OR RENT -- Ted h---e| 9/30tim FOR RENT--Large partly furnished Rates three room apartment downtown. Adults. No pets• $,50. Water, gap ....... bags furnished• Inquire 417 So. Sec- Ao worse or le tam•aura on. ' P1/29 tin charge) $100 single insertion, _-7--c--:---- - " ': "'era --^- or vt .rz"  xeezten[  neoroom. $.1.60 .WO ..seru ,..t . bath and , unfurnished house wlree lnseruor. Aaaluonal m- available Feb. 1, $100 per month. Ple you,. orde,'s now. Sears Cata- ri'lrn a .2%n %Cul, tu for l/.n log Sales Office Phone 6-8201 r { q .... -: ' $2/12-19 ........... age, lea.t and.all utilities fur•sees tar 01 ulanKs $1.U0 a- except etectmcty. none HA 6-8811. 1't .%Yq er notices 15 word minimum ...... J/29 tfn ,'JA aW,J*A tlflfi n ¢.r rtr nlalmre ICh TWO OR FOUR bedroom home on •   ...... v-.--  ............. II rest - e - fu " - - . ........ ,,,v^# ^.-^n..le,, - ^ • i O • - 1 c got r nt, un rmsnea ex- I'utt ttT---ttmall house on Angle- u .t, a, ,,u  cept for stoves. Phone HA 6-6270. side. Phone HA 6-8080 after a p.m. $1.50 per msertton. D1/29 tin FOR RZNT: 4-room ,,p.,' ooffi¢lateiy- _.= E]ea,__ve..___ , _dx apartment, w=hi,g t=:tl.. furs/shed. Pho HA -IO0 mtm  ptttu in uvtuzoe. At, "ZU uota. 'z/m un i k lie tie taken over he telephone must IR RENT'Modern furnished cabi-'---'-- iF OR T--Furi_ed cottages and _ be paid before the end of the electric range and tank. Water free. ler spaces. Tee x-qnes. L40/9 tin • month..Art extra charge of 10 | [ Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. FORJ.R R. ----Reed Apt. S'-badroo | will be made when billing is i[ , CI/S,, tfn George. HA 64842 or HA 6-46. • m= ,. I[ week. Cameron Hotel. 3/Stfn 10/9-11/1, tin • , I I __ ['OR lNTUnfurn-hed two bedro'ol=n GOT.dBOROUGH ''IAII' pARK. "| hotme, large utility room, $55 per Convenient to mill;" a'n-d-'aowntown , - t • v-m J month, Phone HA 6-4000. S1/15 tin sto.s. Ci.t._sewar and water.._At U  ILARGE ONE-BDROOM house for ntgnway Drldlge. 14/4trn " '"" = ront Fenced ,ard some furniture FOR Rgot-rh-bedroom modern idu - SCRAGS TYPB 2 x 4 mill, Hoillster i W&ter paid. "$ '=nO. Phone HA p x. .ect cnettj..[arage, ulity motor boring bar. Call IPex 828100Ai 6-2259. 81115 tfn i room. *none rt e-su. XZlXe un, Hunt Mill. Bremerton. r/e-xa [¢¢MORTALI tw hed Pm ho F-OR-RENT--portemen's Apt Mote, TR-U'CKERS--ATTENTi0! W-'---'d0 o----u-ri f--o-r-rn-'t_-)0---per-'rn-ontl:"g-Lr'age, an--- low winter rates heat furnished best to meet any price on .truck [ furniahed. Phone HA 6-6880 about  newl v redecorated' clean ',= a I'L tires. Lunsfora'a Fire.stone Store. 8 p.m. B1/8-3/I Owner manacled. Very desirablel 317 Railroad. /5-9 FOR iJ--NT  Attractive water-Tntl p|are to live, toasted at Shelton Air- I , , ,, home, 1 bedrooms, city conven-: port, 8 miles north of town. Call .............. fences, 10 miles from town. Call HA HA 6-37n. A/lS n F-- -LAB W-D 6-1. FOR RENT: I bedroom turalshed apt. 11  UU _718 No. 6th, phone MA. 6-4848 after Green 15 20 Inch o p.m. D10/Iltta $16PER AD III I I ,-- , , ,, , , OATS. TItAJ[LE]P and outbogrd raG- mrs at M/llcret 7dbu'dware. ll/{0t ROOFING and all other hullding ma- terial, nothing down` 88 moniz to pay under  ternm now available at Lawtoa Lumber, 420 L It eL, __._hon...,_ er_.__:__Lt n _ FOR SALE BLUEBERRIES -- Extra large plant of Jersey, Rancocu ad Concord, $L75 each or 8 for $5 Garden Shop, HA 6-3710. 1/22 tfn COVERINGS  for walls, windows, floors. Paint, wallpaper, drapes, rugs, tile, yardgoods. I.M. DECOR- ATIN CENTER, 21 Railroad. 