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Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 - Mason County Journal - Page A-17
The Journal of Record
is produced using 911
call information Mason
County Emergency
Communications, the
Mason County Sheriff's
Office and the Shelton
Police Department pro-
FEB. 3
Assault -- At 11:54
a.m., a person reported
an assault on East Ham-
mersley Place.
Assault -- At 2:26 p.m.,
a caller reported an as-
sault at a bus stop in the
500 block of West Cota
Sex Offense -- At 2:33
p.m., a caller reported
a sex offense on East
Wysteria Court in Shel-
ton. The Mason County
Sheriff's Office is investi-
gating the incident.
FEB. 4 Mason
Theft -- At 9:06 a.m., a Office.
caller in the 100 block of
East Wallace Kneeland
Drive reported a shop-
per had been "ticket
switching,', or putting
lower price stickers on
higher priced items in
the store. An officer from
the Shelton Police De-
partment responded and
did not make an arrest.
Vehicle theft -- At
11:20 p.m., a caller on
West state Route 108
reported a white Isuzu
Trooper stolen.
FEB. 5
Assault -- The Mason
County Sheriff's Office
began an investigation
into an assault with a
knife in the 2300 block
of West Dayton Airport
Road at the Washing-
ton Corrections Center.
A corrections officer
was stabbed in Octo-
ber, according to the
County Sheriff's
Burglary -- At 11:56 Assault -- The Mason FEB. 7
a.m., a caller in the 300 County Sheriff's Office Mail theft -- At 1:44
block of Southeast T began an investiga- p.m., a caller in the 1000
Peeksin Lane in Shelton tion into an assault in block of Ellinor Avenue
reported a burglary, the 2300 block of Westreported seeing some-
Dayton Airport Road atone stealing mail.
Theft -- At 1:19 p.m., a the Washington Correc-
caller in the 600 block of tions Center. An inmate FEB. 8
Turner Avenue reported reportedly head-buttedTheft -- At 6:15 a.m.,
power tools stolen from a guard in October, ac- a caller in the 100 block
a vehicle, cording to the Sheriff's of Thyme Avenue in
Office. Shelton reported a gun
Intimidation -- At 4:46 stolen from a vehicle.
p.m., a person report- Burglary -- At 4:17
edly pointed a firearm p.m., a caller on East
at a biologist in the Beaver Lane in Shelton
9700 block of East state reported a burglary to a
Route 106. The Mason vacation cabin.
County Sheriff's Office
is investigating the inci- Gunshots -- At 5:42
dent and the case has p.m., a caller on South-
been forwarded to the east Qua Ta Sat Cir in
Mason County Prosecu- Shelton reported two
tor's Office. gunshots fired behind
his home.
FEB. 6
Assault -- At 11:20 Theft -- At 6:21 p.m.,
a.m., a caller in the a caller reported a car
100 block of East Juno broken into on the Huff
Court reported an as- 'n' Puff Trail on Shelton
sault in the past few Springs Road.
This list of new criminalof a motor vehicle, nal impersonation in the substance with intent to
charges filed in Mason first degree, deliver, and possession
County Superior Court is JAN. 30 of a controlled sub-
compiled from informa- Travis Lloyd Pursey FEB. 3 stance while possessing
tion the Mason County was charged with pos- Matthew J. Auld was a deadly weapon.
Clerk's Office provides, session of methamphet-charged with attempting
amine, to elude a police vehicle. • Compiled by reporter
JAN. 28 Natalie Johnson
Ryan Wayne Vanden Jesse Clyde Gouley Robert Thomas Bell
Bosch was charged with was charged with pos- was charged with hit
possession of metham- session of methamphet-and run.
phetamine, amine.
Beau Edward Nugent
Dakodah Delaney VigilShalisa Lechelle Ness was charged with pos-
was charged with theft was charged with crimi- session of a controlled
edly taken.
FEB. 9
Burglary -- At 5:22
p.m., a caller in the 600
block of Southeast Craig
Road reported a bur-
glary to a storage unit.
Burglary -- At 6:41
p.m., a caller in the 300
block of East Leeds
Drive in Shelton reported
a burglary to a home in
Burglary -- At 4:18 the middle of a remodel-
p.m., a burglary was re- ing project.
ported on East Heather-
wood Court. Guitars and • Compiled by reporter
computers were report- Natalie Johnson
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