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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 2015     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 2015
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-10 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 By GORDON WEEKS gordon@masoncoun com Teachers and administra- tors told the Shelton School Board that students who face new graduation requirements need more teachers, instruc- tion time, clubs and artistic opportunities. 'The Shelton School Board will decide this month when and how to change the district requirement for high school graduation from 22 credits to 24 credits. In 2010, the Washington State Board of Education ad- opted the 24-Credit Career and College Ready Graduation Requirements. The first students who must meet the new standards to graduate are in the class of 2019, and currently in the eighth grade at Oakland Bay Junior High School (OBJH) in the Shelton School Dis- trict. IF YOU GO WHO: Shelton School Board WHAT: Study session on 24-credit requirement WHEN: 6 p.m. Feb. 19 WHERE: CHOICE Alternative School, 807 W. Pine St., Shelton The Shelton School Board will decide whether to imple- ment the state-mandated changes next fall, or take the option from the state to waive the requirement for one or two years. The Board is scheduled to address a recommendation from interim Superintendent Art Jarvis at a study session at 6 p.m. Feb. 19. At a special meeting Feb. 5, teachers and administra- ¢|My teachers are spread so thin," tors talked about the needs and potential changes for art classes, physical educa- StaceyAnderson, CHOICE Alternative School principal tion, electives and Career and Technical Education. It The high school will need "Strong music programs en- was the third and final board more teachers, materials and hance academics ... Perform- forum in which instruc- storage space to meet the de- ing develops the brain," Na- tors made recommendations mand, said Diane Garner, ankhla said. about their needs, exploratory teacher at Olym- Theater is only offered at The new credit require- pic Middle School and the dis- the high school, Nakhla said. ments will be a challenge for trict's curriculum leader for "There's definitely room for students at CHOICE Alterna- the arts and global language, growth there," he said. tive School, but will provide The high school has only Pat Cusack, the Career and more options, said CHOICE one visual arts teacher, Gar- Technical Education director Principal Stacey Anderson. ner said. at SHS, said teacher confer- CHOICE needs a full-time Arts and athletics are bond- ences and testing are among instructor to teach Spanish I ing experiences that moti- things that divert time from and II, a full-time teacher for vate some students to attend classroom learning. social studies and arts, and a school, "especially the music "We're in dire need of more half-time science teacher who -- they're part of a performing instruction time," he said. can work with labs, she said. group," she said. The students also need "My teachers are spread so Paul Nakhla, who teaches more clubs where they can thin," Anderson said. choir at OBJH and Shelton connect with others with simi- The number of arts credits High School (SHS), agreed, lar interests, and more field required for high school gradu- The schools are the only per- trips, Cusack said. ation will change from one formance outlet for many Shel- "The art community here is credit to two. ton youths, he said. fascinating," he said. SCHOOL BRIEFS Free financial aid advice for students Volunteer financial aid workers will help college-bound students and their families find financial aid from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 19 at Olympic College Shelton, 937 W. Alpine Way, Shelton. The Shelton School District, the Washington Student Achievement guardians' completed 2014 IRS 1040Scholarships to high school and under- Council, USA Funds and Olympic Col- tax returns, W-2 forms and other 1014 graduate college students. lege Shelton sponsor the event, called income and benefits information. Stu- The scholarships are available College Goal Washington. dents who worked in 2014 should also to Green Diamond employees, their Volunteers will answer questions bring their earnings information, children, and students in Green Dia- about financial aid, provide informa- Students who are 24 and older mond's Mason and East Grays Harbor tion about scholarships and offer guid- should bring their completed 2014 IRS counties operating communities. The ance on filing the Free Application for 1040 taxreturns, W-2 forms and other scholarship program was established Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online. 2014 income and benefits information, in 1947 in memory of Reed, who was To file the FAFSA, students young- For more information, call 432-5406 the president of the Simpson Logging er than 24 should bring their parents or email Co. from 1914 until his death in 1933. or guardian, and their parents' or The deadline to apply is Feb. 27. Green Diamond Applications are available at the Green Diamond website at www. For more informa- offers scNolarsl]|psL i L=__ tion, call Diana Goldy at 427-4703 or Green Diamond Resource Co. will award eight $3,000 Mark E. Reed email dgol • Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks 4 tbs. Peso Creek Wine Reg. 19.99 "We Make House Calls', • m m mmm Your New Roof for as low as i- --" "-" "1 s500 per month O.A'C.* ! 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