11S9 tin XERICAN AUSTIN engine with tranmniesion, with Aqua rust pre. venter for sale or trade for cement mixer. Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5458 after 6 p.m. Mc1/29-3/5 'RTTMTOWN I.. ' rubber ,'rOP"'-S()IE gravel fill dirt F E stanppr sale at Um Jourl,_$1.00 Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 tin F.H.A. TERMS now available on all} building materials allows yon tot v=00v 1_ construction cost under one I AAA %£MAeU.gAI .AA'A bill. For information inquire at ) HA 6-3710 Lawton ,-umber, 420 & t Bt. Phone | HA. e-4&0s, e/6ttn / Snrubbery BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip* I Feb. Daphne 24" .................... $1.50 meet at Walt'e Mar/he Supply, on J beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods-' Magnolias (budded) .............. 4.00 _}rt TR. 7-f4. 1/19tin LOCKER MEAT Cut, double wrapPed and trimmings ground--5 sent• per pound. Don Wil- liams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. 9/25 ttn ASPARAGUS PLANTS, Martha Wash- ington--$1.00 per do'. Garden Shop. HAY FOR SAL---Never been wet. $25' l;r Ion. Phon0 HA 6-3722. 1/1-2/5-26 where, Phone Olympia FL 7-776].. Cl/ tfn 18-FT. CgDAR-PLANKED raied-deck cabin boat, new 9 hp. Wisconsin motor. Will sell or trade on larger boat. Prfer troibr. 16-fl, Clinker- built boat, $58, Phone Hoodsport TR 7.5370. T2/-12 ELECTRIC OIIGAN, Want responsi- ble pary t.o assume so}l monthly payments, Also spinet piano. Write ; Credit Mgr.. Tall•an Piano Stores, Inc., 375 12th St. S.E., Salem, Oregon. , ............................................. _ ........... 3/5-I___ APARTMENT SIZE RANGE; 6 cu. ft. G.E. I.Lefrigevator; Ehctrolux; 17" RCA "IV; Dtnett.c set; Bed, spring. maitres. Returnable. Phone HA Green and Gold Hollys ........ 2.50 Red Bud Trees (Ex. large) ,. 2.00 Rock Daphne, small ............. 50 Forsythia, small i .................... 50 Deutzta, small ......................... 50 Boxwoods .................... 75, and 1.00 Broom, White or Red (Non- seeding) .... ............................. 75 Gold Spot Acuba, small ....... 7b Deodar Cedar .............. . ......... 2.50 teach WilloW, ex large catkins .................................. 1.00 Peon/e. large c/ump mixed pink and white ..................... 1.00 Apple Trees .............................. 2.00 Dwarf Apples ........................ 2,75 Combination Trees  in Cherry, Pear or Plum .................... 3.50 Flowering Plun or Crabapples .......................... 2.50 Japanese Flowering Cherries 3;50 Wide selection of E]vergreen and 6-3454. 3/5-12 FloWering Shrubs /R-ANF,'W-St-uffe1-Mag[cC;iihis Route 1, Olympia Highway Prln Model "L,." all guarantees, now only $149.50, $20.48 down; $10.05 L _ . , ....... monthly. Ralph Horton, HA 6-6889, I 3/12 tfnl ................ '' ' F-G---/L-'Tj- ] Custom Wnb )n, $3f). Arvid A. Johnson, Sko-I .......... . ..kg_m2...h...Pb'._ A..6:L...'__ J2/lS I ,m.vaung . or regular pzowmg, ONE PORTABLE walk-ln fret;zr, ": I z =crag and. hgrrow_ g, e0fvating ! H,P.; one 5 Ii.P. 6-inch meat, grind-[nlaGe.lev.e, l'04k lng,, er: on?. I H.P.. 4-{rich meat grinder: gravel, weu-a6l sawdust. Work one b tlA'. -pnue  speea eneJosea b" hnur d,so.ln.hQ,A,ffiA v.- motor' ()De ]argo ,ec{-efaew d¢b € ....... aa'   =a4u, Carlson Tile & ireplaee Shop. Mr.. Urke, HA $678, Vie:w. ph()n, HA 6-2057. C'3/12 tin . .  JL 1,950 PONTIAC. body, upholstery and tJrcs good, Best cash offer. Arlo .. _W.L F.,.!,_'t-__p.. ,:-c._ _] A._:. SO .: ..... =/_ }'OR SA,LE-,..BaI,d hay $t5 to $25 per ton. Forrest Green, Matlock Phone HA 6-3605. 