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Page A-26 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015
continued from page A-25 Homeowners Association.
Hopkins helped establish the
small nonprofit retreat facility that Rotary Interact Club for North Ma-
focused on wellness. The cancerson youth. She is the co-chair of the
program was added in 1994 to pro- North Mason Christmas Celebra-
vide support for people affected by tion Committee.
cancer. Today, the cancer-related The person who nominated Hop-
programs are free to participants, kins wrote, "When Katie sees an
Lynn Coffman of the North Ma- opportunity to help, she steps in
son Coalition of Churches, Katie and makes things happen ... She's
Hopkins of Kitsap Credit Union and involved with almost every facet of
Cat Ross of North Mason Resources our community one way or another."
earned a three-way tie for Citizen of Ross is the executive director of
the Year. North Mason Resources, an umbrel-
Coffman is the immediate past la organization that serves people
president of the North Mason Co- in need.
alition of Churches. She is the meal The person who nominated Ross
program coordinator for the free hot wrote, "Through it all, Cat main-
lunches served on Wednesdays and tains an enthusiastic attitude, even
the monthly Sunday suppers. Shein the midst of resource hardships
also writes grants for the group, and economic challenges. There is
Coffman also serves on the no one else like Cat Ross. No one
Friends of the North Mason Tim-with more creative ideas and a de-
berland Library's board of directors termination to get things done. No
and is the secretary of the Riverhill one with a bigger heart."
Herald photo by Kathy Brooks
From left, Cat Ross of North Mason Resources, Katie Hopkins of Kitsap Credit
Union and Lynn Coffman of the North Mason Coalition of Churches earned a three-
way tie for Citizen of the Year at the North Mason Chamber of Commerce's annual
Red & White Installation Gala and Sweet Things Auction Saturday at the Alderbrook
Resort and Spa in Union.
continued from page A-25 tries."
Between December 2013 and De-
increases in 12 of the 13 major indus- cember 2014, Mason County gained
110 wholesale trade jobs, 30 leisure and 20 manufacturing jobs, resulting
and hospitality jobs and 30 government in a net increase of 80 jobs, according to
jobs. The county lost 20 construction the Employment Security Department.
The Herald of Record Anchor Drive in Belfair Vehicle theft -- At 5:32
is produced using 911 reported an attempted p.m., a caller in the 100
call information the Ma- burglary, block of Northeast Pine
son County Emergency Tree Lane in Tahuya
Communications and the FEB. 4 reported a 1997 Toyota
Mason County Sheriff's Burglary -- At 10:05 Tercel stolen.
Office provide, a.m., a caller in the
23000 block of North- FEB. 5
FEB. 3 east state Route 3 in Theft -- At9:35 a.m.,
Burglary -- At 6:29 Belfair reported a person a caller in the 11000
p.m., a caller in the broke into the building block of Northeast North
100 block of Northeast through a wall. Shore Road in Belfair
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(360) 275-2257 w nvv.BelfairSelfStorage.com
reported a theft of gaso-
FEB. 7
Burglary -- At 5:11
p.m., a caller on East
Sea Breeze Drive in
Grapeview reported a
FEB. 9
Theft -- At 12:36 p.m.,
a caller on East Lake
Forest Drive in Allyn re-
ported items stolen from
the caller's yard and
Domestic disturbance
-- At 8:09 p.m., a caller
in the 100 block of
Northeast Wind Ridge
Road in Belfair reported
a domestic disturbance.
A 57-year-old man was
arrested for assault in
the fourth degree and
eluding a law-enforce-
ment officer.
• Compiled by reporter
Natalie Johnson
North Mason Timberland Library will present
Family Movie Matinee from 2-5 p.m. for all ages.
For more information, call 275-3232.
Mason County Cemetery District I will hold its
regular monthly meeting at 4 p.m. in the QFC His-
torical Room. For more information, call 710-2053.
North Mason Timberland Library presents Moth-
er Goose play and storytime for children up to age
6, Wednesdays 10-11:30 a.m. Story time will be pre-
sented at 10:30 a.m. For information, call 275-3232.
North Mason Timberland Library presents Lego
Crew from 4:30-6 p.m. for children in grades I to 6.
For more information, call 275-3232.
FEB. 19
North Mason Timberland Library will present
PageTumers Book Discussion from 10 a.m. to noon
for adults. Come discuss 'q-he Light Between Oceans"
by M.L. Stedman. For more information, call 275-3232.
North Mason Timberland Library will present
Anime and Manga Club from 4:30-5:30 p.m. for
teens. For more information, call 275-3232.
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solve the tragic problem of pet
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step today: call Belltowne Vet.
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• To submit a calendar item, email news@