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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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col IPAIRS ll/221fn removed. HA. i, phone I/i tfn SALE bro0rn house nice • e $12,000.00. eJ e 3 bedroom sihgle gar- el, • acres cleared and foot, drilled wet: den, • • efftrl ' ell he:at- room, one 10l'fect sha and • $ $ room, COmbined,. hotu and from ,,down. garage, and 2 * e e fire;place, rad- 1 out- Angleside--- payment ii: i u z ITORS TO IAIMS OF THE FOR Estate of Deceased. GIVEN that Runacres, has quali- t Will and of Charles ; and that all the said Ire hereby Le duly veri. ncessaW tht Under- W ig," he: cl s will be E. ld. Seattle, Wash. , B1512-19-26 4 t FINAL ":GIW th as Executor SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in #Oh NO. 30 'g I Nn. 1541 i NOTICE TO CHEDITOR, E  NOTI('E OF IIEARING FINAL i TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIT , ] RI,:I'(iRT AND I'ETITIIIN J •  ' , N Felt SqATE ()1, WASHINGTO FOIl I)I'l'Rnll'TIO N [ JAMF A. llOW. H,T , ., : ' • ' : : . .' " T Y ] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (In I rohsle) Irma S Howarth has been appoint.d I,.,d hT; ,l, ifid as i,:x(,,,ut, i ,) ,'Z estate; that all persOnS having :l • against ilc deceased a'e ilereoy re- qu'Ir'ed to serve the same dilly verifi,.d in duplic'tle witil th neecsary vouch- ers allached, upon lhe Executrix or h'er attorney Robert L. Snyder, at li eir addresses hereinbelow stated, and file such claims t0getller with proof of service with tlm Cl:rk of said Court within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to- wit: January 22, 1959. All claims not st) presented and filed will be barred. IRMA S. HOWARTH Executrix Route 2, Box 823 Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Govyy Building Shelton, Washington Attorney for Executrixl/22_29.2/5.12 41 • No. 3054 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIE SUPERIOR coURT OF TttE STATE, OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , €In Probate) i Jn the Matter of the Estate of OTTO I W. NELSON. Deceased, NOTICE ,IS HEREBY the underslgn has I and has _qualified as the of the Estate of deceased: • to serve the the her at the address below the same with the Clerk of toffther With proof of wltldn six months after the first publication of this notice or same will be barred. /s/ MARY C. NELSON BYRON E. McQI,.NAIAN Attorney fo h;t a'te Office and Posl office Address: Oourllmuse = helton. Wmshington 1129-2/5-12 3t NoT,i mToi IN- THE COURT THE STATE FOR In the Matter TRUDE M,ORGAN ELIZABETH A. OYER and qualified All nerson said deceased :duly wth of Court six months after January 29, ALL CLAIMS not so filed will be barred, .IZAB]rH 'A. OYER Executrix Union, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building ? Shelton, Washington Attorney for Estate 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t No. S0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPER:OR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Person and Estate of IRENE LEWIS WILLIAMS. A Mentally In- competent Person. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" that Itters of Guardianship in the above entitled .matter were granted to the NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE undersigned on the 16th day of Janu- ary 1959 by said Superior Court, TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS IDRTHER GIVEN that NOTICH IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Tuesday, tim 3rd day of March, all persons having claims against 1959, comnmncing at ten o'clock in the said person or her estate are reqt forenoon of said day, in front of the to serve them with necessary vouc main entrance door t,) the County upo the Guardian for said person Court House in the city of Shelton, estate or upon the attorney of re Ior said Guardian, B. Franklin Heus- county of Mason, State of Washington, ton, Angle Building, Shelton, Washing- by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state tide ton, being the place designed for the lands, together with the improvements transaction Of. the business of said situated thereon, will be sold at public guardianship, and file the same with auction to the highest bidder there- the Clerk of said Court, together with proo( of service, within 6 months after for', to-wit: the first publication of this notice, to- NOTE--No one except citizens of the Wit: 22 January 1959, or said claims United States, or persons who have de- will be forever barred, clared their intention to become In liw Matter of li.' Estale of JOIIN T. SMITIi, Deceased. NOTICE IS I-IFI{EPy GIVEN that MARY A. RYAN, form rlv kt¢)wn as MARY A. SM1TII. as Administratrix d' i]lp E.iab' cd' Jcdln T. SInilh. ha'•- filed ill lh(. (,i'fi(',, ()f ilia Cl,,)'k ,,f said t;,,m'l ht'r Final R.i)(.)),t and Petition for l)isi)'iimli,m, asking the Court to settle :i(i T{' )()ft. distribute the prop- erty to th), )('l's()ns the 'ol .ntitled and i() Ilise!l!lrg(, St d adnlin strah'ix and that sad R(,l)()rt and P(,liiion will I), ile[ll'd 011 the 27til day of F('i)rual'.V, 1959, tlt 10:00 A,M, at the Court Room ,,f tile Pi'(,bttte D('lmrtmont of said (h)url. at wtti('}l ti)tw and place any [U'I'SOII illtI't'('slpd ill sIlifi Estate Illay :tl)l)eal' all(I fih' obje(gi()ns thereto alld ('tllll(,si tilt' slllle. DATED l]lis 30111 day of Janllary, 1959. IIARRY DEYETTE ('Jerk of said COUI'i l'v Ir(,lle Me(luire. D(!puty LEWIS & (:()RREA Att()rn,,ys f,)r E.ui:It,! F b!II ihlildiag 12l S,)tlth Fourth St)'oet Sh,lt,n, Waslington 2/5-12-19-26 dt ......................................... No. 28S9 ['ICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT, UTION AND DISCHARGE IN THE SIIPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of W. A. WITSIERS. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that aMkartha A. Witsiers. Executrix of the] ve entitled estate ires filed herein her final account r(:port' and .petition ! for :ettlement an distribution ,of tie estate of deceased wherein the ,Court l is asked to approve said account and 't. make distribution of tlie estate, discharge the Executrix. .] TICE IS FYRTHER GIVEN, that c0rdaee with an order of said made and entered on the 29rd of January. 1959, a hearing will )e had before the Court on tim 27th day of February. 1959. at 10 o'clock. a.m.. on said day in the Court Room Court in the Court House at Washington. . . this 28rd day Of January, tsar. HARRY DEYETTE Co lerk of the Superior Court r aaon County, Wasn- ington. ALDEN C. BAYLEY for Executrix Insurance Building Washington 1/29-2/5=I2-19 4t NOTICE The City of Shelton lereby gives NOTICE that a hearing will be held on March 10, 1959  at 2'00 P.M. for imaring protests against'a proposed assessment roll sUbmitted by the en = gineering department of the City of Shelton for the construction of side- walks as follows: roposed assessments: $217.00 for 120 lirfeal feet of sidewalk appof tioned sgainst Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 1 Shelton 2nd Addition. Owner, John Pearson as listed by county assess- or. $109.50 for 60 lineal feet of side- walk apportioned against Lot 2, Blk. Q, Shelton 1st Addition. Own- er. Donald Chappell et al, as listed by county assessor. ALMA K. CATTO Clerk-treasurer City of Shelton, by order of City Commission 2/5-12 2t GLADYS W. SHEEDY Guardian of the Person and Estate of Irene Lewis Williams B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON kttorney for Guardian kngle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. 1/22-29-2/5-12 4t No. 2235 NOTICE TO CRt:DITGRS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship the Estate of BERTHA JOSEPHINE a Mentally Incompetent Per-' son. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that B. Franklin Heuston has been ap- pointed and has qualified as Guardian of the estate of the said Bertha Jose- Wolf,. in the place of Emil G. deceased; that all persons haying against said estate, Or against ld Bertha Josephine Wolf, are reqtlired to serve the same, duly I,. on said Guardian, or his at- record, Robert L. Snyder, at below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together ;w|th proof ?f such service, wttllfl flX months after the date of or the PUBLICATION: HE'CSTON hl: .. Attorney for said Guardian ," . 2/-12-9-8 4t seg3.o  . 'Ol DIT]aI[BU TIU4 MASON In the of LOR; of 0ra the has filed wltff th' ( thereto en- entitled Court her final as petition for distribution and Court to day o'clock in the soon there- sons at the the said GIVEN that Ion for dis- objections of January, 4th 19 4t Want Ad Friday, .the at the hbar in the Dated this 23rd day of January, 1959. , HAI%RY DEYETT Clerk;. O[ Mason County, wasnlnon Irene McGuire, Deputy HEUSTON said, Estate Shelton. Wash. 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t e00cgs.,: (meat Pe Co. can purchase state lands. ipllation Ne. 13107 . The tidelands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate tn iront of, adjacent to or abut- ting upon the North 230 feet of the South 430 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 34, Township 21 North, 2 West, W.M.. with a of lineal chains, more or less, at $75.00 per lineal chain or. Applications No. 13182 ! The tidelands of the second class, I owned by the State of Washington, lying westerly of Hammersley Reserve as shown on the ma filed in the office of the of Public Lands August 19,. 1905 and situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that portion of Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 10, Tpwshlp20 3 West, W.M., lying line of the south a line running par- allel to the north line of said Govern- ment Lot 2 from a point which is 700 !feet southerly from the meander cor- !ner on said north line of Government Lot 2, as measured merit meander line, '9.00 lineal chains, mor or less )raised at $30.00 l!r lineal chain to an easen for State Road State of of :, State t of the Commissioner of Pub- 1947. • No, 15198 of the sen class, State of Washigt0a of, adjacent to or abut: portion of Government 11. North. West, west of S and east of Lot the government follows: the meander corner on said Government Lot thence S 45" E 2.80 4.07 chains and thence satd meander nt of this mes The above desc F of  the of Cha B; ,,Jacobsen Said lands than the and upon and eonditi lowing: Not less tha . of chase price must , of sale, ,The the owner forlhih full amount of stated. chase price must be paid ann.ually thereafter with interest on all aererred payments at the rate of six centum per .nnum ; chaser and e and obtain deed, land containing timber 'matdrlals is prohtbl cutting or reovlng )r materials without of the Commiesi until the full Price has been are made Ject to the reservations of oils, 8 c0al, Greta, minerals and fossils of name, kind and description, and terms and conditions 9 of chalter 56 Shdt KAMILO00E 00NEWS I]y (Ill.A( E PETTY KAMILCttE --- Eight neighbor- hood boys helped Eddie Keyzers celebt'atc his 13th birthday Satur- (lay. (}ames were played indoors lind OUt. Ice cream and cake were served by his nlother, Mrs. R. F. Keyzers. MIt. AND MRS. Melvin Park- hurst and two daughters, Phyllis and Linda, Miss Elaine %Varren and onaht Elssworth. all of Port Angeles. were Sunday guests of the Reverend B. W. Ellsworth family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker of Seattle were Sunday guesls of the BHI Kellogg family. Mrs. Edwin Taylor was in Ta- coma and Seattle last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Alverson, Vic- kie and David returned home last Wednesday from Wentworth S. D. They reportea his fathcr muclx better. lvIr. and Mrs. Grant Drew, for- merly of South Dakota, now liv- ing in Seattle, were Saturday guests of the Lyle Alversons. MR. AND MRS, Leland Hudson were hosts Monday evening in their home at a birthday party for Ira Stansburg. Guests from here were the Harry Simmons and the Art Nelsons. The Get-together Women's Club met Wednesday at the home of M/s. Maybelle Bishop. Mr. anti Mrs. I-lumphrey Nelson visited' Sunday afternoon with the Waynne Schroders. Rlckie Durkin of Shelton spent Friday night with Marvi) Nagel. Mr. Alvin Nagel and Mrs. Atbe LeGault, Jr., of Schneiders Prairie drove to Eugene, Ore., Wednesday tb visit for a few days Mrs. C. P. Htmtington, twin sister of Mrs. LeGault of Cloquallum, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor were hosts Saturday night at a pinochle party. Guests were the John Bariekmans and Eldon Todds of Beverly Heights, the Roy Pet- tys ,of the Arcadia road and from here the R. J. Kelleys, the Edwin Taylors, the Cecil Blackwelders and the Art Nelsons. Progress Grange will meet this Friday evening starting with a 6:30 p.m. potluck supper. ALVIN NAGEL went fishing Sunday and one of his companions, Legal Publications No. 3079 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COU'NTY In the Matter of the Estate of LOUIS DAVID KIPP. Deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that Laura Kipp has been appointed and qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of lh(. Estate of Louis David Kipp. deceased; that all claims against said ('state or said deceased must be served, duly verified in duplicate with the n(,c(ssary vouchers attax;hed, uton said Executrix or her attorney and agent, Robert L. Snyder, and filed with proof of service with the Ch!rk of said Court within six (6) naonths h'om the date of first publication of this notice, to-wit: February 5, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be f,)rever barred, LAURA KIPP Executrix ' W. Matilija, Ojai, California ROBERT L SNYDER Attorney & Agent f,)r Executrix (]ovey Building Sheiton, Washington 2/5-12=19-26 4t No. 2808 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN TIfE SUPERIOR COURT Ol  THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tie Matter of the Estate of FRANK O. LOUKWOOD Deceased. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned Administrator W.W.A, of the above estate, will sell the for lowing d,,scribed property, to- wlt:Tract 6 of Gov't Lot 3, except tie West ,10 feet Sec. 1. Twp. 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M. The Went 25 ft. and the South preach on "The Seven Words of Christ on the Cross." Sunday morning service at 11:00, with Sunday school and Bi- ble class at 9:45. The Walther League meets Sun- day evening at 7:00 in the parish hall. Adult membership class meets on Mondays at 8:00 p.m.; the jun- ior Confirmation class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:00. Sunday school teachers meet- ing on Tuesday at 7:30 in the parish hall, Choir rehearsal every Thursday evening at 8:00. You are cordially invited to at- tend our Sunday morning and "Vednesday evening services. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sixth and Railroad Clinton Shankel, Pastor Welcome to the services of the church, Midweek prayer service, Wednesday evening at 7:30. There will be a meeting of the church board Thursday evehing at 7:30. Attention young people--Youth's Missionary Volunteer meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. Friday evening. Home and chool meeting is scheduled for Saturday evening, Feb. 14, 7:30 p,m, at the church grade school, Sabath school 9:30 a.m. (Satur- days). Pastor Shankel will be slea-king at the 11 o'clock worship service. Seventh - day Adventists held their tenth quadrennial session of the North Pacific Union Confer- ence in Portland, Ore., Feb. 2-5, according to Pastor Clinton Shan- kel of the Shelt6n district, who has just returned from attending the conference. The total attend- ance was about 800 with 230 of- ficial delegates representing, the six local conferences comprising the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana. and Alaska with a total membership of 37,549. Mt. Olive Slat00 ] Lenten Services Special midweek Lenten services are being held every \\;Vednesday evening at 7:00. Th pastor will ........................................ Paul Smith from the Skokomish. caught a duck with hook and line. Joy, Jaekie and Jennie Petty of Port Angeles spent the weekend with their grandparents, the Ed- win Pettys. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty vis- ited their sisters, the H. R. Dales of Nisqually and Mrs. Della Boyer of Olympia and 'had dinner Sun- day evening with the J. W. Jor- dans. Legal PUblications No. 64 NOTICE OF IIEARING ON,F|NAI, REI)OKT ANO PETITION FOR DISTKIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THF. -STATE OF W'ASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (iu Probate) In the Matt,,r of the Estate of He- MER A McCOMB, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllat Hazel Belle MeComh Executrix ¢)f the esLate of lIomer A. MeComb, dee, eased, has filed with the Clerk ,if th(' above entitled Court her tinal report and pe- tition for distributl(m asking' the C[urt to settle and approve said final re.- port and petition for distributior/, and lo distribute tim property to the pcr- s,,ns thereto entitled, and to discharge the sa4d Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and I)etition for dis- tribution will be ieard on FrldSty the 13th day of MareiL 1959, at thd imm' of 10 00 .A.M. or as .oon thereafter as the, sam(' may be heard, at the Courtroom in ihP Courthouse in SheI= ton. Mason County. WashingtOn. Dated this 9th day of February, 1959. HARRY DEZETTE Clerk of Court Mason County, Washington. Byron E. McCIanaha Attorney for said estate P.O. Box 323 - Shelton. Washington. 2/12-19-26 3t 50 ft of Tract 8, of Gov't Lot 3, Sec. 1, Twp, 22 N. R, 2 W,W,M., MASON COUNTY, WASH. Na, 307@ at priwte sale, on or after the 6th da¢ ¢)f March, 1959. NOTICE TO CREDITOR Bids, or offers, must be in writi, IN THE SUPERIOI COURT OF THE and may be left at the office of G- ATE OF WASHINGTON FOR land, Garland & Bishop, 205=9 Dietz MASON COUNTY Bldg., Bcrnmrton, WastL, or may be (In Probate) fried with the Clerk of the above In the MaJ.tor of the Etale of WIL- court, or handed to the undersigned LIAM, O, ,BURGl..Dtceased Adminitrapr permmally, at any time NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after the ffrat'publication of this no- the undersigned has heen appointed tlce and before the making or* the and has.qualifies aS the Executrix of sale.., the state of WILLIAM O. BURGESS, ' : ' sh {deceased" that all persons .having Sand property will be sold for ca , , ...... *-o o,,b,e ) to the a-r--I of Iclaims against said deceased are here- .................. *' " by re tred to sere the same duly the court an the Administrator. . tl . .. . • = . . ( ffi' " A ' I verltteta, on the unaerslge(! Nancy wvw,',: ,,; *h . ....  ,-,,-rv Collins Burgess .or her attornfy of 1,'9. -e .......  ..... # ........... ] record at the address b61oW statedand " ,.o ,-a.o ^xtr, t' file the same with the Clerk of the ...................... I " °''u':' of said Court, gethel With roof . dministrator . W.A. • 'er the avo tANI  & B'sHoP ltV'Voef l ulCttioO tifs t notice G.AR,,.-: ,=--s" - " I or the same will be bartxl Atorneys Ior tate t " • Office & P:O Address' ' I_ _ /o/_AICY CQLIINS BURGESS .... Dietz" Bld  " ' ' I Yuz E. McCLAAHAN £uo-o . "_ ,,,..PC """ "" 2t I Attorney for Estate remerton wusn a/, ,to .... " JOffice ad Post Office Address: CourthouS' No. 3_JL_ '-"L [Shelton, ash|ngton 2/12-19-26 3t NOTICK OF HEA][NG 11f££ I -- ]EPORT AND, _ETIJN . "" IN T E SUPERI COURT F THE NOTI '1)* ITOI MASON COTY J. ST.TE O r ,'4](NGTON FOR Ea rebate) (, / MASON CO )TJ'I IT.., P In the Matter of the Estate of' IOHN| (," Freely) ....... SIMONS,.. Deceased. :  Tn the Matter of,tbd tt of HAR- NQCE IS_HIEBY GIVE. tha|VEY E. MAERS, Decea£ed. JtET M.ONS, as Executor.. o | NOTI_C  HERF_" VEN . that tt/$ ltg[.e,r J.onn Simon.s, n asne.Jthe tmdersl$ed " has bten..appointee in the office, of the Clerk ot sale uour /ano has Qudflea as the Adtn]stratrlx a final report and petition for distri-/,,f the Etaf$." of'P2atVSy E. Manners, button, asking the Court to settle said]deceased; that all perso.ns having rep rt, distribute the pr0peJ'ty to the|claims agnst said d@ce,d are here- per ons thereto ntJtledaffd to dls=[by ' req.ufrel to.$' .te" stone, duly cha ge the petfonefa$: y.ecutoFLau.a./'rlfld, on .the ,[r|lgned Lulu. h: tha said repot. tnd,. petltlO wlU neJnnera.or ner,,torey,,o recora..a head on the 27thday of FeDru&ry,|the address below stated and file the 195| at 10 00 o'clock in khe .forea0oa[anw with the,. Clerk of the said ort, i of aid' da!'. 01 ad soon thereafter as/together with:' pVo0f of such service; the matter can be heard at the court within six months after the date of i e above-entitled court, In the first ptblicatl ofthis notme or thc l in Shelton, Mason County, same will be bart , , n, at which time andplace // LULU A. MANItlRS; any person interested In aaki..Eate" BYRONE. McCLANAHAN ' r mawr ap.pear z) e oojectibns thereto Attorndy, for Estate anacontet tneame, Office rind Post Office Address: Dated thls 2gth day of January, Courthouie 1959. HARRY DEYETTE CIerk of id Court. LEWIS & COIREA' for 121 South 4th St. 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 152Ni STATE OF WASHINGTON,°OFFICE OF sUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, OLMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That Andrew J William G.' and Helen E. Walko  EIma, Washington, on January 23, 1959, filed application for permit to divert the public waters of Cloquallum Creek, tributary of Chehalis River, in the amount of 0.30 second foot, sub Ject to existing rights, from April 15t to October 1st each year for the ptq )Gee of irrigation; that the approx dnt of diversion is located wlt] Section 14, Township 19 N 7. W. )/L,. ill. lvason Cout ections m b6 a¢omp&ni$ dollar $.) rl//lin fe with the ..t.lni • 12, c 105t. and ¢ffficial sea of January, 59. M. G. WALKER . State Supervisor of Water Resources 5t SEAL 2/5-12 2t Shelton, Washington 2/12-19-26 3t NOTICE N; 30CLDITORR, ' J IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE] STATE OF WAS=IINGTON FOR I MASON COUNTY . I In the Matter of the Estate of EMIL G. WOLF, Deceased, NOTICE IS GIVEN that Beulah May] Peterson, is the appointed aria _quali- fied Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Emil G Wolf, decsased; that all persons having claims against the said deceased mus seve the same duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the Executrix or her attorney and agent, Robert L. Snyder, and file such claims together with proof of servk'e with the Clerk of said Court wLthin six nmnths after February 5, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be barred. BEULAH MAY PETERSON Exutrix .... 191, E, .