2/19-26 ,,., , I I SEARS WINTER SALE ends March 3. P'la:e your orders now. Sears Cata- log les Officc.. Phone -830/. /19-19 DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11.20-t '?'ll'i I ..... I[li]J/ IL Ill .m m I I _ APPLIANCES FOR RENT ark letric lVloor Banders 8teri/ Electric Pa'tabh Hand Sanem Relflna EleetHc Floor Ponehero HOw Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. lt Phone HA. 6-4308 2-10tJEn EELLS AND VALLEY BEUEVE . , Honesty, sincerity, and good service are remem- bered long after pries is forgotten. ] ,, ii i | I I FRIGIDAIRE -=, Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers For Expert, eonotol, Eiffel•it Appliance ]3/Service T][,mBOTE It&. s-sSu " L USED FURNITURE ,1 Dresser with mirror ........ $15.00 1 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite ...... $65.00 1 Mahogany Drop Leaf Table .................................. $19.00 2 Upholstered Chairs ........ $15.00 2 Davenos .................... $25,00 ea. l DeLuxe Toidy Chair ...... $3.50 1 Mahogany Dinette Table $20•00 1 Walnut Round Table, 4 chairs & buffet ................ $50,00 :Print L/noleum (new) 75¢ sq. yd. 9x12 Print Rugs (new) .... $6.95 9112 Fibre Rugs(new) ...... $22.95 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 I,I IIIIII IIIIII I ,,I,I I .... • , , BEDROOM VALUE ouble dresser, Jeveled mtr. ror, Bookcase headboard bed. Foot and rails and nitestand. Walnut, Blond Ash and Frosted Mink, complete with 10-year warranty mattress and box spring. $199 Complete Usual Friendly Convenient Terms Olsen Furniture Co., 328 Cots HA 6-4702 " .... II1' Immediate Delivery on popular steed BA and .qRES Free Tire-Mounting Service CATAIX)G SALF OIZT'IC Sears, Roebuck and Co. Evergreen Square Phone HA. 6-8201 Shelton 10-21t/n • I. L ............... INSUITION ! Ftbelmm and Rockwool home blown lnltion. Special elec- tric heat and floor insulations. No down payment and 3S months to pay. Ft ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. Hoquiam, Wash. t Phone Hoqulam 312 10-31tt ! .';" ..... ' ...... SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel Low winter rates Heat furnlehed Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Located at Shelton Airport, 3 miles north of town. HA 6-3772 12-18-tin I , , I "VALENTINES DAY" A rosebush, an evergreen shrub, an azalia or other flow- ering plant make rememb- rance of Valentine's Day all Year long. Belfair Gardens 8tar Rtc. 1, Box 55, BelfaJr, WaIz. Across from BelfaSt P.U.D. ........ I ,  . . , I II ,L, . PHONE HA 6-2118 2-12-tfn Zenith Television Finest Reception ,and Carefree Service NO PRINTED CIRCUITS Buy a Zenith Today Olsen Furniture 328 Cota H 6-4702 I ..... • , ,., Help WantedMale $115.00 A WEEK Married man with good car, age 21-40 to put out and pick up Fuller catalogs. Write or- ders, deliver merchandise. PHONE HA 6-2052 1/22-2/26 downtown $50 month, references. | a rmmrt. ... .,^^,. .... , €. Phone HA' 6-_._._8.8: , B!/1 tin| courteous service. Phone uS ollect. ]P'0ND APNT nvsTalel ma 1211, Greys Harbor Renerlng, 227tin I At Goldaborongh Apts, 84/4tn [ Inc. LAWTON A.PAR_ach I W-ATED" ,nn rec ...... e .... t v unite ideal for single men or worn-I "', h't, r "r%ide  "'rio'; an. Also attractively furnished one] ............... -'P- ...... ' .... bedroom apartments. All utilities | SAW FILING -- Henry Boysen` 2212 furnishes except lights. Reasonable. I Laurel Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 t£n Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 8-8177 I ........... - 12/4" tin IBABY SITTING in iooasport area. --- _----'====_.