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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 12, 2015     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 12, 2015
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-18 - Mason County Journal- Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 continued from page A- 1 pool. Therefore, I recom- mend that we suspend operation of the pool if there is no other revenue source to support it." He added, "I truly be- lieve the swimming pool is a community issue and a community obligation. Yes, the schools can and should be a party to joint use of a community pool, but they should not be the owners trying desper- ately to stretch a severely limited funding system." The Board members voted 4-1 to close the pool. "The money is just not there to do capital im- provements," said Board President Brenda Hirschi. Hirschi added, "This is really hard. This is a really tough decision be- cause the needs are just so overwhelming." The district is dealing with leaking roofs and the needs for classroom space when choosing capital projects to fund, Hirschi said. "I've seen students sit- ting on the floor in the hallways of the schools getting tutored," she said. Board member Gene Crater said the decision is "sad," but based on fi- PAIN MANAGEMENT, WEIGHT LOSS, MASSAGE THERAPY Newman Family Chiropractic Sarah Newman, DC • Work Injuries • Car Accidents • Wellness Care Accepting Medicare and most Insurances OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 2211 Jefferson Street, Shelton WA 98584 . Greenhouse • Nursery , Produce, Seafood, Bark . Soils. Plants • Olympic Mountain Ice Cream A Fa.m//y Farm Trad/.t/on 1921 E. Hwy 106, Union WA 98592 (360) 898-2222 • (360) 426-2222 nances. He pointed out that Jarvis has a doctor- ate degree in finances. "We're relying on his judgment of where the finances stand," he said. =I think the swim- ming pool has had its life span," said Board mem- ber Carolyn Gravatt- Bowles. Board member Sandy Tarzwell cast the only vote against closing the pool. The pool is "a contract" between the district and the voters, who have passed main- tenance and operations levies to help maintain it, she said. Nevertheless, "I do un- derstand the economical challenges," she said. The decision was met with gasps and tears from audience members. During community com- ments at the beginning of the meeting, five resi- dents stepped up to the microphone to stress the importance of the pool to the community. Shelton resident Sally Karr pre- sented a petition signed by 1,070 people that asks the district to make the pool a maintenance pri- ority this summer. After the Board voted to close the pool, Shelton resident and longtime pool advocate Michelle Schreiber stood up and yelled, "You are so wrong!" The meeting was in- terrupted for a 10-minute recess as audience mem- bers shouted about the pool. When the meeting resumed, the Board vot- ed unanimously to create a plan to "repurpose" the Journal file photo The Shelton High School pool was constructed in 1974. pool building by June 30. The Board on Tues- day also voted 4-1 to pass about $625,000 in main- tenance projects for the summer. The projects include an estimated $300,000 to replace the gravel roofing on the Mini Dome at Shelton High School; $150,000 to install a portable for Early Childhood Educa: tion at Mountain View Elementary; and $28,000 to re-side and repaint two portables at Bordeaux Elementary. C continued from page A- 1 owners' property. "It's really an unfortunate event when an officer has to shoot a dog like that," said Shelton Police Lt. Les Watson. While officers can also use pepper spray to deter a threat- ening dog, Moody said it is not always effective or practical. He said officers are allowed to use lethal force to defend themselves from animals if they feel threat- ened. Moody said he visited Kamppi after the incident. "I told her, 'I'm sorry for your loss,'" he said. According to Shelton Police De- partment policy, officers can use a firearm against an animal "in cir- cumstances where the animal rea- sonably appears to pose an immi- nent threat to human safety and alternative methods are not rea- sonably available or would likely be ineffective." When officers go into a situa- tion where they expect to encoun- ter aggressive animals, they often prepare contingency plans, Moody said. He said he is looking into train- ing options to better prepare offi- cers for situations when they un- expectedly encounter a potentially dangerous animal. "It's a learning moment," he said. An online petition asking for Kostad to be fired and pros- ecuted has gathered more than 1,500 signatures, most of whom state their residence to be out- side of Washington or the United States. "I want people to be aware that what we see on the news is now happening in this little town," Kamppi said. 0" .ar measures continued from page A- 1 Similar bond mea- sures for Pioneer school construction failed with 48 percent approval in February 2011, 52 per- cent in April 2011, 56 percent in February 2013, 57 percent in No- vember 2013 and 59.5 percent in April 2014. The bond that failed by a handful of votes last April called for $23.8 million. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SELL OR trade 70K one ASSIST THE differently- training. Start the tough- treed acre, awesome Olym- abled! Join Placeone, Inc., est job you will ever love. /~,ic Mts view, for large class a company providing E-mail: placeone@placeo- motor home. (206) 618-spectfu/ services for ~0 or call: (360) 7937 (T 2/12-3/5) years. Get on the job, paid 491-2396, (P 2/12-3/5) "Helping make your custom dream home a reality" I CASH BONUS with signed custom home building contract. Offer valid through March 31, 2015. 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