€ornelt - , Fr0 4 C!lMrnia Att6ne. and Agelt for Executrix lovey Building eTfn, Wash-[hilton 2/5-12-19-26 4t ....... i In" 1921 the' Navy installed the first radio set in the White House. The women of the Methodist hurch and St. David's Episcopal church will join in a service in observance of the annual World Day of Prayer Friday at 2 p.m. in St..David's Episcopal church. The theme of this year's program is "Lord, I Believe." The public is cordially invited. The following women, from the Methodist church will take part in the program: Mrs. Charles T. Hat- ten, Mrs, Louis Carlson, Mrs. Ger- trude Saeger and Mrs. D. R. Pit- tenger. Women from the Episco- pal church taking part are Mrs. Charles R. Lewis, organist; Mrs. Franz Rauscher, solist; Mrs. R. R. Healing Power Service Subject God's great healing and saving power will be brought out at Chris- tian Science services Sunday. Scriptural selections will include the following from Matthew t14:14): "And Jesuse went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion to- ward them, and he healed their sick." Subject of the Lesson-Sermon is "Soul" a word which, when capi- talized, is used in Christian Science as one of the synonyms for God. From "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy will be read the fol- lowing (210:11-16) : "Knowing that Soul and its at- tributes were forever manifested through man, the Master healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, feet to the lame. thus bringing to light the scientific action of the divine Mind on human minds and bodies and giving a better understanding of Soul and salwtion." The Golden Text is from Psalms (62:1): "Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation• ' FAITH LUTII]ERAN CHURCH 7th and Frmklin J, Bernhard Brethelm, Pastor At the morning worship service this Sunday at 11:00 Pastor Bret-' helm will continue his series of messages on the Ten Command- ments, speaking this time on the Seventh Commandment. Music for the service will be provided by both choirs of the church. The Sunday school and adult Bible classes meet at 9:30. At 5:00 p.m., tbe monthly Fam- ily Fire'std e Hour will be under the leadership of ten more families of the church. This time is plan- ned for fellowship and informal get-together. A supper hmcheon is served about 6 p.m. following the program. Come and bring the family. On Tuesday at 1:30 the Mission Circle meets in the church parlors. tAAtAtAAAttA ,. : ; A At 6:30 the junior youth class meets and at 8:00 the adult class. On Wednesday a series of spe- cial weekly Lenten services will begin. This service will be held each week from 7 to 8 p.m. with messages by the pastor on the; Second Article of the Apoetoltc Creed, "I Believe in Jesus Christi' The senior choir rehearses Wed- nesday night at 8 and the junior choir on Thursday at 3:30, The annual meeting of the West CoaSt District of the Lutheran Free Church will be held at Lake- ridge Lutheran church of Seattle beginning Thursday night at 8:00 p,m. Sessions will continue thru :Sunday. W.M,F. sessions are plan- ned for Friday. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lewis E. Whitney, M[nlst6r' Phone HA 6-3101 . 'File church at study begins at 9:45 each SundS:y moining with adult Bible study and Sunday school for the young people. The unflay morning worship is held at 10:5 a,m. and vesper services from 7 to 8 p.m., Sunday. Each Wednesday evening, mid- 'week Bible study is held at the home of the minister at 7:30. 2he choir practices each Thurs- 'day from 7:30 until 8:30, in the Mtllb home on Capitol hill. Saturday, Feb, 14, the "Queen Of Hearts banquet will'le held in the Woman'e clttbhous t Pot- latch for th Senior Youth group, beginning at 7 p.m. The M.N,C.C. Glrl' trio and William Richard- son will be featured on the pro- gram. Darg Fellowship will be held at PSCB Feb. 20, 21 for senior youth. The fifth anniversary of the church will be feted Feb. 22. There will be an anniversary dinner served in the dining hall at 1 p.m. Special services have been planned for the evening at 7 o'clock. Shelton is still leading in the Bible school contest which has four more weeks to run. We need the support of everyone. Bring a friend and come to Sunday School. FOUR TIME CHAMP Don Carter of St. Louis, Me., is the 0nly man to be elected Bowler of the Year four times by the Bowling Writers Association of I Amei-ica, He was honored in 1958, 1957, 1954 and 1953. :; McDonald. Mrs. Frank Travis, Jr. Mrs. H. G. Berg, and Mrs. Or- ville Moran. i I I i ....... ,00bt Oavid's 6b00h (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar 8treetli Rev. Robert Bonner Echols, Vlcar Ist Sunday in Lent: 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:45 Church School. 11:00 a.m. Service and Sermon. Friday (13th)--2 p.m.-- WoRd Day of Prayer serVice. "New Testament Christianity . Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET EIl|e S0hool 9:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m, and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. i i 130 East Pine St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School ................................................................. 9:45 a.m. Classes for All Ages Morning Worship ............................................................... 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.rh. Evangelistic Service ............................................................ 7:0a p.m. Listen to Revivaltime, Sunday, 10:30 p.m., KIRO THE METHODIST GHURGH [ 4th & Pine --- Parsonage 320 N. 4th --- Phone HA 6-4174 CHARLES T. HATTEN, Minister Morning Worshlp 11:00 a.m, Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m. i , FIRST GHORON OF 00IRIST, S00EN00ST 302 Alder St., Sheltn. Wash. Sunday School 9:?A) a.m. Church 11 a.m Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p,m. Men. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. ...... ,rl t ' "l'l ........  i) "(I!"T I" '  ........... - FAITH LOTHERAN OHUROH i Seventh & Franklin Sis. -- J. Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor J i Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service 11 a.m. J M]-d-week Service--Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. o.u,o. .u. soum 00osn, [ 910 E. DEARBORN ] ' I , Sunday School ........................ , ...........  ........ 9:45 a.m. | Morn|rig Worlhlp ........................................ 11:00 a.m. I vangellsti0 ServiCe .................................... 7:00 p.m. "i Prayer Medtldg ........................ Wednetday 7:00 p.m. I , ........ i_. R00I" GARY,. 'i 910 E. DEARBORN Sunday ohool ....................... , .................... 9:45 a.m. M0rhlng W0rghlp ........................................ 11:00 a.m. .: Evangellsti0 ServiCe .................................... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Mee|dg ........................ Wednetday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK Pastor MT, VI[W AI&IANGE GNURGN Washington &'J Streets Rev. Eugene Breld, 15astor Sunday SChool ..;..: ................................................. : ............ ::. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ..................... : ................... ;...,...-. ............ 11:00 a.m. Young People's ..................................................................... 6:30 p.m. EyelMng Set"vice .... '.-..., ............. .....: ............ : .......... - ................ 7;30 p.m. Mid-week S.rvlce Wednesday ............. . ............ . .............. ..; 7:80 p.m. B i: 5th & Cote Rev. E. C. Krfautz, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15-- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a,m. ,Morning Worship. "hi ' tbrm" 6:00 p,m, Youth' Groups, Four Delariments, 7:00 p.m. 7-mln. color film "Every Christian a Missionary" M6seage "Your Great Opponity" The Story behind the Story in the TurbUlent Middle East ...... THE QUEST A new Moody Bible Institute feature film Thin., Feb, 12 7:30 P.M. AT THE eA00St • khclent ................ remaire of Ialbek, Jerash, Palmyra, Egypt • A vivid color tour thru Mys- terious lands of the Middle East, 17. P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD & C()TA SUNDAY, FEB. 15-- 9:15  a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 a.m. Guest speakerRoy McConkey. "Pills and People" 10:00 a.m. Blbl Study. "What*s the U" i 00EEFS00tB Wlrgtnla Courtenay Bride Booklet Free: It contains many he]pfu|  gestions and ihtimate chit-chat alh important subjects. Each brlde-to- be may have a copy as long ss te lupply lasts. Call at the office of this paper tnd see our new samp,les Of invJo tations, smlotmecments, visiting cards, informal for Thank Y otel MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Buihling Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Spons)red by First Missionary Etaptist Church of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welcome Fird 0hdsflan Ghurda col IPAIRS ll/221fn removed. HA. i, phone I/i tfn SALE bro0rn house nice • e $12,000.00. eJ e 3 bedroom sihgle gar- el, • acres cleared and foot, drilled wet: den, • • efftrl ' ell he:at- room, one 10l'fect sha and • $ $ room, COmbined,. hotu and from ,,down. garage, and 2 * e e fire;place, rad- 1 out- Angleside--- payment ii: i u z ITORS TO IAIMS OF THE FOR Estate of Deceased. GIVEN that Runacres, has quali- t Will and of Charles ; and that all the said Ire hereby Le duly veri. ncessaW tht Under- W ig," he: cl s will be E. ld. Seattle, Wash. , B1512-19-26 4 t FINAL ":GIW th as Executor SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in #Oh NO. 30 'g I Nn. 1541 i NOTICE TO CHEDITOR, E  NOTI('E OF IIEARING FINAL i TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIT , ] RI,:I'(iRT AND I'ETITIIIN J •  ' , N Felt SqATE ()1, WASHINGTO FOIl I)I'l'Rnll'TIO N [ JAMF A. llOW. H,T , ., : ' • ' : : . .' " T Y ] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (In I rohsle) Irma S Howarth has been appoint.d I,.,d hT; ,l, ifid as i,:x(,,,ut, i ,) ,'Z estate; that all persOnS having :l • against ilc deceased a'e ilereoy re- qu'Ir'ed to serve the same dilly verifi,.d in duplic'tle witil th neecsary vouch- ers allached, upon lhe Executrix or h'er attorney Robert L. Snyder, at li eir addresses hereinbelow stated, and file such claims t0getller with proof of service with tlm Cl:rk of said Court within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to- wit: January 22, 1959. All claims not st) presented and filed will be barred. IRMA S. HOWARTH Executrix Route 2, Box 823 Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Govyy Building Shelton, Washington Attorney for Executrixl/22_29.2/5.12 41 • No. 3054 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIE SUPERIOR coURT OF TttE STATE, OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , €In Probate) i Jn the Matter of the Estate of OTTO I W. NELSON. Deceased, NOTICE ,IS HEREBY the underslgn has I and has _qualified as the of the Estate of deceased: • to serve the the her at the address below the same with the Clerk of toffther With proof of wltldn six months after the first publication of this notice or same will be barred. /s/ MARY C. NELSON BYRON E. McQI,.NAIAN Attorney fo h;t a'te Office and Posl office Address: Oourllmuse = helton. Wmshington 1129-2/5-12 3t NoT,i mToi IN- THE COURT THE STATE FOR In the Matter TRUDE M,ORGAN ELIZABETH A. OYER and qualified All nerson said deceased :duly wth of Court six months after January 29, ALL CLAIMS not so filed will be barred, .IZAB]rH 'A. OYER Executrix Union, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building ? Shelton, Washington Attorney for Estate 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t No. S0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPER:OR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Person and Estate of IRENE LEWIS WILLIAMS. A Mentally In- competent Person. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" that Itters of Guardianship in the above entitled .matter were granted to the NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE undersigned on the 16th day of Janu- ary 1959 by said Superior Court, TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS IDRTHER GIVEN that NOTICH IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Tuesday, tim 3rd day of March, all persons having claims against 1959, comnmncing at ten o'clock in the said person or her estate are reqt forenoon of said day, in front of the to serve them with necessary vouc main entrance door t,) the County upo the Guardian for said person Court House in the city of Shelton, estate or upon the attorney of re Ior said Guardian, B. Franklin Heus- county of Mason, State of Washington, ton, Angle Building, Shelton, Washing- by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state tide ton, being the place designed for the lands, together with the improvements transaction Of. the business of said situated thereon, will be sold at public guardianship, and file the same with auction to the highest bidder there- the Clerk of said Court, together with proo( of service, within 6 months after for', to-wit: the first publication of this notice, to- NOTE--No one except citizens of the Wit: 22 January 1959, or said claims United States, or persons who have de- will be forever barred, clared their intention to become In liw Matter of li.' Estale of JOIIN T. SMITIi, Deceased. NOTICE IS I-IFI{EPy GIVEN that MARY A. RYAN, form rlv kt¢)wn as MARY A. SM1TII. as Administratrix d' i]lp E.iab' cd' Jcdln T. SInilh. ha'•- filed ill lh(. (,i'fi(',, ()f ilia Cl,,)'k ,,f said t;,,m'l ht'r Final R.i)(.)),t and Petition for l)isi)'iimli,m, asking the Court to settle :i(i T{' )()ft. distribute the prop- erty to th), )('l's()ns the 'ol .ntitled and i() Ilise!l!lrg(, St d adnlin strah'ix and that sad R(,l)()rt and P(,liiion will I), ile[ll'd 011 the 27til day of F('i)rual'.V, 1959, tlt 10:00 A,M, at the Court Room ,,f tile Pi'(,bttte D('lmrtmont of said (h)url. at wtti('}l ti)tw and place any [U'I'SOII illtI't'('slpd ill sIlifi Estate Illay :tl)l)eal' all(I fih' obje(gi()ns thereto alld ('tllll(,si tilt' slllle. DATED l]lis 30111 day of Janllary, 1959. IIARRY DEYETTE ('Jerk of said COUI'i l'v Ir(,lle Me(luire. D(!puty LEWIS & (:()RREA Att()rn,,ys f,)r E.ui:It,! F b!II ihlildiag 12l S,)tlth Fourth St)'oet Sh,lt,n, Waslington 2/5-12-19-26 dt ......................................... No. 28S9 ['ICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT, UTION AND DISCHARGE IN THE SIIPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of W. A. WITSIERS. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that aMkartha A. Witsiers. Executrix of the] ve entitled estate ires filed herein her final account r(:port' and .petition ! for :ettlement an distribution ,of tie estate of deceased wherein the ,Court l is asked to approve said account and 't. make distribution of tlie estate, discharge the Executrix. .] TICE IS FYRTHER GIVEN, that c0rdaee with an order of said made and entered on the 29rd of January. 1959, a hearing will )e had before the Court on tim 27th day of February. 1959. at 10 o'clock. a.m.. on said day in the Court Room Court in the Court House at Washington. . . this 28rd day Of January, tsar. HARRY DEYETTE Co lerk of the Superior Court r aaon County, Wasn- ington. ALDEN C. BAYLEY for Executrix Insurance Building Washington 1/29-2/5=I2-19 4t NOTICE The City of Shelton lereby gives NOTICE that a hearing will be held on March 10, 1959  at 2'00 P.M. for imaring protests against'a proposed assessment roll sUbmitted by the en = gineering department of the City of Shelton for the construction of side- walks as follows: roposed assessments: $217.00 for 120 lirfeal feet of sidewalk appof tioned sgainst Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 1 Shelton 2nd Addition. Owner, John Pearson as listed by county assess- or. $109.50 for 60 lineal feet of side- walk apportioned against Lot 2, Blk. Q, Shelton 1st Addition. Own- er. Donald Chappell et al, as listed by county assessor. ALMA K. CATTO Clerk-treasurer City of Shelton, by order of City Commission 2/5-12 2t GLADYS W. SHEEDY Guardian of the Person and Estate of Irene Lewis Williams B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON kttorney for Guardian kngle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. 1/22-29-2/5-12 4t No. 2235 NOTICE TO CRt:DITGRS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship the Estate of BERTHA JOSEPHINE a Mentally Incompetent Per-' son. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that B. Franklin Heuston has been ap- pointed and has qualified as Guardian of the estate of the said Bertha Jose- Wolf,. in the place of Emil G. deceased; that all persons haying against said estate, Or against ld Bertha Josephine Wolf, are reqtlired to serve the same, duly I,. on said Guardian, or his at- record, Robert L. Snyder, at below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together ;w|th proof ?f such service, wttllfl flX months after the date of or the PUBLICATION: HE'CSTON hl: .. Attorney for said Guardian ," . 2/-12-9-8 4t seg3.o  . 'Ol DIT]aI[BU TIU4 MASON In the of LOR; of 0ra the has filed wltff th' ( thereto en- entitled Court her final as petition for distribution and Court to day o'clock in the soon there- sons at the the said GIVEN that Ion for dis- objections of January, 4th 19 4t Want Ad Friday, .the at the hbar in the Dated this 23rd day of January, 1959. , HAI%RY DEYETT Clerk;. O[ Mason County, wasnlnon Irene McGuire, Deputy HEUSTON said, Estate Shelton. Wash. 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t e00cgs.,: (meat Pe Co. can purchase state lands. ipllation Ne. 13107 . The tidelands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate tn iront of, adjacent to or abut- ting upon the North 230 feet of the South 430 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 34, Township 21 North, 2 West, W.M.. with a of lineal chains, more or less, at $75.00 per lineal chain or. Applications No. 13182 ! The tidelands of the second class, I owned by the State of Washington, lying westerly of Hammersley Reserve as shown on the ma filed in the office of the of Public Lands August 19,. 1905 and situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that portion of Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 10, Tpwshlp20 3 West, W.M., lying line of the south a line running par- allel to the north line of said Govern- ment Lot 2 from a point which is 700 !feet southerly from the meander cor- !ner on said north line of Government Lot 2, as measured merit meander line, '9.00 lineal chains, mor or less )raised at $30.00 l!r lineal chain to an easen for State Road State of of :, State t of the Commissioner of Pub- 1947. • No, 15198 of the sen class, State of Washigt0a of, adjacent to or abut: portion of Government 11. North. West, west of S and east of Lot the government follows: the meander corner on said Government Lot thence S 45" E 2.80 4.07 chains and thence satd meander nt of this mes The above desc F of  the of Cha B; ,,Jacobsen Said lands than the and upon and eonditi lowing: Not less tha . of chase price must , of sale, ,The the owner forlhih full amount of stated. chase price must be paid ann.ually thereafter with interest on all aererred payments at the rate of six centum per .nnum ; chaser and e and obtain deed, land containing timber 'matdrlals is prohtbl cutting or reovlng )r materials without of the Commiesi until the full Price has been are made Ject to the reservations of oils, 8 c0al, Greta, minerals and fossils of name, kind and description, and terms and conditions 9 of chalter 56 Shdt KAMILO00E 00NEWS I]y (Ill.A( E PETTY KAMILCttE --- Eight neighbor- hood boys helped Eddie Keyzers celebt'atc his 13th birthday Satur- (lay. (}ames were played indoors lind OUt. Ice cream and cake were served by his nlother, Mrs. R. F. Keyzers. MIt. AND MRS. Melvin Park- hurst and two daughters, Phyllis and Linda, Miss Elaine %Varren and onaht Elssworth. all of Port Angeles. were Sunday guests of the Reverend B. W. Ellsworth family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker of Seattle were Sunday guesls of the BHI Kellogg family. Mrs. Edwin Taylor was in Ta- coma and Seattle last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Alverson, Vic- kie and David returned home last Wednesday from Wentworth S. D. They reportea his fathcr muclx better. lvIr. and Mrs. Grant Drew, for- merly of South Dakota, now liv- ing in Seattle, were Saturday guests of the Lyle Alversons. MR. AND MRS, Leland Hudson were hosts Monday evening in their home at a birthday party for Ira Stansburg. Guests from here were the Harry Simmons and the Art Nelsons. The Get-together Women's Club met Wednesday at the home of M/s. Maybelle Bishop. Mr. anti Mrs. I-lumphrey Nelson visited' Sunday afternoon with the Waynne Schroders. Rlckie Durkin of Shelton spent Friday night with Marvi) Nagel. Mr. Alvin Nagel and Mrs. Atbe LeGault, Jr., of Schneiders Prairie drove to Eugene, Ore., Wednesday tb visit for a few days Mrs. C. P. Htmtington, twin sister of Mrs. LeGault of Cloquallum, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor were hosts Saturday night at a pinochle party. Guests were the John Bariekmans and Eldon Todds of Beverly Heights, the Roy Pet- tys ,of the Arcadia road and from here the R. J. Kelleys, the Edwin Taylors, the Cecil Blackwelders and the Art Nelsons. Progress Grange will meet this Friday evening starting with a 6:30 p.m. potluck supper. ALVIN NAGEL went fishing Sunday and one of his companions, Legal Publications No. 3079 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COU'NTY In the Matter of the Estate of LOUIS DAVID KIPP. Deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that Laura Kipp has been appointed and qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of lh(. Estate of Louis David Kipp. deceased; that all claims against said ('state or said deceased must be served, duly verified in duplicate with the n(,c(ssary vouchers attax;hed, uton said Executrix or her attorney and agent, Robert L. Snyder, and filed with proof of service with the Ch!rk of said Court within six (6) naonths h'om the date of first publication of this notice, to-wit: February 5, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be f,)rever barred, LAURA KIPP Executrix ' W. Matilija, Ojai, California ROBERT L SNYDER Attorney & Agent f,)r Executrix (]ovey Building Sheiton, Washington 2/5-12=19-26 4t No. 2808 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN TIfE SUPERIOR COURT Ol  THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tie Matter of the Estate of FRANK O. LOUKWOOD Deceased. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned Administrator W.W.A, of the above estate, will sell the for lowing d,,scribed property, to- wlt:Tract 6 of Gov't Lot 3, except tie West ,10 feet Sec. 1. Twp. 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M. The Went 25 ft. and the South preach on "The Seven Words of Christ on the Cross." Sunday morning service at 11:00, with Sunday school and Bi- ble class at 9:45. The Walther League meets Sun- day evening at 7:00 in the parish hall. Adult membership class meets on Mondays at 8:00 p.m.; the jun- ior Confirmation class meets on Saturday mornings at 9:00. Sunday school teachers meet- ing on Tuesday at 7:30 in the parish hall, Choir rehearsal every Thursday evening at 8:00. You are cordially invited to at- tend our Sunday morning and "Vednesday evening services. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sixth and Railroad Clinton Shankel, Pastor Welcome to the services of the church, Midweek prayer service, Wednesday evening at 7:30. There will be a meeting of the church board Thursday evehing at 7:30. Attention young people--Youth's Missionary Volunteer meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. Friday evening. Home and chool meeting is scheduled for Saturday evening, Feb. 14, 7:30 p,m, at the church grade school, Sabath school 9:30 a.m. (Satur- days). Pastor Shankel will be slea-king at the 11 o'clock worship service. Seventh - day Adventists held their tenth quadrennial session of the North Pacific Union Confer- ence in Portland, Ore., Feb. 2-5, according to Pastor Clinton Shan- kel of the Shelt6n district, who has just returned from attending the conference. The total attend- ance was about 800 with 230 of- ficial delegates representing, the six local conferences comprising the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana. and Alaska with a total membership of 37,549. Mt. Olive Slat00 ] Lenten Services Special midweek Lenten services are being held every \\;Vednesday evening at 7:00. Th pastor will ........................................ Paul Smith from the Skokomish. caught a duck with hook and line. Joy, Jaekie and Jennie Petty of Port Angeles spent the weekend with their grandparents, the Ed- win Pettys. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty vis- ited their sisters, the H. R. Dales of Nisqually and Mrs. Della Boyer of Olympia and 'had dinner Sun- day evening with the J. W. Jor- dans. Legal PUblications No. 64 NOTICE OF IIEARING ON,F|NAI, REI)OKT ANO PETITION FOR DISTKIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THF. -STATE OF W'ASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (iu Probate) In the Matt,,r of the Estate of He- MER A McCOMB, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllat Hazel Belle MeComh Executrix ¢)f the esLate of lIomer A. MeComb, dee, eased, has filed with the Clerk ,if th(' above entitled Court her tinal report and pe- tition for distributl(m asking' the C[urt to settle and approve said final re.- port and petition for distributior/, and lo distribute tim property to the pcr- s,,ns thereto entitled, and to discharge the sa4d Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and I)etition for dis- tribution will be ieard on FrldSty the 13th day of MareiL 1959, at thd imm' of 10 00 .A.M. or as .oon thereafter as the, sam(' may be heard, at the Courtroom in ihP Courthouse in SheI= ton. Mason County. WashingtOn. Dated this 9th day of February, 1959. HARRY DEZETTE Clerk of Court Mason County, Washington. Byron E. McCIanaha Attorney for said estate P.O. Box 323 - Shelton. Washington. 2/12-19-26 3t 50 ft of Tract 8, of Gov't Lot 3, Sec. 1, Twp, 22 N. R, 2 W,W,M., MASON COUNTY, WASH. Na, 307@ at priwte sale, on or after the 6th da¢ ¢)f March, 1959. NOTICE TO CREDITOR Bids, or offers, must be in writi, IN THE SUPERIOI COURT OF THE and may be left at the office of G- ATE OF WASHINGTON FOR land, Garland & Bishop, 205=9 Dietz MASON COUNTY Bldg., Bcrnmrton, WastL, or may be (In Probate) fried with the Clerk of the above In the MaJ.tor of the Etale of WIL- court, or handed to the undersigned LIAM, O, ,BURGl..Dtceased Adminitrapr permmally, at any time NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after the ffrat'publication of this no- the undersigned has heen appointed tlce and before the making or* the and has.qualifies aS the Executrix of sale.., the state of WILLIAM O. BURGESS, ' : ' sh {deceased" that all persons .having Sand property will be sold for ca , , ...... *-o o,,b,e ) to the a-r--I of Iclaims against said deceased are here- .................. *' " by re tred to sere the same duly the court an the Administrator. . tl . .. . • = . . ( ffi' " A ' I verltteta, on the unaerslge(! Nancy wvw,',: ,,; *h . ....  ,-,,-rv Collins Burgess .or her attornfy of 1,'9. -e .......  ..... # ........... ] record at the address b61oW statedand " ,.o ,-a.o ^xtr, t' file the same with the Clerk of the ...................... I " °''u':' of said Court, gethel With roof . dministrator . W.A. • 'er the avo tANI  & B'sHoP ltV'Voef l ulCttioO tifs t notice G.AR,,.-: ,=--s" - " I or the same will be bartxl Atorneys Ior tate t " • Office & P:O Address' ' I_ _ /o/_AICY CQLIINS BURGESS .... Dietz" Bld  " ' ' I Yuz E. McCLAAHAN £uo-o . "_ ,,,..PC """ "" 2t I Attorney for Estate remerton wusn a/, ,to .... " JOffice ad Post Office Address: CourthouS' No. 3_JL_ '-"L [Shelton, ash|ngton 2/12-19-26 3t NOTICK OF HEA][NG 11f££ I -- ]EPORT AND, _ETIJN . "" IN T E SUPERI COURT F THE NOTI '1)* ITOI MASON COTY J. ST.TE O r ,'4](NGTON FOR Ea rebate) (, / MASON CO )TJ'I IT.., P In the Matter of the Estate of' IOHN| (," Freely) ....... SIMONS,.. Deceased. :  Tn the Matter of,tbd tt of HAR- NQCE IS_HIEBY GIVE. tha|VEY E. MAERS, Decea£ed. JtET M.ONS, as Executor.. o | NOTI_C  HERF_" VEN . that tt/$ ltg[.e,r J.onn Simon.s, n asne.Jthe tmdersl$ed " has bten..appointee in the office, of the Clerk ot sale uour /ano has Qudflea as the Adtn]stratrlx a final report and petition for distri-/,,f the Etaf$." of'P2atVSy E. Manners, button, asking the Court to settle said]deceased; that all perso.ns having rep rt, distribute the pr0peJ'ty to the|claims agnst said d@ce,d are here- per ons thereto ntJtledaffd to dls=[by ' req.ufrel to.$' .te" stone, duly cha ge the petfonefa$: y.ecutoFLau.a./'rlfld, on .the ,[r|lgned Lulu. h: tha said repot. tnd,. petltlO wlU neJnnera.or ner,,torey,,o recora..a hea d on the 27thday of FeDru&ry,|the address below stated and file the 195| at 10 00 o'clock in khe .forea0oa[anw with the,. Clerk of the said ort, i of aid' da!'. 01 ad soon thereafter as/together with:' pVo0f of such service; the matter can be heard at the court within six months after the date of i e above-entitled court, In the first ptblicatl ofthis notme or thc l in Shelton, Mason County, same will be bart , , n, at which time andplace // LULU A. MANItlRS; any person interested In aaki..Eate" BYRONE. McCLANAHAN ' r mawr ap.pear z) e oojectibns thereto Attorndy, for Estate anacontet tneame, Office rind Post Office Address: Dated thls 2gth day of January, Courthouie 1959. HARRY DEYETTE CIerk of id Court. LEWIS & COIREA' for 121 South 4th St. 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 152Ni STATE OF WASHINGTON,°OFFICE OF sUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, OLMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That Andrew J William G.' and Helen E. Walko  EIma, Washington, on January 23, 1959, filed application for permit to divert the public waters of Cloquallum Creek, tributary of Chehalis River, in the amount of 0.30 second foot, sub Ject to existing rights, from April 15t to October 1st each year for the ptq )Gee of irrigation; that the approx dnt of diversion is located wlt] Section 14, Township 19 N 7. W. )/L,. ill. lvason Cout ections m b6 a¢omp&ni$ dollar $.) rl//lin fe with the ..t.lni • 12, c 105t. and ¢ffficial sea of January, 59. M. G. WALKER . State Supervisor of Water Resources 5t SEAL 2/5-12 2t Shelton, Washington 2/12-19-26 3t NOTICE N; 30CLDITORR, ' J IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE] STATE OF WAS=IINGTON FOR I MASON COUNTY . I In the Matter of the Estate of EMIL G. WOLF, Deceased, NOTICE IS GIVEN that Beulah May] Peterson, is the appointed aria _quali- fied Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Emil G Wolf, decsased; that all persons having claims against the said deceased mus seve the same duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the Executrix or her attorney and agent, Robert L. Snyder, and file such claims together with proof of servk'e with the Clerk of said Court wLthin six nmnths after February 5, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be barred. BEULAH MAY PETERSON Exutrix .... 191, E, .