----:z--=_2 Patricia Donaven phone Hoodsport vA . o-ruu=t auartmcnt a TW 7-5314 ' 1/ tin reduced rent. Will take one small ......... child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA BABY SITTING anytime in my home. 6-2238. La12/4 tin Pitons HA 6-8617. WI/22-2/12 F-0" RENT  Two bedroom home, FRUIT TREE spraying by licensed wired fo: automalic washer and dry- sprayer, also troe pruning. Phillip or, double garage, large yard with Hardie. Phone 6-6584. H2/5 tin iot of priscy. Close to down-3-r,-io-o:t/ii-/;g.---a town. Inquire 706 Cota after 6:30 p.m. or Saturday. B2/5 tin lawns, 14 years experzence. HA 6- 6842. 2/5-5/28 ENT--Modern four room h0use, ................ ' W'I"Eu -- TWO nlen wltn DeCK = oil heater Included, $35 per month. • . "P,h.. T-Ta a.dOK ,"*z_,.,, /g ,¢. ground on keyboard mstruments. For --?J:'tY---'?---?: 2":--" 'Y--", information write Journal, Box W, FOR RENT-.-3-bcdroom house 1 mile] stating your qualifications. W2/5-12 out Arcadia Road $65 per monLh. - ............. :--: ................................. Glen WaLton, phone HA 6-3170 |WANTED --. Two women with back- W2/12 1 rouna on aeyooard instrumenL For ..... ,."'.';"--. ........  ........ :----.---;, ....... [ information write Box W Journal. FOR KT--Jargc lurnlsncu terse- I st-*tn -o-r uali'q.''ion  ' '9/.mo room apartment, suitable for busS- { __..--:t__._ .L_'-t___' .__.-:..y_ _- "-'_u_ ..t- ness or retired couple. Downtown. [WILL SIIARE home with older woman Phone HA 6-4655. K2/12 tfn ] witil own income rent free. Call HA t'--R-E,--=.=--]-.'b'i?-d'r'--tftil, Zi-s]iii ] 6?8435 after 7 p,m• or HA 6-8545. anY= house near Bordeaux school, Stoves I ---t-!.-m-tL ....................................... _./5-1_V fnrnished. Pohm HA 6-46}0;,,,,).a[AUTO PAINTING $40. Also spray "'/'--' paint botlscs, roofs, etc. For csti- ...... R---RIN'7-3-:le.d;/--,T{,;dii "ii(itse mates phone HA 6-4322. Inquire 1202 Cots St. R2/5-27 , ,IL , . Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL  RESZDE New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builder No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tin II I ,J  , ,,,,, , ,, , I I 2 ONLY SHOPSMITH WITH ACCESSORIF % OFF ,e Just a few left FAMOUS SIEGLER 0IL HEATERS ½ PRICE Lum00en's Mercantile APPLIANCE DEPT. , 1 , , T BUDGET SHOP BARGAINS *, USED APPLIANCES s Automatic Washer and Dryer 40-Inch Electric Stove . . ,$59.50 Automatic Washer (like new) . . . $149.50 Refrigerator . . . $39.50 * Used Furniture * 1 Table . . . $12.50 Clean Daveno, $69.50 Davenport & Chair, $39.50 Davenport & Chair, needs re- covering, construction good,,39,50 3-Piece Sectional 4-Drawer Chest 5 Drawer Chest Vanity Chest 1 Television . . . $39,50 Floor Lamps. $9,95 1 Daveno . . . $34.50 Overstuffed Chair . . . $7,50 2 5-piece Chrome ets, each $39.50 * Brand New * 3-piece Chrome Sets . . . $49.50 7-piece Chrome Sets . . . $99.50 7-piece Chrome Sets with service, tray . . . $119.50 3-piece Foam Rubber Sectional, was $349.50 .... NOW $259.50 * Floor Covering * Inlaid Remnants . . $2.00 1. yd. Tile . . . 10€ each Wail Covering, 49¢ Running foot Clearance on Heavyweight Print Linoleum . . . 89, eq. yd. THE BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD close to town. Phone HA 6-8636. M2/t2 tfn WANTED --- Riders Is Brmerton. day R--RIN-T:-Thie'-7oorn-"inful'nisli:d shift. Monday through Friday. Phone house. One bl,)ck from stores• Hill- HA 6-3308. $2/12 crest. Phone HA 6-6870. W2/5-19 .............................................. l:;j--p::':-S{{{:li"-tn_-t---.i:i:n HANDY-MAN .... Odd job! If you think it can't be fixed call Henry l& miles from town. Furnished or Landis, HA 6-3098. 2/12 tfn unfurnished. References.. Call HA 6-2018, if no answer call HA 6-8480. P2/5 tin ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent with fireplace, downtown. Utilities d except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. m/shed. $1/2 tin house downtown Phone HA 6-3104. 3r2/5 tin -K---i]-g6t.xeep,ng rooms 100 W. XLue, pnonc HA. 6-4678. R4/l[Rtm BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tin -West Coast Upholstery CUSTOM trFHOTR_rO Free Estimates. Free Pickup, Delivery 710 EAST 4TH AVE. OLYMPIA Phone WH 3-0991 ......... MISCELLANEOUS CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deepest thanks to the residents of Maon Coun- ty, who gave so willingly clothes and household articles following the loss of our home and belongings by fire Sunday morning. Henry Warnes Famt{y CXWb-F"Th- N ks ..... We wish to express our hess'tfelt gratitude for the sympathy, klndness and assistance, also the beautiful flor- al offerings given us during the loss of our lov,d one. Mrs. Fred A. Orr Mr. and Mrs. Fred dry Jr. end Family W: wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful flor- al offerings given uS during the loss of our loved one. The Familes of James Story USED CARS FOR SALE--1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accessories, 25,000 miles. IN• Johnson at Den's Flying A Service. 1/18 tin l'-94Bl)d0or for sale.hone 6-043. O2/5 2-5 tfn ieJ5--iS'I--M-O0"TH, four d oo -- 20,000 miles. Besz offer takes. Phone ' - ttA 6-6139. A. O. Charlson. 2/12 tin -' '1948 DODGE" SEDAN, fac-to'ry recondi- 00XNKS t,o=. o,,,,o., .oo0 $12.00. Phone HA 6-tr,. G2/12 Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marl- _ Days and Evenings Pl t. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 II CHEM CLEAN CIA1WS RUGS AND UPHOLSTERy, CLEANER AND FASTER Try It. You Will Like It Glean Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 i "-'--'rr'-rr FEB. CLEARANCE TO MAK ROOM FOR OUR 1959 APPLIANCES We :Offer the Following 1958 Models: KENMORE COMBINATION WASHER-DRYER I1 Only) Was $399.95 .......... Now $349.95 KENMORE DELUXE 30-/N. ELECTRIC RANGE (1 only) Was $289.95 .......... Now $249.95 COLD SPOT DELUXE )6-C13. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZER, 1 only) Was $36.i.95 Now $302.95 All DibPlay Items For Sale SEARs CATALOG SALES OFFICE EVERGREEN SQUARE Phone HA 6-8201 REAL ESTATE 2-1EDROOM downtown l)ome. , nice conditlon. Fuli.. PJatered, n- su]ated and electrically nested, dl ffice only $7,950, Terms. kl51 " :rt ann, Waterfront Realty, . 85 or 6-829 eves. 12 6'k--g-'-g -- New :b-d - e)ectric het. plast;[;nafT(alls, i Cascade. Phone 6-6 tcr 5 ' . C2/r, tn Fb---R'-'SL--F.----bedroom Frilfe.-- • large fenced lot. garale ann sic g house. New wirin I( range d dryt;r $4,000  $50 sown` p ne HA 6'-6549. __ /19-26 sw. -1.3). Tre..u e,. gntable thnher. $795. . all down payment and 8mall monty pay- manta. Also. large a .nouse, re- movable floor. $5.00. A 6-f'38 or HA 8-4184. $2/5 tin : , ,, II -- -- .,, WATERFRONT H(OME Lot 1001709 with oyster and tide- lands. About 8 miles from Shelton on paved road. Modern 2 BR home, ile lace, oil f hardwood floors, f " P ur- nace, tiled bath. deep well, 2-car garage, patio, sidewalks, ate. Call HA 6-2340. Rt. 3 Box 429 A 2-5-12 I PRINT LINOLEUM Heavyweight 9, € sq. .YD. BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD II 1400 SQ, FT., 3 BEDROOMS .... On 100x200 lot, with