€ornelt - , Fr0 4 C!lMrnia Att6ne. and Agelt for Executrix lovey Building eTfn, Wash-[hilton 2/5-12-19-26 4t ....... i In" 1921 the' Navy installed the first radio set in the White House. The women of the Methodist hurch and St. David's Episcopal church will join in a service in observance of the annual World Day of Prayer Friday at 2 p.m. in St..David's Episcopal church. The theme of this year's program is "Lord, I Believe." The public is cordially invited. The following women, from the Methodist church will take part in the program: Mrs. Charles T. Hat- ten, Mrs, Louis Carlson, Mrs. Ger- trude Saeger and Mrs. D. R. Pit- tenger. Women from the Episco- pal church taking part are Mrs. Charles R. Lewis, organist; Mrs. Franz Rauscher, solist; Mrs. R. R. Healing Power Service Subject God's great healing and saving power will be brought out at Chris- tian Science services Sunday. Scriptural selections will include the following from Matthew t14:14): "And Jesuse went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion to- ward them, and he healed their sick." Subject of the Lesson-Sermon is "Soul" a word which, when capi- talized, is used in Christian Science as one of the synonyms for God. From "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy will be read the fol- lowing (210:11-16) : "Knowing that Soul and its at- tributes were forever manifested through man, the Master healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, feet to the lame. thus bringing to light the scientific action of the divine Mind on human minds and bodies and giving a better understanding of Soul and salwtion." The Golden Text is from Psalms (62:1): "Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation• ' FAITH LUTII]ERAN CHURCH 7th and Frmklin J, Bernhard Brethelm, Pastor At the morning worship service this Sunday at 11:00 Pastor Bret-' helm will continue his series of messages on the Ten Command- ments, speaking this time on the Seventh Commandment. Music for the service will be provided by both choirs of the church. The Sunday school and adult Bible classes meet at 9:30. At 5:00 p.m., tbe monthly Fam- ily Fire'std e Hour will be under the leadership of ten more families of the church. This time is plan- ned for fellowship and informal get-together. A supper hmcheon is served about 6 p.m. following the program. Come and bring the family. On Tuesday at 1:30 the Mission Circle meets in the church parlors. tAAtAtAAAttA ,. : ; A At 6:30 the junior youth class meets and at 8:00 the adult class. On Wednesday a series of spe- cial weekly Lenten services will begin. This service will be held each week from 7 to 8 p.m. with messages by the pastor on the; Second Article of the Apoetoltc Creed, "I Believe in Jesus Christi' The senior choir rehearses Wed- nesday night at 8 and the junior choir on Thursday at 3:30, The annual meeting of the West CoaSt District of the Lutheran Free Church will be held at Lake- ridge Lutheran church of Seattle beginning Thursday night at 8:00 p,m. Sessions will continue thru :Sunday. W.M,F. sessions are plan- ned for Friday. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lewis E. Whitney, M[nlst6r' Phone HA 6-3101 . 'File church at study begins at 9:45 each SundS:y moining with adult Bible study and Sunday school for the young people. The unflay morning worship is held at 10:5 a,m. and vesper services from 7 to 8 p.m., Sunday. Each Wednesday evening, mid- 'week Bible study is held at the home of the minister at 7:30. 2he choir practices each Thurs- 'day from 7:30 until 8:30, in the Mtllb home on Capitol hill. Saturday, Feb, 14, the "Queen Of Hearts banquet will'le held in the Woman'e clttbhous t Pot- latch for th Senior Youth group, beginning at 7 p.m. The M.N,C.C. Glrl' trio and William Richard- son will be featured on the pro- gram. Darg Fellowship will be held at PSCB Feb. 20, 21 for senior youth. The fifth anniversary of the church will be feted Feb. 22. There will be an anniversary dinner served in the dining hall at 1 p.m. Special services have been planned for the evening at 7 o'clock. Shelton is still leading in the Bible school contest which has four more weeks to run. We need the support of everyone. Bring a friend and come to Sunday School. FOUR TIME CHAMP Don Carter of St. Louis, Me., is the 0nly man to be elected Bowler of the Year four times by the Bowling Writers Association of I Amei-ica, He was honored in 1958, 1957, 1954 and 1953. :; McDonald. Mrs. Frank Travis, Jr. Mrs. H. G. Berg, and Mrs. Or- ville Moran. i I I i ....... ,00bt Oavid's 6b00h (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar 8treetli Rev. Robert Bonner Echols, Vlcar Ist Sunday in Lent: 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:45 Church School. 11:00 a.m. Service and Sermon. Friday (13th)--2 p.m.-- WoRd Day of Prayer serVice. "New Testament Christianity . Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET EIl|e S0hool 9:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m, and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. i i 130 East Pine St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School ................................................................. 9:45 a.m. Classes for All Ages Morning Worship ............................................................... 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.rh. Evangelistic Service ............................................................ 7:0a p.m. Listen to Revivaltime, Sunday, 10:30 p.m., KIRO THE METHODIST GHURGH [ 4th & Pine --- Parsonage 320 N. 4th --- Phone HA 6-4174 CHARLES T. HATTEN, Minister Morning Worshlp 11:00 a.m, Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m. i , FIRST GHORON OF 00IRIST, S00EN00ST 302 Alder St., Sheltn. Wash. Sunday School 9:?A) a.m. Church 11 a.m Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p,m. Men. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. ...... ,rl t ' "l'l ........  i) "(I!"T I" '  ........... - FAITH LOTHERAN OHUROH i Seventh & Franklin Sis. -- J. Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor J i Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service 11 a.m. J M]-d-week Service--Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. o.u,o. .u. soum 00osn, [ 910 E. DEARBORN ] ' I , Sunday School ........................ , ...........  ........ 9:45 a.m. | Morn|rig Worlhlp ........................................ 11:00 a.m. I vangellsti0 ServiCe .................................... 7:00 p.m. "i Prayer Medtldg ........................ Wednetday 7:00 p.m. I , ........ i_. R00I" GARY,. 'i 910 E. DEARBORN Sunday ohool ....................... , .................... 9:45 a.m. M0rhlng W0rghlp ........................................ 11:00 a.m. .: Evangellsti0 ServiCe .................................... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Mee|dg ........................ Wednetday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK Pastor MT, VI[W AI&IANGE GNURGN Washington &'J Streets Rev. Eugene Breld, 15astor Sunday SChool ..;..: ................................................. : ............ ::. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ..................... : ................... ;...,...-. ............ 11:00 a.m. Young People's ..................................................................... 6:30 p.m. EyelMng Set"vice .... '.-..., ............. .....: ............ : .......... - ................ 7;30 p.m. Mid-week S.rvlce Wednesday ............. . ............ . .............. ..; 7:80 p.m. B i: 5th & Cote Rev. E. C. Krfautz, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15-- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a,m. ,Morning Worship. "hi ' tbrm" 6:00 p,m, Youth' Groups, Four Delariments, 7:00 p.m. 7-mln. color film "Every Christian a Missionary" M6seage "Your Great Opponity" The Story behind the Story in the TurbUlent Middle East ...... THE QUEST A new Moody Bible Institute feature film Thin., Feb, 12 7:30 P.M. AT THE eA00St • khclent ................ remaire of Ialbek, Jerash, Palmyra, Egypt • A vivid color tour thru Mys- terious lands of the Middle East, 17. P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD & C()TA SUNDAY, FEB. 15-- 9:15  a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 a.m. Guest speakerRoy McConkey. "Pills and People" 10:00 a.m. Blbl Study. "What*s the U" i 00EEFS00tB Wlrgtnla Courtenay Bride Booklet Free: It contains many he]pfu|  gestions and ihtimate chit-chat alh important subjects. Each brlde-to- be may have a copy as long ss te lupply lasts. Call at the office of this paper tnd see our new samp,les Of invJo tations, smlotmecments, visiting cards, informal for Thank Y otel MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Buihling Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Spons)red by First Missionary Etaptist Church of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welcome Fird 0hdsflan Ghurda