view of hay, city, and pies. Owner being transferred and must sell. over existing mortgage and save closing cost& price only $11,000. Call to see it today. ' ONLY $5,500 I$ THE FULL PRICE .... On this 2 bedroom Mt. View home with fire| On large 100x120 corner lot. Excellent garage, age and workshop. $1,000 will handle with no ing costs. CLOSE TO STORES AND SCHOOL .... This exceptionally neat 2 bedroom home yours for only $500 down and $50 per month ing interest• Large 2nd bedroom will 3 children very nicely. Also has 2 car garage excellent work shop. Full price $6,500.00. 2 SEDROOMS, 5 YEARS OLD .... , acre lot. Only $500 down, no and $45 per month for this fully plastered, sulated, electrically heated home. Was $7,850 but owner will sell for $6,950 and do financing. 4 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT, $9,800 . • , Only $300 down, minimum FHA financing 1@ able for this comfortable and roomy 4 bedroom I located just two blocks from stores and school, i "just right" buy for the larger family needing of room. MuSt sell quickly so see it today. CHICKEN RANCH, 3 ACRES .... One mile from town, In addition to the bedroom home it has a new 24x36 chicken hOt new brooder houses, and other outbuildings. is $10,500 and terms can be arranged. Will alS sider trade for 2 bedroom house in town. YOUR IDEAL SU•URBAN HOME .... This lovely property is just 1,/ miles from on 5 acres of outstanding land for all types o urban activities. There is an excellent bar horses or what have you, along with an outdoor: place and harbecue and nice yard for outdOO lng. The home is a spacious 3 bedroom, two two fireplace family room style with loads of cat and work space as well as a long attic for tre ous storage. Don't rlss this one if you are lO 226 1Vorth First SOME EXCELLENT BUI00 ONE OF SHELTONS NEWEST AND FINEST H0 It's U on Angleside w/th a magnificent view o . pies .ann. lay area.. Lovely panelled living room  E.J tve z, repJac%hParate dining room, 3 bedrooms, 2 b 1), tRlO;a;Opotme ' f|replace, and many more e_oell HOW ABOUT A 3 BR HOME FOR NO DOWN PAY / Ba/ance llke rent. About 15 minutes from tcm, 1mm of room, fireplace, and nice features. Owner party to enjoy. $8950. COZY HOME ON 5 ACRES IN SKOKOMISH VAL[. Ideal hOde or. COuple; with 1 bedroom and Furniture an au Included for $4?50 with $1000 dOlt. per month. . ,;t HERE'S A RENT BEATER--ONLY $250 DOWN ,I Modest 2 bedroom home on Hillcret, wired for[ dryer, and on 2 lot& $3950 at ,37.50/month, 2 BEDROOM MOUNTAIN VIEW HOME NEAR S 01 This home handy fpr the family with sr¢ as it is ClOSe to me new school A number of i It's yours for $500 down and ,50/month. $6000, PICTURESQUE SUSURBAN HOME ON 3 ACR£ $ Stone fireplace, 2 bedrooms, chicken houses,  !j with plenty of room. $8500 on easy terms. HERE'S A NICE 2 BEDROOM HOME ON MOUNT/t Fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, panelled living r,|, ard, nice area. $7500 on easy FHA terms. .,i- FOR $250 DOWN $65/MONTH THIS HOME IS yOI)el " Includes insurance and taxes. Very comfortabl¢ ' home, with tile bath, large living dining room, all oIIA ing, 2 car garage, etc. Drape, curtains, new heater, '-' $6550. L ' - ONE OF OUR VERY NICEST OF LARGE 2 BR H '! roomy, and with so many f It's neaz'ly new, ated. 2 car garage, etc. $10.350 with $700 down closing costs. 1 RENTALSAVAILABLE2 BR furnished duplex; tl d°WX'i[l 2 BR home; furnished 1 BR lie•e; and excellent , In Evcrgz'een Square building. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR i', :j Phone HA 6-6363 • Title Insura, -' j